Adapting and Integrating Conservation Tillage to Cropping Systems in the Northeast A field becomes exhausted by constant tillage – Ovid A conservation tillage system is any system that maintains at least 30% of plant residues on the soil surface. Figure 1. Residue cover of varying concentration. Figure 2. Conservation tillage across the United States. Table 1. Description of standard tillage practices in the United States. Tillage Management Chisel plow Moldboard plow Mulch tillage No-till Ridge tillage Definition Full field tillage. Significantly more residue remaining on the soil surface relative to moldboard plow. Full field tillage. Incorporation of nearly all residues. Restricted tillage system. Surface residues remain on the soil surface until just prior to planting. After tillage at least 30% of the residues are on or near the surface. Restricted tillage system. Creates the least disturbance. Planting creates a small zone of disturbance as seeds are planted. Restricted tillage system. Tillage creates a ridge used Strip tillage Zone tillage Reduced tillage as a seed bed. About 30% residues are incorporated when the ridges are created. Restricted tillage system. Tillage is restricted to the seed bed. Residue is removed with trash wheels. Out of season a shank is used to overcome compaction problems. Restricted tillage system. Tillage is restricted to the seed bed. Residue is removed with trash wheels. Any restricted tillage system that results in 30% or more residues on the soil surface. Conservation tillage became an effective management practice once weed management and farm equipment were adapted to systems with surface residues. Conservation systems produce equivalent or higher crop yields than moldboard plow while conserving soil, time and fuel. Figure 4. No-till planters cut a narrow, uniform slit that serves as a seed bed. Fewer field operations reduce soil compaction particularly on heavy poorly drained soils. Frequent passes with field equipment can result in plow pans. Figure 5. Compaction in a sugar beet field resulting in a plow pan. Farmers played a critical role in research and development of conservation systems. Farmers and manufacturers developed equipment that allowed for planting of seeds in residues. Growers designed new physical methods for cover crop suppression and weed control. Zone-till was a Michigan farmer’s adaptation of no-till to wet poorly drained soils. Conservation tillage practices were designed to reduce soil erosion. These practices have significantly reduced soil erosion and can help reduce runoff. Universal Soil Loss Equation A=RKLSCP A = predicted soil loss R = rainfall erosivity K = soil erodibility L = slope length S = slope C = cover management P = erosion control practice Factors that effect erosion that are not affected by management include: Rainfall intensity and patterns Wind velocity Percent slope and length Soil texture, soil erodibility Factors that effect erosion and can be modified through management include: Soil surface roughness Vegetative residue cover Soil organic matter content Tillage systems affect vegetative residue cover, soil surface roughness, and long-term soil organic matter contents. Tillage systems effects on soil loss are incorporated into factor c = cover and management. C is based on cropping sequence, surface residue, surface roughness, and canopy cover, which are weighted by the % of erosive rainfall during the six crop stages. Combines these factors into a table of soil-loss ratios, by crop and tillage scheme. See Table 17.3 (Brady and Weil, 2002). A Conservation tillage system is any system that maintains at least 30% of plant residues on the soil surface. Erosion was reduced by 75 to 80% when ground cover was at 30% Fig 17.12. Soil loss was reduced by more than two thirds when conservation tillage systems were compared to a moldboard plow (conventional tillage) system on a silt loam. See Figure 17.20 (Brady and Weil, 2002). Types of Tillage Systems and the Percent Residue Cover Remaining in Each Zone-tillage is used on row crops and recognizes the benefits of some further soil disturbance of the soil in the plant row and uses multiple fluted coulters mounted on the forward frame of the planter to develop a fine seedbed of approximately 4 x 4 inches. It also uses trash wheels to move residue away from the row, thereby improving seed placement and soil warming. (pg 20 Cornell Guide) Moldboard plow is generally the least desirable practice because it is energy intensive, leaves little residue on the surface and often requires multiple secondary tillage passes. (Magdoff and van Es, 2000) It also tends to create plow pans (Figure 5.). Chisel plowing results in conditions similar to that of moldboard plow. Chisels allow for flexibility of chisel depth (5 to 12 in) and additional tools to go deeper. (Magdoff and van Es, 2000) The most obvious and important distinction between tillage managements is the percent surface covered with residue. Table 17.10 provides an estimate of residue cover in 6 different tillage system (Brady and Weil, 2002). While it is true that no-till systems have greater cover than chisel-plow, the table provides only part of the story. The crop grown can have a significant impact on the percent ground cover (see Table 1. Extension Bull. E-2738). Corn always has greater surface residue coverage than sugar beets irrespective of tillage. Chisel plowed corn has greater residue cover (29%) than zone-tilled sugar beets (6%). When calculating potential erosion in a field, keep in mind that secondary tillage practices and field implements can displace or remove residue cover similar to tillage. (Secondary tillage includes finishing disks, tine or tooth, harrows, rollers, packers, and drags.) I have provided you with a comprehensive table that you can refer to Estimated Percent Cover after Secondary Tillage, Use of Specific Field Implements and Field Operations Table 3. Cornell Guide. How to Choose the Best Conservation Tillage System(s) for Your Farm Factors to consider: Soil texture - Soils with fine sand and silt fractions are most susceptible to erosion. Therefore, reduced tillage prevents erosion in a coarse textured soil, such as a sandy loam to a greater degree than in a finer textured clayey soil. Soils with high clay content resist erosion. Fine textured soils stick together and retain more water. Greater water content and cool temperatures can retard seed germination. Therefore, ridge-till or zone-till may be more appropriate than no-till in finer textured soils of temperate climate. Weed management – Biennial weed management is more difficult in no-till if pesticides are not being applied. New methods of mechanical cultivation and use of cover crops can help reduce weed pressure. Weed pressure typically decreases after several years of reduced tillage management. Plant pathogens – residues from no-till and other minimum tillage systems can prevent splashing of soil onto foliage during rainfall events. Splashing of soil often transmits soil borne diseases. In other instances, residues may need to be buried or burned to prevent over wintering of fungal spores in residues. Crop rotations may be as effect as tillage depending on the pathogen. Insect – European corn borer, cutworms, and armyworms over winter in corn residues. Rotations can break pest cycles. European corn borer can also be managed by avoiding the planting of early maturing varieties. Insects can only infect the plant if it is in the proper growth stage. Nutrient stratification – Surface application of nutrients can result in nutrient stratification and acidification. In some instances, deliberate stratification of nutrients has improved yields. Example, Brazilian soybeans grown in no-till management on Oxisols. However, stratification and acidification associated with minimum tillage are typically detrimental and may require periodic tillage (approximately once a decade). Phosphorus fertilizers in minimum tillage systems are often broadcast but can be knifed into the soil. Surface applications can limit plant available P. Conservation tillage systems reduce P loss to erosion and runoff. See Table 14.3 (Brady and Weil, 2002). Conservation tillage systems often contain higher P levels although not all is plant available. Urease enzyme activity is also greater in no-till and reduced tillage systems. Urease increases urea-N availability from urea fertilizer applications. See photo of no-till fertilizer injection system. Application of organic amendments – manure application in conservation tillage requires investment in manure injection tools. Surface application of manure allows for ammonia volatilization and is a potential nuisance due to odor. Figure 6. Injection equipment for fertilizer and animal slurries are important adaptation to conservation tillage systems. The affect of conservation tillage practices on a number of soil physical and biological properties. Tillage disturbs worm burrows and fungal hyphae and reduces organic matter. Long-term increases in soil organic matter improve: water holding capacity aggregation infiltration rates and increase the number and diversity of soil organisms See Figure 17.21 & Table 11.11 (Brady and Weil, 2002) Soil organic matter and plant residues (debris) are an integral part of the soil food web. The amount of residues and their placement effect fungal populations and mesofauna such as earthworms. Tillage disrupts fungal hyphae and removes residues from the surface. Fungi require aerobic conditions (high oxygen levels). Therefore, retaining residues on the soil surface typically favors fungi. Figure 7. Choice of tillage management influences the soil food web. Choice of conservation tillage systems should be based on potential for erosion, soil moisture, pest management, and nutrient availability. Prior to use of moldboard plow for control of pests or nutrient stratification, growers should make use of rotations, mechanical cultivation, flaming and pesticides (where appropriate) to control pests, as well as, knifing or injection of nutrient materials to improve nutrient availability. There are instances where temporary use of intensive tillage is required to reduce compaction, pests, or improve nutrient availability. Poorly drained clay soils may experience sub soil compaction due to wheel traffic. These soils may require deep tillage, sub soiling, or use of zonebuilders. Conservation tillage practices such as ridge-tillage confine field traffic to follow rows increasing compaction in some areas while minimizing traffic and compaction in ridges. Where grows? Where grows it not? If vain our toil. We ought to blame the culture, not the soil. – Alexander Pope References and Further Reading Brady, N.C. and R.R. Weil. 2002. The Nature and properties of soils. 13th ed. Prentice Hall, Upper Sadle River, NJ. Cornell guide for integrated field crop management. 2001. Jerome H. Cherney, William J. Cox, Russell R. Hahn, Ellen Z. Harrison, Quirine M. Ketterings, Murray B. McBride, William S. Reid, Robert R. Schindelbeck, Harold M. van Es, Department of Crop & Soil Sciences; Elson J. Shields, Department of Entomology; Margaret E. Smith Einarson, Julie L. Hansen, Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics; Gary C. Bergstrom, Department of Plant Pathology; Karl J. Czymmek, PRO-Dairy; and J. Keith Waldron, NYS IPM Program. Designed and edited by Raj Smith and Pam Kline. Cornell Cooperative Extension, Ithaca, NY. Magdoff, F. and H. van Es. 2000. Building soils for better crops. Sustainable Agriculture Network, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD. Sanchez, J., R.R. Harwood, J. LeCureux, J. Shaw, M. Shaw, S. Smalley, J. Smeenk, and R. Voelker. 2001. Integrated cropping system for corn-sugar beetdry bean rotation: The Experience of the innovative farmers of Michigan. MSU Ext. Bull. E-2738. Steel in the field: a farmer’s guide to weed management tools. 1997. G.I. Bowman (ed.) Sustainable Agriculture Network, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD. URLs for Photos Used in Bulletin Photos Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. a. w.jpg Figure 3. b. Figure 3. c. Figure 3. d. Figure 4. _pan.jpg Figure 5. Zone-till cart Figure 6. a. fert injection Figure 6. b. slurry injection Figure 7. soil food web Web Based Resources