Adaptation of marine food webs to environmental change: Theoretical considerations and comparisons with field data Albert Gabric School of Australian Environmental Studies Griffith University Nathan, Queensland, 4111 Australia and Edward A. Laws University of Hawaii Department of Oceanography 1000 Pope Road Honolulu, HI 96822 USA Efforts to develop a theoretical understanding of the manner in which ecosystems adapt to environmental change date from the work of Lotka (1922), who postulated that natural selection tends to maximize the energy flux through a system, at least within the constraints to which the system is subject. Odum (1983) expanded on Lotka’s theory. He argued that natural systems tend to maximize power, and that theories and corollaries derived from the maximum power principle could explain much about the structure and processes of these systems. In rationalizing the application of the maximum power principle to ecosystems, Odum drew analogies between ecosystem behavior and the laws of thermodynamics. Several authors have challenged the rationale for the maximum power principle (e.g., Mansson and McGlade, 1993). Fenchel (1987), for example, has commented that Odum’s approach was appealing “only because it was sufficiently obscure and incomprehensible to appear profound”. Nevertheless, a number of authors have explored the application of analogues of thermodynamic principles to the behavior of natural systems (Jorgensen, 2000; Jorgensen and Straskraba, 2000), and in many cases these thermodynamic approaches have met with considerable success in estimating parameters to describe real ecosystems. In a recent paper Cropp and Gabric (2001) employed a genetic algorithm to simulate the evolutionary response of the biota of a model ecosystem. The model ecosystem consisted of a simple autotroph-herbivore-nutrient (AHN) oceanic mixedlayer. The differential equations describing the dynamics of the system are as follows: N dA A K1AH dt N KS (1) dH K1 (1 K 3 )AH K 2 H dt (2) N dN A K 2 H K1K 3AH dt N KS (3) The total nutrient concentration is No = A + H + N. Given No, the system contains five adaptive parameters, K1 (herbivore grazing rate), K2 (herbivore mortality rate), K3 (herbivore excretion rate), (maximum autotroph growth rate), and KS (autotroph halfsaturation nutrient concentration). For a given No, the values of these five parameters were chosen using a stochastic genetic algorithm that simulated the individual adaptation in response to selection pressures over evolutionary time scales. A number of selection pressures were explored, including maximum exergy (Jorgensen, 1992), maximum ascendancy (Ulanowicz, 1980), entropy production (Schneider, 1998), and resilience (DeAngelis, 1992). One of the interesting results of the simulations was that the optimum parameter values proved to be very insensitive to the choice of selection pressure. In particular, the simulations suggested the hypothesis that within the constraints of the external environment and the genetic potential of their constituent biota, ecosystems evolve to the state most resilient to perturbation. Laws et al. (2000) have applied the hypothesis of maximum resilience to a more complex food web model of an open-ocean pelagic ecosystem (Fig. 1). The differential equations describing the population dynamics of this system are similar to those used by Cropp and Gabric (2001). Most of the parameter values were chosen from information in the literature or were otherwise constrained in a deterministic manner. Two parameters, however, were allowed to adapt so as to maximize the resiliency of the steady state solution. These two adaptive parameters were the relative growth rate (sensu Goldman, 1980) of the large phytoplankton and the biomass of the filter feeders. In this case, it was possible to compare the predictions of the model with results of field studies carried out as a part of the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study and related work. Some results are shown in Fig. 2-3. Because the system was assumed to be in steady state, the export ratio equals the f ratio (Eppley and Peterson, 1979) and was designated the ef ratio. The predicted ef ratios based on the principle of maximum resiliency are in remarkable agreement with observed ef ratios (Fig 2a), and there is likewise remarkable agreement between predicted and observed heterotrophic bacterial biomass (Fig. 3). These comparisons clearly support the assumption that pelagic marine ecosystems tend to evolve toward a condition of maximum resiliency, as predicted by the results of the Cropp and Gabric (2001) simulations. In the case of the Laws et al. (2000) food web, defining the ecological analogue of thermodynamic imperatives such as entropy and exergy is problematic, but the resiliency of the system is unequivocally defined through application of perturbation theory (May, 1974). As noted by Patten (1993), “The admissibility of virtually any system configuration, within given physical and resource constraints, does not mean the processes of ecosystem organization are lawless. The challenge is to find the laws.” The extent to which the principle of maximum resiliency will prove useful in defining the behavior of natural systems in response to change is unclear. However, the work of Cropp and Gabric (2001) and Laws et al. (2000) suggest that evolution toward a condition of maximum resiliency may govern the behavior of a wide variety of pelagic marine communities. References Cropp, R. and A. Gabric. 2001. Ecosystem adaptation: Do ecosystems maximize resilience? Ecology (in press) DeAngelis, D. L. 1992. Dynamics aof Nutrient Cycling and Foodwebs. Chapman and Hall, London. Eppley, R. W. and B. J. Peterson. 1979. Particulate organic matter flux and planktonic new production in the deep ocean. Nature 282: 677-680. Fenchel, T. 1987. Ecology – Potentials and Limitations. Ecology Institute, Oldendorf/Luhe, Germany. Goldman, J. C. 1980. Physiological processes, nutrient availability, and the concept of relative growth rate in marine phytoplankton ecology, pp. 179-194 in P. G. Falkowski (ed.) Primary Productivity in the Sea. Plenum, New York. Jorgensen, S. E. 1992. Development of models able to account for changes in species composition. Ecological Modeling 62: 195-208. Jorgensen, S. E. 2000. A general outline of thermodynamic approaches to ecosystem theory. In Jorgensen, S. E. and F. Muller (eds.) Handbook of Ecosystem Theories and Management. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. Jorgensen, S. E. and M. Straskraba. 2000. Ecosystems as cybernetic systems. In Jorgensen, S. E. and F. Muller (eds.) Handbook of Ecosystem Theories and Management. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. Laws, E. A., P. G. Falkowski, W. O. Smith, H. Ducklow, and J. J. McCarthy. 2000. Temperature effects on export production in the open ocean. Global Biogeochem. Cycles 14: 1231-1246. Lotka, A. J. 1922. Contribution to the energetics of evolution. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 8: 147-150. Mansson, B. A., and J. M. McGlade. 1993. Ecollgy, thermodynamics and H. T. Odum’s conjectures. Oecologia 93: 582-596. May, R. M. 1974. Stability and Complexity in Model Ecosystems. 2nd ed. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ, 265 pp. Odum, H. T. 1983. Systems Ecology: An Introduction. Wiley, New York. Patten, B. C. 1993. Toward a more holistic ecology, and science: the contribution of H. T. Odum. Oecologia 93: 597-602. Schneider, E. D. 1988. Thermodynamics, ecological succession and natural selection: a common thread. Pages 107-138 in Weber, B. H., D. J. Depew, and J. D. Smith (eds.) Entropy, Information and Evolution. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA. Ulanowicz, R. E. 1980. An hypothesis on the development of natural communities. J. Theor. Biol. 85: 223-245. f6 Carnivores X6 Filter feeders X5 External nutrient f5 Loading rate = L Detrital POM Large phytoplankton X2L Export f2L Ciliates X4 f4 Inorganic nutrient X1 Flagellates X3 Bacteria f3 Small phytoplankton X2S DOM Figure 1. Feeding and excretion relationships in a model pelagic food web in which photosynthetic production is partitioned between small and large phytoplankton cells. 0.7 a 0.7 b Ross Sea Ross Sea 0.6 0.6 Greenland polynya Observed ef ratio 0.5 Greenland polynya North Atlantic Bloom 0.5 Station P Peru-normal Station P 0.4 Peru-normal 0.4 0.3 0.3 Peru-El Nino 0.2 Peru-El Nino 0.2 Arabian Sea HOT Arabian Sea EqPac-normal HOT EqPac-normal 0.1 0 North Atlantic Bloom 0.1 BATS EqPac-El Nino 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Model ef ratio 0.6 0.7 0 BATS EqPac-El Nino 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Total primary production (mg N m -2 d-1) Figure 2. (a) Model ef ratios versus observed ef ratios as reported by Laws et al. (2000). The straight line is the 1:1 line. (b) Total primary production versus observed ef ratios at the same locations. Peru-upwelling 2 Heterotrophic bacterial biomass from model (mg C m -3) 10 NABE Arabian Sea EqPac-normal 1 10 Ross Sea Station P EqPac-El Nino BATS HOT Greenland 1 10 2 10 Heterotrophic bacterial biomass from field data (mg C m -3) Figure 3. Relationship between estimates of heterotrophic bacterial carbon from the Laws et al. (2000) model and from field data. The straight line is the 1:1 line.