Session 5A: Close Reading in the Modules Sequence of Sessions Overarching Objectives of this July 2013 Network Team Institute I can describe how the 3-8 modules increase in complexity over time. I can describe the impact of student engaged assessment practices on student achievement. I can describe the strategy of close reading. I can describe EL’s approach to developing high-quality common core aligned writing from the students in the module lessons. I can analyze a classroom a lesson for the shifts in instruction and required changes of teachers and leaders. I can determine how the ELA module performance assessments can play a role within my school’s larger assessment system. I can apply the concerns-based adoption model to support myself and others’ adoption of the Common Core State Standards. I can foster a growth mindset through feedback that promotes positive change. I can explain the components of a high-quality, yearlong implementation and professional development plan to support teachers in their implementation of the ELA curriculum modules. High-Level Purpose of this Session Participants will learn about text complexity and analyze a close reading lesson for their specific grade level. Participants will watch a video of a close reading lesson being executed in order to make connections to their own classroom. Related Learning Experiences Key Points This session should follow an introduction to the modules and can be used to help participants examine lessons for close reading. Session Outcomes What do we want participants to be able to do as a result of this session? I can describe the instructional strategy of “close reading.” I can describe the components of text complexity. I can analyze a classroom lesson for evidence of the shifts in action. Session Overview [90 minutes] How will we know that they are able to do this? Discussion with partners Revision of “close reading” definition Journals Section Time Creating a Culture of Achievement 5 min. Close Reading and Text Complexity 40 min. Close Reading Lessons 35 min. Reflection 5 min. Session Roadmap Overview Prepared Resources Facilitator Preparation Participants introduce themselves to each other at PPT Close Reading of Complex Texts in the Modules_5A_NTI 0713 tables: role, school; share one biggest aha-thus far at training. Participants read and engage 1.Appendix A pp 2-9_NTI 0713.pdf Preview all documents and in a text-based discussion 2.Text Rendering Protocol CCSS Appendix A_NTI 0703 resources. about close reading and text complexity using Appendix A. Download any videos to Participants will view a avoid network connection video of a classroom in issues while facilitating. action which will not only show close reading, but Preview the PPT slides and illustrate all of the shifts in note their alignment to the action as well as how to Facilitator’s Guide below. 3.common-core-shifts.pdf support all learners. 4.Connect Extend Challenge_NTI 0713.pdf Prepare chart paper and Participants will then 5.Model Lesson Analysis_NTI 0713 6.Close and Critical Reading_Pearson and Hiebert_NTI markers if necessary. analyze a close reading 0713 lesson in the module sampler looking the shifts in action. How is close reading a verb rather than a “recipe”? How is vocabulary addressed in this lesson? Reflection Journal 7.Participant reflection form 5A_NTI0713 Section: Creating a Culture of Achievement Time: 5 minutes In this section, participants will establish a culture based on the Materials used include: introductions at the table and reflection. This will support their work for PPT Close Reading of Complex Texts in the Modules_5A_NTI 0713 the session. Time Slide #/ Pic of Slide Script/ Activity directions GROUP 3 min. Introduce yourself to the group along with other Expeditionary support staff in the room. Ask Table Groups to introduce themselves to each other: role, school, and their biggest “a-ha” so far in this NTI training. triads 2 min. Introduce the three Learning Targets of the session: I can describe the instructional strategy of “close reading.” I can describe the components of text complexity. I can analyze a classroom lesson for evidence of the shifts in action. Individual Tell participants we will get started working on the first two targets simultaneously. Ask participants independently to respond to the following prompt in their participant notebook/scratch paper: What is close reading? What is text complexity? Section: Close Reading and Text Complexity Time: 40 minutes In this section, participants will read and engage in a text-based seminar Materials used include: discussion about close reading and text complexity using Appendix A and 1.Appendix A pp 2-9_NTI 0713.pdf 2.Text Rendering Protocol CCSS Appendix A_NTI 0703 “What’s New and Different with the CCSS.” Time 5 min (set Slide #/ Pic of Slide Script/ Activity directions GROUP Review the Text Rendering Protocol: CCSS Appendix A with participants. Triads up) 35 min (protocol) Check to make sure each table group has a facilitator and a timekeeper, and make sure groups begin at the same time. Please let participants know that the reading is going to refer to specific reading standards of the Common Core and those will be up on the PowerPoint for their reference while they are reading. Circulate during the text rendering protocol and make sure you are available to keep participants on task as well as to answer questions that may stop them from being able to engage in productive reading and discussion. When the text rendering protocol is over, ask participants to take two full minutes to synthesize their new thinking about these questions. Encourage them to jot their thinking down. Then conduct a whole group debrief with the following questions: 1. What is the purpose of close reading? 2. What increases the complexity of texts and reading? 3. What is the relationship between close reading and complex text? 4. What makes “close reading” a verb rather than a recipe or protocol? (This is a new question that was not part of the protocol) Make sure the take away from question 4 is: Reading closely is reading critically, analytically. It's a verb, a set of actions learners take when trying to make sense of complex and worthy text. Time: 35 minutes Section: Close Reading Lessons Participants will analyze a close reading lesson in the module sampler, looking for ideas just noted in the discussion seminar; participants will view a video in which a close reading lesson is modeled. Materials used include: 3.common-core-shifts.pdf 4.Connect Extend Challenge_NTI 0713.pdf 5.Model Lesson Analysis_NTI 0713 6.Close and Critical Reading_Pearson and Hiebert_NTI 0713 (Download the video to your desktop so streaming is not a problem) Time 8 min Slide #/ Pic of Slide Script/ Activity directions GROUP Participants will read Shifts in ELA/Literacy from the Pedagogical Shifts demanded by the Common Core State Standards engageNY document and use the Connect Extend Challenge.pdf protocol to discuss the reading. Review the protocol with the group before reading. Instruct the split table group to work independently and then share out with the group. Split Tables Give 4 minutes for reading and 4 minutes for discussion. 20 min Preview the form Model Lesson Analysis.doc with participants. Ask them to listen for what the teacher has to say about supporting all learners, which is a lingering question for all educators. The teacher will offer insight into this question, which looms for many educators when we discuss increasing text complexity with students. Give the background on the school: Tapestry Charter School, Buffalo NY 75% free and reduced lunch, 17% special education What you see in the video is a grade 5/6 multi-age class with special education students included; that's their model—full inclusion. Show video Give participants time to think and talk with split tables after viewing. What evidence did you see of the Common Core Shifts in action in the classroom? (Please try to use the language of the shifts and close reading) How does this teacher support all learners? (IF there is time to Split tables; whole group; individual address this question do so – but only IF there is time) 7 min Have participants conduct small group shares at their tables or call on some volunteers from the large crowd. Allow participants 5 minute to scan the “Close Reading Lesson” in their module sampler. Participants should mark evidence of the shifts in the “Close Reading Lesson.” Tell participants to pay particular attention to how vocabulary is addressed in the sample lesson (explicit versus implicit instruction.) Section: Session Reflection Time: 5 minutes In this section, participants will debrief the Close Reading session in order to analyze the shifts in action. Materials used include: Time Slide #/ Pic of Slide 5 min 7.Participant reflection form 5A_NTI0713 Script/ Activity directions GROUP Note: Direct participants’ attention to the document, Close and Critical Reading – Pearson and Hiebert. Although time was not allotted for reading this document, tell participants that it is a worthwhile excerpt to read at another time. Individual Participants journal on their reflection form. Use the following icons in the script to indicate different learning modes. Video Reflect on a prompt Turnkey Materials Provided Fac Guide 5A Close Reading of Complex Texts in the Modules_NTI 0713 PPT Close Reading of Complex Texts in the Modules_5A_NTI 0713 1.Appendix A pp 2-9_NTI 0713.pdf Active learning Turn and talk 2.Text Rendering Protocol CCSS Appendix A_NTI 0703 3.common-core-shifts.pdf 4.Connect Extend Challenge_NTI 0713.pdf 5.Model Lesson Analysis_NTI 0713 6.Close and Critical Reading_Pearson and Hiebert_NTI 0713 7.Participant reflection form 5A_NTI0713 Additional Suggested Resources Close and Critical Reading_Pearson and Hiebert provided in Participant Notebook