Technology Title The organization of a new preparation’s production for the reclaiming of oily soils «Peat-ameliorant». - Technology Description The brief characteristic. Peat-ameliorant is intended for the reclaiming of the soils polluted with oil and mineral oil. It is characterized by a high efficiency of oily soils’ restoration due to a complex action: a high sorption capacity with respect to oil and a high speed of oil hydrocarbons’ destruction. It keeps the working properties after storage at the temperature from -50 up to +50°С. The use of the given development allows to bring down the terms of soil’s reclaiming from 3-5 years to 3-5 months. If petroleum is not destructed to the maximum permissible degree in one season then in the following period the activity of microorganisms that oxidize hydrocarbons recommences as the temperature grows. Use of the development will permit reduction of the period of land reclamation from 3-5 years to 3-5 months. - - at-ameliorant as a substratum for the plant cultivation, for the reclaiming of man-caused disturbed grounds (soils), salted grounds, polluted at coal output, etc., (alongside with oily). -50 tons of ameliorant per 1 hectare. Technology Field □Electronics & Opto-Electronics □Mechanic & Aeronautics □Materials & Chemical Engineering □Biotechnology & Pharmaceutics X Sustainable Development □ Other Technology Maturity Technology Specifications □Electronics, □IC, □Information, □Communication, □Opto-Electronics □Mechanics, □Aeronautics, □Astronautics, □Automation, □Electrical, □Transportation □Chemical Engineering, □Textile □Consumer Materials, □Electronic Materials, □Metal Materials, □Other Materials, □Biotechnology, □Food, □Medicine, □Pharmaceutics, □Energy □Resources X Environmental Technology, □Safety & Health □Content, □ Other technology field □Mass Production □Trial production X Prototype □Experimental stage □Concept □Others( ) Features Peat-ameliorant (offered product) Country of producer Russia Sorbent base peat Oil capacity, g\g 4-6 Cost per kg, $ US 0,4 The comparative characteristic of the modern preparations intended for the soils’ reclaiming Features Technology Features Peatamelioran Gumin TurboSibsorbent Peat-Sorb t ol Jet (offered product) Country of producer Russia Rus sia Russia Fra nce Canada Sorbent base peat peat sapropel, peat, moss peat peat Oil capacity, g\g 4-6 4 4 3,6 4 Cost per kg, $ US 0,4 1,0 1,5 5,8 7 1) The cost of “Peat ameliorator” is significantly lower than the cost of competitive drugs, including imported products. 2) Cheap and ecologically clean raw material is needed to produce “Peat ameliorator”. Peat is used as the raw material and the resources of peat only in Tomsk oblast approach to 32.8 billion tons. 3) Production of ameliorator is ecologically safe and wasteless. 4) No need to utilize ameliorator saturated with petroleum as the microorganisms present in “Peat ameliorator” provide destruction of petroleum hydrocarbons, and the peat that the ameliorator contains will enrich soil with organic substance. 5) Ameliorator production can be established near oil production and refining places (located near peat deposits) 6) The economic effect of using “Peat ameliorator” reaches $ 3-5 K per 1 hectare of land polluted with petroleum. Technology Application Scope Applicable Industries Market Potential Patent Stage Technology Exchange Type Reclaiming of oily soils Oil-extracting and oil refining companies - - growing. Potenti - 2,5 billion $. - 0,1 %. X Granted ,patent number The Patent of the Russian Federation № 2137559 from 20.09.1999. □Allowed □Filed □Know-how □Technology license □Grant of IP right □Joint development X Others -Starting mass production -Other terms can be negotiated Restriction X None □Restricted to production in Taiwan □Others( )