Correlation function in 1D Ising model Consider the Ising model in one dimension with periodic boundary condition and with zero external field. Evaluate <i> by using the transfer matrix method. What is <i> at T=0? Find the correlation function G(r)=<1r+1> and show that in the limit of infinite sample (N∞) it has the form G(r)~ exp(r/At what temperature diverges and what is its significance? Ising with long range interaction: Consider the Ising model of magnetism with long range interaction: the energy of a spin configuration is given by E = (J/2N)i,j sisj hi si where J>0, and the sum is on all i and j, not restricted to nearest neighbors. The energy E in terms of m=isi/N can be written as E(m,h)= (1/2)JNm2 hNm. Explain why N is included in the definition of the coupling J/N. Evaluate the free energy F(m;T,h) assuming that it is dominated by a single m. Hence m becomes a variational parameter. By minimizing F find m(h,T) and a critical temperature Tc. Plot qualitatively m(h) above and below the transition. Plot qualitatively F(m) for T>Tc and T<Tc with both h=0 and h≠0. Explain the meanings of the various extrema. Expand F(m; T, h=0) up to order m4. What is the meaning of the m2 coefficient? Ising model with disorder 1, where i=1,2,3,...,N and Consider a one dimensional Ising model of spins i=+ N+1=1. Between each two spins there is a site for an additional atom, which if present changes the coupling J to J(1). The Hamiltonian is then H = J SUM ii+1(1ni), where ni=0 or 1. There are N' = SUM ni atoms, so that N' < N. Evaluate the partition sum by allowing all configurations of spins and of atoms. If the atoms are stationary impurities one needs to evaluate the free energy F for some given random configuration of the atoms: Then one can average F over all configurations. Evaluate the averaged F. Find the entropy difference between the two results and explain its origin. Mean field: ferromagnetism with classical spins Apply the mean field approximation to the classical spin-vector model H = J SUM si · sj h · SUM si where si is a unit vector and i,j are neighboring sites on a lattice. The lattice has N sites and each site has z neighbors. Find the magnetization M=<cosi> in the mean field approximation, where i is the angle relative to an assumed orientation of M. Find the transition temperature Tc by solving for M at h=0. Find M(T) for T<Tc to lowest order in TcT and identify the exponent in M~(TcT). Of what order is the transition? Find the susceptibility (T) at T>Tc and identify the exponent in ~(TcT). Mean Field: antiferomagnetism Antiferromagnetism is a phenomenon akin to ferromagnetism. The simplest kind of an antiferromagnet consists of two equivalent antiparallel sublattices A and B such that memebers of A have only nearest neighbors in B and vice versa. Show that the mean field theory of this type of (Ising) antiferromagnetism yields a formula like the Curie-Weiss law for the susceptibility ~(TTc)1, except that TTc is replaced by T+Tc where Tc is the transition temperature into antiferromagnetism (Neel's temperature). Below Tc the susceptibility of an antiferromagnet drops again. Show that in the above mean field theory the rate of increase of immediately below Tc is twice the rate of decrease immediately above. Assume that the applied field is parallel to the antiferromagnetic orientation. Mean Field: ferroelectricity Consider electric dipoles on sites of a simple cubic lattice which point along one of the crystal axes ±p<100>. The interaction between dipoles is p1.p2 3(p1.r)(p2.r)/r2 U= 40r3 where r is the distance between the dipoles, r=|r|, and 0 is the dielectric constant. Assume nearest neighbor interactions and find the ground state configuration. Consider either ferroelectric (parallel dipoles) or anti-ferroelectric alignment (antiparallel) between neighbors in various directions. Develop a mean field theory for the ordering and for the average polarization P(T) at a given site at temperature T. Find the critical temperature Tc and the susceptibility at T>Tcassuming an electric field in the <100> direction. Mean Field with field h(r) Consider a ferromagnet with magnetic moments m(r) on a simple cubic lattice interacting with their nearest neighbors. The ferromagnetic coupling is J and the lattice constant is a. Extend the mean field theory to the situation that the magnetization is not uniform but is slowly varying: Find the mean field equation in terms of m(r) and its gradients (to lowest order). Assume an external magnetic field h(r), that in general can be a function of r. Consider T>Tc where Tc is the critical temperature, so that only lowest order in m(r) is needed. For a small h(r) find the response m(r), and evaluate it explicitly in two limits: (I) The response is characterized by the susceptibility for uniform h, and (II) the response is characterized by the correlation function (why?) for h(r)~3(r). In the latter case identify the correlation length. Ferromagnetism for cubic crystal A cubic crystal which exhibits ferromagnetism at low temperatures, can be described near the critical temperature Tc by an expansion of a Gibbs free energy 1 3 G(H,T) = G0 + 2 rM2 + uM4 + v Mi4 H.M i=1 where H=(H1,H2,H3) is the external field, and M=(M1,M2,M3) is the total magnetization, and r=a(TTc). The other parameters, namely G0 and a>0 and u>0 and v, are independent of H and T. The constant v is called the cubic anisotropy, and can be either positive or negative. At H=0 find the possible solutions of M which minimize G, and the corresponding expressions for G(0,T). These solutions are characterized by the magnitude and direction of M. Show that the region of stability is u+v>0. Determine the stable equilibrium phases when T<Tc for the different cases v>0 and u<v<0. Show that there is a second order phase transition at T=Tc, and determine the critical indices , and for this transition. These are defined by the expressions CV,H=0 ~ |TTc| for both T>Tc and T<Tc, and |M|H=0 ~ (TcT) for T<Tc and ij = (∂Mi/∂Hj) ~ ij |TTc| for T>Tc. Mechanical model for symmetry breaking The following mechanical model illustrates the symmetry breaking aspect of second order phase transitions. An air tight piston of mass M is inside a tube of cross sectional area a. The tube is bent into a semicircular shape of radius R. On each side of the piston there is an ideal gas of N atoms at a temperature T. The volume to the right of the piston is aR(2 ) while to the left is aR( 2 + ). The free energy of the system has the form F(T, = MgRcos NkBT [2+ ln aR(2 ) N3 + ln aR(2 ) N3 ] Explain the terms in F. Interpret the minimum condition for F() in terms of the pressures in the two chambers. Expand F up to 4th order in . Show that there is a symmetry breaking transition and find the critical temperature Tc. Describe what happens to the phase transition if the number of atoms on the left and right of the piston is N(1) and N(1) respectively. Note that it is sufficient to consider ||<<1 and include a term ~ in the expansion. At a certain temperature the left chamber (containing N(1+) atoms) is found to contain a droplet of liquid coexisting with its vapor. Which of the following statements may be true at equilibrium: (a) The right chamber contains a liquid coexisting with its vapor; (b) The right chamber contains only vapor; (c) The right chamber contains only liquid. M R a