Basic Formulas in Excel

Guidance on using
Microsoft Excel
Directorate Support Team (Data & Statistics)
Children, Schools and Families' Directorate
This booklet has been produced in response to continuing demand for support in certain
aspects of Microsoft Excel. Schools and other Local Authority staff are being required to
use Excel to respond to requests, track data and produce further analysis alongside the
functionality in the school and authority Management Information Systems. This booklet
endeavours to provide advice and answer some common questions about key functions
and aspects of excel encountered by the performance data and statistics element of the
Knowledge Management Team. It may also provide ideas and time saving techniques for
managing and analysing data.
Contents Page
What is Excel? ............................................................................................ 3
What is a Spreadsheet? ............................................................................... 4
What is a Column? ................................................................................... 4
What is a Row? ........................................................................................ 4
What is a Cell?......................................................................................... 4
Screen Shot ............................................................................................... 5
What Types of Data? ................................................................................... 6
What are Labels? ..................................................................................... 6
Renaming Sheets ..................................................................................... 6
Filtering Data ............................................................................................. 7
Hiding Columns / Rows ................................................................................ 8
Sorting Data .............................................................................................. 9
Basic Formulas in Excel ............................................................................. 10
Addition ................................................................................................ 10
Subtraction ........................................................................................... 10
Multiplication ......................................................................................... 11
Division ................................................................................................ 11
Simple Formulas ....................................................................................... 12
Averages ................................................................................................. 13
Count ...................................................................................................... 13
Max & Min................................................................................................ 14
Anchors ................................................................................................... 14
IF & AND Function .................................................................................... 15
VLOOK UP ................................................................................................ 16
HLOOK UP ............................................................................................. 18
SUMIF ..................................................................................................... 19
SumProduct ............................................................................................. 21
COUNTIF ................................................................................................. 22
COUNTBLANK ........................................................................................... 22
SUBTOTAL ............................................................................................... 23
Charts ..................................................................................................... 25
Creating a Chart .................................................................................... 27
Using the Chart Wizard ........................................................................... 28
What is a Pivot Table? ............................................................................... 30
Creating a Pivot Chart ............................................................................ 31
Grouping Data ....................................................................................... 35
Important Facts ..................................................................................... 37
Making a Pivot Chart ................................................................................. 38
Troubleshooting ..................................................................................... 39
What is a Macro? ...................................................................................... 39
Hyperlinks ............................................................................................... 40
Removing Hyperlinks .............................................................................. 41
Copying and Pasting Shortcuts ................................................................... 42
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What is Excel?
Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program, which allows a user to enter numerical values
or data into the rows or columns of a spreadsheet, and to use these numerical entries
for such things as calculations, graphs, and statistical analysis.
Spreadsheets are often used to store financial data. Formulas and functions that are
used on this type of data include:
Performing basic mathematical operations such as summing columns and rows of
Producing profit or loss accounts for business, personal or school budget.
Calculating test results / scores.
Finding the average, maximum, or minimum values in a specified range of data.
You can use Excel formulas for basic number crunching, such as addition, division, and
subtraction, as well as more complex calculations such as payroll deductions or a pupil’s
average test results (shown later in this booklet). Additionally, once you have entered
the formula, you can change the data and Excel will automatically recalculate the answer
for you.
Excel formulas are great for working out data that compare calculations based on
changing data. Once the formula is entered, you need only change the amounts to be
calculated. You do not have to keep entering different calculations for each sum as you
do with a regular calculator. Below are the mathematical symbols which are most
commonly used in Excel.
NB – The Num Lock symbol will vary on location depending on the keyboard.
Figure 1 – Common symbols used in Excel
Num Lock
Subtraction - minus sign ( - )
Addition - plus sign ( + )
Division - forward slash ( / )
Multiplication - asterisk (* )
Exponentiation - caret (^ )
Windows System & Program Key Combinations
F1: Help
CTRL+ESC: Open Start menu
ALT+TAB: Switch between open programs
ALT+F4: Quit program
SHIFT+DELETE: Delete item permanently
Windows Logo + L: Lock the computer
(without using CTRL+ALT+DELETE)
CTRL+C: Copy
CTRL+V: Paste
CTRL+Z: Undo
CTRL+B: Bold
CTRL+U: Underline
CTRL+I: Italic
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What is a Spreadsheet?
Spreadsheets are made up of:
The point where they intersect is known as a Cell
In each cell, there may be the following types of data:
Text (labels)
Number Data (constants)
Formulas (mathematical equations)
What is a Column?
Figure 2 - Column
In a spreadsheet, the COLUMN is defined as the
vertical space that is going up and down the
window. Letters are used to designate each
Column’s location.
In this diagram, the COLUMN labelled C is
What is a Row?
Figure 3 - Row
In a spreadsheet, the ROW is defined as the
horizontal space that is going across the window.
Numbers are used to designate each Row’s
In this diagram,
What is a Cell?
In a spreadsheet, the Cell is defined as the space
where a specified row and column intersect. Each
Cell is assigned a name according to its COLUMN
letter and ROW number.
Figure 4 - Cell
In this diagram the Cell labelled B6 is
highlighted. When referencing a cell, you should
put the column first and the row second.
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Screen Shot
Screen shots are useful in many ways for example if you receive an error message, you
can take a screen shot and send your support person an exact replica of the error
window, which makes communicating about the error simple. You can also use a screen
shot to show someone a Web Page without sending them a link. If you are helping
someone with a computer task or problem, and you can’t be right there with that
person, you can use screen shots to illustrate your points through e-mail, instant
messaging, or Microsoft Word. This feature is very useful in schools during lessons as
screen shots can help groups of pupils understand step by step examples rather than a
teacher going through each step with every pupil. To take a screen shot:
First ensure the item you wish to take a screen shot of is clearly
visible on your screen.
Figure 5 – Screen Shot
Press the "Print Scrn" button on your keyboard.
Open Microsoft Paint. To do this, click Start > All Programs >
Accessories > Paint. Click inside the white part of the screen.
Go to the Edit menu and click Paste or you can press and hold
"Ctrl" and tap V. This will paste your screen shot into paint. You
may wish to crop your screen shot, so that only the relevant
section is included. *You can also paste and crop in MS Word.
Figure 6 – Paint
When you are happy with your screen shot - Click File > Save
As. In the box that pops up, change the "Save As Type" to JPG.
Type in a filename for your image. Choose where you wait to
save your picture, for example, My Documents.
If you want to send your image to somebody, simply attach the JPG file that you just
saved to an email and send it or paste straight into a Word Document. If you are
creating a PowerPoint presentation you can also paste your picture into a slide.
In Windows Vista
In Windows Vista (except in Home Basic), there is a tool called the Snipping Tool. To
open it, click on the start menu, type snip, then hit enter.
Click on Snipping Tool.
The Snipping Tool opens, and a white mask is applied on the screen. In the drop-down
menu for the 'New' button, choose from a free-form snip, rectangular snip, window snip,
or full-screen snip.
In free-form snip mode, draw around the area you want to be captured. Drag a
rectangle in rectangular snip mode. For window snip mode, select the window you want
to capture. In full-screen mode, just selecting it from the drop-down menu makes the
The snipped image is then opened within the Snipping Tool, but is also copied to the
Windows clipboard for use in other applications.
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What Types of Data?
In a spreadsheet there are three basic types of data that can be entered:
Labels - Text with no numerical value
Number (Constants) - Just a number - constant value
Formulas - A mathematical equation used to calculate
Data Type
Name, wage, days, etc...
5, 3.75, -7.4 etc…
=5+3, = 8(5+3) etc …
Anything that is just text
Any number (minus
numbers and decimal
points included)
Math equation.
ALL formulas MUST begin
with an equal sign (=).
What are Labels?
Figure 7 – Labels
Labels are text entries; they do not have a value
associated with them. Labels are typically used to
identify what a row or column contains.
In this example above the Labels are Name, Tutor,
Test Score 1, and Test Score 2 (Cells A3 – D3). This
helps us to identify what data goes where.
Renaming Sheets
At the bottom of each worksheet in Excel there is a small tab that indicates the name of
the worksheets in the workbook. Excel names these worksheets Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3
(Default name). These names are not very descriptive; you might want to rename your
worksheets to reflect what they contain. For instance your workbook might contain your
annual budget / grades for individual months. There are a couple of methods for
renaming sheets, please follow:
Figure 7i – Renaming
Double-click on one of the existing worksheet names; it
then becomes highlighted (figure 7i).
Right-click on an existing worksheet name, then choose Rename from the resulting
Context menu.
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Filtering Data
Figure 8 – Filtering Data
Filtering data is a quick and easy way to create a subset
of data in a range of cells or in a table column. Filtered
data displays only the rows that meet criteria (criteria:
Conditions you specify to limit which records are
included in the result set of a query or filter.) that you
specify and hides rows that you do not want to display.
You can also filter by more than one column. Each
additional filter that you apply works only the subset of
data produced by the current filter, and therefore further reduces the subset of data.
The Row containing the headers you wish to filter in the example below is in Row 1.
Select the Row with the headings, then go into Data, then Filter, then click on AutoFilter
as shown on right:
You will then see that boxes with arrows have appeared by the column names if you
click on one, a drop down box will appear. This will show the range of data within that
column, and you simply need to select the value which you wish to filter by as shown
below. This is useful if you wished to see all the children who had scored a 2 in English
for example.
Figure 9 – Drop-down Menu
Also the Custom option (shown above) is a useful tool.
You are not limited to the simple choices that AutoFilters provide, for example, filtering
by the "Maths" or "English" dept. You can use Custom Filters to select a subset of
records based on more detailed criteria.
To set a simple Custom Autofilter:
Figure 10 – Custom Menu
Enable Autofilter in your spreadsheet using the
steps in the previous section.
Click the down arrow in the column you wish to
From the drop down list select (Custom…) The
Custom AutoFilter dialog opens (figure 10). Your
column name should show above the first list
box (circled in red).
In the first list box, click the drop down arrow and select your criteria.
In the list box to the right, either type a value or select one from the list.
Click OK.
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For example, you can view pupils who scored between level 3 and 4. Excel is versatile in
the filter settings. You are not limited to just items containing a specific value. You could
also use:
does not equal
is greater than
is greater than or equal to
is less than
is less than or equal to
begins with
does not begin with
ends with
does not end with
does not contain
Sometimes you need a more complicated filter. You may want to select a row if two
conditions are met, you might also be interested in selecting a cell if one or another
condition is met. For example you could choose to view ‘results for pupils’ whose
birthdays are between January and March by using is greater than or equal to (January)
and is less than or equal to (March).
Hiding Columns / Rows
When working on spreadsheets, you may create figures that are
sensitive, or that make the worksheet look messy. Hiding columns /
rows in Excel is an easy way to clean up messy calculations, or protect
sensitive data from public view. Hiding columns / rows does not change
or eliminate the data; they are still present. They are simply not
Figure 10i
Hiding Data
When you hide a column / row in a worksheet, the data that is hidden
can still be used and referenced in the worksheet. To hide a single
column / row:
Right click on the Column / Row header of the data you wish to
be hidden.
Choose Hide from the menu.
The selected Column / Row and the letter / number will be hidden from view.
Shown below circled in Red
Figure 10ii – Hiding Data
To unhide a column, select at least one cell on either the left or right of the hidden
column(s) / rows(s). Right click and the same sub-menu will appear as Figure 10i. Select
Unhide from the menu and the hidden data will reappear.
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Sorting Data
You can sort the data in a spreadsheet using the conventional sort buttons on the
Standard Toolbar. This is useful if you wanted to sort your data alphabetically e.g. by
pupil name, numerically, date of birth etc…
Ascending - Sorts the data alphabetically from A to Z, 1 to 100, Jan to Dec and
numerically from the lowest number to the highest.
Descending - Sorts the data alphabetically from Z to A, 100 to 1, Dec to Jan and
numerically from the highest number to the lowest.
NB - It is important that all data is highlighted before you start because
otherwise it might sort or display the data incorrectly.
Figure 11 – Finding Sort on Toolbar
Figure 11 is an example of how to highlight the data,
and to find the Sort option on the Toolbar.
Figure 12 – Pop-up Box for Sort
When selected on the main Toolbar, the pop-up box to the
left will appear. Simply select the header to which column
you would like the data to be sorted by. In this example
DOB was selected.
Figure 13 – Sort by DOB
In the example on the left the data has been sorted by DOB
(header) which has now displayed oldest to youngest.
Figure 13i – Dialog Box
Changing Font & Formatting Cells: Excel displays
information using the default colour black and the Arial
font. You may want to simply use different colours for
displaying information on the screen. You can change
the font / colour:
Choose the cells whose font colour you wish to
Choose Cells from the Format menu.
The Dialog Box will open.
Select the Font tab.
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Using the Colour drop-down list, select the colour you want used for the
information in the cells you selected in step 1.
Click on OK.
There are also other formatting tools you can do such as formatting the cell to be a
number / text cell, adding grid lines, aligning your numbers / text etc. Each formatting
tool is on a different tab (circled).
Basic Formulas in Excel
You can use Excel formulas for basic number crunching, such as addition or subtraction,
as well as more complex calculations such as payroll deductions or a student's average
on test results. All excel formulas must start with a “=” symbol as this tells Excel that a
formula is being used.
Figure 14 - Adding
When adding up in Excel
depending on the user’s
example for adding the
individual cells to add up.
there are many different ways to do so
preference? If we use figure 14 as an
total scores for Test 1, you can use
The formula would be:
Alternatively you can use a range of cells. The SUM function is useful with large amounts
of data. An example of this function:
Either way you get the same answer. You can also combine the two methods to add up.
For example, if you only wanted to add up cells A2 to A6 and cell B4, the formula would
Figure 15 - Subtracting
To subtract one value from another, you just use the
minus sign in between your cell references, for example:
Figure 15 is an image from a spreadsheet showing a subtraction formula.
If you had written your formula in Cell C1, then this is where the answer is displayed. If
you want to subtract more than two cells, the formula would be:
This formula translates to be 32 (A1) – 15 (B1) – 5 (A3) = 12 (C1)
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Figure 16 – Multiplying
When multiplying in Excel you need to use the asterisk
symbol (*) with the cell references, for example if you
wanted to multiply A1 and B1 in figure 16, the formula
would be:
What if the user wanted to multiply a large range of values together? For example if the
user wanted to multiply all the numbers from cells A1 to A10. The user would not have
to do this:
=A1*A2*A3*A4*A5 etc…
Figure 17 – Product Formula
Similar to the Sum Function which would add all the
numbers, you use the word Product. The formula would be:
If you want to divide one number by another the symbol to use is (/)
This is commonly known as forward slash, and can be found just to the right of the full
stop on your keyboard and next to the ‘Num Lock’ key. An example of this being used
would be:
NB - There are a number of times when you would want to divide, but would
not need the division symbol at all. For example, you use division to calculate
averages but you would not need the division symbol here because Excel has a
separate average function. Likewise, if you wanted to calculate monthly
payments, you would not need to use the division symbol because Excel had
quite a number of financial functions you can use.
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Simple Formulas
Figure 18 shows a basic formula used in a spreadsheet. The formula calculates the Total
Pay with the user just having to change the Hours worked. The formula equation will
stay the same whether for just one person or a vast number of people.
If you work for 37 hours at £6.50 an hour, this would equate to £240.50. You can set up
an automatic calculation in Excel to do the work for you.
Three Labels – Hours, Wage per hour, and Total Pay.
Two Number (data) – 37 and £6.50
One Equation - =B2*B1 (this is typed into cell B4)
Figure 18 - Example
The two main variables that will change are the hours and wage per hour. For example if
a person worked 30 hours, the formula that is typed into cell B4 would automatically
work out 30 x £6.50 (The same goes for the wage per hour). As you can see this
calculation is only for one person but you can easily use it for as many people as you
Figure 19 is a same formula but on a much bigger scale.
As you can see, there are six employees, how many
hours they have worked, and Total Pay they have
Figure 19 - Example
Cell B11 has the formula =SUM(B4:B9) This formula
will automatically calculate the Total Hours worked by
all the employees combined.
Cell C11 has the formula =B11*$B$1 This formula is
set so it will work out the correct Total Pay for all the
employees. No matter how many hours you insert
between Cell B4 – B9, the formula will multiply the total
hours worked (135) by Cell B2 (£6.50) to get the total
pay amount in this example.
NB - When entering large amounts of data, it is wise to place an anchor ($)
between the cell letter and number e.g. $B$1
Please go to PAGE 14 for more information on Anchoring.
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Working out the average of a range of numbers
comes in very useful in any data. Especially in
schools, an example assessing the average score in
a Maths test. Figure 20 show the results for 8
pupils in a Maths test. To work out the average
score you would normally have to add all the
scores together then divide by the total number of
pupils. Using an Excel formula, all you have to do
is use the AVERAGE formula for the cells, whose
average you would like to calculate.
Figure 20 – Averages Function
The formula would be: =AVERAGE(B1:B8)
You have to decide which cell you would like the
average score to be shown in; in this case it is cell B10. You type an equal’s symbol =,
then the word Average, open bracket (, highlight the cells from B1 to B8, then close
bracket ) Once you have an average figure you can compare to other classes / year
group to see how the class is performing overall.
This function will count the number of cells in a selected range that contains data. Using
figure 21 as an example, the formula that you would enter in your desired cell to count
how many child numbers you have would be:
Figure 21 – Count Function
NB - Child data is random for illustration purposes
Cell A7 in which you typed your formula would then display the answer to be 5. This can
be very useful to count numbers in a very large cohort.
NB - COUNT also ignores empty cells in the selected range. If data is later
added to an empty cell in the range, the count total is automatically updated.
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Max & Min
The MAX and MIN function, one of Excel's statistical functions, is used to find the
largest/smallest or maximum/minimum number in a given list of values. If you use the
examples below, the formula that you would use would be:
=MAX(B1:B8) – Largest Value
=MIN(B1:B8) – Smallest Value
Figure 22 - Max Function
Max Result - 16
Figure 23 – Min Function
Min Result - 4
This is a formula copying feature that automatically updates the formula for each cell that
it is copied to. When a formula refers to a specific cell, it requires an anchor for the
automatic changes to update correctly. Anchors can also be used in conjunction with
normal cell references. For example if you had written a formula to calculate Johns Total
Pay and also want to calculate 50 other workers pay. You would not want to re-write
your formula 50 times. It would be easier to copy and paste the formula into every
workers total pay cell. By doing this the formula may automatically look in the wrong
place for the Wage amount resulting in the calculation being wrong – This is why
anchors would be used.
Decide which cells in your formula need to be anchored and which do not. Single cells
that are used in each equation of formulas do need to be anchored. The example below
shows that cell B1 will need to be anchored as each employee total pay will be calculated
from it. Cell references that are different for each equation of the formula do not need to
be anchored.
John =B4*$B$1
Ben =B5*$B$1
Figure 24 – Anchors
As cell B1 will be multiplied by each different worker hours,
this cell will need anchoring. By inserting a "$" sign before the
letter and the number of the cell reference to be anchored.
Example: Replace "B1" with "$B$1". You can now copy &
paste the formula into a new workers row and it will always
automatically multiply their hours by cell B1. An easy method
to anchor a formula is to click on the toolbar where the formula is displayed and press
the F4 key.
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IF & AND Function
The Excel IF function checks to see if a certain condition is true or false. If the condition
is true, the function will do one thing, if the condition is false, the function will do
something else. For example to get rewarded the Vivo Miles (merits) bonus, children
that have scored greater than or equal to 100 and less than 200 to receive a 20%
bonus. After 200 they will receive a higher bonus.
You can also use the AND function which is one of Excel’s Logical Functions. Like most
logical functions, the output from the AND function is either the word TRUE or FALSE.
To write the condition that Vivo’s have to fall between 100 and 200 for the child to
receive a 20% bonus, you would have to write the following in cell C6:
=IF(AND(B6>=$B$2, B6<$B$3),B6*$B$1,"No Vivos")
(Do not forget to anchor your formulas!)
Figure 25 – IF & AND Function
The IF statement reads:
“If B6 is greater than or equal to B2 and B6 is less than B3, then multiply B6 by B1. If
not, then put ‘No Vivos’ into the cell.”
For the second child (cell B7), he/she did not meet the 100 Vivo’s requirement, so the
AND function returned a false, so the IF statement put “No Vivos” into the cell. Excel IF
functions are:
Equals (=)
Less than (<)
Less than or equal to (<=)
Greater than (>)
Greater than or equal to (>=)
Not equal to (<>)
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The VLOOKUP function stands for vertical lookup. It can help you find specific
information in large data tables such as children test scores or any large contact /
information list.
This function is very useful for schools as it will look up a value in one place and insert it
in another. For example if you had a list of children with their test results on different
spreadsheets, with each spreadsheets representing a different subject, and you wanted
to combine the results in one place.
NB - Whenever possible, do not leave blank rows or columns when entering
your data. Leaving blank rows and columns in data tables can make it difficult
to use a number of Excel's functions especially VLOOKUP.
In the example we have a school with a list of children, along with information about
their test results for various subjects. Let’s assume this list is very long, and you would
like to enter a child’s name in a cell and have it return information about their test
results quickly. Figure 26 shows the result we want to achieve. In the orange cell, you
would enter a child’s name, then the test results would automatically display. The
formula that will give the data is:
Lookup Value – This is the value we are looking for (array: Used to build single
formulas that produce multiple results or that operate on a group of arguments that are
arranged in rows and columns. An array range shares a common formula; an array
constant is a group of constants used as an argument.). This can be a value / reference.
If lookup value is smaller than the smallest value in the first column of table array, it will
return with #N/A error value if the value can not be found.
Table Array – This is the area in which we are looking for our value. This uses two or
more columns of data, use a reference to a range or a range name. The values in the
first column of table array are the values searched by lookup value. These values can be
text, numbers, or logical values.
Col Index Num - The column number in table array from which the matching value
must be returned. A col index num of 1 returns the value in the first column in table
array; a col index num of 2 returns the value in the second column in table array, and so
on. If col index num is less than 1, VLOOKUP returns the #VALUE! (Error value). If it is
greater than the number of columns in table array, VLOOKUP returns the #REF! (Error
Range lookup - A logical value that specifies whether you want VLOOKUP to find an
exact match or an approximate match.
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Figure 26 - Vlookup Function
The formula step by step:
In a blank cell that you would like to return a result from the list, type
Click on the cell where you will enter the value to lookup (this will enter the cell
in your formula)
Press, (comma)
Click and drag to select the entire list in the array if data that you wish to find
your look up value and returned value
Press, (comma)
Type the numerical value of the column you would like to return (A=1, B=2,
Press, (comma)
Type “False” and hit enter
Figure 27 - Vlookup Formulas
Below are the formulas used for the table above:
English Formula =VLOOKUP(G2,$A$1:$D$21,2,FALSE)
Maths Formula =VLOOKUP(G2,$A$1:$D$21,3,FALSE)
Science Formula =VLOOKUP(G2,$A$1:$D$21,4,FALSE)
NB - Vlookup can also be used when you have separate tabs, workbooks and
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In some situations, an approximate match is preferred, so several values will return the
same result. For example, when grading student papers, all papers with a grade of 85 or
over should receive an A grade.
In this example, the lookup table is created on a sheet named Grades. To create the
lookup table, enter the minimum score for each grade in column A. Enter the matching
Grade in column B. Sort the Scores in Ascending Order!
Figure 28 - Example
Cells A2:B6 were named GradeList.
The scores are entered on a sheet named Report Card,
where an Excel VLOOKUP formula calculates the grade.
On the Report Card sheet, in cell B4, enter the score 77.
(figure 29) In cell C4, enter the VLOOKUP formula:
Press the Enter key, and the grade for English -- B -- is returned.
Figure 29 - Example
NB - If you are looking for data in the same workbook, you will need to anchor
the cells in which you are searching.
Figure 30 - Hlookup Function
Excel's HLOOKUP function, short for horizontal
lookup, is used to find specific information
that has been stored in a spreadsheet table. It
works much the same the VLOOKUP function.
The only difference being that VLOOKUP
searches for data in columns and HLOOKUP
searches for data in rows. In figure 30, a Vivo
Miles (merits) list has been created. If you
have a large amount of data, HLOOKUP can help you find data that matches specific
criteria such as bonuses to a specific amount.
The Hlookup function is used to look for specified data in the first row of a table of data.
Once found it will return a result, from the same column, a specified number of rows
down from the first row. The formula for Hlookup is:
Lookup Value – This is the value to be found in the first row of the table. This can be a
value, a reference, or a text string.
Table Array – This is a table of information in which data is looked up. Use a reference
to a range or a range name.
Row Index Num – This is the row number in table array from which the matching
value will be returned.
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Range Lookup – This is a logical value that specifies whether you want HLOOKUP to
find an exact match or an approximate match. If you type TRUE, an approximate match
is returned.
Figure 31 shows the formulas to each child, which is highlighted in yellow. As you can
see the only piece of data that changes from each child is the cell which there Vivo Miles
scores is in (B2 – B8).
Figure 31 - Hlookup Formulas
This function adds up numbers depending on the criteria you give it. The function
expects certain arguments. These are:
SUMIF(range, criteria, sum_range)
Range - This is a range of cells that we want to evaluate for the criteria. In this case,
the range is cells within List of Costs (A3-A14).
Criteria – This is the summary by group. For example, the criteria may be Buildings,
Vehicles, and others from cells E3-E7.
Sum Range – These are the actual cells to sum. You want to have totals for fixed asset
costs. Such costs are shown in table (Costs), cells C3-C14 which is also known as the
Sum Range.
Figure 32 – Sumif Function
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Below are the formulas for the summary by groups broken down. It has been broken
down so that it is easier to see the Range, Criteria, and Sum Range. For all five sub
routines they will have the same Range and Sum Range.
NB – Anchoring these formulas is very important – Page 14
Buildings =SUMIF($A$3:$A$14,E3,$C$3:$C$14)
›Range - $A$3:$A:$14
›Criteria – E3
›Sum Range - $C$3:$C$14
Vehicles =SUMIF($A$3:$A$14,E4,$C$3:$C$14)
›Criteria – E4
Equipment =SUMIF($A$3:$A$14,E5,$C$3:$C$14)
›Criteria – E5
Tools =SUMIF($A$3:$A$14,E6,$C$3:$C$14)
›Criteria – E6
Computers =SUMIF($A$3:$A$14,E7,$C$3:$C$14)
›Criteria – E7
Figure 33 – Sumif Formulas
To work out the Total, a simple formula is used: Cell F9 =SUM(F3:F7)
This function is very useful for any school / business as it will show you the spending on
a specific item. A budget for a department in a school is always tight so a system like
this would be important to keep an eye on the outgoings.
Another example of this formula being used is shown in Figure 33. This shows the total
absences from each tutor. The formulas are shown in the orange section.
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This function multiplies corresponding components in the given arrays, and returns the
sum of those products. The formula components are:
=SUMPRODUCT(array1, array2, array3, etc...)
You can select 2 to 255 arrays what components you want to multiply and then add. The
array arguments must have the same dimensions. If they do not, SUMPRODUCT returns
the #VALUE! error value. The table in the range A1 to D7 contains the Name, Start
Date, End Date and number of Work Hours per day for 3 teachers. The table in F1 to J6
is using SumProduct to total each persons work hours for specific dates. The cell that is
highlighted yellow (G5) will work out how many hours were worked by Teacher A
during 04/06/2010.
SUMIF will allow you to sum the values in a range that match your criteria, but it allows
only a single condition. Often you would like to sum based on multiple criteria that is
where SumProduct is used. In this example, we only want to add work hours if the name
is the same and if the date falls between the Start and End dates.
SumProduct allows you to base totals on multiple criteria because we take advantage of
the way Excel sees the logical results of TRUE and FALSE.
Since FALSE evaluates as 0 when used in a mathematical formula, any no matching, or
FALSE result in a logical test, will result in a product of zero.
Because TRUE evaluates as 1, any Matching results will be multiplied by one, leaving the
original values when the products are summed.
Figure 33i – SumProduct Example
The formula broken down from the highlighted Cell – G5:
(($A$2:$A$7=G$1)* - 1st Array: A2:A7 searches through Teachers, =G1 means
that you want to search Teacher A Work Hours. * The times symbol is then typed
because you want to times that number to the next.
($B$2:$B$7<=$F5)* - 2nd Array: B2:B7 searches through the Start Date, <=$F5
means that the formula is looking at the beginning of that specific day (04/06/2010). *
The times symbol is then typed because you want to times that number to the next.
($C$2:$C$7>=$F5)* - 3rd Array: C2:C7 searches through the End Date, >=$F5
means that the formula is looking at the end of that specific day (04/06/2010). * The
times symbol is then typed because you want to times that number to the next.
$D$2:$D$7) – 4th Array: $D$2:$D$7 searches through the amount of Hours
Worked. Ending with a closed bracket because it is the end of the formula.
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This function counts the number of cells within a range that meet the given criteria:
Range – This is the range of cells from which you want to count cells.
Criteria – This is the criteria in the form of a number, expression, cell reference, or text
that defines which cells will be counted.
Figure 34 - Counif
In this example, only the Pen orders will be counted.
Select the cell in which you want to see the count (cell
A12 in this example)
Type an equal sign (=) to start the formula
Select the cells that contain the values to check for
the criterion. In this example, cells A1:A10 will be
Type a comma, to separate the arguments
Type the criteria. In this example we are checking for
text, type the word in double quotes: "Pen"
NB - Upper and lower case are treated equally
Type a closing bracket )
The completed formula is: =COUNTIF(A1:A10,"Pen")
Press the Enter key to complete the entry
The result will be 4, the number of cells that contain "Pen"
This function will count cells that are empty. The
formula is:
Figure 35 - Countblank
The following example uses a reference to cells A1:A5.
Enter the sample data on your worksheet
In cell A7, enter formula, to count the numbers in
column A:
Press the Enter key, to complete the formula.
The result will be 1, the number of empty cells
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This is used to perform a specified function on a range of Auto filtered cells. When the
Auto Filter has been applied the SUBTOTAL function will only use the visible cells, all
hidden rows are ignored.
It is generally easier to create a list with subtotals using the Subtotals command (data,
menu). Once the subtotal list is created, you can modify it by editing the SUBTOTAL
function (figure 37). The formula is:
=SUBTOTAL(function_num, ref1, ref2, ...)
The operation performed is solely dependent on the number (between 1 and 11) that we
supply to the first argument Function_num For example:
Function Num is the number 1 to 11 (includes hidden values) or 101 to 111 (ignores
hidden values) that specifies which function to use in calculating subtotals within a list.
Figure 36 - Example
=SUBTOTAL(9,A2:A5) - Subtotal of the column above using the SUM
function (303)
=SUBTOTAL(1,A2:A5) - Subtotal of the column above using the
AVERAGE function (75.75)
Figure 37 – Description of Function Nums
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If there are other subtotals within ref1, ref2,… (or nested subtotals), these nested
subtotals are ignored to avoid double counting.
The SUBTOTAL function ignores any rows that are not included in the result of a
filter, no matter which function_num value you use.
The SUBTOTAL function is designed for columns of data, or vertical ranges. It is
not designed for rows of data, or horizontal ranges. For example, when you
subtotal a horizontal range using a function_num of 101 or greater, such as
SUBTOTAL(109,B2:G2), hiding a column does not affect the subtotal. But, hiding
a row in a subtotal of a vertical range does affect the subtotal.
After you filter the rows in a list, you can use the SUBTOTAL function to count the visible
Apply an AutoFilter to the table.
Filter at least one of the columns in the table. In this example, the first column
has been filtered for Binders.
Select the cell immediately below the column you want to sum.
 Click the AutoSum button on the Excel's Standard toolbar (left).
 If you want the SUBTOTAL function in a cell other than the one
directly below the filtered list, you can type the formula,
instead of using the AutoSum button.
Figure 38 – AutoSum Location
A SUBTOTAL formula will be automatically
column. The first argument in the SUBTOTAL
how the numbers should be calculated. The
numbers. To Count all the non-empty cells in
inserted, totalling the visible cells in the
function is a function number that specifies
default is 9, which tells Excel to SUM the
column D, use a 3 as the first argument:
Figure 39 – Subtotal Function
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Figure 40 – Pie Chart
Charts are visual representations of worksheet data.
Charts often make it easier to understand the data in
a worksheet because users can easily pick out
patterns and trends illustrated in the chart that are
otherwise difficult to see. Different types of charts
serve different purposes. Most commonly used
charts are:
Pie Charts – This is a circular chart divided into
sectors, illustrating proportion. In a pie chart, the arc
length of each sector is proportional to the quantity
it represents. It is named for its resemblance to a pie
which has been sliced. For example, a pie chart could
be used to show what percentage of the school has
free school meals and to show how many pupils
achieved certain grades.
Column Charts – This is used to show comparisons between items of data. Each
column in the chart represents the value of one item of data. An example of this would
be to comparing test results of a pupil taking their English test five times over the school
year (Figure 41 – English Test)
Figure 41 – Column Chart
Number of Pupils Grades in English
Horizontal Bar Charts – These are very similar to column charts, except they run
horizontally on the page instead of vertically like column charts (Figure 42)
Figure 42 - Horizontal Bar Charts
Num ber of Pupils Grades in English
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Line Charts - Normally used to show trends over time. Each line in the graph shows the
changes in the value of one item of data. For example you could show changes in a child
test results over a period of months. (Figure 43)
Figure 43 – Line Chart
Pupil Grades Over 6 Months
Score (%)
Scatter Chart Type - Scatter charts (also known as XY-Scatter charts) can be used
when you need to display sets of data on a chart over a period of time, (Figure 44).
Figure 44 – Scatter Chart
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Creating a Chart
Select the cells containing the data you want to chart; this should include any row and
column headings. When creating a chart from a range of cells on a worksheet you do not
need to highlight the whole range. Excel will automatically highlight the current region
around the active cell up to and excluding any blank rows and columns that surround.
The quickest way to create a chart is to press (F11). Highlight the data you wish to turn
into a chart (this is known as the source data). This will create a chart using the default
chart type which is a clustered column chart. The chart will be created on a separate
chart sheet as opposed to embedded in the active worksheet. When you create a chart,
the source data will be linked to the chart object. Which means the chart will be updated
automatically whenever the data changes.
Figure 45 – Data for Chart
After you have created a chart you can easily change the chart type, source data and
formatting. Excel provides a chart wizard which allows you to change the chart type,
source data, chart options and location of your chart before it is actually created.
Figure 46 – Basic Chart from Data
Test 1
Test 2
Child 1
Child 2
Child 3
Child 4
Child 5
Child 6
Child 7
Child 8
Child 9
Child 10
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Using the Chart Wizard
You can display the chart wizard by either selecting Insert > Chart or by
pressing the chart wizard button on the standard toolbar (left).
The chart wizard is a series of dialog boxes which lets you make decisions
regarding the chart you want to create. There are four steps in the wizard which allow
you to change the chart type, source data, chart options and location of your chart.
Figure 47 – Chart Type
Step 1 (Chart Type) - Lets you choose from the 14
different standard types of charts. Below the list of
chart subtypes on the right hand side is a brief
description to help you choose the right chart. There is
also a "Press and Hold to View Sample" button that
will display a preview of how the chart will look.
Figure 48 – Source Data
Step 2 – (Source Data) - Lets you select the cells and
define the range to use for the chart. You can also choose
whether you want to plot columns or rows as your data
series. There are two tabs “Data Range” and “Series
in”. The Series tab splits up the actual data range into
individual series.
Figure 49 - Options
Step 3 – (Options) - Lets you define certain
options for the chart (i.e. titles, axes,
gridlines, legend, data labels and data table).
This also displays a preview of how the chart
will look.
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Step 4 – (Location) - Lets you decide whether to display the chart on a separate chart
sheet or as an embedded object on the active worksheet. The advantage of using the
Chart Wizard is that you can easily go back and change any of the options before you
actually create the chart.
Figure 50 - Location
Figure 51 – Chart Options
If you want to change anything about your chart once you have
created it, for example – colours, font sizes, etc… Right click the
mouse, then ‘Chart Options’
NB - Charts are dynamic meaning that the data on your worksheet is linked to
the chart. If the numbers on your worksheet change then the chart will be
updated automatically.
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What is a Pivot Table?
A Pivot table is to a way to extract data from a long list of information, and present it in
a readable form. The smart aspect of this is that you can choose what data to see. You
can see certain individuals or a selected group.
Figure 52 – Example of a Pivot Table
In the example, there is a test every month with English, Maths, and Science. We want
to create a Pivot Table that shows the marks that John and Mary got in January,
February, and March. Before constructing a Pivot Table, you need some data in list form
shown in figure 53. The pivot table will show three months worth of data for John and
Figure 53 – Data for Pivot Chart
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Creating a Pivot Chart
The Pivot Table is constructed using a Wizard. To create yours, please follow:
Click inside cell A1 (figure 53) above.
From Excel's menu bar, click on Data.
From the menu that drops down, click on PivotTable and PivotChart Report
The Pivot Table wizard starts up (Below).
Figure 54 – Step 1 Creating Pivot Chart
As the Wizard states, this is step one of three. There's nothing much for you to do in
step one because the options we want are selected: "Microsoft Excel list or database"
and "Pivot Table". With these options chosen, click the Next button at the bottom. The
Wizard moves on to Step Two. It looks like this:
Figure 55 - Step 2
The Range of cells that Excel will include in our Pivot
Table is A1 to D19. Excel has taken that as the first
Row of Data. Excel uses the labels from Row 1 as
Headings. Excel will use these for our drop down
boxes and data. Click the Next button on Step Two.
Step Three of the Wizard appears.
Figure 56 – Step 3
It will automatically be set on default
position, for the location of the Pivot Table
- New worksheet. The next button you will
need to press is Layout. Once you have
clicked the button, the following page will
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Figure 57 – Step 4
The Field Buttons the Wizard is talking about
are those four on the right: Month, Subject,
Student and Score (these are our row
headings). To add a field to your Pivot Chart,
hold down your left mouse button and drag to
an area on the left.
You will need to drag one button to the Column area, one to the Row area, and one to
the Data area. To create the Pivot Chart we need to put Month; in the Column area, you
need to put Subject, and in the Data area you need to put Score. If you see figure 53,
there is a large amount of data but Pivot Charts make it much easier to understand.
Click on Month.
Hold down your left mouse button.
With the mouse button held down, drag it over to the Row area.
Let go of the button when it's there.
A button will appear in the Row area.
The images below show the process in action.
Figure 58 – Placing Data
Hold down the left mouse button and drag.
Figure 59 - Placing Data
Drag the mouse pointer over to the
Row area.
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Figure 60 - Placing Data
Let go of the left mouse button when
the pointer is over Row.
When you have the Month button in place, drag the Subject button to the Column area
and the Score button to the Data area. Your dialogue box should look like this:
Figure 61 – Finished Dialog Box
Click OK when your dialogue box looks like the one above. You will be taken back to
Step Three of the Wizard. Click the Finish button. You'll then have a spreadsheet that
looks like this one (figure 62):
Figure 62 – Completed Pivot Chart
We can now see the total scores, month by month, and by subject.
NB - If you don't see the Pivot Table toolbar, click on: View > Toolbars > Pivot
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Figure 63 – Adding Data
We are now going to put the Students button on the Pivot Table
so that we can see which students have achieved what scores:
Locate the Student button on the Pivot Table toolbar, located on
the right:
Hold down your left mouse button on the Student button
Keep the left mouse button held down
Drag the Student button to the top of the Pivot table,
where it says "Drop Page Fields Here."
Let go of the left mouse button
Excel adds the Student field to the pivot table
The image below shows the process in action
Drag the Student button to the top of the Pivot table
Release the left mouse button and Excel adds the Student
Field (highlighted in red – figure 64).
Figure 64 – Data
If you click in the cell B1 (above) on the black arrow, a drop-down box will appear
showing a list of the students. You could click on a student and view the marks he / she
achieved. Or you could select which subjects to view, or choose only one month (figure
Figure 65 – Drop Down Box for Students
NB - By default the Pivot table will show all students
In figure 65, Cell A3 contains the text Sum of Score. If you double click on that the
following box will appear:
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Figure 66 – Displaying Different Data
As you can see, you now have the option to select a different field. You may find the
average score is most useful as it will calculate the child’s average score over the three
Grouping Data
Grouping is a method that can be used to reduce the amount of data displayed in a Pivot
table. It is possible to combine items together from your row and column fields in order
to help organise and present your data. Below are the options in detail:
Hide Detail - In a PivotTable/PivotChart report, this button hides displayed detail
data in a group. On an outlined worksheet, hides the detail rows or columns of a
selected summary row or column.
Show Detail - In a Pivot Chart/Table report this button displays detail data, if
available, for the selected cell. On an outlined worksheet, displays the hidden detail
rows or columns of a selected summary row or column. Show all the hidden items in the
pivot table.
Group – Not only can you summarize values by field, you can also group together
the values of different fields. For example, you can group together pupils in a tutor
group from different years. As you divide a field into different groups new items will be
created with the corresponding group name. After you have finished grouping your data
you can remove the original field. It is also possible to change the name displayed for a
field or new group. When you create a new group the subtotal will not appear
automatically and you will only see the totals for a group that is collapsed.
Please look at figure 67. Nine children’s test results has been created for Maths,
English, and Science and displayed as a Pivot Chart. By using the grouping function you
are able to group certain pupils together to represent tutor groups.
Ungroup - Once a group is removed from a pivot table it no longer exists. If you
want to display the group again at a later date, then it must be re-created.
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Figure 67 – Data Results for Pupils
Child 1, Child 2, and Child 3 = Tutor Group 7JH
Child 4, Child 5, and Child 6 = Tutor Group 7KW
Child 7, Child 8, and Child 9 = Tutor Group 7MG
Figure 68 – Grouping Data
In the Row area, highlight the pupils (not data) you
wish to group. Right click over the data and this submenu will appear (right). Select Group and Show
NB – If you change / adjust your data in
your spreadsheet the Pivot Table does not
auto-update. You have to press the
Refresh Data button
Figure 69 displays the next stage. You can see in Cell B4, it states Group 1. Now you
can right click on Cell B4 (Group 1), this sub-menu will appear (right). Select Hide
Figure 69 – Data Grouped
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Figure 70 – Renaming the Group
At this stage you can rename the Group (circled). In this case the pupils that are
grouped represent tutor group 7JH.
You would then repeat this process to create each tutor group as required
Please refer to figure 66 (page 35) to display different fields such as Average,
Min, Max etc…
Figure 71 – Competed table showing Average Scores between Tutor Groups
What is the difference between a Pivot Chart and a Normal Chart? - There are a number
of differences between pivot charts and regular charts. The most obvious difference is
that pivot charts contain field buttons. These can be used to change the layout of the
Important Facts
A pivot chart is linked to the pivot table and always displays the same data as the
pivot table.
You can remove the fields from a pivot chart by selecting a Field and selecting
(Hide Pivot Chart Field Buttons).
Be careful when adding new series to existing charts to always ensure that the
Category Labels exist / are copied over to your new series formula.
To copy a chart as picture you must copy the chart object - hold down Ctrl when
selecting the chart to be copied. You can do a Paste special and then as picture.
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Making a Pivot Chart
There are a number of ways to create a Pivot Chart from a Pivot Table.
Click the Chart Wizard button on the Standard Toolbar
Click the Chart Wizard button on the Pivot Table Toolbar
Select the Chart... item on the Insert menu
Select the PivotChart item on the Pivot Table menu (on the Pivot Table toolbar)
A pivot chart is by default created on its own chart sheet. You can
move it to a worksheet using the location item on the Chart
menu, choosing as object in and selecting a sheet from the
dropdown list.
Figure 72 –
Drop Down Box
Notice below that the pivot chart has the same pivot field buttons
as the pivot table. These field buttons can be dragged or double
clicked with the same functionality as those in the pivot table. The
dropdown arrows allow selection of specific pivot items as in the
pivot table. When the items in the pivot chart are changed, the
associated pivot table changes the same way (circled). You can
also adjust the data via the drop down box to the right (figure
Figure 73 – Pivot Chart
There are new features of pivot charts which are:
There is a lot of white space around the chart, but moving and resizing of the plot
area are disabled.
Moving and resizing of the legend are disabled, except for positioning in the five
default legend positions.
Certain chart types - scatter, bubble, and stock charts are not allowed in pivot
All data (except subtotals/totals) in the pivot table must appear in the pivot chart.
No data from outside the pivot table may be added to the pivot chart.
The pivot chart always plots series by column; plotting by row is not possible.
When a pivot table and chart are rearranged or refreshed, the default series
formatting is reapplied, wiping out any custom formatting applied by the user.
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Excel can sometimes state it "Cannot Group that Selection" / "Unable to Group" the
particular field you are trying to group, or the result of the grouping is not what you
expect. The most common problems are:
The most common cause is due to the fact that your Pivot Table data range
includes blank cells within the field in which you are trying to group. For example
if you had a column for test results and within that column somewhere there was
only one blank cell, Excel would not allow to group by test results. This is because
Excel does not know what it should do with the one blank cell in regards to
grouping the cells.
You have both text & numeric data in the same field. Default numbers are
right aligned and text is left aligned. Going back to your data table, selecting the
column which contains what you think is numeric data, changing the alignment to
General under Format>Cells>Alignment will force Excel to return the numbers
to their original state, although this will not change their format. You may have to
widen your column a little, to actually see whether your data is left aligned (text)
or right aligned (numbers).
What is a Macro?
A Macro is a way to automate a task that you perform repeatedly or on a regular basis.
It is a series of commands / actions that can be stored and run whenever you need to
perform the task. You can record / build a Macro, and then play the Macro to
automatically repeat the series of commands or actions. Effectively Macros are a set of
commands that can be played back at will to perform a given task. These tasks can be
something simple from inserting your name and address into a word processor to
something more complex such as launching a program, copying data from it, activating
another program, pasting the data into it and repeating this several times. Tasks
performed by Macros are typically repetitive in nature allowing significant savings in
time by executing the Macro instead of repeating the commands manually.
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Figure 74 - Hyperlink
This feature is a method of moving between a spreadsheet to a
website page. The link is usually indicated to the user by the text
being either highlighted by underlining and / or a different colour,
or by the ability to click on a graphic image. To create a Hyperlink
from your spreadsheet to a document, article, picture etc… please
Right-click the text or graphic you want to represent the
hyperlink then click Hyperlink on the shortcut menu or on the
toolbar – Insert, then Hyperlink.
Figure 75 – Dialog Box
Under Link to on the left side of the dialog box, click Existing File or Web Page.
To select a file from the current folder, click Current Folder and then click the
file you want to link to.
To select the Web page from a list of browsed pages, click Browsed Pages and
then click the Web page you want to link to.
To select a file from a list of files you have recently used, click Recent Files and
then click the file you want to link to.
If you know the name and location of the file or Web page you want to link to,
you can type that information in the Address box.
To select the Web page by opening your browser (left) and
searching for the page, click Browse the Web, open the Web
page you want to link to and then switch back to Microsoft Excel
without closing your browser.
To assign a tip to be displayed when you rest the pointer on the hyperlink, click
ScreenTip and then type the text you want in the ScreenTip text box, then click
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Removing Hyperlinks
When you export any report(s) / data from the Web you may find that Excel will keep
the hyperlink attached. Also if you type something that resembles a URL or an e-mail
address into a cell, this feature automatically converts the text into a clickable hyperlink.
But what if you don't want to create a hyperlink? There are a couple of solutions for
removing the Excel hyperlinks:
Figure 76 - Paste Special Dialog Box
In a blank cell, enter the number 1.
Select the cell which you entered number 1 in and
press Ctrl+C so the cell is copied.
Hold down the Ctrl key as you click each hyperlink
you want to remove.
Display the Paste Special dialog box.
Select the Multiply button under Operation.
Click OK. All the hyperlinks are removed, but the
text of the hyperlinks remains.
Delete the cell you created with the number 1 in.
Another solution of removing hyperlinks:
Figure 77 – Location of Autocorrect
Select the Tools option.
Then select the Autocorrect Options.
Figure 78 – Autocorrect Dialog Box
Click on Autoformat As You Type, and untick Internet and network paths with
Then simply copy the data with hyperlinks,
and paste over the top.
NB - Also do not forget to turn back on the internet and network paths as you
type option when finished!
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Copying and Pasting Shortcuts
Copies the current selected cell or range of cells
Pastes from the clipboard, into the current selected cell or range of cells
If a single cell or cells in a single row are selected - Copies the contents from
the row above the selected range, into the selected range
If cells in more than one row are selected: Copies the contents from the top
row of the selected range, into all other rows of the selected range
(Fills Down)
(Fills to the
If a single cell or cells in a single column are selected - Copies the contents
from the column to the left of the selected range, into the selected range
If cells in more than one column are selected - Copies the contents from the
first column of the selected range, into all other columns of the selected range
Undo the last action
Selecting Cells Shortcuts
CTRL - Left
Mouse Button
Selects multiple cells - i.e. to select more than one cell (or range), first use
the mouse to select on the first cell (or range), then press the CTRL key
and use the mouse to select further cells or ranges
SHIFT - Left
Mouse Button
Selects all cells between (and including) the previous active cell and the cell
that is currently being clicked in - i.e. to select a range, first use the left
mouse key to click on a cell (or row or column) at the start of the range,
then press the Shift key and select the cell at the end of the range
Moves the current selected range down / up a row
Moves the current selected range left / right by one column
↓ OR ↑
Selects all cells below / above the current selection, up to the edge of the
current data region
← OR →
Selects all cells to the left / right of the current selection, up to the edge of
the current data region
Selects the whole of the current column(s)
Selects the whole of the current row(s)
Selects all cells in the current worksheet
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Selecting and Inserting New Spreadsheets
Move to the next worksheet in the workbook
Move to the previous worksheet in the workbook
Insert a new worksheet into the current workbook
Imputing Data
CTRL - ;
Inserts the current date into a cell
CTRL - :
Inserts the current time into a cell
While in edit mode within a cell, cycles through the 4 different combinations
of Anchors ($)
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Children, Schools and Families' Directorate
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Produced by:
Jav Haque
CSF Team July 2010
If you would like further assistance please contact:
Directorate Support Team (Data & Statistics)
Gannel House
Room 13
9 Treyew Road
Old County Hall
Tel: 01872 326537
Fax: 01872 270368
Children, Schools and Families' Directorate
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