POD Evaluation, Planning and Selection Checklist Introduction Purpose: To provide a checklist for identifying and assessing county points of dispensing (PODs) in North Carolina. 1. What is a POD? a. The POD is the location designated by the local Health Department as the site(s) to which the residents of the county will receive prophylactic medications when necessary. 2. What is the purpose of this checklist? a. The purpose of this checklist is to provide guidelines on identifying proper PODs. This checklist covers: Guidelines for identifying acceptable characteristics of potential PODs. Requirements listed in the Technical Assistance Review for dispensing prophylaxis (Section 10) that pertains to the site itself. 3. How is the checklist completed? a. The checklist is divided into two sections a Site Selection Considerations and a Site Evaluation checklist and should be completed prior to an event. b. The Site Selection Considerations portion should be reviewed first. After reviewing these considerations, sites should be evaluated using the Site Evaluation Checklist c. Sites that do not meet all of the requirements in the Site Evaluation Checklist are not necessarily disqualified. 4. Who is responsible for filling out information on the checklist? a. The County Preparedness Coordinator or his/her designated representative should fill out the POD checklist with all pertinent information. b. However; once the checklist has been filled out it should be submitted to the Regional PHRST Pharmacist and the State SNS Coordinator. Site Selection Considerations → Selection of POD sites should be based on a worst-case scenario. Facilities should be assessed with consideration to providing prophylaxis to the entire population of the county/municipalities involved. Remember it is much easier to scale down an operation then to expand. → Magnitude, type, and location of the incident determine the number of people exposed and therefore, the number and location of the sites needed to protect people within a specific time period. A greater number of sites enable easier public access, reduced length of line, decreased time for and increased efficiency in distribution. The trade off is the need for more security, delivery vehicles, drivers, and core staff members-particularly pharmacists, doctors, nurses. Therefore it may be more advantageous to have larger and fewer sites. → Triage should be located a short distance from the distribution site, Triage design should include: o Climate controlled waiting area. o Special needs accommodations o Sanitary facilities o Privacy for medical counsel → Operating hours at each site should be planned for 24 hours a day until the community receives the first protective regimen. → In addition to size and location, consider accessibility to major roads and transportation. → The facility should have the capacity to handle large numbers of people under cover and out of the weather. → Each site should have, at a minimum, the following characteristics: o Heat and air conditioning to maintain temperature requirements o Refrigeration for vaccines o Adequate bathrooms, water and electricity o Unloading area for receipt of supplies o Adequate parking for staff and public o Handicap accessibility o Rest/break area for staff and volunteers → Possible facilities to consider for POD locations: o Public schools Schools often have Well established bus routes that can be used during the emergency to get people to the POD; Parking lots, long corridors, large classrooms, cafeterias, private offices, and other immediately available resources Offer a physical structure that can meet most distribution/POD site needs; Established mechanism for communicating with their constituencies; Systems of communication between rooms as well as security monitors; and Printing facilities; Office space The use of multiple school sites (as staffing permits) will minimize parking and crowding problems at each individual POD. o Community recreation centers Community centers are often have: Well known locations; Overhead speaker systems; Multiple rooms to be used; and Office equipment and supplies. o Arenas Arenas of have: The ability to support large numbers of people; Large parking lots or parking arrangements; Adequate restroom and break facilities; Are well know to residents; Overhead speaker systems; and Multiple spaces that can be utilized. o Military Bases Military bases may be able to offer The ability to support large numbers of people; Large parking lots or parking arrangements; Adequate restroom and break facilities; Are well know to residents; Overhead speaker systems; and Multiple spaces that can be utilized Inherent security Office equipment and Material Handling Equipment (MHE) County Date ______ POD Evaluation, Planning and Selection Checklist Person Completing form: ____________________________ Phone #: _________________ Facility Name: Street Address: City and zip code: Site’s Physical Characteristics: (Site characteristics should include information on who owns the building. If the facility is owned by a private company or is a state or local government building.) Contact Person(s)/ Site Manager Business Hours Primary: Name: Work Phone: Cell: Pager: Email: Business Hours Alternate: Name: Work Phone: Cell: Pager: Email: Emergency Contact24/7 (After Hours) Primary: Name: Work Phone: Cell: Pager: Emergency Contact24/7 (After Hours) Alternate: Name: Work Phone: Cell: Pager: MOA in place? YES NO General Site Information Facility Size (Estimated usable square feet) Number of usable rooms Is the site available 24/7? If not, what are the restrictions? . Is the site climate controlled (68-78 F.) Are there multiple levels (steps between rooms/multiple floors)? If yes, are elevators available? Do the roads leading to the site allow for easy access? Is public transportation available to and from the site? Is a separate/adjacent setting for Triage area available? Can the site be available for use in exercises or trainings? Has the facility been designated for other functions during an emergency? If so, explain: ______ sq ft Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Yes No Is regular garbage pick-up and disposal available? How will medical waste be handled? _____________________________ __________________________________________________________ Yes No Is the site located in a flood prone area? Is the facility and surrounding environment free of hazardous materials and Yes No chemical, biological, mechanical hazards? Name of closest medical facility/hospital:________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________ ________ Approximate number of miles location from site:___________ General Comments about the site: Exterior Information Number of external entrances/exit door to site Estimated number of parking spaces at site Ancillary parking at close proximity? Number of miles to ancillary location: __________ Are handicap accessible entrances and exits available? Are loading dock(s) available? How many? ______________________ Can the loading dock(s) accommodate up to 53’ trailer? Is there adequate exterior lighting around the building perimeter? Is the parking area well lit? Does facility exterior/interior have the capacity to place large numbers of people under cover/out of weather? If no, what contingency plan is available for providing this type of shelter? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ______________________ Other exterior notes: Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No Interior Information **Floor plans and photos of the site should be provided with this checklist. See last page for details.** Yes Number of electrical outlets sufficient? Yes Are adequate bathrooms/toilets available? Yes Is potable water available? Yes Is there sufficient interior lighting to allow completion of forms, etc? Yes Is a large waiting/assembly area(s) available? Are separate rooms for evaluations of exposed and/or ill individuals available? Are separate rooms for behavioral health assessment and interventions available? Is there secure storage area for receipt/storage of medical supplies? Is there an area for audio/video orientation? Do doorways and hallways accommodate wheelchairs? Is a break room available for staff/volunteers? Are kitchen facilities available? Other interior notes: Security/Building Safety Can the site be secured/access controlled? Estimated minimal number of required security personnel for interior of facility? Estimated minimal number of required security personnel for building perimeter? Estimated minimal number of required security personnel traffic control? Has a written site security plan been developed that meets requirements listed in Attachment A? Who holds and maintains this plan? Contact Name/Agency:________________________________________ Phone Number:__(___)_________________ Fire Safety: Annual fire inspection conducted? Fire extinguishers available? Fire Alarms/Smoke detection system? Fire sprinkler/suppression systems? Marked exits/fire evacuation plans posted? Is emergency lighting available? Are First Aid Kits available? Other Safety/Security notes: No No No No No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No Communications Number of telephone land-lines? Is there adequate cellular phone reception inside the site? Is Internet access available? Internet Service Provider:______________________________________________ Is there a Fax machine on site? Does it operate on a dedicated line? Are public use phones available? Are computers available for use? If no, will computers be brought to the site during an event? Are printers available for use? If no, will printers be brought to the site during an event? Is IT support available on site? IT provided by:_______________________________________________ Is a Public Address (PA) System available at the site? Will any of the following methods of communication be used? Web EOC Satellite phones HAM/Amateur radio UHF/VHF/800 MHz radios Is POD staff trained on those marked “yes”? Other Communications notes: Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Equipment Is refrigeration available onsite? Is there a generator onsite? Can generator supply entire facility with power? Is fuel available onsite? Are copy machine(s) available? Is materiel handling equipment (MHE) available? Carts? Hand trucks? Pallets? Pallet jacks? Are two-way radios available? Are an adequate number of tables/chairs available? Will POD go-kits be used? Pre-assembled? Assembled at time of event based on checklist? (A sample list of supplies and equipment that may be needed is included in Version 10.02 of the SNS guidance) Are information signs printed and ready for use? Are written inventories of onsite office equipment and MHE available? If not, lists should be created. Other equipment notes: Staffing Have the following been identified with POC and Backup and job action sheets? POD Manager IT/Communications Safety Officer Logistics Officer Greeters Triage Team Greeter/Triage Team Forms/Data Collection Interpreters Other: Other: Is there adequate staff available? POC and Back up? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Job Action Sheet created? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Operating Hours: Can the POD(s) operate for 24-hours per day for several Yes days and maybe longer? Yes Availability on short notice: Can staff be available within 12-24 hours? Yes Is there POD operating guide for the staff? Yes Has the POD staff be trained? If not will the staff receive just-in-time training? Yes How many staff are available and trained? Yes Has a written care/feed plan been developed? Who maintains the list of POD staff? How often is it updated? Name and contact information for person responsible for notifying POD staff during an event? Name:__________________________________________________ Phone #:______________________ Back-up #:______________________ Other staffing notes: No No No No No No Supplemental Information: Diagrams and Pictures: Diagrams and/or plans of the interior layout should be included. Interior and exterior shots should be provided. A flow diagram for the location should also be included. Below is an example of an interior shot of the facility empty and diagram with approximate locations of where SNS assets Example Pictures Examples: Example Attachment 8: Sample POD Flow Plans There are many ways to set-up flow through a POD. Most often, the location will determine the exact flow. Following are 3 samples. GREETER and ENTRY SCREEING FORMS DISTRIBUTION TRIAGE MEDICAL EVALUATION MENTAL HEALTH SCREENING EDUCATION TRANSPORT DRUG TRIAGE EXPRESS DRUG DISPENSING ASSISTED DRUG DISPENSING FORMS COLLECTION EXIT DATA ENTRY