AuSIS Module: Earthquake Location Aim: The aim of this module is to introduce students to recordings of earthquake waves, and to techniques used to locate an earthquake and calculate its magnitude. Introduction: For this activity, we assume that students have already been introduced to the different types of waves, at least P-waves and S-waves (see AuSIS Module: Seismic Waves). This activity is an online java applet that goes through the steps of earthquake location and computation of an earthquake’s magnitude. Students can complete this exercise in groups or individually. For this earthquake location technique it is important to keep in mind that we assume the earthquake occurred at the surface and that the crust is uniform. The technique takes advantage of the differences in the speed that P- and S-waves travel and use the difference in the arrival times to work out how far away the earthquake is from the recording station. After the waves are observed at 3 or more stations we can use overlapping circles to determine the epicenter. The magnitude of an earthquake is an estimate of the amount of energy released by the event; therefore, the magnitude should be the same (or very similar) at each recording station. The calculation of magnitude takes into account the amplitude of the largest wave recorded at the station (often the S-wave for local earthquakes) and the distance of the earthquake from the event. In this exercise a special sliding scale is used to determine the magnitude. Note: Magnitude should not be confused with earthquake intensity. Intensity is the observation of the amount of shaking at a particular site and will decay with distance from the earthquake. Often intensity is calculated from personal accounts and is how we can estimate the size of historical earthquakes. Activity: (adapted from Virtual Courseware for Earth and Environmental Sciences, 2002-7. Getting Started: Go to the website Please note that this is activity/website is not designed or maintained by AuSIS, however we have found it a great tool for demonstrating how to locate earthquakes. The activity works best in Internet Explorer and Firefox (v. 21.0 or higher), make sure you allow for pop-ups and have java enabled. Under ‘Main Activities’ Open Epicentre and Magnitude Click on Start Activity For instructions, click on the Background and Assignment Walkthrough: Trigger Earthquake Click on the earthquake button and select the location of the earthquake’s epicenter to random location. Click “Trigger Earthquake” button. Find the Epicenter Click on Journal tab Click on the MAP , this will display a partial map of the west coast of the U.S. (the epicenter of the earthquake is somewhere on the map). There are nine seismic monitoring stations displayed on the map. Try to select a number of stations positioned around the map (surrounding the earthquake) to ensure a good azimuthal spread for triangulation. Like this: The surrounding stations allow for greater confidence in triangulation, and errors in calculation will have less of an effect. Not like this: Any errors in calculation and measurement will have a far greater effect on the calculated location of the epicenter. Select the S-P Tool . This tool will allow you to measure the distance of the station selected from the epicenter of the earthquake. Ensure you measure from the beginning of the P-wave (‘First arrival’) to the beginning of the S-wave (‘Second arrival’). P-waves travel faster than Swaves, measuring the difference is one way to find the distance to the epicenter from the detector/observer. [NOTE: if the P-waves and S-waves overlap, calculating the amount of lag can be difficult, perhaps select another station.] Type the data generated for three different stations into the Journal section of the tab. To find the distance from the epicenter, use the Distance Tool and drag the slider to find the distance from each station to the epicenter with the amplitude. Enter the results into the Journal section. Type the data generated for each of the three stations into the Journal section of the tab. Use the triangulation tool to find the epicenter of the earthquake with the distances generated with the Distance Tool. Use the Epicenter Tool to mark the epicenter you have chosen. Place the marker on the intersections of the circles. Use the Latitude and Longitude Tool to bring up a grid to read the location of the earthquake’s epicenter in terms of co-ordinates. (NOTE: the grid provided is in degrees and minutes not decimal degrees.) Calculate the Magnitude To determine the magnitude of the earthquake, click on the Amplitude Tool . Use this tool to measure the maximum amplitude of the wave. Increase the scale on the seismogram to get a more accurate reading. Use the Magnitude Tool to find the magnitude of the earthquake. The magnitude of the earthquake should be similar for all the stations, as the slide takes into account distance from the epicenter and the energy released in the seismic event dissipates as it travels. The measured amplitude of the earthquake is dependent on distance from the epicenter, so the further the observer from the epicenter, the lower the experienced intensity of the earthquake. Final Thoughts After finishing the exercise students can engage in a conversation about the activity. Some discussion topics might include: o Where could errors be introduced during the activity? o What would happen if the earthquake occurred at some depth beneath the surface? o What is the problem with using a uniform crust? If the crust had layers with different properties (density and velocity) what would happen to the arrival of the waves?