1. Lapovok R., Cottam R., Stecher G., Deam R., Summerville E., Investigation of Ductility and Damage Accumulation by two Stage Deformation using ECAE/ECAD and Tensile Test, NATO Science Series book "Investigations and Applications of Severe Plastic Deformation", (2000), 303 – 312. 2. Lapovok R., Cottam R., Deam R., Investigation of Damage Accumulation using Equal Channel Angular Extrusion / Drawing, IMPLAST 2000, Proceeding of the International Conference on Structural Failure and Plasticity, Pergamon Press, (2000), 571-578. 3. Lapovok R., Damage Evolution under Severe Plastic Deformation, International Journal of Fracture, 115: 2 (2002), 159-172. 4. Lapovok R., Cottam R., Kinematics of Damage Governed by Severe Plastic Deformation, Ultrafine Grained Materials II, (Eds: Y.T. Zhu, T.G. Langdon et all. ), TMS Meeting, (2002), 547-556. 5. Stolyarov V.V., Lapovok R., Brodova I.G., Thomson P. F., Ultrafine-grained Al-5 wt.%Fe Alloy Processed by ECAP with Backpressure, Materials Science & Engineering, A357 (2003), 159-167. 6. Lapovok R. Ye., Wells P., Raviprasad K., McKenzie P.W.J., Removal of Porosity in Cast Aluminium Alloys by ECAE, Materials Science Forum Vols. 426-432, Trans. Tech. Publications Ltd., (2003), 297-302. 7. Stolyarov V.V., Lapovok R., Effect of Backpressure on the Structure and Properties of Albased alloys processed by ECAP, Materials Science Forum Vols. 426-432, Trans. Tech. Publications Ltd., (2003), 2825-2830. 8. Lapovok R.Ye., Thomson P.F., Densification of Magnesium Particles by ECAP with a Back-Pressure, NANOSPD, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic Deformation: Fundamentals - Processing - Applications, Dec. 9-13, 2003, Vienna, Austria, (2003), 551-557. 9. M. Skripnyuk, E. Rabkin, Y. Estrin and R. Lapovok, The Effect of Ball Milling and Equal Channel Angular Pressing on the Hydrogen Absorption / Desorption properties of Alloy ZK60, Acta Materialia, Vol 52/2 (2004), pp 405-414. 10. R. Lapovok, P.W.J. McKenzie, Formation of Defects During Equal Channel Angular Extrusion, Ultrafine Grained Materials III (Edited by Y.T. Zhu, T.G. Langdon, R.Z. Valiev, S.L. Semiatin, D.H. Shin, and T.C. Lowe), TMS Meeting, (2004), 103-110. 11. Lapovok R.Ye., Thomson P.F., Production of Dense Rod From Magnesium Swarf for ReMelting, Magnesium Technology (2004), Edited by A.A. Luo, TMS Meeting, (2004), pp. 149-154. 12. K. Rhee, R. Lapovok, P. Thomson, The Relationship between Grain Size and Room Temperature Ductility of AA6111 Sheet, International Conference on Light Metals Technology (Edited by A. Dahle), 18-20 September 2003, Brisbane, (2003), 357-360. 13. R. Lapovok, The role of Back-Pressure in ECAP processing of materials, Metals, 1 (2004), pp.44-50 (in Russian). 14. R. Lapovok, Backpressure in Equal-Channel Angular Pressing, Russian Metallurgy (Metally), 1 (2004), pp. 36-41, (Translated from Metally, 1, 2004, pp. 44-50). 15. R. Lapovok, P.F. Thomson, R. Cottam and Y. Estrin, The Effect of Warm Equal Channel Angular Extrusion on Ductility and Twinning in Magnesium Alloy ZK60, Materials Transactions, 45:7 (2004), pp. 2192-2199. 16. F.H. Dalla Torre, R. Lapovok , P.F. Thomson, J.D. Sandlin, C.H.J. Davies, E.V. Pereloma, On the influence of the misorientation of grains, grain size and boundary volume on the strength and ductility of ultrafine grained Cu, in press, Proc. MRS Spring Conference (Eds. P. M. Anderson, T. Foecke, A. Misra, R. E. Rudd), April 2004, Vol. 821, 9.10, pp. 251. 17. V.V. Stolyarov, R. Lapovok, Effect of backpressure on structure and properties of AA5083 alloy processed by ECAP, Journal of Alloy and Compounds, (2004), 378/1-2, 233-236. 18. F. Dalla Torre, R. Lapovok, J. Sandlin, P.F. Thomson, C.H.J. Davis, E.V. Pereloma, Mocrostructure and Properties of Copper Processed by Equal Channel Angular Extrusion for 1-16 passes, Acta Materialia, (2004), 52:16, 20 , 4819-4832 19. F. Dalla Torre, C.H.J. Davies, J. Sandlin, R. Lapovok, P.F. Thomson and E.V. Pereloma, A Comparison of the Mechanical Properties of Equal Channel Angular Extruded Cu Measured by Tensile, Compression and Small Shear Punch Tests, In Proceeding ICAMP 3, Melbourne, November, 2004, Materials Forum, 29 (2005), Edited by J.F. Nie and M. Barnett, IMEA Ltd.,pp. 65-70. 20. KiHo Rhee, R. Laovok, P.F. Thomson, The influence of Severe Plastic Deformation on Mechanical Properties of AA6111 Sheet at Room Temperature, JOM, 57:5 (2005), pp. 6266. 21. R. Lapovok, F.H. Dalla Torre, J. Sandlin, C.H.J. Davies, E.V. Pereloma, P.F. Thomson. Y. Estrin, Gradient plasticity constitutive model reflecting the ultrafine microstructure scale: the case pf severely deformed copper, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 53 (2005), 729-747. 22. R. Lapovok, P.F. Thomson, R. Cottam and Y. Estrin, Processing Routes Leading to Superplatic Behaviour of Magnesium Alloy ZK60, Materials Science & Engineering, A 410-411, (2005), pp. 390-393 23. R. Lapovok, R. Cottam, P. Thomson and Y. Estrin, Extraodinary Superplastic Ductility of Magnesium Alloy ZK60, Journal of Materials Research 20:6, (2005), pp. 1375-1378. 24. R. Lapovok, P.F. Thomson, R. Cottam and Y. Estrin, The Effect of Grain Refinement by Warm Equal Channel Angular Extrusion on Room Temperature Twinning in Magnesium Alloy ZK60, Journal of Materials Science 40:7, (2005), pp. 1699-1708. 25. R. Lapovok, The role of Back-Pressure in Equal Channel Angular Extrusion, Journal of Materials Science, 40:2, (2005), pp. 341-346. 26. R. Lapovok, The positive role of back-pressure in Equal Channel Angular Extrusion, Materials Science Forum, Vols. 503-504 (2006), Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, pp. 37-44. 27. P.W.J. McKenzie, R. Lapovok, P.F. Thomson, Enhanced Ductility due to Grain Refinement by Equal Channel Angular Extrusion in Automotive Aluminium Alloy 6016, Materials Science Forum, Vols. 503-504 (2006), Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, pp. 657-662. 28. R. Lapovok, C. Loader, F. Dalla Torre, S.L. Semiatin, Microstructure Evolution and Fatigue Behavior of 2124 Aluminum Processed by ECAE with Back Pressure, Materials Science & Engineering, A425 (2006), 1-2, pp.36-46. 29. R. Lapovok, P.W.J. McKenzie, P.F. Thomson, S.L. Semiatin,, Processing and Properties of Ultrafine-Grain Aluminum Alloy 5005 Sheet, Journal of Materials Science, 45:5 (2007), 1649-1659. 30. Y. Estrin, KiHo Rhee, R. Lapovok, P. F. Thomson, Mechanical Behaviour of Alloy AA6111 Processed by Severe Plastic Deformation: Modelling and Experiment, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, (2006), (accepted). 31. McKenzie, Lapovok, Estrin Influence of Back Pressure on ECAP Processed AA 6016: Modeling and Experiment, Acta Materialia, Vol 55/2 (2007), pp 2985-2993. 32. R. Lapovok, P.W.J. McKenzie, P.F. Thomson , and S.L. Semiatin, The Influence of PostECAP Annealing on the Properties of Ultrafine-grained 5005 Aluminum Alloy Sheet, Journal of Materials Research, (2006), 22:4, (2007), pp. 325-331. 33. R. Lapovok, D. Tomus, B.C. Muddle, Compaction of Ti-6Al-4V Powder by ECAE with Back-Pressure, (2006), (accepted) 34. C Bettles, R Lapovok, HP Ng, D Tomus, BC Muddle, Approaches to the Design and Processing of Novel Titanium Alloys, (2006), (accepted) 35. G. Raab, R. Lapovok, Modelling of Stress-Strain Distribution in ECAE by analyticalexperimental method, Ultrafine Grained Materials IV (Edited by Y.T. Zhu, T.G. Langdon, Z. Horita, M.J. Zehetbauer, S.L. Semiatin, and T.C. Lowe), TMS Meeting, (2006), 189194. 36. Y. Estrin, R.J. Hellmig, M. Janeek, T.T. Lamark, Z. Zuberova, R. Lapovok, M. Popov, Effect of ECAP on the Mechanical Properties of Magnesium Alloys, Ultrafine Grained Materials IV (Edited by Y.T. Zhu, T.G. Langdon, Z. Horita, M.J. Zehetbauer, S.L. Semiatin, and T.C. Lowe), TMS Meeting, (2006), 381-388. 37. R. Lapovok, P.W.J. McKenzie, P.F. Thomson, S.L. Semiatin, The Influence of pos-ECAP annealing on the properties of ultrafine-grained 5005 aluminium alloy sheet, UFG-2006, September, Kloster Irsee, Germany (2006), 1-28. 38. W.Q. Cao, C.F. Gu, R.Lapovok, E.V. Pereloma, C.H.J. Davies, Thermal stability and rectystallisation of severely deformed copper, UFG-2006, September, Kloster Irsee, Germany (2006), 1-31. 39. V. Skripnyuk, E. Rabkin. J. Estrin, R. Lapovok, Improving hydrogen storage properties of magnesium based composites through the ECAP processing, HTM-2007, Donetsk, Ukraina, 21-25 May, 2007.