Pesticide Prevalence Author: Carol Pilcher Revised by: Patricia A. Wheeler Editor: Stephanie Nardei Time: 80 minutes (two class periods) Preparation 10 minutes Time: Materials: Computer with internet access Pesticide Prevalence Worksheet Abstract Students will investigate the prevalence of pesticides in their communities by: Searching their homes Visiting local grocery stores and hardware stores Talking to extended family and friends. They will conduct their search by classifying pesticides based on the pests they control. Results of their search will be discussed as a class to consider the prevalence of pesticides and their use of chemical tools. Objectives Students will be able to: 1. Read a pesticide label to distinguish the trade name, common name and chemical name. 2. Classify pesticides according to their function. 3. Classify insecticides according to their chemical makeup. National Science Education Standard: Content Standard A – Science as Inquiry Communicate and Defend a Scientific Argument - constructing a reasoned argument Content Standard F- Science in Personal and Social Perspectives Personal and community health Arizona Science Education Standards: Concept 4: Communication PO 3. Communicate results clearly and logically. PO 4. Support conclusions with logical scientific arguments. Teacher Background A pesticide is any chemical used to prevent, destroy, or repel pests. The federal government has established guidelines for the labels of pesticides in order to inform the consumer of a given pesticide’s chemistry. o The trade name is the name used in advertising, such as Round-up®. o The chemical name is a description of the chemical structure of the product, following the nomenclature for organic chemistry. Some elements found in pesticides are: o carbon o chlorine o arsenic o mercury o zinc The most recent U.S. EPA Pesticide Industry Sales and Usage Report found the United States to account for 34% of the world’s total pesticide expenditures and used 24% of the world’s total amount of active ingredient. (Kiely et al, 2004 <>). 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 World To ta l O th er cid e Fu ng i He rb ic In se ct ici de United States id e Dollars in Millions 2001 World and U.S. Pesticide Total Expenditures Pesticide (Kiely et al, 2004 <>) 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 World To ta l O th er cid e Fu ng i He rb ic In se ct ici de United States id e Million lbs. 2001 World and U.S. Amount of Pesticide Active Ingredient at User Level by Pesticide Type Pesticide (Kiely et al, 2004 <>) Related and Resource Websites EPA Kids Home Tour Pesticides industry sales and Usage 2000 and 2001 On the trail of pesticides in your community Activity Day One 1. Show students empty containers of several household pesticides items. Read the labels, conveying the trade name and chemical name. Ask students to make an educated guess on the anthropogenic purpose all the chemicals have in common. 2. Ask students to define what a pesticide is and where and how they are used. Be sure everyone is clear on the definition of a pesticide and a pest, and then ask students to predict the prevalence of pesticides in their own communities. You can guide them by asking if pesticides would be something easy or difficult to find. 3. Have them take notes in their science journals on the general classification of pesticides: Pesticides are grouped according to the pests they control. Examples include: Algicides – chemicals used to manage algae in areas, such as swimming pools and indoor aquariums Avicides – chemicals used to manage birds Disinfectants – chemicals used to destroy harmful microorganisms Fungicides – chemicals used to manage fungi Herbicides – chemicals used to manage unwanted plants Insecticides – chemicals used to manage insects and other arthropods, such as ticks, spiders or centipedes Microbial Insecticides – naturally occurring insect-disease microorganisms that are lethal to specific groups of insects Molluscicides – chemicals used to manage snails or slugs Pheromones – chemicals used to attract insects Repellents – chemicals used to repel insects or other pests Rodenticides – chemicals used to manage rats, mice and other rodents Option: Student groups research a type of pesticide. Have them take a systems approach to understanding its chemistry and the risks and benefits associated. Students could present what they learned on the day you reconvene to discuss the results of their pesticide prevalence search. Depending on students’ research skills, additional class time may be necessary. 4. Distribute the Pesticide Prevalence Search worksheet. Have students write their statement regarding the prevalence of pesticides in their community and why they think pesticides would be easy or difficult to find. If computers with internet access are available in the classroom, have students do the “home tour” at the EPA’s website (see related and resource websites section). They should take notes in their science journals. The remainder of the worksheet will be done outside of class for homework. Encourage students to be as thorough as possible and talk to as many people as possible. Also encourage them to visit a grocery store and/or hardware store. Give them about a week to conduct their search. Remind students that pesticides are chemicals that could be dangerous to humans. Have the students wash their hands after touching any pesticide containers. Day Two One week later reconvene as a class to discuss students’ findings. Spend at least 30 minutes debriefing the types of pesticides students found within the community. You could extend this lesson to take a system’s approach to the cost/benefits of pesticides. Embedded Assessment 1. Assess students’ ability to find information to support an argument. 2. Assess students’ use of information to support an argument. Homework Students will complete the Pesticide Prevalence worksheet outside of class. Pesticide Prevalence Do you think pesticides are easy or difficult to come by in your community? Write a statement expressing your opinion about the prevalence of pesticides in your community and why you believe this: Visit the Environmental Protection Agency’s website ( and do the “House Tour” to learn about pesticides in the home. Take notes in your science journal to increase your awareness of pesticides you might find in your search. Keep track of the pesticides you find. Use additional sheets if you have to. Trade Name Chemical Name Classification Location Example 1. Round-up N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine, Herbicide Hardware store You can extend your search by inquiring about the amount of agriculture happening in your community and/or contacting local landscaping and extermination companies to inquire about the amount of pesticide they use annually.