Report on dangerous substances in the aquatic environment of Lithuania Prepared within the project “Screening of dangerous substances in the aquatic environment of Lithuania” 2007 2007 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA Report on dangerous substances in the aquatic environment of Lithuania Funded by: Finnish Ministry of Environment Produced by: Zita Dudutytė, Baltic Environmental Forum Levonas Manusadžianas, Institute of Botany (Ecotoxicity part) Rasa Ščeponavičiūtė, Center for Environmental Policy (chapters “Practices on monitoring and screening of hazardous substances in Lithuania 1992-2005” and “Quality assurance and methods used in the HS screening”) Editorial team: Environmental Protection Agency of Lithuania Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) Lithuanian Ministry of Environment 2 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 2007 Content 1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 4 2. Legal background - existing legislation and a new framework ........................................... 5 3. Practices of monitoring and screening of hazardous substances in Lithuania 1992-2005 .. 8 4. Selection of the hazardous substances, sampling sites and matrixes .............................. 12 A. Selection of hazardous substances ............................................................................. 12 B. Selection of the sampling sites .................................................................................... 16 C. Selection of the matrixes ............................................................................................. 19 5. Quality assurance and methods used in the HS screening .............................................. 25 A. Sampling and handling of samples ............................................................................. 25 B. Analysis of samples .................................................................................................... 26 6. Results of the analysis .................................................................................................... 32 A. Overview of the results by substances/ groups of substances..................................... 33 B. Overview of the results in the receiving environment .................................................. 39 C. Results of ecotoxicity tests .......................................................................................... 44 7. Potential sources of hazardous substances .................................................................... 46 8. Findings and recommendations....................................................................................... 48 9. List of abbreviations ........................................................................................................ 51 10. References ...................................................................................................................... 52 List of Annexes Annex I: ANNEX 1 to the Council Directive on pollution caused by discharges of certain dangerous substances (76/464/EEC) Annex II: ANNEX VIII to Water Framework Directive Annex III: Extract of the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) - Article 16 Strategies against pollution of water Annex IV: Annex X of Directive 2000/60/EC - List of priority substances in the field of water policy Annex V: Environmental quality standards for priority substances and certain other pollutans Annex VI: List of priority hazardous and hazardous substances of Lithuania Annex VII: Overall results of the chemical analysis Annex VIII: Results of the analysis by investigated sites Annex IX: Results of the ecotoxicity analysis Annex X: List of laboratories 3 2007 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 1. Introduction This report is the outcome of the project “Screening of Hazardous Substances in the aquatic environment of Lithuania”, which has started in October 1 2005 and continued till March of 2007. The project is funded by Finnish Ministry of Environment. The main parties involved into project implementation are Lithuanian Environmental Protection Agency, Finnish Environment Institute, Baltic Environmental Forum and Center for Environmental Policy. The idea of the project derived from the need to comply with EU legal environmental obligations in the water sector, where a big emphasis is given to the control of pollution by hazardous substances. As EU Dangerous Substances Directive (DSD, 76/464/EEC and daughter directives) and the Water Framework Directive (WFD, 2000/60/EC) states, all EU Member States have to control hazardous substances based on European wide quality standards and should aim at progressive reduction of pollution of the aquatic environment by hazardous substances and phasing out the emissions of hazardous priority substances. However existing information on use and discharge of hazardous substances to water environment in Lithuania is very limited and more information is needed on actual concentrations in main pollution sources effluents to fulfil these legal requirements. Therefore the aforementioned project was initiated. The main objective of the project was to investigate the occurrence of selected WFD priority substances and some other pollutants in wastewater, sewage sludge and the receiving environment (surface water and sediments) and obtain measurement data on their concentrations. Data collection concentrated on discharges from largest urban wastewater treatment plants and selected sampling sites on transboundary rivers and in transitional waters to the Baltic Sea. All together the project covered 44 sites, where 9 hazardous substances groups were analyzed (metals, phenols and their ethoxylates, organotin compounds, brominated diphenylethers, phtalates and their ethoxylates, chlorinated parafins, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds, chloroorganic pesticides, pentachlorphenol and some other substances such as chlorpyrifos, cyanides, AOX at some sites) and ecotoxicity tests were performed. By side of fulfilling the major goal of the project, the experience exchange among Lithuanian and Finnish experts working in the field took place. Experts of Environmental Protection Agency of Lithuania have visited Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) to get familiar with analytical methods and assess the possibilities to develop new method for the analysis of hazardous substances. This report documents the results of the hazardous substances screening exercise. Furthermore it contains legal background information, description of the methods used in the screening exercise, information on potential sources of hazardous substances and their discharges to the aquatic environment. The report is mainly targeted to the authorities that are responsible for the development and implementation of policies for hazardous substances control. It is intended to support in fulfilling reporting obligations to European Commission and HELCOM and improving existing or developing new tools and programmes for hazardous substances control and reduction in Lithuania. It can also function as a background the permitting authorities when issuing permits to the commercial/industrial entities. 4 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 2007 2. Legal background - existing legislation and a new framework Existing legislation Community policy concerning dangerous substances in European waters was introduced with the Council Directive on pollution caused by discharges of certain dangerous substances (Directive 76/464/EEC). The scope of the directive involves inland waters, internal coastal waters, territorial and ground waters. This directive established two lists of dangerous substances: List I contains certain individual substances which belong to the following families and groups of substances, selected mainly on the basis of their toxicity, persistence and bioaccumulation (see Annex I for whole list). 17 substances from the above presented list regulated under so-called “daughter directives” with the aim to eliminate pollution by these substances. These 5 “daughter” directives set the Community-wide specific emission limit values and quality objectives in the surface and coastal waters for the following substances: o mercury discharges by the chloralkali electrolysis industry (82/176/EEC); o cadmium discharges (83/513/EEC); o mercury discharges by other sectors (84/156/EEC); o discharges of hexachlorocyclohexane (84/491/EEC); o discharges of certain dangerous substances (carbon tetrachloride, DDT, pentachlorphenol, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, isodrin, hexachlorobenzene, hexachlorobutadiene, chloroform, 1,2dichlorethane, trichloroethylene, perchloroethylene, trichlorobenzene) (86/280/EEC, amended by 88/347/EEC and 90/415/EEC). List II (under Article 7) includes: a) other substances belonging to the categories listed in List I and for which the limit values have not been determined; b) other substances and categories of substances having deleterious effects on the aquatic environment, which can be confined to a given area and which depend on the characteristics and location of the water into which they are discharged (see Annex I for whole list). The Member States are required to reduce pollution by these substances. They need to identify nationally relevant substances, make emissions inventory, set up monitoring network for reporting, authorise discharges, control composition and use of substances, establish quality objectives and make information publicly available. As part of the ongoing restructuring of the Community water policy, the Directive 76/464/EEC is now integrated in the Water Framework Directive (WFD) (2000/60/EC) and will be fully repealed on 22 December 2013. There is currently a transitional period until the year 2013. “Daughter” directives are currently in force but they will be also repealed when all provisions regarding priority substances of WFD will be in place. New framework legislation The Water Framework Directive (WFD) (2000/60/EC) establishes a comprehensive framework for sustainable management of European waters through the river basins approach. As part of the Directive, Article 4 sets out the environmental objectives and the deadlines by which these should be achieved. The key objective of the Directive is to achieve good chemical status for all waters by 2015. The WFD considers the objective of “good chemical surface water status” to be achieved in a water body if concentrations of pollutants do not exceed the relevant EQS established at Community level. Environmental quality standard (EQS) means “the concentration of a particular pollutant or group of pollutants in water, sediment or biota which should not be exceeded in order to protect human health and the environment” (Article 2 (35)). Chemical pollutants of concern under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) are divided into: priority substances it is required to progressively reduce pollution from priority substances (by 2015); 5 2007 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA priority hazardous substances (sub-group included in the list of the priority substances) more stringent requirements on phasing out emissions, discharges and losses of these substances within 20 years to be applied (by 2025); other pollutants they are not in the priority substances list; they are included to maintain the regulation of the substances at Community level; “river basin specific substances” Member States shall set quality standards for river basin specific pollutants based on the indicative list in Annex VIII (see Annex II of this report for the whole list) and take action to meet those quality standards by 2015 as part of ecological status (Article 4, 11 and Annex V, WFD). For this purpose a programme of measures shall be in place by 2009, and become operational by 2012. This procedure will then replace Directive 76/464/EEC upon its repeal. Article 16 of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC (WFD) sets out a strategy for dealing with chemical pollution of water (see the extract from the directive in Annex III). As a part of this strategy, on 17 July 2006, the Commission adopted a proposal for a new Directive to protect surface water from pollution: setting environmental quality standards for the priority substances which Member States must achieve by 2015 to ensure "good chemical surface water status"; requiring progressive reduction of emissions, losses and discharges of all priority substances, and phase-out or cessation of emissions, losses and discharges of priority hazardous substances by 2025; an inventory of discharges, emissions and losses have to be established for the river basins to check whether the objectives of reduction or cessation are met. Furthermore the proposed Directive amends Directive 2000/60/EC by updating a list of priority substances in the field of water policy - Annex X (see Annex IV of this report for the whole list). When adopted, this Directive will also repeal the five specific “daughter” directives (82/176/EEC, 83/513/EEC, 84/156/EEC, 84/491/EEC and 86/280/EEC as amended by Directive 88/347/EEC and 90/415/EEC) to the directive 76/464/EEC from 22 December 2012. The proposed Directive sets environmental quality standards for surface waters of 41 dangerous chemical substances that pose a particular risk to animal and plant life in the aquatic environment and to human health. It includes: 33 priority substances including 13 priority hazardous substances, 8 other pollutants (they fall under the scope of Directive 86/280/EEC and are included in List I of the Annex to Directive 76/464/EEC, they are not in the priority substances list; the environmental quality standards for these substances are included in the Commission proposal to maintain the regulation of the substances at Community level). See Annex V of this report for the comprehensive list of EQS for priority substances and selected other pollutants. Environmental quality standards (EQS) are differentiated for inland surface waters (rivers and lakes) and other surface waters (transitional, coastal and territorial waters). Two types of EQS are set: annual average concentrations for chronic effects, i.e. protection against long-term irreversible consequences; maximum allowable concentrations for short-term ecotoxic effects due to the direct and acute exposure. For metals, the compliance regime is adapted by allowing Member States to take background levels and bioavailability into account. Member States shall have to use compulsory calculation methods, if set up by the Commission. EQS are also established for biota of certain selected substances. Some EQS may need to be revised shortly in the light of the outcome of ongoing risk assessments under other Community legislation (in particular an amendment of the provisional EQS for nickel and lead are likely). The following table gives an overview on the linkage and differences of the lists of substances regulated by “old” and “new” framework directives. 6 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 2007 Table 1. Linkage between Directive 76/464/EEC and Directive 2000/60/EC regarding lists of substances. Priority hazardous substances (Annex X) Priority substances (Annex X) Other pollutants with specified EQS on Community level River basin specific substances (Annex VIII) CHEMICAL STATUS List I Cd, Hg, Hexachlorobutadiene, Hexachlorocyclohexane, Hexachlorobenzene List I 1,2-dichlorethane, Trichloromethane (Chloroform), Pentachlorphenol, Trichlorobenzene List I Carbontetrachloride, DDT, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, isodrin, trichloroethylene, perchloroethylene List II other substances belonging to the categories listed in List I other substances and categories of substances having deleterious effects on the aquatic environment Member States’ specific substances Water Framework Directive Directive 2000/60/EC (WFD) ECOLOGICAL STATUS Dangerous Substances Directive Directive 76/464/EEC (DSD) 7 2007 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 3. Practices of monitoring and screening of hazardous substances in Lithuania 1992-2005 This chapter describes monitoring practices of hazardous and priority hazardous substances, which are comprised into the national lists based on the requirements of the EU Directives 2000/60/EC and 76/464/EC. A list of 74 specific pollutants (see Annex VI of this report for the complete list) was fixed in the Order of the Minister of Environment No. 624 of 21 December 2001 approving the Rules of reduction of water pollution by hazardous substances, Order of the Minister of Environment No. 623 of 21 December 2001 approving the Rules of reduction of water pollution by priority hazardous substances (updated by the order of the Minister of Environment No. 267 of 22 may 2002), replaced by Order of the Minister of Environment No. D1-236 of 17 May 2006 on Regulation on wastewater treatment). 1. Water monitoring during 1992 – 2004 The first ecological monitoring system was established in Lithuania in 1991- 1992 and it included water monitoring programme. Later on, in 1997 the first State environmental monitoring programme was prepared and approved. Both state environmental monitoring programmes included water monitoring part, comprising of rivers and lakes monitoring, Curonian lagoon and Baltic sea monitoring, as well as groundwater monitoring. Hazardous substances analysed during 1997-2004 River water quality was assessed in 47 rivers until 2003 and in 51 river in 2004, number of lake monitoring stations varied from 7 to 13 in different years. Approximately 70 parameters were included in water monitoring programme. Hazardous or priority hazardous substances, included in the first State environmental monitoring programme are listed in the Table 2. Table 2. Hazardous and priority hazardous substances assessed in Lithuanian rivers and lakes during 19972004. Group Matrixes Parameter Frequency Monitoring sites Heavy metals Surface waters; Bottom sediments Surface waters; Bottom sediments Surface waters; Bottom sediments Zn, Cu, Cr, Pb, Ni, Hg, Cd 4 times/year in rivers 2 times/year in lakes 2-4 times/year 40-50 river monitoring stations 7-9 lake stations 2-4 times/year in rivers 2 times/year in lakes 20-40 river monitoring stations 7-9 lake stations Phenols Pesticides Pentachlorphenol DDT, polychlorbiphenyl, hexachlorocyclohexanes (,,), simazine, lindane, atrazine 20-40 river monitoring stations Water quality with regard to hazardous substances during 1997- 2004 Metals Five metals: zinc, copper, chromium, lead and nickel were monitored throughout the period of 19952003. During this period average annual concentrations of heavy metals in all the rivers except of Kulpė river were similar and did not exceed the annual average maximum allowable concentrations (AA-MAC). Only in 2002 concentrations increased insignificantly, and concentration of lead in Nemunas below Smalininkai and Sidabra river at the border exceeded AA-MAC. The increase of concentrations of heavy metals was caused by the decreased of water flow in rivers, point sources of pollution and transboundary pollution. In river Kulpė AA-MAC of Cr and Ni were exceeded a number of times during 9 years. In 2003 there were few cases when concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni and Pb exceeded AA-MAC. Higher concentrations of these metals occurred in rivers Nemunėlis, Kulpė, Šventoji, Jūra, Buka and Birvėta. In 2003 Kulpė remained to be polluted by nickel and chromium, what can be explained by the point sources of pollution, situated along the upper part of the river. In 2004 concentrations of heavy metals in the rivers not exceeded AA-MAC with some exceptions. In Nevėžis river average annual concentration of lead was 6,1 μg/l. In Kulpė river concentrations of nickel 8 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 2007 and chromium, similarly to previous years, were higher than in other rivers and were close to AA-MAC. Chromium concentrations in this river ranged from 7,4 μg/l to 7,9 μg/l, Ni – from 7,7 μg/l to 9,6 μg/l. Pesticides Simazine was once detected in Nemunas river (1,15 μg/l) and exceeded AA-MAC (1g/l). Lindane was detected in Nemunas, Lokysta and Nemunėlis water, where concentrations ranged from 0,01 μg/l to 0,06 μg/l. Lindane was detected in bottom sediments in 4 rivers - Neris, Jūra, Laukesa and Daugyvenė, where concentrations varied from 0,004 mg/kg to 1.000 mg/kg. There was only one lake Lūkšto, were lindane was detected in bottom sediments (0,002 mg/kg). DDT was detected 23 times in 15 rivers, where concentrations varied from 0,01 μg/l to 0,96 μg/l. In bottom sediments DDT was detected in 6 rivers (Žeimena, Tatula, Šešupė, Daugyvenė, Nevėžis and Bartuva), here concentrations of DDT varied from 0,0003 μg/kg to 0,010 mg/kg. DDT in bottom sediments in lakes was detected in Šventas, Lūkštas and Vištytis. DDE – was detected 31 times in 17 rivers, where concentrations ranged from 0,005 mg/kg to 0,120 mg/kg. Phenols Pentachlorphenol was detected in 9 rivers (Nemunas, Šešupė, Šventoji, venta, Mūša, Sidabra, Nemunėlis, Lėvuo, Birveta) where concentrations varied from 0,01 μg/l to 0,4 μg/l, and in two lakes (Tauragnų and Žuvinto). Other hazardous substances included in the monitoring programme in rivers were detected rarely or never. 2. Water monitoring after 2004 Since 2005 water quality in Lithuanian rivers and lakes is being monitored according to a new State environmental monitoring programme for 2005-2010. The new water monitoring programme was prepared according to the requirements of the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC). Water monitoring programme like the previous one, includes rivers and lakes monitoring, Curonian lagoon and Baltic sea monitoring and the groundwater monitoring. The monitoring programme is further subdivided into reference monitoring, operational monitoring and surveillance monitoring. According to new monitoring programme, water quality will be monitored in 360 river monitoring sites and 80 lake monitoring sites. Monitoring network is subdivided into intensive and extensive monitoring stations, where monitoring in intensive stations will be carried out several times every year, while in the extensive monitoring stations – once every 3 or 6 years, based on the rotation principle. Hazardous substances in the State Environmental Monitoring Programme 2005-2010 A number of hazardous substances to be analysed has been expanded with several additional metals, series of organic chlorinated compounds, benzene, additional pesticides, etc. The list of the substances is provided in the Table 3. Table 3. Hazardous and priority hazardous substances included in the State water monitoring programme for 2005-2010 Group Matrixes Parameter Heavy metals Surface waters Bottoms sediments Surface waters Zn, Cu, Cr, Pb, Ni, Hg, Cd, As, Sn, V Organic chlorinated compounds PAH Phenols Pesticides Surface waters Bottoms sediments Surface waters Surface waters Tetrachlormethane, trichloromethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, trichloroethylene, perchloroethylene, dichloromethane, benzene Anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(g,h,i)pertylene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, fluoranthene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, naphthalene Pentachlorphenol DDT, polychlorbiphenyl, hexachlorocyclohexanes (,,), hexachlorobenzene, endosulphan, endosulphan(alpha), simazine, lindane, atrazine, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin Not all of 74 substances from the national list of pollutants are included in the Monitoring programme for 2005-2010 and Water monitoring plans for 2005 and 2006, mainly due to the reason that some of them cannot be analysed in the Environmental Research Department of EPA. These substances are: hexachlorbutadiene, C10-13-chloralkanes, brominated diphenylethers, pentabromobiphenylether, pentachlorobenzene, tributyl compounds, tributyl-cation, chlorfenvinphos, chlorpyrifos, diuron, isoproturon, 9 2007 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA nonylphenols, 4-(para)-nonylphenol, octylphenols, para-tert-octylphenols, di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, cyanides and tensides:non-ionic. However the annual average maximum allowable concentrations (AA-MAC) for hazardous substances released into sewerage, natural environment and AA-MAC in receiving water body are set for all the substances (see Annex VI of this report for the complete list). In the future, at least those substances, which are identified as of concern during current screening exercise, should be included into monitoring system, concidering the analysis in the external laboratories. Water quality in 2005 with regard to hazardous substances Water monitoring according to the new monitoring programme was first carried out in 2005. Samples of water and bottom sediments for analysis of dangerous substances were taken in 51 stations (42 rivers). As in previous years, the AA-MAC for all parameters was not exceeded except Zn. When speaking about the parameters, included in the water monitoring for the first time, only concentrations of trichloromethane (chloroform) exceeded AA-MAC (12 μg/l) in few monitoring stations (Šušvė at estuary - 48,3 g/l; Venta below Mažeikiai – 149,2 g/l; Varduva at Griežė – 38,8 g/l; Ašva at the border - 117,3g/l). It was also detected in some more places but in lower concentrations. Some other hazardous substances were also detected (trichlorethylene, perchloroethylene, endosulphan(alpha), anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, fluoranthene, naphthalene), however their concentrations were low and not exceeded AA-MAC. Water quality in rivers and lakes is currently assessed according to the corresponding requirements for fisheries (Order of the Minister of Environment No. D1-633 of 21 December 2005), which sets maximum allowable concentrations for dissolved oxygen, organic, nutrients and some dangerous substances, see Table 4 below. Table 4. Maximum allowable concentrations set in the requirements for fisheries Maximum allowable concentrations in water bodies for Parameter salmons carps O2 9 mg/l 7 mg/l BDS7 4 mg/l 6 mg/l PO4 0,2 mg/l 0,4 mg/l NO2 0,1 mg/l 0,15 mg/l Phenols No phenols taste in the fish PAH No film on water and no taste in the fish NH3 0,025 mg/l 0,025 mg/l NH4 1 mg/l 1 mg/l Zn 0,03-0,5* mg/l 0,3-2,0* mg/l Cu 0,005-0,112* mg/l 0,005-0,112* mg/l * depending on the hardness of water 3. Analysis of priority substances in wastewater According to Wastewater treatment regulation, approved by the Order of the Minister of Environment No. D1236 on May 17, 2006, economic entities, discharging their wastewater into the sewerage systems have to determine, which hazardous substances and priority hazardous substances and at what concentrations they are present in wastewater. Furthermore, the Regulation also provides a list of parameters to be controlled according to the type of industry. Water pollution with dangerous substances reduction programme, approved by the Minister of Environment by Order No. D1-71 on February 12, 2004, also includes a list of substances, which may be discharged by certain types of industries, however in both cases not all hazardous and priority hazardous substances are covered in the lists, especially those of “new-generation” as organotin compounds, phtalates, phenols and their ethoxylates etc. Most of the substances or groups of the substances being priority or priority hazardous substances on EU level are not considered (Table 5 illustrates, which of priority or priority hazardous substances on EU level are covered/recommended at least for single industry branch in the lists of the above-mentioned legislation). 10 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 2007 Table 5. Hazardous and priority hazardous substances to be considered by certain industries No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Substances Metals (Zn, Ar, Cu, Cr, Pb, Hg, Ni) Halogenated VOC Tetrachlormethane Trichlormethane (chloroform) Hexachlorbenzene Hexachlorbutadiene 1,2,4-trichlorbenzene Pentachlorphenol Cyanides Di(2-ethilhexyl)phthalate 1,2-dichlorethane Tetrachlorethylene Trichloroethylene Dichlormethane PAH Reg. No. D1-236 (to be controled) Reg. No. D1-71 (indicative list) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Furthermore, the economic entities have to make an inventory of dangerous substances, applicable to their industrial sector and present this inventory in the application for IPPC permit (Order of the Minister of Environment No. 80 of 27 February 2002, changed by No. D1-330 of 29 June 2005). The frequency of monitoring of hazardous substances by industries is set in the IPPC permit. If MAC of these substances are exceeded the reduction programmes should be prepared and implemented. 11 2007 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 4. Selection of the hazardous substances, sampling sites and matrixes A. Selection of hazardous substances Lithuania has established a list of 74 pollutants, which covers 33 priority substances of WFD as well as some other pollutants indicated in the Annex VIII WFD and Lists I and II of DSD. In addition, some more physicalchemical parameters were fixed in the list. See the full list in Annex VI. The project has focussed on the selected substances from this list. The major criteria for the selection of hazardous substances to be screened in the frame of the project were the following: the priority was given for the substances or groups of substances’ identified among those where the limits on concentrations in surface waters will be set on European level (i.e. 33 priority substances and 8 other pollutants); the biggest gaps of information of occurrence of priority substances in the waste water and receiving environment; the facts that certain substance or group of substances occur on the market; the facts on occurrence of substances in the environment from Finnish experience (e.g. dibutylphtalate, butylbenzylphtalate); in order to narrow the scope project has focused on industrial and consumer chemicals, the agricultural pesticides were excluded from the survey; the measurements of some other parameters, such as cyanides, halogenated organic compounds (AOX) were performed only in the specific places, i.e. in Nemunas after Sovietsk (Kaliningrad region), based on the concern that they might be emitted directly to the river with the effluents from metal processing (metal cutting) industry, mirror production (CN) and pulp and paper industry (AOX). The scope of the investigated substances was very much widened by the fact that the chosen laboratory provided the possibility to analyse more substances with the same method. In total 102 substances or groups of substances were screened. They are divided into 9 groups: 1) metals, 2) phenols and their ethoxylates, 3) polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, 4) chloroorganic pesticides, 5) volatile organic compounds, 6) organotin compounds, 7) phtalates and their ethoxylates, 8) brominated diphenylethers, 9) other: short chain chlorinated parafins, pentachlophenol, chlorpyrifos, cyanides, AOX. The complete list of substances or groups of substances analysed within the project is provided in the Table 6 below. 12 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 2007 Table 6. Substances/ groups of substances analyzed within the project Explanations: * These substances were proposed by the chosen laboratory (GALAB) to be analysed in addition by the same method. ** Information based on findings from data searches in years 2003-2006 (including findings from other projects carried out by Baltic Environmental Forum). No. CAS Nr. Name WFD Used Information source Use in LIT** I. Metals Database of dangerous ch. 1. 7440-43-9 Cadmium and its compounds X yes Permits for toxics IPPC permits Permits for toxics 2. 7439-92-1 Lead and its compounds X yes Industry Database of dangerous ch. 3. 7440-02-0 Nikel and its compounds X yes Permits for toxics IPPC permits Biocides register 4. 7440-66-6 Zink and its compounds yes IPPC permits Industry 5. 7440-38-2 Arsenic and its compounds yes Permits fro toxics Biocides register PPP register 6. 7440-50-8 Copper and its compounds yes Wood impregnation IPPC permits Industry 7. 7439-97-6 Mercury and its compounds X yes Permits for toxics II. Phenols and their ethoxylates 8. 104-40-5 4-Nonylphenol X Textile: printing, finishing, PPP register dyeing chemicals and 9. 25154-52-3 Nonylphenols (mixture of izomers) X yes Industry auxiliaries Co-formulant in PPP 10. 11066-49-2 iso-Nonylphenol* Nonylphenolmonoethoxylate 11. 27986-36-3 (NP1EO) 12. --iso-Nonylphenolmonoethoxylates* Car care products 13. 20427-84-3 Nonylphenoldiethoxylate (NP2EO) Professional cleaners, detergents (industry) 14. --iso-Nonylphenoldiethoxylates 15. --iso-Nonylphenoltriethoxylate* 16. --iso-Nonylphenoltetraethoxylate* 17. --iso-Nonylphenolpentaethoxylate* 18. --iso-Nonylphenolhexaethoxylate* 19. 1806-26-4 4-octylphenol X 20. 140-66-9 4-tert-octylphenol X 21. 9036-19-5 Octylphenolmonoethoxylate 22. --Octylphenoldiethoxylate 23. --4-t-Octylphenoltriethoxylate* 24. --4-t-Octylphenoltetraethoxylate* 25. --4-t-Octylphenolpentaethoxylate* 26. --4-t-Octylphenolhexaethoxylate* 27. 98-54-4 4-t-Butylphenol* 28. 80-46-6 4-t-Pentylphenol* III. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) 29. 120-12-7 Anthracene X 30. 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene X 31. 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene X 32. 191-24-2 Benzo[ghi]perylene X 33. 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene X 34. 193-39-5 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene X 13 2007 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA No. CAS Nr. Name WFD Used in LIT** Information source yes Database of dangerous ch. yes yes Permits for toxics Permits for toxics yes Permits for toxics Use 35. 91-20-3 Naphtalene 36. 206-44-0 Fluoranthene IV. Chloroorganic pesticides 37. 309-00-2 Aldrin 38. 60-57-1 Dieldrin 39. 72-20-8 Endrin 40. 50-29-3 DDT 41. 58-89-9 Lindane 42. 118-74-1 Heksachlorobenzene 43. 608-73-1 Hexachlorocyclohexanes (,,) V. Volatile organic compounds (VOC) X X 44. 71-43-2 Benzene X yes 45. 107-06-2 1,2-dichloroethane X yes 46. 75-09-2 Dichlormethane X yes Database of dangerous ch. 47. 56-23-5 Tertrachlormethane yes Database of dangerous ch. Permits for toxics Industry Laboratory 48. 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene yes Database of dangerous ch. Degreasing details, chemical cleaning of clothes, polygraphy, import 49. 67-66-3 Chloroform (trichloromethane) 50. 79-01-6 Trichlorethilene VI. Organotin compounds 51. 688-73-3 Tributyltin 52. 3664-73-3 Tributyltin kations 53. 78763-54-9 Monobutyltin* 54. 1002-53-5 Dibutyltin* 55. 1461-25-2 Tetrabutyltin* 56. --Monooctyltin* 57. --Dioctyltin* 58. --Tricyclohexyltin* 59. --Monophenyltin* 60. --Diphenyltin* 61. 668-34-8 Triphenyltin* VII. Phtalates and their ethoxylates 62. 117-81-7 Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate - DEHP 63. 84-74-2 Dibutylphtalate - DBP 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 113-11-3 84-66-2 120-51-4 84-69-5 117-82-8 --605-54-9 131-18-0 84-75-3 85-68-7 --- Dimethyl phthalate* Diethyl phthalate* Benzyl benzoate* Diisobutyl phthalate* Dimethoxyethyl phthalate* Diisohexyl phthalate* Di-2-ethoxyethyl phthalate* Dipentyl phthalate* Di-n-hexyl phthalate* Benzylbutyl phthalate* Hexyl-2-ethylhexyl phthalate* 14 X X X X yes yes X X yes X yes yes Database of dangerous ch. Permits for toxics Database of dangerous ch. Permits for toxics Database of dangerous ch. Biocides register Permits for toxics Database of dangerous ch. Industry Database of dangerous ch. Industry Database of dangerous ch. Permits for toxics Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Gluing of organic glass, specific chemical technologies, import Chemical fibre, films, plastics; cleaners of paints, solvent in technological processes, import Laboratory, biocides, import To improve quality of asphalt for roads, import Antifouling paints Dispersed water paint, sealants Plasticizer for paints and coatings) REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 2007 No. CAS Nr. Name 75. 76. 117-83-9 84-61-7 Dibutoxyethyl phthalate* Dicyclohexyl phthalate* 77. 28553-12-0 Diisononyl phthalate* 78. 117-84-0 Di-n-octyl phthalate* 79. 26761-40-0 Diisodecyl phthalate* VIII. Brominated diphenylethers 80. 32534-81-9 Pentabromdiphenylether, sum 81. 60348-60-9 Pentabromdiphenylether, PBDE-99* Pentabromdiphenylether, PBDE82. 189084-66-0 100* 83. 32536-52-0 Octabrombiphenylethers 84. 1163-19-5 Decabrombiphenylethers 85. 79-94-7 Tetrabromobisphenol A, TBBPA* 86. 59080-37-4 Tetrabromobiphenyl, PBB-52* 87. 67888-96-4 Pentabromobiphenyl, PBB-101* 88. 59080-40-9 Hexabromobiphenyl, PBB-153* 89. --Tribromodiphenyl ether, PBDE-28* 90. 5436-43-1 Tetrabromodiphenyl ether, PBDE-47* Hexabromodiphenyl ether, PBDE91. 182677-30-1 138* Hexabromodiphenyl ether, PBDE92. 68631-49-2 153* 93. 207122-15-4 Hexabromdiphenyl ether, PBDE-154* Heptabromodiphenyl ether, PBDE94. 207122-16-5 183* Heptabromodiphenyl ether, PBDE95. 189084-68-2 190* 96. 87-82-1 Hexabromobenzene* 97. 25637-99-4 Hexabromocyclododecane* IX. Other substances/ groups of substances C10-13 chloralkanes (Short chain 98. 85535-84-8 chlorinated parafins (SCCP)) 99. 87-86-5 Pentachlorphenol - PCP 100. 2921-88-2 Chlorpyrifos 101. 102. ----- Cyanides -CN AOX WFD Used in LIT** Information source Use Database of dangerous ch. Rubber industry Metal cutting fluids X X yes X X yes Biocides register PPP register Preparations for cockroaches 15 2007 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA B. Selection of the sampling sites Primarily the sampling has concentrated on: urban waste water treatment plants (WWTP) as review of industrial discharges made by Danish EPA financed project 1 showed that vast majority of industries discharge their effluent into the public sewer; WWTP of biggest cities were considered to contribute to the pollution most, therefore all biggest cities of Lithuania were covered; smaller towns were selected based on the knowledge on industry concentrated in the town and the results of the screening of certain hazardous substances (metals, PAH, VOC) performed by Environmental Protection Agency of Lithuania in year 2005; the towns with higher pollution by screened substances were considered first. transboundary rivers the sites in the rivers (both flowing in and out of the country) close to the border were selected in order to have an opportunity to estimate whether any hazardous substances gets into the Lithuania from neighbouring countries or are passed to neighbouring countries. rivers inflowing to the Curonian Lagoon/ Klaipėda Chanell (Nemunas and Akmena) the sites at the estuary were selected to check whether hazardous substances gets with the inland waters to the Baltic Sea. transitional waters to the Baltic Sea (harbour area, Malkų bay) these sites were chosen due to the reason that some of the selected substances for screening have very high potential to occur specifically in this areas, e.g. organotin compounds, phenols and their ethoxylates in harbours area; furthermore, it is the main way of the pollutants from inland activities to enter the Baltic Sea waters. The first analysis round has shown that some of the cities are discharging highly polluted wastewater to the rivers. Therefore at the second step some more sites on the rivers below the most polluting cities have been added in order to check potential influence of the discharged wastewater to the quality of the surface waters. In total 44 sites were screened for the selected hazardous substances: 25 WWTP, 8 sites on transboundary rivers at the border, 2 sites on the rivers before inletting into the Curonian Lagoon and Klaipėda Channel, 4 sites at the transitional waters of Klaipėda Channel, 5 sites on the rivers after polluting cities. Ecotoxicity tests were performed for 37 sites: 25 WWTP and 12 for the surface water. The detailed list of the sampling sites and analysed matrixes is provided below in the Table 7. 1 Danish EPA financed Project to Assist the Republic of Lithuania to Transpose EU Requirements in the Water Sector (implemented by DHI, CarlBro and CEP (Center for Environmental Policy)). 16 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 2007 Table 7. Sampling sites and analysed matrixes Site No. Sampling site Sampling site description Matrixes 1. WWTP Dzūkijos vandenys WW to Nemunas river, Alytus WW/SW WS/BS ET 2. WWTP Varėnos vandenys WW to Derežnyčia river 3. WWTP Birštono vandentiekis WW to Nemunas river 4. Nemunas at the Belarus border at Švendubrės village 5. WWTP Klaipėdos vanduo WW to Baltic sea/Curonian lagoon 6. WWTP Silutės vandenys WW to Nemunas/Šyša river 7. WWTP Tauragės vandenys WW to Nemunas/Jūra river 8. Nemunas at Rusnė up the Leitė 9. Bartuva at the border below Skuodas 10. Akmena-Danė at the estuary 0,1 km from estuary 11. Šventoji at the border at Senoji Įpiltis 12. Malkų bay at Klaipėda point of regular monitoring 13. Harbour area at the gates 14. Harbour teritory at JSC Klaipėdos kartonas 15. Nemunas after Sovietsk at Pagėgiai 16. WWTP of Marijampolė WW to Nemunas/Šešupė river 17. WWTP of Vilkaviškis WW to Širvinta/Žeimena river 18. WWTP of Šakiai WW to Šešupė/Siesartis river 19. WWTP of Kazlų Rūda WW to Pilvė/Jūrė river 20. WWTP Aukštaitijos vandenys WW to Nevėžis river, Panevėžys 21. WWTP Rokiškio vandenys WW to Laukupė river 22. Nemunėlis river at the border at Tabokinė 23. Mūša river at the border below Saločiai 24. WWTP Utenos vandenys WW to Šventoji/Vyžuona 25. WWTP Anykščių vandenys WW to Šventoji river 26. Dysna river at the border at Kačerginė 27. WWTP Šiaulių vandenys WW to Mūša/Kulpė river 28. WWTP Plungės vandenys WW to Minija/Mažoji Sruoja river 29. WWTP Mažeikių nafta WW of town to Venta/Skutulas river 30. WWTP Radviliškio vanduo WW to Kruoja/Obelė river 31. Venta river at the border at Mažeikiai 32. Neris river at the border at Buivydžiai 33. WWTP Vilniaus vandenys WW to Neris river 34. WWTP Ukmergės vandenys WW to Šventoji river 35. WWTP of Švenčionėliai WW to Sudatėlis lake 36. WWTP of Pabradė WW to Žeimena river 37. WWTP Kauno vandenys WW to Nemunas river 38. WWTP Kėdainių vandenys WW to Nemunas river 39. WWTP Jonavos vandenys WW to Neris river 40. Šventoji river after Anykščiai 41. Siesartis river after Šakiai 42. Nemunas river after Kaunas 43. Nevėžis river after Panevėžys 44. Klaipėda Channel at “Baltijos kolūkis” Matrixes: WW - waste water, SW - surface water, WS - sludge from WWTP, BS - bottom sediments, ET - ecotoxicity test Sampling rounds: number of sampling rounds is indicated by number of Other abbreviations: WWTP - Waste Water Treatment Plant 17 2007 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA The maps below provide a detailed overview on the location of the sampling sites as well as general information on the sampled matrixes. Picture 1. Location of the sampling sites. 22 31 29 9 23 11 28 27 21 30 5 43 20 10 See Picture 2 25 40 6 8 26 38 7 15 24 34 35 39 41 18 36 42 37 32 19 17 33 3 16 1 2 4 Surface water/ bottom sediments Wastewater/ sewage sludge Picture 2. Location of sampling sites in Klaipėda Channel. 18 Ecotoxicity REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 2007 C. Selection of the matrixes In the frame of this project the analysis of the hazardous substances were performed in the following matrixes: wastewater, sewage sludge, receiving waters (mainly rivers and some sites at transitional waters in Klaipėda channel), and sediments in the receiving environment. The selection of the matrixes for the specific substances/ groups of substances was based on the potential occurrence of the substance in the specific matrix, i.e. particularly hydrophobic substances will not be found in significant concentrations in liquid phase. Therefore the practical approach was taken to save the resources and to limit analysis to the most relevant matrixes. The relevant matrixes were determined based on different literature sources (Report of the expert group on analysis and monitoring of priority substances) and by the chemical-physical properties of the substances influencing their fate in the environment (solubility in water, partitioning, bioaccumulation etc., see Table 8). Table 8. The main criteria considered determining the potential occurrence of the substances in different matrixes. Criteria Koc>2700 Log Koc >3.5 BCF >2000 Log Pow = 4.5-9 Meaning Interpretation high potential of sorption of substance to soil/sediments higher Koc values - less mobile organic chemicals Koc <500 no or little adsorbtion already starting from BCF>1300 substance is liable to bioaccumulate in fatty tissue BCF>2000 shows that substance bioaccumulates in fatty tissue BCF>5000 shows that substance strongly bioaccumulates in the fatty tissue liable to bioaccumulate in fatty tissue The partitioning coefficient between water and organic carbon. It indicates potential to adsorb to the soil/ sediments. Bioconcentration factor Coefficient indicating partitioning of substance between octanol and water. The table below gives an overview on the potential of the occurrence of substances or groups of substances in different matrixes. In case of the group of substances the matrixes were determined based on the key representative substances (e.g. for brominated diphenylethers, organotin compounds, phenols, phtalates and their ethoxylates). Table 9. Priority matrixes to be analysed for different substances/ groups of substances * Potential that substance occurs in the selected matrix: H- high, M- medium Priority matrixes where substances should be analysed No. CAS Nr. Name Waste water Sewage sludge Receiving water Sediments Biota H-M* H-M H-M H-M H-M H-M H-M H-M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M H-M M H-M M M M M M M M H M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M I. Metals and their compounds 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 7440-43-9 7439-92-1 7440-02-0 7440-66-6 7440-38-2 7440-50-8 7439-97-6 Cadmium and its compounds Lead and its compounds Nickel and its compounds Zinc and its compounds Arsenic and its compounds Copper and its compounds Mercury and its compounds II. Phenols and their ethoxylates 8. 9. 104-40-5 25154-52-3 10. 27986-36-3 11. 20427-84-3 4-Nonylphenol Nonylphenols (mixture of izomers) Nonylphenolmonoethoxylate (NP1EO) Nonylphenoldiethoxylate (NP2EO) 19 2007 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA Priority matrixes where substances should be analysed No. 12. 13. 14. 15. CAS Nr. 1806-26-4 140-66-9 9036-19-5 --- Name 4-octylphenol 4-tert-octylphenol Octylphenolmonoethoxylate Octylphenoldiethoxylate Waste water M M M M Sewage sludge M M M M Receiving water M M M M H-M M M H Sediments Biota M M M M M M M M III. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) 16. 120-12-7 Anthracene 17. 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene H M H M 18. 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene H M H M 19. 191-24-2 Benzo[ghi]perylene H M H M 20. 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene H M H M 21. 193-39-5 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene H M H M 22. 91-20-3 Naphtalene H-M M M M M 23. 206-44-0 Fluoranthene M M M H M IV. Chloroorganic pesticides 24. 309-00-2 Aldrin M M M M M 25. 60-57-1 Dieldrin M M M M M 26. 72-20-8 Endrin M M M M M 27. 50-29-3 DDT M M H H 28. 87-68-3 Heksachlorobutadiene H-M M M M M 29. 608-73-1 Hexachlorocyclohexane M M M M M 30. 58-89-9 Lindane M M H H H M V. Volatile organic compounds (VOC) 31. 71-43-2 Benzene H 32. 107-06-2 1,2-dichloroethane H H 33. 75-09-2 Dichlormethane H H 34. 118-74-1 Heksachlorbenzene M M 35. 608-93-5 Pentachlorbenzene M M 36. 120-82-1 Trichlorobenzene H H 37. 56-23-5 Tertrachlormethane H H 38. 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene H H 39. 67-66-3 Chloroform (trichloromethane) H H 40. 79-01-6 Trichlorethilene H H M VI. Organotin compounds 41. 688-73-3 Tributyltin M M H H-M 42. 3664-73-3 Tributyltin kations M M H H-M 43. 668-34-8 Triphenyltin M M H H-M VII. Phtalates and their ethoxylates 44. 117-81-7 Diethylhexylphtalate - DEHP H-M H-M M M M 45. 84-74-2 Dibutylphtalate - DBP M M M M M VIII. Brominated diphenylethers 46. 32534-81-9 Pentabrombifenilethers - PBDE H H M 47. 32536-52-0 Octabrombiphenylethers M M M 48. 1163-19-5 Decabrombiphenylethers M M M M M H H H H IX. Other substances/ groups of substances 49. 85535-84-8 50. 87-86-5 C10-13 chloralkanes (Short chain chlorinated parafins (SCCP)) Pentachlorphenol - PCP 51. --- Cyanides - CN 20 M M M M M REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 2007 Priority matrixes where substances should be analysed No. CAS Nr. Name 52. 2921-88-2 Chlorpyrifos 53. --- AOX Waste water M Sewage sludge H Receiving water M Sediments Biota M H-M H The analysis within the project focused on the matrixes where the substances or groups of substances can occur most likely, i.e. only matrixes indicated in the table above as H or M were considered. The only considerable exception was made for the chloroorganic pesticides, which were analysed only in the receiving environment. It was based on the facts that these substances are not anymore in use therefore they can hardly occur in the wastewater treatment plants. Furthermore, the analysis of Environmental Protection Agency of year 2005 has proved the absence of this group of substances in wastewater and sewage sludge in some of the selected sites. Initially in the project proposal it was planned to analyse hazardous substances also in the biota (fish). During the inception phase of the project the biota analysis were cancelled mainly due to difficulty to interpret and evaluate the results of biota (fish) analysis gained within such project: in rivers fish is highly migrating, therefore it is very difficult to correlate the occurrence of hazardous substances in the fish to any specific source of hazardous substances; due to limited resources only very random samples could be taken and analysed what leads to even more complicated interpretation of the results and decrease the added value to the general results of the project and their practical applicability. Thus, the priority was given to the chemicals analysis in the wastewater and sewage sludge and receiving environment. However in the later stage the biota (fish) tests were replaced by the series of microbiotests - Algaltoxkit, Thamnotoxkit, Microtox, Charatox, Rotoxkit at most of the sites where chemical analysis has been performed. The major reasons to consider the microbiotests were following: chemical tests alone are not sufficient to assess potential effects of complex wastes mixtures on aquatic environment because of difficulties to screen all possible chemicals in water and limited knowledge on chemicals toxicity and their interactions; the complete chemical composition of water is not known, some other toxic substances may have great negative influence on the aquatic organisms, therefore the measurement of ecotoxicity in addition to chemical analysis in the same sites should give more complete view on the status of toxicity of waste water and status of surface water and lead to the better evaluation of the results; due to the reason that not all species respond identically to different type of pollutants, it was decided to choose series of biotests with different organisms to get more valuable results. The principal strategy proposed for the analysis and the evaluation of the results is the following: Microtox + Thamnotox [/Charatox] Chemical analysis Yes Slightly toxic/ toxic Strongly toxic Algaltoxkit/ Rotoxkit/ Protoxkit EVALUATION The complete overview on the specific substances/ groups of substances analyzed in the different matrixes at the different sites is given in the Table 10. The duplicates required for the quality control are not counted as independent samples. Also a series of the ecotoxicity tests are considered as one sample. 21 2007 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA Sampling and analysis were performed in two big rounds in order to get a flexibility to choose additional sampling sites or to repeat suspicious analysis after screening the results of the first round. Additionally third sampling round was carried out in 3 sites (only sediments). More information on the reasoning of repeated samples at different sites is presented in the chapter on results of the analysis. Table 10. An overview on sampling sites, analysed substances/groups of substances, matrixes and number of analysis MET – metals, Hg – mercury, Ph&E - phenols and their ethoxylates, PAH - polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, COP chloroorganic pesticides, VOC - volatile organic compounds, OT - organotin compounds, BDPE -brominated diphenylethers, Pht&E - phtalates and their ethoxylates, SCCP - short chain chlorinated parafins, PCP – pentachlophenol, ChP – chlorpyrifos, CN – cyanides, AOX – halogenated organic compounds, ET – ecotoxicity test X – analysis have been done by EPA in 2005. No. Site/Matrixes MET Hg Ph&E PAH 1. WWTP Dzukijos vandenys Wastewater X X 1 Sludge 1 1 1 2. WWTP Varėnos vandenys Wastewater X X 1 Sludge 1 X 1 3. WWTP Birštono vandentiekis Wastewater X X 1 Sludge 1 1 1 4. Nemunas at Belarus border Receiving water 1 1 2 Sediments 1 1 2 5. WWTP Klaipėdos vanduo Wastewater 1 1 2 Sludge 1 1 1 6. WWTP Šilutės vandenys Wastewater X X 1 Sludge X 1 1 7. WWTP Tauragės vandenys Wastewater X X 1 Sludge X 1 1 8. Nemunas river at Rusnė Receiving water X X 1 Sediments X X 2 9. Bartuva river at the border Receiving water X X 1 Sediments X X 1 10. Akmena river at estuary Receiving water X X 1 Sediments X X 1 11. Šventoji river at the border Receiving water X X 1 Sediments X X 1 12. Malkų bay at Klaipėda Receiving water 1 1 2 Sediments 1 3 3 13. Harbours area (at gates) Receiving water X X 1 Sediments X X 1 14. Harbours area (at JSC Klaipėdos kartonas) Receiving water 2 2 2 Sediments 2 3 3 15. Nemunas river after Sovietsk VOC OT X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 COP 2 2 2 ChP ChP ET 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X 1 1 1 X X 1 1 1 X X 1 1 1 X X 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 X X 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 1 3 2 3 2 1 1 2 2 Receiving water 2 2 2 2 2 Sediments 2 2 2 2 2 22 BDPE Pht&E SCCP PCP Other ChP ChP 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 CN AOX CN AOX 1 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 2007 No. Site/Matrixes MET 16. WWTP of Marijampolė Wastewater X Sludge X 17. WWTP of Vilkaviškis Wastewater X Sludge X 18. WWTP of Šakiai Wastewater X Sludge X 19. WWTP of Kazlų Rūda Wastewater X Sludge X 20. WWTP Aukštaitijos vandenys Wastewater 1 Sludge 1 21. WWTP Rokiskio vandenys Wastewater 1 Sludge 1 22. Nemunėlis river at the border Receiving water X Sediments X 23. Mūša river at the border Receiving water X Sediments X 24. WWTP Utenos vandenys Wastewater X Sludge X 25. WWTP Anykščių vandenys Waste water X Sludge 1 26. Dysna river at the border Receiving water 1 Sediments 1 27. WWTP Šiaulių vandenys Wastewater 1 Sludge 1 28. WWTP Plungės vandenys Wastewater 1 Sludge 1 29. WWTP Mažeikių nafta Wastewater 1 Sludge 1 30. WWTP Radviliškio vanduo Wastewater 1 Sludge 1 31. Venta river at the border Receiving water X Sediments X 32. Neris river at Buivydžiai Receiving water 1 Sediments 1 33. WWTP Vilniaus vandenys Wastewater 2 Sludge 2 34. WWTP Ukmergės vandenys Wastewater 1 Sludge 1 35. WWTP of Švenčionėliai Wastewater 1 Hg Ph&E PAH COP VOC OT BDPE Pht&E SCCP PCP Other ET X X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X 1 X X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X 2 X X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X 2 X X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 X 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X 1 1 1 1 X X 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X 1 1 1 1 X X 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X 1 1 1 1 X 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 X 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X 1 1 1 1 X X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X 2 X X 1 1 1 1 X X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X 1 X X 1 1 X 1 X X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X 2 X X 1 1 X 1 X X 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 X 1 X X 1 1 1 1 X X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 23 2007 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA No. Site/Matrixes MET Hg Ph&E PAH Sludge 1 1 2 36. WWTP of Pabradė Wastewater 1 1 1 Sludge 1 1 2 37. WWTP Kauno vandenys Wastewater 1 1 1 Sludge 1 1 1 38. WWTP Kėdainių vandenys Wastewater X X 1 Sludge 1 1 1 39. WWTP Jonavos vandenys Wastewater 1 1 1 Sludge 1 1 1 40. Šventoji river after Anykščiai Receiving water 1 1 1 Sediments 1 1 1 41. Siesartis river after Šakiai Receiving water 1 1 1 Sediments 1 1 1 42. Nemunas river after Kaunas Receiving water 1 1 1 Sediments 1 1 1 43. Nevėžis river after Panevėžys Receiving water 1 1 1 Sediments 1 1 1 44. Klaipėda channel at "Baltijos" kolūkis Sediments 1 24 COP VOC 1 OT BDPE Pht&E SCCP PCP Other 2 2 2 2 1 ET 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ChP ChP 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 2007 5. Quality assurance and methods used in the HS screening A. Sampling and handling of samples Sampling time. Sampling during the project was carried out in three phases: 1) April-June 2006, in total 25 wastewater samples, 25 wastewater sludge samples, 14 surface water and 14 bottom sediments samples; 2) October 2006, in total 14 waste water samples, 10 wastewater sludge samples, 10 surface water samples, 10 bottom sediments; 3) November 2006, 3 samples of sediments. Samples for the ecotoxicity tests were taken in parallel to samples for chemical analysisi during first and second phases; in total 36 samples of wastewater and 14 samples of surface water. Sampling time for different Regional departments is indicated in the Table 11. Table 11. Sampling time in Regional environmental protection departments Regional Environmental Protection Department Alytus Kaunas Klaipeda (MRC) Marijampolė Panevėžys Utena Šiauliai Vilnius 1st sampling 2-4 May 24-26 April 5-8 June 2-4 May 15-17 May 5-8 June 8-10 May 12-15 June 2nd sampling 16-19 October 9-12 October 9-12 October 16-19 October 23-26 October 23-26 October 9-12 October 9-12 October 3rd sampling 16-17 November Sampling was carried out by the specialists of the Regional environmental protection departments (REPD). Sampling was performed following Standard Activity Procedures, which are based on ISO/EN standards, see Table 12 below. Table 12. List of Standard activity procedures and corresponding ISO/EN standards Matrix Method Standards followed for the preparation of SAP Surface water and bottom sediments Standard activity procedure (SAP) for taking surface water and bottom sediments sample Waste water Standard activity procedure (SAP) for taking wastewater samples Waste water sludge No standard activity procedure LST EN ISO 5667-6:2005 Water quality -- Sampling -- Part 6: Guidance on sampling of rivers and streams LST EN 25667-1:2001 Water quality -- Sampling -- Part 1: Guidance on the design of sampling programmes LST EN 25667-2:2001 Water quality. Sampling. Part 2: Guidance on sampling LST EN ISO 5667-3:2006 Water quality -- Sampling -- Part 3: Guidance on the preservation and handling of water samples ISO 5667-10:1992 Water quality. Guidance on sampling of wastewater samples LST EN 25667-1:2001 Water quality -- Sampling -- Part 1: Guidance on the design of sampling programmes LST EN 25667-2:2001 Water quality. Sampling. Part 2: Guidance on sampling LST EN ISO 5667-3:2006 Water quality -- Sampling -- Part 3: Guidance on the preservation and handling of water samples ISO 5667-13:2000 Water quality -- Sampling -- Part 13: Guidance on sampling of sludge from sewage and water treatment works LST EN 25667-1:2001 Water quality -- Sampling -- Part 1: Guidance on the design of sampling programmes Sampling, transportation and storage of samples is briefly described below. 25 2007 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA Surface water and bottom sediments samples. Surface water samples were taken following the “Standard Activity Procedure for taking surface waters and bottom sediments samples”. Dishes for samples analysed at GALAB Laboratories Gmbh. Glass bottles of 2,5 l with plastic screw-cap were used for water and waste water samples for analysis of 5 or 6 groups of substances (phenols and their ethoxylates, organotin compounds, brominated diphenylethers, phtalates and their ethoxylates, short chain chlorinated parafins; chlorpyrifos and AOX). Glass bottles of 1 litre with plastic screw-cap were used for water and wastewater samples for analysis of 3 or less groups of substances. Glass bottles of 100 ml with plastic screw-cap were used for bottom sediment and sludge samples. During the second sampling phase samples was isolated from the cap by aluminum folium. Dishes for samples analysed at Environmental Research Department laboratory of Lithuanian EPA. Glass bottles of 250 ml for water and waste water samples for analysis of heavy metals were used; glass bottles of 200 ml for mercury; glass bottles of 50 ml for VOC; glass bottles of 1 l for pentachlorphenol; glass bottles of 1 l for PAH. Plastic bottles of 200 ml with plastic screw cap were used for bottom sediments and sludge samples for the analysis of heavy metals, glass bottles of 0,5 l for analysis of PAH. Sampling site and sampling. Water samples were taken against the current. Sampling dish was washed with water from the stream before taking the sample. Water samples were taken manually with scoop, bucket or jar at a depth of approximately 0,3 metres. Bottom sediment samples were taken manually with jar. Jar was closed immediately after taking a sample in order not to wash out sediments while taking it out from water. Transportation and storage of samples. Samples to the laboratory were transported in the mobile freezing box right after sampling. Samples were stored in the fridge at the temperature of 4-8 OC. For samples analysed at GALAB Laboratories Gmbh no cooling of samples was required, if samples were stored not longer than 2 weeks. Wastewater and wastewater sludge samples. Waste water samples were taken following the “Standard Activity Procedure for taking wastewater samples”. Sampling site and sampling. Wastewater samples were taken from the specially established sampling site place where wastewater is mixed. Water samples were taken manually with scoop, bucket or jar. Sampling dish was washed with wastewater from the site before taking the sample. Sludge sample is taken according to standard ISO 5667-13:2000 since there is no Standard Activity procedure for taking wastewater sludge sample. Sludge samples should be taken by the specialist of the wastewater treatment plant, who has been trained to take samples, however during the project samples were taken by the specialists of the Regional environmental protection departments. B. Analysis of samples Analysis of the samples were carried out by three laboratories: 1) laboratory of Environmental Research Department of the Lithuanian Environmental Protection Agency: metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), chloroorganic pesticides, volatile organic compounds (VOC), pentachlorphenol in water samples and some ecotoxicity tests (MicrotoxR, Algaltoxkit F, Thamnotoxkit FTM); 2) GALAB laboratories, Germany: phenols and their ethoxylates, organotin compounds, phtalates and their ethoxylates, brominated diphenylethers, short chain chlorinated parafins (SCCP), pentachlorphenol in sludge/sediments, cyanides, chlorpyrifos, AOX and mercury for some sites; 3) Laboratory of Institute of Botany: ecotoxicity tests (Thamnotoxkit FTM, Charatox (algal electrophysiological test), Rotoxkit FTM). Before the analysis the sample has gone through the obligatory pre-treatment stage, see Table 13 for the details. 26 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 2007 Table 13. Description of samples’ pre-treatment before the analysis I. Metals Water and wastewater: preservation of sample with concentrated nitric acid; ETAAS/ ICP-OES Sediments and sludge: drying of sample; homogenisation and mineralisation with concentrated nitric acid; ETAAS/ ICP-OES Mercury: sample preservation with clean (trace select Hg<0,0000002%) nitric acid, pH should be less than 2; urgent II. treatment with Br after delivery to laboratory. Phenols and their ethoxylates Water and wastewater: addition of internal standards, LLE dichloromethane, derivatisation, column clean up, concentration of extract, GC-MSD Sediments and sludge: addition of internal standards, SLE ethyl acetate, GPC clean up, derivatisation, column clean III. up, concentration of extract, GC-MSD Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) Water and wastewater: extraction with hexane, concentration up to 1-2 ml, column clean up, concentration, eluation with 5 ml hexane/methylene chloride (1:1), concentration, addition of 1 ml acetonitril; HPLC Sludge and bottom sediments: drying of sample, clean up from mechanical particles, extraction with hexane; column IV. clean up, concentration of extract, addition of acetonitril; HPLC Chloroorganic pesticides Water and wastewater: extraction with hexane, concentration up to 1 ml, column clean up, eluation with 30 ml hexane, GC-ECD V. Volatile organic compounds (VOC) No special treatment applied before analysis VI. Organotin compounds Water and wastewater: addition of internal standards, derivatisation with sodiumtetraethylborate and SLE hexane, column clean up, concentration of extract, GC-AED Sediments and sludge: addition of internal standards, derivatisation with sodiumtetraethylborate and SLE hexane, VII. column clean up, concentration of extract, GC-AED Phthalates and their ethoxylates Water and wastewater: addition of internal standards, LLE dichloromethane, column clean up, concentration of extract, GCMSD Sediments and sludge: addition of internal standards, SLE ethyl acetate, column clean up, concentration of extract, GC-MSD VIII. Brominated diphenylethers Water and wastewater: addition of internal standards, LLE dichloromethane, sulfuric acid clean up, concentration of extract, GC-MSD Sediments and sludge: addition of internal standards, SLE sulfuric acid/hexane, derivatisation, column clean up, IX. concentration of extract, GC-MSD Other: Pentachlorphenol - PCP Water and wastewater: Extraction of sample within 24 hours after sampling, concentration of sample; eluation with 1 ml acetonitril/acetic acid, liquid chromatography Sediments and sludge: addition of internal standards, SLE NaOH, acidification of extract with HCl, LLE IX. dichloromethane, derivatisation, concentration of extract, GC-MSD Other: Short chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCP) Water and wastewater: addition of internal standards, LLE dichloromethane, column clean up, concentration of extract, GCMSD Sediments and sludge: addition of internal standards, SLE ethyl acetate, column clean up, concentration of extract, IX. GC-MSD Other: Chlorpyriphos Water and wastewater: addition of internal standards, LLE dichloromethane, column clean up, concentration of extract, GCMSD Sediments and sludge: addition of internal standards, SLE ethyl acetate, column clean up, concentration of extract, IX. GC-MSD Other: Cyanides - CN Water and wastewater: transported shifted into the continuous flow of a buffer solution of pH 3.8 and with UV-B light the wavelength for l = 312 Nm illuminated. UV light at 290 Nm is filtered by the use of a spiral from Borsilicatglass, in order to avoid the formation of Thiocyanaten. Subsequently, the sample is distilled at T = 125°C. The developing hydrogen cyanide is photometrical measured. Sediments and sludge: the cyanide connections are decomposed in presence of copper(I) ions with hydrochloric acid. Hydrocyane is disposed and absorbed in sodium hydroxide solution (the copper ii-ions are reduced by tin chloride). The cyanide is determined afterwards titrated with silver nitrate solution. IX. Other: AOX Water and wastewater: adsorption at activated charcoal, acidified with nitric acid. Addition of sodium nitrate to the water and treatment of the charcoal with a halide-free sodium nitrate solution inorganic halogen connections are 27 2007 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA displaced by the coal. Loaded activated charcoal in the oxygen current is burned, whereby the organically bound halogens are converted to hydrogen halides, whose mass is determined. Sediments and sludge: drying and milling of the sediment, addition of halide-free sodium nitrate solution inorganic halogen connections are displaced. Addition of activated charcoal, filtration. Loaded activated charcoal in the oxygen current is burned, whereby the organically bound halogens are converted to hydrogen halides, whose mass is determined. X. Ecotoxicity All samples after arrival to the laboratory were imediately filtered through double paper filter (for Charatox) or membrane filter of 0,45 , hold in refrigerator (4-60C) and tested according standard procedures within 7 days. Further treated according the standard procedures as described in the corresponding Toxkit microbiotests. The methods used for the analysis of samples in different matrixes are presented in the Table 14. Table 14. Methods of analysis applied Substance/ group of substances Cd Pb, Ni, As, Cu Zn Hg Phenols and their ethoxylates Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Chloroorganic pesticides Volatile organic compounds Organotin compounds Phtalates and their ethoxylates Brominated diphenylethers Pentachlorphenol Short chain chlorinated parafins Chlorpyrifos Cyanides AOX Ecotoxicity Surface water/ wastewater Atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS) LST EN ISO 5961:2000N Atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS) LST EN ISO 15586:2004 N Inducatively coupled plasma spectrometry (ICP-OES); LST EN ISO 11885:2000 N Atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS) LST EN 13506:2002N GALAB laboratory: Inducatively coupled plasma spectrometry (ICP-MS) Gas chromatography (GC-MSD) SOP 23 High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC); LST EN ISO 17993:2004N Gas chromatography (GC-ECD) LST EN ISO 6468:2000N Gas chromatography (GC-ECD) SVP 1-1-13:2005N Gas chromatography (GC-AED) DIN 38407- 13 (SOP 2); DIN 19744 (SOP 1) Gas chromatography (GC-MSD) SOP 42 Gas chromatography (GC-MSD) SOP 42 High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC); SVP 1-1-11:2004N Gas chromatography (GC-MSD) Gas chromatography (GC-MSD); ISO 6468 CN DIN 38405; DIN EN ISO 14403-D6 AOX DIN 38409; DIN EN 1485-H14 90 min electrophysiological test with Nitellopsis obtuse (Charatox) 72 hgrowth inhibition test with Selenastrum capricornutum (Algaltoxkit FTM) 24 h mortality test with Thamnocephalus platyurus (Thamnotoxkit FTM) 24 h mortality test with Brachionus calyciflorus (Rotoxkit FTM) 30 min bioluminescence inhibition with Vibrio fischeri (Microtox). N - method is not accredited Sediments/ sewage sludge Atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS) LST EN ISO 5961:2000N Atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS) SVP 1-2-2:2005N (sludge) LST EN ISO 15586:2004 N (sediments) Inducatively coupled plasma spectrometry (ICP-OES); SVP 1-2-10:2006N Atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS) SVP 1-2-4:2004N GALAB laboratory: Extraction (aqua regia), CV-AAS Gas chromatography (GC-MSD) SOP 23 High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC); ISO 13877:1998N Gas chromatography (GC-ECD) ISO 10382 :2002N; SVP 1-1-9 : 2004N Gas chromatography (GC-AED) DIN 38407- 13 (SOP 2); DIN 19744 (SOP 1) Gas chromatography (GC-MSD) SOP 42 Gas chromatography (GC-MSD) SOP 42 Gas chromatography GC-MSD Gas chromatography (GC-MSD) Gas chromatography (GC-MSD); ISO 6468 CN DIN 38405; LAGA CN 2/79 AOX DIN 38409; DIN 38414-S18 An overview on the limits of the detection, measurement uncertainties as well as available Environmental Quality Standards for the analysed substances in given in the Table 15. For some substances/ groups of substances limit of detection of applied analysis methods was too low to be able to control the quality of water according EQS or currently applied maximum allowable concentrations expressed as annual average in Lithuania. These substances are the following: PAH: Benzo[ghi]perylene, Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 28 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 2007 VOC: 1,2-dichloroethane Pentachlorphenol in water Tributyltin Pentabromdiphenylether, sum Table 15. Limits of the detection, measurement uncertainties and Environmental Quality Standards for the analysed substances LOD – Limit of detection MU – measurement uncertainty SW – surface water, WW – wastewater, BS – bottom sediments, WS – sewage sludge EQS – Environmental Quality Standard for inland surface water AA-EQS – Environmental Quality Standard expressed as an annual average value MAC-EQS – Environmental Quality Standard expressed as a maximum allowable concentration MPA – Maximum permissible addition; it is applied in case of metals, then EQS sediments=Cbackground + MPA --not applicable * for metals in sediments and sludge measurement unit mg/kg ** for Cadmium and its compounds the EQS values vary dependent upon the hardness of the water as specified in five class categories *** EQS given in the table for the priority substances and other pollutants based on the proposal for the Directive on EQS (COM(2006) 397 final) **** EQS for bottom sediments are based on the substance data sheets prepared for the implementation of WFD (CIRCA website). LOD EQS*** EQS**** AA-EQS MAC-EQS No. CAS Nr. Name SW/WW BS/WS MU (%) BS SW SW μg/l μg/kg μg/l μg/l μg/l I. Metals 0,080,45MPA= 1. 7440-43-9 Cadmium and its compounds 0,05 0,005* 10 0,25** 1,5** 2.3* 2. 7440-66-6 Zinc and its compounds 5 0,5* 15 7,2 MPA= 3. 7439-92-1 Lead and its compounds 1 0,1* 10 --53.4* 20 4. 7440-02-0 Nickel and its compounds 1 0,1* 10 --2.9* 5. 7440-38-2 Arsenic and its compounds 1 0,1* 10 6. 7440-50-8 Copper and its compounds 0,5 0,05* 10 0,05 MPA = 7. 7439-97-6 Mercury and its compounds 0,03 0,02/0,1* 15 0,07 0,47* II. Phenols and their ethoxylates 8. 9. 10. 104-40-5 25154-52-3 11066-49-2 11. 27986-36-3 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. --20427-84-3 ----------1806-26-4 140-66-9 9036-19-5 ----------98-54-4 80-46-6 4-Nonylphenol Nonylphenols (mixture of izomers) iso-Nonylphenol* Nonylphenolmonoethoxylate (NP1EO) iso-Nonylphenolmonoethoxylates Nonylphenoldiethoxylate (NP2EO) iso-Nonylphenoldiethoxylates iso-Nonylphenoltriethoxylate iso-Nonylphenoltetraethoxylate iso-Nonylphenolpentaethoxylate iso-Nonylphenolhexaethoxylate 4-octylphenol 4-tert-octylphenol Octylphenolmonoethoxylate Octylphenoldiethoxylate 4-t-Octylphenoltriethoxylate 4-t-Octylphenoltetraethoxylate 4-t-Octylphenolpentaethoxylate 4-t-Octylphenolhexaethoxylate 4-t-Butylphenol 4-t-Pentylphenol 0,01 0,05 0,05 10 50 10 0,1 100 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0,3 2 180 0,1 --- 34 15 29 2007 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA LOD No. CAS Nr. Name III. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) 29. 120-12-7 Anthracene 30. 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene 31. 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 32. 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 33. 191-24-2 Benzo[ghi]perylene 34. 193-39-5 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 35. 91-20-3 Naphtalene 36. 206-44-0 Fluoranthene IV. Chloroorganic pesticides 37. 309-00-2 Aldrin 38. 60-57-1 Dieldrin 39. 72-20-8 Endrin 40. 50-29-3 DDT 41. 58-89-9 Lindane 42. 118-74-1 Heksachlorobenzene 43. 608-73-1 Hexachlorocyclohexanes (,,) V. Volatile organic compounds (VOC) 44. 71-43-2 Benzene 45. 107-06-2 1,2-dichloroethane 46. 75-09-2 Dichlormethane 47. 56-23-5 Tertrachlormethane 48. 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 49. 67-66-3 Chloroform (trichloromethane) 50. 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene VI. Organotin compounds 51. 688-73-3 Tributyltin 52. 3664-73-3 Tributyltin kations 53. 78763-54-9 Monobutyltin 54. 1002-53-5 Dibutyltin 55. 1461-25-2 Tetrabutyltin 56. --Monooctyltin --Dioctyltin 57. --Tricyclohexyltin 58. --Monophenyltin 59. --Diphenyltin 60. 668-34-8 Triphenyltin VII. Phtalates and their ethoxylates 61. 117-81-7 Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate - DEHP 62. 84-74-2 Dibutylphtalate - DBP 63. 113-11-3 Dimethyl phthalate 64. 84-66-2 Diethyl phthalate 65. 120-51-4 Benzyl benzoate 66. 84-69-5 Diisobutyl phthalate 67. 117-82-8 Dimethoxyethyl phthalate 68. --Diisohexyl phthalate 69. 605-54-9 Di-2-ethoxyethyl phthalate 70. 131-18-0 Dipentyl phthalate 71. 84-75-3 Di-n-hexyl phthalate 72. 85-68-7 Benzylbutyl phthalate 73. --Hexyl-2-ethylhexyl phthalate 30 SW/WW BS/WS μg/l μg/kg 0,001 0,002 0,005 0,001 0,01 0,01 0,005 0,005 0,08 0,20 0,50 0,10 1,00 1,00 0,30 0,60 0,005 0,005 0,005 0,005 0,005 0,005 0,005 1 1 1 1 1 0,5 1 0,05 25 0,5 0,5 0,05 0,5 0,05 MU (%) EQS*** EQS**** AA-EQS MAC-EQS BS SW SW μg/l μg/l μg/l 0,1 0,05 0,4 0,1 =0.03 --- =0.002 --- 2,4 0,1 --1 =0,01 --- 0.01 --- 0,01 0,02 0,05 0,04 10 10 20 50 ----- 10 --- 10 --- 0.0002 0.0015 0.02 1,3 --- 100000 15-20 15-20 25 310 2500 1743 --1069 16.9 10.3 12 0,001 1 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 10 15 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 2007 LOD No. CAS Nr. Name 74. 117-83-9 Dibutoxyethyl phthalate 75. 84-61-7 Dicyclohexyl phthalate 76. 28553-12-0 Diisononyl phthalate 77. 117-84-0 Di-n-octyl phthalate 78. 26761-40-0 Diisodecyl phthalate VIII. Brominated diethylethers 79. 32534-81-9 Pentabromdiphenylether, sum Pentabromdiphenylether, PBDE80. 60348-60-9 99 Pentabromdiphenylether, PBDE81. 189084-66-0 100 82. 32536-52-0 Octabrombiphenylethers 83. 1163-19-5 Decabrombiphenylethers 84. 79-94-7 Tetrabromobisphenol A, TBBPA 85. 59080-37-4 Tetrabromobiphenyl, PBB-52 86. 67888-96-4 Pentabromobiphenyl, PBB-101 87. 59080-40-9 Hexabromobiphenyl, PBB-153 88. --Tribromodiphenyl ether, PBDE-28 Tetrabromodiphenyl ether, PBDE89. 5436-43-1 47 Hexabromodiphenyl ether, PBDE90. 182677-30-1 138 Hexabromodiphenyl ether, PBDE91. 68631-49-2 153 Hexabromdiphenyl ether, PBDE92. 207122-15-4 154 Heptabromodiphenyl ether, PBDE93. 207122-16-5 183 Heptabromodiphenyl ether, PBDE94. 189084-68-2 190 95. 87-82-1 Hexabromobenzene 96. 25637-99-4 Hexabromocyclododecane IX. Other substances/ groups of substances C10-13 chloralkanes (Short chain 97. 85535-84-8 chlorinated parafins (SCCP)) 98. 87-86-5 Pentachlorphenol - PCP 99. 2921-88-2 Chlorpyrifos 100. --Cyanides -CN 101. --AOX SW/WW BS/WS μg/l μg/kg 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 1 50 50 50 50 1000 0,005 5 0,005 5 0,005 5 0,05 0,1 0,005 0,005 0,005 0,005 0,005 50 100 5 5 5 5 5 0,005 5 0,005 5 0,005 5 0,005 5 0,02 20 0,02 20 0,005 0,2 5 200 0,4 998 0,9 0,01 0,5 10 5 10 50 1000 MU (%) EQS*** EQS**** AA-EQS MAC-EQS BS SW SW μg/l μg/l μg/l 15 0,0005 --- 310 15 0,4 1,4 998 15/10 10 10 10 0,4 0,03 1 0,1 119 15 15 31 2007 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 6. Results of the analysis In total 870 samples from 44 sites were analysed (number of samples exclude the duplicates for the quality assurance and control; series of the ecotoxicity tests are considered as one sample). Evaluation of the results is rather difficult due to the absence of clear MAC for the substances discharged to the receiving environment or in the environment. The current Lithuanian law (Wastewater treatment regulation) sets the limits expressed as a maximum allowable concentration of hazardous substance to/in the receiving environment as an annual average (AA-MAC) and indicates the general principle that MAC cannot exceed AA-MAC more than twice. MAC applied for companies having obligations according IPPC requirements should be the same if BAT document does not state lower value. For the evaluation of the results EQS set by the new proposal for EQS under WFD and available limits set by Lithuanian law were applied (see Table 16). Although EQS for bottom sediments as given in the substance data sheets prepared for the implementation of WFD are not obligatory, but they are good indicator for the pollution of bottom sediments and indicate whether there is a potential negative impact for the bentic community. The table below also indicates the biggest discrepancies between currently applied Lithuanian standards (AA-MAC and MAC=2xAA-MAC) for surface water and upcoming AA-EQS, MAC-EQS (these parameters presented in gray cells and bold font): for cadmium, mercury, tributyltin, benzo[ghi]perylene, indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene, pentachlorphenol and pentabromdiphenylether the current Lithuanian limits are at least 5-10 times higher; for anthracene, benzene, di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate, C10-13 chloralkanes and chlorpyrifos – at least 5-10 times lower. slight difference (Lithuanian limits are higher) for nonylphenols and octylphenols, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, fluoranthene, heksachlorobenzene. Table 16. EU and Lithuanian standards for the limitation of hazardous substances discharges and occurrence in the environment. SW – surface water, BS – bottom sediments EQS – Environmental Quality Standard AA-EQS – Environmental Quality Standard expressed as an annual average value MAC-EQS – Environmental Quality Standard expressed as a maximum allowable concentration AA-MAC – maximum allowable concentration expressed as an annual average value MAC –Maximum allowable concentration MPA – Maximum permissible addition; it is applied in case of metals, then EQSsediments=Cbackground + MPA --not applicable * for metals in sediments measurement unit mg/kg ** for Cadmium and its compounds the EQS values vary dependent upon the hardness of the water as specified in five class categories *** EQS given in the table for the priority substances and other pollutants based on the proposal for the Directive on EQS (COM(2006) 397 final) **** EQS for bottom sediments are given based on the substance data sheets prepared for the implementation of WFD (CIRCA website). ***** LC – limit concentration; it is maximum concentration (calculated, measured or planned) of the substances that could be discharged to the environment without obligatory control. EQS*** EQS**** Current LIT standards AAAAAA-EQS MAC-EQS LC***** No. CAS Nr. Name BS MAC to MAC in SW SW to SW μg/l SW SW μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l I. Metals 0,080,45MPA= 5 1. 7440-43-9 Cadmium and its compounds* 40 --0,25** 1,5** 2.3* 2. 7440-66-6 Zinc and its compounds* 400 100 160 MPA= 3. 7439-92-1 Lead and its compounds* 7,2 --100 5 20 53.4* 4. 7440-02-0 Nickel and its compounds* 20 --2.9* 200 10 40 5. 7440-38-2 Arsenic and its compounds* 50 --20 6. 7440-50-8 Copper and its compounds* 500 10 100 32 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 2007 EQS*** No. 7. CAS Nr. 7439-97-6 Name Mercury and its compounds* II. Phenols and their ethoxylates 8. 104-40-5 4-Nonylphenol 9. 25154-52-3 Nonylphenols (mixture of izomers) 10. 1806-26-4 4-octylphenol 11. 140-66-9 4-tert-octylphenol III. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) 12. 120-12-7 Anthracene 13. 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene 14. 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 15. 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 16. 191-24-2 Benzo[ghi]perylene 17. 193-39-5 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 18. 91-20-3 Naphtalene 19. 206-44-0 Fluoranthene IV. Chloroorganic pesticides AA-EQS MAC-EQS SW SW μg/l μg/l 0,05 0,07 EQS**** BS μg/l Current LIT standards AAAALC***** MAC to MAC in to SW SW SW μg/l μg/l μg/l MPA = 470 2 1 --- 20 ----20 1 ----1 4 ----4 0,01 0,05 0,04 0,04 0,03 0,04 1 0,3 0,04 0,2 0,16 0,16 0,12 0,16 4 1,2 0,3 0,1 2 --- 180 34 0,1 0,05 0,4 0,1 310 2500 =0.03 --- =0.002 --- 2,4 0,1 --1 --1069 0,2 1 0,8 0,8 0,6 0,8 20 6 20. 118-74-1 Heksachlorobenzene V. Volatile organic compounds (VOC) 0,01 0,05 16.9 0,6 0,03 --- 21. 75-09-2 Dichlormethane 22. 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 23. 67-66-3 Chloroform (trichloromethane) 24. 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 25. 71-43-2 Benzene 26. 107-06-2 1,2-dichloroethane 27. 56-23-5 Tertrachlormethane VI. Organotin compounds 28. 688-73-3 Tributyltin 29. 3664-73-3 Tributyltin kations VII. Phtalates and their ethoxylates 30. 117-81-7 Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate - DEHP VIII. Brominated diethylethers 31. 32534-81-9 Pentabromdiphenylether, sum IX. Other substances/ groups of substances C10-13 chloralkanes (Short chain 32. 85535-84-8 chlorinated parafins (SCCP)) 33. 87-86-5 Pentachlorphenol - PCP 34. 2921-88-2 Chlorpyrifos 35. --Cyanides -CN 36. --AOX 20 10 ----- 200 200 200 200 40 200 240 10 10 12 10 2 10 12 40 ------8 ----- 1743 12 10 10 --50 10 --- 0.0002 0.0015 0.02 0,02 0,02 0,001 0,001 0,004 0,004 1,3 --- 100000 2 0,1 0,4 0,0005 --- 310 --- 0,1 --- 0,4 1,4 998 0,2 0,01 0,1 0,4 0,03 1 0,1 119 40 --100 2 0,0001 --- ----40 Overall results of the chemical analysis of samples are presented in the Annex 7. Site specific results with the selected substances of concern are presented in the Annex 8. A. Overview of the results by substances/ groups of substances 1) Metals Analysis of metals and their compounds was performed for 31 sites, including both wastewater/sewage sludge and receiving environment/sediments. The sites where analysis were performed in 2005 or is regularly performed within the monitoring programme were excluded. The analysis performed by EPA 33 2007 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA laboratory, excluding analysis of mercury in sediments within the second and third round (they were analysed by GALAB laboratory). In most cases the concentrations of metals in wastewater and surface water were in line with the current Lithuanian requirements, except zinc and copper. Zinc has exceeded AA-MAC to the discharges of wastewater to surface waters in 1 WWTP – Dzūkijos vandenys (408 μg/l), however it is not exceeding MAC - 800 μg/l. Copper exceeded AA-MAC in the surface water in harbour territory at JSC Klaipėdos kartonas (13 μg/l), however it is not exceeding MAC. For nickel the concern is raised due to its concentrations in sediments in the receiving environment (if to compare it to the EQS for bottom sediments as given in the substance data sheets prepared for the implementation of WFD): Nickel exceeds EQS for sediments (2,9 mg/l ) in harbour territory at JSC Klaipėdos kartonas (2,6-9,3 mg/l), Nemunas after Sovietsk (3,3 mg/l), Dysna at the border (5,1 mg/l), Šventoji below Anykščiai (3,0 mg/l), Siesartis below Šakiai (15 mg/l), Nevėžis below Panevėžys (11 mg/l) and Klaipėda channel at Baltijos kolūkis (4,4 mg/l). 2) Phenols and their ethoxylates Analysis of phenols and their ethoxylates was performed for 43 sites, including both wastewater/sewage sludge and receiving environment/sediments. All samples were analysed by GALAB laboratory. The major groups of nonylphenols and their ethoxylates detected were: iso-nonylphenol, 4-t-pentylphenol, 4t-octylphenol, nonylphenolmonoethoxylate, nonylphenoldiethoxylate and octylphenolmonoethoxylate, octylphenoldiethoxylate. Iso-nonylphenol was detected in wastewater from 9 WWTP. In most cases concentration has not exceeded 0,1 μg/l. In three cases the concentration of iso-nonylphenol in wastewater was higher than 1 μg/l: WWTP Radviliškio vanduo – 1,03 μg/l, WWTP of Švenčionėliai – 1,84 μg/l, WWTP Kauno vandenys – 1,59 μg/l. In the surface water it was detected only in Nevėžis below Panevėžys (0,044 μg/l). 4-t-octylphenol was detected in wastewater of 6 WWTP and 7 sites in the surface water. It was not exceeding 0,1 μg/l in any water body and only in 1 WWTP Kauno vandenys it was higher (0.12 μg/l), however it is far from the set MAC. Nonylphenolmonoethoxylate was detected in wastewater of 2 WWTP: WWTP Radviliškio vanduo (0,41 μg/l) and WWTP Kauno vandenys (2,2 μg/l). It was not detected in surface water. Octylphenolmonoethoxylate was detected in wastewater of WWTP Radviliškio vanduo (0,023 μg/l). It was not detected in surface water. The nonylphenols and their ethoxylates (iso-nonylphenol, 4-t-pentylphenol, 4-t-octylphenol, nonylphenolmonoethoxylate, nonylphenoldiethoxylate and octylphenolmonoethoxylate, octylphenoldiethoxylate) in the sludge were found in 23 WWTP. The high concentrations identified for iso-nonylphenol, nonylphenolmonoethoxylate and nonylphenoldiethoxylate in WWTP Dzūkijos vandenys, WWTP Klaipėdos vanduo, WWTP Utenos vandenys, WWTP Plungės vandenys, WWTP Vilniaus vandenys, WWTP of Švenčionėliai, WWTP of Pabradė, WWTP Kėdainių vandenys, WWTP Jonavos vandenys. Especially high concentrations detected in WWTP Radviliškio vanduo and WWTP Kauno vandenys. In the sediments of the receiving environment only iso-nonylphenol was found in high concentrations at two sites: Nemunas at Rusnė (3220 μg/l) and Nevėžis below Panevėžys (373 μg/l). It substantially exceeds EQS for nonylphenols for bottom sediments as given in the substance data sheets prepared for the implementation of WFD (180 μg/l). NPE are widely used in the surfactants for the degreasing and can be easily discharged to the waters from industrial and institutional cleaning processes, textile finishing processes (used in the auxiliaries), leather processing (used as auxiliary), pulp and paper industry (used as retention agent). Furthermore, NPE is contained in pesticides as co-formulant and could also get easily to the environment. It is likely that household use also contributes with the discharges of octyl- and nonylphenols and their ethoxylates to the WWTP and further on to the aquatic environment. As survey from WFD Project on Fact Sheets on Pollutants indicates the consumers are considered as the main inland pollution source for nonylphenols. The main use of OP is an intermediate in the production of phenol/formaldehyde resins, OPE are mainly used as emulsifiers for emulsion polymerisation while producing polymers, as well as emulsifier in finishing agents (mainly styrene-butadiene copolymers) in leather and textile auxiliaries. 34 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 2007 It is estimated (EUSES modelling, EU-RAR) that in municipal WWTP 20% of NPE get bound to sludge, 45% degrade, 25% reach surface water as nonylphenolmono- or diethoxylate and around 2.5% degrade to NP. The primary source of OP/NP is considered to be cctyl- and nonylphenol ethoxylates, which degrade to the octyl- and nonylphenols, therefore the nonylphenol levels are usually higher. 34% of NP in WWTP gets bound to sludge, 24% degrade and around 35% reach surface water. 3) Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) Analysis of phenols and their ethoxylates was performed for 43 sites, including both wastewater/sewage sludge and receiving environment/sediments. Analysis was performed by EPA laboratory. PAH were detected in wastewater of 13 WWTP, in most cases naphthalene. However it was far of reaching AA-MAC and MAC. Wastewater of WWTP Dzūkijos vandenys is quite highly contaminated with PAH. That is also the only place where the concentration of anthracene (0,6 μg/l) exceeds the MAC (0,4 μg/l). The bigger variety of PAH is found in the sewage sludge of the 23 WWTP. It includes naphthalene, anthracene, fluoranthene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, benzo[ghi]perylene, indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene, however their concentrations are not very high to raise the concern. From the analysed sites of surface water naphtalene was found at 12 sites, however is far of reaching AA-MAC or MAC. Benzo(a)pyrene and anthracene was detected in surface water at 2 sites but well below the AA-MAC or MAC. High variety of PAH detected in the sediments of the receiving environment, however the amounts are low comparing the EQS for bottom sediments as given in the substance data sheets prepared for the implementation of WFD. The highest concentrations identified in the Malkų bay at Klaipėda, however they are also not exceeding EQS for bottom sediments. The most important sources of the PAH emission nowadays are combustion of wood in the residential sector and road transportation (for naphthalene, anthracene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, benzo[ghi]perylene, indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene traffic and transportation are assumed to be the main inland pollution source), therefore the biggest loads to WWTP are assumed to come from atmospheric deposition onto paved surfaces and runoff. 4) Chloroorganic pesticides Analysis of chloroorganic pesticides was performed for 11 sites, which included only receiving environment – surface water and sediments. Analysis was performed by EPA laboratory. The only substance detected was heksachlorobenzene in the sediments of Šventoji river below Anykščiai (22 μg/l). It exceeds EQS for heksachlorbenzene for bottom sediments as given in the substance data sheets prepared for the implementation of WFD (16,9 μg/l). 5) Volatile organic compounds VOC were analysed at 34 sites, including both wastewater/sewage sludge and receiving environment/sediments. The sites where analysis were performed in 2005 or is regularly performed within the monitoring programme were excluded. Benzene, 1,2-dichlorethane, tetrachlormethane were not detected at any site. However it is important to notice that LOD of method applied by EPA laboratory for 1,2-dichlorethane analysis is 2,5 times lower than AA-EQS and current AA-MAC as well as MAC in the receiving environment (LOD - 25 μg/l, AA-EQS and AA-MAC – 10 μg/l); Chloroform was found only at one site – in the surface water of Venta river at the border in the concentration of 388 μg/l. It exceeded current AA-MAC in receiving environment (12 μg/l) more than 30 times, accordingly MAC – more than 15 times. As the monitoring results of years 2005-2006 shows the concentration of chloroform in Venta below Mažeikiai was always high, while it was not detected above Mažeikiai. In order to clarify the reasons for such concentrations further analysis and investigations are necessary. The potential sources of chloroform could be laboratories, use of chloroform in agriculture as pesticide, use as solvent in electronics industry. Dichlormethane detected in wastewater of 2 WWTP: Varėnos vandenys – 5,9 μg/l, Kėdainių vandenys – 5 μg/l. It does not exceed AA-MAC, MAC or limit concentration for the effluents to the receiving environment. Tetrachlorethylene detected in wastewater of 4 WWTP: Klaipėdos vandenys – 21-27 μg/l, WWTP of Marijampolė – 0,16 μg/l, WWTP of Vilkaviškis – 0,19 μg/l, Vilniaus vandenys – 0,64 μg/l. It is far from reaching AA-MAC and MAC for effluents to the water environment (200 μg/l). 35 2007 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA Trichlorethylene was detected only in WWTP Klaipėdos vanduo – 0,17-0,18 μg/l. It is far from reaching AA-MAC and MAC for effluents to the water environment (200 μg/l). 6) Organotin compounds Organotin compounds were analysed at 43 sites. Analysis was done in the samples of wastewater, sewage sludge and sediments in the receiving environment. Tributyltin (TBT) was detected in the sludge from nearly all WWTP (22 from 25), however it was not detected in the wastewater of any WWTP. Wastewater of many WWTP was mostly contaminated by monobutyltin (MBT) and dibutyltin (DBT). That might be explained by the microbial transformation of TBT (dealkylation and methylation). TBT is dealkylated first to dibutyltin and further on to monobutyltin. Based on the conclusions of Swedish screening study (Sternbeck at al. 2006) products including organotins and urban storm water are causing significant load (diffuse) of organotins to WWTP in the urban area. In wastewater treatment plants butyltins can be significantly eliminated from wastewater by adsorption onto suspended matter and further by sedimentation of sludge. In the surface water (rivers) butyltin was measured only at several sites, mainly after bigger cities. Butyltin was detected in: o Nemunas below Sovietsk (MBT – 0,008 μg/l, DBT – 0,004 μg/l); o Nemunas below Kaunas (DBT – 0,01 μg/l, TBT – 0,004 μg/l); o Nevėžis below Panevėžys (MBT – 0,008 μg/l, DBT – 0,006 μg/l, TBT – 0,004 μg/l); o Tributyltin in both places exceeded current Lithuanian AA-MAC (0,001 μg/l) and MAC (0,002 μg/l) in surface water as well as proposed EU MAC-EQS (0,0015 μg/l). It is important to notice that AA-EQS for the inland surface water proposed by EU is very low – 0,0002 μg/l. High amounts of tributyltin and its degradation products were found in the sediments of most analysed rivers: o Nemunas at Rusnė (TBT – 12,4 μg/l, MBT - 150 μg/l, DBT - 100 μg/l); o Akmena at the estuary (TBT - 585 μg/l, MBT – 12,9 μg/l, DBT – 22,1 μg/l); o Neris at Buivydžiai (TBT – 1,6 μg/l, MBT – 2,1-15,8 μg/l, DBT – 1,9); o Siesartis below Šakiai (TBT – 8,3 μg/l, MBT – 59,5 μg/l, DBT - 25 μg/l); o Nemunas below Kaunas (MBT – 1,4 μg/l); o Nevėžis below Panevėžys (TBT – 6,4 μg/l, MBT - 121 μg/l, DBT – 25,9 μg/l). TBT concentrations in bottom sediments are highly exceeding EQS for bottom sediments as given in the substance data sheets prepared for the implementation of WFD (0,02 μg/l). It can be explained by the moderate hydrophobic properties of organotins, therefore they strongly associate to the particles in the aquatic environment. Butyltins concentrations are very high in the sites situated at harbour territory in Klaipėda channel: o bottom sediments in Malkų bay: TBT – 1920-2400 μg/l, DBT – 11-164 μg/l, MBT – 36,9-56,8 μg/l; o bottom sediments at the gates: TBT – 35,8 μg/l, DBT – 3,5 μg/l, MBT – 1,5 μg/l; o bottom sediments at JSC Klaipėdos kartonas: TBT – 12,8-68,5 μg/l, DBT – 1,7-5,4 μg/l, MBT – 1,9-4,7 μg/l; o surface water at JSC Klaipėdos kartonas: TBT – 0,011-0,012 μg/l, DBT – 0,007 μg/l, MBT – 0,004-0,005 μg/l; TBT concentrations exceed both MAC-EQS (0,0015 μg/l) and MAC (0,002 μg/l) for the surface water as well as EQS for the bottom sediments (0,02 μg/l). Although TBT are not anymore used in antifouling paints, it is still leaching from the sea ships hulls. Triphenyltin and its degradation products were found in the sediments of Malkų bay (6,4-7,4 μg/l), Nevėžis below Panevėžys (16,3 μg/l) and sewage sludge of of WWTP of Vilkaviškis (2,8 μg/l). Octyltins (dioctyltin and monooctyltin) were found in the sludge of most WWTP as well as the sediments in the receiving environment. Octyltins can be used for rigid PVC potable water pipes and fittings in countries where lead stabilizers are not allowed for regulatory reasons. Butyltins are also used for rigid PVC profiles and sidings, Venetian blinds, rain gutters, window profiles. 7) Phtalates and their ethoxylates Phtalates and their ethoxylates were analysed at 43 sites in all 4 matrixes: wastewater, sewage sludge, surface water and sediments in the receiving environment. All analyses were performed by GALAB laboratory. 36 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 2007 Phtalates and their ethoxylates in wastewater were detected in 22 WWTP from 25 investigated and in the sewage sludge of all 25 investigated WWTP. The most common phtalates detected: dibutylphtalate, diisobutylphtalate, diisononylphtalate and di-2-ethylhexylphtalate. Di-2-ethylhexylphtalate was detected in wastewater of 14 WWTP. In 4 WWTP it exceeded currently applied AA-MAC (2 μg/l) for effluents to the surface water: WWTP Aukštaitijos vandenys – 1,95-3,22 μg/l, WWTP Anykščių vandenys – 0,42-2,75 μg/l, WWTP of Švenčionėliai – 10,4-53,2 μg/l, WWTP Kauno vandenys – 2,97-4,25 μg/l and nearly reached the limit in WWTP Vilniaus vandenys – 1,55 μg/l. In WWTP of Švenčionėliai – 10,4-53,2 μg/l is highly exceeding also MAC (4 μg/l). Comparing among the different phtalates and their ethoxylates di-2-ethylhexylphtalate concentrations were the highest both in the wastewater and sewage sludge. It was followed by diisononylphtalate and then dibutylphtalate. Di-2-ethylhexylphtalate was detected nearly in all analysed sites of surface water: o rivers: Nemunas at the border – 0,18 μg/l, Nemunas after Sovietsk – 0,61 μg/l, Nemunas at Rusnė – 3,45 μg/l, Akmena at estuary – 2,19 μg/l, Šventoji at the border – 0,98 μg/l, Nemunėlis at the border – 0,09 μg/l, Dysna at the border – 3,85 μg/l, Venta at the border – 1,33 μg/l, Neris at Buivydžiai – 0,68 μg/l, Siesartis below Šakiai – 0,09 μg/l, Nevėžis below Panevėžys – 0,41 μg/l; practically in all sites it exceeds or is very closed to current AA-MAC (0,1 μg/l) and MAC (0,2 μg/l); o Malkų bay – 0,13-0,81 μg/l, harbour area at the gate – 0,82 μg/l, harbour area at JSC Klaipėdos kartonas – 0,23-1,27 μg/l; in all sites it exceeds current AA-MAC (0,1 μg/l) and/or MAC (0,2 μg/l). The concentration of di-2-ethylhexylphtalate in bottom sediments in rivers never exceeded EQS for bottom sediments as given in the substance data sheets prepared for the implementation of WFD (100000 μg/l). The concentration of diisobutylphtalates in the surface water of rivers varied from 0,24 μg/l to 5,6 μg/l. The concentration of dibutylphtalate in surface water in rivers detected in most of the rivers and varied from 0,07 μg/l to 1,25 μg/l. The phtalates are notorious for being difficult to analyse due to contamination from plastic laboratory and sampling equipment. During the project the bottles with plastic caps were used, however during the second sampling/analysis round the plastic caps were isolated from sample by foil. Furthermore, to get an impression of possible impacts on the results due to the plastic parts 5 parallel samples of wastewater were performed with and without foil (samples were taken from the places where the concentrations of phtalates during the first sampling/analysis round were the highest). The comparison of the results (see Table 17) do not show any clear tendency that phtalates migrated to the samples from plastic parts of the bottles used for storage of samples. Table 17. Comparison of the results of samples stored with isolated and non-isolated plastic caps. Substance Diethylphtalate Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate Diisobutylphtalate Dibutylphtalate Diisononylphtalate Sample without foil not detected 0,07 0,08 1,77 1,56 2,52 0,36 0,24 10,4 4,25 0,22 0,46 0,65 1,87 2,89 0,08 not detected 0,2 0,42 not detected 3,78 1,6 Sample with foil 0,1 0,11 0,09 1,92 1,04 1,95 0,42 0,27 11,7 4,19 0,68 1,28 1,64 8,67 1,73 0,23 0,08 0,18 not detected 1,23 8,32 not detected 37 2007 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA Phtalates are very widely used in plastic materials (especially PVC) as softener, plasticizer. They are not fixed, i.e. they easily migrate from plastic to the environment. Therefore DEHP can result from materials and run off from buildings and constructions in urban areas (washed out from roofs, storm water pipes, drainage pipes etc.). They can be discharged with sewage effluents or storm water as a result of household use of PVC with DEHP as well as landfills. 8) Brominated diphenylethers Brominated diphenylethers were analysed at 43 sites in 3 matrixes: wastewater, sewage sludge and sediments in the receiving environment. All analyses were performed by GALAB laboratory. 4 substances from the list of BDPE were detected in sewage sludge of some WWTP and sediments of Nemunas river at Rusnė: Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) was found in Nemunas at Rusnė – 14 μg/l, WWTP Aukštaitijos vandenys – 12,3 μg/l, WWTP Anykščių vandenys – 8,8 μg/l, WWTP Šiaulių vandenys – 8,9 μg/l, WWTP Plungės vandenys – 37,7 μg/l, WWTP Radviliškio vanduo – 83,7 μg/l, WWTP Vilniaus vandenys – 14,4 μg/l, WWTP of Pabradė - 6 μg/l. Tetrabromodiphenyl ether (PBDE-47) was detected in Nemunas at Rusnė sediments – 6,3 μg/l and WWTP Radviliškio vanduo – 18,2 μg/l. Pentabromodiphenyl ether (PBDE-99) was found in WWTP of Pabradė – 5,1 μg/l, WWTP Vilniaus vandenys – 5,4 μg/l, WWTP Radviliškio vanduo – 29,5 μg/l. Decabromodiphenyl ether (PBDE-209) was found in WWTP Vilniaus vandenys – 3410 μg/l, WWTP of Pabradė – 293 μg/l. The sewage sludge of 3 WWTP (Radviliškio vandenys, Vilniaus vandenys and WWTP of Pabradė) are contaminated by several BDPE. BDPE are mainly used in the imported finished articles. Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) is the most largely used BDPE, especially in the printed circuit boards in electrical and electronic equipment. Other important product groups in which brominated flame retardants are found are insulation materials and textiles, upholstery, plastics and electronics in cars. The main use of pentaBDPE is the manufacture and different applications of flexible polyurethane foams. OctaBDPE is mainly used in acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) polymers. DecaBDPE are mainly used in plastic/polymer applications and textile applications. TetraBDPE and pentaBDPE may also form from octaBDPE or decaBDPE due to the photochemical degradation. However BDPE pathway to the water environment is not well known yet but could include releases from manufacturing or processing of the chemicals into products like plastics or textiles. Residues from washing clothes and fabrics that have been treated with flame retardants may be flushed away down the drains, however it is not expected to be substantial amount. Consumers are considered as one of the main inland pollution source for brominated diphenylethers (survey from WFD Project on Fact Sheets on Pollutants). Brominated diphenylethers have a strong affinity to stick to solid particles and most of the residues entering the sewage treatment system are therefore likely to be bound to the solid materials, which are suspended in sewage. LOD of the method applied for the pentabromodiphenyl ether analysis in water (0,005 μg/l) is too low to comply with the proposed EQS on EU level (0,0005 μg/l). Furthermore, in the future it should be considered that AA-MAC in the water of the receiving environment currently applied in Lithuania (0,1 μg/l) is very far from proposed EQS. 9) Short chain chlorinated parafins Short chain chlorinated parafins (SCCP) were analysed at 43 sites mainly in 3 matrixes: wastewater, sewage sludge and sediments in the receiving environment. However several sites included also analysis of SCCP in surface water. All analyses were performed by GALAB laboratory. SCCP were not detected at any of the sites. LOD of the method applied for the analysis of SCCP in the project (0,4 μg/l) is in line with the currently proposed EQS on EU level. However it does not satisfy the MAC set by Lithuanian legislation in the receiving environment (0,02 μg/l). 10) Pentachlorphenol The analysis of pentachlorphenol (PCP) was performed for 33 sites. It covered all 4 matrixes: wastewater, sewage sludge, surface water and sediments in the receiving environment. Wastewater and surface water analysis were performed by EPA laboratory and sewage sludge and sediments by GALAB. 38 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 2007 PCP was detected only at 1 site: sewage sludge of WWTP Anykščių vandenys – 54,7 μg/l. Furthermore, the attention should be paid to the LOD of the currently applied method for PCP analysis in wastewater or surface water (by EPA laboratory), since it does not comply with the needs of the proposed EQS on EU level (LOD=0.9 μg/l, EQS=0.4 μg/l). 11) Chlorpyrifos Chlorpyrifos was analysed in 3 WWTP in sewage sludge and wastewater. It was selected by the project for “testing” based on the fact that chlorpyrifos occurs on the Lithuanian market. It is used as biocide mainly for fighting cockroaches, thus, it could be used by consumers as well as by professional services. Therefore analysis was performed for 2 WWTP plants of big cities and 1 WWTP of smaller city with big number of sanatoriums. The analysis was performed by GALAB laboratory. Chlorpyrifos was not detected in any of 3 analysed sites. LOD of the method applied within the project (0.01 μg/l) is in the line with proposed EQS on EU level (0.03 μg/l), however it does not satisfy the needs of Lithuanian requirements of MAC in the receiving environment (0,0002 μg/l). 12) Cyanides, AOX Cyanides and AOX were analysed only in 1 site – Nemunas river after Sovietsk. Such decision was based on the assumption of the potential emissions of these substances from Sovietsk sewage system from the metal processing and mirror production industry (CN) and pulp and paper industry (AOX) in Sovietsk city (Kaliningrad region). Cyanides were not detected in the receiving environment. AOX in the surface water <20 μg/l, in the sediments 16000 μg/l. B. Overview of the results in the receiving environment 1) Transboundary rivers During the project 8 sites on transboundary rivers at the border were covered: 4 rivers flowing into Lithuania: Nemunas, Neris, Dysna, Šventoji 4 rivers flowing out of Lithuania to Latvia: Nemunėlis, Mūša, Bartuva, Venta The most problematic substance groups for all rivers inflowing to Lithuania are phtalates due to their high concentrations in surface water. Nickel and tributyltin in bottom sediments are of concern due to their potential negative impact to the bentic community. Nemunas river at the border. Several groups of substances were detected in the surface water and sediments - metals, octylphenol, naphthalene but their concentrations are well below the existing or upcoming legal requirements (MAC, EQS). The only substance exceeding existing AA-MAC in surface water and quite close to MAC is DEHP – 0,18 μg/l (AA-MAC= 0.1 μg/l, MAC=0.2 μg/l). However as foreseen Europe wide AA-EQS=1.3 μg/l, the quality of the water is still good. Šventoji river at the border. The substances detected in the surface water and sediments of the river – PAH and phtalates. PAH are well below the existing and foreseen limits. DEHP is exceeding existing AAMAC and MAC in surface water – 0,98 μg/l (AA-MAC= 0.1 μg/l, MAC=0.2 μg/). The concentration of diisobutylphtalate is also high - 2.95 μg/l. Dysna river at the border. Substance groups detected in the surface water and sediments of the river at investigated site – metals, PAH and phtalates. Both metals and PAH are well below of existing and foreseen limits, except nickel. Its concentration in bottom sediments is 5.1 mg/l, which is exceeding EQS for sediments 2.9 mg/l. The big concern is raised due to the high concentrations of phtalates in the surface water. DEHP (3.85 μg/l) is exceeding both existing MAC (0.2 μg/l) and foreseen EQS (1.3 μg/l). Other phtalates are also in high concentrations: diisononylphtalate – 6.97 μg/l, diisobutylphtalate – 1.61 μg/l, dibutylphtalate – 1.19 μg/l. Neris river at the border. Metals, octylphenol and PAH were detected in the river but in low concentrations far of reaching existing and foreseen limits. DEHP in surface water (0.68 μg/l) exceeds the existing MAC. The concentration of dibutylphtalate is also high. Another substance of concern – tributyltin, which was detected in the bottom sediments in the concentration 1.6 μg/l, which is much higher that EQS for sediments (0.02 μg/l) and may strongly influence bentic community. With regard to the water quality of the rivers flowing from Lithuania to Latvia the biggest problems are raised again due to phtalates, although according the newly proposed EQS the quality is not sufficient only in one river – Venta. In the same river the high concentration of chloroform was detected in high concentration. 39 2007 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 2) Bartuva river at the border. The PAH detected both in surface water and sediments are well below the existing and foreseen limits. The concentration of diisobutylphtalate is very high – 5.12 μg/l. Diisobutylphtalate is classified as very toxic for the aquatic environment (R50/53). Nemunėlis at the border. PAH were detected in the bottom sediments but in low concentration, well below of existing limits. Phtalates raise quite high concern – DEHL (0,09 μg/l) is nearly reaching existing AA-MAC (0,1 μg/l). Also concentrations of other phtalates are rather high. Mūša river at the border. The only substances detected were naphthalene and DEHP in the bottom sediments, both in low concentrations. Venta river at the border. The detected concentrations of PAH in water and sediments are very low. Other two substances detected in surface water chloroform (388 μg/l) and DEHP (1,33 μg/l) exceeded the existing and foreseen limits substantially. The further monitoring and sources tracking of chloroform must be performed. Waters inletting into Curonian Lagoon/ Klaipėda Channel The water quality and bottom sediments of 2 rivers inletting into the Curonian Lagoon and Klaipėda Channel were investigated within the project: Nemunas at Rusnė and Akmena at the estuary. The surface water of both rivers is highly polluted with DEHP and bottom sediments with organotin compounds. Nemunas at Rusnė. In the surface water only phtalates were detected. DEHP was found in the concentration 3,45 μg/l and highly exceeds the existing AA-MAC and MAC (0,2 μg/l) as well as foreseen EQS (1,3 μg/l). Furthermore the concentrations of organotin compounds and nonylphenol in sediments are very high. They are much exceeding the EQS for the bentic community: nonylphenol – 3220 μg/l (EQS=180 μg/l), tributyltin – 12.4 μg/l (EQS=0.02 μg/l). Akmena at the estuary. PAH detected in the surface water and sediments are well below the existing and foreseen limits. Concentration of DEHP in the surface water 10 times exceeds the currently applied MAC (0.2 μg/l). Also concentration of diisobutylphtalate in the surface water is very high – 5.6 μg/l. Organotins are of concerns due to their high concentration in the bottom sediments and their potential negative impact to the bentic community. The concentration of tributyltin in sediments - 585 μg/l highly exceeds EQS indicated in the substance fact sheet – 0.02 μg/l. 3) Transitional waters of Klaipėda Channel 4 sites at the transitional waters of Klaipėda Channel were investigated: Malkų bay, harbour area at JSC Klaipėdos kartonas and at the gates, Klaipėda Channel at Baltijos kolūkis. This area was supposed to be highly contaminated with many of the investigated substances. Sampling and analysis in two of these sites – Malkų bay and harbour area at JSC Klaipėdos kartonas were repeated three times due to the specific environmental conditions. It was problematic to make any conclusions after first two analysis rounds due to the strong water inflow to the Curronian lagoon from the sea that could highly influence the concentrations of hazardous substances, especially in water, however also in sediments in the harbour area. The main substances of concern are phtalates, tributyltin and nickel. Malkų bay. The substances from 5 analysed groups of substances were detected: metals, phenols, PAH, organotin compounds and phtalates. The only group of substances raising concern for the surface water is phtalates. The detected concentration of DEHP is 0,13-0,81 μg/l and it exceeds the currently applied MAC (0,2 μg/l). The concentrations of nickel and tributyltin in the sediments are well exceeding the EQS for sediments in order to ensure good conditions for bentic community: Ni - 13 m/l (EQS=2.9 mg/l), TBT – 1920-2400 μg/l (EQS=0.02 μg/l). Harbour territory at JSC Klaipėdos kartonas. This site is highly poluted with organotins and phtalates. The concentration of phtalates in surface water varies from 0,23 μg/l to 1,27 μg/l and exceeds existing MAC. The concentration of tributyltin varies from 0,011 μg/l to 0,012 μg/l and exceeds more than 5 times both MAC (0,002 μg/l) and more than 10 times MAC-EQS (0,0015 μg/l). The concentration of tributyltin in sediments is also very high 12,8-68,5 μg/l. Furthermore, the concentration of copper in surface water once exceeded AA-MAC and the concentration of nickel in sediments is higher that EQS for bentic community. Harbour area at the gates. The concentration of DEHP in surface water at the gates gets lower – 0,82 μg/l, however it is still exceeding MAC (0,2 μg/l). The concentration of tributyltin in sediment is still very high – 35,8 μg/l. Klaipėda Channel at Baltijos kolūkis. This site was investigated in the addition and only the analysis of metals, PAH and chloroorganic pesticides in sediments were performed in EPA laboratory. Only nickel was found in substantial concentrations – 4,4 mg/l, which exceeds the EQS for the sediments. 40 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 2007 5) Rivers below polluting cities 5 sites on the rivers below highly polluting cities were analysed: Nemunas below Sovietsk, Šventoji below Anykščiai, Siesartis below Šakiai, Nemunas below Kaunas and Nevėžis below Panevėžys. Four last sites were added to the screening programme after the results of the first analysis round in order to check the potential impact of the polluted effluents. However it cannot be interpreted as the pollution in the rivers is caused mainly due to the effluents of these specific cities since the analysis in rivers above the cities were not performed in the project. Siesartis below Šakiai. The effluents from Šakiai were highly polluted with organotin compounds and some phtalates: Group of Subtances substances OT Pht&E Monobutyltin Dibutyltin Tributyltin Monooctyltin Dioctyltin Diisobutylphtalate Dibutylphtalate Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate Diisononyl phthalate WW WS μg/L μg/kg* 11,1 117 2,32 74,6 6,4 15,3 10,3 0,35 295 24900 3010 The water quality of the river below the city was rather good except the contamination with phtalates. DEHP (0,09 μg/l) nearly reaches AA-MAC (0,1 μg/l), the concentration of benzylbutylphtalate is also high – 1,55 μg/l. The concentration of organotin compounds in the sediments is very high, tributyltin exceeds the EQS for the bentic community: Group of substances Subtances Monobutyltin Dibutyltin Tributyltin OT Monooctyltin Dioctyltin WS μg/kg* 59,5 25 8,3 11,3 7,2 Nevėžis below Panevėžys. The effluents of Panevėžys were contaminated with metals, organotin and phtalates. Group of Subtances substances MET* OT Pht&E Cadmium Nickel Lead Arsenic Copper Zinc Mercury Monobutyltin Dibutyltin Tributyltin Monooctyltin Dioctyltin Diethylphtalate Diisobutylphtalate Dibutylphtalate Benzylbutylphtalate Diphenylphtalate Dibutoxyethyl phthalate WS μg/kg* WW μg/L 5,8 28 1290 0,82 127 1140 0,5 237 128 21,7 85,1 70,8 1,8 4 1,1 28 0,03 0,029 0,004 0,22 0,1 0,68 186 306 0,66 16300 0,1 41 2007 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA Group of Subtances substances WW μg/L 3,22 2,52 Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate Diisononyl phthalate WS μg/kg* 1,95 73300 17000 Nevėžis river below city is also contaminated by phtalates and tributyltin, which concentration exceeds the existing standards – MAC and EQS. Furthermore the concentration of nickel, tributyltin and nonylphenol in the bottom sediments are also well above the EQS for the bentic community. Group of Subtances substances Cadmium WW μg/L Nickel 1,5 Lead Arsenic Copper Zinc Mercury MET* Ph&E OT Pht&E WS μg/kg* 1,8 4,1 9,7 iso-Nonylphenol Monobutyltin Dibutyltin 0,04 0,008 0,006 Tributyltin 0,004 Monooctyltin Dioctyltin Triphenyltin Diisobutylphtalate Dibutylphtalate Benzylbutylphtalate Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate Diisononylphtalate 0,3 0,06 0,41 11 63 0,18 57 240 0,53 373 121 25,9 6,4 19,4 5,6 16,3 1000 356 22000 9470 Šventoji below Anykščiai. The effluents of Anykščiai city were much contaminated with phtalates, especially DEHP and diisononylphtalate. Group of Subtances substances WW μg/L OT Monobutyltin Dibutyltin Tributyltin Monooctyltin Dioctyltin Pht&E Diethylphtalate Diisobutylphtalate Dibutylphtalate Benzylbutylphtalate Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate Diisononyl phthalate WS μg/kg* 0,01 0,004 0,83 0,17 2,75 8,93 0,07 0,46 0,08 0,06 0,36 0,42 0,11 1,28 0,23 1,31 0,42 186 65,4 9,3 30,5 26,8 51,5 5,9 1,5 6,8 2,5 1110 271 471 36600 5080 The river below the city is mainly contaminated with phtalates, however not DEHP. Furthermore the concentration of nickel and heksachlorbenzene in the bottom sediments exceed EQS for the bentic community as proposed in the fact sheet of the substances. Group of Subtances substances Cadmium SW μg/L 3 Nickel MET* Pht&E 42 Lead Arsenic Copper Zinc Diisobutylphtalate BS μg/kg* 0,012 6 1,32 1,7 0,45 1,2 7,8 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 2007 Group of Subtances substances Dibutylphtalate Benzylbutylphtalate COP SW μg/L BS μg/kg* 0,06 0,54 22 Heksachlorobenzene Nemunas below Kaunas. The effluents of Kaunas were mostly contaminated by phenols, organotin compounds and phtalates, especially DEHP. Group of Subtances substances 4-t-Butylphenol 4-t-Pentylphenol 4-t-Octylphenol iso-Nonylphenol Nonylphenolmonoethoxylate Ph&E Nonylphenoldiethoxylate Monobutyltin Dibutyltin Tributyltin Monooctyltin OT Dioctyltin Dimethylphtalate Diethylphtalate Diisobutylphtalate Dibutylphtalate Benzylbutylphtalate Dibutoxyethyl phthalate Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate Pht&E Diisononylphtalate WW μg/L 0,12 1,59 2,2 6,02 5,32 WS μg/kg* 39 77 730 51800 18200 2070 221 219 13,1 70,1 34,3 351 0,32 1,56 2,89 0,19 1,04 1,73 2,97 4,25 1,03 1,6 0,06 4,19 136000 55900 39700 44100 1,19 0,24 1390 892 426 1030 182 In the river below Kaunas the high amount of tributyltin was detected. Other substances have not reached the existing limits. Group of Subtances substances Ph&E 4-t-Octylphenol Monobutyltin Dibutyltin OT Tributyltin Pht&E Diisobutylphtalate Benzylbutylphtalate SW BS μg/L μg/kg* 0,02 1,4 0,01 0,004 0,1 0,87 Nemunas below Sovietsk. The major concern with regard to Nemunas river quality after Sovietsk is due to the phtalates in the surface water. DEHP – 0.61 μg/l exceeds the currently applied MAC (0.2 μg/l). The other significant pollutants can be organotin compounds. Metals, phenols, PAH are also detected but well below the existing and foreseen limits. In addition at this site cyanides and AOX were investigated. Cyanides were not detected, AOX=16000 μg/l. In order to clarify what specific AOX are detected, further investigation is necessary. 43 2007 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA C. Results of ecotoxicity tests Toxicity assessment was performed using test battery consisting of 5 biotests for the acute toxicity: 90 min electrophysiological test with Nitellopsis obtusa (Charatox) 72 h growth inhibition test with Selenastrum capricornutum (Algaltoxkit FTM) 24 h mortality test with Thamnocephalus platyurus (Thamnotoxkit FTM) 24 h mortality test with Brachionus calyciflorus (Rotoxkit FTM) 30 min bioluminescence inhibition with Vibrio fischeri (Microtox) 36 wastewater and 14 surface water samples were examined in total. All 36 wastewater samples were tested with Charatox and Thamnotoxkit, 25 samples – with Microtox. To assess and rank water sample toxicities, the results of these three biotests were integrated into numerical indices. These biotests had relatively good sensitivity determining the toxicity of wastewater: Microtox 48 % (12 samples of 25), Charatox 58 % (21 of 36) and Thamnotoxkit 68 % (25 of 36). Rotoxkit was not considered for the final evaluation due to its low sensitivity (only 3 tests of 22 showed the toxic signal). The test-battery used enabled us to cover entire dynamic range of toxic responses (Tables 1 and 2, Annex IX): from 0 toxicity (all three tests negative, 5 of 36 samples) to maximum toxicity (all three tests positive, 3 of 36 samples) and intermediate toxicity (when only some test organisms were affected, 22 out of 36, e.g. WWTPs of “Kauno vandenys”, “Dzūkijos vandenys”, “Mažeikių nafta”, “Radviliškio vandenys” etc. The results of Charatox, Thamnotoxkit, Microtox were used to calculate an integral index, Toxic Print, which is Average Toxicity multiplied by the number of positevily responsed tests). According to this index and toxicity scale [Persoone et al., 2003] 36 wastewater samples (Tables 1 and 2, Annex IX) were classified: 5 were not toxic; 13 – slightly toxic; 17 – toxic; 1 – very toxic (WWTP of Šakiai, No.9, Table 1, Annex IX). This index is suitable for the characterisation of the toxicity of wastewater samples, filtrates from landfills, outwash of sediments or sludge [Férard, Ferrari, 2005]. Further on, PEEP index [Costan et al., 1993], which considers both toxicity (represented by the Toxic Print) and volume of wastewater discharged to the environment (represented as effluent flow in m 3/h) (their product is called Toxic Load), was calculated. This index provides more information on potential impact to water organisms and allows to compare the wastewater not only according to their “statical” (average or toxic print) but also “dynamic” (average day flow) characteristics. For example, the toxic print of wastewater from WWTPs “Vilniaus vandenys” and “Dzūkijos vandenys” (Annex IX, Table 1, No. 24 and 4, respectively) are similar 4.49 and 4.71, however, if to consider their effluent flow and corresponding parameters of Toxic Loads, the impact of wastewater from WWTP “Dzūkijos vandenys” is approx. 10 times lower than that of wastewater from WWTP “Vilniaus vandenys”, i.e. 2024 and 21573 TU x m3/h, respectively. Using the latter parameter expressed as percentage from the total wastewater toxic load it is possible to determine the entities having potentially the highest negative impact to the recipient environment. During the first round of WW-analysis, in the spring-summer period, the highest toxicity loads were from WWTP “Vilniaus vandenys” and WWTP “Kauno vandenys” (46.30 and 17.33 %, respectively, Table 1, Annex IX), while during the second round, in the autumn period – from WWTP “Aukštaitijos vandenys” (%) and WWTP “Kauno vandenys” (43.37 and 32.75 %, respectively, Table 2, Annex IX). Using numerical values of PEEP-index (Table 1 and 2, Annex IX) and newly proposed classification scale [Ronco et al., 2005], the results were following: 15 samples were not toxic or minutely toxic; 10 slightly toxic; 9 medium toxic 1 very toxic (WWTP Vilniaus vandenys, Table 1, Annex IX). The results of the analysis of surface water according to the index of toxic print: 4 samples of water from 3 sites (Nemunas at Belarussia border, Šventoji river at the border and Nemunas below Kaunas) were not toxic; toxic impact of water to testing organisms from 2 sites (harbour teritorry at the gates and harbour teritory at JSC “Klaipėdos kartonas”); 44 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 2007 7 samples of surface water were slightly toxic (impact to testing organisms in 1 or 2 tests from the test battery. The overview on all results is provided in the Annex IX. The correlation between the results of chemical analysis and biotests is rather difficult since in most cases the concentrations of analysed chemical substances or groups of substances were below the accepted limits. The cases for further consideration could be WWTP of Kėdainiai, Varėna, Birštonas, Marijampolė, Kazlų Rūda (because of organotins) and WWTP of Kaunas, Radviliškis, Panevėžys, Anykščiai and Švenčionėliai (because of phtalates). Especially in the case of Švenčionėliai the significant toxicity of wastewater could be influenced by phtalates, which concentration exceeded set limit more than 15 times. However, further investigations are needed to prove that. In other cases, the toxicity of wastewater can be partly explained by other exceeded parameters, such as nitrites, nitrates, total phosphorus, COD, BOD etc.[Manusadžianas et al., 1998, 2003; Vindimian et al., 1999]. 45 2007 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 7. Potential sources of hazardous substances The table below presents an overview on the potential sources of less known hazardous substances, i.e. industry branches, processes, products as well as other sources. This information could be used for further evaluation of the primary sources of hazardous substances occurred in the wastewater/sludge and the receiving environment during the project. Furthermore, it could serve as preliminary guidance for the permitting authorities considering the importance of different hazardous substances for the applicant of the permit. Table 18. Overview on the potential sources of hazardous substances Substances Source/process Type of products Metal industry SCCP/MCCP Cutting, drilling NPE/OPE Cutting, drilling TBT Shipbuilding and repairing – removing paint and painting. Leaching to marine environment from sea ship hulls. Shipbuilding and repairing – removing paint and painting. Leaching to marine environment from sea ship hulls High pressure additive in metal processing fluids (both water and oil based) High pressure additive in metal processing fluids Antifouling paint TPhT Electronic industry PentaBDPE NPE OP Electrical equipment (electronic circuits, TVs, monitors etc.) Antifouling paint Flame retardant Production of electrical equipment Production of electric windings (e.g. in motors, transformers) Soldering agent Electrical insulation varnish and bonding the windings Flux agent Finishing (textile coating) Flame retardants Finishing (in most modern printing processes) Used in printing ink formulations as emulsifier (mainly in styrenebutadiene copolymers) Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) NPE SCCP Finishing TBT Plastic industry Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs Finishing Flame retardant, back coating from polystyrene Surfactants, conditioning agent Flame retardant, agent for water resistance, antifungal agent Antifungal agent Textile Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (pentaBDPE, octaBDPE, decaBDPE) OP/OPE Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) and its derivatives 46 Finishing Finishing of technical textile Formulation (blending Iof polymers with various additives) and industrial use (production of finished plastic articles). Used in polyurethane foams, in thermoplastics such as ABS, polystyrene and polycarbonate: (OctaBDPE used in plastics in electrical installations: acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) polymers, also high impact polystyrene, polyamide and polybutylene terphtalate polymers, insulating wires, cables. PentaBDPE manufacture and different applications of flexible polyurethane foams. DecaBDPE used in plastic/polymer applications, insulated wires and cables, different electrical equipment.) Production of thermoset plastics such as epoxies, polyurethanes and polyesters Flame retardants Flame retardant REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 2007 Substances Source/process Type of products NP Production of plastic products Adhesive, binding agent, process regulator, stabilizer, hardener for epoxy resins and plastic products for construction purpose (floor covering materials, paints, sealing compounds); soldering agent in insulated wires and cables Adhesive TBT is an impurity in stabilising agents containing MBT and DBT OP, butylphenols Organotin compounds (TBT, MBT, DBT) Octyltins Butyltins PVC, polyurethane, polyester production and processing Production of rigid PVC potable water pipes and fittings Production of rigid PVC profiles and sidings, Venetian blinds, rain gutters, window profiles Phtalates (DBP, DEHP) Softener for different polymer materials (especially PVC) Plasticizers and flame retardants SCCP/MCCP Rubber industry Octylphenols, butylphenols Production of PVC plastics OP SCCP/MCCP Tanneries SCCP/MCCP Production of rubber for tyres Tackifier Plasticizer, flame retardant, adhesive Leather processing NPE OPE Chemical industry NPE/OPE Degreasing Leather finishing Fattening and liquoring agent, impregnation agent Degreasing agents Emulsifier in finishing agents NP/NPE/OPE NP NP/OP Phtalates (DBP, DEHP) Chloroform Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) SCCP/MCCP Pulp and paper industry Phenols (methylphenol, nonylphenol, butylphenol, octylphenol) SCCP AOX Agriculture NPE OPE TPhT Food industry NP/NPE/OP/OPE Public institutions (hospitals, schools, administration, hotels…) NP/NPE/OP/OPE Aviation TBT NPE Furniture industry PentaBDPE Adhesive Industrial and institutional cleaning agents, polishing preparations Paints, varnishes and coatings production Production of cosmetics Production of NPE/OPE, manufacture of resins, plastics and stabilisers, manufacture of phenolic oximes Production of paints, adhesives, sealants, cosmetics Pharmaceuticals Production of expanded polystyrene Paints, varnishes and coatings production Surfactant, cleaning agent Stabilizer, emulsifying agent, dispersant Moisturing, emulsifying agent Plasticizers, softeners Flame retardant Binder, plasticizer, flame retardant Aid agent, paper coating Solvent Only if chlorine is used in process Pesticides Pesticides Fungicide for potatos Co-formulant Dispersing agent Cleaning of equipment High performance surfactant Professional cleaning High performance surfactant De-icing activities in airport Marking agent De-icing agent Production of soft furniture Flame retardant 47 2007 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 8. Findings and recommendations This chapter aims at summarizing the major findings of the project on occurrence of hazardous substances in the aquatic environment, needs of improvements in legislative, implementation and enforcement level in order to be able to comply with and reach the target set by the WFD as well as provides the recommendations for the further actions in order to ensure the sustainability and further use of the results of the project. Occurrence of the substances and their significance for the Lithuanian aquatic environment o o o o o As the screening results shows the most problematic “new-generation” substances for Lithuanian aquatic environment are phtalates and organotin compounds. These substances were detected both in the wastewater and sewage sludge as well as in the receiving environment, often exceeding the applied limits. It is obvious that these substances can trigger failure of reaching good water quality status according WFD. These substances are relevant for transboundary rivers, for transitional water in the Baltic Sea (Klaipėda Channel) as well as for the effluents from WWTP. However with regard to tributyltin the evaluation to full extent is not possible since the LOD of the method applied was still higher than newly proposed EQS. There were only few cases when other substances exceeded the applied or foreseen limits, e.g. zinc, copper, anthracene, chloroform. Nickel and organotin concentrations in bottom sediments in the receiving environment very often exceeded the EQS for the bottom sediments indicated in the substances fact sheets developed for the implementation of WFD requirements. Although it is not obliged to comply with these EQS but it shows their potential negative impact of these substances to the bentic community. It is only partly possible to judge on water quality with regard to its contamination with brominated diphenylethers. Although it was not detected in the surface water, the LOD of the method applied in the screening exercise was 10 times higher than settled EQS. Although in most cases the concentrations of analysed chemical substances or groups of substances were below the existing limits, the ecotoxicity tests showed many of the toxicity cases. It can be partly explained by other exceeded parameters, such as nitrites, nitrates, amonium N, total phosphorus, COD, BOD etc. In some cases (especially Švenčionėliai) further investigations would be helpful to prove correlation between investigated chemical pollutants and toxicity of wastewater. Legal measures related to hazardous substances control Although the limits for all substances/groups of substances screened during the project are legally available for many of them the appropriate measures enforcing their control are not in place. o The list of substances relevant for different industry sectors provided in the programme for the reduction of pollution by hazardous substances do not indicate many of the substances of high concern as the results of screening exercise showed, e.g. phtalates and their ethoxylates, organotin compounds, phenols and their ethoxylates, brominated diphenylethers. o Furthermore, the regulation on wastewater pollution set the requirements for the entities discharging their effluents directly to the receiving environment and list the parameters to be controlled based on the pollution source. The parameters indicated in that list do not include above-mentioned groups of substances as well. o The parameters in the effluents of industrial/commercial entities are controlled based on the parameters listed in the permits (both for IPPC installations and non-IPPC installations), which are usually “traditional” ones as, for example, metals, BOD, COD, total nitrogen, some PAH, VOC etc. While issuing the permit the “new-generation” pollutants (phtalates, organotins, phenols and their ethoxylates, chlorinated parafins, brominated diphenylethers) are not yet considered. The reasons for that could be different, e.g. too low knowledge and experience from both sites – industry and permitting authorities to be able to identify the occurrence of these substances in the raw materials, specify the potentially relevant substances based on the processes applied in the companies, not available analysis methods for checking and control of these substances in the effluents and posing sanctions for the exceeded limits. In order to overcome this situation the following measures could be recommended: o to update the lists of the sector specific hazardous substances to be considered, screened and controlled according water legislation; however it should not require each company to analyse all potentially relevant substances from that sector, such request must be based on the evidence of 48 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 2007 o o occurrence of substance in raw material and/or potential discharge of substance to water environment; to request companies to set up the electronic inventory on used dangerous chemicals till the level of substance (current legislation requires “paper version” of the inventory); it will ease the identification of any specific substances in raw materials, reporting or complying with other requirements for companies and provide good basis for better control by companies; to prepare clear guidance on identification of hazardous substances in raw materials and their potential occurrence in effluents from specific processes for both industry and permitting and controlling authorities Tracking the primary sources of the hazardous substances The best way to ensure the sustainability of the project results is to continue with the tracking the primary sources of the hazardous substances, if succeeded, that would lead to the concrete measures to reduce the pollution of the waters with these substances. o Currently available tools – database of dangerous substances and preparations, other databases (e.g. registered plant protection products), permits for use - do not provide good basis for the identification of occurrence of hazardous substances on the Lithuanian market and their use. For example, the number of companies reporting to database on dangerous substances and preparations is just reaching 300, however the number of relevant actors on the market is definitely much higher. Here the stronger enforcement is necessary. Furthermore, it provides good information only on pure substances, while most of the hazardous substances relevant to aquatic environment are contained in the preparations. This information is not easily available. With regard to the registered plant protection products the easily accessible information is available only on active substances, while identification of hazardous substances used as coformulants (e.g. NPE) is hardly possible due to intensive resources needed to screen the documents. It could be recommended to set up electronic database with the information on full composition of registered plant protection product (e.g. it is available in Estonia). o The current discharges monitoring system is not well developed towards the identification of hazardous substances. Most of the industrial installations discharge their effluents to the municipal wastewater treatment plants, which are responsible for the reaching parameters for the treated wastewater discharged to the surface waters. As it was mentioned above the “newgeneration” substances do not appear neither in the permits issued for WWTP, nor in the contracts between WWTP and entity, and therefore they are not controlled in the effluents. However as the screening results showed some of the substances are well exceeding the limits to be complied with. Better control and enforcement of the requirements on discharges of hazardous substances on WWTP level would force them to track back the sources of the substances exceeding the limits and to revise the contracts with industrial installations. o In case of chloroform in Venta river at the border, the actions to track the sources of chloroform discharges must be taken as soon as possible. That should be the task of Šiauliai Regional Environmental Department to screen the potential sources of chloroform in Mažeikiai and take the measures (as obliged according the order D1-71 of 13 Feb. 2004 on Programme on reduction of water pollution by hazardous substances). Furthermore, the monitoring of chloroform in the river should continue to check whether the right sources and measures are identified and pollution reduces. Monitoring of discharges polluted with hazardous or priority hazardous substances. Based on the results of the screening exercise, at least the permits for the WWTP discharging the hazardous or priority hazardous substances to the environment must be revised and identified substances included to the permits and appropriate monitoring must take place (either 2 or 4 times a year as required by regulation on wastewater pollution). Further on, the state control of such objects must be performed at least once a year. Current environmental monitoring programme for years 2005-2010 does not include the “newgeneration” substances as well. However considering the results of the screening exercise at least the following substances should be monitored focussing on the most relevant matrixes as stated in the chapter 4 part C: o DEHP o Organotin compounds o Nonylphenol/octylphenol (potentially) 49 2007 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA Analytical methods o Some of the currently applied methods for the analysis of hazardous substances in the EPA laboratory are not sufficient to control the occurrence of these substances in the wastewater or surface water according currently applied AA-MAC/MAC or upcoming EQS: Substance Benzo[ghi]perylene + Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 1,2-dichlorethane Pentachlorphenol o o o o LOD 0.01 μg/l 25 μg/l 0.9 μg/l AA-MAC 0.03 μg/l 0.04 μg/l 10 μg/l 2 μg/l EQS =0.002 μg/l 10 μg/l AA-EQS=0.4 μg/l MAC-EQS=1 μg/l It would be important to improve LOD at least until the level to ensure adequate control of the substances according the required limits. It should be considered that currently applied analysis methods in EPA laboratory for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and chloroorganic pesticides do not include several substances, which are regarded as priority hazardous substances under WFD. These are pentachlorbenzene, trichlorbenzene and heksachlorbutadiene. In order to ensure the control of these substances the methods for their analysis should be developed. It is recommended to develop some new methods to be able to control at least a few substances, which according to the screening results are of significance to Lithuanian water quality. The potential substances would be DEHP, organotin compounds, also phenols and their ethoxylates. An alternative option could be use of services of external/abroad laboratories (as the experience showed, e.g. prices of GALAB laboratory are comparable with prices of EPA laboratory). The list of laboratories questioned during the project can be found in Annex X. In case of phtalates, it is important to consider that no plastic parts appear in the sampling, handling, storage or analysis equipment to avoid the perverted results due to potential leakage of phtalates from plastics to the analysed sample. If developing any new analytical method the freshly set EQS must be considered for the LOD determination. Standard sampling procedures. In order to ensure the quality of samples, analysis results and their further interpretation and comparability (e.g. in case of environmental monitoring, control of separate entities etc.), it is necessary to ensure the harmonised standard sampling procedures. As the project experience showed the weakest part related to harmonised standard sampling procedures is with regard to the sampling of sewage sludge in WWTP. The methodological guidance on this issue could be performed by the Environmental Research Department of EPA. The results of the screening exercise showed that many of the hazardous substances due to their properties are sticked to solid particles and are suspended in sewage sludge. Current legislation on the use of sewage sludge for the agricultural or recreational purpose is based on the regulating metals in the sludge. However, considering the properties of most of the hazardous substances accumulated in the sludge (most of them are persistent, bioacummulating and toxic – PBT), it is not recommended to use such sludge for agricultural or recreational purpose since that is direct way polluting environment with PBT substances, no matter it is not aquatic environment. 50 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 2007 9. List of abbreviations AA-EQS AA-MAC AOX BCF BDPE BS ChP CN COP DBP DBT DDT DEHP DSD EPA EQS ET EU EU-RAR EUSES HELCOM HS IPPC LC LOD MAC MAC-EQS MBT MCCP MET MPA MU NP NPE OP OPE OT PAH PCP PEEP Ph&E Pht&E PPP PVC REPD SCCP SW TBBPA TBT TPhT TU VOC WFD WS WW WWTP Environmental Quality Standard expressed as an annual average value Maximum alowable concentration expressed as an annual average value Halogenated organic compounds Bioconcentration factor Brominated diphenylethers Bottom sediments Chlorpyrifos Cyanides Chloroorganic pesticides Dubutylphtalate Dibutyltin Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane Di-2-ethylhexylphtalate Dangerous Substances Directive (76/464/EEC) Environmental Protection Agency of Lithuania Environmental quality standard Ecotoxicity test European Union European Union Risk Assessment Report European Union System for the Evaluation of Substances Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Helsinki Commission) Hazardous substances Integrated pollution prevention and control Limit concentration Limit of detection Maximum alowable concentration Environmental Quality Standard expressed as a maximum allowable concentration Monobutyltin Medium chain chlorinated parafins Metals Maximum permissible addition Measurement uncertainty Nonylphenols Nonylphenolethoxylate Octylphenols Octylphenolethoxylate Organotin compounds Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Pentachlorphenol Potential Ecotoxic Effect Probe Phenols and their ethoxylates Phtalates and their ethoxylates Plant protection product Polyvinylchloride Regional Environmental Protection Departments Short chain chlorinated parafins Surface water Tetrabromobisphenol A Tributyltin Triphenyltin Toxic Unit Volatile organic compounds Water Frameworkk Directive (2000/60/EC) Sludge from WWTP Wastewater Wastewater treatment plant 51 2007 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 10. References Council Directive of 4 May 1976 on pollution caused by certain dangerous substances discharged into the aquatic environment of the Community (76/464/EEC) Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on environmental quality standards in the field of water policy and amending Directive 2000/60/EC Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing framework for Community action in the field of water policy Commision staff working document Impact Assessment on Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on environmental quality standards in the field of water policy and amending Directive 2000/60/EC State Environmental Monitoring Programme for 2005-2010, approved by the Governmental Decision No. 130 on February 7, 2005 River Monitoring Plan 2006, approved by the Minister of Environment Order No. D1-63 on February 1, 2006 Water pollution with dangerous substances reduction programme, approved by the Minister of Environment by Order No. D1-71 on February 12, 2004 Wastewater treatment regulation, approved by the Order of the Minister of Environment No. D1-236 on May 17, 2006 Rules of reduction of water pollution by hazardous substances approved by Order of the Minister of Environment No. 624 of 21 December 2001 Rules of reduction of water pollution by priority hazardous substances approved by the Order of the Minister of Environment No. 623 of 21 December 2001 Programme for the reduction of water pollution with dangerous substances, approved by the Minister of Environment by Order No. D1-71 on February 12, 2004 Regulation of IPPC permit approved by the Order of the Minister of Environment No. 80 of 27 February 2002 (changed by No. D1-330 of 29 June 2005). Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. Environment’1998; Vilnius 1999 Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. Environment’1999; Vilnius 2000 Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. Environment’2000; Vilnius 2001 Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. Environmental status 2001; Vilnius 2002 Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. Environmental status 2002; Vilnius 2003 Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. Environmental status 2003; Vilnius 2004 Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. Environmental status 2004; Vilnius 2005 Draft Final Report of the expert group on Analysis and monitoring of priority substances, 2004 EU-RAR. European Union Risk Assessments (EU-RAR) on different substances OSPAR background document on different substaces (organic tin compounds, brominated flame retardants, nonylphenol / nonylphenolethoxylates, short chain chlorinated paraffins, octylphenol). 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Chem. 18, 2386-2391 52 REPORT ON DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES IN THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF LITHUANIA 2007 Annexes Annex I: ANNEX 1 to the Council Directive on pollution caused by discharges of certain dangerous substances (76/464/EEC) Annex II: ANNEX VIII to Water Framework Directive Annex III: Extract of the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) - Article 16 Strategies against pollution of water Annex IV: Annex X of Directive 2000/60/EC - List of priority substances in the field of water policy Annex V: Environmental quality standards for priority substances and certain other pollutans Annex VI: List of priority hazardous and hazardous substances of Lithuania Annex VII: Overall results of the chemical analysis Annex VIII: Results of the analysis by investigated sites Annex IX: Results of the ecotoxicity analysis Annex X: List of laboratories 53