DEPUTYSHIP FLOW CHART Potential deputyship matter comes to the attention of Legal or Deputyship Team. Does it concern financial No Does the matter relate to welfare issues only? No Does the matter relate to a mixture of welfare and financial issues? matters only? Yes Yes Yes Is it urgent? Is it urgent? Does it require urgent Court application? No No No Deputyship Team prepares and sends application to Court – if contested hearing requested see next box Yes Yes Yes Deputyship team and/or referee refer matter to Legal so that urgent application to Court of Protection can be made Legal to prepare application. When complete Deputyship Team prepares and sends to Court. Of Protection If contested hearing requested see next box. Deputyship team and/or referee refer matter to Legal so that urgent application to Court of Protection can be made Legal to take over conduct of file as litigation file. In the flowchart above urgent applications via Legal Services can be made in instances such as Raising injunctions Freezing of bank accounts Where an immediate decision is required regarding where service user should live to protect them from physical abuse When application successful Deputyship team to take over administration issues with regard to notifying deputy, ascertaining finances and accounts. Costs of bringing any court proceedings to rest with Staffordshire Councty Council, including if costs order made against Council. D:\687322821.doc Legal and Deputyship Team to prepare application together (Deputyship Team doing financial part, Legal doing welfare part. ) When complete Deputyship Team prepares and sends to Court. If contested hearing requested see next box. Deputyship team and/or referee refer matter to Legal so that urgent application to Court of Protection can be made