Negative impacts of unreported COPD exacerbations on health-related quality of life at one year Wanning Xu, Jean-Paul Collet, Stanley Shapiro, Yingxiang Lin, Ting Yang, Chen Wang, Jean Bourbeau Online Data Supplement A: Confounding evaluation using Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) A priori subject-matter and causal knowledge for the association under study was used to guide the confounder evaluation(1, 2). First, potential determinants of the health-related quality of life (HRQL) in patients with COPD were identified from a comprehensive literature review. Studies were searched from MEDLINE, EMBASE and The Cochrane Library from 1980 to 2007, using the key words “Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease/COPD”, “quality of life/health status/well-being” and “risk factor/determinant/cause”. Then, the causal relationships of each risk factor with the outcome (HRQL), the exposure (COPD exacerbation) and other determinants were presented in causal diagrams (i.e., Directed Acyclic Graphs, DAGs)(1, 2). The strengths of the causal assumptions were determined according to the critical review of the findings from previous studies, clinical plausibility and respirologist (co-author) opinion. The assumptions were considered as strong if supporting evidence was consistent in the literature. For instance, frequent exacerbations in the previous year are associated with frequent exacerbations in the current year(3-9). The assumptions were considered as moderate if previous results were inconsistent or limited but clinically plausible. Most of our assumptions fall into this category. For instance, some studies and opinion papers(5, 6, 8, 10-17) have suggested that the frequency of COPD exacerbation increased with more lung function impairment (FEV1), but this 1 association was not found in other studies(18-21). Another example is the association between the dyspnea level at baseline and the risk of COPD exacerbation. Many multivariate analyses found that this association was not statistically significant, except for a recent study(22). However, dyspnea is the major symptom of COPD and can be used to categorize disease severity. It is therefore clinically plausible to assume that the risk of exacerbations and hospitalizations increases with the severity of dyspnea. The weak assumptions were those based upon the clinical reasoning only or suggested in studies with critical methodological limitations. For instance, despite the lack of reliable evidence, it is possible that the lower level of exercise capacity (represented by 6-mintue walking distance) is associated with the increased risk of COPD exacerbations, which may be mediated by the lower level of regular physical activity. Our causal assumptions are summarized in Table E1. For this specific study, we developed the causal diagram (Figure A1) based on the assumptions in all strength levels in order to capture all potential confounders(1, 2). The relevant confounders identified from our causal diagram for the association between COPD exacerbations and the change of HRQL are: age, sex, socio-economic factors (marital status, education level, current employment, living alone), current smoking, lung function (FEV1%), dyspnea, daily productive cough, daily wheezing, 6-mintue walking distance (6MWD), social support, COPD-specific self-efficacy (CSES), anxiety and depression, significant co-morbidities, participation into pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) programs, and the use of long-acting bronchodilator (LABD), inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) and long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT) at baseline. Among these identified confounders, pulmonary rehabilitation and living alone has very low variability (i.e, less than 3% subjects in a certain category for dichotomous variables) and thus were excluded from the multivariate models. Disease history (i.e., COPD diagnosis for at 2 least 5 years) were neither included in the causal diagram nor the multivariate models due to their potential co-linearity with other covariates. This approach has been considered as a more appropriate strategy compared to conventional methods based on stepwise regression, “change-in-estimation” approach, or conventional epidemiological definition of confounding. It allows consideration of inter-relationships between multiple covariates; avoids unnecessary or harmful adjustment that may result from conventional strategies; explicitly reveals the causal assumptions between variables which were implied but obscured in most studies based on data-driven approaches; and it is also mathematically rigorous while being a qualitative and simple way to approach causal inference from observational data(1, 2). However, as with any model there can be no guarantee that our causal diagram is correct or that other models could not be put forward. Some of the causal assumptions in our diagram may be of unknown validity and most are untestable(1, 2). However, this approach allows us to make our causal assumptions explicit. 3 Table A1. Causal assumptions between the main exposure (COPD exacerbation), the main outcomes (HRQL), and covariates. Arrow # in Figure A1 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 A26 A27 A28 A29 A30 A31 A32 A33 A34 A35 A36 Causal assumptions (cause-effect) Lung function – respiratory symptoms Lung function – HRQL Respiratory symptoms – exercise capacity (i.e., 6MWD) Respiratory symptoms – depression/anxiety Depression/anxiety – respiratory symptoms Respiratory symptoms - HRQL Exercise capacity (6MWD) – HRQL Depression/anxiety – HRQL Psychosocial factors (SES, social support, self-efficacy) – HRQL Psychosocial factors (SES, social support, self-efficacy) – respiratory symptoms (i.e., dyspnea) Psychosocial factors (SES, social support, self-efficacy) – psychological status (i.e., depression/anxiety) Age/sex – lung function Age/sex – psychosocial factors (SES, social support, self-efficacy) Age/sex – depression/anxiety Age/sex – HRQL Past exacerbations – baseline lung function Past exacerbations – baseline depression/anxiety Smoking – lung function Smoking – symptoms of chronic bronchitis Significant co-morbidities – HRQL Significant co-morbidities – Depression/anxiety Hospital (representing health care levels and environmental triggers) – HRQL Treatment profile (ICS, LABD, LTOT, PR) – HRQL lung function – COPD exacerbations Respiratory symptoms (i.e., cough, sputum, dyspnea) – exacerbations Function capacity (6MWD) – exacerbations Depression/anxiety – exacerbations Psychosocial factors (SES, social support, self-efficacy) – exacerbations Age/sex – exacerbations Age/sex – exercise capacity (6MWD) Age – co-morbidities Past exacerbations - future exacerbations Co-morbidities - exacerbations Treatment profile (ICS, LABD, LTOT, PR) exacerbations Treatment profile (Vaccination/mucolytics) exacerbations Hospital (i.e.,health care levels and environmental triggers) - exacerbations Strength of assumptions Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Strong Moderate Moderate Moderate Strong Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Weak to moderate Strong Strong Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Weak Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Strong Moderate Moderate Moderate Strong 4 A1-36=Arrows 1-36 shown in Figure A1; SES=Socio-economic status; 6MWD=6-minute walking distance; LTOT=Long-term oxygen therapy; PR=Pulmonary Rehabilitation; LABD=Long-acting bronchodilator; ICS=Inhaled corticosteroid. 5 Figure A1. The Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) for the association between COPD exacerbations and the change of HRQL. Past exacerbation A17 (weak to moderate) A16 Lung function A24 Current smoking A18 A12 A15 Age, Sex A29 A30 A14 A13 A1 SES; self-efficacy; social support (representing coping strategies, health perception, access to health resource; adherence of treatment plans) A19 A28 A32 A10 A11 A31 A2 A5 A4 Respiratory symptoms A25 Depression/anxiety A6 A3 Exercise capacity (6MWD) A26 A9 A27 A7 A8 COPD exacerbation A35 A34 Change in HRQL ICS, LABD, LTOT, PR A23 Vaccination, mucolytics A33 A36 - Significant comorbidities A20 Hospital (representing health care levels and environmental triggers) A21 A22 The causal association under study is COPD exacerbationï change in HRQL (boxes in dark grey). Other boxes represent measured covariates. The single-headed arrows represent direct links from causes to effects (causal assumptions) (also see Table A1 for the meaning of arrows 1-36). 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Characteristics of unreported and reported exacerbations in GOLD Stage II patients (n=211) Unreported Reported exacerbations Exacerbations Number of exacerbations 157 163 Rate of exacerbations (number/person-year) 0.74 0.90 (0.62-0.86) (0.77-1.02) 1 (1-3) 3 (1-3) Sputum amount 74 (47.1) 123 (75.5)* Sputum color 28 (17.8) 109 (66.9)* Dyspnea 96 (61.2) 137 (84.1)* One symptom 123 (78.3) 44 (27.0)* Two symptoms 27 (17.2) 32 (19.6) Three symptoms 7 (4.5) 87 (53.4)* Untreated exacerbations 119 (75.8) 24 (14.7) Treated exacerbations 38 (24.2) 139 (85.3) Total number of key symptoms, median (range) Type of key symptoms, n (%) Proportion of treated and untreated exacerbations, n (%) p value<0.0001 and †p value<0.01 for comparisons of proportions between reported and * unreported exacerbations, which were estimated from Generalized Estimating Equations using each symptom as the dependent variable and the reporting status as the independent variable, taking into account the potential individual-level clustering effect. 9 Table B2. Characteristics of unreported and reported exacerbations in GOLD Stage III patients (n=204) Unreported Reported exacerbations Exacerbations Number of exacerbations 233 162 Rate of exacerbations (number/person-year) 1.28 0.85 (1.12-1.43) (0.72-0.98) 1 (1-3) 2 (1-3) Sputum amount 110 (47.2) 110 (67.9)† Sputum color 31 (13.3) 104 (64.2)* Dyspnea 135 (57.9) 143 (88.3)* One symptom 200 (85.8) 47 (29.0)* Two symptoms 23 (9.9) 35 (21.6)† Three symptoms 10 (4.3) 80 (49.4)* Untreated exacerbations 191 (82.0) 19 (11.7) Treated exacerbations 42 (18.0) 143 (88.2) Total number of key symptoms, median (range) Type of key symptoms, n (%) Proportion of treated and untreated exacerbations, n (%) p value<0.0001 and †p value<0.01 for comparisons of proportions between reported and * unreported exacerbations, which were estimated from Generalized Estimating Equations using each symptom as the dependent variable and the reporting status as the independent variable, taking into account the potential individual-level clustering effect. 10 Table B3. Characteristics of unreported and reported exacerbations in GOLD Stage IV patients (n=76) Unreported Reported exacerbations Exacerbations Number of exacerbations 76 85 Rate of exacerbations (number/person-year) 1.06 1.46 (0.83-1.30) (1.18-1.74) 1 (1-3) 3 (1-3) Sputum amount 29 (38.2) 59 (69.4)* Sputum color 13 (17.1) 55 (64.7)* Dyspnea 48 (63.2) 73 (85.9)* One symptom 65 (85.5) 27 (31.7)* Two symptoms 8 (10.5) 14 (16.5)† Three symptoms 3 (4.0) 44 (51.8)* Untreated exacerbations 63 (82.9) 10 (11.8) Treated exacerbations 13 (17.1) 75 (88.2) Total number of key symptoms, median (range) Type of key symptoms, n (%) Proportion of treated and untreated exacerbations, n (%) p value<0.0001 and †p value<0.01 for comparisons of proportions between reported and * unreported exacerbations, which were estimated from Generalized Estimating Equations using each symptom as the dependent variable and the reporting status as the independent variable, taking into account the potential individual-level clustering effect. 11