Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics School of Public Policy University of California at Berkeley EEP 101 ECO 125290 David Zilberman Fall, 2001 Lecture 13 ENVIRONMENTAL AND HEALTH RISKS OF PESTICIDES Topics Health Risks and Environmental Effects of Pesticide Use Examples What Are Pesticides Their Benefits What’s Wrong Pesticide-Use Strategies Pesticides in Developing Countries Pesticides Regulations and Policies Major Issues of Debate -Should They Be Banned -International Harmonization of Pesticides Health Risks and Environmental Effects of Pesticide Use Health risk is defined as the probability that an individual selected randomly from a population contracts adverse health effects (mortality or morbidity) from a substance. We can distinguish between an individual risk and a group health risk. Risk assessment is a technique to assess health risk and to form policies. The health risk-generating process contains several stages. In the case of pesticides, we consider three stages: (1) Contamination and movement (2) Exposure (3) Dose/response Contamination is the result of pesticide application. The chemicals are spread through the air and water and become absorbed by the product. Exposure may result from many activities: • Exposure may be from eating, breathing, and touching. • For food safety, the exposure is to the consumer. • For worker safety, the exposure is to the applicator, mixer, and factory worker. • For ground water, exposure is to whoever drinks and bathes in the water • For environmental risk, exposure is to the species that are exposed to the risk. The dose-response relationship translates exposure to probability of contracting certain diseases. We should distinguish between acute and chronic risks. • Acute risks are immediate risks of poisoning. • Chronic risks are risks that may depend on accumulated exposure and which may take time to manifest themselves, for example, cancer. Risk Assessment Models The processes that determine contamination, exposure, and the dose/response relationship are often characterized by heterogeneity, uncertainty, and random phenomena (weather). Thus, contamination, exposure, and the dose/response relationship often exhibit the characteristics of random variables. Random variables are variables, which can take on several values, depending on the outcome of some random process, or 2 depending on the outcome of some process which is so complicated that outcomes appear random. When modeling random variables, we often work with models that contain probabilities. For example, risk assessment models estimate health risks associated with pesticide application by making use of estimated probabilities. A risk-assessment model: Let r = represent individual health risk r f 3( B 3) f 2( B 2) f 1( B1, X ) where • X = pollution on site (i.e., the level of pesticide use) • B1 = damage control activity at the site (i.e., protective clothing; reentry rules) • B2 = averting behavior of individuals (i.e., washing fruits and vegetables) • B3 = the medical control of pollution dosage. The health risk of an average individual is the product of three functions: (1) f1(B1, X) is the contamination function. The function relates contamination of an environmental medium to activities of an economic agent (i.e., relates pesticide residues on apples to pesticides applied by the grower). (2) f2(B2) is the human exposure coefficient, which depends on an individual’s actions to control exposure (i.e., relates ingested pesticide residues to the level of rinsing and degree of food processing an individual engages in). (3) f3(B3) is the dose-response function which relates health risks to the level of exposure of a given substance (i.e., relates the proclivity of contracting cancer to the ingestion of particular levels of a certain pesticide), based on available medical treatment methods, B3. 3 • Dose-response functions are estimated in epidemiological and toxicological studies of human biology f2(B2) f1(B1, X) = the overall exposure level of an individual to a toxic material which is the amount of pesticides left on an apple times the amount consumed. Estimating these functions involves much uncertainty: (1) Scientific knowledge of dose-response relationships of pesticides is incomplete. Pesticides are consumed in small doses over long periods of time. Dose-response relationships are estimated in animal studies, and there is uncertainty to what extent they apply to humans. (2) The contamination function depends partly on assimilation of pollution by natural systems, which can differ regionally (i.e., winds distribute residues). (3) The exposure coefficient depends on the education of populations (i.e., are consumers aware of pesticide residue-averting techniques, such as washing?). Policy Goal: To maximize economic welfare (consumer and producer surplus from pesticides use) subject to Probability of (estimated risks exceeds R) > In other words, the objective is to maximize economic welfare subject to the constraint that the probability of health risk remains below a certain threshold level, R, an acceptable percent of the time, . • R = target level of risk • . = safety level (measures the degree of social risk aversion) might represent the degree of confidence we have in our risk estimate. 4 Because of the uncertainty about the risk-generation process, the decision-maker may limit the risk level while constraining the probability of error of the risk estimate. For any target level of risk and any degree of significance, the model can be solved for the optimal levels of: • Pesticide use • Damage control activities • Averting behavior by consumers • Preventative medical treatments General Implications: • The optimal solution involves some combination of pollution control, exposure avoidance, and medical treatment. • The cost of reaching the target risk level increases with the safety level • The shadow price of meeting the risk target depends on the degree of significance we have to assure that the target is being met. - The higher the , or the greater the uncertainty we have in our estimate of risk, the higher the shadow value of meeting the constraint. Examples Say there is no uncertainty regarding the health effects of pesticide use; that is, toxicologists know with certainty a point estimate of the doseresponse function. Let: X A P Y = = = = level of pesticides used on a field level of alternate pest control activities value of farm output (i.e., the price of a basket of produce) level of farm output 5 W = price of pesticide V = price of alternative controls (V > W) r = level of health risk in society B1 = damage control activities by the farm (i.e., pesticide reentry rules) B2 = aversion activities by members of the population (i.e., washing residues off) B3 = available level of medical treatment Y = f(X, A) = farm production function (i.e., a pesticide damage function) r f 3( B 3) f 2( B 2) f 1( B1, X ) is the health risk of pesticide use. The objective of the society is: Pf (X,A) C(r) C(B1,B 2,B 3) WX VA Max X,A,r,B1,B 2,B 3 subject to: . r f 3(B 3) f 2(B 2) f 1(B1, X) , Below I present a formal mathematical solution that can be skipped. Mathematical Solution The optimization problem can be written in Lagrangian form as: Max X , A,r , B1, B 2 , B 3 Pf ( X , A) C(r ) C( B1, B2, B3) WX VA r f 3( B3) f 2( B2) f 1( B1, X ) with the FOCs: (1) d PfA V 0 , dA the MRP of the alternative control equals the MC of the alternative control (2) d C ' (r ) 0 , dr 6 the MSC of health risk = the shadow value of risk (the MC of risk in terms of social damages is equal to the shadow price of reducing societal risk). (3) d df 1 PfX W f 3 f 2 0 dX dX (4) d df 1 CB 1 f 3 f 2 0 dB1 dB1 (5) d df 2 CB 2 f 3 f 1 0 dB 2 dB 2 (6) d df 3 CB 3 f 2 f 1 0. dB 3 dB 3 We can rewrite equations (3) - (6) using equation (2) as: df 1 PfX W C ' (r ) f 3 f 2 dX The MRP of pesticides to the farm is equal to the MPC of pesticides plus the (MC of risk) (marginal contribution of pesticides to health risk) df 1 CB1 C ' (r ) f 3 f 2 0. dB1 The MC of damage control equals (avoided MC of risk)(marginal improvement in risk from engaging in damage control activities) df 2 CB 2 C ' (r ) f 3 f 1 0. dB 2 The MC of averting behavior equals (avoided MC of risk)(marginal improvement in risk from engaging in averting behavior) df 3 CB 3 C ' (r ) f 2 f 1 0. dB 3 The MC of medical treatment equals (avoided MC of risk)(marginal improvement in risk from engaging in medical treatment). 7 The optimal solution involves equating all (6) FOCs. Equations (2)-(6) can be expressed as: C' (r ) PfX CB1 CB 2 CB 3 , df 1 df 1 df 2 df 3 f 3f 2 f 3f 2 f 3f 1 f 2f1 dX dB1 dB 2 dB 3 which says that the optimal solution involves equating the shadow price of risk with MRPpesticides MCdamage control MCaverting behavior MCmedical treatment health risk health risk from health risk from health risk from from pesticides damage control averting behavior medical treatment . The denominator of each expression transforms MB and MC of healthrelated activities into change in health risk. When parameters are known, the model can be solved for the optimal levels. One technical implication of the model is that, if there is no tax on pesticide use, t* = and no subsidy on farm-level damage control, s* = , then the farm will not recognize the effect of pesticide use on societal health and operate as if = 0. • An inefficiently high level of pesticides will be used • An inefficiently low level of damage control will be applied. Implications of the Model The optimal solution will determine pesticide tax or optimal level of pesticide to be applied, level of pesticide removal, medical treatment in case of poisoning, and the resulting level of output and produce price. The result depends on the risk target; a higher risk target results in higher taxes and reduced pesticide levels. In some cases, the optimal solution may involve little restriction of pesticide use but emphasis on residue removal activities. Example 2 (a model with uncertainty): Let r be the probability of an individual contracting a disease. r ce d x 8 c = e = d = x= Let: contamination probability exposure probability dose/response probability amount of pesticides applied. c 1 with probability 1/ 2 2 with probability 1/2 e 1 with probability 1/ 2 3 with probability 1/2 10 5 with probability 1/ 2 . d 6 10 with probability 1/2 For x = 1, 10 6 6 2 10 3 10 6 6 10 6 r 5 110 2 10 5 5 3 10 6 10 5 with probability with probability with probability 1/ 8 1/ 8 1/ 8 with probability 1/ 8 with probability 1/ 8 with probability 1/ 8 with probability 1/ 8 with probability 1/ 8 Note: 10-6 means "one person per million people" contracts the disease. 10-5 means "one person per hundred thousand people" contracts the disease. 13.2 10 5 1.6510 5 , or, one person in 8 165,000, on average contracts the disease. Yet the variability of this estimate is substantial, which implies that is large. Then, expected risk is In many cases, the highest value (worst case estimator) of each probability is used when the risk generation processes are broken down to many sub-processes. This creates a "creeping safety" problem, in that the multiplication of many “worst case” estimates may lead to wildly unrealistic risk estimates. Of course, the variability and uncertainty associated with risk 9 estimates can be reduced by expenditures on research and through information sharing. What Are Pesticides Pesticides include chemicals and other means to reduce or eliminate pests affecting agricultural production. Humans use animals (cats, dogs, etc.), mechanical efforts, and chemicals (arsenic) to control pests. In recent years, the most popular means of pest control are synthetic chemicals. They include several categories: Herbicides The use of herbicides in developed countries increased from 1965 to 1980, and growth in the relative price of labor increased the use of herbicide as a factor of production. This occurred because herbicide is a substitute for labor. During the 1980s, lower agricultural commodity prices and reduced crop acreage led to a reduction in herbicide use. Insecticides In the United States, the use of insecticides increased drastically after World War II. During the 1970s, the establishment of the EPA and an increase in energy prices led to a reduction in insecticide use. Insecticide use has grown in developing countries, and it is a major source of environmental constraint. Fungicides Fungicide use has remained relatively stable over the past 30 years in the United States, although recent legislation banning the use of carcinogenic chemicals in the Delaney Clause will soon outlaw many fungicides (and several popular insecticides and herbicides). Fungicides may be very beneficial to developing countries with humid climate, and its use has increased. 10 Their Benefits Chemical pesticides are damage-control agents that may increase yield and enable production in various regions. They serve as a substitute to labor and plowing. In addition to saving cost and increasing yield, they reduce efforts and, thus, improve health and also have several beneficiary environmental side effects Higher yield leads to reduced acreage in agricultural production and thus saves wildland and forests. Pesticides increase supply, increase availability of food, and reduce its price. This is especially beneficial to poor people who spend a high percentage of their income on food. Pesticides also enable the production of fruits and vegetables in many regions and, thus, improve people’s diet and health. Herbicides reduce the use of plowing and prevent problems of soil erosion. What’s Wrong Pesticide use may cause three types of problems: Food Safety Human health may be damaged due to both acute and chronic risks. In some cases, residues can be reduced by washing food and by appropriate treatment. However, in many cases consumers may be exposed to risk without their knowledge. Children may be more vulnerable to pesticide residues. Overall, food safety problems have not been documented as very severe. Worker Safety Applicants and other farm workers are exposed to large volumes of chemicals and are most vulnerable to pest damage. There have been several severe cases of worker exposure to chemicals and chemical poisoning. 11 Wearing protective clothing, restricting entry to sprayed areas, etc., can reduce risk. Environmental Health Problems Chemical pesticides contaminate ground water and may cause damage to beneficial species, birds, fish, insects, etc. In addition to these basic problems, excessive use of pesticides leads to problems of resistance buildup among species, which may reduce effectiveness of pesticides over time. Pesticide-Use Strategies Population Threshold It is not economical to spray every time a pest is observed. There are significant fixed costs of application, and only when population exceeds a threshold is application justified. Precision Application Many of the environmental problems from pesticide use are caused from using application strategies that are precise. For example, aerial spraying is cheap but causes pollution. It can be reduced by technologies that target problem areas. Biological Control Use of live organisms as predators of pests was successful in saving cassava in Africa, and it had several successful applications in developing countries. However, it may cause environmental problems, e.g., the rabbits in Australia and the mongoose in Hawaii. Integrated Pest Management This is an approach that diversifies the techniques used to control pesticides, and it emphasizes monitoring, precision technology, crop rotation, and biological solutions to address pest problems. Chemicals are 12 used as a last-resort approach, and the emphasis is on environmentally benign chemicals. Biological and Economic Considerations of Pest Control In many cases pesticide applications may harm beneficial organisms that serve as predators of species that have the potential to be pests. Thus, spraying, which destroys beneficial organisms, may trigger new problems. Economic considerations of pesticide applications should take into account the cost of application in terms of resistance buildup, damage to secondary species, and environmental side effects. Individual farmers may not have the incentive or knowledge to consider all factors and, therefore, may tend to overspray. In some cases farmers underspray because a collective, intensive effort can eliminate the pest problem. Regional Cooperation Many pest problems, for example, resistance, control of secondary pests, eradication attempts, and protection against exotic pests, require collective action. In many cases governments and farmers establish regional cooperation to address these pest problems. Biotechnology Genetically-modified varieties are introduced as pest control agents. Although they are easy to use and relatively cheap, they have their problems. Pesticides in Developing Countries Developing countries have humid conditions and a significant number of pests. Pests survive better in warm weather, and the potential benefits and needs of pest control in many developing countries is substantial. Yet, most pesticides have been produced in developed countries, and many important pest problems in developing countries do not have appropriate solutions. Pesticides may be expensive and require purchase of expensive equipment and, therefore, have not been adopted by the poor in many developing countries. 13 Pesticide use is knowledge intensive. There is evidence that in many developing countries there is over-application of pesticides. In many cases lack of knowledge and greedy salesmen can lead to overuse and also increase the environmental damage. Poisoning because of exposure to chemicals has been a significant problem. A classic example is Bhopal in India. Farmers may use chemical containers for drinking and food preparation because they are available and are cheap. Biotechnology solutions have not been available for many problems in developing countries. Yet, China, Argentina, Brazil, and India are increasingly using Bt cotton and other GMOs. The FAO is working on developing varieties for the developing world. Farmers in developing countries may adopt these varieties because of their ease of applications relative to alternative pesticides. Pesticides Regulations and Policies Traditional policies include: (1) Registration requirements. This involves substantial testing of new chemicals to assure that they are effective and do not cause environmental and health effects. Pesticides are registered for a particular use and, in many cases, farmers may not be able to use the chemical because it has not been registered for a certain use. The registration process is costly and gives an advantage to multinationals over new entrants. (2) Bans. When a chemical is found to cause significant environmental and health effects, its use are banned. However, banning is not that simple. It may be a gradual process and be dependent on availability of substitutes. In many cases, for example, with methyl bromide, the use of problematic chemicals continues because of lack of substitutes. 14 Alternative Policies One alternative policy considered is taxation. However, it is problematic because of the low elasticity of demand of pesticides and the differences and social cost of pesticides across locations. Alternatively, policymakers may consider limiting the level of pesticides and introducing transferable permits. Another mechanism is the use of partial bans. Chemicals are not allowed in locations where they cause the most damage. Here the problem is monitoring. Alternatives to pesticides can be subsidized. Consumers can be educated about pesticide problems, and green markets can be promoted. The side effects of pesticides can be addressed by protective clothing, regulation of application procedures, labeling, etc. Major Issues of Debate Should They Be Banned? This has been a major policy debate. The argument for banning is that it will introduce new and greener technologies and improve environmental quality. Banning may also lead to a new organic, environmentally friendly agriculture. The argument against banning is that it is costly, it expands agricultural production and makes the environment vulnerable, and it results in less food and nutrition for the poor. There are alternatives to banning that include taxation, partial banning, etc. 15 International Harmonization of Pesticides One of the major pesticide policy problems is whether or not to have a uniform regulation across nations. This will improve environmental quality and may reduce the use of toxic chemicals in developing countries. However, it will increase the cost of production and competitiveness of developing countries. It will also force them to switch from producing older chemicals at home to purchasing cheap, modern chemicals that are produced under a monopoly by multinationals. What is more reasonable is to regulate chemical residues to allow restriction of residues because what matters is not how you do it, but the final result. 16