university attended

Assistant prof. nursing
Phone Number:
Work (086)2347764, or (086)2347765, El- Minia
Home : (086)2012388), El- Minia
Mobile in Egypt: 0127193881
The work address
Egypt- el Minia, Minia University, Faculty of
Married (and has 3 children)
Marital Status
Academic Qualification:
Qualification: Bachelor Degree in Nursing Science.
Date of Graduation: 1989/1990
Place of Graduation: Assiut University, Faculty of Nursing.
The General Evaluation: Very Good.
Date of having the Master Degree : 31-10-1999 from Faculty of Nursing,
Assiut University.
Date of Working Master: 1999/2000.
The General Evaluation for Master Degree: Good
The Title of Doctorate Thesis: The Effect of different levels of nursing
education on quality of patient care.
Date of having the Doctorate Degree: 5-2-2005. from Faculty of Nursing,
Assiut university.
Professionals and Academic Experience:
1990 – 1994
Clinical Supervisors in the following department,
General surgical, general medical and Operating room .
Director of nursing in health Insurance Hospital .
1994 – 1999
Clinical instructor of faculty of nursing , Minia
university, Nursing Administration
1999 -2004
Assistant Lecture of faculty of nursing , Minia
university, , Nursing Administration
Lecture of faculty of nursing , Minia university, ,
Nursing Administration
Attended Courses
 Two Training of Trainers (TOT) Workshop.
 Effective communication.
 Effective presentation.
 Quality Assurance.
 Computer and Internet.
 English Language.
 Teacher Preparation Round.
 Curriculum design minia university.
 Faculty staff development (FLDP) minia university.
The course that teach it or participated in teaching .
 Trainer student in Minia University about stress Management in
project pathways to higher education (from 2005-to 2008)
 Work in Jon Snow (JSI) project Company for Health Mother
Health Child (control of infection in hospital in the obstetric and
operating room. NICU group from September 2003 to end of
December 2004. in different place Minia, Asuit , Souhg , Geza
 Work in Health care international (HCI) project as a trainer to
nurses in deferent place Aswan, luxor, Mansoura ,quena,
Kaferelsheek. Benswee Work in Jon Snow (JSI)
Company for Health Mother Health Child (control of infection
in hospital in the obstetric and operating room. NICU group
from September 2003 to end of December 2004. in different
place Minia, Asuit , Souhg , Geza
 Fundamentals of nursing, Medical surgical nursing , courses for
undergraduate nursing student faculty of nursing Minia
 Nursing Education and Nursing ethics undergraduate students
 Nursing research course for undergraduate nursing student
faculty of nursing Minia university.
 Teaching different curses technical health institute, ministry of
health , beni sweif ,
Basic nursing and community health , infection control
,health education and mental health in nursing.
 fundamental of nursing, Nursing administration courses for
undergraduate nursing student at technical nursing institute,
Minia university.
 Administration
nursing courses for undergraduate nursing
student at technical health institute, ministry of beni sweif .
Activities inside the facility beside teaching
 Design and Implementation staff development program for
staff faculty of nursing.
 Organizing and implementing First Aid program student faculty
of Medicine .
 Membership database degree student in internet.
 Director on internship training year
 Participate in teaching curriculum design.
 Participate in preparation and writing course syllabus for nursing
 Membership in quality committee.
 Membership in education development committee.
 Leader of culture and sport activities in faculty.
Activities outside the facility ( inside university) beside teaching
Membership infection control committee Menia university
hospital .
Membership students activities in Menia university
Membership infection control project in faculty of medicine
Membership in pathways to higher education project in university
Conference and workshop that I attended or participated in:
 Attended the workshop for Training of Trainers for MCH/
Competency Based Curriculum, el Minia University that was
held in El Minia during the period 20-12-2000 to 22-12-2000,
and organized by healthy mother healthy child Project and JSI.
 Attended the workshop for Training of Trainers (T.O.T)
pathways to higher education project conducted in cooperation
with education system Enhancement unit Minia university 23to
27 December 2006 with net training hours of 35. Trainees GPA
for the program is 4.71 points (out of 5)
 Attended and participated second workshop Medical research
ethics .
 Attended and Participated first and second Workshops, Faculty of
Development. 20-21/6/2004.
 The 4th. International Nursing Conference Health Promotion for
better Quality of life the Challenges for the 21 st. Century from
28-30 November 1999. Cairo, Egypt.
 Attended Conference Titled: Toward the Advancement of
Nursing Profession in the third Millennium, University of
Alexandria, Faculty of Nursing. During the November 21-232000.
 Attended The eight International Conference of the Egyptian
society for Infection control.
 Attended The third International annual Nursing Conference Ain
Shames University, Faculty of Nursing.
 Attended and participated Scientific international conference
under the theme of Health Services between Academic and Field
practice .
 Attended and Participated principles of Leadership : from
effectiveness to Greatness June 15, 2005.
 Attended and participated the Minia Diabetes congress and
teaching course 17-18 March 2005.
 Attended and Participated 2nd. International Conference of the
Department of obstetric and gynecology, faculty of Medicine
Minia University, 4-5 March. 2004, Titled “ Population Problem
and Reproductive Health Challenges in Upper Egypt.
 Attended and Participated 2nd. International Conference of the
faculty of Medicine Assiut University,29 March. –1 April 2004.
 Attended and Participated Annual Scientific Conference Ain
Shames University, Faculty of Nursing titled “ Nursing Student
Interview” 30-6-2004.
 Participated , Preparation and Coordination for training Program
for the student have secondary education to prepare them to do
non nursing duties (Assistant Nurse) this occur in the period from
25-10 to 1-12/ 2003.
 Attended and Participated in a symposium on hepatitis c, Aids
and SARS (11th. May. 2004) Minia University.
 Attended and Participated in the 22nd. Annual Conference Assiut
University, Faculty of Medicine, 29 march –1 April 2004.
 Attended and Participated in the 23rd. Annual Conference Assiut
University, Faculty of Medicine, 7-10 March 2005.
 Attended and participated workshop Quality Assurance and
Accreditation project about student assessment
in assuit
university .
 Attended workshop about Developing National Academic
Reference standards (NARS) 4-5 December,2005
 Attended and participated workshop Quality Assurance and
Accreditation project role of leader in improving quality 30
October 2007.
 Attended and participated in the Annual Conference Minia
University Faculty of medicine 16-18 April 2008 .
- Attended and participated in 1 st Annual international
Conference in collaboration with IT Academy Canada
- organizing 1 st Annual international Conference in Faculty
of nursing Minia unversity