Plum Island Ecosystem LTER Database Acceptance and utilization of PIE-LTER data requires that: The Principal Investigator be sent a notice stating reasons for acquiring any data and a description of the publication intentions. The Principal Investigator of the data set be sent a copy of the report or manuscript prior to submission and be adequately cited in any resultant publications. A copy of any resultant publications should be sent to: (Principal Investigator) Ecosystems Center; Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole, MA 02543 PLUM ISLAND ECOSYSTEM LTER DATABASE DATA FILE: MON-EX-PRNWR Salt Marsh Birds.xls MON-EX-PRNWR Salt Marsh Birds.txt DOCUMENTATION FILE: MON-EX-PRNWR Salt Marsh Birds.doc YEAR: 1999-2001 PI: Nancy Pau OTHERS: Deborah Melvin, Robert Buchsbaum BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DATA FILE: This file contains census data on salt marsh birds using 100 m radius counting circles for the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge KEYWORDS: salt marsh birds, Parker River National Wildlife Refuge SITE TYPE: Higher Trophic Levels RESEARCH LOCATION: Counting circles located on salt marsh habitats adjacent to Plum Island Sound and within the boundaries of the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN AND METHODS: Standard breeding bird censuses with 100 m radius counting circles. Observing periods divided into 0-3 min, 3-5 min, and 510 minutes for comparison with other censuses. For 3-5 min period, only additional birds not recorded in the 0-3 period are recorded. For 5-10 min period, only additional birds not recorded in the 0-5 min period are recorded. Birds recorded either visually or by sound. Counting circle boundaries set a minimum of 200 m from each other. Observer distinguished between birds within 50 m of the center point, birds from 50-100 m, and those beyond 100 m. Counts carried out from late May through August over a three-year period. Placement of circles within vegetated salt marsh habitat. NOTES AND COMMENTS: Temperature inconsistently recorded VARIABLE DESCRIPTION: Census Unit – Code name of individual counting circles xUTM – the X coordinate location of the center of the census unit in UTM yUTM – the Y coordinate location of the center of the census unit in UTM Date – The date of the survey (DD-MMM-YYYY) Time – Time in EST Observer – Name of person making observations Temp – Temperature at beginning of survey (oF). A blank space indicates that no reading was taken % Cloud – Estimation of the percent of cloud cover Scientific Name – an abbreviation of the scientific name of the bird species. First two letters of genus in upper case, first five letters of species name in lower case Common Name – full common name of the bird species 0-3 <50m – Number of individuals of that species seen within the 50 m counting circle during the first 3 minutes of entering the circle 3-5 <50m – Additional individuals observed or heard from 3-5 minutes within the 50 m radius counting circle. These were individuals not seen or heard in the first 0-3 minutes. 5-10<50m - Additional individuals observed or heard from 5-10 minutes within the 50 m radius counting circle. These were individuals not seen or heard in the first 0-5 minutes. 0-3 50-100m - Number of individuals of that species seen or heard between 50 and 100 m within counting circle during the first 3 minutes of entering the circle. 3-5 50-100m – Additional individuals observed or heard from 3-5 minutes from 50- 100 m radius within counting circle. These were individuals not seen or heard in the first 0-3 minutes. 5-10 50-100m - Additional individuals observed or heard from 5-10 minutes from 50100 m radius within counting circle. These were individuals not seen or heard in the first 0-5 minutes. 0-3 >100m – Number of individuals of that species seen outside the 50 m counting circle within the first 3 minutes of entering the circle 3-5 >100m – Additional individuals observed or heard from 3-5 minutes outside the 100 m radius counting circle. These were individuals not seen or heard in the first 0-3 minutes. 5-10 >100m - Additional individuals observed or heard from 5-10 minutes outside the 100 m radius counting circle. These were individuals not seen or heard in the first 0-5 minutes. CALCULATIONS: FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Nancy Pau, Parker River National Wildlife Refuge or Robert Buchsbaum OTHER DATA FILES TO REFERENCE: MON-EX-PRNWR Breeding Birds.xls; MON-EX-PRNWR Volunteer Birds.xls REFERENCE CITATIONS: DATA AVAILABILITY STATUS: Type 2 ARCHIVE INFORMATION: Date of entry: January 14, 2004 Data entered by: Robert Buchsbaum Comments: