CV Link - USC - Viterbi School of Engineering

William M. Hogue Professor of Electrical Engineering
University of Southern California
Electrical Engineering, 1955, University of Evansville
Electrical Engineering, 1957, University of Illinois
Electrical Engineering, 1960, University of Illinois
Professional Experience
1995William M. Hogue Professor of Electrical Engineering
1973Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering/
Electrophysics, University of Southern California
Director, Electronics Sciences Laboratory, University of
Southern California
Co-Director, Center for the Integration of Optical
Computing, University of Southern California
Co-principal Investigator, National Center for the Integration of Photonic Technology
Director, Center for Photonic Technology, University of Southern California
Chairman, Department of Electrical Engineering/
Electrophysics, University of Southern California
2003Consultant and Member Technical Advisory Committee- Lumera Corp.
Consultant, Brimrose Corp.
Consultant, Foster Miller Corp.
Consultant, Northrop Research and Technology Center
U. S. Navy NWC Technical Advisory Committee
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical
Engineering, University of Southern California
Member of the Technical Staff, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Holmdel, New Jersey.
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering,
University of Illinois
Consultant, Space Technology Laboratories, Canoga Park,
Consultant, Research Laboratory of Ramo-Wooldridge, Canoga Park, California
Teaching and Research Assistant, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of
Professional and Honors Societies
Optical Society of America, 1994
AAAS, 2006
Sigma Xi
Eta Kappa Nu
School of Engineering Faculty Service Award
School of Engineering Senior Research Award
USC Associates Award for Creativity in Research and Scholarship
Distinguished Alumnus Award. University of Illinois Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering
IEEE/LEOS 2006 William Streifer Award for “Seminal contributions to the advancement of
polymer photonic devices and materials”, with H. R. Fettermen and L. R. Dalton.
Professional Service
Chairman, IEEE Quantum Electronics and Applications Society, Los Angeles Chapter
Vice Chair WESCON Visitor Center Committee
Program Co-Chair OSA-Am. Chem. Soc. Optical Thin Films Conference
Co-Chair OSA-Am. Chem. Soc. Optical Thin Films Conference
Program Co-Chair OSA Integrated Photonics Research and Applications
Co-Chair OSA Integrated Photonics and Nano Research and Applications
Served on numerous SPIE, OSA, and IEEE technical program committees
Reviewer for Applied Physics Letters, Photonic Technology Letters, Applied Optics.
Optics Letters, Optics Express, J. Lightwave Technology, J. Quantum Electronics,
Optical Communications, J. Physics
Program and Proposal Reviewer for National Science Foundation, Air Force Office of
Scientific Research, Petroleum Fund
A. Book Chapters
“Unstable resonators” Laser Handbook, Vol 3, M. L. Stitch editor, North-Holland Publishing
Co., 1978
“ Polymer Microring Resonators”, with P. Rabiei, Optical Microcavities, K. Vahala editor,
World Scientific Co., 2004
“Electro-optic Large Index Contrast Waveguides for Light-Wave Signal Processing” Payam
Rabiei, William H. Steier, in Micro-resonators as Building Blocks for VSLI Photonics:
International School of Quantum Electronics, 39th course. F. Michelotti, A. Driessen, and M.
Bertolini editors, American Institute of Physics 2004.
“High Speed Polymer Photonic Devices”, with H. R. Fetterman, Nadir Dagli editor, CRC Press,
“A Non-electronic Wireless Receiver with Immunity to Damage by Electromagnetic Pulses”, B.
Jalali, A. Ayazi, R. Hsu, A. Yick, W. H. Steier, G. Betts, Editor Andrey Matsko, Francis and
Taylor, "Practical Applications of Microresonators in Optics and Photonics"2008
“Electro-optic Polymer Ring Resonators for Millimeter-Wave Modulation and Optical Signal
Processing”, W. Steier. H. Fetterman, Bartosz Bortnik, Yu-Chueh Hung, Hidehisa Tazawa,
Byoung-Joon Seo, Editor Andrey Matsko, Francis and Taylor, "Practical Applications of
Microresonators in Optics and Photonics"2008
“Electro-optic Polymer Modulators” William H. Steier and Larry Dalton, CRC Press
“Modulators for Optical Communications” to be published in 2010.
B. Journal Publications
“Dipolar Magnetodynamic Ferrite Modes,” with P. Coleman, J. Appl. Phys. 30,1454
(September 1959).
“Theory and Application of Dipolar Ferrite Modes,” with P. Coleman, J. Appl. Phys. 31S, 99S
(May 1960).
“Plasma Guide Couplers Control Microwave Power,” with I. Kaufman, Electronics
34,72(October 1961).
“Mylar Electron Beam Windows,” IRE Trans. Electron Devices Ed-8 (November 1961).
“A Plasma Guide Microwave Selective Coupler,” with I. Kaufman,IRE Trans. MTT-9
(November 1962).
“A Plasma-Column Band-Pass Microwave Filter,” with I. Kaufman, IEEE PGMTT (November
“A Plasma Antenna and Wave Filter,” with I. Kaufman, Proc. of the Symposium on
Electromagnetic Theory and Antennas, Copenhagen (June 1962).
“A Pyroelectric Effect Detector for Submillimeter Wavelengths,”with E. Yamashita, Proc. of
IEEE, 51 (August 1963).
“A Beam Waveguide using Metallic Reflectors,” with J.E. Degenford and M. Sirkis, IEEE
Trans. MTT (July 1964).
“The Attenuation of Holmdel Helix Waveguide in the 100-125 kmc Band,” B.S.T.J. ( May
“Measurements on a Thermal Gradient Gas Lens,” IEEE BMTT, 750 (November 1965).
“Locking of Laser Oscillators by Light Injections,” with H.L. Stover, Appl. Phys. Lett. 8, 91
(February 1966).
“Statistical Effects of Random Variations of the Components of a Beam Waveguide,” B.S.T.J.,
XLV 451 (March 1966).
“Some Characteristics of Alternating Gradient Optical Transmission Lines,” IEEE G-MTT,
MTT-14,228 ( May 1966).
“The Ray Packet Equivalent of the Gaussian Light Beam,” Appl.Optics,5, 1229 (July 1966).
“Coupling of High Peak Power Pulses from He-Ne Lasers,” Proc. IEEE,54, 1640 (November
“Fast Pulse Dumping and Power Buildup in a Mode Locked He-Ne Laser,” with R.N. Zitter and
R. Rosenberg, IEEE J. Quantum Elect., QE-3,614 (December 1967).
“A Push-Pull Optical Amplitude Modulator, “IEEE J. Quantum Elect., QE-3,664 (December
“Pulse Shuttling in a Half-Mile Optical Lens Guide,” with D. Gloge, B.S.T.J., 47, 767 (MayJune 1968).
“Optical Shuttle Pulse Measurements on Gas Lenses,” Appl. Optics, 7, 2295 (November 1968).
“Experimental Simulation of a Multiple Beam Optical Waveguide,”with D. Gloge, B.S.T.J., 48,
1445 (May-June 1969).
“Mode Locking of the CO Laser by Intercavity Phase Modulation,” with M.M. Mann, R.G.
Eguchi, W.B. Lacina, and M.L. Bhaumik, Appl. Phys. Lett., 17, 393 (November 1970).
“Simultaneous Mode Locking and Pulse Coupling of the CO Laser,” with R. G. Eguchi, M.M.
Mann, and W. B. Lacina. Appl. Phys. Lett., 28,406 (May 1971).
“Rotating-Waveplate Optical-Frequency Shifting in Lithium Niobate,” with J. P. Campbell,
IEEE J. Quant. Elect., QE-7, 450
(September 1971).
“Bandwidth and Threshold Calculations for Angle Tuned Parametric Oscillators,” with R.
Basu, IEEE J. Quant. Elect., QE-8, 693 August 1972).
“Two Pass Intercavity Second Harmonic Generation,” with D.Gonzalez and S. Nieh, IEEE J.
Quant. Elect., QE-9, 23 (January 1973).
“Improved Mode Properties of Unstable Resonators with Tapered Reflectivity Mirrors and
Shaped Apertures,” with G. L. McAllister and W. B. Lacina, IEEE J. Quant. Elect. (March
“Experiments on Improved Unstable Mode Profiles by Aperture Shaping,” with E.A.
Maunders, G.L. McAllister, IEEE J. Quant.Elect., QE-10, 821 (October 1974).
“Investigation of Infrared Loss Mechanisms in High Resistivity GaAs,” with C. P. Christensen,
R. Joiner, and S. T. K. Nieh, J. Appl.Phys;, 45, 4957 (November 1974).
“A Simplified Method for Predicting Unstable Resonator Mode Profiles,” with G.L. Guided
Wave Acoustooptic FM Modulator,” with C. P. Christensen, R. Basu, IEEE J.Quant. Elect.,
QE-11 (October 1975).
“Guided Wave Acoustooptic FM Modulator,” with C. P. Christensen, R. Basu, IEEE J.Quant.
Elect., QE-11 (October 1975).
“Waveguides: Characteristic Modes of Hollows Rectangular Dielectric Waveguides,” with K.
Laakmann, Appl. Optics (May 1976).
“Active Modelocking of the XeF Laser,’ with P. Christensen, C.Wittig, and L. Braverman,
Appl. Phys. Lett. (September 1976).
“Elimination of Stress-Induced Depolarization in Laser Windows and Rods,” with R.Joiner and
J. H. Marburger, Appl. Phys. Lett.
“Hybrid Optical- Digital Realization of the Nonlinear Filter,” with W.E. Stephens and R.
Morris, Proc. SPIE,218, 116 (February 1980).
“Two Photon Generated Color Center Grating in KBr: Proposed Picosecond Pulse Width
Measuring Technique for the Ultraviolet,” with Heungsup Park, IEEE J. Quant. Elect., QE-17,
581(May 1981)
“Hybrid Optical-Digital Signal Processing Applied to an Optimal Nonlinear Phase Estimator,”
with W. E. Stephens, Appl. Optics, 22, 787 (March 1984).
“Measurement of the Short Pulse Saturation Properties of Ultra-violet Dye with the XeCl
Laser,” IEEE J. Quant. Elect., QE-20, 114(October 1984).
“Optical Hough Transform,” with R. Shori, Appl. Optics, 25,2734(August 1986).
“Investigation of the Photorefractive Behavior of Chrome Doped GaAs Using Two Beam
Coupling,” with G. Albanese and J. Kumar, Optics Lett., 11, 650 (1986).
“Enhanced Two Beam Mixing Gain in Photorefractive GaAs using Alternating Electric Fields,”
with J. Kumar, G. Albanese, and M. Ziari, Optics Lett., 12, 120 (1987).
“Enhancement of Photorefractive Two Beam Coupling Gain by Radio Frequency Fields:
Theory and Experiment,” with J. Kumar and G. Albanese, JOSA-B, 4, 1079 (1987).
“Measurement of Two Wave Mixing Gain in GaAs with a Moving Grating,” with J. Kumar and
G. Albanese, and W.H. Steier, OpticsComm., 63,191 (1987)..
“Enhanced Opto-Optical Light Deflection using Cavity Resonance,” with G.T. Kavounas, R.T.
Sahara, and J. Kumar, Appl. Optics, 27,1603 (1988).
“Infrared Power Limiting and Self Switching in CdTe,” with J.Kumar and M. Ziari, Appl. Phys,
Lett., 53, 840 (1988).
“Opto-Optical Switching in the Infrared using CdTe,” with J. Kumar and M. Ziari, Opt. Lett.,
14, 224 (February 1988).
“A Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Poly (Organophosphazene),with A. A. Dembek, C. Kim,
H. R. Allcock, R. L. S. Devine and C. W. Spangler,.Chemistry of Materials, 2 97 (1990)
.“Quasi-Epitaxial Growth of Organic Multiple Quantum Well Structures by Organic Molecular
Beam Deposition,” with F. F. So, S. R. Forrest, and Y. Q. Shi, Applied Physics Letters, 56,
674-6 (1990).
“A Photophysical and Structural Study on Dye-Type Organic Molecules with Potentially Useful
Nonlinear Properties”, M. R. McLean, M. Boder, L. R. Dalton, R. L. S. Devine, and W. H.
Steier, J. Physical Chemistry, 94, 4386 (1990).
H. Steier, S. B. Trivedi, and M. B. Klein, Appl. Phys. Lett., 57, 846 (1990).
“Large Stable Photoinduced Refractive Index Changes in a Nonlinear Optical Polyester
Polymer with Disperse Red Side Groups”, Y. Shi, W. H. Steier, L Yu, M. Chen, and R. L.
Dalton, Appl. Phys. Lett. 58, March 18, 1991.
“New Polymers with Large and Stable Second Order Nonlinear Optical Effects,” M. Chen, L.
Yu, L. R. Dalton, Y. Shi, and W. H. Steier, Macromolecules, 24, 5421-5428 (1992).
“Optical Waveguides in Crystalline Organic Semiconductor Thin Films,” D. Y. Zang, Y. Q.
Shi, F. F. So, S. R. Forrest, and W. H. Steier, Appl. Phys. Lett., 58, 562-4 (1991).
“New Polymers with Large and Stable Second Order Nonlinear Optical Effects,” M. Chen, L.
Yu, L. R. Dalton, Y. Shi, and W. H. Steier, SPIE Proc 1409, Conference on Nonlinear Opt.
Matr., Los Angeles, Jan 1991, Paper 25.
“Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Poly (Organphosphaznes):Synthesis and Nonlinear Optical
Characterization,” H. R. Allcock, A. A. Dembek, C. Kim, R. L. S. Devine, Y. Shi, W. H. Steier,
C. W. Spangler. Macromolecules, 24, 1000-1010, (1991).
“Large Photoinduced Birefringence in an Optically Nonlinear Polyester Polymer”, Yongqiang
Shi, William H. Steier, Luping Yu, Mai Chen, Larry R. Dalton, Appl. Phys. Lett., 59, 29357,(1991)
“Analysis of Optical Bistability in a Nonlinear Distributively Coupled Resonator”, S.
Dubovitsky and W. H. Steier, J. Quan. Electr. Vol. 28, pp585-9, March, 1992.
“AlGaAs/GaAs Optically Controlled Wave-Plate Modulator”, R. T. Sahara, W. H. Steier, S. G.
Hummel, and P. D. Dapkus, Opt. Lett.,
16, 1558-1560 (19
“Photorefractivity in Vanadium-doped ZnTe”, M. Ziari, W. H. Steier, P. M. Ranon, S. Trivedi,
M. B. Klein,Appl. Phys. Lett., 60, 1052-4, (1992).
“Thermosetting Nonlinear Optical Polymer:Polyurethane with Disperse Red 19 Side Groups”,
Y. Shi, W. H. Steier, M. Chen, L. Yu, L. R. Dalton, Appl. Phys. Lett., 60, 2577-79, (1992).
“Thermosetting Polyurethanes with Stable and Large Second Order Optical Nonlinearity”, M.
Chen, L. R. Dalton, L. P. Yu, Y. Q. Shi, W. H. Steier, Macromolecules, 25, 4032-5, (1992).
“Thermally Curable Second-order Nonlinear Optical Polymer”L. Yu, W. Chan, S. Dickshit, Z.
Bao, Y. Shi, W. H. Steier, Appl. Phys. Lett., 60, April 6, 1992.
“Enhancement of the Photorefractive Gain at 1.5 - 1.3 m in CdTe Using Alternating Electric
Fields”, M. Ziari, W. H. Steier, P. M. Ranon, M. B. Klein, S. Trivedi, JOSA B, 9, August, 1992
"Nonlinear Optics and Optical Micro-patterning in Polymers with Disperse Red 19 Sidegroups,
W. H. Steier, Y. Shi, L. Yu, M. Chen, L. R. Dalton, SPIE Nonlinear Optical Properties of
Organic Materials V, San Diego, CA, July 1992.
"Novel Double-End Cross-linkable Chromophores for Second-Order Nonlinear Optical
Materials", C. Xu, B. Wu, L. R. Dalton, Y. Shi, P. Ranon, W. H. Steier, Macromolecules, 25,
pp6714-5, 1992.
"Efficient poling and thermal crosslinking of randomly bonded main-chain polymers for stable
second-order nonlinearities C. Xu, B. Wu, L. R. Dalton, P. Ranon, Y. Shi, W. H. Steier,
Macromolecules, 25, pp67716-8, 1992.
"New Random Main-Chain, Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Polymers", ", P. Ranon, Y. Shi,
W. H. Steier, C. Xu, B. Wu, and L. R. Dalton, Appl. Phys. Lett. 62,pp.2605-7 (1993)
"Optical switching in cadmium telluride using a light-induced electrode nonlinearity", M. Ziari
and W. H. Steier, Applied Optics., 32, pp 5711-5723,(1993)
"AlGaAs waveguide optically controlled directional coupler latch", R. T. Sahara, W. H. Steier,
S. G. Hummel, P. D. Dapkus, J. Lightwave Tech., 11, pp.1533-7, (1993).
" Stabilization of the Dipole Alignment of Poled Nonlinear Optical Polymers by Ultrastructure
Synthesis", C. Xu, B. Wu, O. Todorowa, L. R. Dalton, Y. Shi, P. M. Ranon, W. H. Steier,
Macromolecules, 26, p 5303 (1993)..
"Main-Chain Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Polymers: Random Incorporation of AminoSulfone Chromophores", C. Xu, B. Wu, M. W. Becker, L. R. Dalton, P. M. Ranon, Y. Shi, W.
H. Steier, Chem. of Matr., 5, p 1439 (1993)..
"Techniques for ultrastructure synthesis: stabilization of large second-order optical
nonlinearitites of poled polymers", L. R. Dalton, C. Xu, B. Wu, Y. Shi, P. M. Ranon, W. H.
Steier, SPIE Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Materials, Vol. VI, 1993.
" Anchoring both ends of the chromophores in the side chain nonlinear optical polymer for
improved thermal stability", Y. Shi, P. M. Ranon, W. H. Steier, C. Xu, B. Wu, L. R. Dalton,
SPIE Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Materials, Vol. VI, 1993.
" Waveguide photonic devices made from thermally crosslinked second-order nonlinear optical
polymers", W. H. Steier, Y. Shi, P. M. Ranon, C. Xu, B. Wu, L. R. Dalton, W. Wang, D. Chen,
H. Fetterman, SPIE Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Materials, Vol. VI, 1993.
"Improving the thermal stability by anchoring both ends of chromophores in the side-chain
nonlinear optical polymers", Y. Shi, P. M. Ranon, W. H. Steier, C. Xu, B. Wu, L. R. Dalton,
Appl., Phys. Lett., 63, pp2168-70, (1993)
"Gain saturation properties of a semiconductor gain medium with tensile and compressive
strain quantum wells", S. Dubovitsky, W. H. Steier, A. Mathur, P. D. Dapkus, IEEE J. Quant.
Electr.,30, Febr. (1994)
"Gain saturation properties of a polarization insensitive semiconductor amplifier implemented
with tensile and compressive strain quantum wells", S. Dubovitsky, A. Mathur, W. H. Steier, P.
D. Dapkus, Photonic Technology Letters, 6, pp 176-8, (1994).
"Wavelength conversion in a quantum well polarization insensitive amplifier", S. Dubovitsky,
P. D. Dapkus, A. Mathur, W. H. Steier, Photonic Technology Letters, 6, July, 1994.
"Large and stable nonlinear optical effects observerd for a polymide covalently incorporating an
NLO chromophore", M. Becker, L. Sapochak, C. Xu, L. R. Dalton, Y. Shi, S. Kalluri, W. H.
Steier, A. Jen. Chemistry of Materials, 6,1148,(1994).
"Traveling wave electro-optic phase modulator using crosslinked nonlinear optical polymers",
W. Wang, D. Chen, H. Fetterman, Y. Shi, W. H. Steier, L. R. Dalton, Applied Physics Lett., 65,
pp 2577-9, (1994)
"Wide-bandwidth distributed Bragg reflectors using oxide/GaAs multilayers", M. MacDougal,
H. Zhao, P. D. Dapkus, M. Ziari, W. H. Steier, Electr. Lett.Vol. 30, pp 1147-1149, July 1994
"Electroabsorption due to excitons in ordered molecular crystalline thin films grown by organic
molecular beam deposition", Z. Shen, P. E. Burrows, S. R. Forrest, M. Ziari, W. H. Steier,
Chem. Phy. Lett., Vol. 236, PP 129-134 (1995).
"Nonlinear optical effects in PTCDA crystalline organic thin films", M. Ziari, S. Kalluri, W. H.
Steier, SPIE, July, 1994, San Diego, CA.
"Applications of organic bridged polysilsesquioxane Xerogels to nonlinear optical materials by
the sol-gel method" H. W. Oviatt, Jr., K. J. Shea, S. Kalluri, Y. Shi, W. H. Steier, L. R. Dalton,
Chemistry of Materials, 7, pp493-8, (1995)
"Polymer Electrooptic Waveguide Fabrication", M. Ziari, A. Chen, S. Kalluri, W. H. Steier, Y.
Shi, W. Wang, D. Chen, H. R. Fetterman, Nonlinear Optical Polymer: from Molecules to 2
Applications. Edited by G. Lindsey and K. Singer, (American Chemical Society, Washington,
DC, 1994
“A Crosslinkable Polymide for Second Order Optical Nonlinearities”, Z. Liang, L. R. Dalton, S.
M. Garner, S. Kalluri, A. Chen, W. H. Steier, Chemical Materials, 7, 941-4 (1995)
"Improved poling and thermal stability of sol-gel nonlinear optical polymers", S. Kalluri, Y. Shi,
W. H. Steier, Z. Yang, C. Xu. B. Wu, L. R. Dalton, Appl. Phys. Lett., 65, pp. 2651-2653, Nov.,
"Enhancement fo Electro-optic Properties and Temperature Stability in Sol-Gel Thin Films", S.
Kalluri, W. H. Steier, Z. Yang, C. Xu, B Wu, L. R. Dalton, Proceedings SPIE, Vol. 2285, July
"Synthesis and Processing of improved organic second order nonlinear optical materials for
aplications in photonics", L. R. Dalton, A. W. Harper, R. Ghosn, W. H. Steier, M. Ziari, H.
Fetterman, Y. Shi, R. V. Mustacich, A. K-Y Jen, K. J. Shea, Reviews of Chemistry.
"40 GHz polymer electro-optical phase modulator", W. Wang, D. Chen, H. R. Fetterman, Y.
Shi, W. H. Steier, L. R. Dalton, Photonics Technology Letters, 7, PP 638-640, June, 1995.
"60 GHz electrooptic modulation from polymer phase modulators demonstrated using optical
heterodyne technique"' W. Wang, D. Chen, H. R. Fetterman, Y. Shi, W. H. Steier, L. R. Dalton,
P. Chow, Applied Physics Letters, 67, pp1806-8, 25 September, 1995.
"Investigation of photorefractive vanadium-doped CdMnTe for real-time holographic
interferometry", J. E. Millerd, J. P. Swienton, G. A. Brost, K. M. Madge, M. Ziari, W. H.
Steier, S. Trivedi, JOSA B
"Applications of Electro-optic Polymers in Photonics", W. H. Steier, S. Kalluri, A. Chen, S.
Garner, V. Chuyanov, M. Ziari, H. Fetterman, B. Jalali, W. Wang, D. Chen, L. R. Dalton, Matr.
Res. Soc. Sym. Proc., 413, p 147-158 (1996)
"Tunable wavelength filters based on nonlinear optical interactions in semiconductor
amplifiers", S. Dubovitsky and W. H. Steier, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 14, p.
1020-1016, June, 1996.
"Photoinduced molecular alignment relaxation in poled electro-optic polymer thin films", Y.
Shi, D. J. Olson, J. Bechtel, S. Kalluri, W. H. Steier, W. Wang, D. Chen, H. R. Fetterman, J.
Appl. Phys., 88, Febr. 19, 1996
"Simple two-slit interference electrooptic coefficients measurement technique and efficient
coplanar electrode poling of polymer thin films", S. Kalluri, S. Garner, M. Ziari, W. H. Steier,
Y. Shi, L. R. Dalton, Applied Physics Letters, 69, July 1, 1996.
"Optimized oxygen plasma etching of polyurethane based electrooptic polymers for low loss
optical waveguide fabrication", A. Chen, K. Kaviani, A. Remple, S. Kalluri, W. H. Steier, Y.
Shi, Z. Liang, L. R. Dalton, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 143, 3648, Nov. 1996..
"Processible and thermally stable heterocyclic polymers for second-order nonlinear optical
studies", Z. Liang, Z. Yang, B. Wu, L. R. Dalton, S. Garner, S. Kalluri, A. Chen, W. H. Steier,
Chemistry of Materials, 8, 2681-2685 (1996).
"Wavelength Dependent Photoinduced Depoling in Poled NLO Polymer Thin Films", Y. Shi,
D. J. Olson, J. Bechtel, S. Kalluri, S. Garner, W. H. Steier, SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 2527
"Novel electro-optic measurement technique for coplanar electrode-poled polymers", M. Ziari,
S. Kalluri, S. Garner, W. H. Steier, Z. Liang, L. R. Dalton, Y. Shi, SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 2527
"Integration of Polymer Electro-optic Devices on Nonplanar Silicon Integrated Circuits" S.
Kalluri, M. Ziari, A. Chen, W. H. Steier, Z. Liang, L. R. Dalton, SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 2527
"Monolithic Integration of Waveguide Polymer Electrooptic Modulators on VLSI Circuitry", S.
Kalluri, M. Ziari, A. Chen, V. Chuyanov, W. H. Steier, D. Chen, B. Jalali, H. Fetterman, and L.
R. Dalton, Phot. Tech. Lett., Vol.8, May, 1996.
"Synthesis and Characterization of 1,3 - Bis(dicyanamethylene) Indane Based Second
Harmonic Order NLO Materials", S. Sun, C. Zhang, L. R. Dalton, S. M. Garner, A. Chen, W.
H. Steier, Matr. Res. Soc. Sym. Proc. 413, p 263-268 (1996).
"Fabrication and Characterization of High Speed Polyurethane-Disperse Red 19 Integrated
Electro-optic Modulators for Analog System Applications", Y. Shi, W. Wang, J. H. Bechtel, A.
Chen, S. Garner, S. Kalluri, W. H. Steier, D. Chen, H. R. Fetterman, L. R. Dalton, Sel. Tropics
in Quant. Electr., 20, pp289-299, (1996)
“1,3-Bis(dicyanamethylene) Indane Based Second Harmonic Order NLO Materials”, S. Sun, C.
Zhang, L. R. Dalton, S. M. Garner, A. Chen, W. H. Steier, Chemistry of Materials, 8, 25392541, (1996)
“A Heterocylic Polymer with Thermostable Second Order Optical Nonlinearity”, Z. Liang, L.
R. Dalton, S. Garner, S. Kalluri, A. Chen, W. H. Steier, Chem. Matr. 7, 1756-1758 (1995)
“Non-collinear Four-Wave Mixing in Broad Area Semiconductor Optical Amplifier”, Daniel X.
Zhu, Serge Dubovitsky, William H. Steier, Kushant Uppal, Denis Tishinin, Johan Burger,
and P. Daniel Dapkus, Appl. Phys. Lett., 70, 2082-4, 21 April (1997)
“Demonstration of 110 GHz Electro-optic Polymer Modulators”, D. Chen, H. R. Fetterman,
A. Chen, W. H., Steier, L. R. Dalton, W. Wang, Y. Shi, Appl. Phys. Lett., 70, 3335-7, 23 June
“A Novel All-Optical Self-Routing Switch: The Wavelength Recognizing Switch”, Daniel X.
Zhu, Serge Dubovitsky, William H. Steier, Kushant Uppal, Denis Tishinin, Johan Burger,
and P. Daniel Dapkus, Phot. Tech. Lett.,9, 1110-2, August (1997)
“Progress Towards Device-Quality Second-Order NLO Materials: 1. Influence of Composition
and Processing Conditions of
Chromophore-Containing Polyurethane Networks on
Nonlinearity, Temporal Stability, and Optical Loss”, S. S. H. Mao, Y. Ra, L. Guo, C. Zhang, L.
R. Dalton, A. Chen, SA. Garner, W. H. Steier, Chemistry of Materials, V 10, 146-155 (1998).
“Trimming of Polymer Waveguide Y-junctions by Rapid Photobleaching for Tuning the Power
Splitting Ratio”, A. Chen, V. Chuyanov, F. I. Marti-Carrera, S. Garner, W. H. Steier, S. S. H.
Mao, Y. Ra, L. R. Dalton, Photonic Technology Letters, 9, 1499-1501, Nov. (1997).
"Ambipolar diffusion coefficient and carrier lifetime in a compressively strained InGaAsP
multiple quantum well device”, D. Zhu, S. Dubovitsky, W. H. Steier, J. Burger, K. Uppal, D.
Tishinin, P. D. Dapkus, Appl. Phys. Lett., Aug. 4, 1997
“Progress Towards Device-Quality Second-Order NLO Materials: 2. Enhancement of electric
field poling efficiency and temporal stability by modification of isoxazolone based high
chromophores”, S. S. H. Mao, Y. Ra, M. He, J Zhu, C. Zhang, L. R. Dalton, SA. Garner, W.
H. Steier, Chemistry of Materials
“Progress Towards Device-Quality Second-Order NLO Materials: 3. “Deteriorative effect of
chromophore aggregation on optical loss”, S. S. H. Mao, Y. Ra, L. Guo, C. Zhang, L. R.
Dalton, A. Chen, SA. Garner, W. H. Steier, Chemistry of Materials.
“Charge transfer interactions in polymers and the fabrication of high frequency electro-optic
modulators”, L. R. Dalton, A. W. Harper, S. Sun, W, H. Steier, R. V. Mustacich, A. K. Jen,
Macromolecules Symp., 116, 135-42 (1997)
“Translating microscopic optical nonlinearity to macroscopic optical nonlinearity: The role of
chromophore-chromophore electrostatic interactions” A. Harper, M. He, F. Wang, J. Chen, J.
Zhu, S. Sun , L. R. Dalton, A. Chen, S. Garner, A. Yacoubian, W. H. Steier, D. Chen, H, R,
Fetterman, J. Optical Society Amer., B, 15, 329-337, (1998)
“Low V electro-optic modulator using a high  chromophore and a constant bias field”
Antao Chen, Vadim Chuyanov, Hua Zhang, Sean Garner, and William H. Steier, Jinghong
Chen, Jingsong Zhu, Mingqian He, Shane S. H. Mao, Aaron Harper, and Larry R. Dalton,
Optics Lett, 23, 478-480, March 15 (1998)
“Thermoset second order NLO materials from a trifunctionalized chromophore”, Y. A. Ra, S.
S. H. Mao, B. Wu, L. Guo, L. R. Dalton, A. Chen W. H. Steier, Polym. Prepr. 38, 86-8 (1997)
“Filter-free four-wave mixing wavelength conversion in semiconductor optical amplifiers”, D.
X. Zhu, Denis Tishinin, K. Uppal, S. Dubovitsky, J. Burger, W. H. Steier, P. D. Dapkus,
Electronics Lett. V 343, 87-88 (1998)
“Demonstration of the full potential of electro-optic polymer low V modulation using high 
chromophores: a constant bias voltage and optimal temperature” (invited paper), A. Chen. V.
Chuyanov, H. Zhang, S. Garner, W. H. Steier, J. Chen, J. Zhu, M. He, S. S. H. Mao, L. R.
Dalton, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3281, paper 3281-10, (1998)
120. “Integrated optical vertical polarization splitters using polymers”, S. Garner, V. Chuyanov, A.
Chen, S-S Lee, W. H. Steier, L. R. Dalton, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3278 (1998)
121. "Progress towards the translation of large microscopic nonlinearities into large macroscopic
nonlinearities in high 
Harper, S. Sun, L. R. Dalton, S.
Garner, W. H. Steier, Polymer Reprints Vol. 38, 1997.
122. "Synthesis and characterization of of 1,3-bis(dicyanomethylidene)indane(BDMI) based
nonlinear optical polymers" S. Sun, C. Zhang, Z. Yang, L. R. Dalton, S. Garner, A. Chen, W.
H. Steier, Polymer Communications, 39, 4977-4981 (1998)
123. “TM-pass Polarizer Based on a Photobleaching-Induced Waveguide in Polymers”, Sang-Shin
Lee, Sean Garner, Antao Chen, Vadim Chuyanov, William H. Steier, Seh-Won Ahn and SangYung Shin, Photonic Technology Letters, 10, p 836-8, (1998)
124. “Determination of Electrostatic Intermolecular Interactions Between Electro-Optic
Chromophores and Their Role in Defining Macroscopic Electro-Optic Activity in Poled
Polymer Films A.W. Harper, R.H. Grubbs, F. Wang, L.R. Dalton, S. Garner, A. Yacoubian, and
W.H. Steier, , J. Am. Chem. Soc..
125. “A Novel Tricyanobutadienyl-Containing Chromophore for Exceptional Second Order Optical
Nonlinearity,” F. Wang, A.S. Ren, M. He, A.W. Harper, L.R. Dalton, S.M. Garner, H. Zhang,
A. Chen, and W.H. Steier, J. Am. Chem. Soc.,.
126. “Progress Towards the Translation of Large Microscopic Nonlinearities to Large Macroscopic
Nonlinearities in High- materials,” M. He, J. Zhu, A.W. Harper, S.S. Sun, L.R. Dalton, S.M.
Garner, A. Chen, and W.H. Steier, in Organic Thin Films, ACS Symp. Ser., Amer. Chem. Soc.,
Washington D.C..
127. “Design and Synthesis of a Perflouroalkyldicyanovinyl-Based NLO Material for Electro-Optic
Applications, “ F. Wang, A.W. Harper, M. He, A.S. Ren, L.R. Dalton, S.M. Garner, A.
Yacoubian, A. Chen, and W.H. Steier, in Organic Thin Films, ACS Symp. Ser., Amer. Chem.
Soc., Washington D.C.
128. “A Device Quality Crosslinked Polyurethane Polymer for Electrooptic Applications,” J. Zhu, J.
Chen, M. He, L.R. Dalton, S.M. Garner, A. Chen, and W.H. Steier, Polymer Preprints, 39, 2601, (1998)
“High electro-optic coefficient from a polymer containing high  chromophores,” F. Wang,
A.S. Ren, M. He, A.W. Harper, L.R. Dalton, S.M. Garner, A. Chen, and W.H. Steier, Polymer
Material Science and Engineering, vol. 78
“Thermosetting Polyurethanes with large and Stable Macroscopic Nonlinearities for
Electrooptic Applications,” J. Chen, J. Zhu, G. Todorova, L.R. Dalton, S.M. Garner, A. Chen,
S.S. Lee, V. Chuyanov, and W.H. Steier, Polymer Material Science and Engineering, vol. 78
131. “The role of intermolecular interactions in fabricating hardened electrooptic materials,” L.R.
Dalton, A.W. Harper, J. Chen, S. Sun, S. Mao, S. Garner, A. Chen, and W.H. Steier, SPIE
Proc., vol. CR68, pp. 313-321, 1997.
“Incorporation of High-Isoxazolone Chromophores Into Polyurethane Network-Progress
Toward Device Quality Second-Order NLO Materials,” S.S.H. Mao, Y.S. Ra, M. He, J. Zhu, C.
Zhang, A. Harper, L.R. Dalton, S. Garner, and W.H. Steier, Polymer Material Science and
Engineering, vol. 77, p. 564-565, 1997.
“Patterned Birefringence By Photo-Induced Depoling in Electro-optic Polymers and Its
Application to a Waveguide Polarization Splitter” Sang-Shin Lee, Sean Garner, Antao Chen,
Vadim Chuyanov, William H. Steier, Lan Guo, Larry R. Dalton, Sang-Yung Shin, Appl. Phys.
Lett., vol. 73, pp 3052-4, 1998
“All-optical routing using wavelength recognizing switches”, B. Hoanca, S. Dubovitsky, D. X.
Zhu, A. A. Sawchuk, W. H. Steier, P. D. Dapkus, IEEE J. Lightwave Tech., 16, 2243-2255,
“Three dimensional integrated optics using polymers”, S. M. Garner, S-S Lee, V. Chuyanov,
A. Chen, A. Yacoubian, W. H. Steier, IEEE J. Quant. Electr. vol. 35, pp 1146-1155, 1999
Recent advances in polymer electro-optic devices for photonics” (Invited), W. H. Steier, S-S
Lee, S. Garner, A. Chen, H. Zhang, V. Chuyanov, H. R. Fetterman, A. Udupa, D. Bhattacharya,
D. Chen, L. R. Dalton, Chemical Physics, vol. 245, pp 487-506, 1999
“Vertically integrated waveguide polarization splitters using polymers” S. Garner, V.
Chuyanov, S-S Lee, A. Chen, W. H. Steier, L. R. Dalton, IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett.11, 8424,(1999).
“Integrated optical polarization splitter based on photo-bleaching induced birefringence in azo
dye polymers”, S-S Lee, S. Garner, W. H. Steier, S-Y Shin, Applied Optics, 38, 530-3, (1999).
“High frequency polymer modulators with integrated finline transitions and low V”, D. Chen,
D. Bhattacharya, A. Udupa, B. Tsap, H. R. Fetterman, A. Chen, S-S Lee, J. Chen, W. H. Steier,
L. R. Dalton, IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett., 11, 54-56, (1999)
“Broadband Electronic Linearizer for Externally Modulated Analog Fiber Optic Links”, Y.
Chiu, B. Jalali, S. Garner, W. Steier,IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett., 11, 48-50, (1999)
"The Molecular and Supramolecular Engineering of Polymeric Electro-Optic
Materials,"(invited) ,B. H. Robinson, L. R. Dalton, A. W. Harper, A. Ren, F. Wang, C. Zhang,
G. Todrova, M. Lee, R. Aniszfeld, S. M. Garner, A. Chen, W. H. Steier, S, Houbrecht, A.
Persoons, I. Ledoux, J. Zyss, and A. K. Y. Jen, Chem. Phys., vol. 245, pp 35-50, 1999
142. "Thermoset Second-Order NLO Materials from a Trifunctionalized Chromophore," Y. S. Ra, S.
S. H. Mao, B. Wu, L. Guo, A. Chen, and W. H. Steier, Organic Thin Films, ACS Symposium
Series 695 (C. W. Frank, ed.) Amer. Chem. Soc., Washington, DC, 1998, 288-94.
143, "Design and Synthesis of a Perfluoroalkyldicyano-vinyl-Based NLO Material for Electro-Optic
Applications," F. Wang, A. W. Harper, M. He, A. Ren, L. R. Dalton, S. M. Garner, A.
Yacoubian, A. Chen, and W. H. Steier, Organic Thin Films, ACS Symposium Series 695 (C.
W. Frank, ed.) Amer. Chem. Soc., Washington, DC, 1998, 252-7.
144. "Progress Towards the Transition of Large Microscopic Nonlinearities to Large Macroscopic
Nonlinearities for High- Materials," M. He, J. Zhu, A. W. Harper, S. S. Sun, L. R. Dalton, S.
M. Garner, A. Chen, and W. H. Steier, Organic Thin Films, ACS Symposium Series 695 (C. W.
Frank, ed.) Amer. Chem. Soc., Washington, DC, 1998, 258-66.
145. "Demonstration of a photonically controlled rf phase shifter", S-S Lee, A. H. Udupa, H. Erlig,
H. Zhang, Y. Chang, C. Zhang, D. H. Chang, D. Bhattacharya, B. Tsap, W. H. Steier, L. R.
Dalton, H. R. Fetterman, IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Lett., 9, pp357-9, (1999)
146. "Investigation on new polyurethane and incorporation of a soluble high  chromophore for
electro-optic applications", C. Zhang, C. Wang, L. R. Dalton, G. Sun, H. Zhang, W. H. Steier,
Am. Chem. Soc. Anahiem, CA 1999
147.“Thermally Stable Polyene-Based NLO Chromophore and Its Polymers with Very High ElectroOptical Coefficients", Cheng Zhang, A. S. Ren, F. Wang, L. R. Dalton, S-S Lee, S. M. Garner,
W. H. Steier. Polym. Prepr., V. 40, 49 (1999)
148. “High-frequency, low crosstalk modulator arrays based on FTC polymer systems”, A. H.
Udupa, H. Erlig, B. Tsap, Y. Chang, D. Chang, H. R Fetterman, H. Zhang, S-S Lee, F. Wang,
W. H. Steier, L. R. Dalton, Electronic Lett., 35, p1702-1704 (1999)
149. “Low (Sub-1-V) halfwave voltage polymeric electrooptic modulators achieved by controlling
chromophore shape”, Y. Shi, C. Zhang, H. Zhang, J. H. Bechtel, L. R. Dalton, B. H. Robinson,
W. H. Steier, Science, 288, 119-122, (2000)
“Time stretching of 102 GHz millimeter waves using a novel 1.55 mm polymer electrooptic
modulator”, D. H. Chang, H. Erlig, H. R. Fetterman. M-C Oh, W. H. Steier, L. R. Dalton, IEEE
Phot. Tech. Lett., 12, 537-9(2000).
“Optical intensity modulator based on a novel electro-optic polymer incorporating a high 
chromophore” S. S. Lee, S. Garner, V. Chuyanov, H. Zhang, W. H. Steier, F. Wang, L. R.
Dalton, A. Udupa, and H. R. Fetterman, IEEE J. Quantum Electronics, 36, p 527-532, May
“From Molecules to Opto-Chips: Organic Electro-Optic Materials,” L. R. Dalton, W. H. Steier,
B. H. Robinson, Serge Dubovitsky, A. Ren, S. Garner, A. Chen, T. Londergan, L. Irwin, B.
Carlson, L. Fifield, G. Phelan, C. Kincaid, J. Amend, and A. Jen, J. Chem. Mater., 9, 1905-21
“Vertically tapered polymer waveguide mode size transformer for improving fiber coupling”,
A. Chen, V. Chuyanov, F. I. Marti-Carrera, S. Garner, W. H. Steier, J. Chen, S. Sun, L. R.
Dalton, Opt. Engr., 39, June,( 2000).
“Electro-optic polymer modulators with 0.8 V half-wave voltage”, Y. Shi, W. Lin, D. J. Olson,
J. H. Bechtel. H. Zhang, W. H. Steier, C. Zhang, L. R. Dalton, Appl. Phys. Lett., 77, July 3,
“Electro-optic polymer modulators for 1.55m wavelength using phenyltetraene bridged
chromophore in polycarbonate”, M-C. Oh, H. Zhang, A. Szep, V. Chuyanov, W. H. Steier, C.
Zhang, L. R. Dalton, H. Erlig, B. Tsap, H. R. Fetterman, Appl. Phys. Lett., 76, P3525-7, June
12 (2000)
“Progress toward device-quality second-order nonlinear optical materials: 4. A tri-link high 
NLO chromophore in thermoset polyurethane – A “guest-host” approach to larger electro-optic
coefficients” C. Zheng, C. Wang, L. R. Dalton, H. Zhang, W. H. Steier, Macromolecules 34,
253-61 (2001)
“EO Polymer Based Integrated Optical Acoustic Spectrum Analyzer”, A. A. Yacoubian, V.
Chuyanov, S. M. Garner, W. H. Steier, A. S. Ren, and L. R. Dalton, J. Selected Topics in
Quant. Elect., 6, 810-6, (2000).
“An optical filter based on carrier non-linearities for optical channelizing and spectrum analysis”
J. P. Burger, W. H. Steier, S. Dubovitsky, D. Tishinin, K. Uppal, P. D. Dapkus, IEEE Photonic
Letters 13, p. 224-6 (2001)
D. An, Z. Shi, L. Sun, J. M. Taboada, Q. Zhou, X. Lu, R. T. Chen, S. Tang, H. Zhang, W. H.
Steier, A. Ren, and L. R. Dalton. "Polymeric electro-optic modulator based on 1x2 Y-fed
directional coupler,” Applied Physics Letters 76, 15, 1972-1974 (2000).
“Production of High Bandwidth Polymeric Electro-Optic Modulators With V Voltages of
Less Than 1 Volt”. L. R. Dalton, B. Robinson, W. Steier, Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals
Science & Technology Section B. Nonlinear Optics (Materials Research Society) pp1-12.
L. Sun, J. Kim, C. Jang, D. An, X. Lu, Q. Zhou, J. M. Taboada, R. T. Chen, J. J. Maki, S.
Tang, H. Zhang, W. H. Steier, C. Zhang, and L. R. Dalton, "Polymeric Waveguide Prism Based
Electro-optic Beam Deflector," Opt. Eng., 40, 1217-22, (2001).
“Enhanced Electrooptic Activity of NLO Polymers Via the Use of Conductive Polymers,” J. G.
Grote, J. P. Drummond, J. S. Zetts, R. L. Nelson, F. K. Hopkins, C. Zhang, L. R. Dalton, and
W. H. Steier, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 597, Thin Films for
Optical Waveguide Devices , Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 2000, pp 109-115
J. H. Bechtel, Y. Shi, H. Zhang, W. H. Steier, C. H. Zhang, and L. R. Dalton, "Low Driving
Voltage Electro-Optic Polymer Modulators for Advanced Photonic Applications," Proc. SPIE,
4114, 58-64 (2000).
H. R. Fetterman, D. H. Chang, H. Erlig, M. Oh, C. H. Zhang, W. H. Steier, and L. R. Dalton,
Photonic Time-Stretching of 102 GHz Millimeter Waves Using 1.55 m Polymer Electro-Optic
Modulator,” Proc. SPIE, 4114, 44-57 (2000).
J. S. Grote, J. S. Zetts, C. H. Zhang, R. L. Nelson, L. R. Dalton, F. K. Hopkins, "Conductive
Cladding Layers for Electrode Poled Nonlinear Optic Polymer Electro-Optics," Proc. SPIE,
4114, 101-109 (2000).
166. L. R. Dalton, B. Robinson, W. H. Steier, C. H. Zhang, and G. Todorova, "Systematic
Optimization of Polymeric Electro-Optic Materials," Proc. SPIE, 4114, 65-76 (2001).
167. Hua Zhang, M-C Oh, A. Szep W. H. Steier, C. Zhang, L. R. Dalton, H. Erlig, Y. Chang, D. H.
Chang, H. R. Fetterman, “Push Pull Electro-optic Polymer Modulators with Low Half-Wave
Voltage and Low Loss at both 1310 nm and 1550 nm” Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, p3116 –8 (2001)
168. M-C. Oh, H. Zhang, A. Szep , W. H. Steier, C. Zhang, L. R. Dalton, H. Erlig, Y. Chang. Boris
Szep, H. R. Fetterman, “Recent advances in electro-optic polymer modulators incorporating
phenyltetraene bridged chromophore “ (Invited) J. Quant Electr. Sel. Topics on Organics for
Photonics, 7, pp826-35,(2001)
“The energy limiting characteristics of a polarization maintaining Sagnac interferometer with
an intraloop compressively strained quantum well saturable absorber”, J. Burger, W. H,. Steier,
S. Dubovitsky, IEEE J. Lightwave Tech., 8, 1382-7, August (2002)
170. “Performance of a Mach Zehnder modulator with chirped carrier and novel method for
suppression of second order distortion” S. Dubovitsky, W.H. Steier, S. Yegnanarayanan, B.
Jalali, IEEE J. Lightwave Technology, 20, 858-863. May, (2002)
171. “Kerr-like nonlinear mode converters for integrated optic device applications”, J. Burger, S.
Dubovitsky, W. H. Steier, Optics Communications, 212, pp 251-266, (2002)
172. “Low Loss Interconnection between Electro-optic and Passive Polymer Waveguides with a
Vertical Taper”, M-C Oh, C. Zheng, H-J Lee, W. H. Steier, H. R. Fetterman, IEEE Phot. Tech.
Letters, 14, 1121 (2002)
173. C. Zhang, C. Wang, J. Yang, L. R. Dalton, G. Sun, H. Zhang, and W. H. Steier, “ElectricPoling and Relaxation of Thermoset Polyurethane Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Materials:
The Role of Cross-Linking and Monomer Rigidity,” Macromolecules, 34, 235-43 (2001).
174. C. Wang, C. Zhang, C. Zhou, M. Chen, L. R. Dalton, H. Zhang, W. H. Steier, “Urethane-Urea
Copolymers Containing Siloxane Linkages: Enhanced Temporal Stability and Low Optical
Loss for Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Applications,” Macromolecules, 34, 2359-63 (2001)
175. C. Zhang, L. R. Dalton, M.-C. Oh, H. Zhang, and W. H. Steier, “Low V Electrooptic Modulators
from CLD-1: Chromophore Design and Synthesis, Materials Processing, and Characterization,”
Chem. Mater., 13, 3043-50 (2001).
176. J. H. Kim, L. Sun, C.-H. Jang, D. An, J. M. Taboada, Q. Zhou, X. Lu, R. T. Chen, X. Han, S.
Tang, H. Zhang, W. H. Steier, A. Ren, and L. R. Dalton, “Polymeric Waveguide Beam
Deflector for Electro-Optic Switching,” Proc SPIE, 4279, 37-44 (2001).
177. J. Grote, J. Zetts, R. Nelson, F. Hopkins, L. Dalton, C. Zhang and W. Steier, “Effect of
Conductivity and Dielectric Constant on the Modulation Voltage for Nonlinear Optic Polymer
Based Opto-Electronic Devices”, SPIE Journal of Optical Engineering, 40(11), pp. 2464-2473,
178. D. H. Chang, H. R. Fetterman, H. Erlig, H. Zhang, M-C Oh, C. Zhang, W. H. Steier, “39 GHz
optoelectronic oscillator using broad-band polymer electro-optic modulator”, IEEE Phot. Tech.
Lett. 14, pp191-3(2002)
179. J. Han, H. Erlig, D. Chang, M-C Oh, H. Zhang, C. Zhang, W. H. Steier, H. Fetterman, “Multiple
Output Photonic RF Phase Shifter Using a Novel Polymer System”, IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett. V.
14, p531-3 (2002)
180.P. Rabiei, W. H. Steier, C. Zhang, L. R. Dalton, “Polymer Micro-ring Filters and Modulators”
IEEE J. Lightwave Technology, 20, 1968-75 (2002)
181. P. Rabiei, W. H. Steier, C. Zhang, L. R. Dalton “Micro-photonic Polymer Devices (Invited),
International Optical Communication, Aug. (2002)
182. S-W Ahn, W. H. Steier, Y-H Kuo, M-C Oh, H-J Lee, C. Zhang, H. R. Fetterman, “Integration of
electro-optic polymer modulators with low-loss fluorinated polymer waveguides” Optics
Letters, 27, 2109 December (2002)
183.Y-H Kuo, W. H. Steier, S. Dubovitsky, B. Jalali, “Demonstration of Wavelength Insensitive
Biasing Using an Electro-optic Polymer Modulator’ IEEE Phot. Tech. Letters, 15, pp. 813-5,
184. S. Dubovitsky, W.H. Steier, Y-H. Kuo, S. Yegnanarayanan, B. Jalali, “Technique for Wavelength
Independent Biasing of Mach-Zehnder Modualtors”, Proceedings of the Microwave Photonics
Conference 2002, Japan, November 2002.
185. O. P. Lay, S. Dubovitsky, R. D. Peters, J. P. Burger, S-W Ahn, W. H. Steier, H. R. Fetterman,
“MSTAR: A sub-micron absolute metrology system” Optics Lett., 28, pp. 890-892 (2003)
186. H-C Song, M-C Oh, S-W Ahn, W. H. Steier, H. R. Fetterman, C. Zhang, “Flexible Low Voltage
Electro-optic Polymer Modulators”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 4432-4, June 23, 2003
187. P. Rabiei, W. H. Steier, “Tunable Polymer Double Micro-ring (DMR) Filters”, IEEE Phot. Tech.
Lett., 15, pp 1255-7, (2003)
188. D. H. Chang, T. Azfar, S-K Kim, H. R. Fetterman, C. Zhang, W. H. Steier, “Vertical adiabatic
transition between silica planar waveguide and electro-optic polymer fabricated using grayscale
lithography” Optics Lett., 28, pp. 869-871 (2003)
189. S. Kim, K. Geary, D. Chang, H. Zhang, C. Wang, W. Steier and H. Fetterman “TM-pass Polymer
Modulators with Poling-induced Waveguides and Self -Aligned Electrodes” Electronics
Letters, Volume 39, Issue 9, 1 May 2003 Page(s):721 - 722
190. S-K Kim, H. Zhang, D, H. Chang, C, Zhang, C. Wang, W. H. Steier, H. R. Fetterman,
“Electrooptic Polymer Modulators With an Inverted-Rib Waveguide Structure”, IEEE Phot.
Tech. Lett., 15, p 218-220, (2003)
191. S-K Kim, K. Geary, H. R. Fetterman, C. Zhang, C. Wang, W. H. Steier, “Photo-Bleaching
Induced Electro-optic Polymer Modulators with Dual Driving Electrodes Operating at 1.55 m
Wavelength”, Electr. Lett., 39, 1321-3, (2003)
192. S-K Kim, K. Geary, W. Yuan, H. R. Fetterman, D-G. Lee, C. Zhang, C. Wang, W. H. Steier, GC. Park, S-J. Gang, I. Oh, “Stress-induced polymer waveguides operating at both 1.31 and 1.55
m wavelengths”, Electr. Lett., 40, 866-867, (2004)
193.L. R. Dalton, A. K. Jen, W. H. Steier, B. H. Robinson, S. H. Jang, O. Clot, H. C. Song, Y. H. Kuo,
C. Zhang, P. Rabiei, S. W. Ahn, M. Oh, "Organic electro-optic materials: Some unique
opportunities," Proc. SPIE, Vol 5351, 1 -15 (2004).
194. J. Grote, J. A. Hagen, J. S. Zetts, R. L. Nelson, D. E. Diggs, M. O. Stone, P. P. Yaney, E.
Heckman, C. Zhang, W. H. Steier, A. K. Jen, L. R. Dalton, N. Ogata, M. J. Curley, S. J.
Clarson, F. K. Hopkins, "Investigation of Polymers and Marine-Derived DNA in
Optoelectronics," J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol 108, June 24, , 8584 -8591 (2004).
195. J. Grote, D. Diggs, J. Zetts, R. Nelson, F. Hopkins, L. Dalton, C. Zhang and W. Steier,
“Application of Polymers in Optoelectronic Devices”, Journal of Nonlinear Optics, Quantum
Optics, 31(1-4), pp. 91-107 (2004)
196. L. R. Dalton, B. H. Robinson, R. Nielsen, A. K. Jen, P. Rabiei, W. H. Steier, "Organic ElectroOptics: Exploiting the Best of Electronics and Photonics," Proc. SPIE, Vol 4991, 508 -519
197. C. Zhang, H. Zhang, M. Oh, L. R. Dalton, W. H. Steier, "What the ultimate polymeric electrooptic materials will be: Guest-host, crosslinked, or side-chain," Proc. SPIE, Vol 4991, 537 -551
198. L. R. Dalton, B. H. Robinson, A. K. Jen, W. H. Steier, R. Nielsen, "Systematic development of
high bandwidth, low drive voltage organic electro-optic devices and their applications," Optical
Materials, Vol 21, 19 -28 (2003).
199. A. Jen, R. Nielsen, B. Robinson, W. Steier, L. Dalton, "Rational design of organic electro-optic
materials," Electrical, optical, and magnetic properties of organic solid state materials, Volume
708, BB4.4.1 -BB4.4.8 (2003).
200. P. Rabiei, W. H. Steier, C. Zhang, L. R. Dalton, "Integrated WDM polymer modulator," Trends in
Optics and Photonics, Volume 70, 31 -33 (2003).
201. W. Yuan, S. Kim, G. Sadowy, C. Zhang, C. Wang, W.H. Steier and H.R. Fetterman, “Polymeric
Electro-optic Digital Optical Switches with Low Switching Voltage”.Electronics Letters, vol
40, no. 3, pp. 195-197, 5 Feb. 2004.
202. B. Bohla, H-C Song, H. Tazawa, and W. H. Steier, “Polymer Micro-Resonator Strain Sensors”,
Phot. Tech. Lett. 17, 867-9, (2005)
203. P. Rabiei, W. H. Steier, “Lithium niobate ridge waveguides and modulators fabricated using smart
guide”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 1, (2005)
204. H. Tazawa, W. H. Steier, “Bandwidth of linearized ring resonator assisted Mach-Zehnder
modulator”, Phot. Tech. Lett., 17, p. 1851-3, (2005)
205. Y-H Kuo, J. Luo, W. H. Steier, A. K-Y Jen, “ Enhanced thermal stability of electrooptic polymer
modulators using the Diels-Alder cross-linkable polymer”, IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett. Volume 18,
Issue 1, Jan. 1 2006 Page(s):175 - 177
206. S-K Kim, Y-C. Hung, B-J Seo, K. Geary, W. Yuan, B. Bortnik, H. R. Fetterman, C. Wang, W. H.
Steier, C. Zhang, “Side-chain electro-optic polymer modulator with wide thermal stability
ranging from -46ºC to 95ºC for fiber optic-optic gyroscope applications”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 87,
207. S-K Kim, W. Yuan, K. Geary, Y-C. Hung, H. R. Fetterman, D-G Lee, C. Zhang, C. Wang,W. H.
Steier, G-C. Park, S-J. Kang, I. Oh, “Electro-optic phase modulator using metal-defined
polymer optical waveguide”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, (2005)
208. Larry Dalton, Bruce Robinson, Alex Jen, Philip Ried, Bruce Eichinger, Philip Sullivan, Andrew
Akelaitis, Denise Bale, Marnie Halleb, Jingdong Luo, Sen Liu, Yi Liao, Kimberly Firestone,
Nishant Bhatambrekar, Sanchali Bhattacharjee, Jessica Sinness, Scott Hammond, Nicholas
Buker, Robert Snoeberger, Mark Lingwood, Harry Rommel, Joe Amend, Sei-Hum Jang, Antao
Chen, and William Steier “Electro-optic coefficients of 500 pm/V and beyond for organic
materials”, SPIE 2005.
209. Hidehisa Tazawa and William H. Steier, “Analysis of Ring Resonator based Traveling Wave
Modulators”, Photonic Technology Letters, 18, 211-213, (2006) Erratum to “Analysis of Ring
Resonator-Based Traveling-Wave Modulations”
Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE, Volume 18, Issue 5, 1 Mar 2006 Page(s):727 - 727
210. S. Dubovitsky and W. H. Steier “Relationship between the slowing and the loss in optical delay
lines” IEEE J. Quant. Electr. Volume 42, Issue 4, April 2006 Page(s):372 - 377
211. Hidehisa Tazawa and William H. Steier, “Linearity of Ring Resonator based Electro-optic
Polymer Modulator” IEE Electronic Letter, Volume 41, Issue 23, 10 Nov. 2005 Page(s):1297 1298
212. W. Yuan, S. Kim, W. H. Steier, H. R. Fetterman, “Electro-optic Polymeric Digital Optical
Switches (DOSs) with Adiabatic Couplers”, Phot. Tech. Lett., 17,. 2568-70 December (2005)
213. Thanh Le, Anatoliy A. Savchenkov, Hidehisa Tazawa, William H. Steier and Lute Maleki,
“Polymer optical waveguide vertically coupled to high Q whispering gallery resonators”, IEEE
Photonic Technology Lett. Volume 18, Issue 7, April 1 2006 Page(s):859 – 861
214. Bartosz Bortnik, Yu-Chueh Hung, Hidehisa Tazawa, Byoung-Joon Seo, Jingdong Luo, Alex K.Y. Jen, William H. Steier , Harold R. Fetterman, “Electrooptic Polymer Ring Resonator
Modulation up to 165 GHz”, IEEE J. Sel. Topics in Quant. Electr.13, pp 104-110, (2007).
215. Hidehisa Tazawa, , Ying-Hao Kuo, Ilya Dunayevskiy, Jingdong Luo, Alex K.-Y. Jen, Harold R.
Fetterman, and William H. Steier, “Ring Resonator-Based Electro-Optic Polymer TravelingWave Modulator”, IEEE J. Lightwave Tech., 24, Sept. 2006, pp3507-3514 (2006)
216. S-K Kim, Y-C Hung, K. Geary, W. Yuan, H. R. Fetterman, D. Jin, R. Dinu, W. H. Steier, “MetalDefined Polymeric Variable Optical Attenuator”, IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett., 18, pp 1055-7, (2006)
217. R. J. Michalak, Y-H Kuo, F. D. Nash, A. Szep, J. R. Caffey, P. M. Payson, F. Hass, B. F McKeon,
P. R. Cook, G. A. Brost, J. Luo, A K-Y Jen, L. R. Dalton, W. H. Steier, “High-Speed
AJL8/APC Polymer Modulator, IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett., 18, pp 1207-9, (2006)
218. Reem Song, Hyun-Chae Song, and William H. Steier, Charles H. Cox, "Analysis and
Demonstration of Mach-Zehnder Polymer Modulators using In-Plane Coplanar Waveguide
Structure", IEEE J. Quant. Electronics, 43, 633-640(2007)
219.Reem Song, Andrew Yick, and William H. Steier, “Conductivity dependency-free in-plane poling
for Mach-Zehnder modulator with highly conductive electro-optic polymer”, Appl. Phys. Lett.,
90, 191103,(2007)
220.Bipin Bhola and William H. Steier, "A Novel Optical Micro-ring Resonator Accelerometer", IEEE
Sensors Journal, 7, 1759-1762 (2007)
221.Wei Yuan, Seongku Kim, Harold R. Fetterman, William H. Steier, Danliang Jin, Raluca Dinu,
“Hybrid Integrated Cascaded 2-bit Electrooptic Digital Optical Switches (DOSs), IEEE Phot.
Tech. Lett., 19, pp 519-21, (2007)
222.S-K Kim, Y-C Hung, W. Yuan, D-H Cha, K. Geary, H. R. Fetterman, S-M Ha, Q. Pei, J. Luo, X-H
Zhou, A K-Y Jen, M-S Kwon, W. H. Steier, “Metal-slotted polymer optical waveguide device”,
Appl. Phys. Lett., 90, July (2007)
223.A. Ayizi, R. C. J. Hsu, B. Houshmand, B. Jalali, W. H. Steier, “ All-Dielectric Photonic-Assisted
Wireless Receiver”, Opt. Express 16, 1742-1747 (2008)
224.Reem Song and William H. Steier, “Overlap integral factor enhancement using buried electrode
structure in polymer Mach-Zehnder modulator”, 23 January, Applied Physics Letters Vol.92,
Issue 3, (2008)
225.Greeshma Gupta, William H. Steier, Yi Liao, Larry R. Dalton, Jingdong Luo ,Alex. K.-Y. Jen
“Modeling photobleaching of optical chromophores: light-intensity effects in precise trimming
of integrated polymer devices”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112, 8051-8060 (2008).
226. “Sol-gel based polymer micro-ring resonator humidity sensor,” B. Bhola, P. Nosovitskiy, H.
Mahalingam, and W. H. Steier, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 9, no. 7, 740-747, 2009
227. “Design of Ring Resonators using Electro-Optic Polymer Waveguides"Seo, Byoung-Joon; Kim,
Seongku; Fetterman, Harold, Steier, William; Jin, Dan; Dinu, Raluca, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2008,
112 (21), pp 7953–7958
228.“Donor-acceptor Thiolated Polyenic Chromophores Exhibiting Large Optical Nonlinearity and
Excellent Photostability”, Y-J Cheng, J. Luo, S. Huang, X. Zhou, Z. Shi, T-D Kim, D. H.
BHale, S. Takahashi, A. Yick, B. Polishak, S. Jang, L. R. Dalton, P. J. Reid, W. H. Steier, A.
K-Y Jen, Chem. Mater., 2008, 20 (15), pp 5047–5054
229. “A Method to Reduce the Effect of Thermal Drift in Optical Resonant Sensors”, Thanh Le, A.
Savehenkov, N. Yu, L. Maleki, W. H. Steier, Applied Optics, Vol. 48, Issue 3, pp. 458-463 (2009),
also published in the Virtual Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 4, Mar. 2, 2009
230. “Photo-stability Measurements of Electro-optic Polymer Waveguides at High Intensity and
Communication Wavelengths”, S. Takahashi, A. Yick, W. H. Steier, J. Luo, A. J-K Jen, D. Jin,
R. Dinu, Lightwave Technology, Journal of , vol.27, no.8, pp.1045-1050, April 15, 2009.
231. M.-S. Kwon and W. H. Steier, "Microring-resonator-based sensor measuring both the
concentration and temperature of a solution," Opt. Express 16, 9372-9377 (2008).
232. Yoo Seung Lee, Sang Shin Lee, and William H. Steier, “Electro-optic resonant FSR modulators based
on a dual-disc resonator for increasing the sensitivity-bandwidth product” accepted for
pubication in IEEE J. Lightwave Tech.
233.Greeshma Gupta, Ying-Hao Kuo, Hidehisa Tazawa, William H. Steier, AndrewStapleton, and John D.
O’Brien, “Analysis and Demonstration of Coupling Control in Polymer Microring Resonators Using
Photobleaching”, Applied Optics, Vol. 48, Issue 28, pp.5324-5336 (2009)
C. Partial List of Conference Publications and Presentations
“Fast Hologram Erasure in Photorefractive Materials,” with G. Kavounas, presented at OSA
Topical Meeting on Photorefractive Materials, Effects, and Devices, UCLA (August 1987)
“Photorefractive Two Beam Coupling in GaAs : Cr with Applied r.f. Fields and Moving
Grating,” with J. Kumar and G. Albanese, and W.H. Steier, presented CLEO, Baltimore, MD,
Paper WP2 (April, 1987).
“Opto-Optical switching in CdTe,” with J. Kumar and M. Ziari, presented CLEO, Anaheim,
California, Paper THW3 (April 1988).
“Dynamic Optical Interconnection Branch Device Using the Optically-Controlled Nonuniform
Electric Field Distribution inCdTe, with M. Ziari. Paper MBB6, Optical Society of America,
Orlando, FL (October 1989).
“Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Organic Molecules with Conjugated Heterocyclic
Backbones,” with R. L. S. Devine, M. R.McLean, M. Badr, and L. R. Dalton, Paper MBB6,
Optical Society of America, Orlando, FL (October 1989).
“Donor-Acceptor Molecules for Second Harmonic Generation,” with M. R. McLean, M.
Badr, L. R. Dalton, and R. L. S. Devine. Paper Q7.14, Materials Research Society Meeting,
Boston, MA November-December 1989.
“Crystalline Organic Semiconductor Thin-film Optical Waveguides,” D. Y. Zang, Y. Q. Shi, F.
F. So, S. R. Forest, and W. H.
Steier, Paper FD1, Opt. Soc. of Amer. Mtg, Boston, MA,
Nov. 1990.
“Photorefractive Properties of CdTe:V at 1.5 um” M. Ziari, W. H. Steier, A. Partovi, J. Miller,
E. Garmire, and M. Klein, Nonlinear Optics Conference, July 16-20, 1990, Kauai, Hawaii
“Optically Induced and Charge Transport Assisted Electro- Absorptive and Electrooptic
Nonlinearity in CdTe”, M. Ziari and
W. H. Steier, Paper WJ7, Optical Society of America Meeting, Boston, MA, November 1990.
“New Side Chain Polymers with Large Stable Electrooptic Effects”, Y. Shi, W. H. Steier, R. L.
S. Devine, L. Yu, M. Chen, and R. L. Dalton, Paper FD7, Optical Society of America Meeting,
Boston MA, November 1990.
“Direct Measurement of Urbach Absorption in AlGaAs/GaAs Quantum Well Waveguides,”
with R. T. Sahara, E. Menu, and P. D. Dapkus. Paper OE 2.2, 1989 LEOS Annual Meeting,
Orlando, FL (October 1989).
“Molecular Semiconductor Multi-Layer Structures,” with F. F. So, S. R. Forrest, and Y. Q. Shi.
Paper MW6, Optical Society of America, Orlando, FL (October 1989).
“Growth and Characterization of Organic Multiple Quantum Well Structures,” with F. F. So, S.
R. Forrest, and Y. Q. Shi. Materials Research Society Meeting, Boston, MA
(November/December (1989).
“Photorefractivity at 1.5um in CdTe: V,” with Afshir Partovi, James Millerd, Elsa Garmire, and
Mehrdad Ziari. Photorefractive Materials, Effects and Devices II Conference, Aussois, France
(January 1990).
“Direct Measurement of Urbach Absorption in AlGaAs/GaAs Quantum Well Waveguides”, R.
T. Sahara, W. H. Steier, E. Menu, and P. D. Dapkus, 1989 LEOS Annual Meeting, Orlando
“High Contrast Photoinduced Birefringence Modulator”, R. T. Sahara, W. H. Steier, S. G.
Hummel, and P. D. Dapkus, 1990 LEOS Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
“Integrated Optics Nonlinear Resonator with Distributed Coupling”, S. Dubovitsky and W. H.
Steier, 1990 Optical Society of America Annual Meeting, Boston, MASS.
“Optical Nonlinear Neurons and Dynamic Interconnections using the Field Shielding
Nonlinearity in CdTe,” with M. Ziari, presented at 1989 Topical Meeting in Optical
Computing, Salt Lake City, Utah (February 1989).
“Infrared Nonlinear Neurons Using the Field Shielding Effect in CdTe,” with M. Ziari, and R.
L. S. Devine, Applied Optics; special issue in Optical Computing 29, 2074-2083, (1990).
“Nonlinear Neurons Using the Field Shielding Effect in Photo-refractive CdTe,” with M. Ziari,
and R. L. S. Devine. Photorefractive Materials, Effects and Devices II Conference, Aussois,
France (January 1990).
"Observation of the Photorefractive Effect in Vanadium Doped ZnTe, M. Ziari, W. H. Steier, P.
M. Ranon, M. B. Klein, S. Trevedi, OSA Meeting, San Jose, CA, Nov. 1991.
"Characterization of a New Thermosetting Nonlinear Optical Polymer", Y. Q. Shi, W. H.
Steier, M. Chen, L. P. Yu, L. R. Dalton, OSA Meeting, San Jose, CA, Nov. 1991.
"Enhancement of the Photorefractive Gain in CdTe at 1.3-1.5 m under Alternating Electric
Fields", M. Ziari, W. H. Steier, P. M. Ranon, M. B. Klein, S. Trevedi, OSA Meeting,
Albuquerque, N. M., Sept. 1992.
"Binary Birefringent Micropatterns Defined in Polymers", Y. Q. Shi, W. H. Steier, M. Chen, L.
R. Dalton, OSA Meeting, Albuquerque, N. M., Sept., 1992.
“Photorefractive Effect in ZnTe” M. Ziari, W. H. Steier, P. Ranon, M. B. Klein, and S. Trevidi,
presented at CLEO, Anaheim, Cal., May 1992.
“Optically Controlled Space Charge Fields Under the Electrode Region in Cadmium Telluride”,
M. Ziari and W. H. Steier, Paper D5.2, Matr. Res. Soc. Mtg., San Francisco, May, 1992.
"Thermally stable NLO polymers based on thermal crosslinking", Y. Shi, W. H. Steier, L.
Dalton, OSA Topical Mtg. on Nonlinear Optics, Paper FA3, Maui, Hawaii, Aug. 17-21, 1992
“Photorefractive Properties and Alternating Elective Field Gain
Enhancement of Vanadium Doped Cadmium Telluride and Related Compounds,” M. Ziari, W.
H. Steier, M. B. Klein, and S. Trivedi, Paper TuA6, Conf. on Photorefractive Matr., Effects,
and Devices, Beverly, Mass, July 29-31, 1991.
"Second order nonlinear optical properties and thermal stability of the amino-sulfone
chromophore containing polymers", P. M. Ranon, Y. Shi, W. H. Steier, C. Xu, B. Wu, L. R.
Dalton, OSA Special Topics Meeting, Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications, Toronto,
Oct. 6-8, 1993.
"Buried channel waveguide electro-optic device fabrication in multi-layer polymer thin films",
Y. Shi, W. H. Steier, P. Ranon, W. Wang, D. Chen, H. R. Fetterman, OSA Special Topics
Meeting, Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications, Toronto, Oct. 6-8, 1993.
"Gain saturation properties of a polarization insensitive semiconductor amplifier and
polarization encoded wavelength conversion", S. Dubovitsky, A. Mathur, W. H. Steier, P. D.
Dapkus, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, San Jose, CA. Febr. 20-25, 1994.
"Resonatorless Optical Coupler Latch", R. T. Sahara, W. H. Steier, S. G. Hummel, P. D.
Dapkus, IEEE laser and Electro-optics Society 1991 annual meeting, paper PD-7, San Jose, CA,
November 6, 1991.
"Bistable Electrooptic Vertical Directional Coupler", R. T. Sahara, W. H. Steier, S. G.
Hummel, P. D. Dapkus, Paper PD-6 Fourth Optoelectronics Conferernce, Mukuhari Meese,
Chiba, Japan, July, 1992.
"Sub-Angstrom, Tunable Wavelength Filters Based on Nonlinear Optical Interactions in
Semiconductor Amplifiers", S. Dubovitsky and W. H. Steier, CLEO, Anaheim, CA. May,
"Techniques for ultrastructure synthesis: stabilization of large second-order optical
nonlinearities of poled polymers", L. R. Dalton, C. Xu, B. Wu, Y. Shi, P. M. Ranon, W. H.
Steier, SPIE Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Materials, Vol. VI, 1993.
" Anchoring both ends of the chromophores in the side chain nonlinear optical polymer for
improved thermal stability", Y. Shi, P. M. Ranon, W. H. Steier, C. Xu, B. Wu, L. R. Dalton,
SPIE Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Materials, Vol. VI, 1993.
" Waveguide photonic devices made from thermally crosslinked second-order nonlinear optical
polymers", W. H. Steier, Y. Shi, P. M. Ranon, C. Xu, B. Wu, L. R. Dalton, W. Wang, D. Chen,
H. Fetterman, SPIE Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Materials, Vol. VI, 1993.
"New crosslinkable polymers with nonlinear optical chromophores in the main chain", C. Xu,
L. R. Dalton, B. Wu,, P. M. Ranon, Y. Shi, W. H. Steier, SPIE LOs Angeles Mtg., Vol. 1852, p
198 (1993)
"Realization of large stable second order optical nonlinearities through double-end
crosslinkable chromophores", C. Xu, B. Wu, L. R. Dalton, Y. Shi, P. Ranon, S. Kalluri, W. H.
Steier, Proceedings of Materials Research Soc. Mtg., Boston, 1993.
"Systematic study of main chain nonlinear optical polymers", B. Wu, C. Xu, L. R. Dalton, S.
Kalluri, Y. Shi, W. H. Steier, Proceeding of the Materials Research Soc. Mtg., Boston, 1993.
"Nonlinear Optical Effects in PTCDA Crystalline Organic Thin Films", M. Ziari, S. Kalluri, W.
H. Steier, P. Burrows, E. Haskel, Z. Shen, S. R. Forrest, SPIE Conference, San Diego, July
"Enhancement fo Electro-optic Properties and Temperature Stability in Sol-Gel Thin Films", S.
Kalluri, W. H. Steier, Z. Yang, C. Xu, B. Wu, L. R. Dalton, SPIE Conference, San Diego, July
"Optical and electron paramagnetic resonance investigation of the role of vanadium in
photorefractive Cd:V", M. Ziari, W. H. Steier, R. Schwartz, M. Klein, S. Trivedi, OSA Mtg. on
Nonlinear Optics, Hawaii, July, 1994.
"A novel optical nonlinearity in a semiconductor gain medium and its appplications to
wavelength filtering", S. Dubovitsky, W. H. Steier, A. Mathur, P. D. Dapkus, OSA Mtg. on
Nonlinear Optics,
Hawaii, July, 1994.
"Improved second order nonlinear optical, polymers by covalent attachment - Comparison of
four different thermally stable systems", S. Kalluri, W. H. Steier, C. Xu, B. Wu, M. Becker, Z.
Yang, L. R. Dalton, Y. Shi, J. Bechtel, OSA Mtg. on Nonlinear Optics, Hawaii, July, 1994.
"Active polymer waveguide devices for CATV and data link applications: challenges and
expectations", Y. Shi, J. Bechtel, W. H. Steier, W. Wang, H. Fetterman, ACS Top. Mtg. on
Polymer Photonics, Washington, Aug., 1994.
"Electro-optic polymer waveguide fabrication" M. Ziari, W. H. Steier, L. R. Dalton, Y. Shi, W.
Wang, D. Chen, H. Fettermen, ACS Top. Mtg. on Polymer Photonics, Washington, Aug., 1994.
"Wide-band distributed Bragg reflectors using AlAs oxide/GaAs multilayers", M. MacDougal,
H. Zhao, K. Uppal, P. D. Dapkus, M. Ziari, W. H. Steier, LEOS Summer Topical; Meeting on
Integrated Optoelectronics, Paper W1.4, July, 1994, Lake Tahoe, NV.
"Observation of the photorefractive effect and demonstration of
real-time holographic
interferometry in CdMnTe:V", M. Ziari, W. H. Steier, G. A. Brost, K. M. Madge, J. E. Millerd,
J. P. Swienton, S. Trivedi, OSA Mtg. on Nonlinear Optics, Hawaii, July, 1994.
"Optical power limiting in ZnTe" S. Trevedi, G. Jagannathan, M. Ziari, P. Ranon, W. H.
Steier, W. M. B. Duval, Paper #Zb1.9 1994 Matr. Res. Soc. Mtg., November, 1994, Boston,
"Sub-Angstrom, Tunable Wavelength Filters Based on Nonlinear Optical Interactions in
Semiconductor Amplifiers", S. Dubovitsky and W. H. Steier, CLEO '94, Anahiem, CA, May.
"Polymer Modulator for Externally Modulated Analog Fiber-Optics Data Link", Y. Shi, J. H.
Bechtel, S. Kalluri, W. H. Steier, W. Wang, D. Chen, H. R. Fetterman, presented at the Fifth
Annual ARPA Symposium on Photonics Systems for Antenna Applications, Monterey, CA,
Jan. 1995.
"Electro-optic Polymer Waveguide Devices - Materials, Fabrication, and Applications",
William H. Steier, Invited Paper, "OSA Organic Thin Films for Photonics Applications,
Portland, OR, September, 1995.
"Vertical Integration of Polymer Electro-optic Devices on Electronic Circuits", S. Kalluri, A.
Chen, M. Ziari, W. H. Steier, OSA Organic Thin Films for Photonics Applications, Portland,
OR, September, 1995.
"A Two Slit Electrooptic Coefficient Measurement Technique and Efficient In-Plane Poling of
Polymer Thin Films", S. Kalluri, S. Garner, M. Ziari, W. H. Steier,OSA Organic Thin Films for
Photonics Applications, Portland, OR, September, 1995.
"Optical Power and Bias Voltage Stability of Electro-Optic Polymer Modulators for Broadband
Analog Transmission Systems", Y. Shi, D. J. Olson, J. Bechtel, S. Kalluri, W. H. Steier, W.
Wang, D. Chen, H. R. Fetterman, "OSA Organic Thin Films for Photonics Applications,
Portland, OR, September, 1995.
"60GHz Electro-optic Modulation from Polymer Waveguide Phase Modulator", W. Wang, D,
Chen, H. R. Fetterman, Y. Shi, J. Bechtel, S. Kalluri, W. H. Steier, L. R. Dalton, "OSA Organic
Thin Films for Photonics Applications, Portland, OR, September, 1995.
"Optical Heterodyne Detection of Millimeter Wave Modulation from a Polymer Electro-optic
Phase Modulator", W. Wang, D. Chen, H. R. Fetterman, Y. Shi, W. H. Steier, CLEO 1995,
Baltimore, MD., May 1995.
"Wavelength Dependent Photoinduced Depoling in Poled NLO Polymer Thin Films", Y. Shi,
D. J. Olson, J. Bechtel, S. Kalluri, S. Garner, W. H. Steier, SPIE NonLinear Optical Properties
of Organic Materials VIII, San Diego, CA July 1995.
"Novel electro-optic measurement technique for coplanar electrode-poled polymers", M. Ziari,
S. Kalluri, S. Garner, W. H. Steier, Z. Liang, L. R. Dalton, Y. Shi,SPIE NonLinear Optical
Properties of Organic Materials VIII, San Diego, CA July 1995.
"Integration of Polymer Electro-optic Devices on Nonplanar Silicon Integrated Circuits" S.
Kalluri, M. Ziari, A. Chen, W. H. Steier, Z. Liang, L. R. Dalton, SPIE NonLinear Optical
Properties of Organic Materials VIII, San Diego, CA July 1995.
"Improved photorefractive response in ZnTe through co-doping with vanadium and maganese",
G. Brost, K. Magde, M. Ziari, W. H. Steier, R. N. Schwartz, M. B. Klein, S. B. Trivedi, G. V.
Jagannathan, OSA Topical Meeting on Photorefractive Materials, Effects, and Devices, Paper
MPA3, Aspen, Colo. June 11-14, 1995.
"High Band Width Polymer Modulators" (Invited), D. Chen, H. R. Fetterman, A. Chen, W. H.
Steier, L. R. Dalton, W. Wang, Y. Shi, LEOS'96, Nov. 18-21, 1996, Paper MI 1.
"Integration of Polymer Waveguide Electrooptic Modulators and VLSI Electronics using
Standard Lithographic Fabrication Techniques", S. Kalluri, M. Ziari, W. H. Steier, L. R.
Dalton, Z. Karim, Paper WL62, OFC '97, Dallas, TX, Febr., 1997.
"Progress towards the translation of large microscopic nonlinearities into large macroscopic
nonlinearities in high
Garner, Polymer Reprints Vol. 38, 1997.
"Design and synthesis of a perfluoroalkyldicyanovinyl-based NLO material for electro-optic
applications" F. Wang, A. Harper, M. He, L. R. Dalton, S. Garner, Polymer Reprints Vol. 38,
"Broad-band optical power limiting and sensor protection using II-VI semiconductors", W. H.
Steier, D. Bacher, M. Ziari, S. B. Trivedi, S. Kutcher, K. Grasza, Z. Yu, Workshop on the Phys.
& Chem. Of II-VI Materials, Las Vegas, Oct. 22-24, 1996
"Mode transformer with a teper section in polymer waveguide devices for efficient fiber
coupling" AS. Chen, V. Chuyanov, F. I. Marti-Carrera, S. Garner, W. H. Steier, J. Wang, S.
Sun, L. R. Dalton, SPIE Photonics West, paper 3005-11, Febr. 1997
"High-bandwidth polymer modulators". D. Chen, H. R. Fetterman, A. Chen, W. H. Steier, L. R.
Dalton, W. Wang, Y. Shi,SPIE Photonics West, paper 3006-38, Febr. 1997
“Fast triming of electro-optic polymer waveguide Y-branch by post photobleaching to adjust
the power splitting ratio”, A. Chen, V. Chuyanov, F. I. Marti-Carrera, s. Garner, W. H. Steier,
L. R. Dalton, SPIE, San Diego, CA August 1997.
"Preparation and NLO properties of 1,3-bis(dicyanomethylidene)indane(BDMI) based
chromophores in PMMA thin films" S. Sun, L. R. Dalton, S. Garner, W. H. Steier, Am . Chem.
Soc. Meeting, San Fransico, 1997, Polymer Reprints Vol. 38, 1997.
“Filter free wavelength conversion based on non-colinear four wave mixing in a semiconductor
optical amplifier” D. X. Zhu, S. Dubovitsky, W. H. Steier, K. Uppal, D. Tishinin, P. D.
Dapkus. J. Burger; Paper CWC6 CLEO, May 1997.
“Broadband Optical Power Limiting in Vanadium Doped Cd0.55Mn0.45Te Crystals”, S. B.
Trivedi, R. J. Chen, K. Grasza, S. W. Kutcher, G. V. J. Nathan, W. H. Steier, D. Bacher, S.
Guha, P. Hood, MRS Meeting, San Fransisco, CA, 1997
“Characterization of electrooptic polymers with high  chromophores for photonic device
applications”, A. Chen, S. Garner, A. Yacoubian, W. H. Steier, J. Chen, A. Harper, J. Zhu, M.
He, S. Sun, F. Fang, Y. Ra, S. S. Mao, C. Zhang, L. R. Dalton, Topical
Meeting on Organic
Thin Films for Photonic Applications. Long Beach, CA, Oct. 1997.
“Modified attenuated total reflection for the fast and routine electrooptic measurements of
nonlinear optical polymer thin films” A. Chen, V. Chuyanov, S. Garner, W. H. Steier, L. R.
Dalton, Topical Meeting on Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications. Long Beach, CA,
Oct. 1997.
“In situ trimming of polymer optical waveguides by rapid photobleaching for tuning device
specifications” A. Chen, F. I. Mati-Carrera, V. Chuyanov, S. Garner, S. S. Mao, Y. Ra L. R.
Dalton, Topical Meeting on Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications. Long Beach, CA,
Oct. 1997.
“Vertical tapered mode size transformer in polymer waveguides for efficient fiber coupling”,
A. Chen, V. Chuyanov, F. I. Matri-Carrera, S. Garner, W. H. Steier, J. Chen, S. Sun, Y. Ra, S.
S. Mao, L. R. Dalton, Topical Meeting on Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications. Long
Beach, CA, Oct. 1997.
“Passive alignment of optical fiber array using silicon V-grooves monolithically integrated with
polymer waveguide devices” A. Chen, M. Ziari, W. H. Steier, Topical Meeting on Organic
Thin Films for Photonic Applications. Long Beach, CA, Oct. 1997.
“Three dimensional integrated optics using polymers” S. Garner, V. Chuyanov, A. Chen, S.
Kalluri, F. I. Marti-Carrera,W. H. Steier, Topical Meeting on Organic Thin Films for Photonic
Applications. Long Beach, CA, Oct. 1997.
“Fabrication of vertical tapers in polymer thin films by oxygen reactive ion etching with a
shadow mask for photonic device
applications” A. Chen, F. I. Matri-Carrera, S. Garner,
V.Chuyanov, W. H. Steier, Topical Meeting on Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications.
Long Beach, CA, Oct. 1997
“Recent advances in the translation of large microscopic nonlinearities to large macroscopic
nonlinearities in electro-optic polymer films” A. Harper, M. He, F. Wang, J. Chen, J. Zhu, S.
Sun , L. R. Dalton, A. Chen, S. Garner, A. Yacoubian, W. H. Steier, D. Chen, H, R, Fetterman,
Topical Meeting on Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications. Long Beach, CA, Oct.
"High Band Width Polymer Modulators" (Invited), D. Chen, H. R. Fetterman, A. Chen, W. H.
Steier, L. R. Dalton, W. Wang, Y. Shi, LEOS'96, Nov. 18-21, 1996, Paper MI 1
“Optical packaging of organic polymer electro-optic guided-wave devices”, W. H. Steier, A.
Chen, V. Chuyanov, F. I. Matri-Carrera, S. Garner, M. Ziari, L. R. Dalton, InterPack ‘97,
Kohola Coast, Hawaii, June 1997.
“Incorporation of high  chromophores into 3-D networks via double-end crosslinking
(DEC)” C. Zhang, S. S. H. Mao, L. R. Dalton, S. Garner, A. Chen, W. H., Steier, LEOS ‘97
San Franscisco, CA, 1997.
“A thermally stable crosslinked polymer network with large electrooptic coefficient”J. Zhu, M.
He, J. Cxhen, S, Mao, L. R. Dalton, S. Garner, A. Chen, W. H. Steier, LEOS ‘97 San
Franscisco, CA, 1997.
‘Design and fabrication of Y-branch vertical power splitters using polymers” S. Garner, V.
Chuyanov, A. Chen, A. Yacobian, W. H. Steier, L. R. Dalton, LEOS ‘97 San Franscisco, CA,
“Maskless fabrication of electro-optic polymer devices by direct laser writing and simultaneous
poling of channel waveguides”, A. Chen, V. Chuyanov, S. Garner, W. H. Steier, J. Chen, Y.
Ra, S. Mao, G. Lin, L. R. Dalton, LEOS ‘97 San Franscisco, CA, 1997.
“Characterization and circumventing electrostatic intermolecular interactions in highly
electrooptic polymers”.A. W. Harper, J. Zhu, M. He, L. R. Dalton, S. M. Garner, W. H. Steier,
Matr. Res, Soc Sym. Proc. - Electrical, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Organic Solid State
Materials (1997)
“High EO coefficient polymers based on a chromphore containing isophorone moiety for
second-order nonlinesr optics”J. Chen, J. Zhu, M. He, L. R. Dalton, S. Garner, A. Chen, W. H.,
Steier, Matr. Res, Soc Sym. Proc. - Electrical, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Organic
Solid State Materials (1997)
“Multiple Wavelength Conversion by Nearly Degenerate Four-Wave Mixing in Semiconductor
Optical Amplifier”, D. X. Zhu, S. Dubovitsky, W. H. Steier, K. Uppal, P. D. Dapkus. OFC,
“An all-optical wavelength decoding switch based on four wave mixing in a semiconductor
optical amplifier” D. X. Zhu, S. Dubovitsky, W. H. Steier, D. Tishinin, K. Uppal, P. D.
Dapkus, J. Berger, S. Garner, OSA Topical Meeting on Optical Amplifiers and their
Applications, Paper TuD8-1, Victoria, B. C. Canada, 1997.
“Demonstration of the full potential of electro-optic polymer V modulation using high 
chromophores: a constant bias voltage and optimal temperature” (invited paper), A. Chen. V.
Chuyanov, H. Zhang, S. Garner, W. H. Steier, J. Chen, J. Zhu, M. He, S. S. H. Mao, L. R.
Dalton, SPIE Photonics West, San Jose, CA Jan. 1998, Paper 3281-10.
“Integrated optical vertical polarization splitters using polymers”, S. Garner, V. Chuyanov, A.
Chen, S-S Lee, W. H. Steier, L. R. Dalton, SPIE Photonics West, San Jose, CA Jan. 1998,
Session 3278.
“Vertically Integrated Polymer Waveguide Device Minimizing Insertion Loss and V,” S.M.
Garner, S.S. Lee, V. Chuyanov, A. Yacoubian, A. Chen, W.H. Steier, J. Zhu, J. Chen, and L.R.
Dalton, ICAPT ‘98, Ottawa, Canada.
“Next generation ultrahigh frequency integrated EO modulators” (Invited) D. Chen, H. R.
Fetterman, B. Tsap, A. Chen, W. H. Steier, L. R. Dalton, Topical Meeting on Organic Thin
Films for Photonic Applications. Long Beach, CA, Oct. 1997
“All-optical routing schemes for networks using wavelength recognizing switches” B. Hoanca,
S. Dubovitsky, D. Zhu, A. A. Sawchuk, W. H. Steier, P. D. Dapkus , SPIE Optoelectronics '99
Interconnects VI.
“High Speed Organic Electrooptic Modulators” (invited) H. R. Fetterman, S. S. Lee, A. Chen,
W. H. Steier, L. R. Dalton, LEOS Topical Meeting on Organic Optics and Optoelectronics, July
22-24, 1998, Monterey CA.
“The Role Of Intermolecular Electrostatic Interactions in Defining Electro-Optic Activity for
Poled Polymer Materials” (invited), L. R. Dalton A. W. Harper, J. Zhu, M. He, , S. M. Garner,
W. H. Steier LEOS Topical Meeting on Organic Optics and Optoelectronics, July 22-24, 1998,
Monterey CA.
“Design and Fabrication of Low Vp Polymer Modulators” (invited) W. H. Steier, S. S. Lee, S.
Garner, V. Chuyamov, H. R. Fetterman, L. R. Dalton, LEOS Topical Meeting on Organic
Optics and Optoelectronics, July 22-24, 1998, Monterey CA.
100. “Applications of Polymer Modulators to Commercial Systems” (invited), Y. Shi, S. S. Lee, S.
Garner, V. Chuyamov, H. R. Fetterman, L. R. Dalton, LEOS Topical Meeting on Organic
Optics and Optoelectronics, July 22-24, 1998, Monterey CA.
101. “Three Dimensional Integration of Polymer Electyro-optic Modulators” S. Garner, V.
Chuyanov, A. Chen,W. H. Steier, L. R. Dalton, LEOS Topical Meeting on Organic Optics and
Optoelectronics, July 22-24, 1998, Monterey CA.
102. “Recent Advances in Polymer Electro-optic Modulators”(Invited), H. R. Fetterman, D. H.
Chang, H. Erlig, B. Tsap W. H. Steier, M-C. Oh, H. Zhang
L. R. Dalton, C. Zhan, European Photonics Conference, Spain, 1998
103. “Design and fabrication of semiconductor optical amplifiers for all-optical switching”, D. X.
Zhu, S. Dubovitsky, W. H,. Steier, D. Tishinin, P. D. Dapkus, K. Uppal, ICAPT ‘98, Ottawa,
104. “Linewidth enhancement factor in broad area semiconductor optical amplifiers”, D. X. Zhu, S.
Dubovitsky, W. H,. Steier, D.Tishinin, P. D.Dapkus, K. Uppal, ICAPT ‘98, Ottawa, Canada.
105. “Nonlinear Optics in a Dual Moded Waveguide Semiconductor Optical Amplifier”, Johan P.
Burger, Serge Dubovitsky, William H. Steier, LEOS ‘98, Decermber, 1998, Orlando, FL.
“Broadband linearization of externally modulated fiber-optic links”, Y. Chu, B. Jalali, S.
Garner, W. H. Steier, Paper MC6, Int. Topical Mtg. on Microwave Photonics, Princeton, NJ,
Oct. 12-14, 1998.
107. “Integrated optics photonic mixer for an all optical implementation of a millimeter and submillimeter wave oscillator”, S. Dubovitsky, V. Chuyanov, S. Garner, W. H. Steier, Paper P10,
Int. Topical Mtg. on Microwave Photonics, Princeton, NJ, Oct. 12-14, 1998
108. “Applications of polymers to integrated optics” (invited), W. H. Steier, S-S Lee, S. Garner, A.
Chen, H. Zhang, L. R. Dalton, H. R. Fetterman, A. Udupa, D. Bhattaachaya, LEOS ‘98,
December, 1998, Orlando, FL
109. “Recent Advances in Polymers for Integrated Optics” (Invited) William H. Steier, S-S Lee, S.
Garner, A Chen, H. Zhang, Larry R. Dalton, Harold Fetterman, A. Udupa, D. Bhattaachaya,
Materials Research Society, San Francisco, CA, April 1999.
110. “Bragg gratingsby photobleaching in polymer waveguides”, V. Chuyanov, D. Starodubov, A.
Chen, A. Yacobian, S. Garner, W. H. Steier, J. Feinberg, OSA Topical Meeting on Organic
Thin Films for Photonic Applications, September, 1999, Santa Clara, CA.
“Acoustic spectrum analysis using polymer integrated optics” A. Yacobian, V. Chuyanov,
S. Garner, H. Zhang, W. H., Steier, A. Ren, G. Todorova, L. R. Dalton, OSA Topical Meeting
on Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications, September, 1999, Santa Clara, CA
“Effect of Dielectric Constant on Modulation Voltage for Nonlinear Optic Polymer Based
Optoelectronic Devices” James G. Grote, John S. Zetts, James P. Drumond, Robert L. Nelson,
Frank K. Hopkins Cheng Zhang , Larry R. Dalton, William H. Steier Photonics West, San
Jose, CA, Janu. 2000
“Polymers in Integrated Photonics - Applications They Have an Advantage”(Invited Plenary
Session) W. H. Steier. A. Chen, S.-S. Lee, S. Garner, H. Zhang, V. Chuyanov, M-C Oh, A.
Yacoubian, A. Szep, L. R. Dalton, F. Wang, A. S. Ren, C. Zhang, G. Todorova, A. Harper, H.
R. Fetterman, D. Chen, A. Tsap, R. Chen, Y. Shi, Photonics West, San Jose, CA, Janu. 2000
C. Zhang, M. Lee, A. Winkleman, H. Northcroft, C. Lindsey, A. K. Y. Jen, T. Londergan,
W. H. Steier, and L. R. Dalton, “Realization of Polymeric Electro-Optic Modulators With Less
Than One Volt Drive Voltage Requirement,” Materials Research Society Symposium
Proceedings, Vol. 598, Electrical, Optical and Magnetic Properties of Organic Solid State
Materials (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 2000) in press.
J. G. Grote, J. P. Drummond, J. S. Zetts, R. L. Nelson, F. K. Hopkins, C. Zhang, L. R.
Dalton, and W. H. Steier, “Enhanced Electrooptic Activity of NLO Polymers Via the Use of
Conductive Polymers,” Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 597, Thin
Films for Optical Waveguide Devices (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 2000) in press.
D. An, S. Tang, Z. Shi, L. Sun, J. M. Taboada, Q. Zhou, X. Lu, R. T. Chen, H. Zhang, W.
H. Steier, A. Ren, and L. R. Dalton, "1x2 Y-fed directional coupler modulator based on electrooptic polymer," Proc SPIE 3950 (in press) (2000).
J. H. Kim, L. Sun, C.-H. Jang, D. An, J. M. Taboada, Q. Zhou, X Lu, R. T. Chen, B. Li, X.
Han, S. Tang, H. Zhang, W. H. Steier, A. Ren, and L. R. Dalton, “Electrooptic beam deflection
in a polymeric waveguide,” European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC)”
(submitted) (2000).
119. “Low Voltage, High Frequency Commercial Polymer Electro-optic Modulators”,
W. H. Steier, M-C. Oh, H. Zhang, A. Szep, L. R. Dalton, C. Zhang
H. R. Fetterman, D. H. Chang, H. Erlig, B. Tsap, Y. Shi, J. H. Bechtel, W. Lin
PSAA Meeting, Monterey, CA Febr. 2000.
120. “Recent Advances in Packaged Arrays of Low Voltage, High Frequency Polymer Electro-optic
Modulators”, W. H. Steier, M-C. Oh, H. Zhang, A. Szep,
L. R. Dalton, C. Zhang, H. R. Fetterman, D. H. Chang, H. Erlig, B. Tsap
Y. Shi, J. H. Bechtel, W. Lin, Charles Y-C Lee, AIAA Meeting, San Diego, CA, July, 2000.
121. J. Grote, J. Zetts, J. Drummond, R. Nelson, F. Hopkins, C. Zhang, L. Dalton and W. Steier,
“Effect of Dielectric Constant on Modulation Voltage for Nonlinear Optic Polymer Based
Optoelectronic Devices”, Eds., Y. Park and R. Chen, SPIE Proceedings, 3950, pp. 108-116, (2000)
122 J. Grote, J. Zetts, R. Nelson, F. Hopkins, J. Huddleston, P. Yaney, C. Zhang, W. Steier, M. Oh, H.
Fetterman, A Jen and L Dalton, “Advancements in Conductive Cladding Materials for Nonlinear Optic
Polymer Based Optoelectronic Devices”, SPIE Proceedings, Eds., K. Iftekharuddin and A. Awwal,
4470, pp. 10-18, (2001)
“Production of High Bandwidth Polymeric Electro-Optic Modulators With Vp Voltages
of Less Than 1 Volt”. L. R. Dalton, B. Robinson, W. Steier, ICONO2000 conference in Davos,
“Broadband integrated optical Polymer Modulators”(Invited), H. R. Fetterman, D.
Chang, J. Han, H. Zhang, W. H. Steier, M-C Oh, L. Dalton, H. Erlig, B. Tsap, Y. Chang,
European Conference on Integrated Optics, Germany, April 4-6, 2001.
“Recent Advances in Low Voltage, High Frequency Polymer Electro-optic
Modulators”(Invited), W. H. Steier, M-C. Oh, H. Zhang, A. Szep,
L. R. Dalton, C. Zhang, H. R. Fetterman, D. H. Chang, H. Erlig, B. Tsap, The Optical Fiber
Conference, Anaheim, CA, March 2001.
“ Polymer High Speed Low Voltage Modualtors”(Invited), W. H. Steier, M-C. Oh, H. Zhang,
A. Szep, L. R. Dalton, C. Zhang, H. R. Fetterman, D. H. Chang, H. Erlig, B. Tsap OSA Optical
Thin Films Conference, Long beach, Oct. 2001
“ Advances in High Speed Polymer Modulators(Invited)”, W. H. Steier, M-C. Oh, H. Zhang,
A. Szep, L. R. Dalton, C. Zhang, H. R. Fetterman, D. H. Chang, H. Erlig, B. Tsap, Paper TuG,
LEOS, San Diego, Nov. 2001.
“Micro-ring resonators using polymer materials”, P. Rabiei, W. H. Steier, Paper WO5, LEOS,
San Diego, Nov. 2001.
“Integrated WDM polymer modulator”, P. Rabiei, W. H. Steier, C. Zhang, L. R. Dalton, Paper
TuF6, Optical Fiber Conf. Anaheim, CA, March 2002.
“ Polymeric optical waveguide modulators and their applications” (Invited) W. H. Steier, MC. Oh, H. Zhang, A. Szep, Y. H. Kuo, P. Rabiei, S. W. Ahn, L. R. Dalton, C. Zhang, H. R.
Fetterman, D. H. Chang, H. Erlig, B. Tsap, Paper CMI3, CLEO/QELS, Long Beach. CA, May,
“Applications of state-of-the-art polymer modulators”, H. Erlig, D. Chang, M. Oh, J. Han, Y.
Chang, C. Zhang, B. Tsap, H. Fetterman, W. H. Steier, Opt. Soc. Conf. Integrated Photonics
Research, Paper ItuH3-1, Monterey, CA June 2001.
“The rational design and production of organic electro-optic materials and devices” L. R.
Dalton, A. K-Y Jen, B. H. Robinson, W. H. Steier, GOMAC, Monterey, CA, 3/14/02
“Polymer micro-ring modulator with 1 THz FSR”, P. Rabiei, W. H. Steier, C-K Wang. Post
deadline paper, CLEO, Long Beach, CA, May 23, 2002
A. Jen, R. Neilsen, B. Robinson, W. Steier, and L. Dalton, “Rational Design of Organic
Electro-Optic Materials,” Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 708,
Electrical, Optical and Magnetic Properties of Organic Solid State Materials (Materials
Research Society, Pittsburgh, 2002) pp.BB4.4.1-8.
P. Rabiei, W. H. Steier, C. Zhang, and L. R. Dalton, “Integrated WDM Polymer Modulator,” in
Optical Society of America Trends in Optics and Photonics, Vol. 70, Optical Fiber
Communication Conference, Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, Washington DC,
2002), pp. 31-33.
M. C. Wu, H. Fetterman, T. Itoh, B. Jalali, E. Yablonovitch, L. R. Dalton, W. H. Steier, C.
Chang-Hasnain, K. Lau, and R. Ram, “A Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative on
RF Photonic Materials and Devices,” Proc. GOMAC 2002, 144-7 (2002).
J. G. Grote, J. S. Zetts, R. L. Nelson, F. K. Hopkins, P. P. Yaney, C. Zhang, W. H. Steier, M.
C. Oh, H. R. Fetterman, A. K. Y. Jen, and L. R. Dalton, “Conductive Cladding Materials for
Nonlinear Optic Polymer Based Opto-Electronic Devices,” Proc. GOMAC 2002, 161-5 (2002).
"Tunable double micro-ring (DMR) filters for widely tunable lasers" P. Rabiei, W, H, Steier,
ECIO'03 Conference, Prague
“TM-Pass Electro-optic APC-CPW Polymeric Modulators with Poling Induced Waveguides
and Self aligned Electrodes”, S. Kim, K. Geary. H. Fetterman, H. Zhang, C. Zhang, C. Wang,
W. H. Steier, Paper WD, OFC, March 2003
“Vertical integration of Silica and electro-optic polymer wavwguides using grayscal
lithography”. D. H. Chang, T. Azfar, C. Zhang, W. H. Steier, H. R. Fetterman, Paper CWA42,
CLEO, May, 2003
“Electro-optic polymeric digital optical switches (DOS’s) with low switching voltages”, W.
Yuan, S. Kim, D. H. Chang, C. Zhang, W. H. Steier, H. R. Fetterman, Paper CTuQ5, CLEO,
May, 2003
“Applications of Organic Materials in Photonics” (Invited)W. H. Steier, H-C Song, Y-H Kuo,
P. Rabiei, S-W Ahn, M-C. Oh, H. R. Fetterman, C. Zhang, L. R. Dalton, A. K-Y. Jen, Kwiram
Symposium, University of Washington, Seattle, May, 2004
“Polymer Opto-Electronics”, H. R. Fetterman, W. H. Steier, GOPAC (2003)
“Advances in Polymer Waveguide Devices”(Invited) W. H. Steier, H. C. Song, Y.H. Kuo, P.
Rabiei, S_W Ahn, M-C Oh, H. R. Fetterman, C. Zhang, L. R. Dalton, A. K. Jen. LEOS 2003,
Tucson Az.
“ Novel Optical Polymer Devices for Microwave Applications” (Invited) H. R. Fetterman, , SK. Kim, K. Geary, Wj. Yuan, Y-C Hung, I. Poberezhskly, B. Bortnik, C. Zhang, W. H. Steier
LEOS 2003, Tucson Az.
“Electro-Optic and Passive Polymer Micro-Resonators” (Invited)William H. Steier, P. Rabiei,
H-C. Song, B. Bhola, H. Tazawa, Y-K Kuo LEOS Topical Meerting on Micro-resoantors, San
Diego, CA August 2004
“All-Organic and Organic-Silicon Photonic Ring Microresonators”, A. Chen, L. Dalton. W. H.
Steier, A. Scherer and A. Yariv, Proc. SPIE, 5708. 187-197(2005)
“Optimization of Organic Electro-optic Materials: Optical Glasses!” L. Dalton, A. Jen, B.
Robinson, W. Steier, International Conference on Organic Photonics and Electronics 2005 &
the 8th International Conference on Organic Nonlinear Optics, Matsushima, Japan, March
“Electro-optic Materials and Devices for Integrated Photonics”, L. Dalton, A. Jen, B. Robinson,
W. Steier, OAA/IPR Topical Meeting, July 1, 2004
“Development and Exploration of the Unique Properties of Organic Electro-optic Materials and
Devices”, L. Dalton, A. Jen, B. Robinson, W. Steier, IEEE International Topical Meeting on
Microwave Photonics, October 4-6 (2004)
Kim S, Geary K, Fetterman HR, Zhang C, Wang C, Steier WH. Push-pull electro-optic polymer
modulators based on photo-bleaching induced waveguides and dual-driving electrodes.
[Conference Paper] World Scientific. Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials, vol.13,
no.3-4, Dec. 2004, pp.405-10. Singapore.
SeongKu Kim, Geary K, Azfar T, Wei Yuan, Fetterman HR, Zhang C, Wang C, Steier WH.
Low loss photo-bleaching induced electro-optic polymer modulator in a guest-host system.
[Conference Paper] Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO). IEEE. Part vol.2, 2004,
pp.2 pp. vol.2. Piscataway, NJ, USA.
Fetterman HR, Seong-Ku Kim, Geary K, Poberezhskiy I, Bortnik B, Wei Yuan, Yu-Chueh
Hung, Byoung-Joon Seo, Steier WH. “Novel configurations and approaches for polymer
electro-optic devices.” [Invited Conference Paper] SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. Proceedings of
SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering, vol.5351, no.1, 18 June 2004, pp.1627. USA
Kim S, Geary K, Chang D, Fetterman H, Zhang H, Zhang C, Wang C, Steier W. TM-pass
electro-optic APC-CPW polymeric modulators with poling-induced waveguides and selfaligned electrodes. [Conference Paper] Optical Fiber Communications Conference (OFC).
(Trends in Optics and Photonics Series Vol.86) Postconference Digest (IEEE Cat.
No.03CH37403). Opt. Soc. America. Part vol.1, 2003, pp.319-20 vol.1. Washington, DC, USA
Fetterman HR, Geary K, Kim S-K, Poberezhskiy IY, Bortnik BJ, Yuan W, Han J, Seo BJ, Azfar
T, Chang DH, Hung YC, Zhang C, Steier WH. “New electrooptic polymer devices for
microwave-photonic interactions.” [Invited Conference Paper] Proceedings of the 2003
SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference - IMOC 2003.
(Cat. No.03TH8678). IEEE. Part vol.1, 2003, pp.437-42 vol.1. Piscataway, NJ, USA.
Grote JG, Zetts JS, Nelson RL, Diggs DE, Hopkins FK, Yaney PP, Cheng Zhang, Steier WH,
Min-Cheol Oh, Fetterman HR, Jen AK-Y, Dalton LR, Taylor EW, Winter JE, Sanchez AD,
Craig DM. Nonlinear optic polymer electro-optic modulators for space applications.
[Conference Paper] SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. Proceedings of Spie - the International Society for
Optical Engineering, vol.4823, 2002, pp.6-18. USA.
Reem Song, Hyunchae Song, and William H. Steier, “Novel Mach-Zehnder Polymer
Modulators using Coplanar Waveguide Electrodes”, OSA Organic Optical Thin Films
Workshop, Tucson, Oct. 2005.
Hidehisa Tazawa, William H. Steier, and Alex K-Y. Jen, “Electro-optic Polymer Modulator
based on Ring Resonator for Microwave Photonics Applications”, OSA Organic Optical Thin
Films Workshop, Tucson, Oct. 2005.
Y.-H. Kuo, Jingdong Luo, W. H. Steier, and Alex K. Jen, “Thermally Stable Electro-Optic
Polymer Modulator Using Diels-Alder Cross-linkable Polymer”, OSA Organic Optical Thin
Films Workshop, Tucson, Oct. 2005
Y.-H. Kuo, H.-C. Song, Jingdong Luo, W. H. Steier, and Alex K. Jen, “Low V Optical
Polymer Modulator With Novel Poling Strategy”, OSA Organic Optical Thin Films Workshop,
Tucson, Oct. 2005
Hidehisa Tazawa and William H. Steier, “Linearity and Ultra-Linearization of Ring Resonator
Based Modulators for Sub-Octave Bandpass Analog Optical Links”, OFC, 2006
156. Hidehisa Tazawa, Ying-Hao Kuo, William H. Steier, Ilya Dunayevskiy, Harold R. Fetterman,
Jingdong Luo, and Alex K.-Y. Jen, “Demonstration of 28 GHz Ring Resonator Based ElectroOptic Polymer Modulator”. OFC, 2006
157. “Millimeter-Wave Ring Resonator Based Electro-Optic Polymer Modulator”, Bart Bortnik,
Hidehisa Tazawa, Yu-Chueh Hung, William H. Steier, Harold R. Fetterman, Jingdong Luo,
and Alex K.-Y. Jen CLEO, Long Beach, CA 2006.
158. “Ring Resonator-Based Electro-Optic Polymer Modulator and Its Linearity” Hidehisa Tazawa,
Ying-Hao Kuo, William H. Steier, Yu-Chueh Hung, Ilya Dunayevskiy, Harold R. Fetterman,
Jingdong Luo, Alex K.-Y. Jen, Progress in Electromagnetic Radiation, Tokyo, Aug. 2006
159. “Millimeterwave Electro-ooptic Polymer Based Ring Resonator Modulator”, Bart Bortnik,
Hidehisa Tazawa, Yu-Chueh Hung, William H. Steier, Harold R. Fetterman, Jingdong Luo,
and Alex K.-Y. Jen, OWH1, OFC, Anahiem, CA 2007.
160. “Resonant Millimeter Wave Polymer Optical Modulators” Invited paper
W. H. Steier, H. Tazawa, B. Bortnik, Y-C Hung, H. R. Fetterman, J. Luo, A. K-Y Jen, L. R.
Dalton, International Conference on Molecular Photonics: Interaction of Light with
Nanostructured Materials, August 28 - 31, 2007
161. G. Gupta1, Y.-H. Kuo1, H. Tazawa1, A. Stapleton1, Y. Liao2, W. H. Steier1, J. D. O’Brien1 and
L. R. Dalton2“Coupling Control in Polymer Microring Based High-Q Filters and Electro-Optic
Modulators Using Photobleaching”, Optical Fiber Communication Conference,
San Diego, paper OMJ2, Feb. 2008.
162. G. Gupta, W. H. Steier, CLEO 2008, ”Cascaded Over- and Under-Coupled Resonators
(COUR):Reducing Group Delay Dispersion and Overcoming the Sensitivity-Bandwidth Tradeoff” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, paper CTuNN5, May 2008.
163. Yoo Seung Lee, Sang Shin Lee*, and William H. Steier
“Increasing the sensitivity-bandwidth product of resonant FSR optical modulators using
coupled resonators” Presented at 2009 Frontiers in Optics (FiO)/Laser Science XXV (LS)
Conference (2009).
164.“Free Standing Single Crystal LiNbO3 Micro-wires Fabricated by Ion Slicing, Transferred and
Bonded to SiO2/Si” Yoo Seung Lee, Sang Shin Lee*, and William H. Steier.
165.G. Gupta, M. L. Cooper, Jung S. Park, M. A. Schneider, W. H. Steier and S. Mookherjea,
"Tuning of microring resonators," paper 7612-26, SPIE Photonics West Conference, San
Francisco (2010).