NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT Chemistry Agrochemicals Advice and Guidance for Practitioners [NATIONAL 5] This advice and guidance has been produced to support the profession with the delivery of courses which are either new or which have aspects of significant change within the new national qualifications (NQ) framework. The advice and guidance provides suggestions on approaches to learning and teaching. Practitioners are encouraged to draw on the materials for their own part of their continuing professional development in introducing new national qualifications in ways that match the needs of learners. Practitioners should also refer to the course and unit specifications and support notes which have been issued by the Scottish Qualifications Authority. Acknowledgement © Crown copyright 2012. You may re-use this information (excluding logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence. To view this licence, visit or e-mail: Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. Any enquiries regarding this document/publication should be sent to us at This document is also available from our website at 2 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 Contents Introduction 4 Curriculum for Excellence 5 Concept development 6 Approaches to learning and teaching, and skills for learning, life and work 10 The importance of agrochemicals for Scotland 14 The importance of agrochemicals for the world 15 History of agrochemicals 17 Food security 20 Alternatives to the use of agrochemicals 22 Sustainability and farming for a better environmental climate 24 Pollution, chemical tests and water 27 General resources 32 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 3 AGROCHEMICALS Introduction This document provides advice and guidance on the topic of agrochemicals within National 5 Chemistry. It is intended for use by practitioners and is non-mandatory. It is anticipated that practitioners will be creative and innovative in planning approaches to meet the needs of learners. The advice and guidance should be used in a reflective and selective manner. The teaching and learning suggestions are set within the Scottish context and also provide links to global implications. Fertilisers are the focus for this guide, but the importance of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides should not be forgotten and may provide valuable learning experiences for individual learners. The teaching ideas and learner activities are varied and it is not intended that all learners should experience all activities. Professional judgement and knowledge of the interests and needs of individual learners will ena ble practitioners to select appropriately from the suggested ideas. Reflective questions are provided to aid practitioners in planning learning and teaching to meet the needs of learners. These questions are intended for practitioners’ use in the identification of big issues that underpin the learning and teaching for this context. Additionally, these questions can be used as starter activities to promote thinking, as questions for a ‘rich’ homework task, as a basis for discussions or as personal/group research questions. Debate could be introduced throughout many aspects of this unit. It is worthwhile reiterating the importance of practical investigations in Chemistry. This guide does not strive to provide experimental guidelines , but rather a context for the chemistry and where it fits into the everyday lives of learners. 4 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 AGROCHEMICALS Curriculum for Excellence The aim of Curriculum for Excellence is to ensure all learners develop the skills, knowledge and confidence that they require to be successful in today’s fast-changing society. It promotes a holistic approach to education where learners develop the skills and can become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. Building the Curriculum 3 provides a framework for learning and teaching and the purpose of the curriculum. As described in Curriculum for Excellence learners should experience a variety of enriching educational experiences that encompass , among other things, active learning, co-operative learning and independent learning, including personal research, dialogue with peers and educators , and the use of ICT. Learners should be fully involved in their learning and be given opportunities for personal achievement in order to help build motivation, resilience and confidence. Interdisciplinary learning is also important to allow links to be made across subject areas and to develop learners’ higherorder thinking skills. Agrochemicals can be linked to biology, social sciences , and health and wellbeing. Global citizenship can be developed to promote understanding of the interdependence between people, the environment and the impact of actions locally as well as globally. ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 5 AGROCHEMICALS Concept development The progression for agrochemicals and chemical tests from Curriculum for Excellence level 2 to level 4 Science and then to National 5 Chemistry is as shown below. There are also clear links to National 4/5 Biology (Food security) and Science. Topical science can also be linked to this area of chemistry. Practitioners should also refer to the Concept Development in the Sciences paper, which provides more depth to each line of development. These comments are provided in italics. 6 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 AGROCHEMICALS Agrochemicals I have collaborated in the design of an investigation into the effects of fertilisers on the growth of plants. I can express an informed view of the risks and benefits of their use. SCN 2-03a Learners can explore the role of fertilisers through pra ctical activities involving, for example, house plant nutrient fertilisers. The effect of factors such as dilution of the fertiliser or use of different fertilisers can be investigated. Through investigations and based on experimental evidence, I can explain the use of different types of chemicals in agriculture and their alternatives , and can evaluate their potential impact on the world ’s food production. SCN 3-03a Learners grow plants using a variety of growth promoters and inhibitors to investigate ways in which plant growth can be altered. Learners could undertake research into the use of these and of alternatives, including the growth of genetically modified (GM) plants. They can explore the role of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. They coul d consider organic farming methods and compare these with the use of artificial chemicals and GM crops, enabling learners to develop informed views on the use of each. Through investigating the nitrogen cycle and evaluating results from practical experiments, I can suggest a design for a fertiliser, taking account of its environmental impact. SCN 4-03a Learners design an artificial fertiliser taking account of the major nutrients that are required by a plant for healthy growth , ie nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in appropriate proportions. They can consider the solubility of salts containing the major nutrients and potential problems associated with their overuse. There are useful opportunities to develop numeracy skills, for example in the calculation of percentage compositions of simple fertilisers. ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 7 AGROCHEMICALS Chemical tests I have investigated different water samples from the environment and explored methods that can be used to clean and conserve water , and I am aware of the properties and uses of water. SCN 2-18a Learners explore common uses of water, for example as a solvent, coolant and heat source. They can participate in practical activities to clean different water samples, using a range of methods such as filtering, evaporating and use of filter beds. Having taken part in practical activities to compare the properties of acids and bases, I have demonstrated ways of measuring and adjusting pH , and can describe the significance of pH in everyday life. SCN 3-18a Learners compare the properties of common acids and bases (for example acids have a sour taste; bases have a bitter taste and slippery feel; strong acids and bases are corrosive; both acids and bases dissolve in water and react with indicators to produce different colour changes; acids and bases neutralise each other). Knowledge of the formation and naming of simple salts underpins this outcome. The implication of situations in which pH levels cannot be returned to normal levels can be discussed. Learners have opportunities to further develop the use of both word and formula equations based on their developing knowledge of chemical formulae. I can monitor the environment by collecting and analysing samples. I can interpret the results to inform others about levels of pollution and exp ress a considered opinion on how science can help to protect our environment. SCN 4-18a Learners can collect and analyse samples collected from the environment (eg soil, air or water samples). They can use the results of analysis to present findings about the levels of pollution in the environment and present informed views about causes and effects. The use of data from a variety of sources can be incorporated into the learner’s experience. 8 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 AGROCHEMICALS Topical science I have researched new developments in science an d can explain how their current or future applications might impact on modern life. SCN 4-20a Having selected scientific themes of topical interest, I can critically analyse the issues and use relevant information to develop an informed argument. SCN 4-20b ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 9 AGROCHEMICALS Approaches to learning and teaching, and skills for learning, life and work Learners should experience a range of approaches that are designed to develop knowledge, understanding and the skills required for learning, life and work. These should be experiential and learner led. An investigatory approach is encouraged in Chemistry and a holistic approach should be adopted to encourage simultaneous development of learners’ conceptual understanding and skills. The study of agrochemicals provides learner s with opportunities to develop their competencies in practical skills, problem solving, critical thinking and working collaboratively. Additional information is provided in the Course and Unit Support Notes. Building the Curriculum 4 details the skills for learning, life and work and how they are embedded in the experiences and outcomes and the senior phase. The agriculture and agrochemicals industries provide a wide spectrum of employment possibilities, from council gardeners to PhD chemists, and therefore the study of the topic can provide links to many different walks of life. Partnerships with local agrochemical companies and environmental agencies could be made to further support learning in this area. STEM ambassadors are a useful resource for this and other science topics. The Course and Unit Support Notes for National 5 Chemistry suggest skills and techniques that are important in the development of young scientists in preparation for the world of work. The study of agrochemicals would allow opportunities for learners to practise: titrations safe methods of heating salt preparation drawing diagrams of apparatus using tables to represent data representing experimental data using bar or line graph s and sketching lines or curves of best fit if appropriate suggesting improvements to investigations with reasoning . 10 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 AGROCHEMICALS The following areas of Responsibility of All have particular relevance to the study of Agrochemicals. Numeracy A numerate person will have acquired and developed fundamental skills and be able to carry out number processes but, beyond this, being numerate also allows us to access and interpret information, identify po ssibilities, weigh up different options and decide on which option is most appropriate (Numeracy Principles and Practice Paper). Numeracy is the ability to use numbers in order to solve problems by counting, doing calculations, measuring and understanding graphs and charts. It is also the ability to understand the results. Learners will have opportunities to extract, process and interpret infor mation presented in various formats, including tabular and graphical. Practical work will provide opportunities to develop measurement skills. Number processes Number processes means solving problems arising in everyday life. Learners have the opportunity to develop numeracy skills by carrying out and understanding calculations when working out formulae, balanced equations and percentages in composition of fertilisers problems. Learners should deal with data and results from experiments/investigations an d everyday class work, making informed decisions based on the results of these calculations and understanding the results. Information handling Learners will experience information handling opportunities when dealing with data in tables, charts and other graphical displays to draw sensible conclusions throughout the course. This involves interpreting the data and considering its reliability in making reasoned deductions and informed decisions. Literacy The literacy experiences and outcomes promote the development of critical and creative thinking as well as competence in listening , talking, reading, writing and the personal, interpersonal and team-working skills that are so important in life and in the world of work (Literacy Principles and Practice Paper). Learners develop the skills to effectively communicate key chemical concepts and to clearly describe chemical issues in various media f orms. Learners will have opportunities to communicate knowledge and understanding with an ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 11 AGROCHEMICALS emphasis on applications and environmental/social impacts. Learners will have opportunities to develop listening and reading skills when gathering and processing information. In addition, learners will have opportunities to develop other skills as detailed below. Applying Learners should be given opportunities to plan experiments throughout the course and to use existing information to solve problems in different contexts. Analysing and evaluating During practical work, learners should be given the opportunity to identify and review the experimental procedure and to identify improvements. Learners will use their judgement when drawing conclusions from experiments. When researching topics, learners should identify and weigh up the features of a situation or issue in chemistry and use their judgement in coming to a conclusion. This includes reviewing and considering any potential solutions with justifications. Working with others Learning activities provide many opportunities in all areas of the course for learners to work with others. Practical activities and investigations offer opportunities for group work, which is an important aspect of science and should be encouraged. Creating Learners can demonstrate creativity through learning in chemistry. In particular, when planning and designing experiments/investigations learners have the opportunity to be innovative in their approach. They also have opportunities to make, write, say or do something new. 12 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 AGROCHEMICALS Citizenship This course has the potential to provide learners with an extensive range of practical activities that provide many opportunities for them to work cooperatively with others. Learners will develop citizenship skills when considering the applications of chemistry in our lives and environmental and/or ethical implications. ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 13 AGROCHEMICALS The importance of agrochemicals for Scotland Many of Scotland’s industries, including life sciences, electronics, chemicals, food and drink, and energy, have the chemical sciences at their core. These industries are dependent on innovative chemistry to create new products and new market opportunities, and they could not exist without this underpinning science. Chemistry’s contribution to Scotland’s economic past, present and future is immense. The chemicals industry is one of Scotland’s biggest export earners, responsible for approximately 12% of manufacturing exports. It is also one of our highest value industries, providing employment for almost 14,000 people directly and nearly 70,000 in total through dependent s ervices. Scotland’s contribution to the UK industry is slightly ahead of its population ratio, amounting to almost 10% of UK output. Globally, the chemicals industry has been growing at an average of 3.3% per annum from 2002 to 2012. Given the economic importance of this industry, there are many strategies to ensure continued investment in it and the employment potential for young people is promising. The chemical industries are diverse and cover a wide range of products , including basic chemicals, plastics, pharmaceuticals, fertilisers, pesticides and fungicides, pigments, food ingredients, textil e printing chemicals, inkjet dyes and vitamins. These can be divided into three categories: basic chemicals, specialty chemicals and pharmaceutical/fine chemicals. Agrochemicals are classed as fine chemicals and make an important contribution to the chemicals industry in Scotland. 14 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 AGROCHEMICALS The importance of agrochemicals for the world The current population of Scotland is approximately 5.2 million. In January 2008, General Register Office of Statistics figures predicted that Scotland’s population would rise to 5.54 million by 2033. Trends in population statistics indicate that there is a decrease in both birth rates and death rates. Current global projections show a continued increase in population (but a steady decline in the population growth rate), with the global population expected to reach between 7.5 and 10.5 billion by 2050. A starting point for this learning might be to encourage learners to examine their prior learning around a number of questions : What effect will an increasing population have on the world’s resources? In what ways do you think governments can have an effect on population growth? What reasons can you suggest for the falling birth rate in Scotland? What reasons can you suggest for the falling death rates in Scotland? What implications could the falling rates have on society? If the population continues to increase, do you think there will be enough food for everyone? Explain your reasons for your answer and suggest possible solutions to ensure that there will be enough food. As the global population increases it will continue to be necessary to invest in efficient methods for optimising agriculture globally. The number of people without enough food to eat on a regular basis remains stubbornly high, at over 900 million in 2010, and is not falling significantly. Over 85% of the world’s undernourished people live in developing countries. The current global population is estimated to be around 7 billion. It is expected to rise to between 7.5 and 10.5 million by 2050. Agrochemicals may be used as part of the global solution to maximise the production of food. There is scope for much debate in this topic. ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 15 AGROCHEMICALS Reflective questions for learners Can the use of agrochemicals ensure that there is enough food for all nations? Consider the nutrients in food. Where will these nutrients come from? Where will these nutrients go to? (This may allow for the idea of a learner-generated nitrogen cycle or nutrient cycle to be developed.) Can you suggest solutions to help undernourished people? 16 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 AGROCHEMICALS History of agrochemicals While considering the importance of agrochemicals learners may have researched and discussed some of the reasons for using agrochemicals. Practitioners could allow learners to research the history of fertilisers to encourage thinking about chemical processes. Reflective questions for learners It has been claimed that fertilisers can help to feed the global population. Are fertilisers a new development of the 21 st century or have they been used in the past? Historians have documented the use of fertiliser in ancient times. Egyptologists point out that fertilisers were used regularly in both agriculture and horticulture. Use of commercial fertilisers has only a short history compared to the length of time that humans have been known to grow crops. It is believed that crop production began some 6000–10,000 years ago. It was not until the 1840s that limited quantities of a few types of natural commercial fertiliser, such as Peruvian guano and Chilean sodium nitrate, were first used in the Western world. Ammonia and Nitric Acid lie at the heart of the agrochemical world. Ammonia is now made industrially by the Haber process named after Fritz Haber. It was made for the first time in 1774 and by 1785 its exact composition had been determined. Nitric acid was synthesised for the first time in 800 AD but it was not until 1771 that it was being produced commercially. Commercial production of nitric acid is via the Ostwald process after Wilhelm Ostwald. Urea was identified in 1773 and in 1775 the presence of large amounts of calcium phosphate in bones was confirmed. Ammonia was able to be made industrially and on a large scale as a result of the invention of the Haber process at the beginning of the 20th century. The process allows the economical fixation of atmospheric nitrogen in the form of ammonia, which in turn allows for the industrial synthesis of various ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 17 AGROCHEMICALS explosives and nitrogen fertilisers, and is probably one of the most important industrial process developed during the 20th century. In 1909, German chemist Fritz Haber successfully fixed at mospheric nitrogen in a laboratory. This success had extremely attractive military, industrial and agricultural applications. In 1913, barely 5 years later, a research team from BASF, led by Carl Bosch, developed the first industrial -scale application of the Haber process, sometimes called the Haber –Bosch process. The industrial production of nitrogen prolonged World War I by providing Germany with the gunpowder and explosives necessary for the war effort even though it no longer had access to nitrates from Chile. During the interwar period, the lower cost of ammonia extraction from the virtually inexhaustible atmospheric reservoir contributed to the development of intensive agriculture and provided support for worldwide population growth. Ammonia provides the feedstock for the Ostwald process, which is a chemical process used to produce nitric acid. It was developed by Wilhelm Ostwald and patented in 1902. It is a mainstay of the modern chemical industry. Fertilisers are still misused in modern times. They are commonly used to make ‘backyard’ bombs and were used in the failed bomb attacks on London after the 7/7 attacks (BBC news). Reflective questions for learners Haber has been described as the father of chemical warfare as a result of his research on the uses of chlorine during W orld War I. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1918, but several French scientists refused to accept awards from the same stage as him. Scientific discoveries are sometimes shrouded in controversy. To what extent do you think scientists use their discoveries for positive ends? The Haber process is optimised at 500°C and a pressure of 200 atm. What factors impact on the conditions that industrial processes operate at? Which factors are compromised in this case? 18 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 AGROCHEMICALS Learning activities Learners could research Haber and present a scientific poster (or other suitable knowledge product). Practitioners should be clear on what skills they are wishing to develop. Success criteria should be developed and shared with the learners. Peer- and self-assessment could be used for formative assessment. Learners could debate controversial uses of scientific discoveries. Examples could include Gerhard Schrader (nerve gases), Sir Marcus Laurence Edwin Oliphant (nuclear fusion, which led to the hydrogen bomb), Edward Teller (hydrogen bomb) or J. Robert Oppenheimer (the atomic bomb) (elistmania). Again success criteria and peer/self-assessment will enable learners to develop specific skills. Learners could isolate Rhizobium bacteria from root nodules on agar. This activity would provide a relevant link to the nitrogen cycle, which is discussed in National 5 Biology. Learners could synthesise fertilisers and be aware of the different techniques that are used for this, ie titration and precipitation reaction. Learners could gain an understanding of how science is used in an industrial context and develop strategies for the profitable operation of fertiliser manufacture. The use of energy and raw materials is related to the chemistry involved in the conversion of raw materials to nitrate, phosphate and potassium fertiliser by using resources from the national STEM centre ( ins-of-industry). Possible resources Royal Society of Chemistry Alchemy series: ammonia and nitric acid manufacture. Contains facts, videos and worksheets. Animation of the Haber process. Demonstration of the catalytic oxidation of ammonia. Glow videos (The Nitrogen Cycle, What Plants Need to Grow). ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 19 AGROCHEMICALS Food security From 1950 to 1984 the Green Revolution transformed agriculture around the world and grain production increased by over 250%. The world population has grown by about four billion since the beginning of the Green Revolution and most believe that, without the Revolution, there would be greater famine and malnutrition than the UN presently documents (approximately 850 million people suffering from chronic malnutrition in 2005). A family is food secure if they do not live in hunger or fear of starvation. Agrochemicals play an important role in the strive for global food security. This topic is covered in depth at National 5 Biology and the Advice and Guidelines for that topic are extensive. Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life (UN Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO)). The Chatham House Report ‘The Feeding of the Nine Billion: Global Food Security for the 21st Century’ (January 2009) indicated seven fundamental pressures which affect global food prices, food production and therefore food security: population diet energy land water climate change labour. Reflective question for learners Compare and contrast the role of governments versus society in preventing global food shortages. Who is responsible for ensuring that research and development in this area takes place in an ethical manner? This is a complex idea for learners to take on board. A discussion could be facilitated and scaffolded by the use of statement or opinion cards. These questions could also form the basis for structured discussion tasks, scientific 20 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 AGROCHEMICALS literacy regarding reporting of scientific issues or ethical issues relating to technological development and control of food production. It could also be used as an opportunity to develop skills in reading for information or as an introduction to exploring the science underpinning the development of learners’ understanding of ethical issues such as the risks and benefits of pesticide use and the relationship between pes ticides and individuals’ health. More information is available in the Advice and Guidance for National 5 Biology, Food security. ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 21 AGROCHEMICALS Alternatives to the use of agrochemicals Genetic modification Multinational companies such as Monsanto are major international players in seed production. They have genetically engineered many seed varieties to be drought and pest resistant, and to improve crop yields. In addition, they modify crops to protect their position in the market. Monsanto engineered a terminator gene into seeds. This means that the seed becomes sterile after a single harvest. Farmers can no longer save seeds from the harvest and re-plant them, but must return each year to buy more seed, therefore protecting the investment of the multinational company. Irradiated seeds Food is irradiated by brief exposure to X -rays, gamma rays or an electron beam. The process is intended to reduce or eliminate harmful bacteria, insects and parasites, and it can also extend the life of some products. Seeds can be irradiated in order to promote germination. The use of this technique is limited and varies from country to country. The European Commission provides information on legislation and the monitoring of these practises in Europe. Crop-protection chemicals Up to 40% of agricultural productivity would be lost without the effective use of crop-protection chemicals (Royal Society of Chemistry). Agriculture is facing emerging and resistant strains of pests. The development of new crop protection strategies is essential. It is vital that they are safe, overcome resistant pests and are environmentally benign. Pesticides (categorised into fungicides, insecticides and herbicides) are a class of substances that prevent, destroy or kill any pest to a particular crop. They can be chemically or biologically based depending on the pest and situation. Common pesticide families include organochlorines, organophosphates and carbamates. Clearly they may have benefits for crop production, but toxicity to humans and other animals is often a concern. 22 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 AGROCHEMICALS DDT, which acts as a nerve poison, was the first pesticide to cause widespread concern and was banned in 1973 in the USA. Reflective questions for learners What issues for farmers would arise from the use of terminator genes , particularly in developing countries? What effect might GM crops with sterile seeds have on non -GM crops in nearby regions? Can learners think about any particular countries where irradiated seeds and food may be particularly useful to promote food security? What issues might arise? How could the media affect the common consensus on this issue? Debate whether widespread pesticide use still has a place in global agriculture. ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 23 AGROCHEMICALS Sustainability and farming for a better environmental climate Scotland’s farmers are ready to play their part in moving towards a low carbon society and not only can the industry cut emissions bu t farming businesses can save costs at the same time and earn new income . Richard Lochhead, Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and the Environment, June 2010 In 2008 the Scottish Government published the Climate Change (Scotland) Bill, which created a long-term framework that will: introduce a statutory target to reduce Scotland ’s greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050 establish an interim target of 50% emissions reductions by 2030 establish a framework of annual targets include emissions from international aviation and international shipping. This framework will help build a sustainable future for Scotland (Scottish Government). It will contribute to the country’s sustainable economic growth by moving the public and private sectors towards a low carbon economy. The Scottish Government intends to deliver reduction targets though a voluntary approach in close co-operation with the agricultural industry. A variety of measures resulting in greenhouse gas emission savings as well as business benefits have been identified in research undertaken by the Scottish Agricultural College (SAC). Measures include livestock productivity measures, improved nitrogen fertiliser management, improved manure and slurry management, anaerobic digestion development and protecting soil carbon. To deliver these measures, the Government developed the Farming for a Better Climate (FFBC) initiative together with SAC, in order to provide better information and advice to land managers. FFBC concentrates on five key action areas to help Scottish farmers reduce emissions, adapt to climate change and improve their businesses: using energy and fuels efficiently developing renewable energy locking carbon into the soil and vegetation 24 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 AGROCHEMICALS optimising the application of fertiliser and manures optimising livestock management and storage of waste. Most farmers and their advisers are very aware of their environmental responsibilities and the need to minimise nitrogen losses but they also have other reasons to fine-tune nitrogen inputs: over application wastes money and causes crop lodging under application means failure to achieve yield potential and quality premiums regulators increasingly depend on farmers being able to justify their nitrogen input decisions. Improving the efficiency of nitrogen use will bring both economic and environmental gains. Better nitrogen management means: applying just enough nitrogen to meet the crop requirement recognising the contribution of organic manures ensuring adequate potassium and phosphorous indices and soil pH for optimum nitrogen response providing sufficient amounts of sulphur to maximise the utilisation of the nitrogen applied. Information on optimising the application of fertilisers and manures can be found on the SAC website. There is also interesting information regarding the economics of fertiliser use. Reflective question for learners What role can traditional and sustainable organic farming techniques (eg composting, crop rotation, crop diversification, soil conservation, rip ploughing) play in food security and minimising climate change? ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 25 AGROCHEMICALS Learning activities Case studies on FFBC provide discussion material for learners to use in debates. They could be used to evaluate how different farms are addressing climate change. Alternatively, the information within the case studies could be used to produce public information leaflets/posters or as background information. Learners could synthesise fertilisers by titration or precipitation. Solubility and pH could also be considered. Percentage mass composition calculations could be incorporated within this section. Fertilisers could be made and analysed for nutrients from everyday substances such as seaweed, egg shells, coffee granules and ash from fires . 26 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 AGROCHEMICALS Pollution, chemical tests and water Reflective questions for learners The use of agrochemicals is known to increase crop yields, but many people choose to buy only organic products. Wh y might consumers choose to avoid contact with fertilisers? Are there problems associated with the use of fertilisers? The UN FAO has stated that good agricultural practices are ‘practices that address environmental, economic and social sustainability for on -farm processes, and result in safe and quality food and non -food agricultural products’. Bad agricultural practices can have very harmful effects on the environment and populations wherever they happen. Reflective questions for learners Why might it be necessary to have an international agriculture organisation? What could the role of such an organisation contribute to society? Should individuals who grow food for their own use be expected to adhere to the framework set out by an international agency? How could this be monitored? Learning activities Consideration of agricultural practices gives opportunity for debate with learners. Intensive grain monoculture is considered to be a bad agricultural pra ctice because it uses huge quantities of chemicals and wastes water through irrigation. It is often used for the production of crops for biofuels, which can be used instead of fossil fuels. Should we stop intensive monocrop production in this case? There are several websites that could be used to allow learners to develop a considered debate or an information publication. ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 27 AGROCHEMICALS Learners could research some areas of bad agricultural practices, consider potential problems and provide possible solutions. Some examples are provided below. Excess use of nitrates Excess use of nitrates increases the run-off of them into rivers and lochs. This encourages an over-production of algae known as algal bloom. This in turn causes eutrophication, which causes lakes and lochs to become lifeless. Blue baby syndrome is an illness that begins when large amounts of nitrates in water are ingested by an infant and converted to nitrite by the digestive system. The nitrite then reacts with haemoglobin (the oxygen -carrying blood protein) to form methaemoglobin, which cannot carry oxygen. If a large enough amount of methaemoglobin is formed in the blood, body tissues may be deprived of oxygen, causing the infant to develop a blue colouration of their mucous membranes and possibly digestive and respiratory problems. Organic fertilisers The use of seabird faeces as a fertiliser on St Kilda is believed to be a cause of neonatal tetanus and subsequent deaths in the 1700s. Learners could research and consider the use of other natural fertilisers. Why did this have such an effect? Could similar faecal matter fertilisers in use today cause the same problems? Pesticides ‘One in every three bites of food you eat comes from a plant, or depends on a plant, that was pollinated by an insect, most likely a bee, ’ said Dennis van Engelsdorp of Penn State University's College of Agricultural Sciences. Bee populations have been decreasing at a rapid rate. One reaso n suggested for this is the overuse of pesticides. Learners could research this idea and consider the implications to society if bee populations are not increased. Water Scotland’s waters are protected by the legislative document The Protection of Water Against Agricultural Nitrate Pollution (Scotland) R egulations 1996. Nitrate vulnerable zones (NVZs) are identified as being areas where groundwaters have nitrate concentrations of more than 50 mg/l nitrate or are thought to be at risk of nitrate contaminat ion. Action programmes established by the Scottish Government are in place to reduce and prevent further nitrate contamination. NVZs are reviewed at least every 4 years. 28 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 AGROCHEMICALS NVZs are monitored for nitrates according to the Nitrate Monitoring Programme 2003 and are also analysed for the following determinants: pH conductivity alkalinity total suspended solids nitrate nitrite ammoniacal nitrogen total oxidised nitrogen chloride sodium potassium calcium magnesium iron manganese phosphate sulphate. Learning activity Learners could collect samples of water from local sources and qualitively or quantitatively test for the presence of some of these determinants. Using the STEM ambassador scheme an environmental chemist could enrich the learning suggested here. In order to establish whether Scottish groundwaters are exceeding this limit, the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) has developed a national groundwater monitoring network. In 2000, SEPA sampled 150 groundwater monitoring locations for the purposes of the Nitrates (Scotland) Regulations 1996. Results from this monitoring programme confirmed elevated nitrate levels (ie above 50 mg/l) at a number of monitoring locations. The addition of further sites in 2002 by the British Geological Survey and SEPA extended the network to 218 groundwater monitoring locations. The intention is to increase the monitoring in those areas identified by research groups as being at risk of having elevated nitrate concentration in groundwater. Nitrate run-off often attracts media interest and so it may be worthwhile for practitioners to search local news for current issues. One such media item, published in December 2011, detailed the rising nitrate levels in the Thames . ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 29 AGROCHEMICALS Reflective questions for learners There are many complex factors that affect farmers. In light of the current economic recession and climate change, to what extent do you think the Government should provide incentives for farmers to continue to manage nitrogen efficiently? What would these incentives be? Learner activities Analytical techniques for different ions. Flame tests (eg for potassium ions). Precipitation (eg for chloride ions). This can also be used to analyse phosphate ion content. These tests could be used to test for a variety of substances found in local sources such as soils and streams. There is scope to test for a variety of substances by considering pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. A quantitative determination of nitrates that is designed for Advanced Higher projects can be found on the SSERC website. Qualitative method for determination of Nitrates Add sodium hydroxide solution and aluminium powder to the solution containing the nitrate ions. The aluminium reduces the nitrate ion (NO 3 – ) to an ammonium ion (NH 4 + ). The ammonium ion reacts with hydroxide to produce ammonia gas and water : ammonium + hydroxide ammonia + water NH 4 + (aq) + OH – (aq) NH 3 (g) + H 2 O(l) Ammonia gas can be identified with damp pH paper. 30 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 AGROCHEMICALS Investigation on the effect of nitrate concentrations on algal growth Learners will compare nitrate concentrations and rate of algae growth. Equipment required Non-toxic blue-green algae Liquid fertiliser Beakers De-ionised water Syringes with filter tips Nitrate test kits (can also be sourced as aquarium nitrate te st kits from pet shops) Procedure Create a class set of control group solutions by adding 250 ml of deionised water to each of four 500-ml beakers. One beaker will have only water. To the other beakers add separately 2.0 ml of Miracle Grow fertiliser in the following concentrations: 25%, 50% and 75%. Create a class set of algal colonies by repeating step 1 then adding 5.0 ml of blue-green algae culture to each beaker. Using the nitrate test kit, test the nitrate concentration of each of the eight beakers and record the results in a data table. Use the filtering syringe to extract the fertiliser solution. Repeat the nitrate test on each algae sample for five consecutive days, recording the nitrate concentration each time. Include in your observations the appearance of the contents of the beakers each day. Be sure to note any major changes. Using MS Excel, prepare a graph of the data with days on the x-axis and nitrate concentration on the y-axis. There should be four graphs with two lines each: the control and its partner algae colony. Practitioners must ensure they perform appropriate risk assessments in alignment with their local authority. Resources Glow Video: Pollution (Water) ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 31 AGROCHEMICALS General resources SSERC SSERC provides an extensive support system for practitioners primarily through its website. Resources for Curriculum for Excellence (agrochemicals strand) can be accessed through this website using a SSERC member’s log-in. All Scottish teachers can apply for a log-in to SSERC by following instructions on the website. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) The RSC is an excellent resource for a wide range of different areas. They provide outreach support, publications and general resources. The RSC is committed to meeting current global challenges head on and has identified where the chemical sciences can provide technological and sustainable solutions, and are promoting action and awareness in these areas. Agriculture is one such priority area and some information on the possible impact the chemical sciences can make is found within the website. GrowHow have produced a booklet called Food, Farming and Fertiliser, which examines the role of fertilisers in the context of the critical global issues of food security, climate change and environmental protection . %20Fertiliser/Abou t%20Fertiliser/Education.mspx Why Farming Matters has some interesting resources, including an activity on farming and its effect on climate change. This is primarily a resource for geography and citizenship, and so would be an appropriate start point for interdisciplinary learning. IDL spx 32 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 AGROCHEMICALS BBC learning clips Problems of using chemical fertilisers Duration: 01:34 A news report explaining the environmental and health impacts of using chemical fertilisers. The properties and uses of nitrogen Duration: 00:52 fertilisers, nitrogen, water, nitrates, farming, food supply, chemistry, bitesize nitrogen, element, fertiliser, protein, DNA, nitrate, chemistry, bitesize An animated description of the properties and uses of nitrogen. Nitrogen-fixing leguminous plants Duration: 01:02 The role of nitrogen-fixing leguminous plants in soil improvement is examined and crop rotation is briefly discussed. population, fertilisers, nutrients, legumes, bacteria, nitrogen, soil, chemistry, bitesize ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, CHEMISTRY) © Crown copyright 2012 33