Preferred Magnitudes of Selected Significant Earthquakes Date January 23, 1556 August 17, 1668 January 26, 1700 Time‡ Place Lat. Long. Shensi, China 34.5 109.7 Anatolia, Turkey 40.0 36.0 Cascadia subduction zone from No. CA to Vancouver Is. Lisbon, Portugal 36.0 -11.0 New Madrid, MO 36.6 -89.6 New Madrid, MO 36.6 -89.6 New Madrid, MO 36.6 -89.6 South flank of Kilauea, HI 19.3 -155 Fatalities 830,000 8,000 MX† (M reference) ~8.7 ~8.1 ~7.8 ~8 ~7 MI (Johnston, 1996) MI (Johnston, 1996) MI (Johnston, 1996) MI (Johnston, 1996) MI (Klein and Wright, 2000) MI (Bakun, 1999) MI (Bakun, 1999) MI (Johnston, 1996) M (Grant and Sieh, 1993; Stein and Hanks, 1998) MI MI (Bakun, 1999) MI (Klein and Wright, 2000) MI (Bakun, 1999) MI (Klein and Wright, 2000) M (Beanland and Clark, 1994) MI (Malone and Bor, 1979; Rogers et al., 1983) MI (Bakun, 2000) MI (Johnston, 1996) MI (Bakun, 1999) MS MI (Bakun, 1999) MI (Bakun, 1999) MI (Johnston, 1996) M November 1, 1755 December 16, 1811 January 23, 1812 February 7, 1812 June 2, 1823 10:16 08:00 15:00 09:45 08:00 June 10, 1836 June 1838 January 5, 1843 January 9, 1857 15:30 December 16, 1857 October 8, 1865 April 3, 1868 21:00 20:46 02:25 S San Francisco Bay region, CA 36.96 -121.37 San Francisco Peninsula, CA 37.27 -122.23 Marked Tree, AR 35.5 -90.5 Fort Tejon, CA (San Andreas fault from Parkfield to Wrightwood) Naples, Italy 40.3 16.0 San Jose, CA 37.21 121.86 Hilea, SE Hawaii, HI 19.2 -155.5 October 21, 1868 February 20, 1871 15:53 08:42 Hayward, CA Molokai, HI 37.7 21.2 -122.1 -156.9 30 ~6.8 ~6.8 March 26, 1872 10:30 Owens Valley, CA 36.5 -118.0 27 ~7.4 December 15, 1872 05:40 N Cascades, WA 47.9 -120.3 November 23, 1873 August 31, 1886 April 24, 1890 October 27, 1891 April 19, 1892 April 21, 1892 October 31, 1895 June 15, 1896 June 12, 1897 June 20, 1897 March 31, 1898 April 15, 1898 September 4, 1899 September 10, 1899 October 9, 1900 March 3, 1901 August 27, 1904 July 9, 1905 January 31, 1906 April 18, 1906 05:00 02:51 11:36 21:38 10:50 17:43 11:08 19:32 11:06 20:14 07:43 07:07 00:22 21:41 12:28 07:45 21:56 09:40 15:36 13:12 August 17, 1906 December 28, 1908 July 1, 1911 October 3, 1915 00:40 04:20 22:00 06:52 CA-OR coast 42.2 -124.2 Charleston, SC 32.9 -80.0 Corralitos, CA 36.96 121.78 Mino-Owari, Japan 35.6 136.6 Vacaville, CA 38.50 -121.82 Winters, CA 38.59 -121.96 Charleston, MO 37.0 -89.4 Sanriku, Japan 39.5 144.0 Assam, India 26.0 91.0 Calaveras fault, CA 37.0 -121.6 Mare Island, Ca 38.11 122.36 Mendocino County, CA 39.3 -123.9 Cape Yakataga, AK 60.0 -142.0 Yakutat Bay, AK 60.0 -142.0 Kodiak Is., AK 57.1 -153.5 Parkfield, CA 36.2 -120.7 Fairbanks, AK 64.7 -148.1 Mongolia 49.0 99.0 Colombia-Ecuador 1.0 -81.5 San Francisco, CA (San Andreas fault from Cape Mendocino to San Juan Bautista) Valparaiso, Chile -33.0 -72.0 Messina, Italy 38.3 15.6 Calaveras fault, CA 37.39 -121.80 Pleasant Valley, NV 40.5 -117.5 October 11, 1918 December 6, 1918 14:14 08:41 Puerto Rico Vancouver Is., B.C., Canada 18.47 49.62 December 16, 1920 12:05 Ningxia-Gansu, China 36.60 02:45 16:24 70,000 M ~8 ~8 ~9 1 11,000 77 ~6.5 ~6.8 ~6.3 ~7.9 ~6.9 ~6.5 ~7.9 ~7.3 60 7,273 1 1,500 1,000 3,000 ~7.3 ~7.3 ~6.3 ~8 ~6.4 ~6.4 ~6.6 ~8.5 ~8.3 ~6.3 ~6.3 ~6.8 7.9 8.0 7.7 6.4 7.3 8.4 8.8 7.8 20,000 70,000 8.2 7.2 6.5 7.1 -67.63 -125.92 116 7.5 7.0 105.32 200,000 8.6 M (Satake et al, 1996) MI (Bakun, 1999) MI (Bakun, 1999) MI (Bakun, 2000) MS MS MS MS (Abe, 1988) MS M M M (Bakun, 1999) M MS MS M (Stover and Coffman, 1993) MS (McCann, 1985) ML (Gutenberg and Richter, 1954: Rogers, 1983) MS Time‡ 13:17 11:21 Place offshore, Cape Mendocino, CA Parkfield, CA Lat. 40.70 35.9 Long. -125.55 120.9 January 22, 1923 September 1, 1923 March 1, 1925 June 28, 1925 June 29, 1925 09:04 02:58 02:19 01:21 14:42 offshore, Cape Mendocino, CA Kanto, Japan Charlevoix, Quebec, Canada Clarkston Valley, MT Santa Barbara, CA 40.49 35.40 47.76 46.32 34.3 -125.32 139.08 -69.84 -111.52 -119.8 October 22, 1926 October 22, 1926 March 7, 1927 May 22, 1927 November 4, 1927 12:35 13:35 09:27 22:32 13:51 Monterey Bay, CA Monterey Bay, CA Tango, Japan Tsinghai, China offshore Lompoc, CA 36.62 36.55 35.80 37.39 34.92 -122.35 -122.18 134.92 102.31 -121.03 November 18, 1929 20:32 44.69 -56.01 December 21, 1932 March 2, 1933 March 11, 1933 06:10 17:31 01:54 Grand Banks, Nova Scotia, Canada Cedar Mountain, NV Sanriku, Japan Long Beach, CA 38.51 39.22 33.6 -118.08 144.62 -118.0 2,990 115 7.2 8.4 6.4 November 20, 1933 January 15, 1934 23:21 08:43 Baffin Bay, Canada Bihar, India 73.00 27.55 -69.98 87.09 10,700 7.4 8.1 June 8, 1934 04:47 Parkfield, CA 35.9 -120.9 6.1 November 1, 1935 July 22, 1937 January 23, 1938 06:03 17:09 08:32 Timiskaming, Quebec, Canada Salcha, AK Maui, HI 48.89 64.49 20.96 -79.00 -146.85 -156.18 6.2 7.3 6.8 November 10, 1938 December 26, 1939 May 19, 1940 December 7, 1944 April 1, 1946 20:18 23:57 04:36 04:35 12:28 Shumagin Islands, AK Erzincan, Turkey Imperial Valley, CA Tonankai, Japan Unimak Is., AK 55.33 39.77 32.73 33.75 52.75 -158.37 39.53 -115.50 136.00 -163.50 June 23, 1946 17:13 Vancouver Island, B.C., Canada 49.75 -124.50 August 4, 1946 December 20, 1946 October 16, 1947 April 13, 1949 17:51 19:19 02:09 19:55 Dominican Republic Nankaido, Japan Fairbanks, AK Olympia, WA 19.25 32.5 64.2 47.1 -69.00 134.5 -148.3 -122.7 August 22, 1949 04:01 53.62 -133.27 August 15, 1950 August 21, 1951 14:09 10:57 Queen Charlotte Is., B.C, Canada Assam-Tibet Kona, HI 28.5 19.50 96.5 -155.95 1,526 8.6 6.9 July 21, 1952 11:52 Kern County, CA 34.95 -119.05 12 7.3 November 4, 1952 March 29, 1954 July 6, 1954 August 24, 1954 December 16, 1954 December 16, 1954 October 24, 1955 16:58 06:17 11:13 05:51 11:07 11:11 04:10 Kamchatka, Russia Spain Rainbow Mtn, NV Stillwater, NV Fairview Peak, NV Dixie Valley, NV Concord, CA 52.76 37.03 39.42 39.58 39.32 39.5 38.0 160.06 -3.51 -118.53 -118.45 -118.20 -118.0 -122.1 1 9.0 7.9 6.6 6.8 7.1 6.8 5.4 March 9, 1957 December 4, 1957 14:22 03:37 Andreanof Is., AK Gobi-Altai, Mongolia 51.56 45.15 -175.39 99.21 30 9.1 8.1 Date January 31, 1922 March 10, 1922 Fatalities 143,000 13 3,020 200,000 M 7.3 6.1 7.2 7.9 6.3 6.6 6.8 6.1 6.1 7.6 7.9 7.1 7.3 32,700 9 1,223 165 8.2 7.8 7.1 8.1 7.3 7.3 100 1,330 8 8.0 8.1 7.2 7.1 8.1 MX† (M reference) MG-R (Ellsworth, 1990) M (Bakun and McEvilly, 1984) MG-R (Ellsworth, 1990) M M (Bent, 1992) M (Dosier, 1989) M (Stein and Hanks, 1998) MG-R (Ellsworth, 1990) MG-R (Ellsworth, 1990) MS MS M (Stein and Hanks, 1998) M (Bent,1995) M M M (Hauksson & Gross, 1991) M (Stein et al. 1979) M (Chen and Molnar, 1977) M (Bakun and McEvilly, 1984) M (Bent, 1996) MS MS (Klein and Wright, 2000) M MS M (Ellsworth, 1990) M MS (Stover and Coffman, 1993) ML (Gutenberg and Richter, 1954: Rogers, 1983) MS (Abe, 1981) M M ML (Baker and Langston, 1987) MS (Gutenberg and Richter, 1954) M MS (Klein and Wright, 2000) M (Stein and Hanks, 1998) M M M (Ellsworth, 1990) M (Ellsworth, 1990) M (Ellsworth, 1990) M (Ellsworth, 1990) ML (Bolt and Miller, 1975) M M Date April 7, 1958 July 10, 1958 August 18, 1959 February 29, 1960 May 22, 1960 March 28, 1964 June 16, 1964 February 4, 1965 April 29, 1965 Time‡ 15:30 06:15 06:37 23:40 19:11 03:36 04:01 05:01 15:28 Place Huslia, AK Fairweather, AK Hebgen Lake, MT Agadir, Morocco Chile Prince William Sound, AK Niigata, Japan Rat Is., AK Seattle-Tacoma, WA Lat. 65.94 58.37 44.60 30.5 -38.24 61.02 38.43 51.21 47.32 Long. -156.37 -136.66 -110.64 -9.3 -73.05 -147.65 139.23 178.50 -122.33 Fatalities 7 M 7.3 7.7 7.3 5.7 9.5 9.2 7.5 8.7 6.5 1 6.1 5.9 6.3 5.7 5 28 10,000 5,700 125 26 June 28, 1966 September 12, 1966 December 10, 1967 October 2, 1969 04:26 16:41 22:51 06:19 Parkfield, CA Truckee, CA Koyna, India Santa Rosa, CA 35.88 39.38 17.39 38.30 -120.49 -120.22 73.77 -122.76 May 31, 1970 July 31, 1970 February 9, 1971 February 4, 1975 August 1, 1975 November 29, 1975 20:23 17:08 14:00 11:36 20:20 14:47 Peru Colombia San Fernando, CA Haicheng, China Oroville, CA South flank of Kilauea, HI -9.25 -1.49 34.40 40.72 39.50 19.45 -78.84 -72.56 -118.39 122.73 -121.39 -155.03 66,000 February 4, 1976 July 27, 1976 August 6, 1979 October 15, 1979 09:01 19:42 17:05 23:17 Guatemala Tangshan, China Coyote Lake, CA Imperial Valley, CA 15.30 39.61 37.11 32.82 -89.14 117.89 -121.52 -115.65 23,000 255,000* January 24, 1980 May 25, 1980 May 25, 1980 May 25, 1980 May 27, 1980 November 8, 1980 May 2, 1983 19:00 16:33 16:49 19:44 14:50 10:27 23:42 Livermore, CA Mammoth Lakes, CA Mammoth Lakes, CA Mammoth Lakes, CA Mammoth Lakes, CA Gorda Plate, CA Coalinga, CA 37.71 37.60 37.65 37.55 37.48 41.12 36.23 -121.73 -118.83 -118.90 -118.82 -118.80 -124.67 -120.32 October 28, 1983 November 16, 1983 April 24, 1984 November 23, 1984 September 19, 1985 December 23, 1985 14:06 16:13 21:15 18:08 13:17 05:16 Borah Peak, ID Kaoiki, HI Morgan Hill, CA Round Valley, CA Michoacan, Mexico Nahanni, NW Terr, Canada 44.09 19.44 37.30 37.45 18.44 62.16 -113.80 155.38 -121.71 -118.60 -102.36 -124.31 May 7, 1986 July 8, 1986 July 21, 1986 October 1, 1987 22:47 09:20 14:42 14:42 Andreanof Is., AK North Palm Springs, CA Chalfant Valley, CA Whittier Narrows, CA 51.56 33.97 37.53 34.06 -174.81 -116.78 -118.43 -118.13 November 30, 1987 January 22, 1988 19:23 00:35 Gulf of Alaska Tennant Creek, Australia 58.84 -19.87 -142.60 133.78 7.9 6.3 January 22, 1988 03:57 Tennant Creek, Australia -19.88 133.83 6.4 January 22, 1988 12:04 Tennant Creek, Australia -19.90 133.83 6.6 March 6, 1988 November 25, 1988 22:35 23:46 Gulf of Alaska Saguenay, Quebec, Canada 57.26 48.06 -142.75 -71.27 7.8 5.9 December 7, 1988 October 18, 1989 December 25, 1989 07:41 00:04 14:24 Spitak, Armenia Loma Prieta, CA Ungava, Quebec, Canada 40.93 37.14 60.07 44.11 -121.76 -73.54 65 10,000 2 7.9 8.0 6.7 7.0 5.8 7.2 7.5 7.5 5.7 6.5 5.8 6.2 5.9 5.9 6.0 7.2 6.4 2 9,500 8 25,000 63 7.0 6.7 6.2 5.8 8.0 6.8 8.0 6.1 6.2 5.9 6.8 6.9 6.0 MX† (M reference) M M M (Dosier, 1985) M M M M M ML (Algermissen and Harding, 1965) M (Tsai and Aki, 1969) M (Tsai and Aki, 1970) M (Langston, 1976) ML (Bolt and Miller, 1975) M MS M (Heaton, 1982) M (Cipar, 1979) M MS (Klein and Wright, 2000) M M M (Ellsworth, 1990) M (Stein and Hanks, 1998) M (Bolt et al., 1981) M (Ellsworth, 1990) ML (Ellsworth, 1990) M (Ellsworth, 1990) M (Ellsworth, 1990) M (Ellsworth, 1990) M (Stein and Hanks, 1998) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (Ellsworth, 1990) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (Wetmiller et al., 1988) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (Hartzell, 1989) M (Ellsworth, 1990) M (Hartzell and Iida, 1990) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (Choy and Bowman, 1990) M (Choy and Bowman, 1990) M (Choy and Bowman, 1990) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (Boatwright and Choy, 1992) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (Wald et al., 1991) M (Bent, 1994) Date June 28, 1991 August 17, 1991 April 23, 1992 Time‡ 14:43 22:17 04:50 Place Sierra Madre, CA Honeydew, CA Joshua Tree, CA Lat. 34.25 41.79 33.87 Long. -117.95 -125.58 -116.55 Fatalities 2 M 5.6 7.1 6.2 April 25, 1992 April 26, 1992 18:06 07:41 Cape Mendocino, CA Offshore, Cape Mendocino, CA 40.38 40.55 -124.05 -124.29 7.2 6.5 April 26, 1992 11:18 Offshore, Cape Mendocino, CA 40.44 -124.43 6.7 June 28, 1992 June 29 1992 September 2, 1992 September 29, 1993 January 17, 1994 June 9, 1994 September 1, 1994 January 16, 1995 May 21, 1997 July 17, 1998 January 25, 1999 August 17, 1999 September 20, 1999 October 16, 1999 November 12, 1999 September 3, 2000 November 16, 2000 January 13, 2001 January 26,2001 February 28, 2001 June 23, 2001 March 25, 2002 April 20, 2002 November 3, 2002 May 21, 2003 September 25, 2003 November 17, 2003 December 22, 2003 December 26, 2003 September 28, 2004 December 26, 2004 11:57 10:14 00:16 22:25 12:30 00:33 15:15 20:46 22:51 08:49 18:19 00:01 17:47 09:46 16:57 08:36 04:54 17:33 03:16 18:54 20:33 14:56 10:50 22:12 18:44 19:50 06:43 19:15 01:56 17:15 00:58 Landers, CA Little Skull Mtn, NV Nicaragua Latur-Killari, India Northridge, CA Bolivia Cape Mendocino, CA Kobe, Japan Jabalpur, India New Guinea Colombia Izmit, Turkey Chi-Chi, Taiwan Hector Mine, CA Duzce, Turkey Napa, CA New Ireland, Papua New Guinea El Salvador Gujarat, India Olympia, WA Coastal Peru Hindu Kush Region, Afghanistan Au Sable Forks, New York Denali Park, Alaska Boumerdes, Algeria Hokkaido, Japan Rat Is., AK San Simeon, CA Southeastern Iran Parkfield, CA Off west coast northern Sumatra 34.20 36.77 11.77 18.08 34.18 -13.86 40.38 34.57 23.07 -2.94 4.45 40.77 23.82 34.56 40.82 38.38 -4.00 13.04 23.39 47.11 -16.30 36.06 44.51 63.52 36.96 41.82 51.15 35.71 29.00 35.81 3.30 -116.52 -116.32 -87.35 76.52 -118.56 -67.49 -125.78 135.03 80.12 142.58 -75.65 30.00 120.86 -116.44 31.23 -122.41 152.33 -88.66 70.23 -122.60 -73.55 69.32 -73.70 -147.44 3.63 143.91 178.65 -121.10 58.31 -120.37 95.96 3 116 9,748 60 5 5,502 38 2,183 1,185 17,118 2,400 894 844 20,085 75 1,000 2,266 2 31,000 283,100 7.3 5.7 7.7 6.2 6.7 8.2 7.1 6.9 5.8 7.0 6.2 7.6 7.7 7.2 7.2 5.0 8.0 7.7 7.7 6.8 8.4 6.1 5.2 7.9 6.8 8.3 7.8 6.6 6.6 6.0 9.0 MX† (M reference) M (Wald et al., 1991) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (Stein and Hanks, 1998) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (Oppenheimer et al., 1993) M (Oppenheimer et al., 1993) M (Sieh et al. 1993) M (Walter, 1993) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (Singh et al., 1999) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (BRK) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (PDE Monthly Listing) M (QED) M (QED) † MG-R = Gutenberg and Richter's (1954) magnitude, MS = 20-sec surface-wave magnitude, M = moment magnitude (Hanks and Kanamori, 1979), and MI is an intensity magnitude, ML is local magnitude (Richter, 1935). ‡ GMT * Fatalities estimated as high as 655,000. 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