Victor M. Ugaz - Artie McFerrin Chemical Engineering Department

Departmental Address
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Michigan
2300 Hayward
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2136
(734) 763-3078
Home Address
2775 Windwood Drive
Apartment 191
Ann Arbor, MI 48105-3400
(734) 623-6907
Northwestern University
Ph.D. 1994–August, 1999
Chemical Engineering
Evanston, Illinois
GPA: 4.0/4.0
Thesis Title: Investigation of the Effect of Shear Flow on Molecular Orientation in Model
Thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Polymers Using In Situ X-ray Scattering
Academic Advisor: Prof. Wesley R. Burghardt.
The University of Texas
Aerospace Engineering
Austin, Texas
GPA: 3.5/4.0
Thesis Title: Measurement of the Constitutive Behavior of Electrorheological Fluid Flow
Through a Rectangular Channel Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Academic Advisor: Prof. Richard W. Miksad.
The University of Texas
Austin, Texas
Aerospace Engineering
GPA: 3.5/4.0
Genome Scholar and Faculty Transition Award, NIH (Awarded August, 2001).
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Michigan, 1999-present. Working with Profs. Ron Larson and Mark Burns to construct
microfabricated systems for high resolution electrophoresis of DNA fragments using ultra-short gels.
ASEE Summer School for Chemical Engineering Faculty, August 2002. Participated in workshop designed to disseminate
innovative and effective teaching methods to a wide spectrum of chemical engineering undergraduate programs.
Teaching Apprentice, Northwestern University, 1998. Served as the co-instructor for an undergraduate chemical reaction
engineering class of approximately 40 students. Developed and gave lectures, held office hours, assigned homework, and
created exam problems.
Teaching Assistant Fellow, Northwestern University, 1997. Developed and conducted two workshops for new teaching
assistants in the Chemical Engineering and Chemistry departments.
Teaching Assistant, Northwestern University, 1995–1997. Graded homework and exams, and maintained regular office
hours to provide assistance to students on an individual basis.
Teaching Assistant, The University of Texas, 1992–1993. Graded homework and exams. Supervised laboratory section
and prepared brief lecture. Monitored student progress while conducting experiments, and graded lab reports.
Undergraduate Research Assistant, The University of Texas, 1990–1991. Conducted a numerical investigation of the
pressure-flow characteristics of electrorheological fluid flow. Evaluated the feasibility of using various imaging techniques
to measure velocity profiles in flows through enclosed geometries.
Engineering Summer Intern, Hercules Incorporated, McGregor, Texas, Summer 1990. Compiled a rocket motor igniter
database to make essential information easily accessible for future design projects. Evaluated motor casing heat treatment
problems to improve product quality. Assisted in an investigation to determine the cause of a rocket motor failure.
Finalist, Frank J. Padden, Jr. Award, American Physical Society (awarded March, 1998).
Dissertation Year Graham Fellowship, Northwestern University (awarded June, 1997).
George Thodos Teaching Assistant Award, Northwestern University (awarded May, 1996).
National Science Foundation Minority Graduate Fellowship, Northwestern University (awarded March, 1994).
National Science Foundation Mentoring Assistantship, Northwestern University (awarded March, 1994).
McCormick/NSF Minority Graduate Fellowship, Northwestern University (awarded March, 1994).
Hercules Engineering Scholarship, The University of Texas (awarded May, 1990).
Texas Achievement Award Scholarship, The University of Texas (awarded Fall, 1987).
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American Chemical Society
American Institute of Chemical Engineers
American Physical Society
Society of Rheology
Krishnan, M., Ugaz, V.M., and Burns, M.A. “PCR in a Rayleigh-Bénard Convection Cell.” To appear in Science.
Ugaz, V.M., Lin, R., Srivastava, N., Burke, D.T., and Burns, M.A. “A Versatile Microfabricated Platform for
Electrophoresis of Double- and Single-stranded DNA.” Submitted to Electrophoresis.
Ugaz, V.M., Burke, D.T., and Burns, M.A. “Microdevice-based Measurements of Diffusion and Dispersion in Cross-linked
and Linear Polyacrylamide DNA Sequencing Gels.” Electrophoresis. 23 (2002): 2777-2787.
Ugaz, V.M., Brahmasandra, S.N., Burke, D.T., and Burns, M.A. “Cross-linked Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis of
Single-stranded DNA for Microfabricated Genomic Analysis Systems.” Electrophoresis. 23 (2002): 1450-1459.
Caputo, F.E., Ugaz, V.M., Burghardt, W.R., and Berret, J-F. “Transient 1–2 Plane Small-angle X-ray Scattering
Measurements of Micellar Orientation in Aligning and Tumbling Nematic Surfactant Solutions.” Journal of Rheology. 46
(2002): 927–946.
Brahmasandra, S.N., Ugaz, V.M., Burke, D.T., Mastrangelo, C.H., and Burns, M.A. “Electrophoresis in Microfabricated
Devices Using Photopolymerized Polyacrylamide Gels and Electrode Defined Sample Injection.” Electrophoresis. 22
(2001): 300-311.
Han, C.D., Ugaz, V. M., and Burghardt, W. R. “Shear Stress Overshoots in Flow Inception of Semiflexible Thermotropic
Liquid Crystalline Polymers: Experimental Test of a Parameter-Free Model Prediction.” Macromolecules. 34 (2001):
Ugaz, V.M., Burghardt, W.R., Zhou, W., and Kornfield, J.A. “Transient Molecular Orientation and Rheology in
Flow Aligning Thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Polymers.” Journal of Rheology. 45 (2001): 1029–1064.
Burghardt, W.R., Ugaz, V.M., and Cinader, D.K. “X-ray Scattering Measurements of Molecular Orientation in
Thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Polymers Under Flow.” In Scattering From Polymers. Cebe, P., Hsaio, B.S., and Lohse,
D.J. Eds. ACS Symposium Series 739. American Chemical Society: Washington, DC (2000): 374–389.
Zhou, W., Kornfield, J. A., Ugaz, V. M., Burghardt, W. R., Link, D., and Clark, N. A. “Dynamics and Shear Orientation
Behavior of a Main-Chain Thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Polymer.” Macromolecules. 32 (1999): 5581–5593.
Ugaz, V.M. and Burghardt, W.R. “In-Situ X-Ray Scattering Study of a Model Thermotropic Copolyester Under Shear:
Evidence and Consequences of Flow Aligning Behavior.” Macromolecules. 31 (1998): 8474–8484.
Ugaz, V.M. and Burghardt, W.R. “X-Ray Scattering Investigation of Highly Concentrated Poly(benzyl glutamate)
Solutions Under Shear Flow.” Journal of Rheology. 42 (1998): 379–394.
Ugaz, V.M., Cinader, D.K., and Burghardt, W.R. “Origins of Region I Shear Thinning in Model Lyotropic Liquid
Crystalline Polymers.” Macromolecules. 30 (1997): 1527–1530.
Hongladarom, K., Ugaz, V., Cinader, D., Burghardt, W.R., Quintana, J.P., Hsiao, B.S., Dadmun, M.D., Hamilton, W.A.,
and Butler, P.D. “Birefringence, X-Ray Scattering, and Neutron Scattering Measurements of Molecular Orientation in
Sheared Liquid Crystal Polymer Solutions.” Macromolecules. 29 (1996): 5346–5355.
Ugaz, V.M., Majors, P.D., and Miksad, R.W. “Measurements of Electrorheological Fluid Flow Through a Rectangular
Channel Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging.” Developments in Electrorheological Flows and Measurement
Uncertainty, 1994. Proceedings of the 1994 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exhibition.
ASME (1994): 15–27.
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Ugaz, V.M.[presenter], Yim, M-B, Brahmasandra, S., Burke, D.T., Mastrangelo, C.H., Larson, R.G., and Burns, M.A.
“Novel Strategies for Enhanced Resolution in Electrophoretic Separation of DNA Fragments in Microfabricated Devices.”
Paper 114b. 2000 Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Los Angeles, CA, November 16,
Ugaz, V.M. “Predicted Evolution of the Orientation Distribution Function During Transient Shear Flows in Flow-Aligning
Nematics.” Poster 74h. 2000 Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Los Angeles, CA,
November 13, 2000.
Ugaz, V.M.[presenter], Burghardt, W.R., Zhou, W., and Kornfield, J.A. “In Situ X-ray Scattering Investigation of the
Evolution of Molecular Orientation During Transient Flows of Model Thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Polymers.” Paper
128a. 1999 Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Dallas, TX, November 3, 1999.
Ugaz, V.M.[presenter], Burghardt, W.R., Zhou, W., and Kornfield, J.A. “In Situ X-ray Scattering Investigation of the
Evolution of Molecular Orientation During Transient Flows of Model Thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Polymers.” Paper
LC1. 71st Annual Meeting of the Society of Rheology. Madison, WI, October 18, 1999.
Ugaz, V.M.[presenter], and Burghardt, W.R. “X-Ray Scattering Investigation of the Interplay Between Molecular
Orientation and Rheology in a Model Thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Polymer.” Paper 127i. 1998 Annual Meeting of the
American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Miami Beach, FL, November 19, 1998.
Ugaz, V.M.[presenter], and Burghardt, W.R. “In-Situ X-Ray Scattering Investigation of the Influence of Shear and Thermal
Histories on Molecular Alignment in a Model Thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Polymer.” Paper PMSE-271. 216th
National Meeting of the American Chemical Society. Boston, MA, August, 26, 1998.
Ugaz, V.M.[presenter] and Burghardt, W.R. “X-Ray Scattering Investigation on the Influence of Shear and Thermal
Histories on Molecular Alignment During Shear Flow in a Model Thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Polymer.” 1998 Chicago
Chapter of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers Undergraduate/Graduate Student Poster Competition. Chicago,
IL, April 1, 1998.
Ugaz, V.M.[presenter], and Burghardt, W.R. “X-Ray Scattering Investigation of Molecular Orientation During Shear Flow
in a Model Thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Polymer.” Paper I11.04. 1998 March Meeting of the American Physical
Society. Los Angeles, CA, March, 17, 1998.
Ugaz, V.M.[presenter], and Burghardt, W.R. “In Situ X-Ray Scattering Studies of a Model Thermotropic Liquid
Crystalline Polymer Under Shear.” Paper 178g. 1997 Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Los Angeles, CA, November 20, 1997.
Ugaz, V.M.[presenter] and Burghardt, W.R. “X-Ray Scattering Study of Molecular Orientation in a Model Thermotropic
Liquid Crystalline Polymer During Steady and Transient Shearing Flows.” Poster PO15. 69th Annual Meeting of the
Society of Rheology. Columbus, OH, October 22, 1997.
Ugaz, V.M.[presenter] and Burghardt, W.R. “In-Situ X-Ray Scattering Study of Molecular Orientation in a Model
Thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Polymer.” 1997 Chicago Chapter of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Undergraduate/Graduate Student Poster Competition. Chicago, IL, April 9, 1997.
Ugaz, V.M.[presenter] and Burghardt, W.R. “X-Ray Scattering Study of Molecular Orientation in a Thermotropic LCP
Under Shear.” Paper I’30.01. 1997 March Meeting of the American Physical Society. Kansas City, MO, March 19, 1997.
Ugaz, V.M.[presenter], Cinader, D.K., and Burghardt, W.R. “X-Ray Scattering Investigation of the Origin of Region I
Shear Thinning in Concentrated Solutions of Poly(Benzyl Glutamate).” Paper CL1. 68th Annual Meeting of the Society of
Rheology. Galveston, TX, February 19, 1997.
Ugaz, V.M.[presenter], Cinader, D.K., and Burghardt, W.R. “Structural Origin of Region I Shear Thinning in Concentrated
Solutions of Poly(Benzyl Glutamate).” Paper 99f. 1996 Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Chicago, IL, November 13, 1996.
Ugaz, V.M.[co-presenter], Cinader, D.K., Burghardt, W.R. “X-Ray Scattering Investigation of Region I Shear Thinning in
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Concentrated Solutions of Poly(benzyl glutamate).” Poster #5. 1996 Chicago Chapter of the American Institute of
Chemical Engineers Undergraduate/Graduate Student Poster Competition. Chicago, IL, April 10, 1996.
Ugaz, V.M.[co-presenter], Cinader, D.K., Burghardt, W.R. “On the Origins of Region I Shear Thinning in Concentrated
Solutions of Poly(benzyl glutamate).” Poster K32-48. 1996 March Meeting of the American Physical Society. St. Louis,
MO, March 18–22, 1996.