Prof. Dr. D. Schröder Page 1 GIS in Hydrology and Water ResourceManagement - ENWAT Tutorial: ArcGIS Tools for Hydrology – Run Off Calculation In this tutorial, a typical workflow for hydrological analysis using ArcGIS for surface water will be introduced. Most of the used tools are part of the extension Spatial Analyst, which is an extension for raster analysis. Thus most of our analysis will be based on raster maps. The study area is the Rems watershed. The main tasks of this tutorial are: Interpolation Runoff calculation As input data the following raster and vector layers are available: Precipitation data of climate stations Soil vector map (infiltration classification) Corine Land Cover vector map DEM All data is with respect to the Datum of the Hauptdreiecksnetz and uses Gauss-Krüger projection (zone 3). In the scenario it is assumed, that a heavy storm rain in summer has happened in the Rems watershed. All the precipitation of the month August was available in one strong rain event in only 24 hours. Workflow: Step 1: Interpolation of Precipitation data Event theme The text file contains precipitation data at some climate station in our study area. The file includes the station name, its Gauss-Krüger coordinates, its height, monthly precipitations, and summed annual precipitation. The file can be added as a text file to our project (remark: in the text file the tab is used as column separator. Other characters as separator are also supported, but from experience tab causes less problems. Interpreting the file contents, ArcGIS will use the regional settings of the operating system. Different settings, e.g. for the decimal point, may cause problems!) After loading the file to the TOC, we can visualize the locations of the climate stations, as the file contains their coordinates: table right mouse click in the TOC Display XY data… Make sure that the x- and y-columns have been properly selected and don’t forget to set the coordinate system. A text file, where the coordinates of point features are stored in columns is called an Event theme in ArcGIS. Prof. Dr. D. Schröder Page 2 GIS in Hydrology and Water ResourceManagement - ENWAT Interpolation Now we can interpolate the data. Here we have two options: Using the interpolation tools of the Spatial Analyst. This makes sense, if you know already what the best method for interpolation is or if you want to integrate the tool in the Model Builder. Using the Geostastical Analyst. Here you have more option to explore the data first and control and check the results. But the tool can’t be included in the Model Builder, so have to explore the data manually. We will use here the Geostastical Analyst. A first overview we will get with the Trend Analysis. Remember that the x-axes is pointing East whereas the y–axes is pointing North. We will try now som e inter polat ion meth ods. Figure 1: IDW (with default parameters; RMS 6.306) Figure 2: Local Polynomial (default parameters; RMS 6.272) Prof. Dr. D. Schröder Page 3 GIS in Hydrology and Water ResourceManagement - ENWAT Figure 3: Ordinary Kriging (default parameters; RMS 6.351) Figure 4: Completely regularized Splines ( default parameters: RMS 6.244) Validation For a real validation more data points should be used. Nevertheless, here the concept will be shown. First we have to create two subsets with a randomly selection. As the tool works only on shape file or geodatabases, we have first to export the event theme to a shape file. - right mouse click the layer Export - Geostatistical Analyst Create subsets You can specify how many of the data points you want for training or testing. The Training subset will be used for the interpolation, whereas the Test subset will be used to check the results by comparing the predicted values with the measured ones. Now we can repeat the interpolation steps. A new dialog step will be added showing the results of the comparison as RMS. The calculation can be easily repeated for a different Prof. Dr. D. Schröder Page 4 GIS in Hydrology and Water ResourceManagement - ENWAT method just by using the back button (RMS for different methods: IDW: 5.603; Local polynomial: 6.172; Kriging: 5.752; completey regularized spline: 9.551) For our data, IDW and Kriging show the best results. Here we will continue with the Kriging results. Step 2: Calculation of the runoff for each pixel Here the curve number method will be used, which can be implemented easily in GIS. The idea is that the filtration is a function of the soil type as well as of the land use. In the literature there exist tables for assigning curve numbers, e.g. United States Department of Agriculture (1986). Urban hydrology for small watersheds, , Technical Release 55 (TR-55). Runoff Curve Numbers Group A Soils: High infiltration (low runoff). Sand, loamy sand, or sandy loam. Infiltration rate > 0.3 inch/hr when wet. Group B Soils: Moderate infiltration (moderate runoff). Silt loam or loam. Infiltration rate 0.15 to 0.3 inch/hr when wet. Group C Soils: Low infiltration (moderate to high runoff). Sandy clay loam. Infiltration rate 0.05 to 0.15 inch/hr when wet. Group D Soils: Very low infiltration (high runoff). Clay loam, silty clay loam, sandy clay, silty clay, or clay. Infiltration rate 0 to 0.05 inch/hr when wet. Table of Runoff Curve Numbers Description of Land Use Hydrologic Soil Group A B C D 98 98 98 98 Paved with curbs and storm sewers 98 98 98 98 Gravel 76 85 89 91 Dirt 72 82 87 89 Without conservation treatment (no terraces) 72 81 88 91 With conservation treatment (terraces, contours) 62 71 78 81 68 79 86 89 39 61 74 80 Meadow (grass, no grazing, mowed for hay) 30 58 71 78 Brush (good, >75% ground cover) 30 48 65 73 45 66 77 83 Fair (grazing but not burned; some brush) 36 60 73 79 Good (no grazing; brush covers ground) 30 55 70 77 Paved parking lots, roofs, driveways Streets and Roads: Cultivated (Agricultural Crop) Land*: Pasture or Range Land: Poor (<50% ground cover or heavily grazed) Good (50-75% ground cover; not heavily grazed) Woods and Forests: Poor (small trees/brush destroyed by over-grazing or burning) Prof. Dr. D. Schröder Page 5 GIS in Hydrology and Water ResourceManagement - ENWAT Open Spaces (lawns, parks, golf courses, cemeteries, etc.): Fair (grass covers 50-75% of area) 49 69 79 84 Good (grass covers >75% of area) 39 61 74 80 Commercial and Business Districts (85% impervious) 89 92 94 95 Industrial Districts (72% impervious) 81 88 91 93 Residential Areas: 1/8 Acre lots, about 65% impervious 77 85 90 92 1/4 Acre lots, about 38% impervious 61 75 83 87 1/2 Acre lots, about 25% impervious 54 70 80 85 1 Acre lots, about 20% impervious 51 68 79 84 With the help of the curve numbers, the runoff can be calculated according to the following equation: Q = (P-Iα)2 / (p-I+s); I = 0.2 s; s = 1000/cn -10 where cn is the curve number or Q = (P-0.2 ( 1000 /cn-10))2 / ( P-0.2 ( 1000 /cn-10)) So we have to classify soil and land use, so that cn numbers can be assigned. The soil map has already a classification of the infiltration according to the scheme of LGRB in five classes with additional subclasses, and a sixth class for “highly changeable value”. The classes have already been mapped to the soil class scheme for curve numbers according to: Classes Soil category 1 D 2-3 and 6 C 4 B 5 A Intersecting the soil map and the land cover map the new map will contain all the needed information. The only problem is that the classification systems are not compatible, so they have to be mapped to each other. Unfortunately, it is not possible to use two fields for joining in ArcGIS. Thus no lookup table can be used. So we have to use a more complex way by adding a new field to the attribute table and to populate it according to the two values for land cover code and soil category. Again we will use a more generalized scheme according to the following table: Land cover code Hydrological soil type A B C D 100-199 (urban) 98 221,222,242 Agriculture without conservation 62 71 78 81 232, 321, 331 pastures 39 61 74 80 311, 312, 313, 324 forest 33 57 71 78 - Add a new column to of the intersection result attribute table. - Use the field calculator to populate the column. To do in one step, use the following VBA code by copy and paste in the advanced window (don’t forget to assign the variable output to the new field!) Prof. Dr. D. Schröder Page 6 GIS in Hydrology and Water ResourceManagement - ENWAT dim output as integer if [soil_landuse.CODE2000]<200 then output = 98 elseif [soil_landuse.CODE2000] =211 or [soil_landuse.CODE2000]=243 then if [soil_landuse.category] ="A" then output = 72 elseif [soil_landuse.category] ="B" then output = 81 elseif [soil_landuse.category] ="C" then output = 88 elseif [soil_landuse.category] ="D" then output = 91 endif elseif [soil_landuse.CODE2000] =221 or [soil_landuse.CODE2000]=222 [soil_landuse.CODE2000] =242 then if [soil_landuse.category] ="A" then output = 62 elseif [soil_landuse.category] ="B" then output = 71 elseif [soil_landuse.category] ="C" then output = 78 elseif [soil_landuse.category] ="D" then output = 81 endif elseif [soil_landuse.CODE2000] =231 or [soil_landuse.CODE2000]=331 [soil_landuse.CODE2000] =321 then if [soil_landuse.category] ="A" then output = 39 elseif [soil_landuse.category] ="B" then output = 61 elseif [soil_landuse.category] ="C" then output = 74 elseif [soil_landuse.category] ="D" then output = 80 endif elseif [soil_landuse.CODE2000] =311 or [soil_landuse.CODE2000]=312 [soil_landuse.CODE2000] =313 or [soil_landuse.CODE2000] =324 then if [soil_landuse.category] ="A" then output = 33 elseif [soil_landuse.category] ="B" then output = 57 elseif [soil_landuse.category] ="C" then output = 71 elseif [soil_landuse.category] ="D" then output = 78 endif endif or or or Prof. Dr. D. Schröder Page 7 GIS in Hydrology and Water ResourceManagement - ENWAT Now we can rasterize the map using the new cn field as value for the raster map (Conversion Tools to Raster Polygon to Raster). - Use Map Algebra to calculate the available runoff based on the formula Q = (P-0.2 ( 1000 /cn-10))2 / ( P-0.2 ( 1000 /cn-10)) * A ; where A is the pixel size and P is the interpolated precipitation from the first step. Step 3: Calculation of the accumulated water for the Rems watershed Based on a hydrological correct DEM we can calculate the accumulated water for runoff using the Q values as weights in the accumulation. Here the steps: - Fill the sinks to get a hydrological correct DEM - calculate the flow direction map - calculate the accumulation using the Q map is weight map (remark: the weight map should have the same resolution as the original map. The resolution can be changed by resampling the map (Data Management Tools Raster Resample. Use the resolution of the DEM to resample the Q-map)). (The runoff at Waiblingen is about 50 000 000 m3 in 24 hours. From the gage station at Neustadt/Waiblingen ( we know that the discharge of 100 year return flood is about 314m3/s i.e. 27 000 000 m3 per day. So may be we have to improve our results by carefully checking all the assumptions and our input data as well!)