REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RESEARCH ON LAND POLICY AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT IN LATIN AMERICA The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy announces its 2011 call for research proposals on land policy and urban development in Latin America. The research proposals will be reviewed competitively based on the weighted evaluation criteria indicated below. These criteria favor empirical studies that use reliable data and rigorous analytical methods, employing original field work and/or secondary data. Research outputs are expected to result in papers appropriate for publication. Proposals addressing issues related to climate change and land policy will be jointly evaluated and financed by the Program on Latin America and the Caribbean and from the Department of Urban Planning and Urban Form. The researchers selected through this RFP process will be invited to participate in a seminar to review and discuss draft papers. In addition, the Lincoln Institute will provide other opportunities for researchers to exchange ideas and discuss their methodology and analytical strategies. This year the call for proposals includes a special funding line for short reports describing innovative successful land policy initiatives in the region. The Institute will consider proposals on the following research themes: I. PUBLIC POLICY AND URBAN LAND OUTCOMES Public interventions often induce changes in urban land use, price, and other land outcomes that can lead to changes in personal wealth and social welfare. Thus, it is important to understand how policies affect urban land markets and how market agents interact under different policies. Areas of special interest include government and private sector interactions on the urban land market; modes of policy implementation and how that affects policy outcomes; and the consequences of public policy and explanations for unintended outcomes. Research on these topics will focus on the following specific urban policy areas: Investment in public transit and/or infrastructure for one or more transport modes. Land use regulations, such as building codes, zoning, and subdivision standards. Documentation and analysis of how urban regulations are implemented and what impacts they have on land markets. Regularization of informal settlements and slum upgrading programs, including public land acquisition and titling. Relationships between land use regulations, urban land markets, and informality. Land use, fiscal, and financial impacts of large urban projects such as redevelopment of port areas, revitalization of depressed inner-city areas or brownfields, and facilities to accommodate large events. Alternatives to improve the location of affordable housing and to foster diversity and urban inclusiveness. Evaluation of initiatives to promote urban social inclusiveness in housing and land markets. Analysis of instances when land policies and regulations succeeded in holding down the price of serviced land. Proposals may also address: Methodological studies aimed at improving the analytical techniques to evaluate the impact of public policies on the functioning of urban land markets. Pedagogical materials on land markets analysis, such as empirical modeling, hypothesis testing, construction of land market performance indicators, and spatial analysis methods. II. LAND-BASED INSTRUMENTS TO FINANCE URBAN DEVELOPMENT Fiscal and administrative decentralization is occurring in several Latin American countries, and the importance of local governments in managing urban development is increasing. Although intergovernmental transfers still account for a significant share of local expenditures, local governments are seeking to raise revenues for local public goods by improving existing instruments and exploring new ones to fund and promote urban development. Some countries in the region are increasing municipal own-source revenues, but they rarely increase revenues from land-based tributes such as the property tax and value capture instruments. Prior research has shown that it is possible to create fiscal space at the municipal level through capturing the land value increments resulting from public interventions. Similarly, many studies have shown the need for more efficient management of the property tax. This line of research will focus on: The efficiency, incidence, and revenue potential of the property tax. Relationships between the incidence of informality—in its different forms—and fiscal alternatives to tax informal settlements, or normative adjustments to facilitate taxing informal property. Impacts on land price of changes in the implementation of the property tax. Changes in land price associated with urban improvements due to public sector interventions. Comparative analysis of innovative approaches to the management of the property tax aimed at overcoming the present limitations. Case studies of municipal direct revenues that exhibit dynamic trends. Local government revenue trends including intergovernmental and intramunicipal revenues, revenue sharing, intergovernmental transfers, and the composition and level of own-source local revenues. Factors that explain dissimilar local revenue performance across jurisdictions with otherwise similar characteristics, such as governance, political will, tax administration practices, and technological innovations. Analysis of the distribution of local taxes according to the income level of taxpayers, and the fiscal injustice resulting from overreliance on indirect local taxes (such as local sales taxes), on the relative fiscal burden imposed on the poor. Comparative analysis of fiscal and other instruments besides the property tax among local jurisdictions, and the trends in the use of such instruments. For example, the sale of building rights, development impact fees, betterment contributions, special tax districts, excise taxes, charges linked to changes in land use regulations, land readjustment schemes, and progressive property taxation. Case studies documenting and analyzing the actual use and outcomes of value capture instruments at the local level, its impacts on urban land markets and on local revenues. These 2 studies would also describe the technical features of the instruments and their expression in local ordinances. The legal basis for the application of value capture instruments, for example, the separation of building rights from land ownership rights and relevant enabling legislation. New methods to finance infrastructure, such as the use of benefit-based taxes, user charges, and public-private partnerships. Evidence on the conditions under which land-based charges and particularly value capture instruments affect (capitalizes on) land value. III. URBAN LAND MARKETS Research addressing this topic shall aim to improve our understanding about the functioning of land markets in Latin American cities, with particular emphasis on studies of interdependencies between the formal and informal land markets. Also of interest is the analysis of price and rental behavior in the formal and informal housing market, as well as their differentials across informal settlements. Suggested topics include: Trends in land price and land use in the formal and informal segments of the market under different urban land policies. Effects on land price associated with changes in urban regulations and procedures, such as subdivision norms and land registration requirements. Analysis of policies intended to stimulate higher urban densities and discourage urban fragmentation. Analysis of the short- and long-term informal housing price trends of different types of government responses to informality such as titling, special zoning, site-specific upgrading programs, and affordable housing financing. Analysis of the reasons that may explain 1) growth of informal housing even though public policies that intend to mitigate, reduce or prevent informality are in place; and 2) why households choose informal housing even when they have affordable options in the formal market. Analysis of policies intended to coordinate transportation planning and affordable housing strategies with a view to increase employment accessibility and reduce travel; and the extent to which appropriate public transportation improvements can increase the capacity to pay for housing among low-income families. Proposals may also address: Methods to improve the reliability of land price data using information that is readily available. Methods to estimate the impact on land prices of public sector investments in infrastructure and services, as well as land price impacts of changes in zoning and land regulation. Methods to determine the influence on the real estate market of transport-related public investments. 3 IV. CLIMATE CHANGE, ENVIRONMENTAL RISK, AND URBAN LAND USE Increasing greenhouse gas emissions worldwide contribute to extreme weather patterns. If these emissions remain unabated, changes in global temperatures, sea level rise, and other environmental impacts will have huge implications for human settlements and economic activities. Latin America, like other regions, has experienced extreme weather events that caused extensive damage. More research is needed to help the region prepare for, mitigate, and adapt to these changing conditions and to assess the costs associated with the settlement of vulnerable areas, both for the residents and for society. Such research would focus on plausible scenarios for climate change impacts in general and the effects on land use in particular, with the understanding that predictions are fraught with uncertainty. Research may also document what is already being done in Latin America to address climate change, and identify the reasons for success or failure of specific initiatives. The research projects related to climate change will be jointly evaluated and funded by the Department of Planning and Urban Form and the Program on Latin America and the Caribbean. For this reason, research proposals on this topic must be presented in English. Suggested research themes: Sea level rise and coastal zone management: What are the threats, and how can the risks be reduced? What are the best ways to adapt to the inevitable rise in sea level in general, and in particular how can coastal settlements and landscapes be protected. Where is coastal damage from inundation most likely and to what extent will the effects vary spatially. Settlement patterns of the poor that exacerbate their risk exposure: Urban informal settlements frequently are located in environmentally fragile areas, such as flood plains and mountain slopes, exposing residents to frequent natural disasters. Thus, it is likely that the poor will be disproportionally vulnerable to the impacts of extreme weather events. What policies can be put in place to prevent or minimize such risks? V. NOTEWORTHY EXPERIENCES IN URBAN LAND POLICY This special research initiative focuses on the implementation of noteworthy, well established, effective urban land policies in Latin American cities, with the aim to learn from experience, disseminate successful policy instruments, and especially to identify important innovations that will help improve urban land management throughout the region. The emphasis is on successful cases of policy implementation that potentially can be adapted to other cities in the region. The work will consist of a succinct description of the policy, its context, how it has been applied, and what has been its outcome. The analysis will be based on existing public data and all the pertinent literature on the policy so additional field work will not be necessary. 4 Selected case studies will be discussed in a regional conference designed primarily for urban planners and secondarily to the general public. In addition, authors will be asked to participate in mini-courses designed to foster more in-depth understanding of each policy experience. To qualify for this initiative, the policy topic must meet the following criteria: Has been effectively implemented in a given jurisdiction during sufficient time to have had observable impact. Addresses an important urban development issue, for example raising municipal revenue or preventing informality. Uses either an innovative instrument (e.g. CEPAC, as introduced in São Paulo) or a novel implementation strategy (e.g. negotiations with informal developers), or introduces the means to overcome a recurrent land management obstacle (e.g. a reliable method to estimate the value added to real estate property due to public sector interventions). Is potentially replicable in other cities. Has already been somewhat evaluated and information on its design and implementation is available to the public. THE RESEARCH SEMINAR Authors of selected research proposals will be invited to participate in a research seminar that is tentatively scheduled for October 2012 at a Latin American venue to be chosen by the Lincoln Institute. At that time participants will have completed their data collection and most of the analysis, and will be expected to present draft papers for review and discussion. The seminar provides a unique opportunity for researchers to network with their peers from other parts of Latin America who are interested in similar research topics. It also promotes interdisciplinary debate. Peer reviews help authors improve their analytical approach and methodology. The final papers will be considered for inclusion in the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Working Papers series, and may be posted on the Institute’s Web site. LEVEL OF FUNDING The Lincoln Institute will pay for the research project based on the scope of work and the justification of the proposed budget. In addition, the Institute will cover expenses for travel and accommodations during the research seminar for the lead researcher of each selected project. Recent project funding has ranged from $6,400 to $120,000, with most projects not exceeding $30,000. In the case of proposals on successful land policy experiences, the Institute shall pay a fixed sum of US$3,000 per project. 5 EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS The Lincoln Institute will evaluate the research proposals based on the following criteria: Weight Relevance of the research topic for the advancement of knowledge on the selected topic Quality of the proposed methodology and sources of data General academic qualifications of the members of the research team and relevant analytical experience as indicated by prior work. 35 40 25 100 Incomplete proposals, proposals received after the due date, or proposals that do not respect the format defined in the attached Guidelines will not be considered. SCHEDULE Proposals due: Awards announced: First draft paper due: Research seminar: Final paper due: June 19, 2011 July 15, 2011 July 31, 2012 October 15-16, 2012 (tentative date) January 7, 2013 6 About the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy is a private operating foundation whose mission is to improve the quality of public debate and decisions in the areas of land policy and land-related taxation in the United States and around the world. The Institute’s goals are to integrate theory and practice to better shape land policy and to provide a nonpartisan forum for discussion of the multidisciplinary forces that influence public policy. This focus on land derives from the Institute’s founding objective—to address the links between land policy and social and economic progress—that was identified and analyzed by political economist and author Henry George. The work of the Institute is organized in three departments: Valuation and Taxation, Planning and Urban Form, and International Studies, which includes programs on Latin America and China. We seek to inform decision making through education, research, demonstration projects, and the dissemination of information through publications, our Web site, and other media. Our programs bring together scholars, practitioners, public officials, policy advisers, and involved citizens in a collegial learning environment. The Institute does not take a particular point of view, but rather serves as a catalyst to facilitate analysis and discussion of land use and taxation issues—to make a difference today and to help policy makers plan for tomorrow. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy 113 Brattle Street Cambridge, MA 02138-3400 USA Phone: 1-617-661-3016 x127 or 1-800-LAND-USE (800-526-3873) Fax: 1-617-661-7235 or 1-800-LAND-944 (800-526-3944) E-mail: Web: The Lincoln Institute is an equal opportunity institution. 7 RESEARCH PROPOSAL GUIDELINES Language: All sections of the proposal must be submitted in one of the three following languages: English, Spanish, or Portuguese. The Project Abstract (Form B) must be submitted in English in all cases. The exception to this rule refers to proposals on climate change that must be written entirely in English. Remittance of proposals: Proposals must be received at the Lincoln Institute by June 19, 2011, and only complete proposals will be accepted. A complete proposal will contain all of the sections described below. The proposal format should have one-inch margins for copying on 8.5 x 11-inch (letter size) paper. All pages should be numbered sequentially. Use font 11 pt. Use page breaks to separate sections. Submit the proposal by e-mail in one Microsoft Word document. Proposals in PDF will not be accepted. Send the e-mail to In the subject line, put last name of lead researcher, followed by the first name and the number (I, II, III, IV or V) of the specific research theme the proposal addresses. The specific themes are: I Public policy and urban land outcomes; II Land-based instruments to finance urban development; III Urban land markets; IV Climate change, environmental risk and urban land use; and V Remarkable experiences in land policy. The Institute will send an acknowledgment by e-mail when your proposal has been received and reviewed for format accuracy. Please allow five to seven business days after June 19, 2011 to receive this acknowledgement; we will not be able to respond to individual consultations either during the review period or prior to the proposals due date. Incomplete proposals, proposals received after the due date, or proposals that do not respect the format defined in these Guidelines will not be considered. Proposal Sections: Proposals must include all the sections listed below in a single Word document. 1. Proposal Cover Sheet (use Form A). Contact information for the lead researcher and all other research participants. All correspondence will be made with the lead researcher. 2. Project Abstract (use Form B). 3. Budget (use Form C) 4. Project Description. The project description should not exceed 1,500 words or approximately three (3) pages, single-spaced. It should cover the following: a) Research objective and specific research question(s); b) Theoretical or conceptual framework with reference to the pertinent literature; c) Methodology, including analytical methods, sources of empirical data, evidence of data access data, and data collection strategy; d) Expected results, their application, and dissemination strategy; e) Role of each participant in the research team, specifying the responsibilities and tasks assigned to the lead researcher, each research collaborator and/or research assistant; 8 f) Partnership arrangements, if the research involves collaboration with academic institutions, government agencies, private firms, civil society organizations, and/or community groups. If the research involves other sources of financing besides the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, specify the source(s) and any conditions attached to such financing. 7. Curriculum Vitae and Summary Biography for all participants in the research project, except research assistants. The CV must not exceed three (3) pages including the list of publications which should cover only works published in the last five years. The short summary biography should not exceed 150 words. 9 LINCOLN INSTITUTE OF LAND POLICY Form A RESEARCH PROPOSAL COVER SHEET RESEARCH THEME: I ( ); II ( ); III ( ); IV ( ) or V ( ) TITLE OF PROJECT: LEAD RESEARCHER (Full Title: Department: Organization: Address: Street: City: State: Postal Code: Country: Phone: Country Code ( Fax: Country Code ( E-mail: Name): ) Area Code ( ) Area Code ( RESEARCH COLLABORATOR (Full Title: Department: Organization: Address: Street: City: State: Postal Code: Country: Phone: Country Code ( Fax: Country Code ( E-mail: ) Number ( ) Number ( ) ) ) Number ( ) Number ( ) ) Name): ) Area Code ( ) Area Code ( FOR OTHER PARTICIPANTS (CO-AUTHORS, COLLABORATORS, ASSISTANTS, CONSULTANTS, INTERVIEWERS, OR OTHERS) SPECIFY CONTACT INFORMATION USING THE ABOVE FORMAT. How did you learn about this request for research proposals? ( ) Land Lines magazine; ( ) Lincoln Institute Web site; ( ) Colleague; ( ) E-mail; ( ) Listserv; ( ) Mail; ( ) Other. 10 LINCOLN INSTITUTE OF LAND POLICY Form B PROJECT ABSTRACT This abstract should state clearly the key purpose and goals of the research project. If your project is selected for funding, this information may be used in Lincoln Institute catalogs and magazines and on the Webpage to announce your award. TITLE OF THE PROJECT: ABSTRACT: DO NOT EXCEED 100 WORDS LEAD RESEARCHER NAME: (must be written in English) __________________________________ 11 LINCOLN INSTITUTE OF LAND POLICY Form C BUDGET TEMPLATE 1/ 4/ Unit Cost 2/ US$ Category Type of Unit No. of Units Total Cost US$ Personnel Expenses Lead researcher fees Research collaborator(s) fees Research assistant stipend Personnel expenses sub-total Travel Expenses 3/ Airfare Hotel Meals Ground transportation Travel expenses sub-total Data purchase and/or data collection Operational Expenses Office supplies Communications (phone, fax, mail) Other (specify) Operational expenses sub-total Other costs (specify) Total Project Cost 1/ Project expenses must be shown in this table in detail. Do not lump together expenses under a single heading, as for example fees for all researchers. Show round figures to the dollar. Equipment and administrative costs cannot be financed. 2/ Examples of unit cost include the daily rates for personnel fees and travel expenses, the monthly rates for operational expenses. Specify the type of unit that you are using in each case. Estimate the cost of acquiring data and/or collecting data for the duration of the project. 3/ Travel expenses should not include travel to attend the research seminar. 4/ If this budget template is not appropriate for your project, please replace it with a budget that is appropriate, keeping the main headings. LEAD RESEARCHER NAME: _____________________________________ 12 LINCOLN INSTITUTE OF LAND POLICY FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Proposal Format Should the entire proposal be single- or double-spaced? Single-spaced. Is there a desired format to follow in writing the five-page project description? No. How detailed should the five-page project description be? Whatever best conveys the objective of your proposal in clear language. Should the five-page project description include a budget? No. Use Form C for budget. Must all submissions be electronic? Yes. Please send proposals by e-mail to Must all submissions be in Microsoft Word? Yes. Do I need to send a hard copy of the proposal? No. What is the format for the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Working Paper? This format will be send to authors of selected proposals at a later date. Budget Can the budget be changed in the course of the research? No, except in case of reallocation of funds in consultation with the Lincoln Institute. Does the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy cover institutional overhead? No. What does the award amount cover? The total award covers all direct research expenditures including personnel, research assistance, data, books, research-related travel and software or other items deemed indispensable for the development of the project. Separately, the Lincoln Institute will pay directly for travel and lodging expenses for the lead researcher to attend the research seminar. Does the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy finance acquisition of equipment? No. Is there a maximum budget amount? No. Total funding from the Lincoln Institute will be determined based on the scope of the project and the justification of the proposed budget. Evaluation Criteria Is it necessary to be a U.S. citizen to apply? No. Do you fund only academics? What about practitioners and researchers who do not hold a Ph.D.? The RFP targets but is not restricted to academics and researchers holding a Ph.D. Can the paper be co-authored? Yes. Contact details for all authors must be mentioned in the proposal and a lead researcher must be designated as the person responsible for the project. However, we only cover travel expenses for the lead researcher to attend the seminar. How many proposals do you expect to receive? The average number of responses to Lincoln Institute RFPs is within a range of 10 to 50 per topic. Can I get feedback on the substance of my proposal? No. This is a competitive process, so all participants must have access to the same information. Thus we will not respond to individual consultations either during the evaluation period or prior to the proposals due date. Can I make changes to a section of my proposal after having sent it in? Only if you do so before the final date for submission of proposals and only if you send a complete 13 revised version that will replace the original one. Isolated sections of the proposal will not be considered. Does the proposal deadline refer to the postmark date or the date of receipt by the Institute? Date of receipt by the Lincoln Institute. If you have further questions regarding the Guidelines for Research Proposals, please send e-mail to 14