Name: _________________________ Role: ___________________ Date: __________ Fettuccini Physics Purpose: To build a support structure that will provide a force equal and opposite to the force exerted by gravity on a stack of books. Materials: 20 pieces uncooked fettuccini Science textbook 1 meter masking tape Ruler Procedure: 1. Use the fettuccini and masking tape to build a structure or group of structures that will exert an upward force on the books equal to the downward force of gravity exerted on the books. 2. Use only the uncooked fettuccini and masking tape while assembling your structure(s). 3. You are NOT required to use all the pasta and masking tape, but no additional tape or pasta may be used (no stealing or borrowing from other teams either!!) 4. The completed structure must support a science textbook a minimum of 5 centimeters above the table. 5. Clean up all the pieces of pasta and dispose of them in the trash, along with the masking tape. DAY 1 Sketch your initial structural design based off of your group’s discussion below. Practice with your structures on Day 1 & 2 – the final structure and strength test will be on Day 3. ** DAY 2 When your FINAL design is complete, determine the maximum amount of upward force that your structure can exert by placing additional science textbooks on top of it one at a time. * Ms. Emigh must be present to observe your test! How many books can your structure support? _______________________ Conclusion: Please answer all the questions using complete sentences. (Use extra sheet of paper if necessary) 1. Explain in words the changes your group made to the design of your fettuccini structure over time. Discuss how/why these changes either positively or negatively impacted the ability of your structure to support your science textbook. 2. Explain the forces that were acting on the book? The pasta? 3. What happens when the upward force from the pasta structure is smaller than the downward gravitational force on the stack of books? 4. Who were the members in your group? What are two ways in which your group could have been more effective while working together during this lab? 5. Explain how balanced and unbalanced forces are related to the motion of an object. Try to use the term net force in your answer.