Ex. Set # 7 1. The following mechanical model illustrates the symmetry breaking aspect of second order phase transitions. An airtight piston of mass M is inside a tube of cross sectional area a. The tube is bent into a semicircular shape of radius R. On each side of the piston there is an ideal gas of N atoms at a temperature T. The volume to the right of the piston is aR( 2 ) while to the left is aR( 2 + ). The free energy of the system has the form F = MgRcos NkBT [ ln aR(2 ) N3 + ln aR(2 ) N3 +2 ] a) Explain the terms in F. Interpret the minimum condition for F() in terms of the pressures in the two chambers. b) Expand F to 4th order in , show that there is a symmetry breaking transition and find the critical temperature Tc. c) Describe what happens to the phase transition if the number of atoms on the left and right of the piston is N(1) and N(1), respectively. (It is sufficient to consider ||<<1 and include a term ~ in the expansion (b)). d) At a certain temperature the left chamber (containing N(1+) atoms) is found to contain a droplet of liquid coexisting with its vapor. Which of the following statements may be true at equilibrium: (i) The right chamber contains a liquid coexisting with its vapor. (ii) The right chamber contains only vapor. (iii) The right chamber contains only liquid. M R a 2. Consider a one-dimensional classical gas of N particles in a length L at temperature T. The particles have mass m and interact via a 2-body "hard sphere" interaction (xi is the position of the i-th particle): V(xixj) = =0 |xixj|<a |xixj|>a a) Evaluate the exact free energy F(T,L,N). b) Find the equation of state and identify the first virial coefficient; compare with its direct definition. c) Show that the energy is E=NkBT/2. Why is there no effect of the interactions on E? d) In three dimensions V(|rirj|) is defined as above with r the position vector. Explain why should the effective volume satisfy V>Veff>V-v0N where v0 is the volume of each particle and Z=(Veff)N/λ3NN!. Find E(T) and explain how can it be consistent with the presence of a phase transition. 3. Given an Ising model with long range interactions. The energy of a spin configuration {Si}, i=1,2,…,N on any type of lattice and Si=1, is 1 H J Si S j 2 i, j with J>0 and the sum is on all the lattice sites i,j (unlike the usual Ising model which has a summation only on nearest neighbors). a) Evaluate the entropy by using the microcanonical ensemble 1 (Note: H JM 2 where M= Si is the magnetization) 2 i b) Find M in terms of the temperature T. To have a proper thermodynamic limit one needs to define J=J'/N where J' is N independent in the limit N∞. Explain why. c) Find a critical temperature where M vanishes. 4. The boiling point of a certain liquid is 95 C at the top of a mountain and 105 C at the bottom. Its latent heat is 1000 cal/mole. Calculate the height of the mountain. (Assume that the gas phase is an ideal gas with density much lower than that of the liquid; use the average mass of 30 gr/mole.).