Matrix Classification: Country: Japan Environmental Objective(s): Organic, Other Sustainable Resource Practices, Soil Quality, Reduce Water Pollution Type(s) of Measure: Payments Based On Fixed Assets, Technical Assistance/ Extension, Education ESTABLISHMENT AND EXTENTION OF PRACTICES THAT FACILITATE THE DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURE Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Policy Agency AGRICULTURAL SUSTAINABLE Law for Promoting the Introduction of Sustainable Agricultural Production Practices To ensure that agricultural production becomes more sustainable and harmonised with the environment through the promotion of “sustainable farming practices”, with an emphasis on improving soil quality, including the application of composts, and the reduction of the use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides. Farmers submit plans for the introduction of sustainable farming practices to prefectural governors. Farmers whose plans are approved by prefectural governors are entitled to loans from the Agricultural Improvement Fund on a concessionary basis and tax relief based on the infrastructure improvements to promote more sustainable farming practices, as featured in each plan. The supported infrastructural improvements include the construction of facilities – e.g. compost-storage facilities; and the acquirement of machinery – e.g. compost spreaders. Relevant Legislation Overall Objective Delivery Mechanism This scheme also features a range of promotional activities intended to promote sustainable farming, including: technical assistance projects, including the demonstration of sustainable farming practices; contests on sustainable farming practices to highlight local progressive approaches; and other public relations activities, e.g. the distribution of leaflets. Targets When Applied Since 1999 Coverage/Eligibility Nationwide Farmers in general (excluding those specialised in livestock production) Voluntary measure 6,314 million yen (2002 budget for the cost of the Resource-Recycling Agriculture Promotion Project, which is composed of various measures including those described above, whose budgetary shares are not predetermined.) 15,798 farmers have had their plan for the adoption of sustainable farming practices approved by respective prefectural governors: (as of the end of September, 2002) Costs Participation/Results How Programme Monitored/Evaluated Source/Further Information is Matrix Classification: Country: Japan Environmental Objective(s):Organic Type(s) of Measure: Labelling/Standards/Certification LABELLING STANDARDS AND CERTIFICATION SYSTEM FOR ORGANIC AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Policy Agency Law Concerning the Standardisation and Proper Labelling of Agricultural and Forestry Products Promote organic agriculture by providing precise information to consumers on its production method, through the establishment of labelling standards and certification system for organic agricultural products. 1. Government provides national standard for organic agricultural products. 2. Accredited certification organisation certify farmers who are able to produce organic agricultural products in compliance with national standards. 3. Only certified farmers are allowed to put JAS marks on their products and label them as “organic”. Relevant Legislation Overall Objective Delivery Mechanism Targets When Applied Since April 2001 Coverage/Eligibility Nationwide Agricultural production (other than livestock production) Compulsory Costs Participation/Results How Programme Monitored/Evaluated Source/Further Information is - Status survey of food labelling - Number of certified farmers calculated using reports of accredited certification organisations - Quantity of organic agricultural products from certified farmers calculated using reports of accredited certification organisations tm Matrix Classification: Country: Japan Environmental Objective(s): Other Sustainable Resource Practices Type(s) of Measure: Labelling/Standards/Certification GUIDELINES FOR LABELLING AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Policy Agency SPECIALLY-GROWN Guidelines for Labelling Specially-Grown Agricultural Products (non-binding voluntary guidelines) To promote agriculture with low or no input of agricultural chemicals or chemical fertilisers (products defined as specially-grown agricultural products in the Guidelines) by providing consumers with precise information on production methods, through promoting the adoption of labelling guidelines. 1. Government provides guidelines for labelling specially-grown agricultural products. 2. Farmers, while conducting agricultural production according to the Guidelines, appoint a person to verify that their farming practices comply with the Guidelines. 3. Farmers label their products, for example, as “agricultural products with reduced pesticide use” according to the Guidelines, along with the title of the Guidelines and the name, address and telephone number of the farmer, the person responsible for verification (and the importer, in the case of an imported product). Relevant Legislation Overall Objective Delivery Mechanism Targets When Applied Since 1994 Coverage/Eligibility Nationwide Agricultural production (other than livestock production) Voluntary measure Costs Participation/Results How Programme Monitored/Evaluated Source/Further Information is - Status survey of food labelling Matrix Classification: Country: Japan Environmental Objective(s): Reduce Air Pollution Type(s) of Measure: Regulatory Requirements Policy CONTROL OF OFFENSIVE ODOURS Agency Ministry of the Environment Relevant Legislation Offensive Odour Control Law Overall Objective Targets Preserving the living environment and contributing to the protection of people's health by enforcing necessary regulatory measures and other countermeasures to control offensive odours generated in the course of business activities at places of business including factories. 1. Prefectural governors are obliged to identify areas in which emission or leakage of specified offensive odour substances (including those emitted from livestock businesses such as ammonia, hydrogen sulphide and trimethylamine) is regulated (regulation area) and to set regulatory standards for the atmospheric concentration of those substances at the border of a site of place of business. 2. In case the regulatory standards are not complied with at a place of business and the living environment of neighbourhoods is disrupted, prefectural governors may order the owner of the business to make necessary improvements. 3. The owner of the business who violates the order may be sentenced to imprisonment for a maximum period of one year or a fine to a maximum of one million yen. Regulatory standards to be set by prefectural governors When Applied Since 1972 Coverage/Eligibility Nation-wide (As far as the agricultural sector is concerned) livestock production Compulsory measure Delivery Mechanism Costs Regulation areas are established in 1769 out of 3223 municipalities Participation/Results How Programme Monitored/Evaluated Source/Further Information is nationwide (54.9%) as of 2001. Annual records of complaints about offensive odours, enforced regulations, administrative guidance, recommendations and orders are reported to the Minister of the Environment by prefectural governors. Matrix Classification: Country: Japan Environmental Objective(s):Reduce Water Pollution Type(s) of Measure: Regulatory Requirements Policy CONTROL OF WATER POLLUTION Agency Ministry of the Environment Relevant Legislation Water Pollution Control Law, Special Measures Law for Water Quality Conservation in Lakes, Special Measures Law for Seto Inland Sea Environmental Conservation To prevent the pollution of public water areas and groundwater by regulating discharges and the percolation of polluted water from places of business, including factories. 1. Government to set regulatory standards for the concentration of harmful substances (including nitrates, nitrites and ammonia) and the levels of other types of pollution (including BOD, COD, total nitrogen and total phosphorus), which is applicable to effluents from specified facilities (including large-scale pig and cattle facilities, and horse stables). 2. In regions related to water pollution, prefectural governors set upper limits of discharges of pollutants for each specified facility. 3. If regulatory standards are not complied with by a specified facility, prefectural governors may order the owner of the facility to make the necessary improvements. 4. Any person who violates the order shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a maximum period of one year or a fine to a maximum of five hundred thousand yen. 5. Further tighter regulations are in place in areas relating to the pollution of lakes designated by government ordinance and Seto Inland Sea. 1. Regulatory standards for the concentration of harmful substances and the levels of other types of pollution (Only those with relevance to the agricultural sector are listed here.) - Sum of the ammonium-nitrogen multiplied by 0.4, nitrite-nitrogen and nitrate-nitrogen: 100ppm (for livestock production, tentatively 1500ppm (until June 2004)) - BOD (applicable only to discharges to public water areas other than coastal water body and lakes): 160ppm (daily average: 120ppm) - COD (applicable only to discharges to coastal water bodies and lakes): 160ppm (daily average: 120ppm) The following standards are applicable only to discharges to designated coastal water bodies and lakes, and rivers flowing into them. - Total nitrogen: 120ppm (daily average: 160ppm) (for discharges from livestock production to designated coastal water bodies and rivers flowing into them, tentatively 260ppm (daily average: 200ppm) until September 2003) - Total phosphorus: 16ppm (daily average: 8ppm) (for discharges from livestock production to designated coastal water bodies and rivers flowing into them, tentatively 50ppm (daily average: 40ppm) until September 2003) 2. Upper limits of discharges of pollutants for the conservation of Specified Water Areas are set by prefectural governors. Since 1970 Overall Objective Delivery Mechanism Targets When Applied Nationwide (As far as the agricultural sector is concerned) livestock production Compulsory measure Coverage/Eligibility Costs Participation/Results How Programme Monitored/Evaluated Source/Further Information is (As of 2000) - 34964 out of 298245 specified facilities are that of livestock production. - As a result of on-site inspection at 63016 facilities, 8850 received administrative guidance and 47 received administrative orders. - Measurement and record of pollution levels of effluents are required at specified facilities. - On-site inspection of specified facilities by the Ministry of the Environment and prefectural offices. - Full-time monitoring of water quality of public water areas and groundwater by prefectural offices. Matrix Classification: Country: Japan Environmental Objective(s):Soil Quality Type(s) of Measure: Regulatory Requirements Policy PREVENTION OF AGRICULTURAL LAND SOIL POLLUTION Agency Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Agricultural Land Soil Pollution Prevention Law Relevant Legislation To prevent adverse effects on human health by polluted agricultural products and the inhibition of the growth of agricultural crops, by taking necessary measures for the prevention and elimination of agricultural land soil pollution caused by harmful substances and the rationalisation of polluted agricultural land usage. 1. Prefectural governors designate agricultural land soil pollution policy areas, in which soil is polluted by cadmium, copper or arsenic to such an extent that it is highly likely that agricultural crops that may affect human health are produced or that the growth of agricultural crops is significantly inhibited. 2. Prefectural governors establish agricultural land soil pollution countermeasures plans (including basic principles for the use of agricultural land soils and projects for the prevention, elimination and monitoring of pollution), with the approval of the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the Minister of the Environment. 3. Prefectural governors may, where deemed necessary for the prevention of agricultural land soil pollution, set stricter standards for effluents and smoke than relevant national standards. Overall Objective Delivery Mechanism Targets When Applied Since 1971 Coverage/Eligibility Areas subject to the provisions of the law (agricultural land soil pollution policy areas) are designated by prefectural governors. This is a compulsory measure. 6,314 million yen (2002 budget for the cost of resource-recycling agriculture promotion project, which is composed of various measures including those described above, whose budgetary shares are not predetermined.)) - 6266ha out of 7166ha (areas where pollution has been detected) have been designated as agricultural land soil pollution policy areas. - Agricultural land soil pollution countermeasures plans have been established for 6181ha out of 6266ha of land. - As a result of countermeasure projects, designation was canceled for areas amounting to 4455ha (portion of the 6266ha). Prefectural governors to monitor the levels of agricultural land soil pollution on a steady basis and report the results to the Minister of the Environment. Costs Participation/Results How Programme Monitored/Evaluated Source/Further Information is Matrix Classification: Country: Japan Environmental Objective(s):Generic/Broad Spectrum Type(s) of Measure: Regulatory Requirements Agency IMPLEMENTATION OF ASSESSMENTS Ministry of the Environment Relevant Legislation Environmental Impact Assessment Law Overall Objective To ensure that proper consideration is given to environmental conservation with regard to large-scale development projects, by conducting prior surveys on the environmental impacts of such projects and granting permissions based on their results. Projects identified by government ordinance (including the construction of large-scale dams for agricultural purposes) require environmental impact assessment according to the provisions of the law. Policy Delivery Mechanism ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Targets When Applied Since1999 Coverage/Eligibility Nationwide Compulsory measure Costs Environmental impact statements have been prepared according to the law for 49 projects since the enforcement of the law. (None of them are related to the agricultural sector.) Participation/Results How Programme Monitored/Evaluated Source/Further Information is Matrix Classification: Country: Japan Environmental Objective(s): Generic/Broad Spectrum Type(s) of Measure: Research Policy AGRI-ENVIRONMETAL RESEARCH Agency Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Relevant Legislation To enhance and accelerate ecological and environmental research in order to maintain and improve the natural cyclical function of agriculture (the function of agriculture in stimulating and being strongly influenced by the biological and physical cycle in nature). The major research areas are: 1. the structures and functions of ecosystems relating to agriculture, forestry and fisheries. 2. the interrelationship between global environmental changes and ecosystems relating to agriculture, forestry and fisheries. 3. the fundamental research in ecological and environmental sciences. Contracting out researches and surveys / Subsidies for operating expenses of independent administrative institutions. Overall Objective Delivery Mechanism Targets Research programmes have been conducted under the current system since 2001. Independent administrative institutions, prefectural governments, universities and private institutes. Voluntary measure 5,808 million yen (2001 budget) When Applied Coverage/Eligibility Costs Participation/Results How Programme Monitored/Evaluated Source/Further Information is