Title: Race and Space in First-Tier Suburbs: New Patterns of Suburban Restructuring Author: Thomas J. Vicino Affiliation: University of Texas at Arlington Abstract: Since 1970, first-tier suburbs have experienced socioeconomic decline and an influx of minority populations. This study examines racial change in the Baltimore metropolitan area, a typical post-industrial region. Using the “Neighborhood Change Database” provided a novel opportunity to study racial change at the census, place and tract levels. This tool normalizes census tract boundaries over three decades. Indices of segregation and dissimilarity were calculated to obtain measures of segregation over time. Additionally, location quotients were also calculated and then mapped using GIS technology to show areas of minority residential concentration. Baltimore’s 21 first-tier suburbs are highly segregated and show evidence of White flight. There were uneven spatial patterns among blacks and whites in the suburban first-tier. Evidence of an influx of blacks during the 1980s and 1990s demonstrates the emergence of a “suburban black belt” along the western suburban fringe of the Baltimore region. In contrast, “blue collar suburbs” along the eastern suburban fringe remained overwhelmingly white. This study reinforces the notion that the measurement of segregation is scalar specific so that within certain suburbs, the entering minority population is segregated into specific neighborhoods. This spatial dichotomy undermines the stability of Baltimore’s already fragile first-tier suburbs and challenges the place and economy. The results suggest that regional policies to promote residential integration among or within first-tier suburbs might stabilize the socioeconomic decline of suburbs.