Education Technology Service

Bradford’s 2011-12 MAINSTREAM Schools Formula Funding (Primary &
Secondary schools)
General Points
1. Introduction: 2011-12 Budgets & Setting Formula Funding
The Department for Education (DfE) announced details of the funding settlement for 2011/12 after
consultation in 2010; schools have received a confirmed budget for the 2011/12 financial year only,
rather than predicted budgets for the spending review period. Bradford’s Schools Forum has made
recommendations on the allocation of the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) for 2011/12 and also has
agreed the formula that will be used to allocate funding to all current schools.
2. Ring Fencing of Phases Budgets
Primary & Secondary schools: In 2004/05 a new formula was implemented under the principle that no
phase in total will lose funding i.e. that, all things being equal, the amount of total funding to be
allocated to Primary schools remains as 2003/04, and the same for Secondary schools. This ‘ring
fencing’ of the phases budgets is continued in 2011/12, is subject to changes in pupil numbers
between the phases, and is implemented through the alteration of the scaling down multipliers for
each phase.
Nursery schools and nursery classes in primary schools are funded via the new Early Years Single
Funding Formula (EYSFF) which was implemented in April 2011, as per DfE requirements. Please
see the EYSFF Technical Statement and Timetable for full details.
3. Scaling Down
The formula cannot be afforded fully within the total budget currently available. Therefore, the
assumptions need to be made to fit, and this is done by applying a single multiplier to all qualifying
factors. For 2011/12, the multipliers are as follows:
The multipliers are different for Primary and Secondary schools because of the ‘ring fencing’ principle.
The following factors are excluded from the scaling multipliers as these are funded at cost or are
controlled by a separate budget within the formula.
 Insurance
 Rates
 YPLA 6th form funding, 6th form threshold and the non-AWPU funding abatement
 Safeguarded salaries / SPAs
 Expanding schools protection
 Meals and kitchen repairs
 NQTs
 Personalised Learning formula funding
 Infant class sizes
 Admissions and appeals
 DSPs & SEN Statements funding above threshold
 3% protection
 Split sites
 Small school protection
 Swimming pools
 Primary curriculum transport
 Base Allocations: Management Support Services
 Pupil Turbulence
 Special Educational Needs formula funding
 Deprivation formula funding
 Adjustment for Exclusions
 BSF DSG Affordability Gap
 Mainstreamed Grants & Mainstreamed Grants Transitional Ceiling
 Minimum Funding Guarantee
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4. Pupil Count Arrangements 2011/12
The single most significant element, which determines the allocation of funding to a school, is the
number of pupils on register in that school in the relevant financial year. For 2011/12, the method for
calculating the number of school-age funded pupils at a school has continued in line with DfE
requirements, introduced from April 2006 (single pupil count etc). The number of nursery-age funded
pupils has been calculated using the new EYSFF, implemented from April 2011 in line with DfE
 For pupils aged between 5+ and 15+ schools are funded on the number of pupils recorded in
the Census January 2011. Adjustments under the Expanding Schools Factor are calculated
for qualifying schools only that will have significant increases in numbers from September
2011 (see the later paragraph, which explains the Expanding Schools Factor). A Primary
school pupil that is recorded in the Census in the 11+ age bracket is funded for the value of
the 10+ AWPU. Likewise, a Secondary school pupil that is recorded in the Census in the 10+
age bracket is funded for the value of the 11+ AWPU.
 Nursery aged pupils (aged 2+ and 3+) in Nursery schools and Nursery classes in Primary
schools are funded on a termly participation-led basis, using the number of Hours At Setting
that each pupil is registered to take. The number of pupils to fund is estimated and agreed
with each school prior to the start of the financial year; funding is then adjusted throughout the
year based on termly adjustments of Hours for each setting recorded in the termly censuses.
See the EYSFF Technical Statement and Timetable for further information.
 For Reception class pupils, schools are funded on the FTE number of pupils on record in the
Census January 2011, plus the additional number of pupils admitted after Census 2010 into
Reception in the 2010/11 academic year. This is in line with the additional flexibility provided in
the Financial Regulations. The FTE number of pupils aged 4 is calculated using the Hours At
Setting field in the January 11 census, where 1 FTE = 25 Hours At Setting.
 6th form pupils are funded by the YPLA. However, the YPLA’s formula does not include
funding for pupils who are 16 or over but only studying Year 11 courses (GCSE resits etc).
These pupils are still funded by the LA at the 15+ AWPU level.
 Prior year adjustments are no longer be calculated. Adjustments will only be made where
schools exclude or include pupils in year.
Factor: AWPU
Funds: All schools on an amount per pupil basis, depending on the age of the pupil, for the following
 Classroom teachers & non-contact (PPA) / flexibility time.
 Teacher Threshold
 School management time (pupil-led part)
 School management salaries (pupil-led part)
 Non teaching staffing salaries (pupil-led part)
 Premises staffing salaries (pupil-led part)
 Curriculum provision
 Swimming lessons (year 5 only)
 External exam fees (year 11 only)
 Management support services (pupil-led part)
 Buildings maintenance (20% pupil-led part)
 Grounds maintenance (80% pupil-led part)
 Practical Learning Options at Key Stage 4 (Key Stage 4 AWPU only)
 SEN (6% notional)
Scaled Down: Yes (apart from the funding for Management Support Services, Threshold and
Practical Learning Options, which are not scaled down).
Value: See Breakdown. Formula: AWPU x no. of pupils by age.
Please see the paragraph above on pupil count arrangements for an explanation of what pupil
numbers are used to calculate AWPU funding for each school. The description “(pupil-led part)”
indicates that only part of the funding for this type of cost is included in the AWPU. The costs
associated with school management time, management salaries, non teaching and premises staffing
salaries and management support services are also funded through Base Allocations. Buildings and
grounds maintenance are also funded separately from the AWPU on an area basis. From April 2006,
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the AWPU has included funding for threshold, previously allocated via separate grant, and the
earmarked funding from the DfE for Practical Learning Options at Key Stage 4.
Factor: Additional 6th Form AWPU
Funds: All Secondary schools with 6th forms, on an amount per pupil basis, for each 6th form pupil at
the school for the premises staffing, management support services, and buildings and grounds
maintenance elements of the 15+ AWPU.
Scaled Down: Yes
Value: See Breakdown. Formula: number of 6th form pupils x 6th form AWPU.
This factor allocates funding for 6th form pupils for the specific elements of funding that are not
included fully in the YPLA’s formula. As with the AWPU funding for 11 to 15 years olds in Secondary
schools, this factor is calculated on the number of 6th form pupils recorded in the Census January
Factor: School Meals
Funds: All schools for the provision of school meals. Allocations include funding for catering staffing.
Scaled Down: No
Value: Varies by school (based on meals profile)
This funding, along with the funding for kitchen repairs, is part of a buy back scheme operated by the
Council’s Education Contract Services. The formula for the allocation of funding is managed by this
department and is based on an average, calculated on the number of paid for and free meals taken at
each school, over a 1 month period (October each year).
Factor: Infant Class Sizes Support
Funds: Qualifying Primary schools only to ensure compliance with Infant Class Size Regulations.
These Regulations state that classes with 1 teacher, in which the majority of pupils will become 5, 6 or
7 within the school year, must contain no more that 30 pupils (where the class has contained more
than 30 pupils across 2 academic years).
Scaled Down: No
Value: Varies by school based on individual circumstance, but based on the cash value of the ceased
601 Infant Class Sizes (ICS) Grant, updated for salary increases and inflation. Funding is calculated
on a sliding scale using the following ‘ghost pupils’ method:
 Each additional class needs 1 teacher
 Each teacher is worth £33,880 (updated each year from the value of the ceased ICS Grant)
 Each pupil in the class is worth: 33,800/30 = £1,129
 This £1,129 is included within the AWPU funding for all the additional pupils. Therefore, the
school has already received £1,129 for each pupil above 30 in the class.
 The amount of funding required = ((30 – No. of pupils above 30 in the class) x £1,129)
E.g. a class with 35 pupils = ((30 – 5) x £1,129) = £28,233
Infant Class Sizes funding is allocated to schools in the following 2 circumstances:
 Where a Primary school is required to set up an extra half-class at the request of the LA as a
result of a shortfall of places (Bulge Class funding)
 Where a Primary school is oversubscribed and additional pupils have been placed by the
appeal panel taking the class over 30 pupils, or where additional pupils were admitted as
“permitted exceptions” and in the following academic year, the class size is still above 30.
With schools that qualify under the first criteria, the formula for the allocation of funding for the initial
September 2011 to March 2012 period is adjusted slightly, to remove the sliding school approach, to
allocate a lump sum of £19,763. From March 2012, the normal sliding scale formula applies. A
contingency is held to allocate funding to schools ‘in year’ for the period September 2011 – March
Factor: Statemented SEN funding
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Funds: Schools with pupils with SEN Statements for the value of each Statement above a £5,155
threshold. The funding below the threshold is allocated through the SEN formula (see below).
Scaled Down: No
Value: Varies according to number of pupils and the level of need
Factor: DSPs
Funds: Schools with DSPs for the additional costs associated with the running of these SEN units.
Scaled Down: No
Value: Varies according to the number of pupils and the level of need. Funding is calculated on an
agreed number of places x £variable.
Factor: SEN Formula Funding
Funds: Schools for the costs associated with additional support for pupils with special educational
Scaled Down: No
Value: See Section 251 Statements
The total available funding for SEN is allocated as follows:
Pupil Numbers
Index of Multiple Deprivation
Free School Meals
The Primary budget is separated in to Foundation/Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. This is because the
attainment factor only applies to Key Stage 2 pupils.
Pupil Numbers
 Primary: no. of formula pupils x £variable (with a minimum funding level for all schools)
 Secondary: no. of formula pupils x £variable (no minimum level)
 Primary: Key Stage 1 attainment weighted score x £variable
Weighted Score calculated as follows:
English KS1: ((pupils scoring at 1) x 1) + ((pupils scoring at W) x 2)
Maths KS1: ((pupils scoring at 1) x 1) + ((pupils scoring at W) x 2)
 Secondary: Key Stage 2 attainment weighted score x £variable
Weighted Score calculated as follows:
English KS2: ((pupils scoring at 3) x 1) + ((pupils scoring at 2) x 2) + ((pupils scoring at W or
B) x 3) +
Maths KS2: ((pupils scoring at 3) x 1) + ((pupils scoring at 2) x 2) + ((pupils scoring at W or B)
x 3)
Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD)
 Formula (all schools):
(School IMD Rank – 32,482) x Pupil No.s x £variable
(1 – 32,482)
 A school's IMD rank is calculated on the individual postcodes of pupils (from January Census
2011) using the data published by the ODPM (2007)
Free School Meals (FSM)
 Formula (all schools):
(No. of formula pupils x FSM%) x £variable
 All FSM data is taken from January Census 2011
SEN Funding Floor
The Funding Floor allocates a top up where the SEN formula does not allocate the minimum level of
funding, after the full cost of SEN Statements has been removed. The minimums for 2011/12 are:
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 Primary: £13,287 or £63.78 per pupil (whichever is higher)
 Secondary: £66,967 or £63.78 per pupil (whichever is higher)
Formula: (SEN Funding - Full Value of Statements) = Top up to minimum where this is lower
Factor: Deprivation Funding
Funds: Schools for the costs of additional support for pupils from more deprived backgrounds.
Scaled Down: No
Value: See Section 251 Statements
Deprivation Funding is allocated using the following measures:
Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD)
Free School Meals (FSM)
Low Attainment
Looked After Children (LAC)
Pupil Numbers
LAC 2010/11 Retrospective Adjustment
Index of Multiple Deprivation
Using the IMD from 2007 and pupil postcodes taken from the 2009, 2010 and 2011 January
Censuses. Formula:
((Pupils x IMD Score %) x £variable 1)
IMD Score % x (Pupils x IMD Score %) x £variable 2
Phase Average IMD Score %
Free School Meals
Using FSM% taken from the 2009, 2010 and 2011 January Censuses. Formula:
((Pupils x FSM% %) x £variable 1)
x (Pupils x FSM%) x £variable 2
Phase Average FSM%
Low Attainment
Primary: using the average points score from Key Stage 1; average taken of 2008, 2009 and 2010
results. Formula:
((4-11 Pupils x % of pupils with an AVP at Key Stage 1 of 13-14) x 2) +
((4-11 Pupils x % of pupils with an AVP at Key Stage 1 of <13) x 1) x £variable
Secondary: using the average points score from Key Stage 2; average taken of 2008, 2009 and 2010
results. Formula:
((11-15 Pupils x % of pupils in Yr 7 with an AVP at KS 2 of 21-26) x 2) +
((11-15 Pupils x % of pupils in Yr 7 with an AVP at KS2 of <21) x 1) x £variable
NB. Please note that the weighting attached to the Key Stage 1 / 2 scores are different from those
used in the attainment element of the SEN formula. This continues the approach to the allocation of
funding for personalised learning.
Looked After Children
Allocated to all pupils recorded as looked after (Education Bradford records) in each term of the
financial year. Funding will be adjusted throughout the financial year following a count of LAC in each
school in each term. No funding is included for LAC in S251 budgets in 2011/12.
Formula: No. of LAC in term x £ variable
Pupil Numbers
This funding protects the social inclusion funding allocated to schools, with the introduction of the new
deprivation formula from 2008/09
Formula: No. of pupils x £ variable
LAC 2010/11 Retrospective Adjustment
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This allocates additional funding to schools where the composite funding for LAC in 2010/11 is greater
than the LAC funding allocated in 2010/11 S52 budgets. If the outcome of the formula below is
negative, no funding adjustment is made.
(((No. of LAC Jan 10 x 5/12) + (No. of LAC Jan 11 x 7/12)) x £ variable) – (No. of LAC Jan 10 x
Factor: Pupil Turbulence
Funds: Schools for the additional costs associated with higher pupil turbulence
Scaled Down: No
Value: See Section 251 Statements
Using data taken from the 2009, 2010 and 2011 January Censuses. Stability is defined as:
 Primary: the % of pupils in Year 6 that were in school at the start of Year 1
 Secondary: the % of pupils in Year 11 that were in school at the start of Year 7
(Pupils x (100% - Stability %) x £variable 1) + 100% - Stability% x (Pupils x (100% - Stability%) x £variable 2)
100% - Phase Av %
Factor: Personalised Learning
Funds: All schools an amount of funding to expand their personalised learning offer
Scaled Down: No
Value: See Section 251 Statements
(Please note that funding for personalised learning related to deprivation and SEN are included in
those relevant parts of the formula)
Primary Formula
a) Pupil Numbers: Pupils x £variable
b) Gifted & Talented: allocated on scores at Key Stage 1 at 3 in English & Maths. All scores weighted
equally x1
Formula: Weighted Key Stage 1 score x £variable
Secondary Formula (Key Stage 3)
a) Pupil Numbers: Key Stage 3 Pupils x £variable
b) Gifted & Talented: allocated on scores at Key Stage 2 at 5 in English and Maths. All scores
weighted equally x1. Formula: Weighted Key Stage 2 score x £variable
Factor: Buildings Maintenance
Funds: All schools for the costs associated with the running and maintenance of school buildings.
Funding is calculated on the size of the total internal area of the school.
Scaled Down: Yes
Value: See Section 251 Statements. Formula: total internal area (m2) x variable.
Funding on the building area of a school equates to 80% of the total funding allocated through the
formula for buildings maintenance. 20% is funded on an amount per pupil basis through the AWPU.
The building area of the school should include all buildings that a school has maintenance
responsibilities for.
Factor: Grounds Maintenance
Funds: All schools for the costs associated with the upkeep of school grounds and sports pitches, or
for the cost of the hire and transport to external pitches where schools do not have adequate facilities
on the school site and do not maintain their own.
Scaled Down: Yes
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Value: See Section 251 Statements. Formula: total grounds area (hectares) x variable.
Funding on the grounds area of a school equates to 20% of the total funding allocated through the
formula for grounds maintenance. 80% is funded on an amount per pupil basis through the AWPU.
The area a school is funded on should include all area that the school has maintenance
responsibilities for.
Factor: Kitchen Repairs
Funds: All schools for the costs associated with the repair and maintenance of kitchen equipment.
Scaled Down: No
Value: Varies by school
This funding, along with the funding for school meals, is part of a buy back scheme operated by the
Council’s Education Contract Services. The formula for the allocation of funding is managed by this
department and is based on an average, calculated on the number of paid for and free meals taken at
each school, over a 1 month period (October each year).
Factor: Split Sites funding
Funds: Funds all qualifying schools for the additional costs associated with the running of a school
where buildings and pupils are located across separate ‘split’ sites.
Scaled Down: No
Value: See Section 251 Statements. Mixture of lump sums and amount per pupil funding.
Qualifying Criteria
The following criteria are used to assess whether schools qualify for additional split sites funding:
 Essential - the school must have 2 or more distinctly separate campuses where there is no
continuous boundary and where the campuses are split by a through road.
A school that qualifies under the essential criteria receives the base level of funding. There are then 3
further categories of split sites, which differentiate the level of additional funding needed, on top of the
essential base. A school can meet either 1 or 2 of these criteria:
 A - Where less than 25% of the school’s pupils must move between campuses within the
school day.
 B - Where more than 25% of the school’s pupils must move between campuses within the
school day.
 C - Where the campuses are more than 400 metres apart.
 Essential – funding for all qualifying schools to recognise basic additional costs
 Category A – funding for schools where less than 25% of the school’s pupils must move
between campuses within the school day.
 Category B – funding for schools where more than 25% of the school’s pupils must move
between campuses within the school day.
 Category C – funding for schools where the campuses are more than 400 metres apart.
Factor: Base Allocations
Funds: All schools fixed and variable lumps sums.
Headteacher and Deputy non-contact / management time
The cost of an Administrator (Primary)
The cost of a Business Manager (Secondary)
The cost of a caretaker
Additional funding for financial support (Primary)
The cost of bought in management support services
Headteacher & Deputy salaries (based on group size)
Scaled Down: Yes (apart from the funding for management support services which is not scaled
Value: See Section 251 Statements
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These base allocations are lump sums that apply to all schools within each phase. The fixed
allocations apply the same to all schools in each phase. The variable allocations are calculated
according to the group size of the school, which is calculated each year on the January Census pupil
numbers, and using the method shown in the Teacher’s Conditions of Service booklet. Newly
established schools i.e. those schools that do not have pupils in every intended year group are funded
on the planned group size of the school until pupils are in every year group. There is no separate
protection for schools that drop group sizes (above the 3% protection factor).
Factor: Insurance
Funds: All schools for the cost of the core premium insurance
Scaled Down: No
Value: Varies by school and funded on actual cost.
Insurance is funded at the actual cost of core premiums. For the schools that are part of the
Authority’s scheme, Asset Management negotiate a premium for all included schools, and this is then
broken down into the charge for individual schools based on the capacity of the school, the salary bill
and previous claims history. Schools receive a lump sum equal to the cost of their premium as
calculated through this process (the core premium only, not including the balance of risks element).
For schools that do not insure through the Authority’s scheme, their insurance is calculated on the
average per pupil premium cost for the electoral ward in which the school is located in Primary
schools, and on the average per pupil cost for the total Secondary phase in Secondary schools.
Formula: ((average per pupil funding for the ward / phase) x total formula pupil no.s).
Factor: Rates
Funds: All schools for the actual cost of their rates for the financial year.
Scaled Down: No
Value: Varies by school
Factor: Swimming Pools
Funds: The cost met by individual schools for the heating and maintenance of swimming pools.
Funding is calculated on the size (metres squared) of each pool.
Scaled Down: No
Value: Funded on the formula: £ (2 + (pool area x 0.007) x £variable)
Factor: Small School Protection
Funds: Small schools, a formula based allocation, to ensure that all Primary and Secondary schools
receive a minimum level of funding for specific costs.
Scaled Down: No
Value: Various - based on thresholds. See Section 251 Statements.
Primary schools
£variable for every pupil in a school below the 210 pupil threshold (reception to year 6 only) e.g. if a
school has 150 pupils, the school will receive £variable x 60 pupils.
Secondary schools: the thresholds are slightly more complicated:
£variable1 for every pupil below the 1,050 threshold (not including 6 th form). If the school has less than
698 pupils, the school will receive an additional £variable2 for every pupil below the 698 threshold. If
the school has less than 437 pupils, the schools will also receive £variable3 for every pupil below the
437 threshold, and if the school has less than 333 pupils, the school will receive £variable4 for every
pupil below the 333 pupil threshold. For example, a school with 300 pupils will receive (750 x
£variable1) + (398 x £variable2) + (137 x £variable3) + (33 x £variable4).
Small school protection (SSP) for Primary schools is calculated on the total number of pupils at a
school not including nursery pupils. For Secondary schools, SSP is calculated on the total number of
11 to 15 year old pupils only. This funding is linked to the gaps in the pupil-led elements of the
formula, and provides additional support to ensure a minimum level of funding for costs relating to
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teacher management time and salaries, management support services and grounds maintenance for
all schools.
Factor: 3% Protection (Budget Turbulence)
Funds: Qualifying schools a 1 year only allocation to minimise the instability that would be caused by
a sudden significant loss in funding. This factor applies so that no school will lose more than 3% on
the previous year’s formula funding.
Scaled Down: No
Value: Varies by school
3% protection is calculated on the total budget of a school, excluding prior year adjustments. For
Secondary schools, YPLA 6th form funding is included in the calculation. Where a school’s formula
funding is more than 3% lower than the equivalent funding received in 2010/11, the school is allocated
a lump sum to bring the total loss up to 3%.
Factor: Curriculum Transport
Funds: Funds qualifying schools for the additional costs associated with the transportation of pupils to
swimming baths in Primary schools and playing fields in Secondary schools.
Scaled Down: No
Value: £variable per Primary school pupil (year 5 only), £variable per Secondary school pupil (all
pupils including 6th form), weighted for distance.
Transport to Swimming Baths (Primary schools only)
This funding applies to Primary schools only, for schools where the swimming baths the school uses
are more than 1 mile by road away from the school site. This funding applies to year 5 pupils only,
allocated on an amount per pupil basis, as swimming lessons funding through the AWPU also only
applies to these pupils.
Transport to Playing Fields (Secondary schools only)
This funding applies to Secondary schools only, for schools that do not have adequate playing fields
on site and use facilities that are more than 1 mile by road away from the school and where the
school has maintenance responsibilities over these fields.
Formula: Distance x (£Grounds Maintenance AWPU x 1.2) x Total Pupils (inc. 6th form)
Factor: Admissions & Appeals
Funds: Voluntary Aided, Foundation and Trust schools for the additional cost associated with the
administering of their own admissions and appeals.
Scaled Down: No
Value: £variable per pupil. Formula: standard planned intake no. x £variable
This funding is calculated on the standard planned admission number of a VA, Foundation or Trust
school for the September within the relevant financial year. For example, for 2011/12 a 1FE Primary
school with a planned intake of 30 pupils into Reception in September 2011 will receive funding
calculated on the basis of the £variable per pupil for 30 pupils.
Factor: New & Expanding Schools Protection
Funds: New schools for funding relating to the costs of establishing a new school and expanding
schools where the use of the single pupil count will not recognise the significant increase in pupils for
September 2011.
Scaled Down: No
Value: Varies
New School Protection
New schools will, to a limited extent, continue to be judged on individual circumstances; all proposals
for funding for new schools are discussed and agreed at the Schools Forum, and are time limited.
Expanding Schools Protection
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The definition of an ‘expanding’ school is either:
 A newly established school that does not yet have all pupils in all year groups. Each
September the total number of pupils at the school will increase as a new year-group is
formed. The school will cease to be ‘expanding’ when all year groups are established.
 A school that will have / has had a official permanent increase in designated intake e.g. an
official move from a 1 to a 2 Form of Entry. The school will cease to be ‘expanding’ when all
year groups are established on the new intake e.g. when the new intake in Reception has
progressed to Year 6 in a Primary school, or progressed from Year 7 to Year 11 in a
Secondary school. This will not apply where a school’s pupil numbers have increased without
a change in official designation (for example, where a school’s intake has historically been
lower than its official FE), or where the increase is not permanent e.g. there is an increase in
intake at a school for 1 year only (bulge class)
With the move to the Single Pupil Count, this factor allocates additional funding by the following
formula: (Estimated Composite Roll 2011/12 – Jan 11 Census Total Pupils) x £average AWPU for the
school = £funding. The Estimated Composite Roll = (Jan 11 Census Total Pupils x 5/12) + (Estimate
of Jan 12 Census Total Pupils x 7/12).
Factor: Safeguarded Salaries / SPAs / Community Language Teachers
Funds: Individual schools for specific agreements made with the LA concerning the protection of
salaries for redeployed staff as a result of school and LA re-organisations. This also includes the
funding for Community Language Teachers in Secondary schools.
Scaled Down: No
Value: Varies according to individual agreements
The LA has made agreements with schools where, as a result of schools and LA re-organisations,
teaching and non-teaching staff have been redeployed into other schools where the salaries of these
staff are greater than the posts available. Updated information on the agreements, and their continued
validity, at each school is collected in December / January each year. All funding includes on costs
and a separate schedule is sent out to allow schools to check the data used to calculate this funding.
Factor: Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs)
Funds: Schools with NQTs for additional support during their 12 month induction period. This funding
is paid retrospectively 1 year in delay (in 2011/12 for the period April 10 – March 11) and replicates the
ceased standards fund grant 501.
Scaled Down: No
Value: £1,000 per NQT per completed term
Factor: BSF DSG Affordability Gap
Funds: Schools for the DSG’s contribution to the BSF Affordability Gap that was previously held
centrally. This has been transferred into Individual School Budgets following the DfE’s requirement.
Scaled Down: No
Value: Varies
Factor: Mainstreamed Standards Fund Grants & Transitional Ceiling
Funds: Schools for the allocations for the former Standards Funds and other Grants that have been
mainstreamed from April 2011, following the recommendations of the Schools Forum. For some of the
mainstreamed grants, existing methodologies have been continued. For others, the Schools Forum
has recommended changing the basis of allocation. Where the existing methodology has been used,
school allocations have been calculated using 2010/11 values. Where a different methodology has
been introduced, unless a protection specific to that grant has been removed, the total budget for each
mainstreamed grant has been held at that which would have been allocated to schools had these
grants continued separately. This approach has protected the overall value of funding allocated to
each phase.
For schools that win as a result of the mainstreaming of grants, the full extent of any gain has not been
allocated in 2011/12. This is because a transitional “ceiling” has been introduced, which restricts the
value of gain in funding per pupil for individual schools to ensure that the process of mainstreaming
grants is cost neutral to the DSG; it pays for the cost of the MFG for losing schools.
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Scaled Down: No
Value: See Appendix 2 (pages 19 - 26) of the Mainstream Guidance Notes issued with the 2011-12
Indicative Budgets for further details on each Mainstreamed Grant.
Factor: Prior Year Budget Adjustments 2010/11
Funds: AWPU adjustments for excluded & included pupils between January 2010 and January 2011.
Scaled Down: No
Value: Varies according to the school. Adjustments are based on the values of factors in the previous
financial year.
Factor: 6th Form Funding Abatement
Funds: Makes an adjustment to the funding received by Secondary schools with 6 th forms through the
LA formula to take account of the duplication in funding that occurs when the YPLA’s funding formula
is placed on top of that of the LA. This is a negative adjustment i.e. takes funding from each
Secondary school. This duplication occurs in the following base allocations:
 Headteacher management time
 Headteacher management salaries
 Deputy headteacher management salaries
 Business Manager
Scaled Down: No
Value: Calculated on a pro-rata basis on 6th form pupils as a percentage of the total school roll.
(Headteacher time BA + Headteacher salaries BA + Deputy salaries BA + Business Manager BA) x
(6th form pupils / total school roll) = amount to be taken from each school
(BA = base allocation)
Within the application of the ‘ring fencing’ of the Primary and Secondary phase budgets, the total
balance of these adjustments remains within the Secondary phase for allocation back to all Secondary
Factor: YPLA 6th Form Allocation
Funds: Secondary schools with 6th forms for the costs associated with the running of a 6th form.
Scaled Down: No
Value: Funding is calculated by the YPLA on a national formula.
Factor: 6th Form Threshold Funding
Funds: All Secondary schools with 6th forms the funding allocated by the YPLA for threshold.
Scaled Down: No
Value: An amount per 6th form pupil
In 2011/12, the allocation from the YPLA for 6th form threshold costs has been calculated on the basis
of 6th form pupil numbers at each school recorded in Census January 2011. As directed by the YPLA,
this is a transparent formula and the allocations for each school are identified separately on the budget
Factor: Minimum Funding Guarantee (MFG)
Funds: All schools a maximum % decrease in funding per pupil on 2010/11 formula funding as per the
requirements set by the DfE (-1.5%)
Scaled Down: No
Value: A lump sum which varies with the school
Factor: Notional SEN %
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Funds: Notional SEN funding is the proportion of a school’s budget that is ‘notionally’ allocated for the
funding of Special Educational Needs (SEN).
Scaled Down: No
Value: Calculated at 6% of the AWPU funding a school receives.
The DfE requires LAs to calculate and publish the notional SEN proportion in the Section 251 Budget
Statement. This is not separate additional funding, but a declared percentage of what is already
allocated through the AWPU.
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