New measurement of the angular acceptance of the Antares Optical Module M.Anghinolfi, H.Costantini, K.Fratini, D.Piombo and M.Taiuti Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Sezione di Genova Via Dodecaneso 33, I16148 GENOVA, IT Abstract The Cherenkov light from cosmic muons crossing a water tank has been measured with an Antares optical module (OM) placed at a distance of about 0.5 m from the muon traks tagged by two plastic scintillator slabs . The OM was located in a special support which allows rotations around the axis of the PMT ( ) and variations of the angle of the PMT axis with respect to the vertical direction . With this apparatus we were able to measure the angular acceptance of the OM as a function of the angle C between the PMT axis and the Cerenkov light as well as the dependence on . An estimate of the absolute number of the photoelectrons was also obtained, based on the one photoelectron peak amplitude. 1.Introduction The Antares neutrino telescope, in its almost final configuration, has already provided a wealth of data and their preliminary analysis shows that most reconstructed tracks corresponds to the atmospheric down going muons with a smaller contribution from the up-going muons generated by neutrinos. Though these events are not of astrophysical interest, they can be efficiently used to calibrate the telescope; in particular the measurement of their angular dependence can be compared to the MonteCarlo expectations and any possible difference can be useful to understand the behaviour of the detector. The same can be applied to the coincidence rate between two Optical Modules (OM) of the same storey or between two adjacent storeys , due either to muons or to 40K decays. Early results showed that the MC underestimated the measured flux for almost vertical down going muons. The Cherenkov light produced by these events impinges the PMTs in Antares at ~ 90° with respect to its axis: given the fact that in Antares the PMTs are pointing dowards, at an angle of 1350 to the vertical, the PMT angular acceptance at these large angles is critical for an accurate determination of the muon flux close to the vertical. Previous results from the experimental set up known as ‘Gamelle’ installed in Saclay [1,2] showed a still sizable angular acceptance at angles larger than 90° with respect to the PMT axis. For a deeper understanding of the PMT angular acceptance that, as we have seen, affects the measured atmospheric muon rate, we have repeated this measurement in Genova using a similar experimental apparatus. This note describes the apparatus, the results obtained and a comparison with the mentioned Saclay data. 2.The experimental set up The apparatus is a simplified version of Gamelle. Above and below a water tank, 150 cm in diameter and 170 cm high, we have located two plastic scintillators 21 cm long and 18 cm large at a vertical separation of ~ 200 cm to trigger on cosmic ray muons. The Cherenkov light from these tracks was then measured by the OM located inside the tank. The two plastic scintillators were aligned along the vertical axys and located outside the water tank and shielded by 5 cm lead bricks. The scintillator thickness was 1 cm and the energy loss of MIPs crossing these slabs was characterised by a typical Landau distribution. The threshold was set well below the peak in the pulse-height spectrum. In order to minimize the reflection of Cherenkov photons, the inner part of the tank was shielded by a black tissue which resulted to have the best absorption coefficient when compared to a black neoprene adhesive layer or black paint. This comparison was obtained using a light source and measuring with a photodiode the light scattered by the different samples. The OM was fixed on a support (see fig.1) which was able to change the angle of the PMT axys with respect to the vertical ( , azimuthal angle) and to rotate the OM around the PMT axis ( angle.). The rotation was driven by an hydraulic system connected to the exterior of the water tank: we were able therefore to change the position of the OM from the outside without the necessity to switch off the PMT during the data acquisition. Due to the quite large dimension of the support and the limited depth of the water we were able to vary from 90 ° (PMT horizontal ) up to 175° (PMT facing down), the surface of the OM being not completely illuminated by the Cherenkov light for smaller values of . When =90° the mean direction of the Cherenkov photons formed an angle C = 48° (90°-42°) with respect to the PMT axys while for C = 133° Fig.1: The optical module on its support The read out of the system was very simple: the anode signal from the PMT (Antares serial number 0355) passed through a passive attenuator (0-12 dB) and was then directly sent to a CAMAC Lecroy 2249W ADC converter ( full scale: 512 pCoul in 1024 channels), gated by the coincidence of the two plastic scintillators. The light produced by the muon was in general seen by a portion of the PMT photocatode area but in the case of PMT facing down ( =175°) many tracks did not produce any detectable photon. However, due to our read out system where the anode signal did not go through any discriminator, these events were included in the computation of the average number of detected photons at a given angle. In these conditions we could measure ~ 100 almost vertical muon tracks/hour while a typical measurement consisted of E =400 events, sufficient to provide an uncertainty on the mean value of the measured spectrum of the order of few percent. In fact the histogram of the charge collected at the PMT anode shows a gaussian distribution where the average value M is related to the number of collected photoelectrons pe and to the standard deviation 1 pe on this value by In our conditions pe 50 on the average; the error on the average value M, is E and 1 7 E 1 % for the fixed E =400 3.The measurement. The aim of the measurement was to collect at different the charge spectra (CS) and to evaluate its average mean M which is proportional to the number of Cherenkov photons reaching the photocatode area . For =90° ( C = 48°) and =130° ( C = 88°) we have also investigated the dependence of M for different . In order to properly adjust the voltage setting of the PMT and to estimate the systematic uncertainties some preliminary evaluation were performed. To investigate possible saturation effects as described in [1] we have measured as a function of the pilot voltage PV: 1) the average value M of the CS at =90° where the number of the collected photons (i.e. the anode amplitude) is maximum, 2) the amplitude of the one single photoelectron (SPE) peak, 3) the signal from a blue diode matched to a =420 nm filter. The diode was triggered by a very short positive pulse and its light was driven to the surface of the OM by an optic fibre; the amplitude of the pulse was set in order to give, at the anode output, a pulse similar to a muon event. For the SPE signal, due to the small amplitude, we do not expect any saturation effect. Therefore any relative deviation of the CS or LED spectra from the SPE can be an indication of this effect. In fig. 2 we represent the result of this measurement: up to the highest values of PV we do not observe any substantial deviation from the SPE behaviour : as a final value we set for our measurements PV = 2.3 V corresponding to a power supply of 800+ 2.3*400 = 1720V. We have then determined the uncertainty on in our rotation device. To do this we have placed the optical fibre from the blue LED close to the OM, in a direction perpendicular to its surface. We have then performed many measurements of the PMT signal amplitude from the LED as a function of the angle as shown in fig 3, where the peak at ~ 50° is due to the gel-air dioptre. From the plot we can estimate an uncertainty ≈1° to be added to a systematic error of ≈1° on the absolute value. Fig.2 : the position of the SPE, LED and charge peaks as a function of the pilot voltage Fig.3 : the amplitude of the LED signal as a function of the angle for two different measurements The uncertainty due to a possible dependence of the angular acceptance on is expected to be very weak; however, the photocatode is deposited from two or more evaporation sources and some non uniformities especially on the borders of the PMT may be expected. The results obtained as a function of in an angular range 120° wide are shown in fig.4 for the two values of C = 48° and 88° Fig.4 : the acceptance at two for different We may observe a very weak modulation at C = 88° but within errors we may assume a uniform behaviour. The spectra where collected in less than a week. During that period the stability of the apparatus was checked by measuring the position of the SPE peak as well as the mean M of the Cherenkov spectrum at =90°. In a five day period the SPE peak position did not show any trend compatible with a variation of the PMT gain. On the contrary, as shown in fig. 4, the value of M indicates a decrease up to 10%: this effect can be explained by the degradation of the water properties during the 5 days period , most likely due to the presence of the black tissue in the tank walls. A correction to account for this drift was applied to the measured spectra, assuming a linear regression. Fig.5: check of the stability of the apparatus: the position of the SPE and charge peaks during a 5 days period. 4.The data Some of the charge spectra collected at different are reported in fig.6. Down to C = 100 ° the spectra show a gaussian shape while at more extreme angles the distribution is the sum of the 1,2 3,.. photoelectron (PE) peaks with different amplitudes. Fig.6: the charge spectra at two different angles of the OM To allow a direct comparison to the results of the Monte Carlo simulation we have expressed our amplitude spectra as a function of the number of p.e. using the conversion factor: 1 PE = 10.6+/0.7 pCoul which was determined measuring the SPE peak of the PMT after a proper amplification. The plot in fig. 7 shows our data at =175° expressed in counts vs number of p.e . The data have been fitted with different gaussians cantered at 1 , 2,3 p.e. and different amplitudes: though the statistics is quite poor the agreement is satisfactory. The already published values of the angular acceptance A [2] were normalized to give A =1 at the maximum amplitude, around C =0. Unfortunately our data start from C =48 ° where the value reported in [2] gives A=0.750 and our results have been therefore normalized to this number. Of course this procedure may introduce a systematic uncertainty but the substantial agreement among data [1,2] and MonteCarlo simulation from P. Koojman indicates that in this region its contribution is negligible. In table 1 we report the summary of the data prior any possible finite geometry correction. This has been evaluated using a MC simulation which will be described in a dedicated internal note but we can already anticipate that the size of this effect is negligible. Fig.7: the phoelectron distribution when the OM is facing down C cos( C ) A error 133.00 123.00 108.00 93.000 78.000 63.000 48.000 48.000 133.00 123.00 108.00 93.000 48.000 48.000 48.000 133.00 123.00 48.000 -0.683 -0.545 -0.309 -0.052 0.208 0.454 0.669 0.669 -0.683 -0.545 -0.309 -0.052 0.669 0.669 0.669 -0.683 -0.545 0.669 0.037 0.074 0.192 0.318 0.466 0.615 0.750 0.734 0.037 0.080 0.201 0.311 0.734 0.756 0.757 0.031 0.074 0.750 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.006 0.008 0.008 0.010 0.010 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.007 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.002 0.002 0.012 Tab.1 : our experimental results The results are also plotted in fig.8. Here the errors include the systematic which is the sum of the uncertainty in the angle(1.5 %), in the normalization (2%) and in the correction of the drift of the peaks due to the water degradation(1.5%) Fig.8: our experimental values of the Antares OM angular acceptance Our data span the range from -0.68<cos( C )<0.67. To extrapolate in the full range -1< cos( C )<1 we have fitted the data using a polynomial up to the 4th power. Two sets of coefficients have been obtained according to the cut off (i.e. A =0 for cos( C )< cut off) in the angular acceptance at large angles: cos( C )= -0.8 (FIT1) and cos( C )= -1 ( FIT2). In both cases we have also added the obvious condition A =1 at cos( C )= 1 2 3 4 A A x A x A x A x 0 1 2 3 4 In table 2 we report the coefficients of the fit A where cos( C ) A0 A1 A2 FIT1 0.349 0.547 0.063 -0.036 0.077 FIT2 0.350 0.554 0.053 -0.054 0.098 Tab.2: the coefficients of the 4th degree polynomials to fit our data A3 A4 x= 5.Conclusion The angular acceptance of the OM used in Antares was measured using the Cherenkov light from cosmic muons crossing a water tank. Our results in the region near cos( C )~ 0 are significantly higher (20-30%) than those of a previous measurements [2] A simulation of the process based on a GEANT4 simulation will be described in a forthcoming report. However we can already anticipate that for cos( C )< -0.3 our data show an enhancement with respect to the simulation. This effect may be essentially ascribed to two reasons: -an inadequate description of the OM inside the code or -the contribution of light from showers which may occur simultaneously with the detected muon . Both cases need a dedicated investigation that we are now undertaking. Therefore the data presented here have to be used considering this remark. REFERENCES [1] ANTARES-OPMO-1998-001 [2] Nucl. Instr. and Methods A484 (2002) 369