Analytical Support for the Statewide Multimodal Long-Range Transportation Plan: Application To Heavy Rail Transport A Thesis In TCC 402 Presented to The Faculty of the School of Engineering and Applied Science University of Virginia In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Systems and Information Engineering by David Cowden March 24, 2003 On my honor as a University student, on this assignment I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid as defined by the Honor Guidelines for papers in TCC Courses. Signed_______________________________ Approved______________________________ Technical Advisor- James H. Lambert Date______________________ Approved______________________________ TCC Advisor – Betsy Mendelsohn Date______________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................... iii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 1 1.1 FEDERAL LEGISLATION ..................................................................................... 1 1.2 BACKGROUND ...................................................................................................... 1 1.3 TEAM PROJECT ..................................................................................................... 3 1.4 INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTION ............................................................................ 3 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................................... 5 CHAPTER 3: AREAS OF IMPACT .............................................................................. 9 3.1 ECONOMIC IMPACTS ........................................................................................... 9 3.2 SOCIAL IMPACTS ................................................................................................ 10 3.3 POLITICAL IMPACTS.......................................................................................... 11 CHAPTER 4: METHODS AND MATERIALS .......................................................... 12 4.1 BACKGROUND RESEARCH .............................................................................. 12 4.2 METRIC DEFINITION .......................................................................................... 13 4.3 COMPARISON TOOL SOFTWARE .................................................................... 14 4.4 DATA GATHERING ............................................................................................. 15 4.5 HEAVY RAIL CASE STUDY ............................................................................... 16 CHAPTER 5: DATA AND RESULTS ......................................................................... 17 CHAPTER 6: INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS .............................................. 19 CHAPTER 7: CONCLUSION....................................................................................... 22 7.1 SUMMARY ............................................................................................................ 22 7.2 INTERPRETATION............................................................................................... 22 7.3 RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................................ 23 BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................................... 25 APPENDIX A: TEA-21 CRITERIA ............................................................................. 29 APPENDIX B: METRICS BROKEN DOWN BY MOTIVATION .......................... 31 APPENDIX C: GANTT CHART .................................................................................. 36 ii ABSTRACT In accord with the vision of VTrans2025 “to build a world-class multimodal transportation system,” there is the need for analytical methods to improve the communication and cooperation among the various modal transportation agencies of the Commonwealth of Virginia (VTC 2002). This Capstone team provides systems analytical support through the extension and application of a transportation project comparison tool to multimodal systems involving aviation, transit, rail, port, and roadway projects. This comparison tool represents the extent to which transportation projects and multimodal systems promote economic development, intermodalism and mobility, quality of life, fiscal responsibility, systems management, and transportation safety and security. Through modal case studies, this team recommends metrics of multimodal system performance while addressing a twenty-year planning horizon and ensuring that technological initiatives are emphasized. For this report, a case study of the comparison tool was completed through interaction with Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transit, and the Virginia Department of Transportation. This thesis contains a heavy rail case study that provides, methods for performance metric selection, sample project data collection, and graphical displays illustrating project priority. The case study results prove that it is possible to analytically prioritize heavy rail transportation improvement projects in Virginia. iii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 FEDERAL LEGISLATION The Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) and the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) establish the need for states to consider alternate transportation modes when planning and prioritizing projects (Fontaine, Miller 2002). This legislation urges states to examine diverse collections of transportation improvement projects that fit together into a larger multimodal framework. Improved multimodal planning implies a balanced, well-integrated multimodal system plan that facilitates better connection and communication among modes. The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has requested that the UVA Capstone team help the Commonwealth of Virginia by providing analytical support for the Multimodal LongRange Transportation Plan. Thus the need for a comparison tool to prioritize multimodal systems has been established. 1.2 BACKGROUND Policy makers in Virginia are currently troubled with the task of improving transportation infrastructures in order to ensure a better economy, environment and quality of life. Currently state transportation agencies receive limited funding to maintain and improve local infrastructures and transportation systems. Because of this, thousands of proposed construction projects compete for the same limited funds. In the past, agency officials have based their prioritization decisions on subjective metrics such as, purpose, scope, need, size and location of certain projects. As a result of this subjective decision- 1 making, planning officials have had a difficult time of selecting which potential projects to undertake. Prioritization is defined as the selection of projects to be funded as well as the order in which the projects should be undertaken. With the recent TEA-21 legislation, U.S. states are now urged to follow certain guidelines for prioritizing improvement projects that qualify for federal funding. Under this new mandate, states are more likely to receive Federal funding if they comply with the TEA-21 guidelines. Therefore, it is necessary for all transportation modes (aviation, transit, rail, port and roadway) to implement a new method for comparing potential improvement projects (VTC 2002). At the 2002 Virginia Transportation Conference (VTC), the Statewide Transportation Steering Committee delivered the following statement, “Our vision is to build a world-class multimodal transportation system that sets the standards for the rest of the nation.” Along with this vision, transportation planners presented a plan called VTrans2025. VTrans2025, the statewide multimodal long-range transportation plan, encourages connectivity among all modes of transportation and is the result of coordination between federal, state and regional agencies (VTC 2002). Figure 1 contains a flow chart, which is part of the VTrans2025 plan that was presented at the 2002 VTC. This chart shows a future plan where individual modes submit project proposals to a planning committee that will then determine how well each project fits into a multimodal system. A multimodal system by definition is a proposed construction project that consists of two or more modes of transportation. Multimodal systems will then be scored using a comparison tool. Individual projects that are part of a larger system will receive bonus points in their respective modal priority selection. As a 2 result, only projects that benefit a larger multimodal system shall receive state and federal funding. 1.3 TEAM PROJECT Last year, the University of Virginia and the Virginia Transportation Research Council developed a tool that presents the cost-benefit-risk tradeoffs in roadway improvement projects. However, this tool was confined to prioritizing roadway projects. By the recent requests of VDOT, Dr. James Lambert and my Capstone team including Mohammed Ali, Brister Barrett, Kenneth Peterson, Ariel Pinta and Jared Zane are working on a modified tool that prioritizes multimodal systems. This phase of work is denoted by circle #2 in figure 1. This research helps transportation planners score multimodal systems so that they can inform individual modes as to which projects should receive funding. 1.4 INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTION For an individual contribution, I performed a case study on heavy rail transportation. Heavy rail consists of freight or cargo rail carriers and excludes passenger rail transit. This step in the flow chart process is denoted by circle #1 in figure 1. Each member of my Capstone team performed case studies on different modes of transportation. Mohammed Ali worked with the Department of Aviation (DOAV), Brister Barrett worked with the Virginia Port Authority (VPA), while Jared Zane and myself worked with the Department of Rail and Public Transport (DRPT). This study consisted of collecting and defining performance metrics that specifically apply to heavy rail 3 transportation. Next I collected information on sample improvement projects and entered the data into the Capstone team’s comparison tool software. Finally, to increase VDOT’s comprehension of the study, results were shown using various graphical representations. Each State Project Receives Bonus Points in its Respective Modal Priority Process RankSystems -Quantitative -Qualitative -Political Each Mode Implements Individual Priority Model -Federal & State Requirements -Governing Board -Funding Source(s) -Industry Measurements Score each System using Priority Model 2 Devlop Implementation Plan -Schedule -Lead Agency -Source of Funding Develop Transportation Systems that have Regional & State Interests VPA VDOT DOAV 1 Legend Review 6-Year Plans for Eligible System Projects Agency Actions IMAT Actions VDRPT Figure 1: VTrans 2025 Flow Chart: Statewide Multimodal Planning (VTC 2002) 4 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW Scientists, engineers, researchers and students have developed many different methods for comparing projects as well as multimodal systems. A report prepared by Michael Fontaine and John Miller in August 2002 entitled “Survey of Statewide Multimodal Transportation Planning Practices” closely examines innovative practices used by other states (Fontaine, Miller 2002). The report served as a starting point by providing insight on the various techniques that can be used for prioritizing multimodal systems. After reviewing other state’s methods, the team concentrated on performance measure selection. For information on this process, a report from the 2002 Transportation Research Board conference provided helpful assistance. The conference was entitled, “Performance Measures to Improve Transportation Systems and Agency Operations.” Information from this report included guidance for defining performance metrics, implementing performance measures and choosing the “right” measure selection (Conference Proceedings 26). The report also offered examples of performance metrics chosen by other states. Another report provided by the Transportation Research Board entitled, “Trends and Issues in Transportation” discusses the importance of performance measure selection (TRB Field Visit Program 1997). The current Capstone project is an extension of a comparison tool for roadway projects that was created over the course of the past two years. Last year, Professor Jim Lambert and his Capstone team worked on a comparison tool that allowed VDOT to prioritize roadway projects. Figure 2 below shows a graphical display of their comparison tool results (Lambert 2002). 5 Figure 2: Roadway Comparison Tool (Lambert 2002) The display compares the crashes avoided (per year) to the travel time saved (in minutes) for 30 different roadway projects. The size of the circles relates to the cost of each project. Many of the metrics and methods used in the previous two years were referenced and re-used in my research. The comparison method shown in Figure 2 serves as a foundation for my research. The software used in Figure 2 was expanded is now used for prioritizing projects within other modes of transportation. Kenneth Peterson, a graduate BS/MS student, assisted our team in modifying the comparison tool. Kenneth has also been working on different methods of graphically displaying the comparisons. For my individual section concerning heavy rail transport, Wilbur Smith Associates has been doing recent work on integrating rail lines with multimodal systems. Wilbur Smith Associates is an international consulting organization providing specialized professional services to the transportation industry. In a report entitled, “Railway 6 Services,” WSA discusses multimodal systems development. They believe that a systems approach to transportation planning and engineering is fundamental to the successful development of transportation infrastructure services (Railway Services 2002). In addition they believe that a functional multimodal system can provide a well placed “info structure” that facilitates the flow of information between the network operators throughout the multimodal system (Railway Services 2002). They touch on ways to decrease “choke points” or “bottle necks” through a process called intermodal correction. They presented their future goals involving freight rail’s increasing presence in Virginia at the 2002 Virginia Transportation Conference (VTC 2002). Another piece of literature that was especially useful was the Freight-Rail Bottom Line Report compiled by the American Association of State and Highway and Transportation Officials. The report entitled, “Transportation: Invest in America” describes the nation’s freight rail system, its issues, and its needs (AASHTO 2002). The report discusses concerns about the capacity of the nation’s freight rail system and how it will try to keep pace with the expected growth of the economy in the next 20 years. According to this repot, relatively small public investment in the nation’s railroads can be leveraged into relatively large public benefits (AASHTO 2002). Moreover, the report provides a picture of the benefits of freight transportation to the nation and the value of strategic transportation investments. Additional literature includes “An Aid To The Comparison of Major Infrastructure Improvements” written by James Lambert (Lambert 2002). This report discusses how communication and cooperation amongst the transportation agencies in a state transportation system can be improved so that funds can be allocated in a more efficient manner. A report entitled “Commonwealth Rail Issues” that was presented at the 7 2002 Virginia Transportation Conference discussed Virginia railroads’ stake in economic development (VTC 2002). A National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 436 entitled “Guidance for Communicating the Economic Impacts of Transportation Investments” contains the results of research into communicating linkages between transportation investments and economic performance (Ostria 1999). In addition to the large amount of literature reviewed, policy-meeting minutes provided by Katherine Graham, via e-mail, allowed our team to follow the progress of the Long Range Policy Committee for Virginia. Our Capstone advisor also forwards copies of e-mail correspondence among Virginia transportation planning officials. This is helpful since the Long Range Policy Committee is often times changing their goals or scope and it is important that our team remains well informed on current issues. 8 CHAPTER 3: AREAS OF IMPACT Many economic, social and political impacts arise from the implementation of this comparison tool. Groups affected will include, Virginia citizens, politicians and transportation officials. Should the tool be applied to other states, there is potential for every citizen in the U.S. to somehow be affected. 3.1 ECONOMIC IMPACTS Virginia’s transportation facilities are major assets for the promotion of economic growth. Railroads carry 16 percent of the nation’s freight by tonnage and make a substantial contribution to the national economy as well as to the economies of most states (AASHTD 2002). Freight rail provides shippers with cost effective transportation, especially for heavy and bulky commodities and can be a critical factor in retaining and attracting industries that are central to state and regional economies (AASHTD 2002). Figure 3 shows future freight growth in volume as predicted by the U.S. Department of Transportation in 2002. Currently, each mode of transportation in Virginia has many proposed construction projects that require funding. For example, the Northern Virginia 2020 Transportation Plan estimates under-funded transportation needs over the next twenty years at $15 billion or $750 million per year (NVTC). Although the amount of federal funding that Virginia transportation agencies receive has increased from 35% in 1996 to 60% in 2000, this still leaves Virginia paying 40% of the annual transportation costs (NVTC). Having an increase in the number of projects along with a decrease in the amount of available funds is going to leave Virginia in a serious budgeting crisis. 9 Figure 3: Freight Activity: 1998, 2010 and 2020 (U.S. DOT, FHA 2002) The proposed comparison tool alleviates this crisis by allowing transportation planning committees to analytically choose which construction systems to undertake. This ensures that taxpayers’ money goes towards the most important projects, thus decreasing the amount of money that is spent on unnecessary improvements. 3.2 SOCIAL IMPACTS The second impact of my research deals with various social aspects, specifically human mobility. Human mobility is defined as the ease at which people are able to move from one place to another. By using this comparison tool, agency officials are able to fund individual projects or operations that are part of larger multimodal systems. This allows people and cargo to quickly travel from mode to mode and experience fewer 10 problems or delays along the way. Network operators will be able to communicate more effectively which will allow them to pool their resources, knowledge and data in order to maximize efficiency. Furthermore, as the nation moves toward homeland security, integrated multimodal systems that provide a better flow of communication between modes will become essential components of national security. 3.3 POLITICAL IMPACTS The third major impact involves political aspects. Historically, policy makers have chosen to undertake projects in a subjective manner. In other words, purely qualitative ranking methods were used. My comparison tool allows policy makers to apply quantitative measurements so that all of their decisions can be data driven. This alleviates some of the pressures felt by politicians when deciding on which transportation projects will best benefit Virginia’s infrastructure. This tool provides policy makers with a set of metrics or performance measures that pertain to all modes of transportation. These metrics can be used to gather numerical data that will be displayed in a manner that is comprehensible to politicians, transportation planners, and the general public. 11 CHAPTER 4: METHODS AND MATERIALS For my individual contribution, I performed a case study on heavy rail performance. Heavy rail consists of freight or cargo rail carriers and excludes passenger rail transit. The study is based on the principle that using both quantitative and qualitative measures in multi-criteria decision-making can provide efficient resource allocation. This study investigated how a given set of heavy rail improvement projects can be analyzed and prioritized. To increase VDOT’s comprehension of the results, I graphically represented my findings using multivariate displays and graphical representations. The activities completed during this research fall into five main steps: Background Research, Metric Definition, Comparison Tool Modification, Data Gathering and Case Study for Heavy Rail. I worked closely with my Capstone group up until the last two steps when I performed some individual analysis. 4.1 BACKGROUND RESEARCH In September, my Capstone team completed preliminary research on transportation planning and prioritization methods. I spent time searching through different state and national transportation websites and journals mentioned in the literature review section in order to familiarize myself with how agency officials currently attempt to prioritize multimodal projects. Three of the most useful sites are the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transit (, the Virginia Department of Transportation ( and the Transportation Research Board 12 ( Kenneth Peterson explained how last year’s comparison tool works and how he plans to modify it to prioritize multimodal systems. Furthermore, to gain a better understanding of what VDOT expects of our Capstone team, I attended a steering committee meeting on September 11 in Richmond to listen to agency officials discuss a long-term multimodal transportation plan. 4.2 METRIC DEFINITION After completing our background research, the team’s next goal was to compile an extensive list of metrics that was general to all modes of transportation. Next we grouped the metrics based on their relevance to the six motivations set forth in the TEA21 legislation. The motivations are: (Fiol 2002) 1.) Safe and Secure Transportation 2.) System Management 3.) Intermodalism and Mobility 4.) Economic Competitiveness 5.) Fiscal Responsibility 6.) Quality of Life Placing the long list of metrics under the six TEA-21 motivations was a subjective process and one in which there was no clear method to follow. The original list of metrics is broken down my motivation in Appendix B. The next step was for each individual on the team to compile a list of metrics that are mode specific and can be quantitatively measured. For comparison tool analysis it was necessary for each of use to choose two metrics per mode that we felt were the most significant. The two metrics that I chose are track miles and number of active cars on-line per year. Track miles are defined as the total track distance that is owned by a railroad company. This metric was chosen because 13 it quantitatively specifies the size of the various railroad companies in Virginia. When ranking projects, this is an important performance metric because it indicates how much of an impact an improvement project can have on any particular railroad. The Virginia Railway Association as well as CSX and Norfolk Southern provided such data. Cars online were chosen as the second performance metric. Cars on-line are defined as the number of active or moving cars that that complete one trip on any particular railroad company’s track. This metric was chosen because it indicates the size and cargo capacity as well as track usage of Virginia railroads. This data is collected by railroad companies and is reported as a yearly statistic. 4.3 COMPARISON TOOL SOFTWARE This step involved taking the roadway comparison tool display shown in Figure 4 and modifying it to compare projects from other modes. To achieve this we inserted the six TEA-21 criteria as motivations for each project. Next we changed the data tables so that different performance metrics could be used for different modes. The final modification involved adjusting the scale on the coordinate axes since different performance metrics have different quantitative data. Figure 4 shows the comparison tool that was developed by last year’s Capstone team. This example has average daily traffic (ADT) and number of crashes as the two selected performance metrics. It contains seven attributes chosen by last year’s team that are very similar to the six motivations set forth in the TEA-21 legislation. The bubbles in Figure 4 represent roadway improvement projects. Further description of the tool is discussed in the heavy rail case study section. 14 Legend: 500 300 A cc e bi ssib lit il iy ity /M o Crash Rate 700 Ec on D om ev ic el op m en t 100 0 -100 10 1000 100000 Sy ste Pr m es er va tio n Sa fe ty In te rM od al En vi ro nm en t O pe ra tio ns Average Daily Traffic Figure 4: Roadway Comparison Tool (Capstone Team 1999) 4.4 DATA GATHERING To gather the necessary quantitative data presented quite a challenge. I first contacted Billy Ketron the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation in October and he provided me with a list of fiscal year 2002 funding allocations and 20 year cost needs for 8 rail lines in Virginia. Next I found the Virginia High Speed Rail 6year plan, which contained data for various improvement project proposals (High Speed 6-Year Plan 2002). Additional information came from on-line databases at CSX and Norfolk Southern web sites. CSX and Norfolk Southern are the two largest cargo rail companies in Virginia. On November 4, 2002 I contacted Kevin Page who works with 15 rail transportation planning at VDRPT and he provided me with data on Rail Industrial Access Funding from fiscal year 1999 to present. I also contacted Alan Tobias from VDRPT on November 11, 2002 and he provided a summary of Virginia’s passenger and freight rail projects. From each of these sources I extracted data in the following areas: description of each project, project cost ($), leveraging a defined by state funding vs. federal funding, track miles of existing system (miles owned by rail company), and total freight cars on-line in existing system (per year). It is important to note that data gathered for the two metrics applies to existing railroad systems that are requesting funding for improvement projects. It would be ideal if actual data could be forecasted, however that is one of the limitations of this research. 4.5 HEAVY RAIL CASE STUDY After collecting all of my data I entered it into the modified comparison tool. In addition to the quantitative data, it was necessary to assign two of the six TEA-21 motivations to each project. It is important to note that this is a subjective process. Since it is uncommon for transportation agencies that are proposing the projects to provide the correct motivations for their projects, it is therefore my duty to assign motivations to each project. Finally, using Microsoft Excel software and Capstone Lab computers, I entered the data and represented the results both graphically and statistically. 16 CHAPTER 5: DATA AND RESULTS Figure 5 shows the data table from the comparison tool. From left to right, the first column contains the project ID # which is an arbitrary number assigned to each project. The next four columns contain cost ($ thousands), leveraging (% non-state), track miles and cars on-line (per year). The next column contains the primary attributes or motivations behind each project as defined by the TEA-21 legislation. The motivations are denoted in abbreviated form but correspond to the following: EC: Economic Competitiveness FR: Fiscal Responsibility IM: Intermodalism and Mobility QL: Quality of Life SM: Systems Management SS: Safety and Security The last column contains the system description, which is the title of each heavy rail improvement project. Figure 6 shows the graphical results from the comparison tool. Each bubble inside the squares represents a heavy rail construction project and the size of the bubble corresponds to the cost of that particular project. The TEA-21 motivations, which are again denoted in abbreviated form, are found in columns in such a way that each project is associated with two TEA-21 motivations. The coordinate graphic in the top right corner of figure 6 shows the two performance metrics, track mile and cars on-line, along with the scale for each metric. Further explanation of these results is presented in the following Interpretation and Analysis section. 17 ea r) EC FR IM SM SM IM IM IM SM SM SM SM FR IM IM FR FR IM SM IM IM SM EC SM EC IM IM EC SM EC SM SM Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y es cr ip tio n m pa of riso ns :S ys (Y te or m N ID ) # Sy ste m bs yt e D m Co in ud e In cl im ar y re ig ht 225179 225179 225179 184506 225179 184506 184506 225179 450 1360 108760 10000 12540 300 1020 800 Pr To ta lF M k 118 70 30 84 70 480 250 356 39 16 70 40 36 30 75 54 Su no nsta te ile ) s Ca rs O A nttr Li ib ne ut (P es er Y 18% 0% 0% 0% 0% 9% 10% 0% 13% 29% 5% 0% 46% 0% 7% 10% Tr ac ve ra g in g (% ds ) $ Co st ( 370,000 200,000 100,000 200,000 225,000 100,000 120,000 356,000 3,966 580 9,608 480 1,130 6,875 7,606 5,958 Le th ou an # ID ct 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 DC-Richmond (Main St. Station) Richmond-Newport News (Hampton Roads) Richmond-Petersburg (Tri-Cities) Petersburg-Norfolk(South Hampton Roads) Petersburg-North Carolina Line TransDominion Express Virginia Railway Express I-81 Rail Corridor Buckingham Branch Railroad Commonwealth Railway Eastern Shore Railroad North Carolina and Virginia Railroad Norfolk and Portsmouth Belt Line RR Shenandoah Valley Railroad Virginia Southern Railroad Winchester and Western Railroad Total Freight Cars On-Line (Per Week) Figure 5: Data Table For Heavy Rail Case Study FR EC > 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 10 100 Track Miles SS SM Q L IM oj e Pr 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 Figure 6: Graphical Results For Heavy Rail Case Study 18 > 1000 CHAPTER 6: INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS By examining the coordinate graph in figure 6, it is to be interpreted that a bubble (i.e. project) falling in the upper right corner is much more desirable than a project falling in the lower left. This is because a project in the upper right corner is part of a system that has a large number of track miles and a large number of cars on-line, thus projects such as this lead to larger impacts and benefits for an entire system. Furthermore, a small bubble size indicates low cost, which is always an important and desirable feature. Figure 7 shows a zoom-in on the projects that are grouped at the intersection of the row and column motivated by System Management and Intermodalism and Mobility. Two important conclusions to draw from this graph are the fact that the majority of projects (eight) are motivated by System Management and Intermodalism and Mobility and also that over half of the projects seem to be very expensive as seen by the large size of the bubbles. Further information can be drawn from figure 7. The bubble located the farthest to the upper right corresponds to project 0008 which is the I-81 Rail Corridor improvement project. By looking at the data table in figure 5, one can see that this improvement project will cost $356,000,000, and will be built on a railroad that has 356 miles of track and 225,179 cars on-line. According to this comparison tool, this project should receive highest priority since its impact will be larger. However, it is also important to look at the cost and motivations of each project. Although the I-81 Rail Corridor received a high priority, it is also very costly and is only motivated by System Management and Intermodalism and Mobility. Improvement project 0011 requested by the Eastern Shore Railroad corresponds to a smaller bubble(i.e. lower cost) and is 19 centered on 70 track miles and 108,760 cars on-line. By zooming in on squares corresponding to other motivations, similar analysis can be performed in order to determine project priority. 0008 0011 Figure 7: Zoom-In of Graphical Results Analysis in figure 8 shows the total number of projects that fall under any two motivations. Conclusions to draw from figure 8 are that System Management and Intermodalism and Mobility motivate half of the total improvement projects. Similar functions will display useful statistics such as total cost of all projects, as shown in figure 9, that correspond to any two motivations. Similarly, average cost, state funding, federal funding and leverage can be examined. 20 1 FR 0 2 1 IM 0 0 0 0 QL 0 2 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SS EC 0 SM 0 Figure 8: Statistical Results: Total Number of Projects Corresponding to Each Motivation 0 EC 0 37000 0 0 120687 20000 5 0 FR IM QL 0 0 0 0 0 444 6 708 8 99879 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 SM 0 SS Figure 9: Statistical Results: Cost of Projects ($ thousands) 21 CHAPTER 7: CONCLUSION 7.1 SUMMARY This report has shown that it is possible to analytically prioritize heavy rail improvement projects through the use of comparison tool software. This report began with a description of the future transportation requirements recently set forth by federal legislation. It then discussed the different economic, political and social impacts that arise as a result of this comparison tool design. This report has shown that it is important to define performance metrics that can be used as standard measures across all heavy rail improvement projects. Results from the case study showed that projects having a high number of track miles or cars on-line are generally preferred to those projects that have a low number of track miles and cars on-line. In addition, results showed that many different things often motivate improvement projects and assigning only two motivations to each project is very difficult. 7.2 INTERPRETATION This report is significant because it provides analytical support for comparison of major infrastructure investments. By improving prioritization methodology, funds given to transportation infrastructure can be allocated in a more efficient manner and multimodal transportation systems can be made more accessible and efficient for users. This comparison tool allows up to 100 projects be compared simultaneously plus it easily 22 adapts to other modes of transportation so that similar case studies can be performed. The software is user friendly and provides clear direction on data input and analysis. One of the limitations of this report lies in the fact that all of the projects used in the analysis are future improvement projects, thus there is no way to check and see if my results are indeed correct. However, this limitation is not critical since the “right” priority setting does not usually exist in real life because there are so many unforeseen factors that can arise in any improvement project. Beyond that, it is nearly impossible to accurately predict usage and cost statistics for transportation systems that don’t yet exist. This tool provides a framework for setting project priority. In the future, if the projects used in my case study are actually funded and completed then it would be possible to compare my priority setting with actual results. 7.3 RECOMMENDATIONS This case study serves as a foundation for future work to come. The goal of this Capstone team for the remainder of the semester and into next year is to integrate our individual case studies into a multimodal comparison tool. This tool will attempt to prioritize multimodal systems in much the same way that I prioritized heavy rail projects. The team is currently working on defining a set of performance metrics that is general to all transportation modes. Once this is completed, the team will further modify the comparison tool, research multimodal systems in Virginia, collect data pertaining to the systems and finally enter the data into the comparison tool and analyze the results. For future work, examining actual multimodal transportation systems and having better 23 access to performance statistics may enhance the utility of this comparison tool. The long-term benefits of this research are in their beginning stages. Once the work presented in this case study is integrated into a multimodal comparison tool, the results will provide the residents of Virginia with first-rate transportation facilities that improve intermodal connectivity and support economic growth across the Commonwealth. 24 BIBLIOGRAPHY Brich, Stephen C. Multimodal Transportation Planning in Virginia: Past Practices and New Opportunities. Technical Assistance Report. Charlottesville: September 1994. “Conference Program.” Virginia Transportation Conference - VTrans 2025. 16-18 October 2002. Lexington, Virginia. Fiol, Marsha. “Goals and Objectives.” Virginia Department of Transportation. Steering Committee Handout. 13 September 2002. Fontaine, Micahel D. and Miller, John S. Technical Assistance Report: Survey of Statewide Multimodal Transportation Planning Practices. Virginia Transportation Research Council. Charlottesville, VA. August 2002. Graham, Katherine A. Virginia Department of Transportation. Available: ISTEA. Transportation Equity Act For The 21st Century Plan. 21 September 2000. Available: 25 Lambert, James H. Proposal For Research: An Aid To The Comparison Of Major Infrastructure Investments. Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems, University of Virginia. 2002. “Online” A Tool to Aid the Comparison of Highway Improvements. 13 September 2000. 1999 Capstone Team, University of Virginia. Available: “Online” Trends and Issues in Transportation: Transportation Research Board’s 1997 Field Visit Program. 20 March 2002. Available: “Online” CSX Intermodal.17 September 2002. Available: “Online” Freight Considerations For Local Transportation Systems. 17 September 2002. Available: “Online” Intermodal Association of North America (IANA). 7 December 2002. Available: “Online” Northern Virginia Transportation Alliance (NVTA). 16 October 2002. 26 Available: “Online” U.S. Department of Transportation: Office on Intermodalism. 22 October 2002 Available: “Online” Virginia High Speed Rail 6-Year Plan. September 2002. Available: Ostria, Sergio J. “Need in Communicating the Economic Impacts of Transportation Investment.” NCHRP Report 436: Guidance for Communicating the Economic Impacts of Transportation Investments. 15 March 1999. Available On-line: Peterson, Kenneth. University of Virginia. Graduate Systems Engineering Student. August, 2002-Present. “Railway Services.” Engineers Planners Economists. Wilbur Smith Associates. Columbia, SC. October 2002. Report of Conference Proceedings 26. Performance Measures to Improve Transportation Systems and Agency Operations. Transportation Research Board. 2001 Available: 27 Spence, Kim. “Steering Committee Meeting” Richmond VA. September 11, 2002. “Transportation Planning.” Northern Virginia Transportation Commission 2002 State Legislative Agenda. 6 December 2001. Transportation: Invest in America. Freight-Rail Bottom Line Report. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). 2002. 28 APPENDIX A: TEA-21 CRITERIA Metric 1: Safe and Secure Transportation Consider flexibility with design standards where it is appropriate and does not degrade safety. Improve the safety locations where modes intersect. Promote education and enforcement of speed limits, driving restrictions, and other travel-related regulations. Apply efficient and effective transportation security measures. Metric 2: System Management Maintain an efficient and reliable transportation system balancing safety and effective operation. Promote the use of appropriate technology to maximize system effectiveness. Encourage development and implementation of planned access. Provide accessible and reliable traveler information. Metric 3: Intermodalism and Mobility Encourage intermodalism to maximize the accessibility, use, and efficient connectivity of the overall transportation system. Provide effective and economical transportation choices and alternatives for people and goods across the state. Improve communication and coordination among state, regional and local transportation agencies. Expand freight planning Metric 4: Economic Competitiveness Provide for smooth and efficient transfers for passengers and freight between ports, airports, railroads, and highways. Develop a transportation system that supports statewide economic development, commerce, and tourism. Coordinate transportation planning and local land use planning. Metric 5: Fiscal Responsibility Ensure balance and effective transportation investments. Develop realistic transportation programs based on accurate cost estimates. Explore the use of alternate funding mechanisms on accurate (e.g. Public/Private Transportation Act (PPTA), user fees, tax referenda, etc.). Increase the flexibility in the use of federal and state transportation funds. 29 Metric 6: Quality of Life Improve coordination and communication among stakeholders throughout the transportation planning and implementation process and ensure that the process is accessible for all communities and citizens. Enhance and protect the natural environmental quality and cultural and historic resources. Ensure the compatibility of transportation service and the communities they serve. 30 APPENDIX B: METRICS BROKEN DOWN BY MOTIVATION SAFETY AND SECURITY Accident rate Number of at-grade railroad/roadway crossings Number/type of geometric deficiencies Passenger fatalities per million passenger trips Passenger injuries per million passenger trips Claims as % of freight costs Number of highest-risk runway incursions per 100,000 operations Number of deficiencies in width/grade/alignment Decrease in crash rate per DVMT Decrease in fatality rate per DVMT Decrease in injury rate per DVMT Decrease in property damage per DVMT Decrease in pedestrian fatalities per DVMT High accident locations Highway Pavement Condition Interstate Average Ride Index Highway Pavement Condition NHS Average Ride Index Highway Pavement Condition Primary Average Ride Index Safety - Highway safety improvement program (HSIP) priority Number of correctable crash sites – interstate Number of correctable crash sites – NHS Number of correctable crash sites – Primary Decrease in crash rate per trip Designation as an evacuation route Assaults and robberies Decrease in dollar value of cargo stolen in operations at the port Decrease in percentage of cargo damaged in operations at the port Decrease in dollar value of cargo damaged in operations at the port Decrease in percentage of cargo stolen in operations at the port Property damage per million trips Project involves mode separation Highway safety improvement program (HSIP) priority Reduction in operational errors/ failures per million activities 31 SYSTEM MANAGEMENT Percentage of truckload capacities utilized Optimal mode selection Passenger miles per train miles Passengers per trip Freight tons per trip Percent of truckload capacities utilized Freight bill accuracy Percent of flights arriving more than 15 or 30 minutes late Average departure delay per flight Standard deviation of highway airport access travel time, weighted by the distribution of trip ends Departmental M&O costs and priority Mode split Service life Maintenance requirements Infrastructure condition Maintenance costs per trip Preservation costs per year Surface Rehabilitation Deficient Bridges System Classification Private Investment (in millions) Net Present Value-Cost-Ratio (NPVC) Incident management/evacuation route INTERMODALISM AND MOBILITY Transfer time between modes Number of intermodal transfer points Number of modes involved Maximum allowed speed Frequencies of connections Number of connections Alternative modes Intermodal transportation-mode connection Intermodal transportation-redundancy reduction Access management Transit support amenities Land use connectivity Intermodal connectivity Increase the number of available modes by 32 Improves the level of service of existing modes Minimum Level of Service (MLOS) required to meet the goals of the transportation plan MLOS required to meet the goals of the transportation plan for a user group (elderly, disabled, etc) Highway Pavement Condition Primary Average Ride Index Highway Pavement Condition NHS Average Ride Index Highway Pavement Condition Interstate Average Ride Index Corridor congestion relief Reduction in V/C Ratio Segment Completions (connectivity of the same mode) Existing congestion (existing v/c) Horizon-year congestion (horizon year v/c) Volume Intersection delay Travel time savings Travel time savings per trip Total riders Total passenger or vehicle miles Accessibility People per square mile within 2-mile corridor Pedestrian connections Passenger mode to mode connections Percent of air trips served by nonstop flights Percent of air trips without nonstop service but served by connections through an airline hub or one-stop service Percent of air trips with at least 6 nonstop, one stop or connecting flights per day Average delay experienced in traveling to and from the airport Average delay experienced during the flight Percent of air trips served by three or more carriers with nonstop, one stop or connecting service Percent of international departures with at least two carriers Percent of air trips for which the nearest commercial airport provides direct or connecting air service through one intermediate hub Percent of air trips for which the nearest commercial airport provides direct jet service to the destination Percent of air trip ends within 45 min. highway travel time of the nearest commercial service airport Percent of air trip ends within 45 min. highway travel time of the nearest commercial service airport used Average airport access highway travel times under free-flow travel conditions, weighted by the distribution of trip ends Percent of air trip ends within five miles of stops served by scheduled airport ground transportation services 33 Percent of air trip ends in communities served by air port shared-ride van services Percent of air passenger airport access trips using shared-ride public transportation Bicycle improvement Bicycle connections Tons moved per day Shipping centers within 2-mile corridor Freight mode to mode connections Percentage increase in the number of containers shipped via rail or roads in Virginia Percentage decrease in container vacancy per vessel Percentage increase in the number of containers that can be handled Percentage increase in the number of vessels that can be handled Percentage increase in the depth of the channel Decrease in delay time from vessel arrival to the beginning of unloading Decrease in delay time availability of vessel loading to actual loading Decrease in average time to unload a container Fuel consumption Use of alternative energy sources ECONOMIC COMPETITIVENESS Consistency with statewide goals Priority in statewide goals Job creation (jobs created) Job retention (jobs retained) Total revenue Revenue per mile Cost as a % to sales Average fare paid per mile for interstate trips Commercial airport productivity Jurisdiction Unemployment Rate (Relative to Statewide Rate) Ratio of State DOT Cost to Jobs Created (in $100,000) Percentage increase in revenues Consistency with MPO or PDC plan Priority in MPO or PDC plan Average fare paid per mile for air trips from Virginia to domestic destinations outside the state Average fare paid per mile to Virginia from domestic origin outside the state Average fare paid per mile for air trips from Virginia to international destinations Average fare paid per mile to Virginia from international origin Local Needs Ranking: Where project falls as a % of all projects submitted in regional needs ranking 34 Number of potential transfer points Total transfer time Provides access to major intermodal facility, corridor, or activity center FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY Projects dependent on this project Percentage part of a greater financial investment Sustainability of investment/life cycle cost Funds already programmed for project Local/Regional Dollars: Where the local contribution/capita for that projects falls as a % of others being ranked Project involves innovative funding mechanism Project involves innovative use of funds Project uses economies of scale in purchasing/contracting Cost per length of project Cost-benefit ratio Cost per trip Cost per vehicle/person/ton mile traveled Price of dredging per square foot per foot deep Decrease in costs per container handled QUALITY OF LIFE Transportation alternatives available Environmental justice community served Transportation-challenged community served Environmental impact Environmental resources and constraints within 300 ft. right of way Air, water, soil, noise quality or pollution Percentage increase in damaged ecology of the harbor Percentage increase in eyesores caused by industrial development along the water Consistency with air quality goals Consistency with Chesapeake Bay Agreement Environmental readiness Reduction in pollution as a result of shorter connecting truck hauls Change in development density Compatibility with community served Jobs created or supported Community support (plan consistency) Right-of-way area and impacts 35 APPENDIX C: GANTT CHART 9/5/02 10/25/02 12/14/02 Background Research on Existing Prioritization Methods Metric Definition Comparison Tool Modification Data Gathering Case Study Conclusions Thesis Submission Capstone Presentation 36 2/2/03 3/24/03 5/13/03 7/2/03