Phys 954, Solar Wind and Cosmic Rays E. Möbius Physics 954 Homework #6 1) Solutions Diffuse Energetic Ions at the Earth's bow shock j = 2.104 s-1 cm-2 sr-1 keV-1 from SW to 20 keV j 5.4104 e E / Eo u for E > Eo = 20 keV msw = 4 cm-3; VSW = 480 km/s; B = 20 nT a) We assume an isotropic distribution in the solar wind frame and compute the density and energy density of the diffuse ions in the solar wind frame. The density is unaffected by the frame. We neglect the effects of the transformation on the energy density. NDi ff f (v)4 v 2 dv 0 With j dJ cts 2 dEd s cm sr keV cm 2 cts 0.9610 v f (v) 6 2 cm / sec3 sec 15 we get: 2 4 NDi ff j dv 0.961015 0 vo NDiff 2Eo cm 4.4107 20 m sec 4 0.96 1015 v 20 4.4 10 j d [cm 3 ] vo 0 7 Use N Diff [cm 3 ] 5.7610 7 v Eo[keV] j d vo 0 v 2.510 6 j d vo 0 Phys 954, Solar Wind and Cosmic Rays E Eo We can express the energy: Diff keV cm 3 E. Möbius 5.7810 7 v2 vo 2 and get the energy density v 2 v Eo [keV] Eo [keV] j d 0 vo vo We have to solve the integrals: A) v d v 2 10 4 d v 5.4 10 4 e j 0 vo vo 0 vo 1 1 2 v v o2 v d vo for the density and 1 2 v v v 2 v v v 4 4 v 2 B) 0 j vo vo d vo 210 0 vo dvo 5.410 1 e o for the energy density? A) 2 v2 v v d o vo The first integral yields 1 v 4 4 2 10 d 2 10 0 vo the second integral can be broken into 2 2 v v 2 v 2 v 1 4 v 4 v 5.410 e o d 5.410 e o d dto vo vo 0 0 1 4 2 4 5.410 0.810 e 2 The second term is determined by numerical integration or can be estimated in comparison with the first integral after plotting the functions (experimental physicists thumb rule method!) The integrals are a combination of an integral over a constant (up to Eo) and over an exponential for the rest of the energy range. For the density we get: NDiff [cm-3] = 2.5.10-6*[2.104 + 5.4.104(√π/2 - 2/e)] ≈ 0.07 i.e. the number density of the diffuse ions is about 1.4% of the SW density. For the energy density we have to multiply the integrand by (v/vo)2 and get: Diff [keV/cm-3] = 5.8.10-7.√20.20*[6.6.103 + 5.4.104(√π/4 - 0.19)] ≈ 1.04 Phys 954, Solar Wind and Cosmic Rays E. Möbius b) The solar wind ram kinetic energy is 1 2 3 kin mp v SW2 nSW 1 keV ( 480 440 ) 4cm 2 5keV / cm 3 The magnetic energy density is 9 2 B 2 20 10 J Emag 1.610 11 3 7 2 o 2 4 10 m 1.610 11 106 /1.6 10 19 / 103 keV keV 1 3 s cm cm The energy density of this population is ≈ 20% of the ram kinetic energy density of the solar wind and approximately that of the IMF energy density. The solar bulk energy can still supply enough energy to drive the energetization of the upstream particles, but the energy density of the diffuse ions is a significant fraction of the solar wind energy density. However, the magnetic field will definitely be affected by the energetic particles. The magnetic field is tied to the SW plasma and thus strengthened against the push of the particles, but it will be altered. Therefore, a test particle picture is not appropriate in this situation. Indeed the ions create strong waves in the IMF, and a description that combines waves with the particles in a self-consistent manner is needed. c) We found out that pitch-angle scattering is the most effective transport process in interplanetary space, i.e. it has the smallest mean free path length for scattering. Complete pitchangle scattering of a particle population leads to an isotropic distribution in the plasma frame, in our case in the frame of the solar wind. If we are talking about a diffusion process in front of the bow shock we assume near isotropy of the particle population. This is indeed justified, because the mean free path for pitch-angle scattering is of the order of a few Earth radii near the bow shock. Of course, there will also be complete pitch angle scattering to isotropy in the downstream region, because the fluctuations remain in the plasma. They are even amplified during the shock passage. However, it will take a short distance from the shock until the energetic distribution is completely isotropized. This exact distance is still under investigation. Cluster may help here. Assuming isotropy in both upstream and downstream flow frame leads to a compression of the distribution, which turns into acceleration. This diffusive acceleration is known as first order Fermi acceleration. The main processes are energy gain reflection with moving fluctuations and subsequent by re-distribution of this increased energy to isotropy. So the next reflection can again contribute energy to the acceleration process. Phys 954, Solar Wind and Cosmic Rays 2) E. Möbius Compton-Getting-Effect a) The anisotropies are defined as: A = (ju – jd)/(ju + jd) where u and d mean the viewing of the fluxes in the upstream and downstream direction, respectively. For VsW/v << 1 we may use the approximation; A 2 VSW/V where is the spectral index of the flux spectrum (when represented as a power law). In the following table the computations are given in the approximation and the full representation. As can be seen the approximation is only good for E > 100 keV/Nuc. For a nominal solar wind speed of 440 km/sec (ESW = 1 keV/Nuc) the lowest energy does not fulfill the above requirement. Computed with approximation Computed with full relation =2 =4 =2 =4 A A A A 10 1.26E+00 2.53E+00 8.64E-01 9.89E-01 100 4.00E-01 8.00E-01 3.81E-01 6.66E-01 1000 1.26E-01 2.53E-01 1.26E-01 2.48E-01 The anisotropy is most pronounced for the low energy ions and becomes less important for high energies, because the change in energy due to the transformation between the two frames becomes a small modification for high energies. In the same way it is expected that the influence of the Compton-Getting Effect on the spectral slope is strongest at low energies. In fact, the approximation is not good at all at low energies. A always has to be < 1!! E in keV/Nuc Phys 954, Solar Wind and Cosmic Rays E. Möbius The center curve is the original spectrum in the plasma frame, while the upper and lower curve represent the two transformed spectra in the upstream and downstream direction as viewed by an observer at rest. Indeed the slope is changed the most at low energies. b) As can be seen from a) the decision on a representation should in principle be made for the distribution in the plasma rest frame, because the transformation causes significant deviations from the original slope. Also should we consider the high energies rather than the low energies. E in keV/Nuc (in S/C frame) ju(E) in jd(E) in jav (E) in 1/(s cm2 sr keV/Nuc) 1/(s cm2 sr keV/Nuc) 1/(s cm2 sr keV/Nuc) 10 4.57E+05 3.33E+04 2.45E+05 32 2.19E+04 5.20E+03 1.35E+04 100 1.52E+03 6.83E+02 1.10E+03 316 1.26E+02 8.03E+01 1.03E+02 1000 1.14E+01 8.83E+00 1.01E+01 3162 1.07E+00 9.32E-01 1.00E+00 10000 1.04E-01 9.61E-02 1.00E-01 31623 1.02E-02 9.78E-03 1.00E-02 100000 1.01E-03 9.87E-04 1.00E-03 To approximate the original spectrum the average of the upstream and downstream fluxes, as given in the energy E in the S/C frame, is taken in the last column. From the fluxes above 100 keV/Nuc it can be seen that a power law is the better representation. Taking the points from 1000-100,000 keV/Nuc the power index can be computed directly to =2. The anisotropies are: (A = 2(Esw/E)1/2 ) A = 0.38 for E = 100 keV/Nuc and A = 0.04 for E = 10,000 keV/Nuc These are good values, as derived from the approximate relation for A, as can be seen in comparison with those calculating A directly from ju and jd in the data as A = (ju-jd)/(ju+jd) c) To test for isotropy we have to evaluate the measured distribution at energies in the upstream and downstream direction, which correspond to the same energy (E’u,d = 10, 100, ... keV/Nuc) in the plasma rest frame. I.e. we have to derive the fluxes at the energies Eu and Ed in the S/C frame, where Eu = m/2 ((2E’/m)1/2 + VSW)2; Ed = m/2 ((2E’/m)1/2 - VSW)2 and ju,d(Eu,d) = ju,d(E)* (Eu,d/E)- Then the fluxes have to be extrapolated from the observed fluxes ju,d(E). The transformed energies Eu,d and fluxes ju,d(Eu,d) and the original fluxes ju,d(E) are compiled in the table. E' in keV/Nuc 10 32 100 316 1000 3162 10000 31623 100000 ju(E) in Eu ju(Eu) jd(E) in Ed 4.57E+05 17.3 1.52E+05 3.33E+04 2.19E+04 44.3 1.14E+04 5.20E+03 1.52E+03 121.0 1.04E+03 6.83E+02 1.26E+02 352.6 1.01E+02 8.03E+01 1.14E+01 1064.2 1.01E+01 8.83E+00 1.07E+00 3275.5 9.97E-01 9.32E-01 1.04E-01 10201.0 9.99E-02 9.61E-02 1.02E-02 31979.7 9.97E-03 9.78E-03 1.01E-03 100633.5 9.97E-04 9.87E-04 jd(Ed) 4.7 21.7 81.0 281.4 937.8 3050.5 9801.0 31268.3 99368.5 1.52E+05 1.13E+04 1.04E+03 1.01E+02 1.00E+01 1.00E+00 1.00E-01 1.00E-02 1.00E-03 Phys 954, Solar Wind and Cosmic Rays E. Möbius The distribution is obviously isotropic to a very good accuracy. We have achieved such an excellent agreement, because the original distribution in the SW is indeed a power law distribution with = 2, which we derived from the high energy points, as we should. Had we used the slope found from the observation at low energies, the extrapolation would not have been good any more at the lowest energies where the slope of the spectrum is heavily affected by the Compton-Getting Effect. d) We Assume an exponential energy spectrum in the solar wind frame j( E ) jo e E / E o measure the flukes at equal energy E' in the S/C frame, i.e., we in fact determine the fluxes in upstream and downstream direction for E' E 2 2E / m Vsw mVsw2 / 2 j' E' u d joe E / Eo e 2 2E / mVSW Eo e 2 A j' (E' )u j' (E' )d e j' (E' )u j' (E' ) d e mVSW 2 2Eo 2E 2E V /E 2 V /E m SW o e m SW o e A tanh 2 2E' / m vSW / Eo The anisotropy is small for low energies and would be: E: E0 A0 if the transition to E = 0 would be a valid approximation However, we measure in the frame of E', i.e. we need let: E' 0, which is not identical with E! On the other hand A reaches its maximum E' asymptotically for A1 i.e. for an exponential spectrum the anisotropy is large at high energies. This becomes obvious, when we note that an exponential spectrum becomes steeper and steeper at an exponential pace towards higher energies. Therefore, the Compton-Getting Effect becomes ever stronger. Phys 954, Solar Wind and Cosmic Rays 3) Essay E. Möbius Phys 954, Solar Wind and Cosmic Rays E. Möbius 2) Diffusion-Convection Equation a) For u and D independent of r the diffusion convection equation reads: n 2 un Dn {D n} t The main trick is to turn this equation into an ordinary diffusion equation by taking a transformation into the frame moving with u, i.e. r' = r - ut Then: n(r' ,t) Dn(r' ,t) Q(ro,t) t where Q(ro,0) = No (r') is an instantaneous injection at time 0, i.e. here a delta function in space and time, at ro = 0, t = 0. Otherwise we can write in spherical coordinates: n(r' ,t) 1 n(r' ,t) 2 (r' 2 D ) 0 t r' r' r' This can be solved with the convected Gaussian in Kallenrode: No n(r' ,t) exp( r' 2 ) 4Dt No (4Dt )3 (4Dt )3 Inserting into the equation shows that this solution fits. exp( (r ut)2 ) 4Dt One way to arrive at this solution is the use of a Laplace Transformation (use of a Green's Function Method works as well): 1 ikr' 3/ 2 n(r' ,t)e dr' (2) 0 The time derivative is not affected by the integral, and the r-derivatives transform into: k 2n˜(k,t ) making the differential equation into: Laplace Transformed n˜ (k,t) dn˜ (k,t)/ dt Dk 2n˜(k,t) with the solution 2 No Dk 2t n˜(k,t ) n˜ (k,0) e Dk t e (2)3 / 2 The return transformation leads to: No Dk 2t ikr' 3 n(r' ,t) e d k e (2)3 2 2 where (Dk t ikr' ) (Dtk 2( Thus After n(r' ,t) No e (2)3 ( ir' r' 2 r' 2 ) ) 2 Dt) 4Dt 4Dt r' 2 ) 2 2 4Dt e ( Dtk ikr' ) d 3k Phys 954, Solar Wind and Cosmic Rays E. Möbius Dt k k' the triple integral results in 2Dt 3 and thus n(r' ,t) No 4Dt ( 3e r' 2 ) 4Dt No 4Dt 3e (r ut) 2 4Dt This differential equation can also be solved by separation of the r’ and t variables after the transformation. A simple exp ansatz for time will do the trick as in the corresponding problem in HW set 5. The technique shown here is an alternative one that can be used generally for such an initial value problem. Phys 954, Solar Wind and Cosmic Rays E. Möbius b) The 3-dimensional diffusion coefficient (sorry, I used here D for the spatial coefficient, while I used D for the momentum diffusion in class) is: D =v/3 where is the mean free path (0.1 AU) and v = Vsw*√E/Esw = 4.4 105*√30 m/s. Then we get a diffusion coefficient: D = 0.1*1.5 1011 4.4 105√30 m2/s = 1.2 1016 m2/s n(r' ,t) No exp( (1.51011 r[AU] 4.4 10 5 t)2 ) 16 4 1.2 10 t (4 1.21016 t)3 In the following chart we calculate the density as a function of time at 1 AU. Similarly the spatial distribution at a fixed time can be displayed.