obligations of parties to the protocol on heavy metals

Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution
Implementation Committee, twenty-second meeting
Agenda item 5
Note IC5/08/rev.1
page 1 of 3
Note by the secretariat
This note is a revised version of IC5/08 discussed by the Committee at its twenty-first meeting and
reflects the modifications agreed by the Committee at that meeting for the purposes of the in-depth
review of the implementation of the Protocol on Heavy Metals.
This note presents a summary of the obligations of Parties to the Protocol on Heavy Metals for
priority review in a table format. Associated provisions to each priority obligation are also shown.
The table also identifies sources of information which can be used to review the compliance with
each individual obligation. These include Parties responses to the Questionnaire on strategies and
policies, emission data submitted by Parties, and summary tables prepared by the secretariat.
The obligation under article 3.3 with reference to paragraph 5 of annex VI will enter into force on
29 December 2008. Nevertheless, questions pertaining to these obligations were included in the
2008 Questionnaire on Strategies and Policies and any information received about their
implementation through the responses will be forwarded to the Committee.
I. Obligations of the Parties to the Protocol on Heavy Metals for priority review
Art. 3.1
Reduction of
Art. 3.2. (a)
Application of
Art. 3.2. (b)
Application of
limit values to
new major
Application of
product control
Art. 3.3
Art. 3.5
Art. 5.1
Art. 7.1 (a)
Art. 7.1 (b)
Development of
policies and
Reporting on
Reporting on
Summary of obligation
Each Party shall reduce its total annual emissions into the atmosphere of each of the heavy metals listed in annex I from
the level of the emission in the reference year set in accordance with that annex by taking effective measures, appropriate
to its particular circumstances.
Each Party shall, no later than the timescales specified in annex IV, apply:
(a) The best available techniques, taking into consideration annex III, to each new stationary source within a major
stationary source category for which annex III identifies best available techniques;
Each Party shall, no later than the timescales specified in annex IV, apply:
(b) The limit values specified in annex V to each new stationary source within a major stationary source category. A Party
may, as an alternative, apply different emission reduction strategies that achieve equivalent overall emission levels;
In cases in which an exceeding of given limit values cannot be excluded, either emissions or a performance parameter that
indicates whether a control device is being properly operated and maintained shall be monitored. (Annex V, para.4)
Each Party shall apply product control measures in accordance with the conditions and timescales specified in annex VI.
- para.1 to 4 of annex VI
- para.5 of annex VI1
Each Party shall develop and maintain emission inventories for the heavy metals listed in annex I, for those Parties within
the geographical scope of EMEP, using as a minimum the methodologies specified by the Steering Body of EMEP, and for
those Parties outside the geographical scope of EMEP, using as guidance the methodologies developed through the work
plan of the Executive Body.
Each Party shall develop, without undue delay, strategies, policies and programmes to discharge its obligations under the
present Protocol.
Subject to its laws governing the confidentiality of commercial information:
(a) Each Party shall report, through the Executive Secretary of the Commission, to the Executive Body, on a periodic basis
as determined by the Parties meeting within the Executive Body, information on the measures that it has taken to
implement the present Protocol;
Subject to its laws governing the confidentiality of commercial information:
(b) Each Party within the geographical scope of EMEP shall report, through the Executive Secretary of the Commission, to
EMEP, on a periodic basis to be determined by the Steering Body of EMEP and approved by the Parties at a session of the
Executive Body, information on the levels of emissions of the heavy metals listed in annex I, using as a minimum the
Will enter into force on 29 December 2008
Art. 3.6
Info sources
Art. 3.6
Q. 33 of the
Q. 34 of the
Art. 3.6,
Art. 3.6
Emission data
received in 2008
Q. 37 and 382 of
the 2008
Emission data
received in 2008
and 2009
Q. 32 of the
Art. 7.2
Secretariat Note
IC 3/08 and its
updates on
compliance by
Parties with
their reporting
Secretariat Note
IC 2/08 and its
methodologies and the temporal and spatial resolution specified by the Steering Body of EMEP. Parties in areas outside
the geographical scope of EMEP shall make available similar information to the Executive Body if requested to do so. In
addition, each Party shall, as appropriate, collect and report relevant information relating to its emissions of other heavy
metals, taking into account the guidance on the methodologies and the temporal and spatial resolution of the Steering Body
of EMEP and the Executive Body.
updates on the
status of
emission data