Greater Reading Chapter of the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses Scholarship Merit Program Purpose of Scholarship Merit Program: 1. To promote active participation in chapter activities. 2. To provide an avenue for recognizing members for their active participation and contribution to the chapter. 3. To foster clinical competence through continuing education by providing financial assistance for educational purposes. Operating Guidelines: 1. Funds awarded to current members may be applied toward: a. Enrollment at AACN or critical care related programs. b. Nursing related school expenses such as tuition and books. c. Certification expenses in a specialty within a critical care framework. 2. Scholarship money is derived from monies collected from membership dues for the present operating year. 3. Airfare and tuition to NTI will be awarded to the president at the end of their term to attend NTI or an equivalent critical care seminar, not to exceed $750.00. In the event of co-presidents, $375.00 will be awarded to each of the co-presidents for NTI. If the president(s) declines monies, the money will be dispersed at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee, with input from the President. The president(s) may postpone the NTI award until the following year, but if it is not used by then, it will be forfeited. 4. Any year that there are not co-presidents, $350.00 of total scholarship funds will be awarded for another officer to attend NTI at the end of their term. If more than one officer applies for these funds, the $350.00 will be equally divided. Eligible officers must have attended at least 50% of chapter programs and board meetings. All officers receiving the NTI award, except for the president(s), may also submit their points for the year in office in addition to the monies for NTI. However, they may not apply for NTI scholarships in two consecutive years. 5. New members can begin accumulating points immediately and apply for funds when due. 6. Points accumulated from July to June of each operating year can be used for scholarship funds; applications must be submitted by September 30 of that calendar year. (For example, points for the year July 2004 to June 2005 are due by September 30, 2005) 7. If points are not submitted by the designated deadline, they will be forfeited for that year. Completed forms are to be sent to our post office address: GRCAACN; P.O. Box 6675; Wyomissing, PA 19610. 8. When the Merit Point Record is submitted, members must specify the program/activity that the monies will be used for. 9. Each committee member shall have one vote, if a member of the committee is requesting funds, he/she may not participate in the discussions or vote regarding distribution of funds to themselves. Responsibilities of the Committee: 1. The committee shall be composed of at least 3 and no more than 5 chapter members. 2. Members shall be appointed for a one year term. 3. The chapter treasurer shall be the chairperson. 4. Meetins of the Scholarship Merit Program Committee shall be held annually, and as needed. 5. Process and review all applications in accordance with the operating guidelines. 6. Committee member lists, minutes from chapter committees and board meetings, and attendance lists from educational programs will be used to process and review applications. Responsibilities of the Chairperson: 1. The treasurer shall preside at the Scholarship Merit Program Committee meetings. 2. Provides the Board of Directors with committee reports. 3. Notifies chapter members of the Scholarship Merit Program availability and publishes the program guidelines yearly in the GRC Newsletter. 4. Awards funding to applicants per established guidelines for distribution of funds. 5. Announces awarding of funds in the newsletter. Distribution of Funds: 1. The Board of Directors will approve on a yearly basis the amount of funds available for the Scholarship Merit Program. 2. Membership shall be eligible to receive funds one time during each fiscal year. 3. Monies will be dispersed within 30 days after the application deadline. 4. Monies will be awarded based on total merit points of all applicants. All applicants’ points are computed, added together, and totaled. 5. Problems which cannot be resolved are referred to the Board of Directors for final decision. Revised 10/2004 Merit Point Record Rules: Chapter Educational Program: Attended the education program, as documented on the attendance roster. Chapter Board Meeting: Attended the GRC board meeting, as documented on the attendance roster. Committee Meeting: Attended an official committee meeting, as documented on the meeting minutes. Refreshments for Programs: Provided a refreshment for an educational meeting. Speak for a Chapter Program: Lectured at a chapter educational program. Extra Chapter Service: Includes activities such as assisting with bulk mailing, participating in a community service project in coordination with GRC (e.g. giving flu shots with BVNA, Nurses’ Day at Borders, giving health lectures in the community, Learning for Life programs at local schools). 1 point per hour of activity. Recruitment of New Members: As indicated by the new member on GRC membership application. Chapter Newsletter Article: Committee report by committee chairperson or officer = 0 points Recipes = 1 point Article Review: 1-3 page article = 1 point, More than 3 pages = 2 points National Professional Publication: Wrote an article that appeared in a national nursing publication. Coordination of Monthly Program: Recruited speaker, mailed flyers, and made all arrangements for monthly educational program. Bring a New Member to Meeting: As documented on educational program attendance roster. Chapter Officer, Board Member, Committee Chairperson, Committee Member: Active participant throughout the year. CCRN, CEN, etc: Certification is current for application year. Newsletter Editor / Webmaster: Current Newsletter editor will receive 1 point per hour spent on newsletter preparation and mailing. Current GRC webmaster will receive 1 point per hour spend on maintaining / updating GRC website. Attendance @ Region 3 Meeting: As noted in board meeting minutes of participants at Region meeting. Serves National AACN Post: Ambassador for AACN/CCRN: 5 points / year Post involves traveling to meetings: 5 points / meeting