The posibility of existence the cavity in the Sun

Ilyanok A.M., Timoshchenko I.A.
Minsk, 1999
Because the Sun is the closest star to the Earth there is a lot of knowledge about its upper
layers and atmosphere. Concerning the internal structure we know about the Sun not more than
about another stars. We have scanty information based on theoretical speculations in the most of
New evidences and facts appear almost every month. Some of them lead to universally
recognized theories to be dubious. Thus, in 1975 in USSR [1], Britain [2] and USA [3] the Sun
photosphere pulses with 160.01 min period and 6 km amplitude were found. This result
interpreted from the point adiabatic pulse theory for gaseous balls gives that the density of the
Sun do not increase as it is customary to consider but decrease to the center of the Sun. It is
accompanied by negligible temperature rising towards the centre [4] till reaction is in 104 times
than the Sun really gives.
If the Solar structure corresponds to ordinary one or in which the temperature in the centre
is of 15106 K, than pulse period must be smaller in many times. The 48 min period can be
accepted. This period is outlined in observation, but it has very small amplitude. The theory of
gaseous ball acoustic oscillation applying to the Sun indicates the 48 and 191 min periods [5].
The first one corresponds to radial oscillation, the second one corresponds to quadrupole
oscillation. By the way, the first oscillation amplitude should be much more them the second one
amplitude. But the experiment indicates opposite.
On the other hand, the Devis' experiment shows that experimental neutrino flow is in five
times less than it was calculated. And this experimental data are on noise level. These facts are
laid in the background of the Solar neutrino problem. This problem is considered to be unsolved
till nowadays [6].
These problems stimulate searching for non-standard the Solar structure model, which can
explain experimental data we have.
Interesting experiment was realized by cosmonauts Volynov and Zholobov. Cosmonauts
investigated the behaviour of gas bubble in a liquid in the state of weightlessness [7]. Spherical
retort with diameter of 3 cm. was filled up by water and then it was shaken intensively. Then a
lot of small bubbles were generated. After 100 hours one spherical hollow was made up. It was
situated in the center of retort (fig.1).
If speak about a star gravitation force can play the role of a retort. Therefore model with
rarefied central part inside the Sun can be acceptable.
This supposition is combined with some hypothesizes that could be found in literature. For
example, there is interesting supposition in Zeldovich and Hlopov work [8]. They said that
"mirror" planets must be inside the Sun according to symmetry principal.
Mass distribution inside the Sun could be determined by measuring its moment of inertia.
Straight measurement of the Sun moment of inertia can be carried out in the same way as the
planets one which have satellites. Usually it is calculated from moving of perihelion and junction
of a planet. But the period of the Sun circulation around the centre of the Galaxy is 240 million
years. Thus we can not use this method. Therefore, the single direct method remains the
calculation of mass distribution via its compressibility due to its rotation.
There are no analytical ways to solve the problem in general form exactly. The
approximate decision may be obtained in the case of small deformation expanding them into
convergent functional series.
One of the approximate methods of the relative celestial body equilibrium problem
decision is the Lyapunov's method [9]. The Lyapunov's problem is restricted to find equilibrium
figures close to some form of a surface previously determined.
The most interest should be paid to the Klero's problem. It is concerned the determination
of equilibrium figure of slowly revolving heterogeneous planet.
Let us consider the Sun as a ideal liquid. If the angular velocity is small a deformation is
low and the equilibrium figure of the Sun is close to sphere. for the equation of this surface it is
possible to take the equation of Klero's spheroid:
r = a[1 - sin2],
where  is heliocentric latitude of surface point,  is compressibility of the balance figure which
determine how
where à and b is big and small axes of a figure.
Using adiabatic model let us imagine the Sun as a revolving ball, which is made from
compressable liquid. Let us suppose the Sun to be consisted from two liquid components. The
liquid density of the Solar shell is 1 and nuclear one is 2. Compression  is determined from
the solution of Klero's problem by the Lyapunov's method as follows:
M 
2 R3
 2  (r )r 4 dr 
4  R r1
where R is radius of imperturbable star.
If consider (r) = const then from (1) it is possible to get
 2 R3 
3 1  (r1 / R) 5 
2 MG  5 1  (r1 / R) 3 
If r1 = 0, meaning that mass uniformly distributed away the Sun then
5 2 R3
 2.6  105 ,
4 MG
that is correspond to Newtonian classic solution.
If the mass concentrate in the Solar centre then from (1) one obtains
1 2 R3
 104
.  10 5 .
2 MG
This models both do not correspond to measuring data of the Sun compressible which is
5.2110-5 [10].
Let us put this data in (2) and calculate that r1/R =0.763. This result shows that the based
mass concentrates in the Solar shell. Its volume is
4 3   r1  
V  R 1     .
  R 
In this case the density of the Solar matter is  = 2.536103kg/m3, that in 1.9 times more than
known one.
As far as we imagine that the Sun is a ball with a concentric hollow inside it that seismic
wave with 160 min period can be realized as oscillation of the Solar shell. If to suppose the
velocity of penetrating surface wave do not exceed the first cosmic velocity (v1 = 437km/s) for
the Sun then time of penetration of this wave along the Solar shell will be as follows:
 166.7 min .
This result is close to experimental data. Discoverer of this waves Prof. Severny had
supposed that the source of such oscillations must be wave, which goes around the Sun with
velocity of 450 km/s. It is impossible for known model of the Solar structure.
In conclusion it is necessary to underline the following.
1. The model proposed in this article gives the way to go round the solar neutrino problem and
do not appeal to the thermonuclear origination of the solar energy as the major source of solar
2. The small increasing up the background of solar neutrino flow is explained as the result of
local thermonuclear reactions in the shell of the Sun.
3. The observed seismic 160 min waves are explained.
4. The "mirror" planets hypothesis has some basis to be true.
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5. Vorontsov S.V.. Zharkov V.N.// Nature. - 1977. V.265. P. 426
6. Morrison D.R.O. The steady vanishing of the three solar neutrinos problems//Uspehi fiz.
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7. Gegusin Ya.E. Bubbles/in Quantum's library. Iss. 46. Moscow: Nauka, 1986. P.126
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