




From the correlation study carried out, the following conclusion are made : - a) The field Density Test using using Nuclear Densometer method correlates very well with the conventional Sand Replacement Method. b) The Nuclear Densometer produces a slight difference in result compared to the Sand Replacement tested side by side on the same material. c) Nuclear Densometer gives a higher value of density for silty clay and crusher-run material whereas it gives a lower value of density for sandy material compared to value given by Sand Replacement. d) Actual results of the Nuclear Densometer should be corrected using the formula for different type of material as suggested in the chart for adjusted

Nuclear Density.

e) The Nuclear Densometer test results also gives the moisture content of the material tested whereas the Sand Replacement method requires other method like the oven dried or speedy moisture converter. f) The Nuclear Densometer test requires only about 5 minutes to carry out compared to the Sand Replacement method which required about 45 minutes. This means considerable time can be saved waiting for results. g) The Nuclear Densometer needs to be calibrated before using the equipment to prevent inaccurate test results whereas the Sand

Replacement method only needs to be calibrated yearly. h) The Nuclear Densometer testing does not require any weighing of the test materials thus eliminating any possible human and weighing scale error in weighing and determining the volume of hole as in the Sand Replacement method. i) The Nuclear Densometer only requires the proctor test to be carried out in the laboratory whereas the Sand Replacement method requires precalibration of sand which is used to determine the volume of hole dug and moisture content test to be carried out after every field tests.

5.2 Recommendations a) Further correlation tests need to be carried out on various type of soil and other materials to establish a more accurate formula in determining the percentage of compactions. b) Further correlation tests need to be carried out to determine the accuracy of moisture content recorded in the Nuclear Densometer. c) Further correlation tests need to be carried out using the Nuclear

Densometer against other field density method like water balloon method.
