2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 108 Chapter 13 – Beam Bending - Continued Shear Stress in Beam Bending For pure bending, we considered only the axial stress xx under the assumption that all shear stresses were zero. The conservation of linear momentum equation reduced to xx 0 which gives a solution of xx constant . x However, when transverse loads p y or transverse shear forces are applied to the structure, the moment distribution is no longer a constant. Hence the axial stress xx is now a function of x. Because the axial stress is not constant, a shear stress xy must exist on the cross-section in order to satisfy global equilibrium. 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 109 We can show this by constructing a free-body of the beam at any point x by passing a horizontal cutting a plane at a distance y=h and two vertical cutting planes at point x and x+x, respectively, as shown below. y We consider a beam of arbitrary cross section as shown on the right. Note that the y-z axis is located at the centroid of the cross-section (i.e., you must find this location first). The thickness at any point y is given by t(y). Note also, that loads (i.e., distributed or point load) will be in y direction. Moments are about the z-axis. Cutting through the beam with a horizontal cutting plane gives: z end view t(y) c 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 110 x-axis at centroid of cross-section z end view z x y=h y xy ( y) t(y) xx ( x) y c c xx ( x x) xy x x h t(y) dy dA = t dy x+x y Note that the figure is drawn with the y-axis pointing downwards for visualization purposes only and that no sign conventions have been changed. The cross section may be 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 111 any shape but the x-axis is at the centroid of the crosssection. Apply conservation of linear momentum in the x direction to obtain the following equilibrium equation: 0 Fx x x x c yx ( x, y h)t ( y )dx c xx ( x x, y )t ( y )dy xx ( x, y )t ( y )dy h h Note that the bending stress and width of the beam (t) are functions of y. Divide the above equation by x. Note from calculus that 1 x x yx ( x, y h)t ( y )dx yx ( x, h)t ( y ) lim x o x x 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending Hence, we have yx ( x, h)t ( y ) 112 c xx ( x x, y ) xx ( x, y ) t ( y )dy x h Take the limit as x0 for the stress term to obtain lim x o xx ( x x, y ) xx ( x, y ) x d xx ( x, y ) dx The shear stress equation becomes yx ( x, h)t ( y ) c d xx h dx t ( y )dy 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending The axial stress is given by xx Mzy . Hence I zz Mzy d I d xx y dM z zz dx dx I zz dx dM z V y . Thus Bending moment is related to shear by dx d xx y (V y ) dx I zz With the above result, the shear stress equation becomes 113 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending yx ( x, h)t ( y ) c y h I zz 114 V y t ( y ) dy The shear and moment of inertia terms may be taken outside the integral since they are functions of x only. Hence, the last result may be written yx ( x, h)t ( y ) V y ( x) I zz c h t ( y) y dy Dividing by the width t(y) gives yx ( x, h) V y ( x) c t ( y ) ydy I zz t ( y ) h 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 115 The integral term is a geometrical property (like moment of inertia) so that the last result may be written yx ( x, h) V y ( x) I zzt ( y ) Q ( h) where Q is called the first moment of the area (area from h to c) and is given by c Q(h) y t ( y ) dy h Note that the integral could be written as Q(h) c h y dA and we are integrating over the area between y=h and y=c. 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 116 The shear stress equation provides the magnitude of the shear stress at any distance y=h from the centroidal axis. Since Q is a function of position (y=h), the shear stress varies over the cross-section (from top to bottom). Note that at y=c (top or bottom surface of the beam), Q=0 and hence the shear stress is zero at the top and bottom locations of the cross-section. For a rectangular cross section, we will show in a later example that the shear stress varies quadraticly over the cross section and is a maximum at the centroid of the cross-section (y=0). 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 117 Determining shear stress at a cross-section: In order to determine the shear stress at any point of a cross-section, we must know the shear, V y , moment of inertia, I zz , thickness, t, and the value of Q at the y coordinate (really, y h ) where we want to determine the shear stress xy . c c h h The value of Q as given by Q(h) y t ( y ) dy y dA is a geometrical property just like moment of inertia I zz y 2dA. However, its value depends upon the value of A h that you select, i.e., you don’t integrate over the entire area; instead only that portion from y=h to y=c (where c is location of either the upper or lower surface). Lets look at several examples. 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 118 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending y 119 Determining Q. Consider a rectangular cross-section of width t and height 2c Now calculate Q(h): c c Q( y h) ytdy t ydy t (c 2 h 2 ) h h 2 Note: at top or bottom, Q( y c) 0 at center, Q( y 0) t c 2 c (tc) 2 2 Thus, Q is 0 at the top and bottom, max at the center, and varies quadraticly from top c h z c t 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 120 to bottom. For the rectangular cross section, we see that xy is a maximum at the centroid and is given by: V y ( x) 3 . xy ( x, y 0) 4 tc y 80 Consider a beam with the T cross-section shown. 34 The moment of inertia 24 14 about the z axis (centroid) z centroid 16 is determined to be of T 46 6 4 I zz 2.3110 mm . Assume that at some point all dimensions along the length of the in mm 40 beam, the shear is given 20 60 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 121 by V y 104 N . Determine the shear stress at y=+14 mm and y=-14 mm. The shear stress at any point is given by: V y ( x) Q( y ) xy ( x, y ) I zz t ( y ) Substituting the values of V y and I zz gives: xy 10 103[ N ] Q( y ) 2.31 10 [mm ] t ( y ) 6 4 80 y 34 z 14 centroid 46 of T all dimensions in mm 40 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 122 At y 14mm : Q(14mm) 34 14 yt ( y )dy xy ( y 14mm) 34 14 2 y y (80)dy 80 2 10 x103[ N ]38.4 x103[mm3 ] 2.31x106[mm4 ]80[mm] 34 38.4 103[mm3 ] 14 2.08 N mm2 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending Similarly, at y 14mm, Q (-14) is the first moment of the area from y = -14 mm to y = -46 mm (i.e., beyond the point y where the shear stress is desired). Note that the thickness is now 40 mm. Q(14mm) 46 14 yt ( y )dy xy ( y 14mm) 46 14 80 123 34 z 14 -14 centroid of T 46 all dimensions in mm y (40)dy 2 y 40 2 10 x103[ N ]38.4 x103[mm3 ] 6 y 4 2.31x10 [mm ]40[mm] 40 46 38.4 103[mm3 ] 14 4.16MPa 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 124 Note: at the upper surface, Q(34 mm)=0 and at the lower surface, Q(-46 mm)=0 which means that the shear stress is zero at the upper and lower surface. For example, Q(46mm) Q(14mm) 14 46 y 40dy 2 14 y 38.4 10 40 2 3 0 46 Exercise: Show that at the centroid of the cross-section (y=0): Q(0) 42,300mm3 and Vy (0) 4.582MPa . MDSolids gives the shear stress distribution from top to bottom. Note that it varies quadraticly with position, y; and is zero at top and bottom, and maximum at the centroid: 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 125 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending 126 Consider another cross-section. Assume the same shear stress (V y 104 N ) and evaluate the shear stress at the centroid of the rectangular cross-section. Note centroid is at center of rectangle. Q(0) 10 0 2 10 y y5dy 5 2 5cm y z 10cm 50 5 250cm3 0 I zz 5cm(20cm)3 /12 13104 cm 4 xy y 0 10 103[ N ]250[cm3 ] 1 10 3 4 4 [cm ]20[cm] 37.5 N cm 2 0.375MPa 20cm 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending For a simple composite cross-section of rectangles as shown, Q can be determined simply in terms of centroids of each area: 127 y 80 y1 24 z A1 20 A2 centroid 60 of T 14 16 c Q(h) yt ( y )dy h c ydA yi Ai for area from y h to c For example: h all dimensions in mm 40 Q(0) y1 A1 y2 A2 24(80 x 20) 7(40 x14) 42,300mm3 2001, W. E. Haisler Chapter 13: Beam Bending y Notice that you could take the bottom portion of the T from y = 0 to y = -46 mm to y1 24 obtain to obtain the same z result: Q(0) y3 A3 23(40 x 46) 42,300mm3 128 80 20 14 23 A3 all dimensions in mm centroid 60 of T 40 The area is negative because it is below the z-axis. See the handout “Brief Tutorial on MDSolids for Beam Analysis” on the web page for information on how to determine section properties, bending and shear stress, and deflection results.