full list of publications

January, 2013
LIST OF PUBLICATIONS (Chronologically)
Kenneth, N. and J. Katan (eds.). 1972. Production of Healthy Plants by
Therapeutic and Other Methods and their Maintenance and Use. Symposium. Int.
Soc. Hort. Sci. Tel-Aviv. 115 pp.
Grinstein, A. and J. Katan. 1979. Diseases of Vegetable Crops. Academon,
Rehovot, 61 pp (Hebrew).
Sztejnberg, A. and J. Katan. 1979. Introductory Plant Pathlogy: Laboratory
Manual. Academon, Rehovot, 78 pp (Hebrew).
Katan, J. and J.E. DeVay (eds.). 1991. Soil Solarization. CRC Press, Boca Raton,
FL, 267 pp.
Sztejnberg, A., N. Eshed, A. Dinoor, J. Katan and R. Kenneth. 1992.
Introductory Plant Pathology: Laboratory Manual (revised edition). Dept. Plant
Pathology and Microbiology, Rehovot. 119 pp. (Hebrew).
Katan, J., N. Aharonson, E. Cohen and B. Rubin (eds.). 2000. Selected Topics in
Plant Protection. Special issue of Plant Protection 19:531-915.
Gullino, M.L., J. Katan and A. Matta (eds.). 2000. Chemical and Nonchemical
Soil Disinfestation. Acta Hort. 532, pp 1-260.
Gamliel, A., A. Vanachter, J. Katan (eds.). 2010. Chemical and Nonchemical
Soil and Substrate Disinfestation. Acta. Hort: 883, pp. 1-429.
Gamliel, A. and Katan, J. (eds.). 2012. Soil Solarization: Theory and Practice.
APS Press. St Paul, pp. 1-266.
10. Garibaldi, A., J. Katan and M.L. Gullino. 2012. Fusarium Wilt of Greenhouse
Vegetable and Ornamental Crops. APS Press. St. Paul, pp. 1-243.
11. Kenneth, R., R. Barkai-Golan, M. Chorin, J. Katan, D. Netzer, J. Palti and Z.
Volcani. 1970. A Revised Checklist of Fungal and Bacterial Diseases of
Vegetable Crops in Israel. XI. Intern. Hort. Congr. Tel Aviv, 35 pp.
12. Katan, J. and Y. Eshel. 1973. Interactions between herbicides and plant
pathogens. Residue Reviews 45:145-177.
13. Katan, J. 1974. Crop protection education in Israel. Symposium on Higher
Education in Crop Protection in Europe. Br. Crop Prot. Monogr. 13:20-24.
14. Katan, J. 1975. Production of fruits and vegetables with minimal chemisation.
Proc. XIX Inter. Hort. Cong. 3:383-394. Warsaw.
15. Henis, Y. and J. Katan. 1975. Effect of inorganic amendments and soil reaction
on soil-borne plant diseases. In: G.W. Bruehl (ed.) Biology and Control of SoilBorne Plant Pathogens. The American Phytopathological Society, pp. 100-106.
16. Eshel, Y., J. Katan and A. Grinstein. 1977. Interactions between soil-applied
herbicides and soil-borne diseases. In: M. Horowitz (ed.). Behavior of Pesticides
in Soil. Proc. Israel-France Symp. Publ. pp. 83-84.
17. Fuhremann, T.W., E.P. Lichtenstein and J. Katan. 1978. Binding and release of
insecticide residues in soils. In: M.V. Kennedy (ed.). Disposal and
Decontamination of Pesticides. American Chemical Society pp. 131-141.
18. Katan, J. 1979. Solar heating of soil and other economically safe methods of
controlling soilborne pests for increasing food production. In:T. Kommedahl
(ed.), Proc. IX Int. Congr. Pl. Prot. Vol. 1:26-30. Washington D.C.
19. Katan, J. 1980. Solar pasteurization of soils for disease control: status and
prospects. Plant. Dis. 64:450-454.
20. Katan, J. 1980. Polyethylene mulching for the control of soilborne pests.
Plasticulture 46:2-5.
21. Katan, J. 1980. Survival of soilborne plant pathogens with special reference to
their control: short and long-term effects. Proc. 5th Cong. Medit. Phytopath.
Union. The Helenic Phytopath. Soc. pp. 77-80.
22. Katan, J. 1981. Solar heating (solarization) of soil for control of soilborne pests.
Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 19:211-236.
23. Katan, J. 1982. Pototoes in hot climate: fungal diseases. Potato Res. 24:453-454.
24. Katan, J. 1983. Soil disinfestation: solarization. Acta Horticulturae 152:227-236.
25. Katan, J. 1984. The role of soil disinfestation in achieving high production in
horticultural crops. Br. Crop. Prot. Conf. 1189-1196.
26. Kaufman, D.D., J. Katan, D.F. Edwards and E.G. Jordan. 1984. Microbial
adaptation and metabolism of pesticides. In: J.L. Hilton (ed.). Agricultural
Chemicals of the Future, BARC Symposium No. 8. Rowman and Allanheld,
Totowa, NJ pp. 437-451.
27. Katan, J. 1985. Solar disinfestation of soils. In: C.A. Parker, A.D. Rovira, K.J.
Moore, P.T.W. Wong and J.F. Kollmorgen (eds.). Biology and Management of
Soilborne Plant Pathogens. APS, St. Paul, pp. 274-278.
28. Katan, J. 1986. Soil solarization. In: I. Chet (ed.). Non-conventional Approaches
to Plant Disease Control. J. Wiley and Sons, NY. pp. 77-105.
29. Katan, J., A. Grinstein, A. Greenberger, O. Yarden and J.E. DeVay. 1987. The
first decade (1976-1986) of soil solarization (solar heating): a chronological
bibliography. Phytoparasitica 15:229-255.
30. Katan, J. and N. Aharonson. 1989. Accelerated degradation of pesticides. In: B.
Yaron and Z. Gerstel (eds.). Behavior of Pollutants in Porous Media. SpringerVerlag pp. 193-207.
31. Katan, J. 1989. Root - soilborne pathogens interactions. In: Y. Waizel, U. Kafkafi
and A. Eshel (eds.). Roots - The Hidden Phase. Marcel and Dekker Inc. NY. pp.
823-836. [A second and revised edition, 1996, pp. 811-822].
32. Katan, J. 1989. Soil temperature interactions with the biotic components of
vascular wilt diseases. In: C. Beckman and E. Tjamos (eds.). The Interaction of
Genetic and Environmental Factors in the Development of Vascular Wilt
Diseases of Plants. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. pp. 353-336.
33. Katan, J., J.E. DeVay and A. Greenberger. 1989. The biological control by soil
solarization. In: C. Beckman and J. Tjamos (eds.). The Interaction of Genetic and
Environmental Factors in the Development of Vascular Diseases of Plants.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin. pp. 493-499.
34. Aharonson, N., J. Katan, E. Avidov and D. Yarden. 1990. The role of fungi and
bacteria in the enhanced degradation of the fungicide carbendazim and the
herbicide diphenamid. In: Enhanced Biogradation of Pesticides in the
Environment, K.D. Racke and J.R. Coats (eds.). American Chemical Society,
Washington DC. pp. 113-127.
35. Katan, J. 1990. Soil solarization: a non-chemical method for the control of soilborne pathogens, weeds and pests. In: Pesticides and Alternatives, J.E. Casida
(ed.), Elsevier Science Publ. Amsterdam, pp. 457-465.
36. Katan, J. and J.E. DeVay. 1991. Soil solarization: historical aspects, principles
and uses. In: J. Katan and J.E. DeVay (eds.). Soil Solarization, CRC Press, Boca
Raton, FL. pp. 23-37.
37. DeVay, J.E. and J. Katan. 1991. Mechanisms of pathogen control in solarized
soils. In: J. Katan and J.E. DeVay (eds.). Soil Solarization, CRC Press, Boca
Raton, FL, pp. 131-138.
38. Aharonson, N., and J. Katan. 1991. Pesticide behavior in solarized and
disinfested soils. In: J. Katan and J.E. DeVay (eds.). Soil Solarization, CRC
Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 131-138.
39. Katan, J., C. Ginzburg and S. Freeman. 1992. The weakening effect as a trigger
for biological control and criteria for its evaluation. In: E.C. Tjamos, G.
Papavizas, and J.R. Cook, and (eds.). Biological Control of Plant Pathogens,
Plenom Press, N.Y. pp 55-61.
40. Katan, J. 1992. Soil Solarization research as a model for the development of new
methods of disease control. Phytoparasitica 20:133-1335S.
41. Katan, J. 1992. Nonchemical methods for the control of soilborne pathogens. La
Difesa delle Planta. 15:41-48.
42. Aharonson, N. and J. Katan. 1993. Delayed and enhanced biodegradation of soilapplied diphenamid, carbendazin and aldicarb. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol.
22: 451-466.
43. Katan, J. 1993. Replacing pesticides with nonchemical tools for the control of
soilborne pathogens - a realistic goal? Phytoparasitica 21:95-99.
44. Katan, J. 1996. Cultural practices and soil-borne disease manegement. In: R. S.
Utkhede and V.K. Gupta,(eds.), in "Management of Soil-Borne Diseases",
Kalyani Pubglishers, New Delhi, pp. 100-122.
45. Katan, J. 1996. Soil solarization: Integrated control aspects. In: R. Hall (ed.),
Strategies for Managing Soilborne Plant Pathogens, APS Press, St Paul, pp. 250278.
46. Katan, J. 1996. Soil disinfestation: environmental problems and solutions. In: D.
Rosen, E. Tel-Or, Y. Hadar and Y. Chen (eds.), Modern Agriculture and the
Environment, Kluwer, London. pp 41-55.
47. Katan, J., C. Ginzburg and M. Assaraf 1996. Pathogen weakening as a
component of integrated control. In: T. Wenhua, R.J. Cook and A. Rovira (eds.).
Advances in Biological Control of Plant Diseases. China Agricultural University
Press, Beijing. pp. 320-326.
48. Palti, J. and J. Katan. 1997. Effect of cultivation practices and cropping systems
on soilborne diseases. In: R.J. Hillocks and J.M. Waller (eds.), Soilborne Disease
of Tropical Crops. CAB International, Wallingford. pp 377-396.
49. Katan, J. 1997. Soil solarization for the control of diseases caused by
Rhizoctonia spp. In: B. Sneh, S. Jabaji-Hare, S. Neate and G. Dijst (eds.).
Rhizoctonia Species: Taxonomy, Molecular Biology, Ecology, Pathology and
Control. Kluwer, London, pp. 423-432.
50. Gamliel, A., A. Grinstein and J. Katan. 1997. Improved technologies to reduce
emission of methyll bromide from fumigated soil. Phytoparasitica 25 S: 21-30.
51. Grinstein, A., K.R.S. Ascher, G.A. Mattheus, J. Katan and A. Gamliel 1997
(eds.). Improved application technology for reducing pesticide dosages and
environmental pollution. Phytoparasitica 25S: 1-101.
52. Cook, R.J., J. Katan and I. Chet. 1998. Management of Soilborne Pathogens:
Summary and Recommendations. Phytoparasitica 26:241-243.
53. Katan, J. 1999. The methyl bromide issue: problems and potential solutions. J.
Pl. Pathology 81:153-159.
54. Cohen, R., S. Pivonia, Y. Burger, M. Edelstein, A. Gamliel and J. Katan. 2000.
Toward integrated management of Monosporascus wilt of melons in Israel. Plant
Dis. 84:496-505.
55. Katan, J. 2000. Physical and cultural methods for the management of soil-borne
pathogens. Crop Prot. 19:725-731.
56. Katan, J. 2000. Soil and substrate disinfestation as influenced by new
technologies and constraints. Acta Hort. 532:29-35.
57. Cohen, R., S. Pivonia, Y. Berger, M. Edelstein, A. Gamliel and J. Katan. 2000.
Various approaches towards controlling sudden wilt of melons in Israel. Acta
Hort. 510: 350-358.
58. Katan, J. 2002. Traditional and non-conventional cultural practices for the
management of soilborne diseases. Proc. Indian Phytopathological Society.
Golden Jubilee (2000). pp. 783-788. IARI. New Delhi.
59. Katan, J. 2002. Interactions of soil-borne pathogens with roots and above
ground organs. In: Y. Waizel, V. Kafkafi and A. Eshel (eds.). p.p. 949-959.
Roots The Hidden Phase Marcel and Dekker, NY (A third, revised edition).
60. Katan, J. 2003. Role of cultural practices for the management of soilborne
pathogens in intensive horticultural systems. Acta Hort. 635: 11-18.
61. Katan, J. 2004. Soil solarization: The integrated approach. Summa
Phytopathol. 30: 137-139.
62. Gamliel, A. and J. Katan 2004. Soil disinfestation. In: D. Hillel (ed), pages
394-400. Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment. pp. 394-400. Elsevier.
63. Katan, J. 2005. Soil disinfestation: one minute before methyl bromide phase
out. Acta Hort. 698: 19-26.
64. Katan, J. 2006. Strategies for the management of soil-borne pathogens:
Phytopathological and environmental aspects. Proc. Mediterranean.
Phytopath Union Congress. pp. 232-235.
65. Gamliel, A. and J. Katan. 2009. Control of Plant disease through
solarization. In: D. Walter (ed). Disease Control in Crops: Biological and
Environmentally Friendly Approaches. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford pp.
66. Katan, J. 2009. Phytopathology in Israel: nine decades of research.
Phytoparasitica 37: 333-336.
67. Katan, J. and A. Gamliel. 2009. Soil solarization- 30 years on – What
lessons have been learned? In: U. Gisi, I. Chet & L. Gullino (eds.). Recent
Development in Disease Management. Springer pp. 265-283.
68. Gamliel, A. and J. Katan. 2010. Soilborne diseases control by physical
methods. In: Encyclopedia of Agrophysics, J. Lepiec (ed.). Springer,
Heidelberg pp. 813-816.
69. Katan, J. and A. Vanachter. 2010. Soil and crop health following soil
disinfestation. Acta. Hort. 883: 25-36.
70. Katan, J. 2010. Cultural approaches for disease management: Present status
and future prospects. J. Pl. Pathol. 92: S4.5-S4.7.
71. Katan, J. and A. Gamliel. 2012. Development and assessment of new
approaches to physical and chemical soil disinfestation. In: A. Gamliel and J.
Katan, (eds.). Soil Solarization: Theory and Practice. APS Press, St. Paul,
MN, pp. 31-45.
72. Katan, J. and A. Gamliel. 2012. Soil Solarization for the management of
soilborne pests: The challenge, historical perspectives and principles. In: A.
Gamliel and J. Katan, (eds.). Soil Solarization: Theory and Practice. APS
Press, St. Paul, MN, pp. 45-52.
73. Katan, J., D. Shteinberg and A. Gamliel. 2012. The integrated management
concept in the context of soilborne pathogens and soil disinfestation. In: A.
Gamliel and J. Katan, (eds.). Soil Solarization: Theory and Practice. APS
Press, St. Paul, MN, pp. 91-97.
74. Katan, J. and A. Gamliel. 2012. Mechanisms of pathogen and disease control
and plant-growth improvement involved in soil solarization. In: A. Gamliel
and J. Katan, (eds.). Soil Solarization: Theory and Practice. APS Press, St.
Paul, MN, pp. 135-145.
75. Shlevin, E., J. Katan and A. Gamliel. 2012. Pathogen response to elevated
temperatures and modeling pathogen and disease control by solarization. In:
A. Gamliel and J. Katan, (eds.). Soil Solarization: Theory and Practice. APS
Press, St. Paul, MN, pp. 153-161.
76. Gamliel, A., E. Shlevin and J. Katan. 2012. Special uses and improvements
in soil solarization. In: A. Gamliel and J. Katan, (eds.). Soil Solarization:
Theory and Practice. APS Press, St. Paul, MN, pp. 241-249.
77. Gullino, M.L., J. Katan and A. Gamliel. 2012. The genus Fusarium and the
species that affect greenhouse vegetables and ornamentals. In: M.L. Gullino,
J. Katan and A. Garibaldi (eds.). Fusairum Wilts of Greenhouse Vegetable
and Ornamental Crops. APS Press, St. Paul, M.N, pp. 5-9.
78. Katan, J., M.L. Gullino and A. Garibaldi. 2012. Strategies and tactics, in
Fusarium wilt management. In: M.L. Gullino, J. Katan and A. Garibaldi
(eds.). Fusairum Wilts of Greenhouse Vegetable and Ornamental Crops.
APS Press, St. Paul, M.N, pp. 61-66.
79. Gamliel A. and J. Katan. 2012. Soil and substrate disinfestation in protected
structures. In: M.L. Gullino, J. Katan and A. Garibaldi (eds.). Fusairum
Wilts of Greenhouse Vegetable and Ornamental Crops. APS Press, St. Paul,
M.N, pp. 121-131.
80. Gullino, M.L., J. Katan and A. Garibaldi. 2012. Fusarium wilt of sweet basil.
In: M.L. Gullino, J. Katan and A. Garibaldi (eds.). Fusairum Wilts of
Greenhouse Vegetable and Ornamental Crops. APS Press, St. Paul, M.N, pp.
81. Katan, J. 2013. Three decades of soil solarization: achievements and
difficulties. Acta. Hort. (in press).
82. Katan, J., E. Shabi and R. Ausher. 1973. Chemical Control of Plant Diseases.
The Phytopathological Society of Israel, 33 pp.
83. Katan, J. 1976. Diseases of Vegetable Crops. 1976. In: Encyclopaedia of
Agriculture. 3:741-745.
84. Katan, J. 1989. Soil suppressiveness. Israel Agrisearch 3:153-162.
85. Katan, J., A. Gamliel and A. Grinstein. 1996. Control of soilborne pathogens by
soil solarization without chemicals. Israel Agrisearch 8:83-100.
86. Katan, J. 1997. Introduction to Plant Pathology. In: J. Rotem and J. Palti (eds.).
Plant Diseases in Israel. The ARO Publications Bet Dagan, pp. 17-29.
87. Katan, J., R. Kenneth and I. Chet. 1997. Fungal pathogens. In: J. Rotem and J.
Palti (eds.). Plant Diseases in Israel. The ARO Publications Bet Dagan, pp. 3139.
88. Katan, J. 1997. Soil disinfestation. In: J. Rotem and J. Palti (eds.). Plant Diseases
in Israel. The ARO Publications Bet Dagan, pp. 177-183.
89. Sneh, B., J. Katan, Y. Henis and I. Wahl. 1966. Methods for evaluating inoculum
density of Rhizoctonia in naturally infested soils. Phytopathology 56:74-76.
90. Katan, J. and I Wahl. 1966. Occurrence in Israel of new dangerous isolates of the
Fusarium tomato wilt pathogen. Proceedings of the First International Congress
of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union. Bari. pp. 425-430.
91. Kedar, N., N. Reting and J. Katan. 1967. Non-random segregation of Gene I for
Fusarium resistance to the tomato. Euphytica 16:258-266.
92. Reting, N., N. Kedar and J. Katan. 1967. Penetrance of Gene I for Fusarium
resistance in the tomato. Euphytica 16:252-257.
93. Henis, Y., B. Sneh and J. Katan. 1967. Effect of organic amendments on
Rhizoctonia and accompanying microflora in soil. Can. J. Microbioogy 13:643650.
94. Katan, J. and J.L. Lockwood. 1970. Effect of pentachloronithrobenezene on
saprophytic colonization of alfalfa residues by fungi and actinomycetes in soil.
Phytopathology 60:1578-1582.
95. Katan, J. 1971. Symptomless carriers of the tomato Fusarium wilt pathogen.
Phytopathology. 61:1213-1217.
96. Sneh, B., J. Katan and Y. Henis. 1971. Mode of inhibition of Rhizoctonia solani
in chitin-amended soil. Phytopathology 61:1113-1117.
97. Eshel, Y. and J. Katan. 1972. Effect of dinitroanilines on solaneceous vegetables
and soil fungi. Weed Sci. 20:243-245.
98. Sneh, B., J. Katan and Y. Henis. 1972. Colonization of stem segments and chitin
particles by Rhizoctonia solani in soil. Phytopathology 62:858-857.
99. Eshel, Y. and J. Katan. 1972. Effect of time of application of diphenamid on
pepper, weeds and disease. Weed Sci. 20:468-472.
100. Eshel, Y. and J. Katan. 1972. Effect of day and night temperature on tolerance of
solanaceous vegetables of diphenamid. Hortscience 7:67-68.
101. Bristow, R.R., J. Katan and J.L. Lockwood. 1973. Control of Rhizoctonia solani
by PCNB accumulated from soil by bean plants. Phytopathology 63:808-813.
102. Eshel, Y., J. Katan and D. Palevich. 1973. Selective action of diphenamid and
napropamide in pepper and weeds. Weed Res. 13:379-384.
103. Alon, H., J. Katan and N. Kedar. 1974. Factors affecting penetrance to Fusarium
oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici in tomatoes. Phytopathology 64:455-461.
104. Katan, J. and Y. Eshel. 1974. Effect of the herbicide diphenamid on damping-off
in pepper and tomato. Phytopathology 64:1186-1192.
105. Lisker, N., J. Katan and Y. Henis. 1974. Effect of propagule size on the in vitro
production of polygalacturonase and cellulase by Rhizoctonia solani. Can. J.
Microbiol. 20:1713-1721.
106. Katan, J. and R. Ausher. 1974. Distribution of race 2 of Fusarium oxysporum f.
sp. lycopersici in tomato fields in Israel. Phytoparasitica 2:83-90.
107. Lisker, N., J. Katan, I. Chet and Y. Henis. 1975. Release of cell-bound
polygalacturonase and cellulase from mycelium of Rhizoctonia solani. Can. J.
Microbiol. 21:521-526.
108. Shlevin, E., and J. Katan. 1975. Rhizoctonia disease of carrot seedling and its
control. Plant Dis. Reptr. 59:29-32.
109. Lisker, N., J. Katan and Y. Henis. 1975. Sequential production of
polygalacturonase, cellulase and pectin lyase by Rhizoctonia solani. Can. J.
Microbiol. 21:1298-1304.
110. Lisker, N., J. Katan and Y. Henis. 1975. Scanning electron of Rhizoctonia solani.
Can. J. Bot. 53:1801-1804.
111. Ausher, R., J. Katan and S. Ovadia. 1975. An improved selective medium for the
isolation of Verticillium dahliae. Phytoparasitica 3:133-137.
112. Grinstein, A., J. Katan and Y. Eshel. 1976. Effect of dinitroaniline herbicides on
plant resistance to soilborne pathogens. Phytopathology 66:517-522.
113. Katan, J., A. Greenberger, H. Alon and A. Grinstein. 1976. Solar heating by
polyethylene mulching for the control of diseases caused by soilborne pathogens.
Phytopathology 66:683-688.
114. Lisker, N., J. Katan and Y. Henis. 1976. Scanning electron microscopy of the
infection of beans by Rhizoctonia solani propagules. Ann. Bot. 40:625-629.
115. Katan, J., T.W. Fuhremann and E.P. Lichtenstein. 1976. Binding of (14C)
parathion in soil: a reassessment of pesticide persistence. Science 193:981-894.
116. Lichtenstein, E.P., J. Katan and B.N. Anderegg. 1977. Binding of persistent and
non-persistent (14C) labeled insecticides in an agricultural soil. J. Agric. Food
Chem. 25:43-47.
117. Katan, J. and E.P. Lichtenstein. 1977. Mechanisms of production of soil bound
residues of (14C) parathion by microorganisms. J. Agric. Food Chem. 25:14041408.
118. Chet, I., D. Havkin and J. Katan. 1978. The role of cathechol in inhibition of
Fusarium wilt. Phytopathol. Z., 91:60-66.
119. Grinstein, A., D. Orion, and J. Katan. 1979. Solar heating of the soil for the
control of Verticillium dahliae and Pratylenchus thornei. In: B. Schippers and W.
Gams (eds.). Soilborne Plant Pathogens. Academic Press, pp. 585-591.
120. Chet, I., I. Hadar, Y. Elad, J. Katan and Y. Henis. 1979. Biological control of
soilborne plant pathogens by Trichoderma harzianum. In: B. Schippers and W.
Gams (eds.). Soilborne Plant Pathogens. Academic Press, pp. 585-591.
121. Grinstein, A., Y. Elad, J. Katan and I. Chet. 1979. Control of Sclerotium rolfsii
by means of a herbicide and Trichoderma harzianum. Pl. Dis. Reptr. 63:823-826.
122. Grinstein, A., J. Katan, A. Abdul-Razik, O. Zeydan and Y. Elad. 1979. Control
of Sclerotium rolfsii and weeds in peanuts by solar heating of the soil. Pl. Dis.
Reptr. 63:823-826.
123. Katan, J. 1980. Survival of soilborne plant pathogens with special reference to
their control: short and long term effects. Proc. 5th Cong. Medit. Phytopath.
Union. The Hellenic Phytopath. Soc. pp. 77-80.
124. Elad, Y., I. Chet and J. Katan. 1980. Trichoderma harzianum: a bio-control agent
of Sclerotium rolfsii and Rhizoctonia solani. Phytopathology 70:418-422.
125. Elad, Y., J. Katan and I. Chet. 1980. Physical, biological and chemical control
integrated for soilborne diseases in potatoes. Phytopathology 70:418-422.
126. Jakobsohn, R., J. Katan, A. Greenberger and M. Levi. 1980. Control of Egyptian
broomrape (Orobanche aegyptiaca) and weeds by means of solar heating of the
soil by polyethylene mulching. Weed Science 28:312-316.
127. Lisker, N., J. Katan and Y. Henis. 1980. Lesion formation on bean seedling
hypocotyls by Rhizoctonia solani as affected by size and nutrition of propagules.
Ann. Bot. 45:365-368.
128. Katan, J., I. Rotem, Y. Finkel and J. Daniel. 1980. Solar heating of the soil for
the control of pink root and other soilborne disease in onions. Phytoparasitica
129. Chen, Y. and J. Katan. 1980. Effect of solar heating of soils by transparent
polyethylene mulching on their chemical properties. Soil. Sci. 130:271-27.
130. Mahrer, Y. and J. Katan. 1981. Spatial soil temperature regime under transparent
polyethylene mulch: numerical and experimental studies. Soil Sci. 131:82-86.
131. Rabinowitch, H.D., I. Rotem and J. Katan. 1981. The response of onions to solar
heating, agricultural practices and pink root disease. Sci. Hort. 15:331-340.
132. Gerson, U., S. Yathom and J. Katan. 1981. A demonstration of bulb mite control
by solar heating of the soil. Phytoparasitica 9:153-155.
133. Siti, E., Cohn, E. and J. Katan. 1981. Control of Ditylenchus dipsaci in garlic by
bulb and soil treatments. Phytoparasitica 10:93-100.
134. Aharonson, N., B. Rubin, J. Katan and A. Benjamin. 1982. Effects of methyl
bromide or solar heating treatment on the persistence of pesticides in the soil. In:
Pesticide Chemistry. Vol. 3. J. Miyamoto and P.C. Kearny (eds.). pp. 189-194.
135. Chet, I., Y. Elad, A. Khalfon, Y. Hadar and J. Katan. 1982. Integrated control of
soilborne and bulb-borne pathogens in iris. Phytoparasitica 10:299-236.
136. Sneh, B., J. Katan and A. Abdul Razik. 1983. Chemical control of soilborne
pathogens in Tuff medium for strawberry cultivation. Pest Sc. 14:119-122.
137. Katan, J., G. Fishler and A. Grinstein. 1983. Short-and long-term effects of soil
solarization and crop sequence on Fusarium wilt and yield of cotton in Israel.
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138. Lifshitz, R., M. Tabachnik, J. Katan and I. Chet. 1983. The effect of sublethal
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140. Mahrer, H., O. Naot, E. Rawitz and J. Katan. 1984. Temperature and moisture
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143. Yarden, O., J. Katan, N. Aharonson and Y. Ben-Yephet. 1985. Delayed and
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144. Yarden, O., J. Katan and N. Aharonson. 1985. A rapid bioassay for the
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145. Cohen, E., A. Gamliel and J. Katan. 1986. Glutathione and glutathion-Stransferase in fungi: effect of pentachloronitrobenzene and 1-chloro-2,4dinitribenezene, purification and characterization of the transferase from
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146. Frank, Z.R., Y. Ben Yephet and J. Katan. 1986. Synergistic effect of metham and
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149. Yarden, O., Y. Ben-Yephet, J. Katan and N. Aharonson. 1986. Fungicidal control
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150. Cohen, R., J. Riov, N. Lisker and J. Katan. 1986. Involvement of ethylene in
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151. Sztejnberg, A., S. Freeman, I. Chet and J. Katan. 1986. The control of Rossellinia
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152. Naot, O., Y. Mahrer, E. Rawitz, R. Avissar and J. Katan. 1987. The effect of
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153. Yarden, O., J. Katan and N. Aharonson. 1987. Accelerated microbial degradation
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154. Cohen, R., O. Yarden, J. Riov and J. Katan. 1987. Paclobutrozol, a plant growth
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155. Mahrer, Y., R. Avissar, O. Naot and J. Katan. 1987. Intensified soil solarzation
with closed greenhouse: numerical and experimental studies. Agric. For. Meteor.
156. Greenberger, A., A. Yogev and J. Katan. 1987. Induced suppressiveness in
solarized soils. Phytopathology 77:1663-1667.
157. Abdel-Rahim, M.F., M.M. Satour, K.Y. Mickail, S.A. El Eraki, A. Grinstein, Y.
Chen and J. Katan. 1988. Effectiveness of soil solarization in furrow-irrigated
Egyptian soils. Plant Disease 72:143-146.
158. Katan, T. and J. Katan. 1988. Vegetative compatibility grouping of Fusarium
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159. Avidov, E., N. Aharonson and J. Katan. 1988. Accelerated degradation of
diphenamid in soils and means for its control. Weed Sci. 36:516-523.
160. Cohen, E., A. Gamliel and J. Katan 1988. The fungitoxicity of chlorophenols to
the pathogenic fungi Fusarium oxysporum and Rhizoctonia solani: a structure
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161. Freeman, S. and J. Katan. 1988. Weakening effect of sublethal heating.
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163. Abdul-Razik, A., A. Grinstein, O. Zeydan, B. Rubin, A. Tal and J. Katan. 1989.
Soil solarization and fumigation of strawberry plots. Acta Horticulturae 265-579585.
164. Abdul-Razik, A., A. Grinstein and J. Katan. 1989. Rhizoctonia disease of
propagation material and field grown strawberry. Acta Horticulturae 265:586590.
165. Tal, A., B. Rubin, J. Katan and N. Aharonson. 1989. Accelerated degradation of
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166. Meron, M., A. Grinstein, A. Gamliel, I. Chen and J. Katan. 1989. Solarization
and fumigation for reclamation of organic soils. Acta Horticulturae 255:117-124.
167. Satour, M. M., M.F. Abdel-Rahim, T. El-Yamani, A. Radwan, A. Grinstein, H.D.
Rabinowitch, and J. Katan. 1989. Soil solarization in onion fields in Egypt and
Israel: short and long term effects. Acta Horticulturae 255:155-160.
168. Gamliel, A., J. Katan, I. Chen and A. Grinstein. 1989. Solarization for the
recycling of container media. Acta Horticulturae 255:181-188.
169. Yarden, O., M. Freund, J. Katan, N. Aharonson and B. Rubin. 1989. Crosssuppression of accelerated degradation of carbendazion (MBC) by soil exhibiting
reduced fluridone efficacy. Soil Biol. Biochem. 21:863-864.
170. Gamliel, A., E. Hadar and J. Katan. 1989. Soil solarization to improve yields of
Gypsophilia in monoculture systems. Acta Horticulturae 255:131-138.
171. Yarden, O., A. Gamliel, N. Aharonson and J. Katan 1989. Solarization enhances
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172. Tal, A., B. Rubin, J. Katan and N. Aharonson. 1989. Fate of 14C-EPTC in soil
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173. Hadar, E., J. Katan and T. Katan. 1989. The use of nitate-nonutilizing mutants
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174. Katan, T., E. Hadar and J. Katan. 1989. Vegetative compatibility of Fusarium
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175. Freeman, S., C. Ginzburg, and J. Katan. 1989. Heat shock protein synthesis in
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176. Cohen, R., T. Katan, J. Katan, and R. Cohn. 1989. Occurrence of Fusarium
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177. Elad, Y., O. Ziv, N. Ayish, and J. Katan. 1989. The effect of film forming
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178. Sarfatti, M., J. Katan, R. Fluhr and D. Zamir. 1990. An RFLP marker in tomato
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179. Yarden, O., R. Salomon, J. Katan, and N. Aharonson. 1990. Involvement of
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181. Elad, Y., N. Ayish, O. Ziv, and J. Katan. 1990. Control of grey mould with filmforming polymers. Plant Pathology 39:249-254.
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183. Freeman, S., A. Sztejnberg, E. Shabi and J. Katan. 1990. Long-term effect of soil
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185. Gamliel, A., and J. Katan. 1991. Involvement of fluorescent pseudomonads and
other microorganisms in increased growth aresponse of plants in solarzied soils.
Phytopathology 81:494-502.
186. Gur, A., Y. Cohen, J. Katan and Z. Barkai. 1991. Preplant application of soil
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187. Sarfatti, M., M. Abu-Abied, J. Katan and S. Zamir. 1991. RFLP mapping of I1, a
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188. Ben-Yephet, Y., S. Mhameed, Z.R. Frank and J. Katan. 1992. Increased
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189. Cohen, R., B. Blaier and J. Katan. 1992. Chloroacetamide herbicides reduce
incidence of Fusarium wilt in melons. Crop Prot. 11:181-185.
190. Gamliel, A., and J. Katan. 1992. Influence of seed and root exudates on
fluorescent pseudomonads and fungi in solarzied soil. Phytopathology 82:320327.
191. Gamliel, A. and J. Katan. 1992. Chemotaxis of fluorescent psuedomonads
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192. Gamliel, A. and J. Katan, 1993. Suppression of major and minor pathogens by
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193. Gamliel, A., E. Hadar and J. Katan. 1993. Improvement of growth and yield of
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194. Gruenzweig, J.M., H.D. Rabinowitch and J. Katan 1993. Physiological and
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195. Katan, T., J. Katan, T.R. Gordon, and D. Pozniak. 1994. Physiologic races and
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196. Katan, T., R. Berliner and J. Katan. 1994. Vegetative compatibility in
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197. Grinstein, A., G. Kritzman, A. Hetzroni, A. Gamliel, M. Mor and J. Katan. 1995.
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198. Cohen, R., B. Blaier, A.A. Schaffer and J. Katan. 1996. Effect of acetochlor
treatment on fusarium wilt and sugar content in melon seedlings. Eu. J. Pl.
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199. Gamliel A., T. Katan, H. Yunis and J. Katan 1996. Fusarium wilt and crown rot
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200. Katan, T., G. Gamliel and J. Katan. 1996. Vegetative compatibility of Fusarium
oxysporum from sweet basil. Plant Pathology 45:656-661.
201. Kritzman, G., A. Shani-Cahani, B. Kirshner, Y. Riben, Z. Bar, J. Katan and A.
Grinstein. 1996. Pod wart disease of peanuts. Phytoparasitica 24:293-304.
202. Katan, T., E. Shlevin and J. Katan. 1997. Sporulation of Fusarium oxysporum
f.sp. lycopersici on stem surfaces of tomato plants, and aerial dissemination of
inoculum. Phytopathology 87:712-719.
203. Gamliel, A., A. Grinstein, Y. Peretz, L. Klein, A. Tsror, L. Livescu and J. Katan.
1997. Reduced dosage of methyl bromide for controlling Verticillium wilt of
potato in experimental and commercial plots. Plant Dis. 81:469-474.
204. Madi, L., T. Katan, J. Katan and Y. Henis. 1997. Biocontrol of Sclerotium
rolfsii and Verticillium dahliae by Talarumyces is mediated by different
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205. Gruenzweig, J.M., H.D. Rabinowitch, J. Katan, M. Wonder and Y. Ben-Tal.
1997. Endogenous gibberellins in tomato foliage. Phytochemistry 46:811-815.
206. Pivonia, S., R. Cohen, U. Kafkafi, I.S. Ben-Zeev and J. Katan 1997. Sudden
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207. Bendavid-Val, R., H.D. Rabinowitch, J. Katan and Y. Kapulnik. 1997.
Viability of VA-mycorrhizal fungi following soil solarization and fumigation.
Plant and Soil 195:185-193.
208. Gamliel, A., A. Grinstein, M. Beniches, J. Katan, J. Fritsch and P. Ducom.
1998. Pemeability of plastic films to methyl bromide: a comparative
laboratory study. Pestic. Sci. 53:141-148.
209. Gamliel, A., A. Grinstein, L. Klein, L. Cohen and J. Katan. 1998. Permeability
of plastic films to methyl bromide: field study. Crop Prot. 17:241-248.
210. Bao, J. R., J. Katan, E. Shabi and T. Katan. 1998. Vegetative compatibility
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211. Madi, L. and J. Katan. 1998. Penicillium panczewski and its metabolites,
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212. Gur, A., J. Luzzati and J. Katan. 1998 Alternatives for soil fumigation in
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213. Gruenzweig, J.M., J. Katan, Y. Ben-Tal and H.D. Rabinowitch 1999. The role
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214. Katan, T. and J. Katan. 1999. Vegetative compatibility grouping in Fusarium
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215. Cohen, R., S. Pivonia, D. Shtienberg, Z. Gerstel and J. Katan. 1999. The
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216. Rekah, Yael, D. Shtienberg and J. Katan. 1999. Spatial distribution and
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dissemination in field soil. Phytopathology. 89:831-839.
217. Eshel, D., A. Gamliel, J. Katan and A. Grinstein. 1999. Evaluation of soil
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2000. Involvement of endogenous gibberellins in the regulation of increased
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219. Eshel, D., A. Gamliel, A. Grinstein, P. DiPrimo and J. Katan. 2000. Combined
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220. Korolev, N. J. Katan and T. Katan. 2000. Vegetative compatibility groups of
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221. Chen, Y. J. Katan, A. Gamliel, T. Aviad and M. Schnitzer. 2000. Involvement
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222. Gamliel, A., A. Grinstein, V. Zilberg, M. Beniches and J. Katan. 2000. Control
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223. Rekah, Y., D. Shtienberg and J. Katan. 2000. Disease development following
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226. Korolev, N., E. Perez-Artes, J. Bejarano-Elcazar, D. Rodriguez-Jurado, J.
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228. Assaraf, M., C. Ginsburg and J. Katan. 2002. Weakening and delayed mortality
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229. Pivonia, S., R. Cohen, R. Levita and J. Katan. 2002. Improved solarization of
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230. Freeman, S., Z. Shalev and J. Katan. 2002. Survival in soil of Colletotrichum
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231. Pivonia, S., R. Cohen, J. Kigel and J. Katan. 2002. Effect of soil temperature on
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232. Cohen, R., C. Horev, Y. Burger, S. Shriber, J. Hershenhorn, J. Katan and M.
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233. Di Primo, P., A. Gamliel, M. Austerweil, B. Steiner, M. Beniches, I. Peretz-Alon
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234. Shlevin, E., S. Saguy, Y. Mahrer and J. Katan. 2003. Modeling the survival of
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H. Zaydan. 2005. High-nitrogen compost as a medium for organic containergrown crops. Biosource Technology. 96:419-427 .
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241. Triky, S., U. Yermiyahu, J. Katan and A. Gamliel. 2005. Development of crown
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243. Cohen, O., P. Bar (Kutiel), J. Katan, J. Riov and A. Gamliel. 2006. Soil
solarization as a method for reducing viability of invasive woody seed bank – the
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244. Landa, B.B., J.A. Nava-Cortes, M.M. Jimenez-Gasco, J. Katan, B. Retig and R.
M. Jimenez-Diaz. 2006. Temperature response of chickpea cultivars to races of
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247. Tricky-Dotan, S., M. Austerweil, B. Steiner, Y. Peretz-Alon, J. Katan and A.
Gamliel. 2007. Generation and dissipation of methyl isothiocyunate in soils
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248. Klein, E., J. Katan, M. Austerweil and A. Gamliel. 2007. Controlled laboratory
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249. Korolev, N., R. M. Jimenez-Diaz, E. Perez-Artes, J. Bejerano-Alcazar, J.
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250. Cohen, O., J. Riov, J. Katan, A. Gamliel and P. Bar (Kutiel) 2008. Reducing
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251. Yogev, A., M. Raviv, G. Kritzman, Y. Hadar, R. Cohen, Kirshner, B. and J.
Katan. 2008. Suppression of bacterial canker of tomato by composts. Crop Prot.
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252. Gamliel, A., M. Siti, A. Arbel and J. Katan 2009. Soil solarization as a
component of the integrated management of Fusarium crown and root rot in
tomato. Acta. Hort. 808: 321-326.
253. Korolev, N., T. Katan and J. Katan. 2009. Physiological races and vegetative
compatibility groups among Verticillium dahliae isolates from tomato in Israel.
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254. Rekah, Y., H.D. Rabinowitch and J. Katan. 2009. Evaluation of resistance of
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255. Gamliel, A., M. Siti, A. Arbel and J. Katan 2009. Soil solarization as a
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256. Triky-Dotan, S., M. Austerweil, B. Steiner, Y. Peretz-Alon and J. Katan. 2009.
Accelerated degradation of metam-sodium in soil and consequences for root
diseases management. Phytopathology 99: 362-368.
257. Fishler, G., J. Katan, R. Fishler and B. Noy. 2010. Simultaneous breeding for
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259. Yogev, A., M. Raviv, Y. Hadar, R. Cohen, S. Wolf, L. Gil and J. Katan. 2010.
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260. Triky-Dotan, S., Ofek, S., M. Austerweil, M. Steiner, D. Minz, J. Katan and A.
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soil heating for control of soilborne pathogens in a controlled laboratory system.
Crop Prot. 30: 368-374.
262. Klein, E., J. Katan and A. Gamliel. 2011. Soil suppressiveness to Fusarium
disease following organic amendments and solarization. Pl. Dis. 95: 1116-1123.
263. Yogev, A., Y. Laor, J. Katan, Y. Hadar, R. Cohen, S. Medina and M. Raviv.
2012. Does organic farming increase soil suppression against Fusairum wilt of
melon? Organic Agr. 1: 203-216.
264. Klein, E., J. Katan and A. Gamliel. 2012. Soil Suppressiveness to Meloidogyne
javanica as induced by organic amendments and solarization in greenhouse
crops. Crop Prot. 39: 26-32.
265. Klein, E., M. Ofek, K. Katan, D. Minz and A. Gamliel. 2013. Soil
suppressiveness to Fusarium disease: shifts in root microbiome associated with
reduction of pathogen root colonization. Phytopathology (in press).
Since 1966, J. Katan published (or co-authored) over 250 abstracts submitted in
national and international meetings. They were published in the Abstract section of
scientific journals (Phytoparasitica, Phytopathology, etc.) or in Proceedings of
International meetings.
Since 1965, J. Katan has published (or co-authored) over 60 local publications in
Hebrew. These include special bulletins in Hebrew, articles in Hassadeh (local
agricultural journal), bulletions of farmers’ associations and others.