Sun Reference Spectra From Solar Cycle 22 Measurements 1 2 3 5 Gérard Thuillier , Thomas N. Woods , Linton Floyd , Ernest Hilsenrath4, Richard Cebula , Michel 1 6 Hersé , Dietrich Labs 1 Service d'Aéronomie du CNRS, Verrières-le-Buisson, France Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 3 Interferometrics Inc., Chantilly, VA, 4 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD. 5 Science Systems and Applications, Lanham, MD, 6 Landessternwarte, Heidelberg, Germany 2 The solar spectrum is a key input for the study of the planetary atmospheres. It allows the understanding through theoretical modeling of the atmospheric properties (e.g., composition and variability). Furthermore, a reference model is useful for the preparation of instruments and platforms to be operated in space. We present a composite solar spectral irradiance reference model for wavelengths from EUV to 2400 nm, based on available data and modeling at two distinct levels of solar activity, which are moderately high and low levels encountered during the ATLAS 1 (March 1992) and ATLAS 3 (November 1994) Space Shuttle missions. Spectral irradiance accuracy varies from 40 % in the EUV to a mean 3% in the UV, visible and near IR ranges. After integration, a comparison with the Total Solar Irradiance measured at the same time shows an agreement of the order of 1%. 1. RATIONALE OF THE SOLAR REFERENCE SPECTRUM CONSTRUCTION i) calibration source accuracy and procedure of calibration, and ii) aging of the instruments exposed to Sun radiation. 1.1 Requirements At the 2001 International Solar Cycle Study ISCS meeting (Longmont, Colorado, June 2001), the need for a solar reference model was identified having the following characteristics: - absolute spectral irradiance with the best achievable accuracy, - spectral range from EUV to IR, - two distinct levels of solar activity (close to minimum and maximum), - spectral sampling / resolution of 1 nm or better, and - data corresponding to 1 AU. With such requirements, no single instrument is able to cover such a wide spectral range for which, in addition, the solar spectral irradiance varies by more than a factor 105. Therefore, a composite spectrum needs to be considered. Obtaining high accuracy of a few percents is difficult to achieve. In the 1970s, UV observations were carried out from balloons and rockets. Comparisons of the results showed discrepancies up to 20% above 200 nm and greater below. The analysis of the reported discrepancies led to consider their potential sources: 1 Taking into account the above difficulties, the following strategy was implemented: i) use of short term missions with instrument retrieval allowing to make a post-flight calibration, ii) instruments intercomparison before flight and after if possible, and iii) two or more instruments in orbit at the same time. For most of the published spectra, authors made comparisons with other available spectra and discuss the differences, with an emphasis on simultaneous measurements. These comparisons revealed the conditions where the best agreement was obtained. In this case, data obtained from different instruments having their own design, their own calibration, if in agreement, insure that the measurements are made in the absolute scale within their quoted accuracy. Given a positive result, composite spectra can be made. Such spectra should improve overall accuracy over that of any of its individual component spectra. The idea is that errors, be they random or systematic, are usually reduced when more data are included. The different types of errors affecting the irradiance spectra have distinct characteristics. Random measurement errors are present, but these are typically much smaller than the systematic uncertainties affecting the instrument responsivity and scattered light effects. This is why combining spectra from different instruments should reduce the systematic uncertainties. The composite spectrum to be built here will use data from different instruments due to the large wavelength range (EUV to IR) and in each range several spectra will be used if possible. irradiance presents significant difficulties and uncertainties in terms of absolute photometric scale. However, between 120 and 156 nm the comparison with simultaneous observations by SOLSTICE on board UARS reveals an agreement of 15% [Wilhelm et al., 1999]. Nevertheless, given the limited SUMER irradiance data and the available data from UARS and ATLAS, the SUMER irradiance results are not used here in the reference spectra. The Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet model 2 (SBUV/2) instruments flying on NOAA spacecrafts monitors the long term global ozone column distribution in the stratosphere. On a daily basis, the solar spectral irradiance from 160 to 405 nm, and the Mg II core-to-wing ratio are measured. DeLand and Cebula [1998] have shown that the NOAA-11 SBUV/2 data have a long-term precision of 0.9 to 2.3 % (2) over 5.5 years. However, a comparison of the absolute irradiances from the NOAA-11 SBUV/2 instrument with SSBUV [Cebula et al., 1998a] indicates that the SBUV/2 data do not have the accuracy of the data sets used herein to construct the reference spectra for solar cycle 22. The Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) is dedicated to the Earth observations. The instrument has the capability to perform also direct solar observations from 240 to 790 nm. A comparison with SSBUV 8 data [Weber et al., 1998] reveals some photometric difficulties by the presence of fringes pattern which will be certainly corrected in a next future. As a result, the GOME data were not included in the present analysis. 1.2 Available Data As the reference spectrum will be mostly used in the field of atmospheric physics, full solar disk, i.e. irradiance data are required. As a consequence of the relationship between resolution and instrument field of view, the data are recorded at moderate resolution, typically a fraction of a nanometer. Due to the great discrepancies existing in UV observations, a strong effort has been made in the 1980's to cover with accuracy this range. As this effort is still pursued, many data are existing. Curiously, the visible and IR domains received little attention and few measurements exist in these regions. As two distinct levels of solar activity were required, we take advantage of the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) and three ATmospheric Laboratory for Applications and Science (ATLAS) missions, allowing to gather measurements at moderately high and close to minimum solar activity. The most recent solar UV irradiance measurements shortward of 400 nm were obtained from orbital platforms as reviewed by Rottmann [2002]. UARS measurements include those from the Solar Ultraviolet Spectral Irradiance Monitor (SUSIM) [Brueckner et al., 1993] and the SOLar STellar Irradiance Comparison Experiment (SOLSTICE) [Rottman et al., 1993]. Both of these UARS instruments measure the solar UV irradiance from about 120 to 410 nm. On board the three ATLAS missions were placed three grating spectrometers operated at the same time, namely SUSIM [Woods et al., 1996; VanHoosier, 1996; Floyd et al., 2001] the twin instrument of the one run on board UARS, the SOLar SPECtrum (SOLSPEC) spectrometer [Thuillier et al., 1997, 1998a, b, 2002a] and the Shuttle Solar Backscatter UltraViolet (SSBUV) instrument [Woods et al., 1996; Cebula et al., 1996, 1998b]. The Solar Ultraviolet Measurements of the Emitted Radiations (SUMER) [Wilhelm et al., 1995] high resolution spectrometer carried out solar radiance observations from 46 to 160 nm on board the SOlar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). Transformation of radiance to Table 1. Visible and infrared models, and available data. and obs. stand for spectral resolution and observations, respectively. Authors Labs and Neckel [1968] Arvesen et al. (1969] Neckel and Labs [1984] Burlov-Vasiljev [1995] Colina et al. [1996] Kurucz [1995] SOLSPEC SOSP Range (nm) (nm) Origin 205 - 100000 10 obs. and model 300 - 2495 0.1 obs. to 0.3 330 - 1247 2 obs. 332 - 1062 1 120 - 2500 1 obs. obs. and model 200 - 200000 ≈ 0.001@ opacities 500 nm and data 200 - 870 1 obs. 850 - 2500 20 obs. From 400 nm to short IR, data were collected mainly from ground and airborne experiments. Observations in the visible and IR ranges were made by Labs and Neckel 2 [1962] from the Jungfraujoch (3600 m altitude) at the center of the solar disk and corrected for center-to-limb variation and atmospheric transmission. Absolute solar spectral irradiances were revised in 1984 using their former measurements and high resolution Fourier spectrometer data which were afterward integrated in one nanometer bandpass. Burlov-Vasiljev [1995] measured from ground the visible and the near IR range up to 1062 nm. Arvesen et al. [1969] and Thekaekara [1974] carried out observations from airplanes at an altitude of about 12 km where, in principle, most of the water vapor is left below. Observations in the visible range were made by the SOLSPEC instrument on board the three ATLAS missions Detailed comparisons between these data show an agreement better than 2% [Thuillier et al., 1998a and 1998b]. The Arvesen et al. [1969] and Thekaekara [1974] spectra also cover the IR range. However, they contain spectral features difficult to interpret which are likely due to calibration and possible under-corrected water vapor absorptions. Labs and Neckel [1968] generated a spectral irradiance model up to 100 m using measurementss and a semiempirical continuum model. Later, it was incorporated in Smith and Gottlieb [1974] which was afterward itself incorporated in the World Radiation Center (WRC) spectrum [Wehrli, 1985] and in the recent ASTM [2000] model. The twin instrument of SOLSPEC, the SOlar SPectrum experiment (SOSP) on board the EUropean REtrivial CArrier (EURECA) space platform has covered this range and comparisons will be shown in section 3.2.5. The SOLSPEC and SOSP measurements are the primary data set used for the visible and IR ranges of the reference solar spectra. Finally, few data are existing in the IR range, and this is why, synthetic spectra are also needed for this study. Colina et al. [1996] have generated a solar spectrum from 120 to 2500 nm by assembling data from different origins, and a solar model including Fraunhofer lines from Kurucz [1993]. Kurucz [1995] has generated a solar spectral irradiance model from the solar atmosphere opacity, and a continuum model which appears to be about 2% and 1 % smaller than the Labs and Neckel [1968] and Colina et al. [1996] continua, respectively. These solar continua are close, but no validation has been possible from the use of the Arvesen et al. [1969] and Thekaekara [1974] spectra. The above data and models characteristics are summarized in Table 1 and detailed in Thuillier et al., 2002b. A validation effort has been undertaken concerning the UARS and ATLAS spectrometers by comparison of their results obtained in similar conditions. The instruments having different design and different method and means of calibration provide an important opportunity of comparisons for the UV from 120 to 400 nm. The validation of the UARS solar irradiances, through error analysis of the pre-flight calibrations, comparison between SUSIM and SOLSTICE, and comparisons to other ATLAS solar measurements, indicate that the UARS solar irradiances have an absolute uncertainty of 2 to 4% (all instruments uncertainties are given at 2 ) [Woods et al., 1996]. The ATLAS 1 and 2 solar irradiances were included in this original validation effort for UARS. Similarly, Cebula et al. [1996] have compared the solar spectral irradiance measured by three independent spectrometers placed on board the Space Shuttle for the ATLAS 1 mission (March, 1992) namely SOLSPEC, SSBUV, and the ATLAS version of SUSIM. They were found consistent within 5%. Furthermore, the three spectra were averaged and compared with the mean SOLSTICE and SUSIM measurements carried out at the same time on board UARS [Woods et al., 1996]. For the spectral range 200-350 nm, the mean deviation between these two mean spectra was found to be 0.14 % ± 0.20 % with a RMS of 1% [Cebula et al., 1996]. The comparison with UARS data is continued here by using the last available versions of the SUSIM and SOLSTICE data. The dates chosen for these reference spectra are March 29, 1992, April 15, 1993, and November 11, 1994 for the ATLAS 1, 2, and 3 missions, respectively. For these UARS mean spectra, the SUSIM and SOLSTICE data are smoothed to a spectral resolution of 0.25 nm before combining the different measurements. The resulting spectra are obtained as an average of the SUSIM and SOLSTICE measurements between 136 and 390 nm, as both instruments have very similar precision across that wavelength range. Only the SOLSTICE measurements are used from 390 to 420 nm due to SUSIM having a shorter wavelength coverage and a possible instrument artifact above 390 nm. For below 136 nm, the SUSIM continuum levels have lower precision than the SOLSTICE measurements but have similar precision as SOLSTICE for the brighter emission lines. Therefore, the SUSIM and SOLSTICE measurements at the brighter emission lines below 136 nm are averaged to derive an appropriate scaling factor that is used on the SOLSTICE irradiances over the 119 to 136 nm range. These short wavelength scaling factors, which are only a few percents correction, are derived using a linear fit to the scaling factors from the emission lines at H I 121.6 nm, O I 130.4 nm, C II 133.5 nm, and Si IV 139.4 and 140.3 nm. The differences between the UARS reference spectra and the individual SOLSTICE and SUSIM measurements are typically less than 5% and even smaller at the longer 1.3 Results of Merging Spectra 3 wavelengths. These new UARS reference spectra are very similar to the Woods et al. [1996] spectra for the ATLAS 1 and 2 mission periods; however, they are based on improved algorithms, version 20 for SUSIM and version 17 for SOLSTICE. The absolute accuracy for these UARS reference spectra is approximately 3.5% and is essentially constant across the 119 to 420 nm range. These new spectra are compared with the mean ATLAS 1 spectra. Figure 1 a and b show respectively the comparison of the two spectra and their ratio. Their mean is unity while the RMS of their ratio at 5 nm resolution is 2.2%. This ratio is presented in Figure 2 for the ATLAS 2 (for ATLAS 3, the ratio behaves similarly). Their means depart from unity of one percent while their RMS remain 2.5 and 2.2% respectively as for ATLAS 1. The RMS value originates mostly from the strong Fraunhofer lines (Mg II, Ca II) which have different measured depth as they depend on the resolution and sampling of the compared spectra. These comparisons and uncertainties analyses confirm that the absolute uncertainty is between 2 to 4%. Furthermore, the mean UARS and ATLAS spectra present less differences than the contributing spectra. 2.2 Data Sets Composing the Reference Solar Spectrum Because of the wide spectral coverage for this reference solar spectrum, the data for different wavelength ranges are necessarily derived. The different data sets are discussed next, broken down into the EUV range shortward of 120 nm, the FUV range between 120 and 200 nm, the UV to near visible range from 200 to 400 nm, the visible between 400 and 870 nm, and finally the IR between 870 and 2400 nm. 2.2.1 EUV (0 to120 nm). Woods and Rottman [2002] have produced an EUV to 200 nm spectrum using UARS SOLSTICE data and the measurements by a rocket observation made in 1994 [Woods et al., 1998]. Variability was derived from proxy models based primarily on the Atmospheric Explorer-E data. The minimum solar spectral irradiance is provided as well as the 11-year solar cycle variability applicable to solar cycle 22. Below Ly , the spectral solar irradiance was calculated for the conditions of the ATLAS missions 1 and 3 (Figure 3) based on Table 2 and taking into account the maximum of cycle 22 estimated when the sunspot number was equal to 200 (August 1990). 2. CONSTRUCTION OF THE SOLAR SPECTRUM 2.1 Principles Based on results shown in section 1.3, it appears that merging spectra is certainly the best way to build a composite spectrum, especially when differences are less than the individual instrument uncertainties. As two levels of solar activity are required, we have gathered data corresponding to the ATLAS 1 and ATLAS 3 missions, allowing the use of five instruments working at the same time in the UV and near visible ranges. Obviously, such number of measurements is not available for all time periods. The levels of solar activity as indicated by the sunspots number, total solar irradiance provided by Fröhlich and Lean [1998], and solar 10.7 cm radio flux (F10.7) are listed in Table 2. We shall use these TSI data later to normalize the composite ATLAS 1 and 3 reference spectra. 2.2.2 FUV (120 to 200 nm). Three mean spectra from SOLSTICE and SUSIM instruments observing together on board UARS were generated for the three ATLAS periods (see section 1.3). For the construction of the reference spectrum, the mean UARS spectra during the ATLAS 1 and 3 missions are used (Figure 4). 2.2.3 UV to near visible (200 to 400 nm). In this region, many data are available from SOLSTICE and SUSIM on board UARS, and SOLSPEC, SSBUV, and SUSIM on board ATLAS 1 and 3. These data have different spectral resolutions, slit functions and may differ slightly in their wavelength scales. When doing the averaging, this could result in an additional error in presence of wide Fraunhofer lines. Furthermore, adjusting each wavelength scale (within their quoted accuracy) of the five instruments, is not manageable without ambiguity. Consequently, the mean of the five spectra is calculated by a linear interpolation to the wavelength scale of the spectrum having the highest sampling. The results are shown in Figure 5 for ATLAS 1 and 3 respectively. The comparison with the UARS mean spectra in the 200-400 nm range at 5 nm resolution reveals an agreement better Table 2. Sunspot number (monthly mean, Rz), TSI data, the daily F10.7, and the 81-day smoothed <F10.7> for the ATLAS 1 and 3 missions on March 29, 1992 and November 11, 1994, respectively. Mission ATLAS 1 ATLAS 3 Rz 121 20 -2 TSI (Wm ) F10.7 <F10.7> 1367.7 192 171 1366.7 77.5 83.5 4 than 0.5% for the mean and a RMS difference of 2%. The 5 nm resolution for smoothing is chosen for consistency with previous works using similar data sets. When two spectra are compared, even though they agree on the photometric scale, a RMS difference larger than the mean difference is commonly found. These RMS differences are usually associated with the Fraunhofer lines due to differences in the wavelength scales and spectral resolutions of the different instruments. Burlov-Vasiljev [1995] spectra. Their ratio to the mean of the three SOLSPEC spectra is shown at 5 nm resolution on Figure 6b. Their means are centred on unity with a RMS of 2 and 1.4%, respectively. However, the lower spectral irradiance of the Neckel and Labs spectrum [1984] with respect to the two others is shown below 450 nm. The difference of the ratios to unity is mostly due to the strong Fraunhofer lines (Fe I at 427 nm and Ca II at 855 nm). The use of Burlov-Vasiljev et al. [1995] spectrum was considered, but its sampling at 5 nm was too low for our requirements. The mean SOLSPEC visible spectrum has a resolution of 1 nm while below 400 nm, the two composite spectra have a resolution of 0.25 nm (see section 1.3). To insure continuity, we operated with the following way using the high resolution spectrum from Kurucz [1995]: i) it has been degraded by a running mean in order to keep the sampling, and integrated over 0.5 nm which provides the best agreement with the Ca II lines as obtained with the mean of the five UV spectra (see section 2.2.3). It has now to be scaled to SOLSPEC irradiance. ii) this is why, it has been further degraded to 1 nm (SOLSPEC resolution). The result compared to the SOLSPEC original spectrum is used to derive correction coefficients. This set of coefficients has been used to scale the Kurucz [1995]' spectrum previously degraded at 0.5 nm resolution (see.i) 2.2.4 Visible (400 to 870 nm). The visible spectrum measured by the SOLSPEC spectrometer during the three ATLAS missions shows RMS differences not greater than 1.7% while the mean difference remains 2%. These three spectra are, therefore, considered to be consistent. Comparison made with the BurlovVassiljev [1995] spectrum shows similar RMS differences likely due to the Fraunhofer lines presence. As for the mean, it is 1% from 350 to 870 nm, in particular below 420 nm. Comparing with Neckel and Labs [1984] spectrum shows a remarkable agreement below 2% (mean) from 350 to 870 nm. However, below 420 nm, the difference is increasing at shortward wavelengths. This difference was originally reported by Peytureaux [1968] quoting this difference to be about 8%, in agreement with Shaw [1982] from the Mauna Loa observations, reporting 4% at 416 and 460 nm. From the SpaceLab 2 mission, SUSIM data [VanHoosier et al., 1988] showed greater values than those given by Neckel and Labs [1984] by a few percents, as well as the SSBUV [Cebula et al., 1996] from ATLAS 1 and SOLSTICE data [Woods et al., 1996]. From ground, similar conclusions were obtained [Burlov-Vassiljev et al., 1995]. Detailed comparisons between SOLSPEC results with available visible spectra are made by Thuillier et al. [1998a, 1998b, and 2002a]. Most of the solar irradiance variability is observed below 300 nm [Floyd et al., 1998; DeLand and Cebula, 1998]. It also exists in the visible range particularly in the core of certain Fraunhofer lines. Ca II (393 mn) and He II (1083 mn) show the most important variability. For the other lines, the equivalent width weakly varies (Mn (539 nm) is quoted to 2 %), and much lower for the others [Livingston, 1992]. Furthermore, for the 11-year cycle, a solar temperature change of about 1.5 K was found by Gray and Livingston [1997]. The very small solar activity effect on the visible solar irradiance has been estimated by Fontenla et al. [1999] who calculated a change of 0.1% on the solar continuum. Then, at one nanometer resolution, the solar variability is barely detectable. Consequently, for reducing noise effects during solar observations and uncertainties occurring in the photometric calibration, we shall use the mean of the three SOLSPEC visible spectra. The merging of the three spectra is shown in Figure 6a together with the Neckel and Labs [1984] and As the Kurucz sampling is higher than the SOLSPEC one, the set of coefficients is linearly interpolated between two consecutive SOLSPEC measurements. This is why, we have afterward verified that the original SOLSPEC spectrum was reproduced after integration. To do that, their ratio was calculated as well as their RMS. -3 The mean was found smaller than 10 with respect to unity and the RMS was found to be 0.7%. 2.2.5 IR (870 to 2400 nm). The SOSP instrument, the twin instrument of SOLSPEC was operated on board the EURECA platform. The thermal conditions were stable and rather cool, which allowed the IR measurements to be of better quality than IR SOLSPEC data for the ATLAS missions. For scanning from 850 to 2400 nm, different second order filters, as well as density filters, were used as a function of wavelength. The density filters take into account the large decrease of the solar irradiance and instrument responsivity toward the long wavelengths. The filters generally induced a few percents perturbation at the wavelength where they are changed. Taking into account that no Fraunhofer lines are clearly detectable at 20 nm resolution by the SOSP IR spectrometer, the spectrum has been smoothed by a polynomial fit. It is shown in Figure 7a. 5 Comparison with existing solar spectrum models, show no feature related to water vapor absorption or instrument characteristics as found in the Arvesen [1969] and Theakekara [1974] spectra. The SOSP spectrum is very close to Labs and Neckel [1968], Colina et al. [1996] and Kurucz [1995] solar models continua, but provides an higher irradiance of 4% between 1500 and 2000 nm and 3% at 2400 nm (Figure 7b) [Thuillier et al., 2002a] before normalization. As no Fraunhofer lines are present in the smoothed IR SOSP spectrum, we have used those of the Kurucz [1995] spectrum and we have applied the same method as in the visible (see section 3.2.4). For that, the Kurucz spectrum has been smoothed at 50 nm resolution in order to generate a spectrum as smooth as the IR SOSP results shown in Figure 7a. The same verification has been also made resulting in a -3 mean smaller than 10 with respect to unity, and a RMS equal to 0.2%. The result is illustrated in Figure 8a. This being done, it is possible to extend the reference spectrum above 2400 nm using section 3.3.2. results with the Kurucz [1995] spectrum. LN [1968] RSSV0-ATLAS 1 RSSV0-ATLAS 3 1366.36 1.2 The TS2397 is slightly greater for ATLAS 1 than for -2 ATLAS 3 as expected, by an amount of 0.16 Wm . This change is due to the spectral irradiance below 400 nm since above it is the same for both ATLAS 1 and 3 spectra. The TSI difference between the two ATLAS -2 -2 periods being 1 Wm , a change of 0.16 Wm in UV is consistent with the expected change due to solar activity effect in this range. 2.3.2 Normalizing with the Total Solar Irradiance. We have now calculated the TSI, the energy above 2397.5 nm (TS>2397) and the spectral solar irradiance at 2397.5 nm (I2397) for the spectra indicated in Table 4. -2 Table 4. TSI, TSI above 2397.5 nm in Wm , and solar -2 spectral irradiance at 2397.5 nm in mWm nm-1 for Kurucz [1995] and Labs and Neckel [1968] spectra (respectively indicated by K[1995] and LN[1968]) and RSSV0. A unique value is given at 2397.5 nm by construction of the reference spectrum. 2.3 Normalization to the Total Solar Irradiance Spectra such as WRC [Wehrli, 1985], Labs and Neckel [1968], Kurucz [1995] are normalized on a value of the TSI. The rationale of doing that is based on the radiometric absolute scale (0.1% accuracy) which is significantly better than the photometric scale of the spectrometers which are of the order of 2% at best. The various contributions from XUV to 2400 nm have been assembled in a unique spectrum named RSSV0 (for Reference Solar Spectrum version 0, before normalization). For normalization, two ways are considered as described next. K [1995] TSI 1368.11 TSI>2397 51.46 I2397 59.97 LN [1968] RSSV0 1366.36 52.48 60.44 61.33 - The RSSV0 (table 4) solar irradiance is 61.33 mWm -1 nm at 2397.5 nm. Its ratio to the Kurucz [1995], and Labs and Neckel [1968] spectral irradiances at that wavelength, is used to estimate the solar irradiance above 2397.5 nm. This allows to calculate the TSI for the RSSV0. For example, for ATLAS 1 and using the Kurucz spectrum, we obtain 1330.28 + 51.46*61.33/59.97. We proceed similarly for ATLAS 3 and using the Labs and Neckel [1968] and Kurucz [1995]'spectra.The results is given in Table 5. 2 2.3.1 Normalizing below 2400 nm. We have calculated the total irradiance up to 2397.5 nm (TS2397) for the spectra listed in Table 3. After comparing the TSI (up to 2397.5 nm) with the corresponding number obtained from the Kurucz [1995], Colina et al., [1996] and Labs and Neckel [1968], we obtained the percentages of difference given in column 3 of Table 3. The percentage of adjustment is then between 1.0 and 1.4%. Table 5. Calculated TSI for ATLAS 1 and 3 reference spectra using the total solar irradiance up to 2397.5 nm complemented by K [1995] and LN [1968]. Percentages of difference is given for each ATLAS period using K[1995] and LN[1968], respectively (last line). Table 3. Total solar irradiance up to 2400 nm and percentage of difference with our reference spectra in -2 version V0. Unit is Wm . LN[1968] stands for Labs and Neckel [1968]. Spectra TS2397 Kurucz [1995] 1316.79 Colina et al. [1996] 1311.58 1314.10 1330.28 1330.12 TSI Source measured TSI calculated TSI with K[1995] TSI % 1368.11 1.0 1.4 6 ATLAS 1 1367.7 1382.91 ATLAS 3 1366.7 1382.74 calculated TSI 1383.53 1383.37 with LN[1968] difference in % 1.11 / 1.16 1.17 / 1.22 accuracy between 2 to 4%. A similar situation is encountered between Neckel and Labs [1984], BurlovVasiljev et al. [1995], and SOLSPEC spectra, thus providing an accuracy around 3%. Above 870 nm, the accuracy is only based on error analysis [Thuillier et al., 2002a] since comparisons with other data are not relevant due in particular, to the presence of undercorrected water vapor absorption. It is found to vary from 2 to 3% between 870 and 2400 nm. The RSS version 0 spectra for ATLAS 1 and 3 have been corrected to the measured TSI value by 1.11 and 1.17%, respectively. Figures 3 to 7 are displaying V0 results. Normalization is taken into account in Figure 8, which illustrates the full spectrum for the ATLAS 1 period. The results are very consistent and we could adopt 1.11 to 1.16 % and 1.17 to 1.22% normalization percentages for ATLAS 1 and ATLAS 3 respectively as shown by Table 5. Furthermore, these results are in agreement with the method of normalization explained in the above section (2.3.1). We also note that the normalization percentage should likely be greater for ATLAS 3 than for ATLAS 1, given the identical spectrum used for both above 400 nm. A mean percentage of adjustment may be chosen based either on Labs and Neckel [1968] or Kurucz [1995] spectra. However, for planetary atmosphere studies, the use of a spectrum with Fraunhofer lines may be required. This is why we have chosen to operate the normalization with the Kurucz [1995] spectrum. The adjustment percentages are finally 1.11 and 1.17 % for ATLAS 1 and ATLAS 3 period. As expected it is below the uncertainties of the spectral measurements which are of the order of 2 to 3 %, to be compared with the absolute radiometers accuracy quoted to 0.1 %. This adjustment is justified by noting that, within the TSI, most of the energy is provided by the visible and IR ranges which are measured by a single instrument. Applying the 1.11 and 1.17 % to the ATLAS 1 and 3 spectra in version 0, we obtain the Reference Solar Spectra in Version 1 which are available on request via e-mail to <>. Wavelengths are in nm and spectral irradiances at band center are given in mWm2nm-1. For consistency, a unique exponential notation (E format) is used to six decimal places for spectral irradiances. We acknowledge it is superfluous in certain wavelength ranges. An extension of these two spectra above 2400 nm is achievable after taking the ratio of solar spectral irradiance of each RSSV1 to the Kurucz [1995] spectrum at 2397.5 nm as we did to operate the normalization. 3.2 Comparison With ASTM [2000] Figure 8c compares the ATLAS 3 reference spectrum in version 1 (after normalization) with the recent ASTM [2000] spectrum by taking their ratio at 10 nm resolution. Below 400 nm, this ratio is smaller than unity because the UARS spectral irradiance used in this range has been reduced by 3.2 % to match with the Neckel and Labs [1984] spectrum for constructing the ASTM spectrum. Around 900 and 1200 nm, the ratio of 3% above unity originates from the Smith and Gottlieb [1974] spectrum in this range. Above 1300 nm, the ratio below unity by a few percent originates from the SOSP-EURECA data which are not in agreement by this amount with the solar continuum model of Smith and Gottlieb [1974]. 3.3 Solar Variability From ATLAS 1 to ATLAS 3 The solar activity has decreased from ATLAS 1 to ATLAS 3 periods as shown by the solar indices given in Table 2. Figure 9 shows the ratio ATLAS 1 to ATLAS 3 ratio at 1 nm resolution. This ratio decreases as expected from EUV to IR. Below Ly , the variabity is obtained from the variabilty given by Woods and Rottmann [2002]. At Ly the variablity reaches a factor 1.5 and 3 for the He II line. The variability in the Mg II and Ca II lines is also detectable. Above Ly the variability in the two reference spectra originates directly from the data sets gathered at the ATLAS 1 and 3 periods. We also calculated the Mg II indices from our two reference spectra and compared with other indices from SUSIM and SBUV/2 spectrometers (table 6). 3. PROPERTIES OF THE REFERENCE SPECTRA 3.1 The Reference Solar Spectra The accuracy of the two reference spectra varies over the wavelength range because the data are derived from multiple sources. Following the estimate of Woods and Rottmann [2002], below the He II 30.4 nm line, the accuracy is quoted to be about 40% and in the EUV, to be 30%. Above the Ly line at 121 nm and below 200 nm, the UARS mean spectra have an accuracy better than 3.5% [Woods et al., 1996]. Between 200 and 400 nm, the availability of five instruments (Cebula et al.1996; Woods et al., 1996] has allowed several comparisons which show an Table 6. Mg II indices from the two reference spectra, SUSIM and SBUV/2 spectrometers. RSS 7 SUSIM SBUV/2 ATLAS 1 ATLAS 3 0.2748 0.2600 0.2708 0.2596 0.2756 0.2625 4. FUTURE MISSIONS Table 6 shows consistent results. The Mg II indices derived from the composite spectra are within the two other determinations given by the two other single instruments. This also allows to verify that there is no significant wavelength shift between the five instruments. The TSI variability originates partly from the wavelength range below 400 nm. Table 7 shows a variation of 0.2 Wm 2 . This represents 20 % of the TSI variation. This number is consistent with the estimate of Lean et al. [1997] quoting about 30 % for a maximum to minimun solar activity variation. The ENVISAT 1 platform, launched in March 2002 carries two spectrometers, MERIS (Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer) and SCIAMACHY (SCanning Imaging Absorption SpectroMeter for Atmospheric CHartographY) [Bovensmann et al., 1999]. They study the land surface and middle atmosphere by observing the backscattered light. They will also be able to make solar spectral observations as GOME. The NOAA-16 SBUV/2 instrument was launched in fall 2000 and additional SBUV/2 instruments are scheduled for launch throughout the first decade of the 21st century. The SBUV/2 instruments will also continue to provide solar spectral observations in the near UV. SOlar Radiation and Climate Experiment [SORCE, Rottman et al., 1997; Woods et al., 2000] is an investigation designed to operate from mid 2002 on board a free-flying satellite for a 6-year duration. It is made of four instruments: -2 Table 7. Energy per spectral ranges in Wm . ATLAS 1 ATLAS 3 0-200 nm 0.116 0.106 200-400 nm > 400 nm 109.1 1258.51 108.91 1257.74 i) TIM monitoring the total solar irradiance (TSI), ii) SIM measuring the spectral irradiance from 200 to 2000 nm, iii) SOLSTICE observing the spectral irradiance from 120 to 320 nm, and iv) XPS observing several XUV bands from 1 to 35 nm. 4.4 Characteristics of the two Reference Solar Spectra The sampling and resolution as a function of wavelength is not constant, as listed in Table 8, because they depend on the origin of the data. The ATLAS 1 and 3 spectra were built from the data sources listed in Table 9. Table 8. Sampling (s) and resolution (r) of the reference spectra. From 400 to 2400 nm the sampling is quasi linearly increasing. Ranges XUV-EUV Ly to 400 nm 400 to 2400 nm s (nm) 1 0.05 0.2 to 0.6 On board the International Space Station (ISS), a solar pallet to be operated for a duration of three years, is now scheduled for 2004. It consists of three instruments described by Thuillier et al., [1999]: r (nm) 1 0.25 0.5 i) SOVIM measuring the total solar irradiance (TSI), ii) SACES observing from 17 to 220 nm, iii) SOLSPEC observing from 180 to 3000 nm. Table 9. Summary of data and models used for the reference solar spectrum. Ranges XUV and EUV UV up to 200 nm UV 200 to 400 nm Vis to 2400 nm 2400 nm to 100 m Atmospheric, climate and solar physics are the basic objectives of these two missions by measuring the total and spectral solar irradiance and studying how the TSI variations are partitioned into different spectral ranges. These two missions are closely related in terms of spectral ranges, but differ in design and calibration principles. Furthermore, the International Space Station (ISS) solar pallet extents more in the IR range while SORCE extents more towards the EUV. An advantage of the ISS is the retrieval of the instruments for a post-mission laboratory check and calibration SORCE will overlap with both the Space Station and ENVISAT 1 missions, but also with the two UARS experiments as recently decided allowing continuity over a period longer than a Schwabe cycle. Consequently, Source rocket measurements SOLSTICESUSIM/UARS SOLSTICE-SUSIM/UARS SOLSPEC-SSBUVSUSIM/ATLAS SOLSPEC/ATLAS SOSP/EURECA Kurucz [1995] model 8 continuity and useful comparisons for both spectral and total solar irradiance data will be achieved. We finally note that the strategy of overlapping missions will be still applied insuring that TSI and absolute spectral irradiance and their specific variability will be accurately measured as required for atmospheric, climate and solar physics. These new data sets will provide the opportunity to improve the reference solar spectra. Cebula, R.P., G. Thuillier, M. R. J. Vanhoosier, E. Hilsenrath, M. Hersé, P. C. Simon, Observations of the solar irradiance in the 200-350 nm interval during the ATLAS 1 mission: A comparison among three sets of measurements-SSBUV, SOLSPEC, and SUSIM, Geophys. Res. Lett., 23, 2289, 1996. Cebula, R. P., M. T. DeLand, and E. Hilsenrath, NOAA-11 SBUV/2 solar spectral irradiance measurements 19891994: I. Observations and long-term calibration, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 16235, 1998a. Cebula, R. P., L. K. Huang, and E. Hilsenrath, SSBUV sensitivity drift determined using solar spectral irradiance measurements, Metrologia, 35, 677, 1998b. Colina, L., R. C. 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Future missions will surely improve these results by using new data with better accuracy and measurements taken at the same time (e.g., SORCE and ISS solar pallet). Acknowledgments. Each participants have provided the necessary data to build this reference spectrum. Important discussions took place in recent meetings to define the principles of the spectrum construction. Data handling was carried out by Georges Azria from Service d'Aéronomie. R. P. Cebula was supported by NASA contract NAS198106. REFERENCES ASTM E 490, Standard Solar Constant and Zero Air Mass Solar Spectral Irradiance Tables, in Space Simulation and Applications of Space Technology, 2000. Arvesen, J. C., R. N, Jr. Griffin, and B. D. Jr Pearson, Determination of extraterrestrial solar spectral irradiance from a reseach spacecraft, Appl. Opt. 8, 2215, 1969. Bovensmann, H,, J. P. Burrows, M. Buchwitz, J. Frerick, S. Noel, V. V. Rozanof, K. V. Chance, and A. P. H. 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Gérard Thuillier, Michel Hersé, Service d'Aéronomie du CNRS, Bp 3, F 91371 Verrières-le-Buisson, France Thomas Woods, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado, 1234 Innovation Drive, Boulder, CO 80303-7814, USA Linton Floyd, Interferometrics Inc., 14120 Parke Long Court, Suite 103, Chantilly, VA 20151, USA Ernest Hilsenrath, Mail Code 916, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA Richard Cebula, Science Systems and Applications, Inc. 10210 Greenbelt Road, Suite 400, Lanham, MD 20706, USA Dietrich Labs, Landessternwarte, Königstuhl, D 69117 Heidelberg, Germany Figure 3 : The EUV spectrum for ATLAS 1 (solid line) and ATLAS 3 (dash line) periods. Figure 1 : Comparison between the mean UARS spectrum (dash line) and the mean ATLAS 1 spectrum (solid line). a: these two spectra displayed together. b : ratio of these two spectra at 5 nm resolution. Figure 2 : Comparison between the mean UARS spectrum and the mean ATLAS 2 spectrum by their ratio at 5 nm resolution. 11 Figure 4 : The UV spectrum up to 200 nm for ATLAS 1 (solid line) and ATLAS 3 (dash line) periods. Figure 5 : The 200-400 nm spectrum for ATLAS 1 (solid line) and ATLAS 3 (dash line) periods. Figure 7 : The IR range up to 2400 nm. a : comparison between spectra from Kurucz [2001] (dash line) and SOSP without Fraunhofer lines (solid line). b : ratio of Kurucz [2001] (short dash), Labs and Neckel [1968] (long dash), and Colina et al.[1996] (solid line) to SOSP at 50 nm resolution. Figure 6 : The visible spectrum. a: comparison of the Burlov-Vasiljev [1995] (solid), Neckel and Labs [1984] (short dash) spectra and the mean ATLAS 1-2-3 SOLSPEC spectrum long dash). b: ratio of Burlov-Vasiljev [1995] (dash) and Neckel and Labs [1984] spectra (solid) to the mean ATLAS 1-2-3 SOLSPEC spectrum at 5 nm resolution. 12 35 30 8 : The reference spectrum for ATLAS 1. a: in linear Figure coordinates. b: in logarithmic coordinates 25 showing data as short wavelenths, and the quasi linear logarithmic irradiance above 500 20 nm.c: its ratio to ASTM [2001]. Janvier Février Mars Avril Mai Juin 15 10 5 0 Repas Essence Hotel Figure 9 : Ratio of the ATLAS 1 to ATLAS 3 spectra at 1 nanometer resolution. 13