Renewable Energy and Fossil Fuels E30. Is any part of the Company involved in the development or use of renewable energy? (E.g. provision of renewable energy; supply / manufacture of components; R&D; use of renewable energy in developments, etc.) Please do not include the purchasing of renewable energy, which is covered in the environmental performance section of this survey. Yes No If “No,” skip to question E33. E31. Please use the template below to detail the Company’s renewable energy involvement: Type of renewable energy Details of involvement Solar energy Wind energy Biomass energy Geothermal energy Hydrogen and fuel cells Hydroelectric power Wave energy Other: E32. Please provide the following details on investment and revenues for renewable energy projects: Absolute Value % of Company total Turnover % Profits % Capital investment % Details E33. Is the Company involved in the development or use of biological/alternative fuels, e.g. ethanol (alcohol based), biodiesel (made of animal and vegetable fats)? Yes No If “No,” skip to question E35. E34. Please provide the following details on production, investment, and revenues for biological/alternative fuel projects: © Absolute Value % of Company total Volume produced/used % Turnover % Capital investment % Details E35. Does the Company provide electricity? Yes No If “No,” skip to question E40. E36. If the Company generates electricity from fossil fuels please give details. What percentage of the Company’s turnover, if any, is derived from this? % E37. What percentage of energy provision is derived from renewable sources? % Does this amount exceed the regulatory obligation, if any, in your country(ies) of operation? (e.g. UK Government’s Renewables Obligation) Yes No Please provide details of any regulatory requirements on the use of renewable energy: E38. Does the Company offer a green tariff1 to all customers? Yes No If “Yes,” does it cost more than the standard tariff? Yes No E39. What percentage of the energy supplied, if any, is guaranteed to be matched with renewable generation? % E40. What percentage of turnover, if any, is derived from extracting, refining or distributing fossil fuels [coal, oil, or gas, including liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)]? Turnover: 1 % Please give details: “Green tariff” refers to services offered by electricity companies whereby customers can opt to be supplied with renewable energy. They may be energy-based, where the supplier buys renewable energy to match the amount you use, or fund-based, where the supplier puts money aside to fund renewable energy projects, or a combination of both. © E41. What percentage of turnover, if any, is derived from the following industries? % brick and tile manufacturers, ceramics manufacturers, ready mixed concrete and aggregates, concrete producers, pre-cast concrete manufacturers, glass industry, mining and quarrying, industrial chemical manufacturers, forging industry, iron founders, steel producers, paper and board manufacturers Please use this space for any additional details you wish to provide regarding the Company’s involvement in renewable energy and/or fossil fuels: ©