POLYMORPHISM OF GENE ENCODING C-REACTIVE PROTEIN IN SUCKLING PIGLETS. Chandra S. Pareek and Krystyna Życzko Department of Animal Genetics, University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, Poland. Abstract An investigation aimed to perform on one polymorphic SNP (G > A) in the 3’-UTR at the position of 1271bp of porcine CRP gene (GenBank accession no. AY714055) in 172 suckling piglets originating from cross between Polish Large White x Polish Landrace sows x Duroc boar. The HinfI PCR-RFLP results revealed a 454bp undigested amplicon as CRPG allele and digested product with 379bp and 75bp as CRPA allele. The progenies originating from boar GG crossed with GG and AG sows were in accordance to the expected genotypic frequencies, while progenies originating from boar AG crossed with GG and AG sows, showed the deficit of genotype AG. Genotype GG was observed as the most frequent, covering about 72.7% of analysed population, whereas genotype frequencies of AG and AA were 25.6% and 1.7%, respectively. The allele frequency of CRPA and CRPG was 0.145 and 0.855, respectively. Obtained results revealed the elimination of AA and AG genotypes in the suckling piglets aged 19-25 days. The observed highly significant differences of allele A frequency in the younger and older aged suckling piglets did not depend on the state of health. The rear allele A frequency in suckling piglets aged 12-18 days and 1525 days were 0.195 (healthy), 0.175 (piglets with diarrhoea) and 0.058 (healthy), 0.096 (piglets with diarrhoea), respectively. Keywords: CRP, SNP, Polymorphism, suckling piglets, diarrhoea. The earliest host response to tissue injury, infection, inflammation or trauma is the acute phase proteins called as C-reactive proteins (CRP). CRP has not only to be considered as a marker, but also as a potential participant in the pathogenesis of diseases such as various roles in cellular activation and in inflammatory processes (Pepys et al. 2003). In animals, CRP is an acute-phase inflammatory serum protein marker and a mediator of innate and adaptive immunity (Szalai 2002). In human, the baseline levels of plasma CRP show a clear heritability (h2) of 40% and 35% in family studies ((Pankow et al. 2001, Vickers et al. 2002). The human CRP gene lies on chromosome 1q23, within a conserved genetic region that encodes for proteins critical to the immune system and to intercellular communication (Watson et al. 1990). In pig, CRP encoding gene is physically allocated to Sscr 4q13 (Pinton et al. 2000). The porcine CRP gene is comprised of 1762bp (accession no. AB005545). Two SNPs in the 3’-UTR region at position of 788bp (CRP_SNP-1) and at 1271bp (CRP_SNP-2) of the cDNA sequence (GenBank accession no. AY714055) were detected (Chomdej et al. 2004). In presented paper, we studied the CRP polymorphism in the healthy and diarrhoea affected piglets (PLW x PL x Duroc) at two different stages of early physiological life. Material and methods The material was comprised of 172 suckling piglets originating from cross between Polish Large White (PLW) x Polish Landrace (PL) sows and Duroc boars. The experimental design was constructed according to health status (healthy and diarrhoea affected) and different ages (12-18 days and 19-28 days) of suckling piglets. The DNA was isolated from whole blood using MasterPureTM DNA purification kit (Epicentre, USA). The HinfI PCR-RFLP for CRP gene were performed according to Chomdej et al. (2004). The obtained HinfI PCR-RFLP result revealed one undigested fragment of 454 bp and two DNA fragments of 379bp and 75bp of size. The uncut amplicon of 454bp represented the CRP G allele, while cut amplicons of 379bp and 75bp represented the CRP A allele (Figure 1). A 2 test was employed to find out the distribution and effect of CRP polymorphism towards the health status of suckling piglets at different physiological stage of life. 1353 1078 872 603 454 bp 379bp 310 287 234 M GG AG GG AG AG GG Figure 1: HinfI PCR-RFLP genotyping of porcine CRP gene. M denotes as Phix174/HaeIII. Results The distribution of CRP genotype frequencies revealed a non significant effect of CRP genotypes on healthy and infected piglets in both age groups (Table-1). The frequencies of genotype AA was observed as less frequent, while frequencies of genotype AG as intermediate and frequencies of genotype GG as highest in the all analysed piglets. However, The distribution of CRP allele showed highly significant relationship (p 0.01) between CRP alleles and piglets aged 12-18 days and 19-25 days irrespective to the piglets’ health status. Table 1: Distribution of genotypes and allele frequencies of porcine CRP gene in piglets. Piglets at the age of 12-18 days Piglets at the age of 19-23 days Healthy Diarrhoea Together Healthy Diarrhoea Together n (%) n (%) n % n % n % n % AA 1 1,56 2 3,57 3 2,50 – – – – – – AG 23 35,94 13 23,21 36 30.00 3 11,54 5 19,23 8 15,38 GG 40 62,50 41 73,22 81 67,50 23 88,46 21 80,77 44 84,62 Together 64 100 56 100 120 100 26 100 26 100 52 100 CRPA 0,195 0,152 0,175a 0,058 0,096 0,077b CRPB 0,805 0,848 0,825a 0,942 0,904 0,923b a, b Assigned letters and means allele frequencies differ highly significantly at different age groups at p 0.01. Genotypes / alleles The segregation pattern of CRP alleles in examined piglets revealed no discrimination of CRP alleles in examined healthy and diarrhoea affected piglets, and a state of genetic equilibrium was observed (Table 2). Table 2: State of genetic equilibrium of porcine CRP gene according to health status of piglets. Assigned letters ns means non-significant. The distribution of CRP genotypes in progenies from various parental mating combinations presented in Table 3. Obtained results showed the progenies originating from parental mating of CRP genotypes AA Healthy piglets observed (%) expected (%) 1,1 2,45 Piglets with diarrhoea observed (%) expected (%) 2,4 1,80 AG 28,9 26,33 22,0 23,2 GG 70,0 71,22 75,6 75,0 CRP alleles A G 2 Healthy piglets 0,156 0,844 0.897ns Piglets with diarrhoea 0,134 0,866 0,241ns GG x GG and GG x AG were in accordance to the expected genotypic frequencies, while progenies originating from parental mating of AG x GG and AG x AG, showed a highly significant (p 0.01) deficit of genotype AG (Table 3). Table 3: Distribution of porcine CRP genotypes in progenies from various parental mating. **: highly significant at p 0.01. Discussion Type of parental mating Progenies number Boars Sows n GG GG 62 GG AG 78 Together GGxAG, GG 140 AG GG 18 AG AG 14 Together AGxAG, GG 32 Distribution of CRP genotypes (n) in progenies AA AG GG observed expected observed expected observed expected 62 62 38 39 40 39 38 39 102 101 4 9 14 9 3 3,5 2 7 9 3,5 3 3,5 6 16 23 12,5 2 0,105 15,14** Recently published CRP polymorphism (Chomdej et al. 2004) was studied in the progenies originating from PLW x PL x Duroc crossbred suckling piglets. Although, highly significant effect of CRPA allele was recorded in examined progenies, this polymorphism did not show any influence on the state of health of suckling piglets. The segregation of CRP alleles among the examined progenies was in a state of genetic equilibrium. However, this segregation pattern in examined PLW x PL x Duroc suckling piglets was observed quite different then in the commercial purebred pig population. In the Large White, Pietrain and German Landrace population frequencies of CRP allele A were reported as high (0.70), intermediate (0.35), and very low (0.04) (Chomdej et al. 2004) respectively. With the advancement of age, the tendency of existence of alleleA become lower and resulted in the elimination of AA and AG genotypes. The study confirm the genetic variability of porcine CRP gene in the examined crossbred population, however, further investigation are necessary in context to validate the porcine CRP gene as a favourable candidate gene (Szalai et al. 2001) for complement activity and host defence in the pig. References Chomdaj S., Ponsuksili S., Schellander K., Wimmers K. (2004). Detection of SNPs and linkage and radiation hybrid mapping of the porcine C-reactive protein (CRP) gene. Anim. Genet., 35: 469-470. Pankow, J. S.; Folsom, A. R.; Cushman, M.; Borecki, I. B.; Hopkins, P. N.; Eckfeldt, J. H.; Tracy R.P. (2001). 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Genomic organization of the selectin family of leukocyte adhesion molecules on human and mouse chromosome 1. J. Exp. Med., 172: 263–272. Chandra S. Pareek and Krystyna Życzko POLIMORFIZM GENU KODUJĄCEGO BIAŁKO C-REAKTYWNE U SSĄCYCH PROSIĄT STRESZCZENIE Celem badań było określenie występowania mutacji punktowej (G > A) w obrębie obszaru 3’UTR w pozycji 1271pz genu CRP (GenBank numer acc: AY714055). Badaniami objęto 172 ssące prosięta pochodzące z krzyżowanie świń rasy Wielka Biała Polska x Polska Biała Zwisłoucha z knurami rasy Duroc. Metodą PCR-RFLP przy użyciu enzymu restrykcyjnego HinfI, identyfikowano allele od 454pz – allel G i dwa fragmenty o długości 379pz i 75pz – allel A. Determinowały one genotypy: AA, AG i GG. Wykazano, że po knurach o genotypie GG kojarzonych z lochami GG i AG, obserwowany rozkład genotypów w ich potomstwie był zgodny z oczekiwanym. Natomiast wśród prosiąt pochodzących po knurach o genotypie AG, kojarzonych z lochami AG i GG, stwierdzono statystycznie wysoko istotny niedobór heterozygot AG. Wśród potomstwa najczęściej występował genotyp GG. Stanowił on 72.7% ogółu prosiąt,. Udział prosiąt AG wynosił 25.6% zaś AA zaledwie 1.7%. Frekwencja allelu CRPA wynosiła 0.145 zaś allelu CRPG- 0.855. Wykazano, że wraz z wiekiem prosiąt, następowała eliminacja genotypu AA i AG. Wysoko istotne różnice we frekwencji CRPA między młodszymi i starszymi prosiętami nie zależały jednak od ich stanu zdrowia. Frekwencja allelu CRPA u młodszych prosiąt wynosiła 0.195 (zdrowe prosięta) i 0.175 (prosięta z biegunką) zaś u starszych, odpowiednio 0.058 i 0.096.