ChE 528 Lecture 35A Runaway Reactions CSTR We are going to consider CSTR has a runaway reaction when it goes to the upper steady state which is at an unacceptably high temperature. This transition to the upper steady state will occur when the point of tangency between R(T) and G(T) disappears and only the upper steady state exists. r V GT H Rx A (8-68) FA0 R T CP 1 T TC ~ ~ ~ ~ (8-69) ~ ~ R(T) G(T) TC T* At the point of tangency T = T*, i.e., G(T ) R(T ) and R G dR dG dT T dT T T TC dR R CP 1 CP 1 dT T T TC T TC R(T )2 T TC E 1 Runaway Reactions (10/99) Derive Derive dG H RxV drA dT FA0 dT E RT drA d Ae dT dT fC assume fCi constant i Ae E RT fC i rA E E r A RT 2 RT 2 dG HRx rA V E GT E 2 dT FA0 RT RT 2 At the point of tangency T dG E G(T ) 2 dT T RT E R T To G , recall TC a 2 C P 1 1 R(T ) T TC But : R G E 1 2 R(T ) T TC T TC R(T )2 E This equation is Eqn. (8-77) on p.498 of the text T E 4RTC 1 1 2R E Derive Put in dimensionless (TD) form by letting T E TD and r TC RTC Dividing by TC 2 T RTC T 1 TC E TC 1 2 TD TD 1 0 r 2 Runaway Reactions (10/99) Derive 4 1 2 r1 1 r TD 2 T TC TD E 4RTC 1 1 2R E dR dG the point of tangency will disappear and the system will be dT dT considered an unstable because it moves to the upper steady state. Combining the Eqn. directly below (8-74) and Eqn. (8-75) in the text If dG HRx rAV E dT FA 0 RT 2 GT stable if E RT 2 C P0 1 G T Let S G T E R T 2 E R T 2 f A,E, HRx , ,TC We are now going to calculate S as a function of one parameter, say TC. Therefore Fix the other parameters E, A, HRx , 1. Specify TC 2. Calc T E 4RTC 1 1 2R E 3. Calc k A e E RT 4. Calc X k 1k 5. Calc G T X H Rx 6. Calc S E RT 2 G T 7. Increment TC and carry out steps 2 through 6 to arrive at the following figures of S* as a function of TC 3 Runaway Reactions (10/99) If CP0 1 50 S* 50 Stable Unstable CP (1+) TC If CP0 1 10 S* 50 CP (1+) 10 Stable Unstable TC Consequently the line S divides the place into regions for values of C P0 1 will be either stable and unstable. 4 Runaway Reactions (10/99) RUNAWAY IN PLUG FLOW REACTORS Phase Plane Plots We transform the above temperature and concentration profiles into a phase plane in the following manner. Figure 2. CA and T profiles Figure 3. CA – T phase plane For example, at volume V2 the temperature is T2 and the concentration is CA2 Now increase the entering concentration CA0 Runaway Tm3 CA0 3 Temperature Profiles for CA0 4 > CA0 3 > CA0 2 > CA0 1 CA0 4 T Tm2 CA0 2 Tm1 CA0 1 V Figure 4. Temperature profiles 5 Runaway Reactions (10/99) Figure 5. Concentration profiles for different values of CA0. CA0 3 CA0 2 CA CA0 1 CAm 3 CAm 1 CA0 3 > CA0 2 > CA0 1 T m1 T m2 T m3 T Figure 6. CA – T phase plane Temperature-concentration phase plane plot for different entering concentrations. Now let’s plot the maximum temperature for each entering concentration, CA0, and the corresponding reactor concentration at his maximum temperature. 2 CAm 1 3 TM Tm Figure 7. Phase plot of value temperature at maximum and corresponding concentration at the maximum temperature. 6 Runaway Reactions (10/99) Figure 4 shows the temperature profile for three different entering concentrations [CA03 > CA02 > CA01]. Figure 5 shows the concentration profiles for the same set of entering concentrations. Figure 7 shows a phase plot of C Am as a function of Tm. This plot (Figure 7) could also have been obtained directly form the equation Qr C Am UaTm Ta HRx Ae E RTm Derive Qg Derive The governing equation for a PFR/PBR Mole Balance: vo dCA rA dV dT UaTa T rA H Rx dV FiCp i Energy Balance: Solutions to these equations give the following typical profiles in the absence of runaway. Temperature and concentration profiles. At the maximum temperature in the reactor, Tm dT 0, dV then Ua Tm Ta rAm HRx For a first order rxn: rA kCA , then rAm kCAm and we can solve for CAm to obtain CAm UaTm Ta , with k AeE RTm H Rx k where Tm is the maximum temperature in the reactor and CAm is the corresponding concentration of A at that maximum temperature. For this reactor To Ta . 7 Runaway Reactions (10/99) If Tm is above the TM (the temperature at which CAm is at its maximum value) the C Am Qr Q g the Qg increases more rapidly than the heat generated “prime” (It’s “prime” because it does not include CA). In other words the rate of increase of temperature dependent part of Qg is greater than the rate of increase of the temperature dependent part of the heat of removal, Qr The following figure shows a plot of CAm vs. Tm for different ambient temperatures (Ta Tw) C AM C Am Ta1=T o1=500K 500 550 600 650 700 Tm Ta1 Ta2 Figure 8. Maximum curves for a few wall temperatures. Simplified curve. We note that the concentration CAm goes through a maximum as the temperature Tm is varied. Different values of this maximum result for different values of Ta(Tw). The line Ps is the locus through these maximum values. We want to see how the concentration of A at the maximum temperature CAm varies with the maximum temperature Tm. Specifically we want to find the maximum value of CAm and the corresponding temperature Tm. dk Ua kH Rx Ua Tm Ta HRx dCAm dT 0 2 dTm H Rxk dk E k dT RT 2 TM Tm Max CAM CA m Max 1 E E E 4T a 2 R R R UaTM Ta with kM Ae E RTM HRxk M 8 Runaway Reactions (10/99) Criteria 1. The trajectory going through the maximum of the “maxima curve” is considered as critical and therefore is the locus of the critical inlet conditions for CA and T corresponding to a given wall temperature. Figure 7. Critical trajectory on the CAm – Tm phase plane plot. The critical trajectory goes through Tm. The locus of the maximum CAM from Figure 8 is also shown on this figure. What is the inlet concentration that is related to this critical trajectory? The safe inlet concentration can be found by using adiabatic conditions FA0 X H Rx FA0 i C p i T To FA0 FA C po FA 0 1 FA C p o T To HRx v CAm v o C A 0 C p o TM To 1 HRx Safe operation will occur below this entering concentration of A, C A0 CRITERIA BASED ON INFLECTION POINTS 9 Runaway Reactions (10/99) Figure 9. Temperature profile showing inflection points. Let Fi Cpi CA0voCp CA0Cp At the inflection point d 2T d 2 dT rA HRx UaTa T d 0 CA0 Cp d 2T d 2 0 H Rx drA d Ua dT d At HRx rAi UaTa Ti E H r Ua k Rx Ai i rAi HRx 0 2 C A0 C p RTi Derive rA k fA c i drA d dk df fn c i k d d df dC A dC A df , d dC A d dC A and from the mole balance dCA rA d 10 Runaway Reactions (10/99) Derive k kdf kdf rA k rA d dC A dk E dT kE dT Ae E RT d RT 2 d RT 2 d E dT dT 0 HRx rA k rA Ua 2 RT d d 0 E dT H Rx rA 2 Ua k rA HRx d RT If we have a first order reaction rAi kiCAi Ae E RTi CAi Then we can solve this equation to find CAi as a function of Ti. To find the locus of the inflection points. For a first order reaction rAi kiCAi 12 CAi 2 Ti Ta i i Ta Ti i i 4 i 2Ta Ti 2 i ki Derive Dividing by HRx multiplying by CA0Cp and rearranging we obtain UaTa Ti E Ua kiC A 0 C p rAi rAi rAi 0 HRx RTi2 HRx HRx rAi Ta Ti rAi i i rAi 0 where i i Ua H Rx k i C A0 C p H Rx E RTi2 i rAi rAi Ta Ti i i 2i Ta Ti 0 2 rAi T T i a i 2 2 i 11 Runaway Reactions (10/99) i Ti Ta i i 4 i2i Ta Ti 12 Derive Criteria 2. Runaway will occur when the trajectory starting at CA0 and To intersects the locus of the inflection points A slight increase in conditions above the inflection locus and we have runaway CA03 CA02 CA01 Runaway Ti – CAi T Figure 10 T–CA phase plane with the locus of inflection CAi–Ti points. So how far do we back off from the inflection point conditions 10°C, 0.1 mole/dm3? These are arbitrarily set numbers (e.g., 10°C) and we need a criterion based on the intrinsic properties of the system and not on arbitrarily limited temperature range. Therefore use the locus of CAM as a function of TM. Why use locus of maximum, CAM vs. TM? Figure 11. CA – T Phase plane showing critical trajectory intersecting the locus of the inflection points and locus of maximum TM–CAM from Figure 8. You want to stay away from the intersection of the CA/T trajectory and the locus of the inflection points. 12 Runaway Reactions (10/99) C A0 CA CAi – T i C AM – T M T Figure 12 Criteria 2A. (Conservative Criteria) Runaway will occur if the trajectory starting at C A0 and To intersects the locus of the maxima of CAm and Tm for different values of To (i.e. Tw because To = Ta = Tw) (See Figure 5, p. 3) CA C AM (Ps) CAm TM Ua Tm To k m H Rx T Figure 13. CA – T Phase plane plot showing locus of maxima. Criteria 3. Runaway reaction figure from Froment-Bischoff (FB) “Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design” T To H RxX ad To To i C p i For X 1 , Comparing the term multiplying (Eqn 8-56) for CP = 0 dT in Froment-Bischoff (Eqn 11.5.2-2) with Fogler dX UsgCpm Uo CA0 i Cpi , 13 Runaway Reactions (10/99) HRx i C p i To therefore: iCp i g C pm CA 0 HRx CA 0 E HRxC A 0 S RTo2 g Cp m g C p To E RTo N 4 U d t M m C p m rA 0 N 4U 1 RTo2 C T S d t rA0 HRx E C A0 Derive Derive N 4U RTo2 g Cp m S d tM m C p rA 0 EH Rx C A0 m g 4U RTo2 P g , CT d t rA 0 M m EHRx C A0 Mm RTo 4U dt 1 RTo2 C T rA0 HRx E CA0 For no pressure drop CT = CTo Note: The equation for (N/S) in Froment and Bischoff is not correct. If you check the units you will find (N/S) is not dimensionless. where g = gas density (kg/m3) Mm mean molecular weight (kg/kmol) dt = Tube diameter, (m) CT = total concentration (kmol/m3) CA0 = Entering concentration of A (mol/m3) J U = overall heat transfer coefficient 2 m s K J Cpm = heat capacity kg K R = Gas constant (J/mol•K) E = Activation Energy (J/mol) 14 Runaway Reactions (10/99) HRx = Heat of Reaction (J/mol) –rA0 = rate of reaction (mol/s• m3) at To, k Ae E RTo To = temperature (K) (To = Tw = Ta) n = reaction order Figure 14. Runaway diagram ( Adapted from G. F. Froment and K. B. Bischoff, Chemical Reactor Design and Analysis, 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1990). 15 Runaway Reactions (10/99) Figure 9. CA – T Phase plane showing critical trajectory intersecting the locus of the inflection points. 16 Runaway Reactions (10/99)