Supplementary Information: Ab initio molecular dynamic simulation of ionic liquids Mohammad Hadi Ghatee*, and Younes Ansari (Department of chemistry, Shiraz University, Shiraz, 71454, Iran) E-mail: Fax: +98 711 2286008 1. Simulation details All the simulations are performed with CPMD program version 3.9.11, which combines the method of density functional theory for the calculation of forces acting between particles with the molecular dynamic simulation method2, and the possibility of using the wide range of plane wave pseudopotentials (pps).3 For the ([bmim]I) system, the electronic structure of valence electrons is described by DFT using Local Density Approximation (LDA) functional4 at the cut-off energy for the plane wave expansion of 60 Ryd. For core electrons of C, H, N, and I atoms the pps's developed by Geodecker3,5 are used. The exchange and correlation functional are applied through Pade approximation. The cut-off energy of 60 Ryd. satisfies the norm conserving Geodecker pps generation, though cut-off energy of 70 Ryd. has been often used for old-Geodecker's. The initial configuration for CPMD run is taken from an NVT ensemble of 10 ([bmim]I) ion pairs, first agitated at an elevated temperature to distribute the molecules evenly for 5 ps, and next equilibrated using geometry optimization by classical MD simulation. For a CPMD run, an ensemble containing 10 ion pairs ([bmim]I) is simulated in at 300 K, corresponding to macroscopic density periodic cubic box of side length 14.54 A of 1.45 (g/cm3).6 The Nose-Hoover thermostat is used at 300 K to simulate a NVT ensemble 3 . The diffusion plot shows that equilibrium is attained in the of total volume 3442.95 A system after 29000 steps, equivalent to 3.50 ps (see Figure 1). The fictitious electron mass associated with the plane wave coefficient at 600 au is used to allow a time step of 0.121 ps. The system is allowed to evolve dynamically in the total time of 4.72 ps. We believe that this small time step is responsible for the detailed dynamic presented in the Letter. The choice of pseudopotential, the size of the simulation box, the step size, the cutoff distance and energy in addition to the functional for approximating exchange and correlation are important for perfect results. We run CPMD program in the parallel mode on a cluster computing system.7 Primarily, we have verified the stability of the algorithm (in parallel mode computing) and the role of exchange and correlation functional. To achieve this, we have used CPMD program and simulated 8 ion pairs of 1,3-dimethyl imidazolium chloride ([dmim]Cl) with LDA functional at the 60 Ryd. cut off energy of the plane wave expansion of the wavefunction, and compared the results with the results of the same simulation reported in the literature with 8 ion pairs (using CPMD and IESTA programs), in which case the General Gradient Approximation (GGA) functional has been used8. It has been known that the GGA functional has accomplished quite accurately in a number of situations including gas and condensed phases. The resulted equilibrium interionic distance of 4.28 Å for Cl - Cl - , obtained by LDA, is in agreement with the distance of 4.31 Å obtained by GGA. Hence, using simple LDA functional instead of GGA does not influence the results of simulation appreciably. The goal is to use the simplest scheme that gives accurate results. To our knowledge this is the first ab initio molecular dynamic simulation given here. The ([bmim]I) salt has been synthesized among other 1-aklyl 3-methyl imidazolium halides. However, contrary to other halide salts, its thermodynamic and structural properties have not been studied widely. The structure of the ion pair is most important to many applications including the feature property of ionic liquids as solvents. The electrostatic interaction of anion with the cation ring of the ionic liquid has the major role of governing the physical properties. For most practical purposes, a side chain of certain length is used in the architecture of the molecule to tailor a solvent with desire salvation capabilities. The side chain could be responsible for the appropriate solubility. In this work it is shown that the electron donating alkyl group polarizes the imidazolium cation and redistributes the over the cation ring, which in turn facilitate the peculiar out-of plane bending of the ring. 2. Anion and the ring cation structure The plots of g(r)'s of I N1 and I N3 are shown in Figure 2. The same plots for _ I C4 and I C5 are shown in figures 3; details of dynamics and structure based on these plots are given in the Letter. The features of the dynamics and structures of I H8 , I H9 , and I H10 , are explored in the following (see Figure 4 for the corresponding g(r) plots). The average equilibrium distances of I H8 , I H9 , and I H10 are rather short. This is because of the small size of the H atom and also because of the fact that when the ring is being posed dynamically for another anion, the configuration of the closest approach is less hindered at the moment that the anion is (dynamically) in the plane of the ring, indicating that the anion approaches to H's in the plane of the ring. However, at the first maxima, values of g(r) of H's are rather smaller than those of C's and N's. This indicates that approach and interaction of an anion with H's are mainly in the same plane of imidazolium plane in a transient manner. Meanwhile, the first maximum of g(r) of the anion-H8 is higher because its interaction is less hindered than that of I--H9 and I--H10 interactions. Comparison of the g(r)’s of ([emim]PF6) with ([bmim]PF6) has shown that no appreciable shift in the mean distance of PF6 C 2 is take placed when the ethyl group is replaced by a butyl group.9 However, when PF6 is replaced by I , the position of mean _ (for I C ) in in ([emim]PF6) to 3.23A distance of PF6 C 2 shifts from 4.2A 2 ([bmim]I). Therefore the alkyl chain length does not play a significant role in the mean distance of anion-C2 and only the size of anions is the main factor for determining the mean distance of the anions to the imidazolium ring cation. From the trajectories, it is noticed that the facial positioning of the ring is a response to the position as well as the atmosphere of the anion. The sluggish dynamics of N1 and N3 facilitates the ring to bend over the axis passing through the two nitrogen atoms. The ring bends and oscillates rather systematically between a flat and a bend configuration. When the ring plane starts turning away from one anion and recognizes itself for another one, it passes over a barrier with flat position (see Figure 2.d of the Letter). On the other hand, when the ring starts facing towards the anion, it vibrates and distorts, and the triangle plane N1-C2-N3 bends over the trapezoid plane N1-N3-C4-C5. Because the ring is floppy and the anion has a high inertia, the bending oscillates much faster than the anion motion. The time duration of complete flatness (being perpendicular to an anion residing far from the position of the nearest neighbor) is short indicating that most of the time the plan of the ring is taking the position almost perpendicular to the anion (see Figure 5). 4. Hartee-Fock static energy calculation Tables 1 to 3 are the continuation of the data earlier presented in the Table 2 of the Letter. These calculations are directed to show the effect of anion type ( I and Cl ), the alkyl chain length (methyl and butyl) in both gas and liquid environment on the electronic polarization and geometrical polarization of the imidazolium ring cation. The net polarization is presented by the bending angle , calculated by using CPMD output trajectories of all atoms in the ensemble. The full discussion on the results also can be found in the Letter. Average bond lengths in ([bmim]I) are shown I Table 4 and that of ([dmim]I) in Tables 5. These are derived based on the corresponding pair correlation functions are given here in support of the materials given in the Letter. 3. Comparison with experiment: the IL lattice instability The fact that ionic liquids are salts in liquid state at ordinary temperature has been subjected to many investigations for a logical modeling of this peculiarity. Based on structure factor determined by the experimental X-ray diffraction data, a zigzag structure has been used to model the structure of the ([bmim]I).10 This attempt has actually led to a model structure for the anion. The fact that the experimental pair correlation function has suggested a unit cell containing shows peaks and shoulders at 4.5, 5.5, 8.5 and 9.2 A four iodide atoms. By arranging these four iodide anions at the apices of a trapezoid on a plane, a possible model consistence with the distribution function has been proposed. In the and to the peak at 9.2 model, the two parallel edges are assigned to shoulder at 5.5-5.6 A . In same way, the two non-parallel edges are assigned to the peak at 4.5 A and the two A . As a result, the distance at 4.5 A corresponds to those diagonal lines to shoulder at 8.5 A of the first nearest neighbors in the zigzag chain of the crystal. In the same way the have been assigned to the distance between the chains. In this way distances 5.5 and 9.2 A the interior of the trapezoid contains a single (or possibly more) cation. It has been assumed logical that this structure is rigid enough to be observed in X-ray scattering by the liquid. In present study, where g(r) of the I I in liquid environment of ([bmim]I) is simulated by using all the CPMD trajectories of anions in the ensemble, the position of the first, second, … peak must be the average of the position of the anion in the typical first closest, typical second closest… shells, respectively. Figure (6) demonstrates the I I pair correlation function in ([bmim]I) liquid environment. The first peak is quite sharp at the rising edge of the closest approach; however, it is quite wide at the falling edge of long range and likely contains embedded peaks and or shoulder(s). Although the simulation box in the present work does not permit studying the (achieved in the experimentally X-ray study10), still we structure at long distance as 9.2 A believe that our findings are consistence with this zigzag model.10 The position of the first , which is exactly the average of peak of g(r) of I I calculated by CPMD is at 5.01 A ) distance and the non-parallel edge (4.5 A ) distance of the the short parallel edge (5.5 A trapezoid in the zigzag model. This is consistent with the dynamic of the ring as it is revealed by studying the bending angle of the ring in the gas phase and in the liquid phase (The imidazolium face turns from one anion to another one constantly). It can be proposed that the dynamic of the ring is influenced by the thermal fluctuation of the ensemble and drifting towards the minimum energy as dictated by the presence of the two types of anions located at distances of short parallel and the non-parallel edges. It has been claimed that the zigzag model explains why an ionic liquid is liquid instead of forming a rigid solid matrix. We believe that the particular dynamics of the ring explored in this study (presented in the Letter) including the geometrical polarization (e.g., the out-of-plane bending of the imidazolium ring cation), electronic polarization induced and enhanced by the electron donation butyl group, and the peculiar anion-anion structure (given in this supplementary) can be regarded as independent evidences for the instability of the ion pair matrix, hence the low melting point of imdazolium based ionic liquids. A primary observation of the pyridinium's simulations16 has indicated a geometrical and electronic polarization enhancement, and quite reasonably pyridinium based ionic liquid lattice may be instable by the above line of evidences. 4. Transport properties Molecular dynamic simulation provides the possibility of calculating the mean displacement of the particles in the ensemble, and thus to simulate the transport properties of a fluid. The diffusion factor of the ([bmim]I) liquid at 300K is found to be 2.22 1012 (m2 / s) , using the output mean displacement (of the CPMD run). To our knowledge no experimental or theoretical value of diffusion coefficient for ([bmim]I) are available. However, the calculated diffusion coefficient for ([bmim]PF6) by the method of classical molecular dynamics has been reported 1.431011 (m2 / s) .11 Understandably the diffusion of ([bmim]I) must be smaller. Using the diffusion coefficient, we can calculated the viscosity , of ([bmim]I) by using the Stocks-Einstein relation:12 kT f Da (1) where k is the Boltzman constant, D is the diffusion coefficient, T is the absolute temperature, a is the radius of the penetrating particle, and f is a constant parameter characteristics of the nature of the particle and is determined empirically. The value f is normally 3 to 6. In the case of ([bmim]I) the value of f equals to 5, and the a is determined according to the literature procedure.13,14 The viscosity calculated for ([bmim]I) at 300K is about 1080 cp, which is within 2.7% of the experimental value (1110 cp15). References: 1 CPMD, Copyright IBM Corp 1990-2001, Copyright MPI fÄur FestkÄorperforschung Stuttgart 1997-2001. 2 R. Car and M. Parrinello, Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 2471 (1985). 3 S. Geodecker, J. Hutter, and M. Teter, Phys. Rev. B 54, 1703 (1996). 4 P. Geerlings, F. D. Proft, and W. 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The I I pair correlation function of the anion-anion of ([bmim]I) in liquid bulk at 300 K. 0.030 Mean Displacement 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 0.00 Ghatee and Ansari 1.00 2.00 3.00 time(ps) Figure 1 4.00 4.50 N1 and I N3 and I 4.00 3.50 g(r) 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 r/A Ghatee and Ansari Figure 2 3.00 C4 and I C5 and I 2.50 g(r) 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 r/A Ghatee and Ansari Figure 3 2.50 H8 and IH9 and IH10 and I- 2.00 g(r) 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 r /A Ghatee and Ansari Figure 4 185 [bmim]I Bending angle/degree 180 175 170 165 160 155 150 29000 Ghatee and Ansari 31500 34000 Number of time step Figure 5 36500 2.0 I- and I- g(r) 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 Ghatee and Ansari 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 r/A Figure 6 5.0 6.0 7.0 Table 1. Characterized Bending angles and the corresponding energies of ([bmim]Cl) ion pair Bending [bmim]Cl Small Average Large ion pairs angle energya angle energya angle energya 1 179.94 -88.1123856 176.80 -88.1262471 164.13 -88.0811247 4 179.96 -88.1683556 174.98 -88.3278967 161.93 -88.1384375 a Hartree-Fock energy (in Hartree unit) obtained by Gaussian 98 at b3lyp/CEP-4G nosym level of theory. Angles are in degree. Table 2. Characterized Bending angles and the corresponding energies of ([dmim]Cl) and ([dmim]I) ion pair in gas phase Bending Small Average Large angle energya angle energya angle energya [dmim]I 179.98 -64.2571386 176.31 -64.3817877 166.92 -64.3023171 [dmim]Cl 179.96 -67.6612054 176.42 -67.7191732 167.76 -67.70807146 a Hartree-Fock energy (in Hartree unit) obtained by Gaussian 98 at b3lyp/CEP-4G nosym level of theory. Angles are in degree. Liquid environment, 10 ion pairs Table 3. Characterized Bending angles and the corresponding energies of ([dmim]Cl) and ([dmim]I) ion pair in liquid phase Bending Small Average Large a a angle energy angle energy angle energya [dmim]I 179.80 -64.3191226 174.61 -64.3218814 162.13 -64.3001619 [dmim]Cl 179.97 -67.7487643 176.11 -67.7731447 163.51 -67.7699915 a Hartree-Fock energy (in Hartree unit) obtained by Gaussian 98 at b3lyp/CEP-4G nosym level of theory. Angles are in degree. Gas environment, 1 ion pair Table 4. The average bond lengths (in Angstrom) between atoms in ([bmim]I). Bond C4-C5 C4-N3 N3-C2 C2-N1 N1-C5 N3-C6 N1-C7 C7-C8 Distance 1.38 1.39 1.36 1.37 1.40 1.51 1.53 1.56 Bond C8-C9 C9-C10 H8-C2 H9-C4 H10-C5 H-C6 H-C7 _ Distance 1.57 1.57 1.12 1.11 1.11 1.12 1.12 _ Table 5. The average bond lengths (in Angstrom) between atoms in ([dmim]I). Bond C4-C5 C4-N3 N3-C2 C2-N1 N1-C5 N3-C6 N1-C7 Distance 1.378 1.365 1.335 1.335 1.366 1.430 1.430 Bond H8-C2 H9-C4 H10-C5 H-C6 H-C7 Distance 1.11 1.11 1.10 1.10 1.11