ID#: ________ Nurse Practitioners in Canadian Pediatric Emergency Departments With growing numbers of patients seeking care in Emergency Departments and over-crowding continuing to be an issue, there has been an increased interest in the use of non-physicians in the ED to provide some care and to provide other duties often thought to be the prerogative of the physician. Nurse practitioners have been used in EDs in the UK and US for many years, but we want to know what your opinions are as to the role or potential roles of Nurse Practitioners in the Canadian Paediatric Emergency setting. We are interested in what roles they play in those departments that use them. We are also interested in whether you think they have a place in Paediatric Emergency Departments and if so, what tasks/procedures you consider to be appropriate for NPs to take on. We ask that you complete the enclosed survey and return it in the pre-stamped, return-addressed envelope at your earliest convenience. The survey consists of 11 questions and should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. As with any research study, your participation in this study is entirely voluntary. This study has been approved by the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Ethics Board. All responses are confidential, and will not be linked to institutions or individuals. At the conclusion of the research study, you will be given a summary of the results. The questions concern you, your experiences and your attitudes toward the role of Nurse Practitioners in Canadian pediatric emergency departments. Please answer each question by placing an “X” in the box beside the response that best reflects your experience. 1. Are there currently Nurse Practitioners employed in your Emergency Department? If ‘No’, SKIP to QUESTION 4 No Yes If ‘Yes’, please continue to QUESTION 2 2. Under the Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale, with which class(es) of patient care are the Nurse Practitioners (NPs) in your institution involved? (please check all that apply) Non-urgent Semi-urgent Urgent Emergent Resuscitation Not sure 3. If you have NPs in your department, are they, in your opinion, used to their potential? No Yes 4. Are there barriers to having NPs in your department? No Yes → financial (payment plans) Yes → credentialing issues Yes → hospital policy Yes → other reason, please specify: _____________ ID#: ________ With regards to the following questions, we realize that you may not have NPs in your department. Nevertheless, we are interested in your views about NPs and patient care. 5. In your opinion, which class(es) of patient care are you comfortable having NPs manage without supervision: (please check all that apply) Non-urgent Semi-urgent Urgent Emergent Resuscitation None 6. In your opinion, which class(es) of patient care are you comfortable having NPs manage with supervision: (please check all that apply) Non-urgent Semi-urgent Urgent Emergent Resuscitation None 7a. Do you believe a NP should be able to perform each of the following specific investigations? No X-ray: Order X-ray : Interpret Peak Flows: Order Peak Flows: Interpret CT scan: Order CT scan: Interpret Bloodwork: Order Bloodwork: Interpret EKG: Order EKG: Interpret Ultrasound: Order Ultrasound: Interpret Yes, only with MD review Yes, no MD review required ID#: ________ 7b. Do you believe a NP should be able to perform each of the following specific procedures? No Suturing (simple lacerations) Suturing (complex lacerations) Tissue adhesive Suture removal Foreign body removal: ear Foreign body removal: eye Foreign body removal: nose Foreign body removal: skin Splinting Casting Fracture reduction Incision/drainage of abscesses Lumbar puncture Intubation Yes, only with MD review 7c. Do you believe a NP should be able to perform each of the following specific treatments? Yes, no MD review required No Prescriptions: Antibiotics Prescriptions: Narcotics Prescriptions: Bronchodilators Prescriptions: Inhaled Steroids Prescriptions: Oral Steroids Telephone FollowUp: Lab Results Telephone FollowUp: missed x-ray diagnosis Yes, only with MD review Yes, no MD review required ID#: ________ 8. What year did you graduate from medical school? That’s it! Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. __________ 9. Please indicate your highest level of clinical training: FRCPC (EM) FRCPC (Pediatrics) CCFP(EM) Other → please specify: ___________ 10. Do you hold a Pediatric Emergency Medicine fellowship? No Yes 11. How long have you practiced as a staff physician in EM? Less than 5 years 5-10 years More than 10 years 12. Please select the appropriate pay schedule that best depicts your situation: FFS (Fee for Service) APP (Alternate Payment Plan) Other → please specify: _______________________ Please place your completed questionnaire in the envelope that has been provided and return it to CHEO. If you have any questions concerning this study or wish to share anything with us that we may have neglected to ask, please feel free to do so in the space below and/or on the next page. You may also contact the study’s principal investigator, Dr Carrol Pitters, at Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, at (613) 737-7600. Again, thank you very much for your time. General Comments / Suggestions: