Załącznik nr 3 do Zarządzenia Rektora AGH Nr 35/2011 z dnia 21 grudnia 2011 r. SYLABUS MODUŁU (PRZEDMIOTU) Kod modułu Nazwa modułu Osoba odpowiedzialna za moduł Carbon dioxide mitigation technologies Dr hab. inż. Marek Ściążko, prof. AGH Osoby prowadzące zajęcia Wydział Energetyki i Paliw Kierunek Technologia Chemiczna Specjalność CCT Profil kształcenia Ogólnoakademicki Strona internetowa Poziom kształcenia (studiów) Forma i tryb prowadzenia studiów Język prowadzenia zajęć Studia drugiego stopinia Studia stacjonarne Semestr II Angielski Opis efektów kształcenia dla modułu (przedmiotu) numer efektu kształcenia W1 W2 U1 U2 K1 SYMBOL (odniesienie do) EKK Student, który zaliczył moduł (przedmiot) wie/umie/potrafi: has advanced knowledge in the field of the implementation of typical carbon mitigation processes, principles of their design and evaluation of technical and economic factor Evaluation of the understanding of process principles – class test TC2_W04 has advanced knowledge of technology of processing and use of raw materials / fuels Evaluation of the knowledge of technological arrangements – class test Evaluation of the knowledge based on test results - delivered seminar writing. Evaluation of the knowledge based on the delivered writing and/or presentation TC2_W11 is able to acquire, critically evaluate and creatively process information from the scientific literature databases, and other properly chosen sources in English is able to prepare and present an oral presentation in English on issues related to chemical technology, and especially to carbon capture and storage technology is aware of the social role of the graduate of technical university, particularly in the dissemination of technical culture in society and communicating in a meaningful and attractive way information on the achievements of applied chemistry and its effects on development of modern technologies, especially in the fuel – energy sector Sposób weryfikacji efektów kształcenia (forma zaliczeń) TC2_U01 TC2_U05 Student’s engagement in the group work and ethics of conduct TC2_K07 Macierz efektów kształcenia dla modułu (przedmiotu) w odniesieniu do form zajęć inne ... Zajęcia praktyczne Zajęcia seminaryjne Konwersatorium Ćw. projektowe Ćw. laborat. Student, który zaliczył moduł (przedmiot) wie/umie/potrafi: Ćw. audyt. numer efektu kształcenia Wykład Forma zajęć dydaktycznych Strona 1 z 4 Załącznik nr 3 do Zarządzenia Rektora AGH Nr 35/2011 z dnia 21 grudnia 2011 r. Student has a knowledge of world energy situation and climate policy. Understand the environmental consequences of energy conversion and how renewable energy can reduce air pollution and global climate change. Is acquainted with basic arrangement of carbon capture technologies W1 W2 x x gasification gasification processes U1 Student is able to perform mass and energy balances of gasification x U2 Is able to deliver oral presentation and advocates his view on carbon policy x K1 Is actively engaged in a group work x x Treść modułu (przedmiotu) kształcenia (program wykładów i pozostałych zajęć) Lectures content World needs to develop a balanced portfolio of energy generation mix that will address climate change concerns. The knowledge of “climate portfolio” needs to be developed by better understanding the science and the potential impacts, developing technological responses for adaptation and mitigation, and formulating policies that take into account the economic costs. The purpose of this course is to discuss an important opportunity which we should consider as part of technological response, namely the capture and sequestration of CO2 from large stationary sources. The motivation for developing CO2 capture and sequestration technologies will be discussed and some background information provided, looking at both the history and economics of this mitigation option. The major technological components will be discussed- capture technology, geological storage, and direct utilization. An important issue of system integration will be provided including economy of energy generation. Particular attention will be paid to carbon dioxide direct utilization in chemical processes. Carbon dioxide is considered to be main challenge for power generation as well as for any other industrial application of coal. Poland’s energy sector is primarily based on coal combustion that covers almost 90% of demand. Future development of that sector depends on the restriction on carbon dioxide emission or trading value of allowances. There are three main technological approaches to the development of new coal based generation capacity, namely: Air blown combustion and carbon dioxide separation from flue gases by chemical absorption. Oxy – combustion of coal and separation of carbon dioxide by water vapors condensation. Gasification of coal and carbon dioxide separation by physical absorption. The fossil fuel power plants development strategy and technologies will be evaluated including: Options of CO2 reduction. The methods of separation of CO2 from combustion gases - the state-of-art and emerging technologies: chemical absorption, physical absorption, adsorption, cryogenic separation, membrane methods. Industrial examples of coal-fired plants with CO2 capture. CO2 transport. CO2 storage: maturity of technologies. Dangers of storage. Direct and indirect industrial utilization of carbon dioxide. New technologies of CO2 chemical utilization under study. Projects Students will be provided with related papers and books on the subject. Students will be required to prepare and deliver short writing and/or presentation on the subject of carbon capture technologies integrated with energy generation or technologies used for chemicals production. The following topics will be researched: Post - combustion technological concept of carbon dioxide capture; efficiency penalty; energy Strona 2 z 4 Załącznik nr 3 do Zarządzenia Rektora AGH Nr 35/2011 z dnia 21 grudnia 2011 r. generation cost Pre - combustion technological concept of carbon dioxide capture; efficiency penalty; energy generation cost Oxy - combustion technological concept of carbon dioxide capture; efficiency penalty; energy generation cost Chemical use of carbon dioxide - polygeneration of energy and chemicals Carbon footprint of other coal conversion processes Sposób obliczania oceny końcowej Evaluation is a shared responsibility between the teacher and the student. The purpose of the evaluation is to demonstrate how well the student has learned specific course materials, the principles, concepts and terms relevant to the gasification field, and to determine the students’ ability to apply that knowledge to specific situations. Final grade (OK) is calculated as weighted mean of lecture test (T), seminar presentation/writing (P), and final exam (FE): OK = 0,3·w·T + 0,2·P +0,5·FE w – student’s activity; w=1; attending at least 80% of lectures, w = 0,7 more than 50% and less than 80%, w = 0,3 for more than 50% unjustified absences. Wymagania wstępne i dodatkowe Zalecana literatura i pomoce naukowe Borowiecki, T. Sciazko M. i in. Czysta energia, produkty chemiczne i paliwa z węgla – ocena potencjału rozwojowego. IChPW, Zabrze, 2008. Journal Elsevier Publishing – Fuel Journal Elsevier Publishing – Fuel processing Technology, Global CCS Institute Publications, Zero Emission Technology Platform EU, DOE USA Publications Nakład pracy studenta (bilans punktów ECTS) Forma nakładu pracy studenta (udział w zajęciach, aktywność, przygotowanie sprawozdania, itp.) Obciążenie studenta [h] Participation in lectures 15h Homework 25h Preparation to seminars 30h Seminars 30h Sumaryczne obciążenie pracą studenta Punkty ECTS za moduł 100h 4ECTS Uwagi Strona 3 z 4 Załącznik nr 3 do Zarządzenia Rektora AGH Nr 35/2011 z dnia 21 grudnia 2011 r. pola zacienione wypełnia osoba upoważniona przez dziekana, odpowiedzialna w skali wydziału za umieszczenie poprawnych informacji dotyczących modułu pola białe wypełnia nauczyciel akademicki odpowiedzialny za opis modułu Strona 4 z 4