Subcontract Requirements
Construction Waste Prevention & Recycling Requirement: The General Contractor
requires Subcontractors comply with the Construction Waste Management contract
requirements, summarized below:
Waste Prevention: Subcontractors are required to follow the General
Contractor’s Waste Prevention / Recycling Program for this project (see Letter to
Vendor). Under this program, all subcontractors are required to identify their
specific waste prevention strategies for the project. The General Contractor
requests that materials and equipment be delivered in packaging made of
recyclable material, that subcontractors and suppliers reduce the amount of
packaging, that packaging be taken back for reuse or recycling, and that all
unused product is taken back by the subcontractor or supplier.
Waste Recycling: Subcontractors who choose to do their own recycling shall
document and report, at regular intervals, waste and recycled material quantities
(by weight), the recycling / disposal method, and the recycling / disposal location
for ALL materials generated as either recycled material or waste for the project in
a Waste Management Report to be submitted to the General Contractor (see Letter
to Vendor). Subcontractors are also expected to follow the Construction Waste
Management Plan (see attached Plan) for all waste materials expected on the
Letter to Vendors
RE: Construction Waste Prevention / Recycling Program
Dear Sir or Madam:
We are pleased that your company and/or product will be used for the XXXXXXX
Project. As General Contractor for this project, we wanted to let you know about our
Waste Prevention / Recycling Program. Our requirement is to reduce our waste
generated on-site by a minimum of XX%. In order to meet this requirement, we have
asked for assistance from our whole team including vendors, suppliers, and
Please let me know how your company will help our team reach this waste prevention /
recycling requirement. The following are a few actions your company might take to help
support us in reaching the requirement.
Use minimal packaging, providing materials in bulk packaging, on pallets, in
blankets, etc.
Take back, for reuse or recycling, all packaging for your product
At a minimum, provide your product in easy to recycle packaging, such as
cardboard, wood, or metal
Offer “just in time” delivery to minimize damage to materials during on-site
Provide information and support for accurate estimating
Take back all unused product
Provide your product in pre-cut sizes or preassembled for our project
Identify any recycled-content in your product
Offer alternative products with recycled-content
Please respond in writing as to which waste prevention / recycling actions your company
is considering for this project. Additionally, complete documentation of all recycling and
waste quantities (by weight) is required for this project. Waste/Recycling Reports,
indicating specific materials and quantities by weight, will be required from your
company for ALL recycling and waste, for materials recycled or disposed both on-site
and off-site. Please indicate in your response how your company will accomplish this
documentation requirement.
Feel free to call me with comments or questions. Thank you for your time and effort.
We look forward to working with you as part of our team.