Our lives lived online Your Digital Dossier https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79IYZVYI VLA&list=PLvzOwE5lWqhRhUa0Zet5__9yfLX8 NRvb3&index=7&feature=plpp_video How many hours a day do you use some form of technology? Consider: cell phone use / texting social media time such as Facebook, Twitter schoolwork – assignments, presentations entertainment, including online video, movies, games Searching for information, shopping …anything that requires the Internet or a cell tower Question: How many hours a day do you use some form of technology? Go to: www.vot.rs and enter 59 73 78 to vote http://www.mentimeter.com You’ve been working on Learning Plans that focus on who you are as a person and as a learner, on your goals and hopes for the future so … what about the part of your life lived online? Who are you in your digital life? “Digital citizenship can be defined as the norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use.” -Mike Ribble- Staying connected to friends, family, what’s happening in the world Access to information, ideas Opportunities for self-expression and creativity Opportunities to learn, to contribute Entertainment, commerce so many positives Who are you online? How do you stay safe and look after yourself? How do treat others? How and what do you contribute? CBE-owned devices Personally owned devices (POD) RTHS Digital Citizenship Plan What if you went to school here? http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2013/09/14/Calif-schooldistrict-pays-firm-to-monitor-kids-social-media/UPI75701379184611/#ixzz2f3h4eiBa What should you definitely be able to do with your POD during class time? Outside of class time on school property? When should you definitely not use your POD? What should we do if a POD is used inappropriately? Please submit in Google Forms https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kY8EYX65rVLGx PdEYXd7BYRnqG8HmXhsMJLbtRalRm4/viewform How do you know what it is? Does it line up with what you believe about yourself and how you want others to see you? How can you use it to your advantage? http://www.commonsensemedia.org/videos/ abbass-story-pride-in-your-digital-footprint Out of Your Hands https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBkZkf2Vmdw&list=PLvzO wE5lWqhRhUa0Zet5__9yfLX8NRvb3&index=4&feature=plpp_vid eo Data Mining – Invasion of the Data Snatchers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceGdmZ_LLfg&list=PLvzOw E5lWqhRhUa0Zet5__9yfLX8NRvb3&index=9&feature=plpp_vide o How do you treat others in the digital environment? Cyberbullying, harassment Copyright, plagiarism ◦ Copyright Modernization Act –(Bill C-11) ◦ Giving credit where credit is due – references and citations (APA, MLA format) ◦ Creative Commons, digital locks Jeff Bliss Rant http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKjqjpePh Tc