T.E.I. of PATRA THE RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES (R.E.S.) LABORATORY T.E.I. of PATRA THE RENEWABLE ENERGIES SYSTEMS & SOURCES (R.E.S.) LABORATORY INTRODUCTION The Renewable Energies Systems & Sources (R.E.S.) Laboratory of the T.E.I. of Patra, established by law, since 1983, serves on one hand the needs for Education and Training of students, graduates and professionals and on the other hand, is active in RTD projects and services. http://solar-net.teipat.gr www.teipat.gr/socrates-ip2006 www.teipat.gr/renewables This Laboratory has been active so far at national, European and international collaboration schemes. These schemes cover education at graduate and postgraduate level with projects on photovoltaics, wind energy, solar thermal engineering, concentrating solar collectors, passive solar technology, hybrid solar systems and other solar engineering applications for space cooling/refrigeration, water purification, space heating etc. It is also involved in ERASMUS, Leonardo Da Vinci and in the development of O.D.L. material on R.E.S. applications; especially E.C. Programmmes; also PV technologies, wind energies, solar buildings, solar radiation measurements & estimation natural projects. The RES Lab is, also, involved either as coordinator or partner, in projects under E.U. Programs like: FP6 and FP7, COST, SOCRATES, LEONARDO Da Vinci, TEMPUS. It collaborates closely with other European University laboratories in the domain of innovations in R.E.S. The European dimension forms an integrated part of the Lab’s policy. It hosts students, graduates and post-graduates, as well as external collaborators who run part of their research projects with the support of the staff and the infrastructure. List of projects is presented in §4.2. of this brochure. T.E.I. of PATRA THE RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES (R.E.S.) LABORATORY For the 2000-03 years, a SOCRATES project for an M.Sc. Curriculum development titled: Solar Energy: Technology and Management, was coordinated by the R.E.S. Laboratory More information of the above issues is given in the address: http://solar-net.teipat.gr Similarly, the RES Lab organizes since 2003, an Intensive Programme called “I.C.T. tools in PV Teaching and Learning”. This IP, under the form of a European Summer University, continues till nowadays and covers all RES Technologies. CD’s with the content of this Summer University are available. Since 2004, RES Lab is funded by the Greek Ministry of Education, under the ARCHIMIDES Programme, for a project titled: “Design, Development and Integration of RES elements into Building Shells; The Intelligent Energy Building”. Results on this subject have been published Laboratory Staff 1. Prof. Dr. S. Kaplanis; Head of Laboratory 2. Prof. Dr. G. Barakos 3. Dr. Em. Petrakis 4. Staff from other partner Universities and postgraduate students 5. Technical Staff T.E.I. of PATRA THE RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES (R.E.S.) LABORATORY SOLAR COLLECTORS 2. RES LAB IN FRACTURE 2.1. TEST FACILITIES There has been designed and built a flat plate collectors test facility according to the ASHRAE standard 93-77. The block diagram of the left fig is shown in fig.1, while fig. 2 shows Fig.1 The experimental test layout Components with various components: It shows parabolic solar reflectors. This test facility is fully automated according to ASHRAE Standard 37-77 with permission Fig.2 Fuel Cell facilities: The DC/AC inverter provides power from two PV ….:one fixed and one sun tracking to a hydrogen generator which is stored out …… to fuel cells to provide power to RES Lab loads. the Fuel Cell unit of 2kW linked to a H2 production unit powered by the PV generators: -one 0.8 kW fixed type and -one of 0.8 kW equipped with a sun tracking system. A Flat plate solar collector efficiency apparatus, for students training, there exists, also, an indoors didactic laboratory test facility to study the flat plate solar collector efficiency. This is a small module, which helps students to experiment on solar collector efficiencies and the on parameters which affect it, like insulation, glass cover(s), fluid temperature, mass flow rate etc. The related topics for experiments are: solar radiation absorption, heat radiated, heat convection and conduction, collector energy balance equations, etc. T.E.I. of PATRA THE RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES (R.E.S.) LABORATORY 2.2.METEOROLOGICAL STATION A meteorogical station with the following measuring instruments has been built in the R.E.S. Lab, consisting of: 1. One Rainfall Logging System, Casella tipping bucket gauge. 2. Two Kipp & Zonen Pyranometers: CM11, CM11 with CM121 shadow ring. 3. One Eppley Pyranometer. 4. Two R.M. Young Anemometers; Model 05305, 3cups The mast of the Meteo station Anemometer. 5. One Humidity temperature: MP101A. 6. One Air-Temperature Screen and Sensor: Vector T351-PX. Data are processed in a Data Logger to provide all useful quantities for solar engineering projects in the field. A quarterly bulletin is published with the Meteo data stored and analyzed. Pyranometer Ambient temperature sensor T.E.I. of PATRA THE RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES (R.E.S.) LABORATORY 2.3. A PV POWERED SPACE COOLING SYSTEM A 30 m3 space is cooled by a hybrid PV- Wind generator running under a hybrid configuration 3 kWp stand Alone PV Generator and 1 kW wind generator installed in the R.E.S. Laboratory campus. The whole system is offered for experimenting on the system operation, its efficiency and the overall energy balance, as well as the solar cooling system performance. This system is the product of the collaboration with the Aachen University of Applied Sciences. Fig. Cooling chamber at the right side And on the left the battery storage system and the DC/AC inverter Fig. Test cell facility for solar energy buildings equipped with energy roof by a PV generator and a solar collector type of roof integrated into the cell. Test cell is floor heated, through heat produced by the solar collector roof type. System description The operation, monitoring and evaluation of a cooling space which is operated by a hybrid, photovoltaic- wind generator, started in the Technological Research Center of the T.E.I. of Patra, 1994. The cooling space is powered by the photovoltaic generator and the wind generator. The PV-generator consists of 56 SM 55 modules arranged in five parallel groups. There are four modules connected in series to one string. Four groups consist of three parallel-connected cords and the fifth consist of two parallel connected strings. T.E.I. of PATRA THE RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES (R.E.S.) LABORATORY 2.4. COMPUTER FACILITIES The computer room in R.E.S. Lab is fully equipped with 12 Pentium IV workstations. The configuration of each workstation is: - Pentium IV 3.20 GHz processor - 512MB RAM - 64MB Video Card ATI Radeon Express - 80GB Hard Disk Storage - 10 Mbps Ethernet Adapter - Internet Facilities through a LAN Fig.1 Test cell with energy façade and a roof with 2 PV panels and solar collector type integrated in the roof. The collector provides heat to floor heating Fig.2 Flexible a-Si PV panel This Laboratory is used by staff and students for their final year projects and other projects concerning renewable energy issues. An e-platform, http://epeaekres.teipat.gr/eplat, may provide on-line data from the 3 kWp PV generator, as well as Meteo data recorded by the station. T.E.I. of PATRA THE RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES (R.E.S.) LABORATORY 2.5. SOFTWARE Software available, used in Education Training and RTD projects i) Software developed in the R.E.S. Laboratory a) Wxart82: A software for drawing Polar Charts, used for studying shadowing problems for buildings, collectors, PV arrays etc. b) Indoor Lighting: This package permits to study the natural light which penetrates windows. The lit pattern is shown for any time during any day Fig. Temperature and air circulation simulation of the test cell by FLOVENT of a year. c) Single and Double collector efficiency, performance and heat delivered. It makes a full analysis of temperatures in single and double glass solar collector, heat gain, efficiency, etc. based in a model developed by the Head of this Lab, Prof. S. Kaplanis ii) Other Software used for RTD, Training and Education purposes. a) FEHT: Finite Elements Heat Transfer (by Winsconsin University) b) PV F-Chart: Program for analysis, design and economic evaluation of Photovoltaic systems (by Winsconsin University) c) PV System Sizing d) F-Chart: F-Chart Analysis Program (by Winsconsin University) e) TRANSYS: Performance Analysis of Solar Systems f) Wintherm and RADTherm packages g) FLOVENT h) Meteonorm i) MatLab j) Ecotect k) LabView l) Retscreen packages The Lab is an official user of retscreen software to provide high quality education on RES. T.E.I. of PATRA THE RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES (R.E.S.) LABORATORY 3. EDUCATION OFFERED OPPORTUNITIES 1. Reference Library on R.E.S.: Journals, books, periodicals. Recently, an e-Library project for R.E.S. is on progress. 2. ODL Learning facilities, based on a project funded in Greek state in collaboration with the TEI of Crete, the Technological University of Crete, University of Applied Sciences in Aachen, Germany, the Prague Tech University, University of Zaragoza, etc. 3. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunities of the Lifelong Learning Programme-ERASMUS, transversal & multilateral projects, to take part of their studies in other Universities in Europe and America. 4. An M.Sc. curriculum development project on Solar Energy coordinated by the R.E.S. Laboratory, gave results, as shown in http://solar-net.teipat.gr. That gives staff and students opportunities for exchanges with partner Universities/ Institutions/ Laboratories in order to carry out projects and follow training periods in specific domains. The RES Lab collaborates within the frame of the M.Sc. on “Energy Systems”, run by the University of Applied Sciences in Aachen, Germany. 5. Visiting professors, scientists, other researchers, ERASMUS students, and others under Bilateral Agreements, are hosted in the R.E.S. Lab for training and developing R&D projects. 6. Staff and students from any University, either through the Life Long Learning Programme projects or the Erasmus Mundus and EM External Window projects, may benefit from a training and collaboration with the RES staff. 7. Opportunities are offered, for, within the FP, RTD projects in which the RES Lab is involved. T.E.I. of PATRA THE RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES (R.E.S.) LABORATORY 4. OTHER SPECIAL IN EDUCATION TRAINING AND RTD PROJECTS RES 4.1. The Lab is involved in National & European projects such as: 1. CRISTAL in FP7: “Control of Renewable Integrated Systems Targeting Advanced Landmarks”, combined by the Anglia Ruskin University (UK). 2. Summer University on R.E.S. (funded by ERASMUS). It is organized every year between 1-15 July with partners from: Katholic University College of South-West Flanders (BG), South-West University,Neophit Rilski (BG), Higher Tech.Institute of Nicosia (CY), Prague Tech.University (CZ), Brno University of Technology (CZ), University of Applied Sciences in Berlin (DE), University of Applied Sciences, Aachen (DE), Aalborg University (DK), Technological Educational Institute of Larisa (GR), Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki (GR), University of Patra (GR), Budapest Tech University(HU), Tel Aviv University(IL), University of Technology Szczecin (PL), Lisbon University (PT), Transylvania University in Brasov (RO), University Valahia of Targoviste(RO), Zaragosa University of Technology(E), University of Madrid (E), Dogus University Instabul (TR), Anglia Ruskin University (UK), Florida International University (USA), Mugla University (TR), Dublin City University (IR), University of Pisa (I), University of Balears (E), Technical University Ilmenau (DE), Technical University of Kassel (DE), University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy,Sofia (BG), University of Cairo (EG). 3. I.W.T.P.V. workshop, on PV coordinated by Prague Technical University. see www.k313.feld.cvut.cz/konference/index. 4. Eco-Design, Technologies and Green Energy, an FP5 project coordinated by the Transilvania University Brasov, Romania. T.E.I. of PATRA THE RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES (R.E.S.) LABORATORY 5. e-Technologies for Education in RES (national project), funded by EPEAEK* Programme of the Greek and Ministry of Education. 6. The RES Lab organizes and/or participates for several years in Conferences, workshops with its partners on R.E.S., see: http://solar-net.teipat.gr 7. The RES Lab welcomes international projects on RES applications in the domestic agricultural and industrial section, as well as with local and regional authorities. Examples, the project with the Zaragoza University (Spain), the Retscreen in Canada, ect. *EPEAEK: it is an National Operational Program to achieve high quality standards in the Education and Training. T.E.I. of PATRA THE RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES (R.E.S.) LABORATORY 4.2. The Lab hosts: 1. Lecturers from other European and third countries, who deliver lectures and conduct experiments and studies. 2. Students who attend course on RES: Solar Thermal Engines, Solar Collectors Technology, Passive Solar Systems, Application of Solar Engineering in the Domestic, Agricultural & Industrial domain, Wind energy, Hybrid systems etc. 3. Greek and foreign graduates and postgraduates, even PhD candidates. The visiting staff and students may collaborate in projects as listed below: Project 1 Solar Energy Radiation Estimation-prediction and measurement of the Solar Intensity on any surface orientation-inclination. Measurement through: a. Pyranometers and a data retrieval system from our meteo station. b. Calibrated solar cells Project 2 a. Solar thermal engineering: Determination of the heat stored in a tank from various types of solar collectors used for space heating and hot water production. b. Parabolic concentrating solar collectors: efficiency measurements. c. Zero Energy Buildings: Design and Prediction of their Energy Performance. Experiments on test cells in the campus of the TEI of Patra. (each cell consists of PV roof and solar thermal roof). Project 3 i-v measurements for various PV panels in field conditions. Effect of environment conditions to PV performance. The Temperature effect. T.E.I. of PATRA THE RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES (R.E.S.) LABORATORY Project 4 Monitoring of a PV generator connected to the solar campus building as an S.A. plant. Project 5 Fuel cells liaised to a PV generator using the H2 cycle. Project 6 Design of a solar tracking system. Measurements of daily performance against the one of a fixed PV array. Project 7 Management of a PV and Wind hybrid system. Project 8 Stochastic online management of loads powered by a PV generator. Stochastic online management that is based on the solar radiation profile prediction for any day and an effective management of the Building loads covered by a given PV generator. Project 9 Simulation of a Building Energy Performance by the Flovent package. Project 10 Simulation of Solar Energy Performance of Renewable systems by the Wintherm package. T.E.I. of PATRA THE RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES (R.E.S.) LABORATORY PUBLICATIONS 1. A model to predict expected mean and stochastic hourly global solar radiation I(h;nj) values Renewable Energy, Volume 32, Issue 8, July 2007, Pages 1414-25 S. Kaplanis and E. Kaplani 2. New methodologies to estimate the hourly global solar radiation; Comparisons with existing models Renewable Energy, Volume 31, Issue 6, May 2006, Pages 781-790 S.N. Kaplanis 3. Geometric, effective solid angles and intrinsic efficiencies of a 3 × 3 in. NaI(Tl) for isotropic and non-isotropic photon emission The International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Volume 33, Issue 2, February 1982, Pages 127-135 S. N. Kaplanis 4. Monte Carlo calculations of the efficiencies and the parasitic pulses for a system of spherical sources and a 3″×3″ NaI(Tl) detector Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Volume 188, Issue 2, 15 September 1981, Pages 353-359 S. N. Kaplanis 5. On a Monte Carlo program for the estimation of absorption probability functions The International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Volume 32, Issue 5, May 1981, Pages 351-352 S. N. Kaplanis 6. Analytical and Monte-Carlo results of the absorption probability functions for irradiated spherical probes The International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Volume 31, Issue 9, September 1980, Pages 569-573 S. N. Kaplanis and R. Rigopoulos 7. Efficiency variations of cylindrical detectors for non-axial point-sources The International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Volume 29, Issues 9-10, October 1978, Pages 543-544 S. N. Kaplanis 8. The study and performance of a modified conventional refrigerator to serve as a PV powered one Renewable Energy, Volume 31, Issue 6, May 2006, Pages 771-780 Socrates Kaplanis and Nikolaos Papanastasiou 9. A friendly software package to estimate indoors day- lighting and internal gain IASTED International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (EuroPES 2002), June 2002, Crete, Greece S.N.Kaplanis, Ach.G.Kostoulas, Ch.Kitsonas, V.Konstantinopoulos, D.Spyrakis 15. A review of simulation models developed for solar air heaters T.E.I. of PATRA THE RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES (R.E.S.) LABORATORY IASTED International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (EuroPES 2002), June 2002, Crete, Greece S.Kaplanis, Z.Kapoti, N.Theodoropoulos 16. An investigation of the degreedays concept and subsequent evaluation for the region of Achaia, W. Greece WREN Congress-VII Colone, Germany 29 June-5 July 2002 S.Kaplanis, Ach.Kostoulas, K.Kottas 17. A comparative study of the clearness index for the region of Achaia using various techniques. WREN Congress-VII Colone, Germany 29 June-5 July 2002 S.Kaplanis, Ach.Kostoulas, O.Katsigianni 18. The uncertainty in the sizing of PV-generators due to Fluctuations in solar radiation and ambient temperature: the case of W. Greece OPTIM Congress 2002, Brasov University, Romania S. Kaplanis, N.D.Papanastasiou 19. A European M.Sc Course on solar energy: Technology and Management WREN Congress-VII Colone, Germany 29 June-5 July 2002 S. Kaplanis, ANeskakis, G.Schwager, I.Frame, F.Sick, P.Scholten, J.Kaliakatsos, A.Vlisidis 20. The determination of the most cost effective PV-configuration using detailed simulation of PV cell i-V and LCC analysis IWTPV’04, Prague, 22-23 April 2004 S. Kaplanis, N. Papanastasiou (University of Patras, Grece) 21. A Comparison of a New PV-Sizing Approach for Stand Alone Systems with Conventional Methodologies ActaPress S. Kaplanis and E. Kaplani (Greece) 22. Design and Determination of the most cost effective PV configuration systems to meet the loads of a household Springer Verlag,2004 S. N. Kaplanis 23. Optical and Thermal Performance Simulation of Mini Solar Parabolic Collectors With Several Geometries For Roof Integration International Conference, TEI of Patra, 7-10 July 2005 S.N.Kaplanis, G. Barakos, M.A.Petrakis 24. PV-sizing Methology with Reference to Solar Radiation Statistical Fluctuations International Conference, TEI of Patra, 7-10 July 2005 S.N.Kaplanis, E. Kaplani T.E.I. of PATRA THE RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES (R.E.S.) LABORATORY 25. Description of a Reliable Model for Hourly Mean Global Solar Radiation and its Stochastic Values. A Comparison of Predicted Values International Conference, TEI of Patra, 7-10 July 2005 S.Kaplanis, E, Kaplani 26. Degradation over a 20 Years Performance of BP c-Si PV modules International Conference, TEI of Patra, 7-10 July 2005 S.Kaplanis 27. Long Term Performance of Flat Plate Solar Collectors Integrated into South Wall, Powering Space Heating Elements International Conference, TEI of Patra, 7-10 July 2005 S.Kaplanis 28. Learning from the Performance Experience of the European PV Systems; Towards a Greek Perspective Scenario International Conference, TEI of Patra, 7-10 July 2005 S.Kaplanis, Ach.G.K.Kostoulas, P.M.Fragos, K.V.Koumarelas, E.P.Meidanis, A.P.Spyrogiannoulas 29. An Effective Set of I.C.T. Tools for Teachning and Learning on Renewable Energy Systems (RES). IWDEMSEE 2007, 19-20 September, Dogus University, Turkey S. Kaplanis, E. Kaplani 30. On the Maximization of the Cost-Effectiveness of a PV Plant IWDEMSEE 2007, 19-20 September, Dogus University, Turkey S. Kaplanis, E. Kaplani 31. Roof Integrated Solar Parabolic Collectors Simulation Analysis IWDEMSEE 2007, 19-20 September, Dogus University, Turkey S. Kaplanis, G.Barakos, Em.Petrakis, A.Spyrogiannoulas 32. Flat plate and concentrating collectors: A comparison of their performances. First results PRASIC ’02, TRANSILVANIA UNIVERSITY OF BRASOV, ROMANIA Kaplanis, S, and Barakos G 33. “ Long term Performance of Flat Plate Collector Integrated into South Wall Powering Space Heating Elements at TEI of Patra” , Proceeding of International conference on “The Integration of the Renewable Energy Systems into the Buildings Structures”, 7 – 10 July 2005 Patra S. Kaplanis 34. “Design and construction of a solar tracking System (S.T.S.) with two rotation axis”, 6 – 9 November, 2002 Brasov, Romania. “CAD – MS – Brasov 2002” S. Kaplanis, G. Barakos, I. Georgoudakis, And Katsaitis 35. “ Performance simulation of Mini – Parabolic reflecting Collectors and Experimental Data” 19 – 25 August 2006 WREC IX Florence Italy T.E.I. of PATRA THE RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES (R.E.S.) LABORATORY G. Barakos, S. Kaplanis, M. Petrakis 36. “Experimental and Theoretical analysis of the performance of a Mini – Parabolic solar reflecting collector” September 2006 , Szczecin, HTRSE 2006 G Barakos, S. Kaplanis, M. Petrakis, A. Spyrogiannoulas 37.“ Experimental Analysis of the Performance of a Mini Parabolic Solar Reflecting Collector” November 2006, Brasov Romania, PRASIC 06 G Barakos, S. Kaplanis, M. Petrakis, A. Spyrogiannoulas 38., “Experimental Performance Analysis for mini – Parabolic Solar Reflecting collectors” EuroPes 2007, Mallorca, Spain. G. Barakos S. Kaplanis, A. Spyrogiannoulas