Review: Atoms, Isotopes, Ions, & History
Name __________________________________Date _________________________Period ______
Match each of the statements in Column 1 with the man (listed alphabetically) it is associated with
from Column 2. Some men will be used MORE THAN ONE TIME.
_____ 1. hypothesized that the atom is mostly space
A. Aristotle
_____ 2. discovered atomic number of the elements
B. Henri Becquerel
C. Niels Bohr
_____ 3. proposed that electrons could be found in
orbits circling the nucleus
_____ 4. discovered the proton
D. James Chadwick
_____ 5. used a magnet to prove cathode rays weren’t
simply light
_____ 6. Father of Modern Chemistry
E. John Dalton
_____ 7. discovered radiation
F. Democritus
_____ 8. discovered the neutron
G. Antoinne Lavoisier
_____ 9 came up w/ the atomic theory
H. Henri Moseley
_____ 10. hypothesized that the protons could be
found in a very small nucleus
_____ 11. quantum mechanical model of the atom
I. Robert Millikan
J. Max Planck
K Jean Perrin
_____ 12. responsible for setting chemistry back
2200 years
_____ 13. Gold Foil Experiment
L Ernest Rutherford
M. JJ Thompson
N Willhelm Wein
_____ 14. discovered the electron
_____ 15. discovered that the electron's mass is
about 1/ 1837 that of a proton
_____ 16. because of him, there is no active military
duty for British scientists today
_____ 17. Law of Conservation of Matter
_____ 18. found the charge & mass of an electron
______19. One cubic centimeter is the same as one milliliter.
______20. Atoms of elements are electrically neutral.
______21. The mass of an electron is approximately equal to the mass of a neutron.
______22. The charge and size of all protons is the same.
______23. The number of neutrons in the nucleus can be calculated by subtracting the atomic
number from the mass number.
______24. Feathers weigh more than lead.
Short Answer +
_______________25. The smallest particle of an element which retains the properties of that
element is called a(n) _(?)_.
_______________26. The negatively-charged SUBATOMIC particle is the _(?)_.
_______________27. Write the complete chemical configuration for a hydrogen-3 atom.
_____28. How do the hydrogen-1 and hydrogen-2 isotopes differ?
(a) hydrogen -2 has one more electron than hydrogen-1
(b) hydrogen-2 has one neutron and hydrogen-1 has no neutrons
(c) hydrogen-2 has two protons and hydrogen-1 has one proton
(d) hydrogen-2 has two neutrons and hydrogen-1 has one neutron
(e) none of these is correct
_______________29. What is the atomic mass of aluminum?
_______________30. The number 84 in the name Krypton-84 represents
(a) the atomic number
(b) the atomic mass number of krypton
(c) the sum of the protons and the electrons
(d) the difference in the mass number and the number of protons
(e) none of these
_______________31. Write the complete chemical configuration for a dinegative ion which
has 45 neutrons and contains 36 electrons.
_______________32. Write the complete chemical configuration for a particle which is known to
contain 38 electrons, 47 neutrons and 41 protons
_______________33. Write the complete chemical configuration for a particle which is known to
have a -3 charge, 18 electrons and a mass number of 32.
_______________34. How many electrons would there be in the vanadium ion with a +5 charge?
_______________35. How many neutrons are there in an ion with a -3 charge, whose mass
number is 79 and has 36 electrons?
_______________36. A new element which was discovered on the moon was FOUND TO
CONTAIN 206 PROTONS and existed in 4 isotopic forms with the
following percentages of abundance: 48.89% contained 220 neutrons;
27.18% contained 224 neutrons; 0.62% contained 227 neutrons; and
the remainder contained 234 neutrons. Calculate the atomic mass of
this new element which will be placed on the Lunar Periodic Table.
(Express your answer with 2 DECIMAL places and a label—what is atomic mass
measured in?) show your work
_______________37. Select the CORRECT statement about subatomic particles.
(a) electrons are negatively charged and are the heaviest subatomic
particle (b) protons are positively charged and are the lightest subatomic particle (c) neutrons have no charge and are the lightest subatomic particle (d) the mass of a neutron is very similar to the mass
of a proton (e) all subatomic particles have the same mass--1 amu.
_______________38. Different isotopes of the same element have different numbers of
(a) electrons (b) protons (c) neutrons
_______________39. When an atom of a particular element is changed into a -2 ion of that
same element
(a) it loses 2 protons
(b) it loses 2 neutrons
(c) it gains 2 protons
(d) it loses 2 electrons
(e) it gains 2 electrons
_______________40. What is the atomic number of oxygen?
_______________41. If the density of a particular liquid is 9.5 X 10 -1 g/ml at 3.98o C, how does
the density of this liquid compare to that of water at the same temperature? d = m/v (a) it is greater than that of water (b) it is less than that of water
it is equal to that of water (d) you can't answer this question unless
you are given the volume of the water also
42. Be able to sketch, label & explain any of the experiments.
Bonus: What is the name of the telescope which floats on mercury and where is it located?