The man had eaten at least 12 hours before he

This body was found in a peat bog
on Tollund Fen in Denmark in May
1950. Two men were digging peat
for burning. As they worked they
suddenly saw in the peat layer a
face so fresh they thought they
had come across a recent murder.
They called the police. The men
carefully removed the peat from
the body till more of him could be
seen. The man lay on his right side
as if he was asleep.
These items were
found around the
Tollund Man’s neck.
The items are a
rope noose and an
iron neck ring. Iron
Age people buried
neck rings with
their dead as an
offering to the
Spring Goddess.
The heart and organs were healthy. The wisdom teeth had grown. These
appear in people around 20 years of age.
The man had eaten at least 12 hours before he died. The soup was made
up of seeds that were only connected with Spring.
When they dug up the grave some plants were trapped under the body.
They were about 2000 years old.
The German tribes
hang traitors from
trees and drown
cowards in fens under
piles of sticks.
This is a statue of
an Earth Goddess
found in a peat bog
in Denmark.
The German tribes worshiped
the Goddess of Spring. Every
Spring a cart carries a statue of
the Goddess in a procession.
Afterwards the cart and
statues were washed by slaves,
and then the slaves were
German Tribes hung traitors
in trees, cowards, people
afraid to go to war and
people with bad morals were
lowered into bogs and
covered with branches. One
historian, Tacitus, described
how German tribes
sacrificed human beings to
Gods and Goddesses.
At the time of the Tollund Man there were different burial customs in
Denmark, but the one thing they all had in common was that they included
cremation - except for a small group of people who were sacrificed. They
were placed in bogs without being cremated.
The Tollund Man
might have been
naked when he was
placed in the bog
because he was a
murdered slave. It
might explain why he
had an iron ring
around his neck!
The forensic report stated
that the Tollund Man's
neck was not broken.
However, the forensic
examiner was certain that
he had been hanged. New
examinations reveal among
other things that his
tongue was swollen which
often happens when a
person is hanged.