Ph.D. University of Connecticut
Mechanical Engineering
University of Connecticut
Mechanical Engineering
U. S. Merchant Marine Academy 1965
Professor, Department of Engineering, Hofstra University, 1983-present.
Provide innovative ideas for curriculum development. Revamped the freshman
engineering program to stress ethics, creativity, design and critical thinking. Wrote three
freshman engineering texts in support of this. Revised the thermodynamics sequence,
again with a text in the area. Created and taught a course in the Natural Science
department in Science and Technology. Designed and taught a graduate course in
Technology and Public Policy regarding the impacts of technology on society.
Co-Director, Center for STEM Research, Hofstra University, 1989-present. Founded
the Center to improve STEM literacy for K-16 students. Currently oversee a major
National Science Foundation grant and have done so for over twenty years on previous
NSF grants. Hired staff and managed programs, meeting all objectives while operating
within the budget. Smaller grants were received and administered in this time period as
well. As the Center for STEM Research reports to the Dean, School of Education, I
maintain close ties with faculty in the department of Curriculum and Teaching.
Instrumental in creating the MA/MST degree offered in the department; developed and
teach courses for the degree. Published two texts in engineering/technology education.
Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation WGG Project, 2014—2019.
WGG, WISE Guys and Gals—Boys & Girls as WISEngineering STEM Learners, is a
$2.5 million informal STEM project will introduce middle school age youth who attend
Boys & Girls Clubs to innovative and engaging blended STEM based engineering
challenges that include both on-line and hands-on activities. The underlying theoretical
framework used to create these design challenges that will facilitate youth development
of engineering thinking, STEM habits of mind, and better problem solving strategies.
The open source, on-line interface WISEngineering, provides numerous virtual tools
(e.g. social networking, Design Journal, embedded assessments) that promote learning
and collaboration through challenging, thoughtful, and creative work.
Mayor, Village of Kensington, 1990-2000.
Directly manage all aspects of Village government. Upon assuming office in 1990,
directed the completion of a major public works project that required terminating the
contractor and engineer and hiring others to complete the project in a timely fashion;
instituted and successfully directed litigation regarding the project. Privatized the
public works department, resulting in significant cost savings and efficiency
improvements. Developed an equitable assessment process for the Village, establish the
annual budget and set tax rates (no tax increase for the past five years, even with
modernization of Village buildings, parks and pool areas. Negotiated several multiyear
contracts with the Kensington Police Benevolent Association. Wrote grants resulting
in approximately $150,000 of public works assistance to the Village. Developed bids
and specifications for village contracts. Serve as Police Commissioner, Chair of the
Planning Board and Chair of the Board of Assessment .
Chair, Department of Engineering, Hofstra University, 2004-2006.
Working with the University administration to redefine the mission of Engineering
at Hofstra. Working with LI FIRST to host the 2005 robotics contest at Hofstra.
Expanding role of Industrial Advisory Board.
Chair, Department of Computer Science, Hofstra University, 2000-2004.
Have expanded the faculty and seeking to reach out to local business and
industry. Plans to enhance the master’s degrees in computer science.
Member, National Academy of Engineering Committee on K-12 Engineering
Education, 2007-2009.
Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation MiSP Project, 2009—2012.
MiSP is a $2.1 million project created to improve middle school student achievement in
mathematics. The Project will rigorously develop, implement, and research an innovative
and potentially transformative model that infuses mathematics into eighth-grade science
education. It will help ensure that students see the mathematics they study actually being
used, and would enhance their learning. The infused mathematics would also help
transform the primarily descriptive instruction currently used in middle school science
into more inferential and analytical instruction, and would therefore inform science
Principal Investigator, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation WISEngineering Project
2011—2012. WISEngineering:Improving Math Performance through Engineering Design
is $250,000 proof of concept project. WISEngineering is a technology-based curriculum
delivery, assessment, and feedback system that uses informed engineering pedagogy to
introduce middle school math in innovative ways. It will engage learners and educators,
promote deeper conceptual understanding, and provide in-time assessment feedback to
guide learning and instruction. WISEngineering captures individual student work, even if
the student is working within a team, using virtual design journals and design portfolios.
Pre-post and embedded assessments will provide feedback about what students are doing
and learning, along with information from within the environment.
Co-Principal Investigator National Science Foundation SMTE Project, 2008—2013.
SMTE is a $3.2 million project designed to improve student technological literacy
understanding while enhancing their knowledge in middle school mathematics. Students
will develop designs as part of quest they play in a game, developed as part of the project.
Research questions include the effectiveness of virtual and physical learning environments
on improving student learning in mathematics and design.
Co-Principal Investigator National Science Foundation ESTEEM Project, 20072010. Project ESTEEM (Equitable Science, Technology, Engineering, Education, and
Mathematics) is a three-year advanced technological education (ATE) project that
would enhance women’s opportunities to succeed in studies leading to further
education and careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
Principal Investigator National Science Foundation MSTP Project, 2003-2009.
MSTP is a $11.5 million project designed to improve middle school mathematics in 10
participating school districts. The collaborative project works with SUNY Stony Brook
and Brookhaven National Laboratory. Research findings from the project show that
participating schools’ student performance in mathematics increased at a greater rate
than comparison schools. Unique research efforts re developing STEM learning
communities using math infusion in STEM have indicated very positive teacher and
student gains. Continuing research re the effectiveness of math infusion in STEM
indicates student cognitive gains.
Principal Investigator National Science Foundation CCfT Project, 2006-2009.
Career Curriculum for Technology (CCfT) is a three-year project to develop
contemporary, high-interest curriculum materials for high school technology students and
teachers that address standards-driven technological concepts and skills and promote
promising STEM career choices. It is a consortium of two- and four-year institutions
including Brookdale Community College, New Jersey; the South Central Region BioLink Center at Austin Community College, Texas; and Fulton-Montgomery Community
College and Hofstra University in New York.
Co-Principal Investigator National Science Foundation NYSPDC Project, 20032006. Four New York State colleges (Dutchess Community College, FultonMontgomery Community College, Mohawk Valley Community College, and Oswego
State University), in partnership with Hofstra University, are establishing a statewide
professional development collaborative. The project is initially providing workshops in
the areas of materials/manufacturing and information technologies to secondary school
technology teachers through a program that brings together community college technical
experts, high school teacher/leaders, and university pedagogical experts. The overarching
goals are to provide contemporary professional development to technology educators
using standards-based exemplary materials, to forge sustainable alliances between
community colleges and the technology education community, and to create a
professional development model that the colleges will sustain.
Principal Investigator National Science Foundation NYSCATE Project, 2000-2004.
Co-creator of $2.3 million collaborative effort involving three community and technical
colleges in rural, suburban, and urban New York State (Finger Lakes CC, Fulton
Montgomery CC, and New York City TC); affiliated school districts and Tech Prep
consortia; local and national industries; Hofstra University; the New York State Business
Council; teacher professional associations; four Advanced Technological Education
(ATE) Centers of Excellence; and the New York State Department of Education
(NYSED). The project will develop, field test, validate, and institutionalize 14
articulated grade 9-14 ATE curriculum modules within three overarching areas of
technology; Bio/Chemical Technology; Information Technology; and Physical
Technology (materials and manufacturing). Curriculum development will be guided by
contemporary pedagogical practice and matched to industry skill and academic learning
Co-Principal Investigator National Science Foundation MSTe Project, 1997-2002.
Co-creator of the $1 million elementary school follow-on to the NYSTEN project with
Hofstra, Brookhaven National Laboratory, SUNY Stony Brook and BOCES working
collaboratively. Participate in the training elementary school teachers from across Long
Island in improved ways to teach mathematics, science and technology education for
children. The teachers, with Co-PI’s as consultants, provide workshops to teachers in
their districts.
Co-Principal Investigator National Science Foundation NYSTEN Project, 19931997.
Created and coordinated a $4.3 million project to form a statewide network of
mathematics, science and technology education teachers that held workshops across New
York. Provided four weeks of summer training for three years, as well as semi-annual
conferences for the 100 teachers involved in the project. Project staff hired, objectives
met and then exceeded on while operating on time and budget.
Member, Peer Review for Engineering Educators, Fulbright Specialist
Program, 2011-2013.
Chair, Manhasset Bay Protection Committee, 1997-2003.
Worked with Assemblyman Tom DiNapoli in creating the MBPC which includes all the
municipalities fronting on Manhasset Bay. Principal author of the $150,000 grant from
the Department of State which will develop strategies for these municipalities to
implement, reducing pollution to the Bay. This is first cooperative intermunicipal group
that has ever existed between these communities.
Consultant, Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1993-2003.
Initiated a close working relationship with the Science Education Center, critiqued
educational programs, collaborated on grant initiatives.
Consultant, Wiesen Engine Company, 1996-2003.
Developing a newly patented, lightweight, opposed piston engine in collaboration with
colleagues at the US Merchant Marine Academy.
Member, Long Island Museum for Science and Technology, 1992-2000.
Serve as Hofstra’s representative and act as a resource to the committee seeking to
establish LIMSAT; provide educational perspective in math, science and technology.
Principal Investigator, Maglev Consortia, Brookhaven National Lab, 1994-1996.
Developed linkages between engineering colleges in New York and local technology
education associations to run magnetic levitation contests for middle and high school
students. Collaborations were established with RPI, SUNY Buffalo, SUNY New Paltz,
Monroe and Dutchess Community Colleges ($25,000).
Principal Investigator, MST Project, Energy and Technology, 1994-1996.
Coordinated and participated in the instruction of elementary school teachers regarding
MST. Co-developed the instructional model that BNL implemented ($65,000).
Chair, Department of Engineering, Hofstra University, 1983-1992.
Oversaw engineering program expansion--hiring faculty, developing laboratories and
curriculum. Guided two programs through their initial ABET accreditation and one for
reaccreditation. Created summer programs in engineering for middle and high school
students. Conceived and created Hofstra’s Center for Technological Literacy. Developed
collaborative associations with Brookhaven National Laboratory.
Trustee and Commissioner of Public Works, Village of Kensington, 1989-90.
Responsible for the effective operation of the public works department, including
budgetary oversight, hiring of temporary personnel and effective use of Village resources
in street, park and pool maintenance.
Consultant/Evaluator, Long Island Lighting Company Research Initiative, 1991996.
Reviewed proposals for funding for LILCO’s research initiative in the areas of energy
generation and conservation.
Honorary Secretary, Institute of Marine Engineers, 1986-91.
Served as one of the three officers who runs the organization, provided mailings,
meeting locations, solicited technical presentations and organized conferences.
Lecturer, Nassau County Museum of Fine Arts, Art & Technology, 1986.
Presentation drawn from research on the effect of technology on the arts, its influence in
music, in sculpture. How advances in technology are incorporated by artists, furthering
creative expression.
Professor of Engineering, U. S. Merchant Marine Academy, 1978-1983.
Continue development of engineering laboratories; led changes in the thermal/fluids
laboratories, recommended new equipment as part of the expansion plan.
Assistant Head of Engineering, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, 1978-1981.
Co-director/founder of the continuing education. Designed, developed and installed
multi-million dollar, industrial-funded lab, and created and oversaw instruction of
accompanying course. Interfaced with governmental agencies, companies and unions.
Visiting Professor, American Bureau of Shipping, 1980-1981.
Developed course and video material for American Bureau of Shipping marine engineers
and naval architects who work throughout the world for ABS. This work was supported
by a National Science Foundation grant.
Associate Professor of Engineering, U. S. Merchant Marine Academy, 1971-78.
Revamped the courses in the thermal fluids area, created new laboratory experiments,
worked with National Maritime Research Center in the areas of condition monitoring of
ships’ equipment and power plant simulation. Served on the international committee
setting standards in these areas. One of initial group of approximately five faculty that
created the Faculty Forum, a faculty senate, for the Academy to provide faculty input in
the academic decision-making process.
U.S. representative to Technical Committee, Mathematical Modelling and
Simulation, 1975-78; Condition Monitoring, 1978-82, International Cooperation on
Marine Engineering Systems (ICMES)
One fact-finding trip to Europe to report to the National Maritime Research Center of the
Maritime Administration regarding international perspectives on condition monitoring
and power plant simulation.
Reviewer of books and articles, 1975-82.
Journal of Heat Transfer, Naval Institute Press, Oxford University Press, Naval
Engineers Journal, Applied Mechanics Reviews.
Assoc. Professor, Chair Marine Engineering, Massachusetts Maritime Academy,
Supervised the ten-person department and created new courses as the program expanded
from three years to four, developed laboratory experiences and revised the sea-period
educational program aboard the school’s training ship.
Third Assistant Marine Engineer for American Export-Isbrandtsen Lines, 19651966.
Sailed around the world two times as well as intercoastal trips; in charge of the ship’s
power plant for eight hours a day, responsible for unlicensed crew on the shift.
Member, Order of the Engineer
Fellow, Institute of Marine Engineers
Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Member, American Society for Engineering Education
Member, International Technology and Engineering Education Association
Professional Engineer, New York State
Chartered Engineer, United Kingdom
Second Assistant Marine Engineer, Steam
Third Assistant Marine Engineer, Diesel
Hofstra University
Center for Technological Literacy--numerous workshops for students and
Long-Term Planning Committee--College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Faculty Advisor, National Society of Black Engineers, Society of Women
Chairperson, Tenure and Promotion Committees
Member, Task Force on Sponsored Research
Member, Engineering Dean and Provost Search Committees
US Merchant Marine Academy
Chairperson, Tenure and Curriculum Committees
President, Faculty Forum (Faculty Senate)
Numerous Ad Hoc Departmental Committees
2010 Outstanding Research Award from the Council on Technology Teacher
2011 Award of Distinction in Teaching, Research and Scholarship, International
Technology and Engineering Education Association.
Hacker, Michael and Burghardt, David, Engineering & Technology Education—
Learning by Design, 2nd edition, Prentice-Hall, 2012.
Hacker, Michael and Burghardt, David, Engineering & Technology Education—
Learning by Design Student Activity Guide, 2nd edition, Prentice-Hall, 2012.
Hacker, Michael, Burghardt, David etal., Engineering and Technology Education,
Cengage Learning, 2009.
Hacker, Michael, Burghardt, David etal, Engineering and Technology Education
Student Activity Guide, Cengage Learning, 2009.
Hacker, Michael and Burghardt, David, Technology Education—Learning by Design,
Prentice-Hall, 2008.
Hacker, Michael and Burghardt, David, Technology Education—Learning by Design
Student Activity Guide, Prentice-Hall, 2008.
Hacker, Michael and Burghardt, David, Technology Education—Learning by Design,
Prentice-Hall, 2003.
Hacker, Michael and Burghardt, David, Technology Education—Learning by Design
Student Activity Guide, Prentice-Hall, 2003.
Burghardt, M. David, Introduction to Engineering Design and Problem
Solving, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1998.
Burghardt, M. David, Introduction to the Engineering Profession, 2nd edition,
HarperCollins, 1995.
Burghardt, M. David and Harbach, James A., Engineering Thermodynamics, 4th
edition, HarperCollins, 1993.
Burghardt,M. David, Introduction to Engineering, HarperCollins, 1992.
Burghardt, M. David, Introduction to the Engineering Profession, Harper and Row,
Burghardt, M. David, Engineering Thermodynamics with Applications, 3rd edition,
Harper and Row, 1987.
Burghardt, M. David, Know Your Diesel, Prentice-Hall, 1984.
Burghardt, M. David, Engineering Thermodynamics with Applications, 2nd edition,
Harper and Row, 1982.
Burghardt, M. David and Kingsley, George D., Marine Diesels, Prentice-Hall, 1980.
Burghardt, M. David, Engineering Thermodynamics with Applications, Harper and
Row, 1978.
Burghardt, M. D., Lauckhardt, J., Kennedy, M., Hecht, D., and McHugh, L. (2015). The
Effects of a Mathematics Infusion Curriculum on Middle School Student Mathematics
Achievement. School Science and Mathematics. 115(5).
Burghardt, M. D., Chiu, J.L, and Hecht, D. (2013). Infusing Informed Engineering
Design Pedagogy in K-12 Math and Science Courses. 2013 Hawaii International
Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI.
DeJaegher, C.J., Chiu, J.L., Burghardt, M.D. Hecht, D., Malcolm, and P.T., Pan, E..
(2012). Learning Common Core Math Concepts with WISEngineering. ASEE Annual
Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Malcolm P. T., Chiu J.L.., Pan E., and Burghardt, M.D. (2012). WISEngineering: A
Web-based Engineering Design Learning Environment. ASEE Annual Conference. San
Antonio, TX.
Hacker, M., Burghardt, M.D., etal. (2011). Middle School Best Practices Award and
Conference Paper. ASEE 2011 Annual Conference. Vancouver, BC.
Russo, M., Hecht, D., Burghardt, M.D., etal. (2011). Development of a Multidisciplinary
Middle School Mathematics Infusion Model. Middle Grades Research Journal. 6(2).
Burghardt, M. David, Hecht, Deborah, etal. (2010). A Study of Mathematics Infusion in
Middle School Technology Education Classes. Journal of Technology Education. 22, 1.
DeVries, M., Hacker, M., Burghardt, D. (2010). Teaching Technology and Engineering.
Technology and Engineering Teacher. 70, 3.
Burghardt, M. David. (2010). Keynote, Expanding the E in STEM. STEM Symposium—
Education Infusion into Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, University
of Kentucky, February.
Burghardt, David, Hecht, Deborah, Hacker, Michael. (2010). Interconnecting STEM—
Math Infusion. Presentation 2010 MSP Learning Network Conference.
Burghardt, M. David and Hacker, Michael. (2010). A Study of Math Infusion in Middle
School Engineering/Technology Education Classes. Proceedings 2010 ASEE Annual
Conference, Louisville, KY.
Burghardt, M. David, Hacker, Michael, etal. (2010). Towards Developing an Ontology
for K-12 Engineering Technology Education. Proceedings 2010 ASEE Annual
Conference, Louisville, KY.
Burghardt, M. David and Hacker, Michael. (2010). Expanding the TE in STEM.
Presentation at 2010 ITEEA Annual Conference.
Burghardt, M. David and Hacker, Michael. (2009). Interconnecting STEM Education.
Presentation at the 2009 Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu,
Burghardt, Dave and Hacker, Michael. (2009). Cutting Edge Research—Math Infusion
into Engineering Technology Education. Presentation at 2009 ITEA Annual Conference.
Burghardt, David. (2008). Improving Student Learning in STEM with Existing
Resources. Presentation at House of Representatives STEM Education Caucus.
November 2008, Washington, D.C.
Hacker, Michael and Burghardt, David (2008). Addressing Issues Related to Technology
and Engineering. The Technology Teacher. 68, 3.
Burghardt, David and Hacker, Michael, Development of a Math Infusion Model for
Middle School Engineering/Technology Education, Proceedings 2008 ASEE Annual
Burghardt, David and Hacker, Michael, Math Infusion in a Middle School
Engineering/Technology Education Class, Proceedings 2008 Frontiers in Education
Conference, Saratoga.
Burghardt, David. (2007). Effective Interventions in K-12 STEM Education.
Presentation at House of Representatives STEM Education Caucus. May
2007, Washington, D.C.
Burghardt, David and Smith, Kenneth L. (2007). Teaching Engineering at the K-12
Level: Two Perspectives. The Technology Teacher. 66, 7.
Burghardt, David and Hacker, Michael. (2007). Engineering Professional
Development. Proceedings National Symposium to Explore Effective Practices for
Professional Development of K-12 Engineering and Technology Education
Teachers. Dallas, Texas.
Burghardt, David and Akins, Leah, Improving K-12 Mathematics Understanding with
Engineering Design Projects, Proceedings 2006 Frontiers in Education Conference, San
Burghardt, David and Llewellyn, Maryann, Engineering Effective Middle School
Teacher Professional Development, Proceedings 2006 ASEE Annual Conference,
Burghardt, David and Krowles, Christine, Enhancing Mathematics Instruction
with Engineering Design, 2006 ASEE Annual Conference, Chicago.
Burghardt, Dave and Krowles, Christine, Mathematics by Design, Networks On-line
Journal for Teacher Research, June 2005
Burghardt, M. David and Michael, Hacker, Informed Design: A Contemporary Approach
to Design Pedagogy as the Core Process in Technology, The Technology Teacher, 64,1,
September 2004.
Burghardt, M. David and Michael, Hacker, Informed Design, presentation at 2005 ITEA
Annual Conference, Kansas City, Mo.
Burghardt, M. David, “Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Partnership”, 10th
Annual CNSF Exhibition & Reception , Washington, D.C., 2004.
Burghardt, M. David, “An In-Service MA/MST Program in Elementary Education”,
ASME Teem UP! For K-12 Conference, Clearwater, Florida, 2004.
Burghardt, M. David and Hacker, Michael, “Children’s Engineering”, ITEA 2003 Annual
Conference, Nashville, TN.
Burghardt, M. David and Hacker, Michael, “The NYSCATE Project”, ITEA 2003
Annual Conference, Nashville, TN.
Burghardt, M. David, and Koch, Janice workshop, “Hofstra University’s MA/MST
Program”, Fostering Campus Collaborations Conference 2003, IEEE, Miami, FL.
Burghardt, M. David, Hacker, Michael, and Flugman, Bert panelists, “Assessing the
Effectiveness of Instructional Resources”, Ninth Annual ATE Principal
Investigators Conference, October 2002, Washington, D.C.
Burghardt, M. David, and Hacker, Michael, “Large-Scale Enhancement Projects
Focusing on Technology Education”, Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 39, 3,
Spring 2002.
Burghardt, M. David and Koch, Janice. (2002). Design Technology in the Elementary
School-A Study of Teacher Action Research. Journal of Technology Education, 13, 2.
Burghardt, M. David, "Developing the Field of Children’s Engineering", ERM Division,
ASEE 2000 Annual Conference, St. Louis.
Burghardt, M. David, "Hofstra's Center for Technology Education--A Model for
Engineering Involvement in K-12 Education", Mechanical Engineering Division, ASEE
1996 Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.
Burghardt, M. David, "Engineering and K-12 Education--A Two-Way Street", Freshman
Engineering Division, ASEE 1996 Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.
Burghardt, M. D., Hacker, M. and Schwartz, I., "NYSTEN--A MST Technology
Education Network", 1996 Annual ITEA Conference, Phoenix.
Burghardt, M. David,"Hofstra's Center for Technology Education--Engineering
Involvement in K-12 Education", National Association for Science, Technology and
Society 1996 Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.
Workshop presenter,"Technology Education: Exploring the Human-made World", MST
Conference, Constructing Our World: Math, Science and Technology for Elementary
Schools, Hofstra University, January 1996.
Moderator and presenter at Brookhaven National Laboratory Conference on a New
Vision for Mathematics, Science and Technology, October 1995.
Moderator and presenter at Brookhaven National Laboratory Conference on MST
integration in precollege education, June 1995.
Presentation at ITEA 1995 Annual Conference on NYSTEN.
Presentation at ASEE 1994 Annual Conference, Edmunton, NYSTEN: A Middle/High
School Engineering Initiative.
Moderator at ASEE 1992 Annual Conference, Toledo, for session on Successful K-12
Presentation before Subcommittee on Environment, Committee on Science, Space and
Technology, U. S. House of Representatives, May 8, 1992.
Guest lecturer, Mechanical Engineering Colloquia, "Social Activism
and Engineering",Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, April 1992.
Moderator and panelist at ASEE 1991 Conference, New Orleans, for session on
Successful Programs with Middle and High Schools.
Moderator, Mini-Plenary--Women a Critical Component in the Student Pipeline, ASEE
1990 Annual Conference, Toronto.
Moderator, Improving the Student Pipeline, ASEE 1990 Annual Conference, Toronto.
Burghardt, M. David, "A Complementary View--Increasing the Technological Literacy
of Non-Engineers", St. Lawrence Section ASEE Conference, Binghamton, NY, October
Burghardt, M.D., prepared NUREG/CR-5078, Vol.2, "A Reliability Program for
Emergency Diesel Generators at Nuclear Plants", as a consultant to Trident Engineering
Associates, 1988.
Paolino, M.A. and Burghardt, M.D., "Energy Conservation and Second Law Efficiency",
Journal of Power, January 1982.
Burghardt, M. David, "U. S. Flag Fleet Machinery Operations--Past, Present and
Future", presented at Symposium for Sustaining Design Thermal Performance of Ship
Propulsion Machinery, Kings Point, February 1978.
Burghardt, M. David, "U.S. Flag Fleet Condition Monitoring Practices", ICMES
Conference on Condition Monitoring, Paris, May 1977.
Burghardt, M. David, "Determining Grades: New Look at an Old Tool", Engineering
Education, May 1974.
Burghardt, M.D. and Bowley, W. W., "Sublimation in a Porous Continuum Developed
from Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics", Journal of Heat Transfer, V 96, 1974.
Burghardt, M.D. and Bowley W.W., "A Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamic Development
of Energy and Mass Transfer in a Porous Medium", Powder Technology, V 6, 1972.
Bowley, W.W. and Burghardt, M.D., "Thermodynamics and Stones", Transactions,
American Geophysical Union, January 1971.
Burghardt, M. David, "A Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamic Analysis of Sublimation in a
Porous Medium", Ph.D. Thesis, University of Connecticut, 1971.