Chapter 11. Testing the estimates. Age structure. 1. Introduction 2. Observations observed 3. Matching by Paine method matching 4. Resampling resampling 5. Accounting for a mismatch mismatch 6. Previous structures 1967, 1977, 1985 previoustructures 7. Comparing with Ache and !Kung comparingAcheKung 8. History from age structure historyfromstruc 9. Discussion and conclusion discuss Table Tables Figures Figures References References 1. Introduction. In the last chapter we looked at several measures of the Hadza population shaped by fertility and mortality and related to age structure. I compared them to values predicted by a population simulation that used as input my estimates of Hadza fertility and mortality. Most of the matches were very close. Two summary measures of age structure (average age of the population, percentage of people aged under 20) were already compared with the predicted values in the last chapter. In the present chapter I will look at the entire age structure, first to see how well it matches the model predictions, then to see whether it tells us anything about recent Hadza history. I again base the predictions on the assumption that the Hadza population was stable during most of the latter part of the twentieth century. Thus I assume that fertility and mortality and migration persisted at the estimated levels for several decades or more. In chapters 8 and 9 I offered evidence in support of this assumption. 2. Observed age structure. Age structure can be observed in censuses, or any observation that includes the largest possible sample with the least bias against certain ages. It requires that the ages of the individuals counted can be determined to some degree of accuracy. We could use the household censuses, the population register, or the people who came to be measured. As described in the last chapter for % under age 20, I used the numbers of people of each age who came to be measured. It is well known that household censuses undercount children, which would distort the age structure. This is the case among the Hadza as elsewhere, children listed by mother in her interview were sometimes not entered in her household by our field assistant. The anthropometry sessions created an opportunity for a less biased sample as well as for a measurement independent of the Nick Blurton-Jones Page 1 2/6/2016 data on which estimates of fertility and mortality were based. People were very eager to be measured, and for their children to be measured, because everyone was paid equally with a large cup of maize meal. Even reluctant children were recorded if not weighed and received their payment “for trying”. Comparing these data with an age structure derived from the population register suggests that a small number of 3 and 4 year olds may not have come to be measured. The youngest children came because they ride in mother’s baby sling most of the day and it would have required mother to make special arrangements not to bring the baby. I scored the data by adding each year’s data together, as described in the last chapter. This is similar to building an average structure for the 10 years over which we intensively weighed people. If we wanted to work out an average structure we would add the 1990 ten year olds and the 1991 ten year olds, and the 1992 ten year olds, and so on, then divide by the number of censuses. I simply omitted the division. Many individuals were counted in more than one census, and were counted according to their current age each time they were seen. This generates some smoothing of the age structure. Suppose there were unusually few 3 year olds in 1990. Those of them who turned up to be measured in 1991 were scored as 4 year olds, along with any other 4 year olds, and so on, for each census up to 2000. The historical deficit will work its way up the age structure as the years go by, and it will be obscured by the inclusion of those who were 3 in 1991, and 3 in 1992. This procedure is obviously not useful for tracing historical peaks and troughs, although if you tabulate each year next to each other you can see troughs and peaks work their way up the ages. A further smoothing is discussed below, the use of % below each age instead of % in each year of age or larger age block. Figure 11.1 shows the abridged age pyramid. Figure 11.2 shows the year by year observed age structure (with the sexes combined) plotted with the structure predicted by the Hadza population simulation. The immediate impact is the irregularity of the observed structure. It jumps back and forward across the smooth predicted structure, though roughly following the inevitable trend toward fewer people at higher ages. There are some particular periods where several age groups fall above or below the line. These may indicate interesting historical deviations from population stability (i.e. real short term changes in fertility at a particular time, or mortality to a particular age group). Birth rates and death rates did vary from year to year but they showed no simple secular trend. To use the observations as a test of the predictions from the assumption of long term stability we clearly need a systematic method of testing which predictions provide the best fit to the observations, and some way to smooth the data. Even with these aids, we need to remember that the observed age structure is a snapshot, one most likely to suffer short term variation at extremes of age, as one of the two 80 year olds dies, or as some chance run of years with many births comes by. 3. Matching observed age structure to predicted age structure. The criteria for choosing between a good match and a poor match seems to have received relatively little attention in the anthropological literature, much more in the archaeological literature. Even quite recent researchers seemed to have been satisfied by raw statements of "a good match", even though Weiss (1973) had suggested a simple criterion for matching age structures. An objective criterion for choosing the best model is needed. Nick Blurton-Jones Page 2 2/6/2016 Commonsense tests contradict each other. Chi-squared goodness of fit shows the observed numbers of people in each year of age as a poor fit, significantly departing from expected at p <.001 (90 degrees of freedom). Regression of observed on expected gives a beta coefficient .9559 with p = 3.96 E – 49, and adjusted r squared = .9127, implying that the predicted structure accounted for 91% of the variance in observed age structure. Regression is very insensitive to the varied predictions tested below. I have used two methods: Weiss’ (1973: 65) Index of Dissimilarity, the sum of the absolute values of the differences between percent predicted in each year of age and the percent of those observed who were in this age. The results are reported here. I also used Paine's (1989) maximum likelihood estimation approach, to find the model that best fits the observed age structure. This also compares predicted and observed % in each year of life. The observed % is multiplied by the natural log of the predicted number. The results for the years are summed. The smallest score is the best match. The first model will be the age structure predicted by our estimates of ASF and mortality. Alternative models will be predicted age structure when ASF is increased, or decreased by up to 25%, and when mortality (qx) is increased or decreased by similar amounts. These methods allowed me to choose a best fitting prediction, although it is very unlikely that in the range of interest any of them differ significantly from each other. The best matches were with slightly lower fertility than originally estimated. Structures generated by subtracting 5% to 10% from each age specific fertility gave the best fit (Figure 11.3). When ASF is reduced by 5%, TFR is lowered to 5.970, and by 10% TFR is 5.656. Next I matched the observed age structure to structures predicted by a series of levels of mortality, with fertility held constant at the original estimated level. The best match was to a much increased level of mortality. Even the Hadza pattern of migration, in which young women leave to marry Swahilis, only very slightly changes the expected age structure. Matching the observed age structure to the structure predicted by various levels of migration (emigration of 15-30 year old females) suggests that even though this very slightly lowers the expected numbers of children, it does not account for the shortage of young children that can be seen in figure 11.2. Reducing fertility, and increasing mortality would mainly affect the numbers of children. I will discuss alternative reasons for a shortage of children in the relatively short time covered by the observed age structure. 4. Resampling predicted and observed age structures. I developed another way to compare structures using resampling. In this the data were smoothed by expressing the structure as % of individuals below age x, a measure listed in the Coale & Demeny models. The predicted structures were generated by my population simulation. The observed structures was calculated from the anthropometry data used above, and 95% confidence limits were generated by randomly resampling the individuals who arrived to be measured. Confidence limits of the observations can be compared to model structures resulting from higher and lower fertility and mortality levels. Resampling the subjects who determine fertility and mortality allows one to also estimate the 95% confidence intervals for the predicted age structure. Nick Blurton-Jones Page 3 2/6/2016 In Figure 11.5 I show the observed values with the predicted values. The match looks extremely close, with slight deviations reflecting shortages of children and fifty year-olds. The results of resampling show that the 95% confidence limits for predictions of age structure reach as far as a 10% increase or decrease in fertility. Resampling the observations shows a similar width of confidence limits. This is illustrated in figure 11.5 for the sexes combined. The graph shows the observed value, the 95% confidence limits for the observation, and the values predicted by adding or subtracting 10% to age specific fertility. The predicted value was omitted because it runs so close to the observed value. When I predicted structure from altered mortality levels the result was much less encouraging (Figure 11.6). Changing mortality has much less effect on the curve of percent below each age. Consequently the 95% confidence intervals for observed mortality are wider than predictions from even 20% added to or subtracted from each qx. Matching age structure to model was not a very sensitive test of the mortality estimates. We must accept the quite wide range of uncertainty in our estimates (+- 10%), which may on the other hand mean that we do not have to take the mismatches too negatively. 5. Accounting for the mismatches. There are several possible reasons for a mismatch. The matchings suggests that we see a very slightly older population than we had expected (in Table 10.1, 2 and 3 we saw that average age of population for each sex is near the upper 95% of the predicted range). Plotting the percentage in each year of age shows, first the jagged nature of the structure. This is likely to arise from a mixture of age heaping (i.e. errors in age estimation, especially among the oldest) and genuine year to year variation, some random some meaningful. The estimate of observed age structure may be wrong. For example, we can confirm that household lists undercount children when compared to numbers arriving to be measured. Under enumeration of children is well known in censuses. Perhaps more young children failed to come to be measured than we realized. Age estimates could be wrong. Age heaping would decrease the match to all models. Systematic over-estimation of the age of young children seems unlikely in the context of repeat visits and the averaging of age structure across those visits. The observed age structure is also a short term “snapshot”, even with the smoothing effect of my accumulating samples from the seven visits in the 1990s. Plotting the matches shows that most of the mismatch arises from two periods: there are too few small children, and too few adults aged 50-60. I will discuss the 50-60 year olds below but the shortage of small children is curious. Although there was no statistically significant secular trend in birth rate, the observed structure looks as if there may have been fewer births than usual in the late 1990s, or more births than usual in the early 1990s. The better fit to predictions that assume lower fertility than I had estimated might be misleading. It might be due to this run of lower birth rates. The loss of children from the late 1986 measles epidemic shows in the age structure. There were also unusually few births dated Nick Blurton-Jones Page 4 2/6/2016 to 1986. Perhaps interviewed women omitted the children who were born and died in 1986 – 1987, or perhaps the illness affected everyone enough to briefly lower the birth rate. The assumption of a stable population may be wrong. We have seen that fertility and mortality vary year to year. There must always be variation in fertility and mortality from year to year and even over strings of years. There might also be a steady trend toward increase or decrease in fertility or mortality. I could see no clear evidence for such trends in the Hadza data and the age structures of Dyson (1977 on data from 1967) and Lars Smith (1977 data) do not suggest any such trend. There is also a small amount of emigration, which I attempted to measure in chapter 5. The departure of some young women, and loss of their offspring in every generation could have mimicked the effect of lower fertility by everyone. The population model is able to include the observed emigration of young women and return of older women. At the observed rate (young women leaving at .3% per year, and returning later at .15%) the match of predicted to observed structure is almost imperceptibly improved. At a rate of emigration 1% per year the match for observed fertility and mortality is improved but to a trivial extent. 6. Previous structure data (1967, 1977, 1985) If fertility and mortality remained approximately stable for long enough during the 20th century, we might also observe similar age structures at different points during the century. There are data available from before our 1990-2000 anthropometry observations. We previously reported the structure in our 1985 census. But before that Lars Smith conducted a rather thorough census in 1977, and Dyson (1977) reported the age structure observed in 1967. Here we compare what they found with what we predict for a stable population. Age structure in 1967. Dyson (1977) presented Hadza age structure in his Table 1, based on age estimates provided in the field by James Woodburn and John Bennett, who were members of the International Biological Program field team in 1966 and 1967. Their age estimates were not as systematically derived as ours were but Woodburn had worked with the Hadza since 1959 and had known many of the people individually for some years, and Bennett was a physician with wide experience in East Africa. Dyson's table is reproduced in Table 11.1. Dyson's sample is much smaller than ours so we combine the sexes for 1967 and in Figure 11.7 show the result with our observed 95th percentiles for males and females. Although the 1967 data points wander across the 1990-2000 picture it would be hard to argue that the 1967 age structure differed in a consistent way from the recent structure. The high data points for people beyond age 50 probably arise because the age estimates were erroneously compressed, several of the people classified as aged 50-64 were Nick Blurton-Jones Page 5 2/6/2016 probably older, some aged 65-69, and a few 70 -74 and so on just as today. The apparent shortage of teenagers and young adults (age groups 10-14 and 15-19) is interesting. When the sexes are plotted separately the shortage appears to apply to young men and even more to young women. Perhaps there were reasons why people of this age group were not recorded (perhaps they were away in the bush, still away attending school, travelling about, or just uncooperative). The shortage consists of people who would have been aged between a little under 10 to a little under 20 (born 1957 – 1946) at the formation of the Yaeda settlement in 1964. Age structure in 1977. Lars Smith's census in dry season 1977 was very extensive, and included anthropometry but he did not record detailed age estimates. We tabulate this population against our later estimates of the year of birth of the individuals in the 1977 census. We had made estimates for many of those who had died by the time our study began in 1985. Figures 11.8 a and b show the results for females and males respectively plotted with the 95 percentile limits of the values predicted from our fertility and mortality estimates for 1985-2000. Smith's sample fall mostly within the predicted limits, females tending to more often overlap the upper limit, males more often approach the lower limit. Age structure in 1985. Figure 11.9a and b shows the age structure of people recorded in our 1985 census, computed using our final age estimates. The female age structure falls mostly within the predicted 95 percentiles but the male age structure does not. The 1985 men are the only comparison in which the data persuasively fall outside the predicted range. We should be reluctant to conclude that this exception is very meaningful. The 1985 male Hadza data seem to show a shortage of 20 year olds (born 1955-1965). Young men are the most mobile segment of the population and may be poorly represented by our household lists. While the data points fall outside the 95th percentile, they do not track as low as the !Kung age structure (see below). There are extremely rough indications of a quite young age structure in the early literature. We began the fertility chapter with a quote from Cooper (1945 fieldwork) on the large numbers of children. Obst commented on the proportion of children in 1911. First at Baragu near Yaeda, a camp which he claimed included people who identified themselves as Isanzu, he recorded 15 men, 18 women, and 22 children. Those who claimed "pure Hadza ancestry" comprised 7 men, 7 women, and 11 children. If we assume he defines children as aged up to age 16 (as seems quite likely where he discusses age changes in skin color), these give us 40 and 44 % up to age 16. This is uncannily close to our predicted low and high 95 percentiles of 41 - 45.5%. Even if we move the age limit for childhood up or down a couple of years, Obst's figures do not suggest a radical departure from the age structure expected and observed at the end of the century. Though very limited, these early reports gives no reason for suspecting a radically Nick Blurton-Jones Page 6 2/6/2016 different age structure from that observed since 1967. 7. Comparing Hadza age structure to predicted age structure of Ache and !Kung. We can get a wider perspective on the Hadza age structure by comparing it with other hunter-gatherer populations. The Ache and the !Kung are the most comprehensively studied. !Kung age structure can be represented, according to Howell (1979) by Coale & Demeny's model West 5 with rate of increase zero. Howell showed that !Kung population up to the 1960s closely matched Coale & Demeny model West 5, with a very low rate of increase. Howell p214 table 11.1 using net reproductive rate and length of generation, calculates intrinsic rate of natural increase as .0026, and on p 218-219 reports .0016 as the mean of ten simulations. Coale & Demeny list only r = 0 and r = 5 per thousand (.005) so we used the figures for r = 0 in West 5 and read age structure and the other measures direct from Coale & Demeny page 59. These predict a percentage under age 20 well beyond that predicted by adding or subtracting 10% to Hadza fertility or mortality. Hill & Hurtado (1996) present yearly age-specific fertility (1996: 261Table 8.1) and mortality (1996:196, Table 6.1) for the Ache in the forest before settlement. These data are easily substituted for Hadza data in the simulation program and predictions derived for all the same variables. Hill & Hurtado (1996, p:136, note 5) also suggest West 5 as a good match to their observed age structures, but with an intrinsic rate of increase of 25.0 per thousand. Although their age structure apparently matches this model, and some measures of mortality that they offer in their note 5 also apparently fit the rate of increase implied by their population register, the level of mortality that they report in their life table does not. Level 5 gives an expectation of life at birth of 30 for females whereas H&H report (1996:Table 6.1) 37 years. Level West 7 matches their e0 much better, and with a GRR of 4 gives a very similar age structure to W5 with r = 25. But their detailed and careful reporting of fertility and mortality allows us to run these in our population simulation and predict an age structure and age at death structure for the Ache in the forest period. We use our predicted Ache age structure to compare with !Kung and Hadza but we have plotted it alongside their chosen West 5 with r = 25 and the plots are very close indeed. Note that this implies that the observed values that H&H used to select a model are very close to those that would be predicted from their reported fertility and mortality schedules if they were stable for some decades. H&H remark that the structure suggests about 40 years of stability before contact. The Ache study apparently passes the same tests as I am attempting for the Hadza study. Figures 11.10 a & b show for females, and males respectively, the observed Hadza age structure observed in the anthropometry sample and compare this to the age structures predicted for Ache and !Kung. The Hadza data fall clearly between the predicted structures of the other populations. The 95% confidence limits of the Hadza observations just reach the Ache levels and barely overlap the !Kung levels. It looks as if we can say that the Hadza values lie somewhere between the Ache and the !Kung, and are different from these populations. This is also true for all the measures shown in Tables 10.1, 10.2, 10.3. Nick Blurton-Jones Page 7 2/6/2016 8. Fluctuations in Hadza age structure: Age structures and population history. A more interesting use of age structures is as a way to trace historical events. We might wish to test for an effect of a major change in lifestyle, such as a lasting settlement, where people give up a mobile forager lifestyle for a less mobile life with a mixed economy. Thus Hill & Hurtado (1996:149 Fig 4.10) can show the effects of high mortality after contact on subsequent Ache age pyramids. Penningon & Harpending (1993:51) suggest that Herero age structure shows the persistence across at least two generations of effects of the Herero expulsion in 1904 from German South-West Africa (Namibia). The age structure of the !Kung in the 1960s, could be examined for effects of the apparent decrease in mortality. Paine (2000) shows that in medieval Europe the plague left traces in the age at death structure for up to 50 years. In the case of the Hadza we have no abrupt change in the last 50-100 years that affected the whole population. But I have been interested in looking for a trace of the high infant mortality that some Hadza informants associate with the 1964 settlement scheme. We might wonder whether the series of settlement attempts, or the gradual encroachment by people with other economies, left a small but persisting trace in the age structure as would be seen for instance if the Hadza population began to move from increasing to decreasing. However, our attempts to look at the history of Hadza fertility and mortality suggested substantial stability. There are no massive anomalies in the Hadza age pyramid such as can be seen in the Ache and Herero age pyramids. There is no consistent informant or visitor report to suggest that there should be, there is no indication of a major perturbation since the Maasai wars late in the 19th century. Can we see traces of lesser perturbations? We must ignore the fluctuations among the oldest people, the samples are small, and obvious age heaping can be seen from 1945 to 1920. I have noticed apparent shortages of people in some age groups. Because informants had told us that the time of the 1964 settlement at Yaeda was a time of many child deaths, I looked for a dip in the age structure that might reflect these losses. I have seen none, in fact it is possible to argue there is a slight excess of people born at that time (ages around 35 in Figure 11.2). To judge from the Mono settlement in 1990 there may well have been a burst of births as the Yaeda food supplies took effect. Without altering mortality rates this would have increased the absolute number of child deaths that informants had witnessed. Instead there are indications of a shortage of people, especially women, aged 40-50 in 2000. I mentioned it above as a shortage visible in Dyson’s age structure (the people missing from Dyson’s age structure would be aged 43-54 in 2000. Two post hoc explanations can be offered. These people were born between 1946 and 1957. There was a widespread and severe drought in 1949 (Baker 1974, Brooke 1967), although it does not show in the Mbulu rainfall records in Meindertsma (1997: Fig 1.8). Perhaps this led to a decrease in the number of births (as in 1998 after the total failure of rain in 1997), and/or an increase in deaths. Another explanation would note that these people were aged 8-18 at the time of the Yaeda and Munguli settlements. That the shortfall comprises more women than men may imply that a larger than usual number of Hadza girls married Swahilis and left Hadza country at that time. Nick Blurton-Jones Page 8 2/6/2016 They would be relatively unlikely to have entered our population register. A shortfall of people in any particular year may mean fewer were born that year but it could reflect events that befell them at any time between birth and observation. The shortfall in people born in 1986 probably reflects mortality due to measles in the epidemic that followed a brief settlement attempt at Yaeda in that year. Age structure in 1999, estimated from the population register shows much year to year variation. But it is too easy to see a deviation in age structure and find an explanation for it. Having seen a significant shortfall in births in 1998 after failed rains in 1997 (Chapter 8), it was easy to notice shortfalls in the age structure that coincided with or immediately followed drought years commented on in the literature (eg 1949, 1961, 1991-93). But regression of population deviation with the long series of rainfall records from Mbulu shows no tendency for lower than expected numbers to occur in years with lower rainfall, nor in the year following low rainfall. In fact the data show a significant tendency for years of high rainfall to be under-represented in the age structure. In a year with much rain, either fewer births occur, or more of the children die, or both (regression b = 0.4059, p = .002, r^2 = 16%). The literature (cited in Chapter 3) reports increased deaths from malaria during years of high rainfall (supposedly good years for Mosquitos). Harpending (1976) noted higher child mortality among !Kung living near the Okavango swamp than far from it. In 1998 a decrease in child deaths is reported with high rainfall in Tanzania (Lindsay et al 2000). Those authors suggest that the extremes of downpour and flash flooding may have swept away large numbers of Mosquito larvae. My result must be considered very provisional, for instance, we do not even know whether the rainfall figures given in Meindertsma are by calendar year (January to December) or rain year (August to July). 9. Summary and Conclusion. Measured as percent of people below age x, the observed age structure fits the predicted age structure very well. The 95% confidence limits of the observations (obtained by resampling) correspond to the structure given by about 10 % more, or ten percent less fertility. Matching percent of people in each year of age gave a better match to structure predicted from fertility minus 5 or 10% than to predicted fertility. Holding fertility constant at the predicted level, the best match is to the structure predicted by rather higher than observed mortality. Including a small amount of emigration to the population simulation only very slightly improves the match between observed structure and structure predicted by observed fertility and mortality. The tests continue to roughly support the accuracy of my estimates of fertility and mortality and their stability. Two historically significant deviations can be proposed, and a third mooted. The brief settlement attempt in late 1986 led to a measles outbreak in which a number of children died. This shows quite strikingly in the age structure. It seems to have been accompanied by a brief drop in fertility. A shortage of people who were aged 8 – 18 in the peak years of the settlement at Yaeda in the 1960s can be seen making its way through all the structures up to 2000. I suggest that this implies that a significant number of young Hadza left at that time, for instance to marry Swahilis Nick Blurton-Jones Page 9 2/6/2016 and never entered our population register. The lower than expected number of young children in the 2000 age structure could have resulted partly from the deaths in the 1986 measles epidemic, and partly from a decline in the birth rate in the late 1990s. Logistic regression on the annual record of births of the interviewed women shows that group of years 1996-2000 had a just significantly lower probability of a birth to these women (b = –0.2258 p .04 Odds Ratio 0.80 (.64-.99)) and no comparable length previous period was significantly different from the excluded years. Marlowe and his students may be able to show us whether this heralded a lasting decline in the fertility and rate of increase of the Hadza population. Discussion: How many old people? The most stubborn myth about hunter – gatherers is that there were no old people. Every modern study with careful age estimation has shown a significant percentage of older people. 21.5% of Hadza women were aged over 40, 15.2% over 50, and 7.5% over 60. Even among the Agta, with an excellent schedule of historical events for age estimation, and with very low life expectancy at birth of 24.3 years, 6.8% of its people were aged over 45 in 1950 (Early & Headland 1998). Twenty four of every 100 Agta born survived to 50 (the expected survivorship for C&D models West 3 or 4). In my 2002 paper I showed that Hadza, !Kung, and Ache women’s life expectancy at age 45 was a further 21 years. Every study of living people, and people who had written records, some more ancient than many of the archaeological populations, resembled modern people in the presence of quite old people with some living into their 70s and 80s. An elderly population could result from a declining population but neither the !Kung, the Ache, the Hadza, or the Agta were declining, they were increasing rapidly, which should lower the proportion of old people. The myth gets its continued impetus from the contradiction between data on recorded people and interpretations of bone collections. Bone collections show us portions of the age at death distribution. They do not directly show us the age structure of people alive at the time. But even if we realize this, some of them give very strange age at death distributions of a pattern seen in few other species. Palaeodemographers (archaeologists who try to study demography of prehistoric populations) have critically examined their procedures at many levels. They have investigated the validity of methods for attaching an age at death to a bone; the problems of missing infants and differences in preservation (the young and the old decay faster, Walker et al. 1988). An important development is the distinction between “attritional” and “catastrophic” assemblages. Palaeodemographers no longer necessarily support the view that there were “no old people”. Howell (1982) pointed out that the age structure originally proposed for the Libben population gave a very unfavorable dependency ratio. She asked who would be feeding and caring for the children, implying that with so few caretakers child mortality would increase and fertility decline. Ignoring parental care allows projection methods to model sustainable populations with huge mortality from 30 onward, and all dead by 45. Later we will return to the issue of population dynamics with and without adult helpers. Nick Blurton-Jones Page 10 2/6/2016 In Hawkes & Blurton Jones (2005) we suggested that one important source of the stubbornness of the myth was misunderstanding the implications of low life expectancy at birth. Low life expectancy at birth is always due to very high infant and child mortality. Low life expectancy does not necessarily signal early death among the over 40s. I will return to this topic in the next chapter, on age at death distribution. Nick Blurton-Jones Page 11 2/6/2016 Tables Table 11.1. Dyson’s Table 1. The Hadza Age / Sex Distribution in 1966-67. Age group 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60+ Total Males 27 52 26 13 10 19 21 18 20 22 7 3 5 243 Nick Blurton-Jones % 11.1 21.4 10.7 5.3 4.1 7.8 8.6 7.4 8.2 9.1 2.9 1.2 2.1 Females 48 30 16 13 17 18 18 28 7 12 7 6 10 230 Page 12 % 20.8 13.0 6.9 5.6 7.4 7.8 7.8 12.2 3.0 5.2 3.0 2.6 4.3 Both 75 82 42 26 27 37 39 46 27 34 14 9 15 473 % 15.8 17.3 8.9 5.5 5.7 7.8 8.2 9.7 5.7 7.2 2.9 1.9 3.2 2/6/2016 Figures. Figure 11.1 Abridged age pyramid Figure 11.2 yearly age structure x predicted by pop simulation. Figure 11.3. Matches to ASF weissASF Figure 11.4 Matches to Mortality Figure 11.5. Percent below age x observed, CI, predicted +-ASF Figure 11.6 Percent below age x, observed x +- mortality adjmortality Figure 11.7. Dyson’s 1977 age distribution compared to mine.dysonstr Figure 11.8. Lars Smith’s 1977 age structures compared to mine a) female b) male.lars77males Figure 11.9. 1985 age structure compared to mine. Figure 11.10. Hadza observed age structure compared to Ache and !Kung. compareKungAche Figure 11.1 Abridged age structure. 90 80 70 60 Age 50 40 30 20 10 0 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 N females - N males Nick Blurton-Jones Page 13 2/6/2016 Figure 11.2. Yearly age structure. Percent in year of age, observed, and predicted from estimated fertility and mortality. 0.05 0.045 0.04 0.035 % in age (f+m) 0.03 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 age Nick Blurton-Jones Page 14 2/6/2016 Figure 11.3. Weiss dissimilarity score matching observed age structure to values predicted by different adjustments to fertility. Scatterplot of dissimilarity vs asfadjust 0.23 dissimilarity 0.22 0.21 0.20 0.19 0.18 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 asfadjust Minitab-for-plotting-Weiss-11-9-3.mpj Nick Blurton-Jones Page 15 2/6/2016 Figure 11.4. Weiss dissimilarity score matching observed age structure to values predicted by different adjustments to mortality. 0.204 0.202 0.2 dissimilarity index 0.198 0.196 0.194 0.192 0.19 0.188 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Adjustment to mortality Nick Blurton-Jones Page 16 2/6/2016 Figure 11.5. Percent below age x. 95% confidence intervals for observations and predictions. Sexes combined. 1.2 1 % below age x 0.8 metry%bothbelow pcbbelw00 pcbbelow-10 pcbbelow+10 lo bth % belw hi bth %belw 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 age Nick Blurton-Jones Page 17 2/6/2016 Figure 11.6. 95% confindence intervals for observed age structure x adjusted mortality. Percent below age x. 1.2 1 % below age x 0.8 metry%bothbelow lo bth % belw hi bth %belw b % blw +20 b %blw-20 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 age Nick Blurton-Jones Page 18 2/6/2016 Figure 11.7. Age structure reported by Dyson for the 1967 Hadza population plotted alongside our predicted 95 percentile values for males and females in the 1990s. 120 100 % below age x 80 m pred lo m pred hi f pred lo f pred hi Dyson both 60 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 age x Nick Blurton-Jones Page 19 2/6/2016 Figure 11.8 a and b. Female age structure in Lars Smith’s 1977 census plotted alongside 95 percentiles of our predicted age structure for the 1990s. 120 100 % below age x 80 1977 % f below f pred lo f pred hi 60 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 age x Nick Blurton-Jones Page 20 2/6/2016 Figure 11.8b. Male age structure in Lars Smith’s 1977 census plotted alongside 95 percentiles of our predicted age structure for the 1990s. 120 100 % below age x 80 1977 % f below f pred lo f pred hi 60 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 age x Nick Blurton-Jones Page 21 2/6/2016 Figure 11.9 a. 1985 structure x predicted range. a females.. 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